News Digest
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
August 2009
Monthly Newsletter of the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
Migrant Workers in Macau Launch Campaign against Provisions in Proposed Migrants Bill
press conference and the formation of a network ushered in the campaign against certain provisions in a proposed Migrants Bill in Macau. There is also an ongoing petition campaign being circulated among migrants of different nationalities and plans to lobby the Macau government and mobilize the migrants themselves against said provisions in the Bill. The press conference was attended by various media people from its different language news outlets. This came mostly from the print but also included those from Television. Four days after, another news item came out in a Hong Kong English newspaper. Other than this, the Macau Migrants Rights Network (MMRN) was formed. Its initial members include
What’s inside?
Mig Aotearoa deplores Telecom for More Layoff
3 Migrants Unite Against Repressive Policies. (from left to right) Pastor Joel dela Pena, Lina Yamat, Lenora Salvador, Indarti and Maribeth Lee make up the convenors of the Macau Migrants Rights Network who are challenging the Macau government to withdraw the bills that will impose a levy on migrant workers and a 6-months ban on domestic workers whose contracts get terminated.
APMM, the Mission For Migrant Workers (MFMW), Filipino Migrants Ministry Macau – Social Services Commission, Filipino Fellowship of the Morrison Chapel, Migrante – Macau, Quezonian Macau, Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (ATKI – Macau), the Jesus Is Lord (JIL) - Macau, Sr. Rosa Viloria, RGS and Sr. Celsa Villaflor, MPS.
ATKI Macau Gelar Dialog G D Dengan KJRI
It vowed to pursue its campaign and encourage migrant workers to assert their rights against said provisions. These include: 1. Imposing a levy on employers of all migrant workers; 2. Imposing a 6 month reentry ban to migrants who terminate their contracts; Macau Migrants, go to p. 2
Solidarity with Sacked Triumph Workers
News Digest August 2009
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
News Digest August 2009
MIT Held 1st Anniversary
The Migrante Ilongo sa Taiwan (MIT) held its first founding anniversary last 16 August 2009 at the New Ugnayan Center in Taipei. Twenty five members of MIT attended and thirty other Filipino migrants from different organizations including local friends and migrants advocates attended the event. Members and representatives of Filipino migrant organizations who attended the event were from MIGRANTE International, Samahan Makata International, Bikol Association, Aguman, OFW Family Club, OWBA and St. Christopher Church and TIWA. Some officials of the Manila Economic Cultural Office were present during the event. The anniversary was highlighted with cultural presentations and speeches from different migrant leaders and solidarity friends. A simple lunch was also prepared. The theme of the anniversary was “we dream of a society where no families wil be separated because of forced migration”.
IAMR2 To Be Held In Greece The 2nd International Assembly of Migrants and Refugees will be held in Athens, Greece from November 1 to 4. The IAMR2 will be highlighted with a 3-day plenary session and workshops on various concerns and issues confronting migrants, refugees and displaced persons. The last day will be a joint protest action and march against the Global Forum on Migration and Development or GFMD.
Movements, Political Refugees and Asylum, Undocumented/Irregular Migrants, Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination, War on Terror and Migrants and Refugees, Secondgeneration Migrants and Engaging the UN and other International Bodies.
The Second IAMR is being convened by: the International Migrants’ Alliance (IMA), Asia Pacific Mission The IAMR2 is a counter event to the for Migrants (APMM), IBON 3rd GFMD. The general theme of the International, Class March (Greece), IAMR2: “Uphold and Defend the Rights ATIK (Turkey), Migrante Europe. of Migrants and Refugees against Anti-Migrant Laws! Oppose “Fortress For more information, please contact Europe” policies and the EU Return the IAMR2 Secretariat c/o Ms. Grace Punongbayan at telephone Directive!” The workshop topics include, The nos. +31-6-33056411 or email her Global Economic Crisis and Migrants, at
[email protected] or visit EU Fortress Policy, Human Trafficking, their website at http://iamr2athens. Migrants, Trade Unions and Social
APMM Meets Chairperson of Legal Aid Foundation in Taiwan Ramon Bultron, APMM Managing Director met with Mr. Joseph Lin, Chairperson of Legal Aid Foundation in Taiwan on 14 August 2009 at his Taipei Branch office. Also present in the meeting was the Executive Secretary and a staff attorney. Ms. Jiazhen Wu, Director of the Trans-Asia Sisters Association in Taiwan or TASAT was also present and helped in some of the translations. In the meeting, Mr. Bultron expressed appreciation on the legal assistance provided by the LAF among the distressed migrant workers in Taiwan. He also cited some cases of Filipino migrant workers referred to the LAF for legal assistance. Likewise, Mr. Bultron also explained APMM’s work in the Asia Pacific region and Mr. Lin discussed the history and importance of the LAF. Mr. Lin also requested assistance to promote the LAF among migrant workers in Taiwan. A workshop cum forum on the legal practices in Taiwan is also being planned as part of APMM’s program in educating migrants on the legal mechanisms and policies protecting the rights of migrants in Taiwan.
