PT. KORINDO HEAVY INDUSTRY BALARAJA PLANT Ulasan manajemen Management Review
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PT. KORINDO HEAVY INDUSTRY BALARAJA PLANT Ulasan manajemen Management Review 1. TUJUAN Tujuan dari prosedur ini adalah untuk mendokumentasikan proses dan agenda utama masalah yang akan dimasukkan dalam pertemuan Management Review untuk mengevaluasi status organisasi HSES. Prosedur ini berlaku untuk semua pertemuan Tinjauan Manajemen dilakukan oleh PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
2. RUANG LINGKUP Prosedur ini adalah untuk mendokumentasikan proses dan agenda utama masalah yang akan dimasukkan dalam pertemuan Management Review untuk mengevaluasi status organisasi HSES. Prosedur ini berlaku untuk semua pertemuan Tinjauan Manajemen dilakukan oleh PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
3. DEFINISI 3.1 Perwakilan HSES -Sebuah individu yang telah ditunjuk oleh manajemen mereka untuk mewakili organisasi mereka dalam PT. Kemitraan Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
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1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to document the process and primary agenda of issues to be included in the Management Review meetings for evaluating the status of the organization’s HSES. The procedure applies to all Management Review meetings conducted by PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
2. SCOPE This procedure is to document the process and primary agenda of issues to be included in the Management Review meetings for evaluating the status of the organization’s HSES. The procedure applies to all Management Review meetings conducted by PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 HSES Representative –An individual who has been appointed by their management to represent their organization within the PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant partnership.
3.2 Tim Kolaborasi PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant - Perwakilan Kolaborasi HSES dari masing-masing organisasi yang akan bertindak sebagai Champion HSES untuk PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
3.2 PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Collaboration Team – The collaboration of HSES Representative’s from each organization that will act as the HSES Champion for PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
3.3 Team Manajemen PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant - Kota PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant - Manajer Kota, Sekolah Cotter - CFO, Minnesota Tenggara Technical College - CFO, Saint Mary University of Minnesota - VP Finance, PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant di Area Sekolah Negeri - Inspektur, PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant
3.3 PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Management Team – City of PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant – City Manager, Cotter Schools - CFO, Minnesota Southeast Technical College – CFO, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota – VP Finance, PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Area Public Schools Superintendent, PT. Korindo Heavy
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PT. KORINDO HEAVY INDUSTRY BALARAJA PLANT Ulasan manajemen Management Review County - Manajer - Program Lingkungan, PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant State University - VP Finance
4. REFERENSI 4.2 ISO 14001:2004 Klausul 4.5.5
4.2 ISO 14001:2004 Clause 4.5.5
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4. REFERENCE 4.1 ISO 18001:2007 Clause 4.5.5
Tim Kolaborasi PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant bertanggung jawab untuk mengkoordinasikan Tinjauan Manajemen dan menyediakan data dan informasi yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan review. Tim Kolaborasi PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant juga bertanggung jawab atas tindakan itu HSES yang dihasilkan dari usaha ini.
Industry Balaraja Plant County – Manager Environmental Programs, PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant State University – VP Finance
4.1 ISO 18001:2007 Klausul 4.5.5
5. GENERAL INFORMATION The PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Collaboration Team shall be responsible for coordinating the Management Review and providing the data and information needed to accomplish the review. The PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Collaboration Team shall also be responsible for action itHSES that result from this effort.
6.1 Management Review Proses ini dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan forum untuk mendiskusikan diperlukan perbaikan HSES. Ini menyediakan manajemen dengan kendaraan untuk membuat perubahan pada HSES yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.
6.1 The Management Review process is intended to provide a forum for discussing needed improvements to the HSES. It provides management with a vehicle for making changes to the HSES that are necessary to achieve the organization’s goals.
6.2 Tim Kolaborasi PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant bertanggung jawab untuk penjadwalan dan melaksanakan sedikitnya satu Management Review pertemuan per tahun. Tim Kolaborasi PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant juga bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa data dan informasi yang diperlukan dikumpulkan sebelum pertemuan.
6.2 The PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Collaboration Team is responsible for scheduling and conducting at least one Management Review meeting per year. The PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Collaboration Team is also responsible for ensuring that necessary data and information are collected prior to the meeting.
6.3 Minimal, setiap pertemuan manajemen Ulasan akan mempertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:
6.3 At a minimum, each management Review meeting will consider the following:
6.3.1 Kesesuaian, kecukupan dan efektivitas
6.3.1 The
PT. KORINDO HEAVY INDUSTRY BALARAJA PLANT Ulasan manajemen Management Review kebijakan lingkungan.
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effectiveness policy.
HSE-P.23 01-Apr-2014 0 4 of 5 environmental
6.3.2 Kesesuaian, kecukupan dan efektivitas tujuan dan sasaran lingkungan serta status organisasi terhadap tujuan dan sasaran tersebut.
6.3.2 The suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the environmental objectives and targets as well as the organization’s current status against these objectives and targets.
6.3.3 Kesesuaian keseluruhan, kecukupan dan efektivitas HSES mencerminkan perubahan keadaan dan kinerja lingkungan secara keseluruhan.
6.3.3 The overall suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the HSES reflecting changing circumstances and overall environmental performance.
6.3.4 Status tindakan pencegahan.
6.3.5 Hasil dari setiap audit HSES dan evaluasi kepatuhan terhadap peraturan yang dilakukan sejak terakhir pertemuan Management Review.
6.3.4 The status of corrective and preventive actions. 6.3.5 The results of any HSES audits and regulatory compliance evaluations conducted since the last Management Review meeting.
6.3.6 Komunikasi dari pihak yang berkepentingan eksternal, termasuk keluhan.
6.3.6 Communications from external interested parties, including complaints.
6.3.7 Rekomendasi untuk perbaikan.
6.3.7 Recommendations for improvements.
6.3.8 Hasil tindakan apapun dari HSES sebelumnya pertemuan Management Review.
6.3.8 The results of any action it HSES from the previous Management Review meeting.
6.4 Notulen rapat Tinjauan Manajemen akan didokumentasikan. Menit pertemuan ini akan mencakup, minimal:
6.4 Minutes of the Management Review meeting will be documented. These meeting minutes will include, at a minimum:
6.4.1 Daftar peserta
6.4.1 A list of attendees
6.4.2 Ringkasan isu utama
6.4.2 A summary of key issues discussed
6.4.3 Setiap tindakan itu HSES timbul dari pertemuan
6.4.3 Any actions itHSES arising from the meeting
6.5 Salinan berita acara rapat akan dibagikan kepada peserta dan perorangan yang
6.5 A copy of the meeting minutes will be distributed to attendees and to any individuals
PT. KORINDO HEAVY INDUSTRY BALARAJA PLANT Ulasan manajemen Management Review
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ditugaskan tindakan HSES. Salinan menit pertemuan juga akan dipertahankan pada Situs web PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant.
assigned action itHSES. A copy of the meeting minutes will also be retained on the PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant web site.
6.6 Tim Kolaborasi PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa tindakan itu HSES dihasilkan dari ulasan Manajemen mendapat perhatian yang tepat. Tindakan ini itu HSES harus ditangani sesuai dengan prosedur operasi standar yang berlaku.
6.6 The PT. Korindo Heavy Industry Balaraja Plant Collaboration Team is responsible for ensuring that action itHSES resulting from the Management review receive appropriate attention. These action itHSES shall be dealt with in accordance with the applicable standard operating procedures.