The New CEO Awards
Community Relations
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk
Holcim Leadership Journey Edition
Take Action... Make it Happen!
From the Editor Berita Kita edisi khusus kali ini mengulas strategi pokok untuk seluruh perusahaan di bawah Holcim Group dalam beberapa tahun mendatang: Holcim Leadership Journey. Leadership Journey merupakan program ambisius menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan yang diterapkan di semua unit, dengan landasan yang telah disiapkan oleh para pimpinan Holcim sebelumnya. Menekan biaya dan menjadi yang terkemuka di pasaran adalah target untuk semua aspek bisnis Holcim Indonesia, dan kunci untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut, kita semua perlu aktif melibatkan diri. Karyawan yang berpartisipasi juga dapat memetik manfaat besar. Kolom Perspective Eamon Ginley di halaman sebelah dan artikel mengenai Holcim Leadership Journey di halaman 8 layak kita simak. Untuk menguji sejauh mana pemahaman Anda tentang program tersebut, ikuti rubrik Word Find khusus bertema Leadership Journey.
Cerita Sampul Karyawan Grinding Plant Ciwandan berfoto bersama untuk kesuksesan program EARN mereka. EARN berada dalam satu payung dibawah Holcim Leadership Journey. Cerita lengkapnya baca di halaman 8.
Welcome to this special edition of Berita Kita where we focus on a key group-wide strategy in the years ahead, the Holcim Leadership Journey. The Leadership Journey is an ambitious initiative toward sustainable development for the whole group based on an excellent foundation created by previous generations of Holcim leaders. With targets in cost and market leadership across every aspect of Holcim Indonesia’s business, the involvement of each of us is the key to the success of the journey. There are also important benefits to employees who take part. Spend some time in this issue reading Eamon Ginley’s Perspective on the opposite page as well as the Holcim Leadership Journey feature on page 8. If you’re willing to test your comprehension, this month’s new Word Find puzzle is also focused specifically on the journey.
Masih ada liputan yang terkait lainnya, yaitu pengumuman pemenang CEO Awards 2012, dan sekilas tentang Jan Kunigk yang pada bulan April mendatang akan menjabat sebagai Commercial Director. Jan, dan sebagian besar personil yang diulas di edisi ini, mengerti bahwa kita harus taking action and making it happen!
Other journey-related matters inside include coverage of our CEO Awards winners for 2012, and a profile on Jan Kunigk, who in April will take up the position of Commercial Director. He, like many other people profiled in this issue, know the value of taking action and making it happen!
Diah Sasanawati, Corporate Communications Manager
Diah Sasanawati, Corporate Communications Manager
Daftar Isi Contents
Cover Story Staff outside the Ciwandan Grinding Plant pictured for their EARN success. EARN comes under the umbrella of the Holcim Leadership Journey. For story, see page 8. —————————
02 Milestones 03 The New CEO Awards Pahlawan Inovasi Innovation Superheroes
06 Logistics-Tuban
Pembangunan Dermaga Tuban One the Waterfront: Progress at Tuban Jetty
08 The Holcim Leadership Journey
12 RMX
A Solid Turnout for Concrete Floor Asia
14 OH&S
Periksa Kesehatan jika Sayang Diri Sendiri The Reasons a Medical Checkup Could Save Your Life
16 Community Relations
Kekuatan Penuh: Holcim Leadership Journey Full Speed Ahead: The Holcim Leadership Journey
Bersama untuk Masyarakat 2012: Ketika Warga Kian Sejahtera Together For Communities 2012: The Year We Made a Difference
10 Geocycle
18 People
Episode Dua: Petualang Hijau Kembali! Episode Two: The Green Adventure Strikes Back!
Introducing Jan Kunigk
Februari 2013
Eamon's Perspective Selalu Berusaha Menjadi yang Terbaik Pada bulan Mei 2012 Holcim Group mulai menjalankan program Holcim Leadership Journey sebagai upaya menjadikan Holcim perusahaan yang lebih aman, lebih memperhatikan kepentingan pelanggan, lebih efisien dalam pengeluaran biaya, dan fokus pada pengembangan personil karyawan. Saya sampaikan di sini bahwa sejauh ini kita mampu mencapai target Leadership Journey, dan tahun lalu Holcim Indonesia memberikan kontribusi sebesar 90 juta Swiss Franc untuk program yang digagas Holcim Group, terutama berkat kerja keras kita pada aspek Customer Excellence dan pelaksanaan program EARN. Perjalanan tahap awal telah kita lalui dengan sangat baik. Program HLJ juga membuka peluang bagi karyawan Holcim. Kisah selengkapnya dapat dibaca pada halaman 8. Demi keberhasilan Leadership Journey, kita sebagai karyawan tentu saja harus bekerja dengan semangat tinggi, dan perlu ada penghargaan untuk itu. Dari hasil Employee Climate Survey 2012 terlihat bahwa angka untuk komponen employees' equity (rasio kerja dilakukan dengan penghargaan yang diterima) dan employees' engagement terhadap nilai-nilai yang diterapkan perusahaan mengalami penurunan. Hasil survei ini menjadi salah satu fokus utama dalam Employee Value Proposition (EVP) untuk membantu perusahaan agar mampu menarik dan mempertahankan staf terbaik. Berita selanjutnya tentang EVP akan dimuat dalam BK Maret. Yang terakhir, saya sampaikan perkembangan terakhir seputar Proyek Tuban I dan II yang merupakan dua strategi pokok kita untuk menjamin pertumbuhan perusahaan ke depan: Pembangunan Cement mill Tuban I agak sedikit terlambat, namun kami yakin akan mulai beroperasi pada triwulan kedua 2013, dan fasilitas produksi klinker akan difungsikan akhir tahun ini juga. Terkait Proyek Tuban II, kita telah menandatangani perjanjian dengan kontraktor Polysius, dan konstruksi akan dimulai awal tahun depan. Tuban I dan II diperlukan untuk mendukung petumbuhan perusahaan, namun memerlukan kas yang tinggi. Kita harus terus bekerja keras untuk mempertahankan kinerja perusahaan agar strategi kita berjalan lancar. Proyek di atas akan membantu kita untuk terus tumbuh. Seberapa besar pertumbuhannya tergantung kita semua – selama kita terus bekerja dengan sekuat tenaga dan tekad, Holcim Indonesia dapat menjadi perusahaan yang kuat dan mampu bertahan 100 tahun mendatang. Seperti yang kita katakan pada Leadership Journey: If we take action, we’ll make it happen! Eamon Ginley
Being the Best We Can Be In May 2012, Holcim Group embarked on the Holcim Leadership Journey to transform our business into a safer, more customer-focused and cost-minded organisation which places emphasis on people development. I am happy to report that as a group we are well on track meeting our Leadership Journey targets and last year, Holcim Indonesia made a contribution of 90 million Swiss Francs to the group efforts, primarily by working toward Customer Excellence and through efforts under EARN – an excellent start. The programme also represents new opportunities for Holcim employees. To find out more, please see the story on page 8. Of course, to make the Leadership Journey a success, and to ensure Holcim Indonesia grows sustainably, as employees we need to be passionate about our jobs and feel valued. The results of 2012’s Employee Climate Survey show that there has been a drop in employees’ equity scores and employees’ engagement with the company’s values. The survey result has become one of the key factors in order to focus our efforts in delivering the right Employees Value Proposition (EVP) to our employees because we know that we need to focus and have a clear strategy for both retention and attraction of our key talents. Stay tuned for more of EVP in March’s BK. Finally, an update on Tuban I and II as two key strategies for our future growth: Tuban I cement mill has been slightly delayed but we still believe it will come online in quarter two of 2013, with the clinker line operating by the end of the year. While for Tuban II, we have officially signed with contractor Polysius, which should see start construction begin early next year. Tuban I and II are certainly required to support our growth, but require a high level of cash contribution. We will need to continue to work hard to maintain our Company performance to ensure this. It is because of all those developments that we will continue to grow. How much we will grow, however, depends on all of you continuing to work with strength and commitment to make Holcim Indonesia strong and sustainable for the next 100 years. As they say in the Leadership Journey: If we take action, we’ll make it happen! Eamon Ginley
Berita Kita Februari 2013
VIP Wives Club Tours Tuban Perkumpulan Ibu PKK di Kabupaten Tuban melakukan tur di Pabrik Tuban baru-baru ini, mengunjungi lokasi pabrik, tambang dan pembelajaran tentang rencana keanekaragaman hayati untuk daerah dan langkah-langkah konservasi lainnya. Dipandu Plant Manager Sidik Darusulistyo (paling kiri), para wanita yang dipimpin oleh Ibu KH. Fathul Huda, istri Bupati Tuban, berfoto bersama saat penanaman pohon.
Tuban II Signed into Reality
Jumat, 15 Februari, senyum mengembang ketika CEO Holcim Indonesia Eamon Ginley dan Chairman ThyssenKrupp Polysius, Dr.-Ing Detlev Rose (duduk kanan) menandatangani kontrak US$ 250 juta untuk penyediaan peralatan pembangunan pabrik Tuban tahap kedua. Pada saatnya nanti Tuban II juga akan memiliki kapasitas tahunan 1,7 juta ton. Menyaksikan penandatanganan, Director Holcim, Patrick Walser dan Axel Hoene, Senior Executive - Sales Polysius, (berdiri, kanan).
The wives association of senior officials in the Tuban Regency took a guided tour of the Tuban Plant recently, visiting the plant site, quarry and learning about the biodiversity plan for the area. Hosted by Plant Manager Sidik Darusulistyo (far left), the women were led by Mrs. KH. Fathul Huda, the wife of the Tuban Regent, here shown taking part in a tree planting exercise.
The smiles came out on the afternoon of Friday, February 15, when Holcim Indonesia CEO Eamon Ginley and Chairman Dr.-Ing Detlev Rose of engineering contractor ThyssenKrupp Polysius (seated right) signed a US$250 million contract for equipment supply to the second stage of the state of the art Tuban plant. When it is completed, Tuban II will respresent another 1.7 million tonnes in annual capacity. Director Patrick Walser and Axel Hoene, Senior Executive-Sales, Polysius, (standing, right) witnessed the signing.
More than Cement Dibalik Advertising Campaign Rolled Out to Staff Jika Anda belum melihatnya, kampanye iklan Holcim Lebih dari Semen "Dibalik" yang baru, sekarang tayang pada saluran TV udara nasional dan di billboard - peluncuran internal kampanye diluncurkan di kantor pusat Jamsostek pada tanggal 8 Januari. Gambar di bawah adalah tim yang membuat kampanye ini terlaksana bersama dengan Eamon Ginley dan Jan Kunigk (paling kanan) yang juga ada dalam rubrik People halaman 18. If you haven’t already seen it, the exciting new Holcim More Than Cement “Dibalik” advertising campaign is now on air on national TV and on billboards near you; with the internal launch of the campaign kicked off at the Jamsostek Head Office on January 8. Pictured below are the team that made the campaign happen along with Eamon Ginley and Jan Kunigk (far right) who is profiled in the People story on page 18.
Berita Kita Februari 2013
The New CEO Awards
Innovation Superheroes
Acara final kompetisi New CEO Awards diselenggarakan dengan tema Pahlawan Super, ide-ide pemenang akan menghemat jutaan rupiah jika nanti diimplementasikan. Berita Kita turut hadir untuk meliput. With ideas that will save millions of rupiah for Holcim Indonesia when they are fully implemented, 2012's New CEO Awards finished in Superhero style last month. Berita Kita was there at the competition's finals. Kegiatan final New CEO Awards berlangsung seru, layaknya aksi yang dilakukan para pahlawan super. Acara yang diadakan pada tanggal 23 Januari di Balairung Hotel Gran Melia Jakarta, tidak kalah dengan acara Academy Awards, perayaan yang menggugah semangat untuk mengawali tahun baru. Sketsa dan komedi musik mengisi perhelatan, dengan candaan yang memancing gelak-tawa, diakhiri dengan penyerahan hadiah kepada para finalis yang untuk hari itu khusus maju ke atas panggung dengan kostum pahlawan. Sehari sebelumnya, lebih seperti Clark Kent daripada Superman, para finalis babak pertama dan kedua terlebih dulu tampil mempresentasikan gagasan kepada juri yang terdiri dari direktur dan manajer Holcim. Tahun ini kontestan bersaing memperebutkan dua penghargaan berbeda, yakni CEO Award yang menyediakan hadiah utama, dan Innovation Performance Award dengan hadiah khusus bagi mereka yang mampu mengimplementasikan proyek usulan dengan nilai tambah terbesar dilihat dari estimasi semula. Berita Kita pada bulan Juli 2012 pernah menampilkan finalis Babak Pertama, dan memutuskan untuk melihat langsung presentasi peserta pada Babak Kedua. Peserta pertama, Ahmad Bachtiar, menyampaikan secara singkat manfaat yang dirasakan perusahaan jika batching plant dapat menekan polusi debu demi kepentingan warga sekitar. Ahmad dan timnya, bersama direktorat Organizational Performance Improvements, mengubah chute pada fasilitas pengisian semen ke truk pengangkut untuk mengurangi volume tumpahan semen di sekitar lokasi batching plant di Yogyakarta. Menurut perkiraannya, dari setiap satu meter kubik semen, volume tumpahan dapat dikurangi sekitar 10 kilogram. Setelah itu tampil Asidiq Riziqi. Jika ukuran kantong semen isi 40kg diganti, jelasnya, jumlah sak yang rusak saat penumpukan dan pengiriman dapat berkurang banyak. Dengan biaya Rp 74 juta, proyek usulannya diperkirakan akan menghemat sekitar Rp 300 juta.
The final ceremony of the New CEO Awards was the kind of action-packed event you’d expect to see a group of superheroes perform at. Held on January 23 at a deckedout ballroom in Jakarta’s Gran Melia Hotel, the ceremony was a match for any Academy Awards and an energetic way to start the year. Chock full of skits and musical comedy routines, with the punch-lines often delivered at light speed – or at least faster than a speeding bullet – the New CEO Awards ended with the finalists receiving their prizes in full action-hero drag, the perfect costume in which to bear away some hefty cash prizes.
Syarifa Baijuri, berpakaian seperti Superwoman berpose dengan poster idenya. Syarifa Baijuri, dressed as Superwoman, poses by her exhibit. —————————
Earlier in the day, it was more Clark Kent than Superman, as the finalists from rounds one and two of the awards got down to business, presenting their ideas to a senior team comprised of Holcim directors, and another managementlevel panel of judges. This year, the contestants were vying for two separate prizes – the overall CEO Award for the best prizes, and the Innovation Performance Award – in which projects are judged on their performance during implementation versus the initial estimates of value added. Having covered the first round's finalists and their presentations last year, Berita Kita chose to sit in on the contestants’ presentations from the second round this time. Second round finalist Ahmad Bachtiar started proceedings at the directors’ panel with his brief presentation on
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Jajaran Direktur dan Senior Managers serta para pemenang yang berpakaian ala superhero berfoto bersama pada saat perayaan. Bernard Ade Permatista (bawah) memberikan sambutan pada acara Gala Ceremony mewakili juri yang duduk di belakangnya. Directors senior managers and the award winners in full superhero garb line up for a final photograph at the ceremony. Bernard Ade Permatista (right) addresses the Gala Ceremony on behalf of the awards judging panel seated behind him. —————————
Usulan lain yang menarik perhatian direksi adalah proyek Syarifa Baijuri: Faktur dan Tanda Terima Faktur serta fitur Auto Updates pada SAP. Ia memanfaatkan teknologi untuk mempercepat proses pembuatan faktur di Finance Directorate; menjadi lima hari dari sebelumnya rata-rata tujuh hari. Biaya pengadaan proyek sebesar Rp 51 juta akan impas dalam waktu dua tahun. Yang terakhir tampil adalah Yanuar. Berdasarkan hasil konsultasi dengan departemen pemasaran dan komunikasi, ia membuat sendiri paket komunikasi pemasaran lengkap dengan video, brosur dan lagu tentang tiga keuntungan utama semen Serba Guna (lebih sedikit air, pengolahan cepat dan hasil tahan lama).
the benefits of on reducing dust in batching plants, with the welfare of the surrounding community firmly in mind. Working with the Organisational Performance Improvements directorate, Ahmad and his team modified the chutes loading the cement trucks of internal transporter customers to significantly lessen spillages in Yogyakarta batching plants. He estimated the savings would result in 10 kilograms of cement saved for every cubic metre used. Next up, was Asidiq Riziqi, who explained how by changing the dimensions of 40kg pasted cement bags, he had dramatically lessened bag breakage during stacking and moving. This was a Rp 74 million project that is expected to eventually save around Rp 300 million. Another plan that got the directors smiling was Syarifa Baijuri’s entry: Invoice and Invoice Receipt and Auto Updates with SAP. Syarifa’s smart use of technology in her entry is expected to speed up the Finance Directorate’s invoicing, cutting processing and delivery times down to five days from the existing average of seven. Costing Rp 51 million to implement, it is expected to pay for itself within two years. Finally it was time to meet Yanuar who after consultation with marketing and communications departments singlehandedly designed a communication package, complete with a video, brochure and a catchy jingle reminding Holcim staff of the three key benefits of Serba Guna brand cement (less water, fast working time and long-lasting durability) . All the finalists acquitted themselves well during the presentations although there were a few displays of nerves by presenters outside. Nerves were less visible during the final tense prize giving – but it’s harder to show concern when you’re dressed as Wolverine or Cat Woman. In the end, eight out of the 10 finalists received awards to the cheers and applause of a packed Holcim audience.
Berita Kita Februari 2013
The New CEO Awards CEO AWARD
• Eka Nurul Fitri (Solusi Rumah Electronic Data Collection (SR EDC)) • Juliana Wasiono (Enrich The Function of Websales to Support RDC/CDC) • Asidiq Riziqi (Dimension Improvement of Pasted Bag for 40 Kg to Support Palletizer System) • Syarifa Baijuri (Invoice and Invoice Receipt and Auto Updated with SAP) • Yanuar Ardi (Communication Pack of the Key Benefits of Holcim Serba Guna)
• Adjie Soegiatno (Guest Arrival Procedures at Batching Plants) • Agus Yunif (Aggregate Serba Bisa – A New Product) • Albert Bachtiar (Minimalizing Dust in the Batching Plants for Communities) • Asidiq Riziqi (Dimensional Improvements for 40kg Cement Pasted Bags to Support Palletizer System) • Syarifa Baijuri (Invoice and Invoice Receipt and Auto Updated with SAP) • Yanuar Ardi (Communication Pack on the Key Benefits of Holcim Serba Guna)
Semua finalis mampu mempresentasikan proyek mereka dengan baik meski beberapa di antara mereka terlihat tegang saat menunggu giliran. Ketegangan jauh berkurang ketika tiba acara penyerahan hadiah – kostum Wolverine atau Cat Woman rupanya membuat rasa percaya diri meningkat. Delapan dari sepuluh finalis akhirnya diumumkan sebagai pemenang, diiringi sorakan meriah dan tepuk tangan staf Holcim lain.
Syarifa won both the CEO Award and Innovation Performance Award for her idea for automating invoicing. Admitting to a serious attack of nerves before award day, she believes the hard work she put into the competition was worth it. “The competition was tough– even quite a few of the winners had ideas that were rejected in the first round,” she said. “But by the final rounds the judges were very helpful and offering us a lot of advice.”
Syarifa memenangkan kedua penghargaan CEO Award dan Innovation Performance atas idenya yaitu otomatisasi faktur. Mengaku mengalami kegugupan yang luar biasa sebelum hari H, dia yakin kerja keras tim untuk kompetisi ini tidak akan sia-sia. "Kompetisi ini berat - bahkan sebelumnya beberapa ide pemenang ditolak di babak pertama," katanya. "Namun di putaran final, juri sangat membantu dan memberikan banyak pengarahan."
Somebody who clearly enjoyed himself was Bernard Ade Permatista, Holcim’s new Corporate Development and Innovation Manager, who had managed the awards’ judging sessions that morning.
Salah seorang yang puas dengan penyelenggaraan acara adalah Bernard Ade Permatista, Corporate Development and Innovation Manager Holcim yang baru dan diserahi tugas mengatur acara penjurian pagi itu. "Teman-teman bekerja keras untuk persiapan dan pelaksanaan sesi penjurian dan saat acara Gala Ceremony, dan semuanya berjalan sangat baik," ujarnya seusai acara. "Sebagai personil baru di Holcim, saya melihat acara ini benar-benar mencerminkan semangat inovasi." Bernard berkata timnya akan melanjutkan untuk memperbaiki New CEO Awards untuk mendorong berbagai inovasi lainnya di Holcim. "Kita tahu ada banyak ide bagus lainnya yang hanya memerlukan beberapa perbaikan, jadi ayo mulai menggali ide-ide secara serius, karena CEO Awards 2013 akan dimulai lagi!"
“The team worked really hard on the preparations and execution for both judging sessions and the Gala Ceremony, and I thought both were very well organised,” he said after the event. “As a newcomer to Holcim, I felt the event really captured the right spirit.” Bernard said his team would continue to improve the New CEO Awards to encourage innovation within Holcim. “We know there are a lot more good ideas out there that just need some refinement, so start thinking about them seriously, because the 2013 Awards are coming soon!” Introducing the Judges • • • • • • • • • • •
Aries Budi Dj Adi Santoso Rudiyanto Ranidia Leman Aryo Bimo Budijanto Chandra Oepoyo Prakoso Halimatus Sakdijah Mohammad Yusuf Anna (Diah Sasanawati) Esther Makainas
Manufacturing Manufacturing Marketing Sales Finance RMX Corporate Technical Services Human Resources Logistics Corp Communication Corp Legal Affairs
Berita Kita Februari 2013
One the Waterfront: Progress at Tuban Jetty Dermaga Pabrik Semen Tuban nantinya akan menjorok satu kilometer lebih ke tengah laut dan menjadi titik penghubung pabrik dengan dunia luar. Berita Kita mewawancarai Johan Setyawan, Jetty Construction Manager, yang mengawasi jalannya pembangunan. Foto dari udara proyek dermaga Tuban yang diambil bulan Januari lalu. An aerial shot of the Tuban Jetty showing the work clearly underway in January. —————————
Berita Kita: Terlihat banyak kemajuan sejak kami ke sini dulu. Pak Johan, sudah sejauh mana perkembangan proyek pembangunan dermaga Tuban? Johan Setyawan: Seperti yang kita lihat, dermaga saat ini masih terus dibangun oleh kontraktor kami,
Berita Kita Februari 2013
McConnell Dowell Indonesia. Dilihat dari data yang ada, konstruksi telah rampung sekitar 18% dari tenggat Juli mendatang. Kedengarannya seperti masih banyak yang belum selesai sementara waktu tinggal sedikit, tapi sebetulnya pengerjaan proyek ini relatif cepat.
BK: Dibandingkan dengan dermaga lain di Indonesia, bagaimana kapasitas dermaga ini? JS: Berdasarkan analisa strukturnya, dermaga ini dapat melayani kapal berbobot mati hingga 15.000 ton. Bahan yang kami gunakan untuk pembangunan dermaga adalah semen Silica foam produk Holcim Beton. Kami butuh hingga 13.000 meter kubik Silica foam yang tahan terhadap air dan udara dengan kadar garam tinggi. Fungsi utama dermaga ini untuk menerima batu bara, namun bisa juga untuk menerima dan mengirim klinker dan gipsum. BK: Pernah timbul masalah beberapa kali dengan masyarakat sekitar. Bagaimana kondisinya sekarang? JS: Masyarakat sekitar takut pembangunan jetty akan
mengkontaminasi air laut atau menimbulkan polusi suara. Kami berusaha keras mengatasi semua kendala itu. Pihak perusahaan, bersama Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas Pendidikan (UPTDP), personil Higiene Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja (HIPERKES), dan Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Yogyakarta, membentuk tim
pengawas yang bertugas mengukur tingkat kebisingan; pemantauan sumber air laut dilakukan oleh tim dari Universitas Gadjah Mada. Tingkat pencemaran air dan tingkat kebisingan tidak pernah melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan. Yang terpenting, kami terus berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat sekitar sehingga setiap persoalan dapat dicarikan jalan keluarnya.
When it is complete, Tuban Cement Plant’s jetty will stretch more than a kilometre out to sea, and will serve as a vital link between the factory and the outside world. Berita Kita talks to Johan Setyawan, Jetty Construction Manager, who is overseeing the progress. Berita Kita: A fair bit of work seems to have been done since we last were here. Johan, can you tell us where you are at in terms of progress? Johan Setyawan: Well, at the moment, as you can see, the jetty is still being built by the contractor
McConnell Dowell Indonesia. The data I have shows that we’re actually about 18 percent complete in construction, with a deadline for a July finish. That might sound like a lot to do in a short time, but actually much of the work can go ahead relatively quickly. BK: So compared to other jetties in Indonesia – what is the capacity like for this one. JS: Well, based on analysis of the structure, this jetty can handle ships with a deadweight tonnage of up to 15,000. We’re building the jetty using 13,000 cubic metres of Holcim Beton’s Silica foam concrete cement, which has a high resistance to water and air containing salt around the sea. The main function of this jetty is to
unload coal, but it will be possible to unload and load clinker and gypsum as well. BK: The jetty has been controversial with the nearby community at times. What’s the status now?
Johan Setyawan di depan dermaga Tuban. Johan Setyawan in front of Tuban Jetty. —————————
JS: Certainly, some people in the community were concerned about the environmental effects of the construction; that’s a natural reaction to a project of this size. Local people thought our construction work might contaminate seawater; or lead to high noise pollution. We’ve made a big effort to respond to all these concerns. In cooperation with the Technical Implementation Unit of the Department of Education (UPTDP), the Company Hygiene and Occupational Health and Labor Agency (HIPERKES) and the Manpower and Transmigration Department in Yogyakarta, we set up a monitoring team to measure noise levels; a team from Gadjah Mada University is doing the same thing with sea water sources. Both water pollution and our noise levels have always been within allowable limits. I think the most important thing is that we keep communicating with our neighbours, so we can resolve any differences.
Berita Kita Februari 2013
The Holcim Leadership Journey
Full Speed Ahead: The Holcim Leadership Journey Dasar pemikiran program HLJ adalah agar setiap unit perusahaan Holcim selalu berupaya untuk menjalankan kegiatan operasional dengan metode yang aman, efisien dan ramah lingkungan sekaligus menghasilkan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan dan masyarakat di mana perusahaan beroperasi. Singkatnya, “selalu berusaha menjadi yang terbaik”. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, HGRS menetapkan delapan aspek atau HLJ Stream yang perlu kita perhatikan. 1. Customer Excellence (Pelayanan terbaik kepada pelanggan) 2. Large CAPEX (Belanja modal besar) 3. CAPEX (Belanja modal) 4. Logistics (Logistik) 5. Energy (Energi) 6. Alternative Fuel Resources (Sumber Bahan Bakar Alternatif) 7. Fixed Costs (Biaya Tetap) 8. Procurements (Pengadaan)
Ciwandan Plant Manager Satrio, belakang ketiga dari kiri, dengan tim Ciwandan di depan ball mill. Holcim Group CEO Bernard Fontana (kanan atas) adalah tokoh dibalik Holcim Leadership Journey. Ciwandan Plant Manager Satrio, back row third from left, along with key members of Ciwandan’s improvement team in front of Ciwandan’s Ball Mill. Holcim Group CEO Bernard Fontana (top right) is personally behind the Holcim Leadership Journey. —————————
Holcim Leadership Journey adalah program penguatan pasar dan penghematan biaya yang berlangsung di seluruh unit kerja Holcim Group di seluruh dunia. HLJ secara pribadi didorong oleh CEO Holcim Group Bernard Fontana. Pada wawancaranya baru-baru ini, Fontana memuji kinerja perusahaan, dan untuk itulah program ini dibuat - untuk terus menjaga reputasi baik Holcim Group di dunia internasional. Fontana berkata Holcim bangga merayakan seratus tahun sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang paling disegani di kelasnya di seluruh dunia, namun harus dicatat "kita juga harus berani untuk menyetarakan dengan perusahaan terbaik di luar industri kita."
Berita Kita Februari 2013
HLJ sendiri adalah strategi induk yang menjadi dasar pelaksanaan setiap program dan strategi yang tengah berjalan, baik di Holcim Indonesia maupun di unit kerja yang ada di kawasan regional. Contoh, proyek Customer Centric Culture masuk ke dalam aspek Customer Excellence; sedangkan program regional EARN menjadi program utama yang terkait
dengan aspek pemanfaatan Energy dan Alternative Fuel Resources (AFR). Program di atas sekarang menjadi bagian Leadership Journey, keberhasilan kita sebagai karyawan maupun sebagai perusahaan akan diinformasikan kepada unit kerja lain agar dapat pula mereka manfaatkan atau terapkan. Jadikan ajang Holcim Leadership Journey untuk menampilkan prestasi Anda ke seluruh dunia, dan keberhasilan yang Anda raih akan ikut mengangkat status Holcim Indonesia lebih tinggi di antara unit perusahaan Holcim lainnya. Karena itu, mari kita mulai perjalanan ini – Holcim Leadership Journey. If we take action, we’ll make it happen!
Elements of Commercial Excellence Increase in EBITDA
Strategic optimization of volumes to most profitable markets, customers and seasons
Cross cutting theme (B)
Pillars of SMX excellence
Foundational elements (F)
Channel management & retail
Logistics & service level
New products & services
• Getting customer insights • Standard MPI radar to measure
• Micro market b-plans • Cascaded review architecture
Capability and culture
• Curriculum, academy, coaches and tool box • Culture and behavior
• • • •
Commercial organisation
• Pivotal positions • Expertise
• Right people in right place • Structures and process to break silos
Leadership journey Regional communities of practice IT and tools Innovation as way of working
The Holcim Leadership Journey is a programme that focusses on strengthening market and cost leadership globally. The Leadership Journey is personally being driven by Holcim Group CEO Bernard Fontana. Speaking in a recent interview, Fontana commended the company’s performance, saying it was the reason for the Group’s continued good reputation internationally. Fontana said Holcim could be proud to celebrate its centennial as one of the most respected companies of its class worldwide, but noted “we should be bold enough also to benchmark our Group with the best companies outside of our industry”. The rationale behind HLJ is that every Holcim operating company
strives to act as safely, efficiently and environmentally as possible across our operations, while continuing to aim for the highest in terms of our customers and for the communities we work in. In short, this means “being the best we can be.” To help us achieve this, HGRS has established eight HLJ Streams for us to focus on. 1. Customer Excellence 2. Large CAPEX 3. CAPEX 4. Logistics 5. Energy 6. Alternative Fuel Resources 7. Fixed Costs 8. Procurements Put simply, the HLJ is an umbrella strategy, meant to go on top of all other programmes and strategies that we’re already undertaking at Holcim Indonesia and regionally. For example, our Customer Centric
Culture project is part of the Customer Excellence stream; while the regional EARN programme is the key initiative linking Energy and Alternative Fuel Resources (AFR) use. The difference being part of the Leadership Journey makes, is that our successes, as individuals and as a company, will increasingly be transmitted globally between other operating companies as part of best practice sharing. In short, the Holcim Leadership Journey is a great platform for you to distinguish yourself on the world stage, and your successes also will reflect positively on Holcim Indonesia’s position in the group. So let’s get on board the Holcim Leadership Journey. If we take action, we’ll make it happen!
CFO Olaf Takes a Long, Hard Look at Fixed Costs Stream Chief Financial Officer Holcim Indonesia, Olaf Nahe, menjadi penanggung jawab Fixed Costs Stream dalam Holcim Leadership Journey. Ia menjelaskan apa tugasnya kepada Berita Kita.
Holcim Indonesia Chief Financial Officer Olaf Nahe is in charge of the Fixed Costs Stream in the Holcim Leadership Journey. He tells Berita Kita about this responsibility.
BK: Bisa ceritakan apa saja tugas Anda?
BK: Can you tell us briefly what this position entails?
Biaya tetap adalah salah satu aspek yang menjadi fokus Holcim Leadership Journey. Selain mendata penghematan yang dapat dilakukan di Holcim Indonesia, setelah berkoordinasi dengan kelompok kerja CFO di bawah Asia Finance Council (AFC) sejak 2010, saya diminta untuk mengkoordinasikan kegiatan CFO yang menyangkut pendataan potensi penghematan biaya tetap di unit kerja di kawasan regional. BK: Apa saran atau masukan Anda untuk manajer atau karyawan yang ingin melakukan penghematan biaya tetap? Yang saya minta dari semua karyawan adalah mempertimbangkan kembali sebelum melakukan kegiatan – cari cara lain yang lebih hemat biaya dalam menjalankan kegiatan yang betul-betul perlu, dan catat jika ada pemborosan dana dan hambatan birokrasi. Layanan dari pihak ketiga hanya boleh diadakan jika tidak ada personil atau sumber daya yang tersedia di perusahaan, dan jika pekerjaan dilakukan sendiri justru akan mengakibatkan pemborosan.