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
News Digest August 2009
nother group of seventeen Filipinos was rescued in an oil palm plantation in Sabah, Malaysia. The 17 are also from Iloilo, the same province in the Philippines who were earlier rescued from another plantation in June but came from a different company. There would be more Filipinos who would become victims of illegal recruitment and
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
News Digest August 2009
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
News Digest August 2009
inggu, 30 Agustus 2009 bertempat di gedung KJRI(Konsulat Jendral Republik Indonesia) Macau yang bertempat di San Ma Lo sekitar 40 Buruh Migran Indonesia perwakilan dari beberapa organisasi di Macau mengadakan dialog dengan KJRI. Dialog yang diinisiatifi oleh ATKI-M(Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Macau) ini berlangsung selama dua setengah jam, dan dilanjutkan dengan buka bersama. Dalam kesempatan ini perwakilan dari KJRI yang hadir dalam dialog ini adalah Konsul Jendral Ferry Adamhar, Konsul Tenaga Kerja Sri Setiawati, Konsul Penerangan Nunung Nurwulan, Konsul Imigrasi Sulistiono, Konsul Konsuler I Hari Budiarto. Dalam dialog ini ATKI-M mengajukn statement tuntutan untuk dijadikan bahan dialog. Adapun tuntutan dari ATKI-M adalah masalah Tingginya Biaya Agen(Overcharging), Perekrutan Ilegal, Minimnya Jam dan counter Pelayanan Konsulat, Sikap Pegawai Konsulat, Paspor Satu Hari Jadi, Akibat Job Order yang telah pemerintah resmikan pada tahun 2007, Peraturan Biaya Penempatan Bagi BMI di Macau, Pengenaan denda pada BMI overstay sebesar 200 patacas, dan pengenaan pajak bagi Buruh Migran di Macau. Ajuan tuntutan ini disampaikan langsung oleh ketua ATKI-M Indarti. Selain penyampaian tuntutan masingmasing perwakilan organisasi BMI di Macau juga memaparkan kondisi dan permasalahan BMI di Macau. Dari berbagai permasalahan, Konsul Jendral Ferry Adamhar menjanjikan akan memperbaiki pelayanan dengan menambah jam pelayanan sehari penuh dari jam 10 hingga jam 5 sore, selama 2 kali dalam seminggu yaitu hari Minggu dan Rabu. Namun untuk pelayanan hari Rabu , KJRI baru akan melayani Lebaran Idul Fitri. Hal lain yang dijanjikan oleh KJRI adalah akan menambah konter pelayanan konseling. Sebelumnya KJRI hanya memberi pelayanan pembuatan paspor selama 2-3 jam dihari Minggu. Selain itu dalam dialog ini juga terungkap bahwasanya Job Order
ATKI Macau Gelar Dialog Dengan KJRI yang pemerintah tetapkan pada tahun 2007 samapai saat ini ternyata belum jelas aturan pelaksanaannya. Dan bahkan untuk pengaturan biaya poenempatan bagi BMI di Macau pemerintah belum menyediakan aturannya. Akibat dari Job Order ini bahkan sudah memakan korban ratusan TKI yang direkrut secara Ilegal, mereka harus membayar 25-40 juta atau 5-10 bulan potongan gaji, ungkap Indarti dalam diaog. Menanggapi kenyataan ini KJRI sebagai perwakilan pemerintah Indonesia hanya bisa menjanjikan akan membantu korban perekrutann Ilegal, namun dengan syarat harus meyerahkan bukti
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
tertulis, dengan menyertakan nama agen dan PJTKI yang merekrut. Menanggapi masalah perlakuan pemerintah Macau, KJRI menyatakan tidak bisa berbuat apapun karena hubungan antar pemerintahan hanya diplomatis. Namun, KJRI akan berusah menemui pemerintahan macau untuk membicarakan masalah-masalah ini. Dialog, ditutup dengan buka bersama, dan BMI Macau mengharapkan agar janji yang telah disampaikan oleh perwakilan KJRI benar-benar bisa terelisiasi. Menurut mereka, selama ini walaupun KJRI berjanji buka dari jam 2 siang, namun kenyataanya baru buka jam 4 sore.
News Digest August 2009
he Day of Protest for Triumph Workers on 26 August 2009 was supported by Hong Kong groups such as the Asian Migrants Coordinating Body (AMCB), Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) and the Asia Monitor Resource Centre (AMRC).
places in both countries where unionizing is not allowed and or where union busti
More or less 50 representatives from the AMCB, APMM, along with the AMRC and other groups of local and migrant workers submitted a petition to the Philippine Consulate and to the Royal Thai Consulate General in Hong Kong. The petition was signed by several HK local groups and migrant workers’ groups. It carried seven (7) demands for justice and respect for workers’ rights and dignity, i.e., to: 1. Stop retrenchment and relocation of factories. 2. Stop union busting and to withdraw all cases filed against Triumph Union leaders and members. 3. Unconditionally reinstate and rehire all Triumph workers who were retrenched. 4. Provide unemployment pay for the retrenched workers until such time workers are considered back to work, disputes between the workers has not been resolved with prior and official consultation with the union. 5. Stop the harassment and repression to workers and unionists by Triumph International management, and the Philippines and the Thai governments. 6. Stop the subcontracting policies, labor flexibilization, contractualization and low wages implemented by Triumph International and the Philippines and Thai governments. 7. Stop running manufacturing plants where there is no union, no strike policy. While the Philippine Consulate officials refused to come out to accept the petition for the striking women workers, the Royal Thai Consulate General officials came down to meet the protesters to accept said petition. The Triumph International Company, the biggest and wellknown manufacturer of women’s underwear worldwide, reasoned out that they are forced to close down their factories in the Philippines and Thailand due to the global financial crisis. More than 3600 workers from these countries were sacked, including their union leaders. Yet, Triumph International is putting up other factories in
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants