Reader Engels voor Juridische Dienstverlening Versie voor studenten
Marijke Lampaert
Inhoud Informatie voor studenten
Rubric en feedbackformulier voor schrijfvaardigheid
Rubric en feedbackformulier voor spreekvaardigheid
Make your own legal dictionary
Famous court cases in the USA
Civil Rights and Jim Crow
Bonfire Night: an English Tradition and the death penalty
Working and Living in the Caribbean
International law and war
Speaking: advice and complaints
Roman Law
Informatie voor studenten Waarom dit vak? Beroepsspecifiek Engels is een vast onderdeel van jullie opleiding. Beroepsspecifiek houdt in dat je Engels leert dat je voor je opleiding, je stage en je werk nodig hebt: juridisch Engels dus. Dit vind je niet terug in je reguliere lesboeken voor Engels. Daarom maak je op deze website kennis met juridisch Engels. Je maakt ook kennis met de wetgeving in Engelstalige landen, zodat je het juridisch Engels beter begrijpt. Je leert juridische situaties kennen die je in Nederland misschien niet tegenkomt maar ook bijzondere juridische situaties in bijvoorbeeld America, waarin Nederland een rol heeft gespeeld. Daarnaast werk je aan een aantal vaardigheden die voor je hele opleiding belangrijk zijn: samenwerken, zelfstandig werken en werken met deadlines. Maar je oefent ook met onderzoeksvaardigheden: waar vind ik goede en betrouwbare informatie. Wat heb ik nodig Voor dit vak heb je een laptop nodig omdat alle opdrachten op de website staan. Je moet alle opdrachten in word uitwerken. Verder kan een woordenboek handig zijn maar je kan natuurlijk ook een online woordenboek gebruiken. Je hebt ook een pen of potlood nodig omdat je tijdens de les soms iets op moet schrijven op papier. Hoe werkt de website Op de website kan je zien dat er thema’s zijn. Als je naar een thema toegaat, kan je zien dat ieder thema uit een aantal vaste onderdelen bestaat:
The assignment: dit is de opdracht. Een of twee warm-up opdrachten om kennis te maken met het thema. YouTube clips met informatie over het thema. Per thema zijn er YouTube clips die makkelijker en moeilijker zijn om te verstaan zodat er voor ieder niveau informatie en ondersteuning is. Kijk echter naar alle clips. De makkelijkere clips zijn soms heel verhelderend, de moeilijkere clips helpen je om steeds meer Engels te begrijpen en om meer Engels te leren. Begin bij ieder thema met de warm-up opdrachten. Daarna begin je pas aan de opdrachten zelf: aan the assignment dus.
Samen opstarten Ieder thema wordt met de hele klas opgestart. In de klas begint iedereen tegelijkertijd met de warmup assignments en dat is het moment dat de docent zal uitleggen wat de bedoeling is.
Samenwerken en zelfstandig werken De meeste opdrachten zijn groepsopdrachten. Dat houdt in dat jullie samen moeten werken om de opdrachten op tijd af te krijgen. Daarnaast werken jullie zelfstandig in jullie groepjes. Dat houdt in dat jullie tijdens de les en thuis aan de opdrachten werken. Tijdens de les kan je aan je docent vragen stellen en om hulp vragen als iets onduidelijk is. De bedoeling is echter dat jullie het eerst in jullie groep proberen op te lossen, daar leer je vaak meer van. Werken met deadlines Je zal voor ieder thema een deadline krijgen waarop je de opdrachten in moet leveren. Lever je het te laat in, dan kan het voorkomen dat je je punten niet krijgt. Dit is een belangrijk onderdeel van zowel zelfstandig werken als samenwerken. Op je werk of op je stageplek moet je ook op afgesproken tijdstippen je werk af hebben. Onderzoeksvaardigheden Om de opdrachten te kunnen maken, moet je veel onderzoek doen op het internet. Zo leer je hoe en waar je de gewenste informatie kan vinden. Dit zal je bij andere vakken ook moeten doen en op je werk of stage plek later ook. Hoe vaker je het doet, hoe sneller en beter je het kan. Het belang van bronvermelding Bij iedere opdracht moet je een source list maken en bijhouden. Op de source list zet je alle websites die je hebt gebruikt voor je opdrachten. Deze source list is een verplicht onderdeel van ieder thema. Het is handig om een leeg word document te openen op je laptop zodra je op internet gaat zoeken naar informatie. Kopieer de link naar de website meteen naar je word document. Achteraf alles terug vinden is heel moeilijk en het is voor jezelf handig als je de site nog een keer wil bekijken. Dan hoef je alleen nog maar op de link te klikken. Docenten kunnen dankzij de source list zien precies waar jij je informatie zoekt en of dit wel betrouwbare websites zijn. Mocht een website niet echt geschikt zijn, dan kan de docent uitleggen waarom dat niet zo is. Zo leer je hoe je voorkomt dat je je werk op onjuiste informatie baseert. Hoe lever ik mijn opdrachten in Ieder thema moet als een compleet pakket ingeleverd worden. Dit houdt in:
Een titelblad met de naam van de studenten, het thema, een afbeelding en de datum Een inhoudsopgave met paginanummers Genummerde pagina’s De opdrachten zelf De source list
Lever een papieren versie in op of voor deadline bij je docent.