Fixed costs are one of the focus areas of the Holcim Leadership Journey. In addition to the identification of savings potentials in Holcim Indonesia and having coordinated the CFO workgroup of the Asia Finance Council (AFC) since 2010, I was requested to coordinate the CFO work in relation to identifying fixed cost saving potential on a regional level. BK: Do you have any words of advice or encouragement for managers or employees who want to make a difference in fixed costs? My challenge to all employees is to rethink the need for certain activities – to creatively look for more costefficient ways to execute the activities which are indeed necessary; and to highlight all cases of waste of resources and bureaucracy. We should be ensuring that the deployment of third-party services is strictly limited to the cases where in-house expertise or resources are not available and cannot economically be created.
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Episode Two: The Green Adventure Strikes Back!
Jilid kedua komik lingkungan Petualang Hijau terbitan Geocycle segera memuaskan rasa ingin tahu anak-anak.
Asep Mulyana Sudrajat, Camat Klapanunggal dan Plant Manager Narogong, Aries Djajarianto saat peluncuran Ecocomic Geocycle. Asep Mulyana Sudrajat, Subdistrict head Klapanunggal, and Narogong Plant Manager Aries Djajarianto present the new Geocycle Eco-comic. —————————
Baru sejam buku ia terima, namun Dwi Nurjayani telah mulai membaca bab pertama. "Aku sedang baca cerita cara melestarikan air," jelas siswi kelas 4 SDN Cibugis Klapanunggal, Jawa Barat, yang baru berusia sembilan tahun. "Gambarnya bagus dan aku suka tokohnya – mereka pintar membuat payung dari daun pisang." Dwi salah seorang dari sekitar 5.000 murid di daerah sekitar pabrik Holcim yang menerima komik pendidikan lingkungan terbitan Geocycle. Buku
Berita Kita Februari 2013
diterima Dwi pada tanggal 6 Februari, bertepatan dengan peluncuran edisi yang kedua di Clubhouse Narogong yang dihadiri sekitar 100 pejabat pemerintah, guru dan siswa.
ini seharusnya diberikan kepada sebanyak mungkin anak sekolah agar mereka nantinya menjadi generasi penerus dan warga negara Indonesia yang peduli lingkungan.
Emil Salim, mantan menteri negara lingkungan hidup yang kini Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden, hadir sebagai pembicara pada acara peluncuran.
Pak Chaeruddin Hasyim sepakat dengan beliau. Ikut memberikan kata sambutan pada acara peluncuran, Asisten Deputi Penguatan Inisiatif Masyarakat Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup itu berpendapat bahwa Green Adventure selaras dengan program pendidikan nasional yang diselenggarakan pihaknya bersama
Dalam sambutannya, Pak Emil memuji buku Green Adventure sebagai bacaan yang mudah dipahami dan informatif, dan buku
Kementerian Pendidikan dan sektor swasta. "Komik ini tolok ukur cara mengkomunikasikan gagasan yang berat kepada anak-anak usia sekolah," ujar Chaeruddin. "Meski hanya cerita, tokoh dalam buku tinggal di lingkungan yang mirip dengan para pembaca, dan kisahnya sendiri seputar jalan keluar untuk persoalan lingkungan hidup seharihari, melalui program yang ada." "Hal ini sangat bagus, karena kita ingin anak-anak menyerap gagasan di balik buku ini. Selain harus tahu cara mencari solusi lingkungan, mereka juga perlu menerapkannya."
Dwi Nurjayani dan temannya sedang membaca buku ecocomic. Dwi Nurjayani reads the eco-comic with a friend. —————————
The second installment of Geocycle’s Green Adventure eco-comic is reaching a new audience of inquiring minds. She only received her book about an hour ago, but nine-year-old Dwi Nurjayani has already begun reading the first chapter. “I’m part way through this story about water conservation,” says the fourth grader from SDN Cibugis Klapanunggal in West Java. “The pictures are good and I like the characters – it’s cool how they use a banana leaf as an umbrella.” Dwi is one of the first of around 5,000 students living near Holcim cement plants that will receive the educational comic book, produced by Geocycle. Dwi got her copy on February 6, when the second edition was officially launched at the Narogong Clubhouse to an audience of around 100 officials, teachers and primary school children.
school children as possible to create future generations of environmentally responsible Indonesians. Pak Chaeruddin Hasyim agreed. Speaking on the sidelines of the launch, the Environment Ministry’s Deputy Assistant for Community Initiatives said Green Adventure fit in well with the national educational campaign he had created with the Ministry of Education and private businesses. ”This book is a benchmark in how you should communicate
sophisticated ideas to an audience of school-age children,” Chaeruddin said. “Although it’s a fictional comic, the book’s characters live in similar environments to their target audience and the stories deal with real-life solutions to environmental problems, in programmes that are already in use.” “This is great, because we want the kids to be the adaptors of these ideas. They shouldn’t just know about the environmental solutions, they should also actively practice them.”
Emil Salim, a former national minister of the environment who now heads the Presidential Advisory Commission, was the keynote speaker at the launch. Emil Salim (kiri) dan Chaeruddin Hasyim.
Praising the book in his opening speech as accessible and informative, Pak Emil said books like Green Adventure should reach as many
Emil Salim (left) and Chaeruddin Hasyim. —————————
Berita Kita Februari 2013
RMX pamer terpasang informasi dan brosur berbagai solusi layanan bernilai tambah. Donny Subiakto, RMX and Aggregates National Sales Manager, puas dengan keikutsertaan Holcim dalam pameran tersebut. "Kami mendapat masukan positif dari pengunjung; mereka mendapat pengetahuan baru tentang aplikasi lantai, seperti cara mengukur kerataan lantai, melapis lantai dan memoles lantai. Keuntungannya bagi kami adalah kesempatan memperkenalkan Holcim sebagai perusahaan yang ahli di bidang perlantaian; mereka yang telah
Saat pameran, Holcim memperagakan keahliannya dalam solusi lantai beton. At the exhibition Holcim presented its expertise on concrete floor solutions. —————————
A Solid Turnout for Concrete Floor Asia
Berbagai layanan bernilai tambah atau value-added services (VAS) dipamerkan dalam Concrete Floors Asia Desember silam. CFA yang merupakan "Mega Demo for Concrete Floor Construction" diselenggarakan oleh konsorsium internasional untuk memperkenalkan teknik dan informasi terkini kepada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang desain, konstruksi dan pengiriman produk lantai beton – khususnya perusahaan konstruksi dan pengembang – dan juga pemilik serta pengelola gedung. Konsorsium dibentuk Holcim Ltd bersama sepuluh perusahaan lain
Berita Kita Februari 2013
di Eropa, Amerika Serikat, Australia dan Asia. Untuk mendukung pameran ini – yang dihadiri oleh lebih dari 100 pengunjung – Holcim Beton menyediakan tempat di Batching Plant Pulo Gadung. Disini, karyawan Holcim mendemonstrasikan secara langsung aplikasi dan pemasangan beton jenis self-levelling, pengunjung berkesempatan pula melihat-lihat produk beton berpori. Pada salah satu dinding ruang
atau tertarik dengan produk kami memperoleh gambaran tentang solusi lantai beton tanpa menganggap kami tengah beriklan," urai Donny. Tujuan khusus CFA Holcim adalah: • Memberi tahu konsumen tentang layanan bernilai tambah yang baru • Mengajak masyarakat untuk melihat Holcim sebagai pemasok bahan bangunan pemberi solusi "Pameran membuat pelanggan tahu bahwa lantai beton dapat menjadi solusi pilihan," jelas Donny. "Setelah CFA banyak telepon masuk meminta informasi tentang produk dan layanan Holcim – menandakan kesuksesan acara tersebut."