Layout en vormgeving
Gebruik per thema het zelfde lettertype en lettergrootte Gebruik koppen, tussenkoppen en alinea’s Gebruik afbeeldingen om je verhaal te ondersteunen
Hoe kom ik aan mijn punten De opdrachten bij de thema’s worden met behulp van een rubric beoordeeld. Een rubric laat zien precies wat je moet doen om een onvoldoende tot een zeer goed te scoren. Het laat zien hoe je aan je punten komt maar ook wat er van je verwacht wordt. Lees daarom voordat je aan de opdrachten begint, eerst de rubric. Je wordt beoordeeld op je schrijf- en spreekvaardigheid. Dat wil echter niet zeggen dat je niet aan luister- en leesvaardigheid werkt. Je moet veel lezen, kijken en luisteren om je opdrachten voor ieder thema te kunnen maken. Op die manier werk je indirect aan je lees- en luistervaardigheden. Er wordt steeds voor ieder thema met dezelfde rubric gewerkt voor schrijven en spreken. Bij iedere rubric hoort een feedbackformulier. Hierop kan je docent de goede en verbeterpunten en de behaalde punten opschrijven. Zo kan je zien wat je wel en niet goed doet. LINK VOOR DE WEBSITE: Deadline checklist Theme
Beoordelingsrubric voor de opdrachten voor Juridisch Engels schrijfvaardigheid Categorie:
Goed/zeer goed
0-60 punten
60-80 punten
Goed: 80-90 punten Zeer goed: 90-100 punten
Woordenschat en woordkeuze
Er is aan minder dan 80% van op opdrachten voldaan.
Er is aan 80% tot 95% Er is aan 95 – 100% van van de inhoud voldaan. de inhoud voldaan.
Vaktaal wordt beperkt gebruikt of regelmatig verkeerd gebruikt.
Vaktaal wordt gebruikt maar soms niet op de juiste manier.
Zeer goed: er is extra inhoud toegevoegd.
Er is een variatie in woordenschat.
Vaktaal wordt op de juiste manier gebruikt. Er is een variatie in woordenschat. Zeer goed: Vaktaal wordt zonder uitzondering op de juiste manier gebruikt, woordenschat is rijk en heel gevarieerd.
Je maakt geen basis fouten maar wel fouten die storend zijn en de leesbaarheid op een negatieve manier beïnvloeden. Zinnen zijn vaak eenvoudig en soms complex, daarbij maak je soms fouten.
Je maakt soms fouten maar ze beperken de leesbaarheid niet. Je vormt complexe zinnen en soms maak je daarbij een fout.
Je maakt vrijwel geen grammaticale fouten. Je durft veel complexere zinnen te vormen, daarbij mag je fouten maken. Zeer goed: je maakt slechts enkele grammaticale fouten. Je durft veel complexere zinnen te vormen, daarbij mag je fouten maken.
Samenhang: lay-out en structuur
Je hebt geen lay-out gebruikt, er is geen duidelijk begin of einde, daardoor is de opbouw soms onlogisch en is de tekst moeilijk om te lezen. Er zijn weinig koppen en tussenkoppen. Alinea’s worden meestal toegepast. Afbeeldingen zijn niet zinvol en ondersteunen de tekst niet of afbeeldingen ontbreken helemaal. Zinnen zijn eenvoudig en voegwoorden worden beperkt gebruikt.
Interpunctie en spelling
Bronvermelding Indien van toepassing
De opbouw is meestal logisch. Het begin en het einde van je verhaal zijn duidelijk te herkennen.
De opbouw is logisch. Er is een duidelijk onderscheid tussen het begin, midden en einde.
Koppen, tussenkoppen en alinea’s worden consequent toegepast en bevorderen de leesbaarheid.
Koppen, tussenkoppen en alinea’s worden consequent toegepast en bevorderen de leesbaarheid.
Afbeeldingen ondersteunen de tekst meestal op een zinvolle manier.
Afbeeldingen ondersteunen de tekst op een zinvolle manier.
Voegwoorden worden vaak gebruikt en zijn op een correcte manier gebruikt, waardoor er vaak complexe zinnen ontstaan.
Voegwoorden worden vaak gebruikt en zijn op een correcte manier gebruikt, waardoor er vaak complexe zinnen ontstaan. Zeer goed: de leesbaarheid is uitstekend en een voorbeeld voor andere studenten.
Interpunctie wordt niet altijd gebruikt, soms zijn er fouten.
Interpunctie wordt vrijwel altijd gebruikt, soms zijn er fouten.
Interpunctie wordt consequent gebruikt, soms zijn er fouten.
Spelling is regelmatig incorrect.
Spelling is vrijwel altijd correct.
Spelling is bijna altijd correct.