A variety of value added services (VAS) were on display at the recent Concrete Floor Asia event in December. Formally called the "Mega Demo for Concrete Floor Construction" the CFA exhibition was organised by an international consortium of companies with the key objectives of bringing new information and expertise to businesses involved in the design, construction and delivery process of concrete floors – primarily developers and construction companies, as well as building owners and operators. The consortium is made up of Holcim Ltd. and 10 other companies in Europe, the United States, Australia and Asia. To support the exhibition, which was attended by more than 100 visitors, Holcim Beton prepared a venue at the Pulo Gadung Batching Plant. At the plant, staff gave live demonstrations of self-levelling concrete, with the properties of pervious concrete also on show. Other VAS solutions were demonstrated in a
Holcim wall display complete with brochures. Donny Subiakto, RMX and Aggregates National Sales Manager, said he was pleased with the presence of Holcim at the exhibition. “Positive feedback was given by visitors as they were able to learn about some relatively new floor applications, such as floor flatness measurement, floor coating and floor polishing. The benefits for us were that we were promoting ourselves as
flooring experts, so we could educate current and potential customers about our concrete flooring solutions without this being perceived as advertising,” Donny said.
Sejumlah pengunjung memperhatikan demo teknologi terbaru di Batching Plant Pulo Gadung. (atas ke bawah).
Specifically, the Holcim CFA event aimed to: • Communicate the new VAS to the market • Build the perception that Holcim is a solution-oriented building materials supplier
Visitors to the event witness a number of technologies on show at the Pulo Gadung Batching Plant. (top to bottom). —————————
“The event really got our customers thinking about the possibilities in concrete flooring,” Donny said. “Since CFA we’ve received a lot of enquiries about our services, which is our measure of success."
Berita Kita Februari 2013
The Reasons a Medical Checkup Could Save Your Life
Salah satu cara memperhatikan kondisi tubuh adalah mengikuti pemeriksaan kesehatan tahunan sambil berkonsultasi dengan dokter yang ditunjuk Holcim, kata Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Coordinator Holcim, Dr Kiki Sutjahyo.
Dwiyono, Maintenance Team Leader NAR, berdiri di area crusher, dimana sebelumnya seorang kontraktor pingsan akibat diabetes. Dwiyono, NAR Maintenance Team Leader, stands at the crusher area, where a contractor fainted due to diabetes. —————————
Tahun lalu karyawan yang memeriksakan diri sekitar 88%, diantaranya hanya sedikit yang mengikuti konsultasi lanjutan setelah pemeriksaan. Dr Kiki sangat menyarankan personil Holcim mengikuti konsultasi tersebut. "Dokter terbaik sebetulnya diri kita sendiri," jelasnya. "Jika Anda peduli peduli pada kesehatan Anda, Kerja sama Anda dan dokter membantu kita mencapai target kesehatan tertentu dan mencegah penyakit." Gangguan kesehatan terbanyak yang dikeluhkan karyawan Holcim Indonesia antara lain penyakit kardiovaskular dan masalah
Berita Kita Februari 2013
hipertensi serta diabetes, lanjutnya. Jumlah personil yang berisiko terkena penyakit jantung turun, dari tingkat yang mengkhawatirkan, yaitu 40% pada tahun 2009, menjadi 23% tahun lalu, meski menurutnya prosentase ini pun masih terlalu besar. Penyakit jantung, menurutnya, bukan hanya faktor penyebab stroke dan serangan jantung, tetapi juga dapat mengakibatkan pingsan, migrain dan kehilangan konsentrasi – kondisi yang membahayakan jika muncul di tempat kerja seperti Holcim. Dwiyono, NAR Maintenance Team Leader, Mechanical Workshop, paham betul soal ini.
Pada bulan April 2010 pabrik dinonaktifkan, dan saat tengah bekerja di salah satu crusher di Narogong, Dwi menyaksikan kejadian menakutkan – seorang pekerja kontraktor pingsan saat memindahkan peralatan berat bersama pekerja lain. "Kami kemudian tahu bahwa kadar gula darahnya turun karena diabetes," kata Dwi. "Yang bersangkutan akhirnya kami pindah kerja ke workshop, menangani pekerjaan yang ringan." Menurut Dr Kiki, komunikasi dengan OH&S harus sering dilakukan. "Sampaikan kepada kami jika kesehatan Anda menurun, karena kami harus tahu apakah kondisi
tersebut muncul akibat pengaruh lingkungan kerja atau karena gaya hidup Anda. Kami juga perlu tahu apakah kondisinya akan mengganggu tugas rutin Anda sehari-hari, misalnya
ketika bekerja di ketinggian atau di ruang tertutup." "Gangguan kesehatan bisa membuat Anda dipindah kerja,
tetapi jangan risau karena perpindahan tidak untuk seterusnya. Sebagian besar penyakit dapat disembuhkan jika kita menjalani program perawatan yang benar."
The annual medical checkup is a great time to take charge of your health and address any questions you may have with Holcim’s doctors, says Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Coordinator, Dr Kiki Sutjahyo. Last year saw, 88 percent of Holcim staff take their medical checkups, although less are taking advantage of the free follow-up consultations. This is something Dr Kiki strongly advises. “In truth, you’re your own best doctor,” she says. “The more engaged and interested you are in your own health, the better the opportunity for you and your doctor to work together on common goals and keep diseases from starting.” At Holcim Indonesia, some of the most common employee health concerns relate to cardio-vascular disease and the related problems of hypertension and diabetes, she says. The number of staff judged to be at-risk from heart disease has dropped since 2009, from an alarming 40 percent, to 23 percent last year, but Dr Kiki says this number is still too high.
She notes that illnesses like heart disease not only cause strokes and heart attacks, they also can lead to fainting spells, migraine headaches and lapses of attention, which can be dangerous in a working environment like Holcim’s. This is something Dwiyono, NAR Maintenance Team Leader Mechanical Workshop, understands very well. In April 2010 during a plant shutdown, Dwi’s team were working at a Narogong crusher when they had a scare – a contractor fainted during the middle of shifting some heavy equipment. “Later, we discovered he had low blood sugar from diabetes,” Dwi says. “We had to transfer him back to light duties in the workshop.” Dr Kiki says it is important to keep the communications channels with
Petunjuk Berkonsultasi dengan Dokter
Minta pendapatnya tentang kebiasaan dan gaya hidup kita Tanyakan masalah berat badan, bahas keinginan kita untuk berhenti merokok, tanyakan cara menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan latihan apa yang perlu kita lakukan. Kita bisa pula menanyakan hal-hal seperti: • Apa yang dimaksud BMI? • Dengan berat badan yang sekarang, apakah saya berisiko terkena diabetes? • Di mana saya bisa berkonsultasi tentang gizi? • Bagaimana menentukan olah raga yang tepat dan tidak terlalu berat? • Mengapa tekanan darah saya setinggi ini? • Apa penyebab tekanan darah tinggi? • Tekanan darah saya harus turun hingga berapa?
OH&S open. “If you are suffering symptoms of ill health, you need to tell us about it, because we need to determine whether it came from your work environment or your general lifestyle. We also need to know if this condition will impact on your safety in your daily work routine – for example, if you’re working at height or in a confined space.”
Dr Kiki Sutjahyo menjelaskan kepada karyawan bahwa “diri merekalah dokter terbaik mereka”. Dr Kiki Sutjahyo explains why staff ‘are their own best doctors.’ —————————
“Even if your condition means you have to change jobs, it doesn’t have to be forever. Many ailments can be fixed in a few months with the right programmes.”
Tips to Ask Your Doctor
Ask about your lifestyle habits This could be about weight issues, plans to quit smoking, or how to bring down cholesterol through an exercise plan. Other questions might include: • What does BMI mean? • Am I at risk of developing diabetes based on my current weight? • Where should I get nutrition advice? • How do I create a workout plan that's feasible and not intimidating? • What do my blood pressure numbers mean? • What causes high blood pressure? • What blood pressure results should I aim for?
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Community Relations
Together For Communities
2012: The Year We Made a Difference By Dean Boulding
Berkeliling daerah di sekitar pabrik Holcim hampir seperti berjalan melintasi waktu. Meski saya warga Kanada, dan telah bertahun-tahun bekerja di sini, berkeliling di daerah Indonesia masih terus membuat saya kagum: jalan raya dan deretan ruko dalam sekejap mata berganti rupa menjadi bentangan sawah dan rumah bilik – yang biasa muncul dalam iklan pariwisata. Kawasan pedesaan memang tujuan wisata yang menarik, tapi ada kebahagiaan tersendiri jika kehadiran kita di sana dapat menjadikan kondisi lingkungan setempat lebih baik.
Habitat for Humanity membangun rumah (atas) dan membangun sarana sanitasi (kanan).
Tahun ini, dalam rangka perayaan hari jadi ke-100 Holcim Group, staf perusahaan bersama saya meluangkan waktu dan tenaga untuk turun ke desa, mewujudkan secara nyata moto Holcim, Membangun Bersama.
Habitat for Humanity house building (top) and installing sanitary equipment (right). —————————
Warga pun turut serta, bersama sekitar 1.800 karyawan, mengerjakan lebih dari 30 proyek di sejumlah daerah di Jawa, seperti membeton
Berita Kita Februari 2013
jalan desa, memasang lantai rumah serta membuat dan membangun sarana MCK ramah lingkungan. Mulai pertengahan tahun, kami membantu Habitat for Humanity membangun 24 unit rumah yang kokoh dan sehat untuk warga pendatang di Jawa Barat, dan menyumbang bahan bangunan untuk keperluan konstruksi 100 rumah lebih. Kami juga memperbaiki satu puskesmas dan dua mesjid, menanam ribuan pohon di Narogong, Cilacap dan Tuban, serta menghijaukan kawasan pesisir Pulau Nusakambangan dengan 12.000 pohon bakau. Waktu yang disisihkan seluruh personil Holcim untuk proyek Bersama untuk Masyarakat mencapai 13.905 jam kerja – sebagian besar untuk bekerja di bawah terik matahari demi peningkatan taraf hidup sekitar 50.000 warga setempat. Seiring berakhirnya program dan melihat angkanya, saya melihat kenyataan yang menggembirakan, tampak jelas kerja sukarela yang
telah dilakukan sangat besar dampaknya. Semangat pelaksanaan proyek Bersama untuk Masyarakat menyebar cepat – kita semua, yang bernaung di bawah perusahaan yang sama, kini jauh lebih dekat satu sama lain, dan hubungan dengan warga di sekitar lokasi unit kerja Holcim pun semakin kuat. Untuk itu saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah meluangkan waktu dan tenaga mengikuti berbagai kegiatan. Rasa bangga saya menjadi karyawan Holcim semakin besar berkat Anda semua.
Pembangunan jalan di sekitar Narogong, penanaman pohon di Cilacap, Habitat for Humanity membangun di sekitar Jakarta dan pembersihan pantai di Tuban (searah jarum jam dari kiri atas). Road building near Narogong, tree planting in Cilacap, Habitat for Humanity work in Jakarta and beach cleaning in Tuban (clockwise from top left). —————————
Driving around the land bordering Holcim plants can sometimes be a bit like time travelling. As a Canadian, I’ve worked in Indonesia for many years, but despite this, I’m still struck by how in the blink of an eye, roads suddenly lose their seal and shop-houses give way to thatched houses and rice paddies -- the kind of places you see in tourism advertisements. For me, being in such environments is fascinating enough, but it’s even more rewarding when you’re there to make a difference. This year, to celebrate the group’s 100th anniversary, Holcim staff joined me to do just that – volunteering their labour and time to give real meaning to our tagline, Membangunan Bersama.
Together, with the help of our neighbours, around 1,800 employees worked on more than 30 separate projects around Java, laying sturdy concrete roads on dirt tracks, flooring houses, and developing and installing eco-friendly public toilets. From mid-year, working with Habitat for Humanity, we helped build 24 safe and healthy homes for migrants in West Java, donating materials for 100 more such houses. We also repaired a health clinic and two mosques, planted thousands of trees in Narogong, Cilacap and Tuban and 12,000 mangroves on Nusakambangan Island’s coast. All in all, Holcim employees contributed a total of 13,905 hours
in Together for Communities – much of it with physical work done under the hot sun – to improve the lives of around 50,000 people. As the year ended and I added up the numbers, I came to an encouraging realization: volunteering really works. The enthusiasm generated by Together for Communities was contagious – it also helped bring us closer together as a company and created enduring connections with the communities we work in. For now, I would like to thank everyone who donated their time and efforts to the many events. You have all made me proud to work at Holcim.
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Introducing Jan Kunigk
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Berita Kita: Anda di Indonesia sejak Januari untuk bersiap-siap memegang jabatan Commercial Director. Apa kegiatan Anda sejak tiba di sini? Jan Kunigk: Menemui orang-orang yang nantinya bekerja dengan saya – tim Holcim Indonesia yang saya pimpin, baik yang bekerja di Jamsostek maupun di wilayah penjualan; serta para distributor yang merupakan mitra terdekat Holcim. Saya telah mengunjungi semua wilayah penjualan, beberapa toko dan gerai Solusi Rumah serta Concrete Product Manufacturers. Sebelum bergabung di sini, saya banyak turun ke lapangan untuk kepentingan Holcim; sekitar delapan hingga sembilan bulan dalam setahun. Dari pengalaman selama ini, saya belajar bahwa kita harus mengenal orang dengan baik, entah mereka itu pelanggan internal atau pelanggan eksternal. Turun ke lapangan perlu untuk mengetahui lebih jauh konsumen di berbagai wilayah. Kita perlu tahu apa yang menjadi kelemahan dan kelebihan mereka, bagaimana pandangan pribadi mereka, agar kita dapat menjalankan program khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan dan memuaskan pelanggan. BK: Apa rencana Anda – apa masukan Anda bagi staf Holcim? JK: Keramahan dan keterbukaan semua orang di sini sangat mengesankan – beban kerja yang berat menjadi lebih ringan. Pada tahun 2012 saya ikut dalam tim yang melakukan kajian terhadap strategi komersial Holcim Indonesia. Dengan adanya proyek tersebut, program perusahaan dikembangkan agar perusahaan punya daya saing yang berkesinambungan untuk menunjang visi jangka panjang HIL tentang pengembangan merek, pertumbuhan
Berita Kita: You’ve been in the country since January preparing to begin your job as Commercial Director. What have you been doing since you arrived? Jan Kunigk: I’ve been meeting the people I will be working with – my Holcim Indonesia team members in Jamsostek and in the sales regions; the distributors as our closest channel partners. I’ve visited all regions several tokos and Solusi Rumah retailers as well as Concrete Product Manufacturers. I’ve been on the road a lot in my previous jobs for Holcim – up to eight to nine months a year. What I’ve learned from these experiences is the importance of getting to know people, both your internal and external customers. This is vital to understand different markets in different regions; you also need to know peoples’ strengths and limitations and their personal opinions, so you can successfully implement tailored initiatives which suit business needs and make customers happy. BK: What are your plans – what would you like to tell Holcim staff? JK: I’ve been really impressed by the friendliness and openness of everyone – this has really helped lighten a heavy workload. In 2012, I was part of a project team reviewing Holcim Indonesia’s Commercial Strategy. An outcome of this project was that many initiatives were developed with the target to create multiple sustainable competitive
angka penjualan dan pengembangan potensi personil secara berkelanjutan. Proyek Commercial & Customer Excellence (CCE) yang dijalankan HIL dengan memperhatikan kebutuhan pelanggan – perusahaan menghimpun masukan langsung di lapangan dari territorial sales officer, areas sales coordinator, channel partner, influencer dan distributor. CCE akan diimplementasikan di bawah panduan tim khusus agar hasilnya sesuai rencana. Saat ini kami tengah mematangkan prosedur pelaksanaannya; bahan pelatihan juga sudah mulai disusun. Perlu kita sepakati bersama ke mana arah jalannya perusahaan, dan kita semua harus fokus pada hal-hal yang utama – Safety, Commercial dan Customer Excellence yang benar-benar memperhatikan kepentingan pelanggan, dan, yang terpenting, tim yang memiliki semangat, tekad dan kemampuan yang tinggi – termasuk tim dari mitra kerja kita. BK: Bagaimana pendapat pemilik toko bangunan tentang tim penjualan Holcim? JK: Mereka menghargai kerja tim kita yang luar-biasa baik dan dukungan yang mereka peroleh dari tim 24 jam sehari. Mereka senang sekali bila ada TSO yang mampir dan membantu mereka mencari pemecahan jika ada masalah. Perusahaan saingan Holcim jarang yang melakukan ini, dan upaya yang tim lakukan tentunya akan dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang membedakan kita dari pesaing. Kondisi demikian sangat menguntungkan, dan ini perlu kita pertahankan. Tapi kita tidak boleh berhenti meningkatkan kinerja di bidang commercial dan tidak boleh pula berhenti menjalin hubungan yang lebih erat dengan channel partner.