Hoofdletters worden regelmatig vergeten.
Hoofdletters worden soms vergeten/op een verkeerde manier gebruikt.
Hoofdletters worden altijd correct gebruikt.
Je vermeld altijd je bronnen.
Je vermeld altijd je bronnen.
Je vermeld je bronnen niet.
Zeer goed: spelling en interpunctie zijn altijd correct en interpunctie ontbreekt nooit.
Feedback formulier - in te vullen door docent en student schrijfvaardigheid Categorie:
Commentaar docent
Opmerking en reactie student
Beoordeling van eigen werk door student Inhoud
Woordenschat en woordkeuze
Samenhang: lay-out en structuur
Interpunctie en spelling
Beoordelingsrubric voor spreekvaardigheid Categorie:
Goed/zeer goed
Zeer Goed
0-60 punten
60-80 punten
80-90 punten
90-100 punten
Er is aan minder dan 80% van op opdrachten voldaan.
Er is aan 80% tot 95% van de inhoud voldaan.
Er is aan 95 – 100% van de inhoud voldaan.
Er is extra inhoud toegevoegd
Je zoekt vaak naar woorden en hebt regelmatig hulp nodig om het gesprek gaande te houden.
Vloeiend, je hebt soms steun nodig van anderen om het gesprek gaande te houden en je zoekt heel soms naar woorden.
Zeer vloeiend, je hebt geen steun nodig van anderen.
Je kan improviseren waar nodig.
Je kan het gesprek makkelijk gaande houden.
Je kan het gesprek zonder moeite gaande houden en kan een ander ondersteunen als dat nodig is.
Je maakt geen basis fouten maar wel fouten die storend zijn en de leesbaarheid beïnvloeden.
Je maakt soms fouten maar ze beperken de leesbaarheid niet.
Je maakt vrijwel geen grammaticale fouten.
Je maakt slechts enkele grammaticale fouten.
Zinnen zijn vaak eenvoudig en soms complex, daarbij maak je soms fouten. Uitspraak
Onduidelijke Engelse uitspraak waardoor het moeilijk te verstaan is.
Je vormt complexe zinnen en soms maak je daarbij een fout. Uitspraak klinkt Engels, soms in de war met een andere taal.
Je durft veel complexere zinnen te vormen.
Je durft complexere zinnen te vormen.
Redelijke Engelse uitspraak
Engelse uitspraak
Feedback formulier - in te vullen door docent en student voor spreekvaardigheid Categorie:
Commentaar docent
Opmerking en reactie student
Beoordeling van eigen werk door student Inhoud
Make your own legal dictionary Warm-up Group assignment
Legal Lingo
What words do the people in your group already know ?
Legal language is very specific, it is English that you do not use every day, not even if you live in England.
Write them all down. Then compare your list with that of another group. Write down the words that you did not think of or know on your own list. This is the start of your dictionary.
That is why you need to learn the most important ones at school. You will learn them in Dutch during the Rechtvakken and now you can look up what they are in English.
Make your own legal and paralegal dictionary
Group assignment
Step 1 Write 40 words in Dutch that have to do with:
Zakelijke dienstverlening Openbaar betsuur Personeel en Arbeid
The words have to be legal or related to the work that you do for zakelijke dienstverlening, openbaar bestuur or personeel en arbeid. Use a paper dictionary or an online dictionary to look up their meaning in English. Make a list of the sources you used. Step 2 Use each word to write a sentence in English so that you know how to use that word. WARNING Do not use google translator. This is not very reliable, it makes terrible mistakes.
Famous court cases in the USA
what do you know about court cases?
group activity
TV series about lawyers, forensic scientists and the police are very popular. Do you watch any of them? Do you think they are realistic? Watch the YouTube clips to understand more about how a court case works. You will hear and see useful and helpful information that you can use for this theme.
Studying a famous court cast
group activity
You are going to study a famous court case. You are going to find out who participates in a court case, what their role is and what the case is all about. Make a list of the sources you used. Step 1 Use google to find a famous court case that you find interesting. (Tip: try you tube to see if there are any documentaries about the court case that you have chosen.) Make a source list: a list of all the sources (websites) that you used. Use at least 5 different websites. Step 2 Find out who participates: who is there in a court room when a case is being heard. Make a list of the participants.
Step 3 What is their role: what do they actually do in the court room? Step 4 Describe what your chosen court case is all about (2 A4):
What crime was committed Who is on trial What was the outcome of the court case What was the name of the judge Can you find the name of the lawyers and prosecutors involved? In which city did the court case take place
Step 5 Why did you choose this particular court case? Explain in 150 words. Step 6 Do you agree with the verdict? Explain why. Step 7 Which source was the best source? Which gave you the best information? Explain why in 4 sentences.
Civil Rights and the Jim Crow
Understanding the American Civil War
Group assignment
Question 1:
What is a civil war?
Question 2:
Do you know what it was about? Have you seen any films or tv-series about the American Civil War?
Watch the YouTube clips on the website about the civil war to find out what it was all about. Question 3:
Write down in your own words why the North and South started fighting each other.