advantages supporting HIL’s long-term view about sustainable brand development, sales growth and people development. The project initiatives for HIL’ s Commercial & Customer Excellence (CCE) incorporate the customer’s point of view – as many field inputs from territorial sales officers, areas sales coordinators, channel partners, influencers and distributors were taken into consideration. The CCE implementation will be led by a dedicated team to deliver its promises. Right now we are in process of finalising the organisation and have started to develop training materials. We all need to be on the same page about where the company is going and ensure we’re all focussed on the things that matter – Safety, Commercial and Customer Excellence which fully incorporates customer centricity and, most importantly, an encouraged, committed and up-skilled Commercial team – including the teams of our channel partners. BK: What have the shop owners told you about the Holcim sales team? JK: They appreciate our excellent teams and the 24/7 support they get. They truly like it when the TSO stop by and solve their problems. Our competitors aren’t doing this as much, and this is clearly a differentiator to customers. That’s all very positive and we need to maintain this, but it doesn’t mean that we should stop improving in the commercial area or working toward closer relationships with our channel partners.
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Staff Deployment
Ahmad Nur Musta'in From Raw Mill Mech. Team Leader to Kiln Mechanical Team Leader
Asep Rusmana From Nar Dispatcher to Pod & Invoicing Management
Bambang Budi H. From Senior IT Ops. Specialist-Eus Cilacap to End User Support (Eus)Gl CC Plant
Budi Darmawan From Asc Suba-Suci to Asc Cigata
Derryl Goffrey Hamonangan From Org. Performance Improvement Coach to Land Operation Management SI
Erdina Wulandari From Technical Marketing Manager to Solution Manager (Infrastructure)
Ferdy Timothi Sinaga From Senior Sourcing Specialist to Capex Sourcing Superintendent
Hendi Triono From Nar Dispatcher to Pod & Invoicing Management
Hendrik Kurniawan From Ciwandan Shift Analyst (Tr) to Cil Shift Process Qc Analyst
Indra Darmanto From Cil Process Engineer to Nar Geocycle Tech & Sales Engineer
Maharani Wibisono From Brand Coordinator (Akting) to Brand Coordinator
Mochamad Yusuf Hidayat From Warehouse & Distribution Manager to East Java and Bali Log. Ops Mgr
Paramita Rahma Mukti From Credit Assets & Cont Review to Credit Assessment & Contract Review TL
Suparman From Nar Dispatcher to Pod & Invoicing Management
Zon Parnawan S. From Working Permitting Compliance Officer to Nar Plant Ohs Officer
Buddy Cahyono Cbm Engineer
Fathur Rohman Fauzi Truck Compliance Team Leader
Ganjar Budiman Ciwandan Shift Analyst
Maramis Setiawan Inter - Intra Based Controller
New Hires
Achmad Praditya Nugraha M&S System & Processes Specialist
Berita Kita Februari 2013
Quiz R
Berita Kita February Word Search Puzzle Berita Kita kini hadir dengan kuis baru yaitu Teka-Teki Mencari Kata. Bulan ini, semua jawaban dapat ditemukan dalam edisi Berita Kita ini dan artikel Leadership Journey. Jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan mencari dan melingkari kata yang benar. Jawaban dapat ditemukan dengan membaca dari atas, dari bawah, diagonal, dan ditulis mundur dari segala arah. Jawaban dengan dua kata tidak memiliki spasi. Semua kiriman jawaban yang benar akan diundi untuk mendapatkan hadiah 1 sepeda dengan perlengkapan, 2 TV, dan 2 tas hydro. Kirimkan jawaban Anda paling lambat 6 Maret 2013 ke
[email protected] atau melalui pos/mailbag ke Redaksi Berita Kita di Menara Jamsostek Lantai 15 Jl. Gatot Subroto 38 Jakarta. Pemenang akan diumumkan di BK edisi Maret mendatang. Welcome to Berita Kita’s new Word Find Puzzle. This month, all the correct answers will be found in this edition of Berita Kita and come from articles on the Holcim Leadership Journey story. To complete the puzzle and win a prize, answer the questions below and then find and circle the word in the puzzle. Words in the puzzle can be found up and down, diagonally, and written backwards in all directions. Two-word answers have no spaces. All correct entries will be put into a draw to win prizes of a bicycle, two TVs, and two cycle bags. Please send answers to
[email protected] or via post/mailbag to Berita Kita at Menara Jamsostek 15th Floor Jl. Gatot Subroto 38 Jakarta at the latest March 6, 2013. Winners will be announced in BK March.
Which Holcim Indonesia director is in charge of a stream? 10. Pilar yang mana? What is the stream? 11-12. Nama pilar yang disatukan oleh beberapa program penghematan energi. Name the streams united by an existing energy saving programme. 11. .......... 12. .......... 13. Ini berdasarkan hasil kalkulasi dari 2012. This is as calculated from a 2011 .......? 14. Apa artinya “A” dalam “AFR”? What does “A” stand for in “AFR”? 15. Pilar apa yang memiliki dua entri? What stream has two entries? 16. Apa pilar terakhir yang disebutkan dalam artikel ini? What is the final stream mentioned in this story? 17. Sharing untuk meningkatkan kinerja. A kind of sharing to enhance performance. 18. Program Logistics Performance Improvements yang kemungkinan akan dimasukkan dalam pilar apa, jika hasil akhirnya mengarah ke penghematan biaya? The Logistics Performance Improvements programme might be included under what stream, if it ends up leading to cost savings? 19. Holcim Leadership Journey berfokus pada penguatan pasar dan biaya .......... secara global? The Holcim Leadership Journey focuses on strengthening market and cost ....... globally? Pemenang Kuis BK Edisi Januari 2013 Hadiah 2 Sepeda dengan perlengkapan: 1. Sono - Fire Rescue Team, Cilacap 2. Rizki Yusa P. Putera - Logistic & Maintenance Dept, Jamsostek Hadiah 2 TV: 1. Ayunda Wahyuning Januarita - Process Engineer, Technical Dept, Tuban 2. Irvan Chaerul Saleh - Chemical Test Analyst, Narogong Hadiah 2 Tas Hydro: 1. Devil Ziola - Technical, Ciwandan 2. Kasum - Maintenance, Cilacap 1
s p i l l
h o v a l l i no s r t e s a n i t a t i p c o n p i p i n s e 10
2. 3.
4. 5.
Mata uang yang dipakai untuk mencapai target hasil dalam Leadership Journey. What is the currency used for the profit target for the Leadership Journey. Konversi menggunakan mata uang apa? What currency is it converted into? Bulan apa Holcim Grup memulai inisiatif HLJ? In what month did Holcim Group start the HLJ initiative? Kependekan apa "V" dari EVP? What does "V" stand for in EVP? Kita bisa membaca artikel HLJ pada halaman berapa? On which page can we read more about HLJ?
6. Nama salah satu program Holcim yang disebutkan dalam artikel yang akan menjadi bagian dari perjalanan. Name one existing Holcim programme mentioned in the article that will be part of the journey. 7-8. Program Customer Centricity Culture adalah bagian dari pilar apa? The Customer Centricity Culture programme is part of what stream? 7. .......... 8. .......... 9. Direktur Holcim Indonesia yang bertanggung jawab untuk pelaksanaan pilar?
p r o c e d u r e s
a n t o
t w f l o c r e 20
d r i v e r
k a l y
h e l p g l o b a
g r
p e u e n r i s e p o r on o a s p e l e s e r i g r c i l a c a s k n p u t r a s e v e n s t t e w s s a f e t m n e t a n a y t s l e t h i c x 7
r u e m i i j a y a t r u b a e s k c c t a s o r d f i l m a k u p o a o k k i t d p c g t a r r n e i a n t o a e a l b n k a s n i o t n n y h a n d b o o k r u j s h a t a t r d i y i s 3
q e m s
Berita Kita Februari 2013
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Menara Jamsostek North Tower, 15 th floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38 Jakarta 12710, Indonesia PO BOX 1197/JKT
Phone +62 21 529 62 011 Fax +62 21 529 62 022