Warm-up part 2
Life in the South for slaves before the Civil War
Slaves were not at all happy with their situation. They often tried to escape even though this was very dangerous it meant leaving your family behind. Step 1 Watch and listen to the powerpoint about the Underground Railway to find out more. Step 2 Read the fact sheets about Harriet Tubman and do the assignment.
The Jim Crow Laws The Jim Crow Laws were laws that legalised the discrimination of all non-white people in the Deep South of the United States. Each state in the Deep South had different laws. Watch the YouTube clips on the website to find out how life was under Jim Crow Assignment You are going to find out about the what the Jim Crow laws meant for coloured people in the South. By coloured people, the Jim Crow Laws meant all people who were not white. In practice, this meant black people and Mexicans or Hispanics, as they were sometimes called. Remember to make a list of all the sources that you used. Step 1 General fact finding mission Find out and make a fact sheet:
During which time were the Jim Crow laws applied In which states in America did they apply Where did the name Jim Crow come from Explain the word segregation
Use pictures to support the facts on your fact sheet Step 2 what did the laws actually say?
Look up the laws on the internet, each state had different laws Write down the laws for 2 different states
Step 3 Separate but equal
The Jim Crow law supporters and the government said that the laws did not discriminate. They said that everyone was separate but equal. Look at this picture of Jim Crow
Do you think that this picture of Jim Crow supports the separate but equal claim? Explain your answer in 5-10 sentences.
Step 4 Not the only country Which other country had similar laws that made discrimination legal and what was the name of this systematic discrimination?
Name the country Name the system When was it abolished Use pictures to support your facts
Profiles of legal professionals
Group assignment
Why did you choose for the course Juridische Dienstverlening? Make a mind map to show: 1. Why you choose this course 2. What type of work you expect to do
Create a profile of 4 people who work in a legal profession
Group assignment
You can use the internet to find any information about your chosen profession. As a profiler, you need to:
Name the profession Describe where he/she works What his or her work entails (what do they do) What education they needed How much they earn
Include pictures of the professionals (use google images). Include a source list: a list of web sites that you have used.
Bonfire Night: an English tradition and the death penalty Reading and writing a persuasive text, giving your opinion about the death penalty
work in groups
Bonfire Night is celebrated on the 5th of November and it is a popular English tradition. It brings everyone out into the streets to celebrate. Think of a Dutch tradition that brings everyone out into the streets.
Reading and writing a persuasive text
individual assignment
Step 1 Read the article called “Bonfire Night in England”. Step 2 Write a summary in English of 10 sentences about the article in your own words. Step 3 Create a vocabulary list of all the legal terms that you can find in the text. Step 4 Write a persuasive article of 300 words about the death sentence. Mention the following topics:
Do you think it is effective Do you think it is fair Take into account for which crimes the death penalty could be given Give an alternative punishment that you think could be effective
Bonfire Night in England Introduction On the fifth of November, millions of people in Great Britain celebrate Guy Fawkes Night, which is also known as Bonfire Night, by setting off fireworks and lighting big fires called bonfires. Many will throw an effigy, a life-sized doll who looks very real of a man called Guy Fawkes, on the bonfire and burn it. To many people who are not British, this seems to be a very violent type of celebration or holiday. Here is some more information about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire night.
An effigy or life-sized doll of Guy Fawkes ready to be put on the bonfire
The history of Guy Fawkes Night Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night is a holiday that goes back to the seventeenth century. During the 17th century, Catholics were severely persecuted: they were hunted or followed and punished as criminals). King James I told all the Catholic priests to leave England in 1604 because he did not approve of Catholics. People who lived in England at that time had to go to the Protestant Church because King James I and his family were Protestant. If the people of England did go to a Catholic Church, they would get a money fine as a punishment because it was against the law to go to a Catholic Church. A small group of Catholic people were not very happy with the fact that they were illegal. They decided to do something about it. They wanted a rebellion but first of all they had decided to blow the Houses of Parliament and kill the King. The Houses of Parliament is where the government and sometimes the King always got together to discuss politics and to run the country. The group of Catholic people were all men. They decided to use gunpowder, a powder that is used to make things explode, and to hide it in the cellar, the rooms under the Houses of Parliament. These men planned to light the powder to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November 1605
because on that day the King would be in the Houses of Parliament attending a meeting with the government. A plan that went wrong Unfortunately for the Catholic men, someone who knew about their plans, sent an anonymous letter to a member of the government in the Houses of Parliament, telling him all about the plan to blow up The houses of Parliament with the king at the same time. The authorities searched the whole area and eventually found a member of the group of Catholic men, called Guy Fawkes, hiding in the cellar and guarding the gunpowder. Guy Fawkes and several other men were caught, arrested and tortured by the King and then they were sentenced to death. They had to die for trying to kill the King. The death sentence The death sentence was hanging to death. But that was not all. After the person was dead, they would quartered (cut up into 4 different pieces) and dragged through the town so that everyone could see what had happened to them.
In the middle of this picture you can see a man who is being hanged.
This was done in public, in the middle of town, so that everyone could see that someone was sentenced to death.
Celebrating Guy Fawkes Day Guy Fawkes became a famous criminal, although now he would be described as a terrorist. Today, Guy Fawkes day is celebrated every 5th of November by building a big fire called a bonfire. This celebration started the year after Guy Fawkes was caught and hanged, in 1605. Everyone comes outside to watch and to have drink.
A cartoon picture of Guy Fawkes doll on the bonfire and people watching the bonfire.
That part of the celebration has not changed. At first, the people used to make a doll of the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church and burn that on the fire to show that they did not like Catholics. Today however, the Pope is no longer burnt on the bonfire. Children make a huge doll of Guy Fawkes and burn that instead. Children who make the doll use it to earn money. They walk around the streets with their doll and ask for money, saying “a penny for the guy”.
School children who have made a “guy”, a doll of Guy Fawkes.
A child asking for “A penny for the guy”
Working and living in the Caribbean Warm-up 1
Find out more about the Caribbean
group activity
Look at a map (online) to see where the Caribbean is. Which languages are spoken on the islands? Why do they speak these languages? How long have the islands been independent? What is the connection between the Deep South of the United States of America? If you cannot remember: go back to the theme about The Jim Crow Laws.
Warm-up 2
Find out more about life in the Caribbean
class activity
Watch the YouTube clips about life in the Caribbean to get into the right frame of mind!
Write a brochure
group activity
Work permits Marriage licences
Write 2 brochures informing people who live in Holland : 1. About which jobs are usually available in the Caribbean and how to apply for a work permit and explain why it is so nice to live there 2. How to get married on Barbados Remember to add pictures, use a clear and consistent lay out , to use titles, sub titles etc….. so that it easy to read and pleasant to look at. Use the screenshots of the websites to find the information that you need. You can also go to the site itself if you want to.
International law and war Writing a newspaper article and giving your opinion and the Geneva Convention Warm-up
Group activity
Watch the YouTube clips on the website. To find them, go to the theme Bonfire Night to find the clips. These clips show you what Remembrance Day or Poppy Day, as it also called is all about. Describe in 150 words how and when we remember wars and people who died during wars in Holland.
Writing a newspaper article and giving your opinion
Group assignment
The festival of Remembrance
Step 1 Do research on the internet about The Festival of Remembrance. Go to the internet sites of 5 daily English newspapers, for example The Daily Mail, The Times , The Guardian, The Observer and another English newspaper , possibly a local paper. If you cannot find 5 websites for newspapers, you can use other websites. Make a list of the websites that you used (a source list). Step 2 How does a newspaper or website influence the people who read it or watch it? Write down per newspaper article or website what your impression is: how is the information presented, is it emotional, neutral, flashy, exaggerated etc. ? Why did you get that impression (pictures, headings, words used etc.)
Step 3 Choose 3 different articles and write a summary in your own words. Copy-paste the articles into your word document so that I can see the article. Step 4 Write an article about the Festival of Remembrance in about 300 words in English to explain to people in Holland what the festival is all about. You can compare to the way the war is remembered in Holland. You can use pictures to help illustrate what you say in your article!
Step 5 War and international law: The Geneva convention
Look up what the Geneva convention entails (is all about) and explain this in your own words. Do you think the Geneva convention is a good idea and does it work? Write your opinion in 200 words and find one fact to back up your argument. Make a list of the sources that you used.
Speaking: advice and complaints Legal Advice and Complaints You work in the front office at Barns and Jones Solicitors. It is your job to provide customers with information about their legal rights and to write this information down if necessary.
Conversation 1 asking for and giving advice Mr. Smith, a client, phones you to ask what his rights as a customer are. He has bought a coffee machine in the Media Market and when he took it home and wanted to use it, it did not work. Mr. Smith wants his money back but he saw a notice in the shop that says that the shop will not give any money back, only a voucher for that shop. Mr. Smith would like some advice about what he can tell Media Markt before he goes back to the shop to return his coffee machine. Role 1: the legal assistant Answer the phone politely and in a correct way (The name of the solicitor and your own name and your job) Greet Mr. Smith and ask what you can do for him Repeat what the client is asking to check if you have understood correctly. Advise the client that he is allowed to get his money back instead of a voucher if he wants. This is what the law says about his rights as a customer. After you have explained, ask if Mr. Smith has understood. Ask of Mr. Smith can give his telephone number and address so you can send a bill for the advice given down the phone. Ask Mr. smith to spell the name of the street using the NATO alphabet. Tell Mr. Smith that he will have to pay 25 Euros. Thank Mr. Smith for calling and end the conversation correctly and in a polite way. Role 2: Mr Smith, the client Say who you are and say why you are calling: you want advice about your rights as a customer. Explain that you want to return a coffee machine because it does not work and that is a new machine, you bought it yesterday. Explain that you want your money back, not a voucher for Media Markt because you do not like that shop. When you are asked for address and phone number, give the name of your street, your house number and your postal code. Spell your address if you are asked to do so. Thank the solicitor’s legal assistant for their advice.
Conversation 2 the complaint You have given a client information about his rights as a customer. Unfortunately, you have given the wrong advice. Media Markt is registered in the Bahamas and does not have to stick to European laws. Media Markt can make their own rules. The client phones barns and Jones to complain and that he wants his money back. Role 1: the legal assistant Greet Mr. Smith politely and in a correct way (The name of the solicitor and your own name and your job) Ask what you can do for Mr. Smith (and then listen to his complaint) Apologise to Mr. Smith for the mistake. Tell him that you will give him his money back. Ask him to give his bank account number so you can give back his 25 Euros. Apologise once again for the mistake and wish Mr. Smith a nice day. Role 2: the angry client, Mr. Smith Give your name and say that you are calling to complain about the bad advice that you have been given about your rights as a customer. Explain that Media Markt is registered in the Bahamas and that they do not have to stick to the European consumer laws. So they will only give a voucher. Explain that you want your money back. Give your bank account number when the legal assistant asks for it. Thank the legal assistant, say that you are looking forward to getting your money back and say goodbye.
Spellingsalfabet (NAVO) Het spellingsalfabet van de NAVO dient (evenals andere spelalfabetten) om met behulp van spraak met zo min mogelijk fouten een boodschap te kunnen spellen, ook bijvoorbeeld bij een zeer slecht verstaanbare telefoonverbinding. Het door de NAVO gehanteerde spelalfabet is zo opgesteld dat woorden uit het alfabet niet of nauwelijks te verwisselen zijn, ook niet bij communicatie tussen sprekers van verschillende moedertalen; er is zo veel mogelijk gebruikgemaakt van woorden die in alle in de NAVO gangbare talen een eenduidige letterassociatie hebben. Dit NAVO-spelalfabet wordt ook gehanteerd voor niet-militaire doeleinden, zoals de burgerluchtvaart, de maritieme sectoren, treinverkeersleiding, politie, beveiliging en bewaking. In het leger en voor de bediening van radiozendapparatuur in burgerluchtvaart, veiligheidscommunicatie op het spoor en scheepvaart (ook pleziervaart) is het verplicht het NAVO-spelalfabet uit het hoofd te kunnen gebruiken. In Nederlandstalige gebieden kan men het Nederlands telefoonalfabet gebruiken, al wordt in sommige vakgebieden, zoals de spoorwegen, toch gebruikgemaakt van het NAVO-alfabet. A Alfa B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf
H Hotel I India J Juliett K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November
O Oscar P Papa Q Quebec R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform
V Victor W Whisky X X-ray Y Yankee Z Zulu
Roman Law
Pre-reading activity: answer the questions before you read the text Answer the questions and add pictures and maps to illustrate your answers. What do you know about Ancient Roman Law? When did the Roman Empire exist? How big was it? What image do you have of Ancient Roman Law? Was if fair or cruel, very simple or very complicated. Explain your answer WITHOUT looking it up or reading the text!
Reading and study activities
Read the text about Roman Law. In between the text you will find boxes with questions that you have to answer before you continue reading the rest of the text. You need to write down all your answers and hand them in as a complete document The document should have a title page and a list of sources that you uses to find information at the end of the document.
Roman Law by Mark Cartwright published on 24 November 2013
Roman law, as revealed through ancient legal texts, literature, papyri, wax tablets and inscriptions, covered such facets of everyday Roman life as crime and punishment, land and property ownership, commerce, the maritime and agricultural industries, citizenship, sexuality and prostitution, slavery and manumission, local and state politics, liability and damage to property, and the preservation of the peace. Law was established through a variety of means, for example, via statutes, magisterial decisions, emperor's edicts, senatorial decrees, assembly votes, plebiscites and the deliberations of expert legal counsel and so became multi-faceted and flexible enough to deal with the changing circumstances of the Roman world, from republican to imperial politics, local to national trade, and state to inter-state politics. Questions List the materials on which Roman legal texts were written. Which subjects did Roman Law cover? Does the Dutch law cover any of these subjects. If the answer is yes, find the Dutch law in your wetten bundle and list the number (wetsartikel) and describe briefly (in het kort) what the wetten bundle says in English.
Historical Sources One of the most important sources on Roman law is the Corpus Iuris Civilis, compiled under the auspices of Justinian I and covering, as its name suggests, civil law. One of its four books, the massive Digest, covers all aspects of public and private law. The Digest was produced in 533 CE under the supervision of Tribonian and is an overview of some 2000 separate legal volumes. These original sources were written by noted jurists or legal experts such as Gaius, Ulpian and Paul and they make the Digest one of the richest texts surviving from antiquity, as within there is a treasure trove of incidental historical information used to illustrate the various points of law, ranging from life expectancy to tax figures. Other collections of laws include the Codex Gregorianus (issued c. 292 CE) and the Codex Hermogenianus (issued 295 CE), both named after prominent jurists in the reign of Diocletian and collectively including over 2,500 texts. There is also the Theodosian Code, a collection of over 2,700 laws compiled in the 430s CE and added to in subsequent years and, finally, the Codex Iustinianus (528-534 CE) which summarised and extended the older codexes. Then, there are also specific types of legal documents which have survived from antiquity such as negotia documents which disclose business transactions of all kinds from rents and lease agreements to contracts outlining the transfer of property. Inscriptions too, can reveal laws and their implications, as placed on public monuments they publicised new laws or gave thanks for court victories to those who had aided the party involved. Questions The Corpus Iuris Civilus provides (gives) information about which type of law? What is the Dutch name for that type of law? The Digest is part of the Corpus Iuris Civilus. Is this a large volume (big book) or not? About which type pf law can we find information in the Digest? What are the Dutch names for these types of law? Look up the word codex and find out what it means in an online dictionary. Write down your definition. Find pictures using google images and add them to your answer. Which word that is the same in Dutch and English do you recognise in the word codex? What is a negotia document in your own words? You can answer this in Dutch if you want. Why do you think that laws, the consequences they had for the people of Rome and information about court proceedings were ‘published’ on monuments (monumenten zoals beelden, tempels, openbare bouwwerken)? How are they published today?
Sources of Law A feature of Roman law was the particular attention given to precision of language. Roman law was cumulative in nature, i.e. a new law could be added to the legal corpus or supersede a previous law. Statutes (leges), plebiscites, senatorial decrees (decreta), decided cases (res iudicatae), custom, edicts (senatusconsulta) from the Emperor, magistrates or other higher officials such as praetors and aediles could all be sources of Roman law. Questions Guess the meaning of the word cumulative and supersede and write down what you think it means. THEN look them up and write down the meaning. Are new Dutch laws made in the same way?
In tradition, the first source of Roman law was the Twelve Tables, which survives only as citations in later sources. Following an initiative to collect in one place the civil laws (ius civile) of the early Republic and end the exclusive domination of matters of law by the priestly and patrician class, laws governing relationships between citizens were codified and separated from sacred law (ius sacrum). This document was actually a collection of sentences concerning the rights of citizens only as all other parties came under the legal jurisdiction of the male head of the family (pater familias), who had considerable freedom in his treatment of those in his care, both free and unfree. Questions What do you think codified means? Replace codified with another word.
The Twelve Tables became of limited use when legal issues arose which they did not cover, for example, as commercial activity spread it became necessary to provide legal coverage of transactions and business deals between citizens and non-citizens and have laws which considered the behaviour and intent of the parties involved. These relationships became the focus of contracts and provisions such as a stipulatio and, from c. 242 BCE, disputes were presided over by a special magistrate (praetor peregrinus) specifically concerned with legal disputes involving foreigners and relations between Rome and foreign states, i.e. international law (ius gentium). Questions The Twelve Tables only covered citizen’s rights. Which new legal systems were needed in the Roman Empire because commercial activity became more important?
In the Republic the emphasis was more on the adaptation of existing laws by magistrates (ius honorarium) rather than the creation of whole new legislation. This was done particularly in the annual Praetor's Edict (codified from 131 CE) when the types of permissible cases, defence and exceptions were outlined and an assessment made of the previous year's legal policy, making any needed legal alterations accordingly. In this way it was the application of laws which could be adapted whilst the law itself remained unchanged and so a series of case formulae accumulated to give greater legal coverage for the ever-changing situation of Roman society. For example, an increase in the value of a fine could be made in order to keep pace with inflation but the legal principle of a fine for a particular offence remained unchanged. So too, other officials such as governors and military courts could 'interpret' the law and apply it on a case by case basis according to the particular individual circumstance. In Imperial times the Emperor took an active role in legal matters, especially in response to private petitions (libelli), but he typically acted on the advice of those best qualified to judge legal matters, namely, the jurists (see below). Perhaps the most famous example of an emperor creating a new law was Caracalla's edict of 212 CE which granted Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants of the empire. The emperor also acted as a judge when there were conflicts between Roman law and the local law of the provinces, which was generally kept intact and, at least theoretically, the problem was eliminated with Caracalla's edict. In practice local laws survived as customs and were generally not overruled unless they offended Roman sensitivities, for example those concerning incest and polygamy. Questions Was the Roman Emperor a ‘legal dictator’ or not? Explain your answer.
From the reign of Hadrian the emperor's judgements and pronouncements were collected into the constitutions of the emperor or constitutiones princips. In addition, the Senate could also issue regulatory provisions (senatus consulta), for example, regarding public games or the inheritance rights of women. Statute law established by the people via public assemblies (comitia), although rare, might also contribute to the legal corpus but was generally limited to ceremonial matters such as deciding on the posthumous honours to be given to the children of emperors who died prematurely. During the reign of Constantine I the imperial pronouncements often came via the emperor's quaestor and the language used within these became increasingly less technical, an argument often cited as the beginning of the 'vulgarisation' of Roman law. However, in fact law schools actually flourished and legal experts were still on hand both for the quaestor and the public to deliberate on the finer points of law left ambiguous by this new, less technical approach to the wording of legislation. Questions What improvement was made for legal language use under the rule of Constantine I? In what other way was it possible to learn more about the law in Ancient Rome?
An important element of Roman law was the jurists (iurisprudentes), legal experts who subjected written laws, rules and institutions to intellectual scrutiny and discussion in order to extract from them the fundamental legal principles they contained and then applied and tested those principles on hypothetical specific cases in order to then apply them to new legislation. The jurists were an elite body as there were probably fewer than 20 at any one time and their qualification for the role was their extensive knowledge of the law and its history. In imperial times they were incorporated within the general bureaucracy which served the emperor. Jurists also had something of a monopoly on legal knowledge as the opportunity to study law as part of the usual educational curriculum was not possible before the mid-2nd century CE. Jurists also wrote legal treatises, one of the most influential was On the Civil Law (De Iure Civili) by Q. Mucius Scaevola in the 1st century BCE. Questions An important element of Roman law was the jurists (iurisprudentes), legal experts who subjected written laws, rules and institutions to intellectual scrutiny and discussion in order to extract from them the fundamental legal principles they contained and then applied and tested those principles on hypothetical specific cases in order to then apply them to new legislation. In Holland, suggestions for new laws are done in the Tweede Kamer. Where are potential (future) new laws discussed in Holland before they become an actual law, just as the jurists did in Ancient Rome?
Whilst jurists often came from the upper echelons of society and they were, perhaps inevitably, concerned with matters of most relevance to that elite, they were also concerned with two basic social principles in their deliberations: fairness (aequitas) and practicality (utilitas). Also, because of their intellectual monopoly, jurists had much more independence from politics and religion than was usually the case in ancient societies. From the 3rd century CE, though, the jurist system was replaced by a more direct intervention by those who governed, especially by the emperor himself. Gradually the number of legal experts proliferated and jurists came to resemble more closely modern lawyers, to be consulted by anyone who needed legal advice. Unlike modern lawyers, though, and at least in principle, they offered their services for free. Questions The role or jobs of jurists changed over time (met de tijd) in Ancient Rome. What was their new role? Jurists offered their services for free. What is free legal service called in Dutch? Look up the word Jurist in a Dutch online dictionary or other online source and write down what you found. Does it have the same meaning as it did in Ancient Rome?
Practicalities In practice litigation was very often avoided by the counter parties swearing an oath or insiurandum but, failing to reach a settlement of this kind, legal proceedings would follow by the plaintiff summoning the defendant to court (civil cases: iudicia publica or for cases in criminal law: quaestiones). The first stage of most legal cases was when the parties involved went before a magistrate who determined the legal issue at hand and either rejected the case as a matter for legal intervention (denegatio actiomis) or nominated an official (iudex datus) to hear and judge the case. When both parties agreed to the magistrate's assessment, the case was heard before the iudex, who made a decision on behalf of the state. Defendant and plaintiff had to represent themselves at the hearing as their was no system of legal representation. If the defendant lost a civil case, there was a condemnatio and they would have to pay a sum of money (litis aestimatio), typically decided by the iudex, which might cover the original value of goods or damages incurred to the claimant. Penalties for crimes were designed as deterrents rather than corrective measures and could include fines (multae), prison, castigation, confiscation of property, loss of citizenship, exile, forced labour or the death penalty (poena capitis). Penalties might also differ depending on the status of the defendant and if they were male, female, or a slave. Perhaps unsurprisingly, males of higher social status usually received more lenient penalties. The severity of the penalty could also depend on such factors as premeditation, provocation, frequency, and the influence of alcohol. In many cases, especially civil ones, if a defendant died before proceedings were completed then their heir could be required to stand in the original defendant's place. In the republic there was no real means of appeal in Roman law but in the imperial period dissatisfied parties could appeal to the emperor or high official and the original decision could be quashed or reversed. However, any appeals lacking good grounds could incur a penalty. Questions Replace the word penalties with another word that means the same thing. What is meant by : Penalties for crimes were designed as deterrents rather than corrective measures? Do you think this system for determining (deciding) punishments was fair for all Roman citizens or not? Explain your answer. What is meant by this statement: In many cases, especially civil ones, if a defendant died before proceedings were completed then their heir could be required to stand in the original defendant's place.
Conclusion Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of Roman law was that, as the empire grew and populations grew more diverse, the law and its protection of citizens acted as a binding force on communities and fostered an expectation that a citizen's rights (and in time even a noncitizen's rights) would be upheld and a system was in place whereby wrongs could be
redressed. In addition, the Romans have handed down to us not only many legal terms stillused today in the field of law but also their passion and expertise for precise and exact legal terminology in order to avoid ambiguity or even misinterpretation of the law, once again, an approach that all modern legal documents attempt to emulate. After this, we will look at texts about Canadian and British law and maybe you will be able to see aspects of Ancient Roman Law in these modern legal systems of English speaking parts of the world.