DAILY REPORT Jumat 29 Januari 2016
Market View
AKTIVITAS BURSA Kamis, 28 Januari 2016 IHSG : 4.602,829
Pada perdagangan Kamis 28/1/2016, Indeks Harga Saham
Market Volume
: 4,731 Billion Shares
Market Value
: 5,560.494 Billion Rupiah
Gabungan (IHSG) menguat 19,20 poin (0,42%) dan ditutup pada level 4.602,82. Kenaikan IHSG ditopang oleh Saham Aneka Industri menguat 1,44%, Sektor Perkebunan menguat 1,43% dan Sektor Industri Dasar menguat 1,36%. Investor asing melakukan net buy sebesar Rp 8,6 miliar. Bursa saham AS ditutup menguat pada perdagangan kamis kemarin. Naiknya saham teknologi dan harga minyak menjadi penopang utama. Saham Facebook Inc menguat 15,5% setelah melaporkan bahwa keuntungan kuartal keempatnya naik lebih dari dua kali lipat menjadi 1,6 miliar dolar AS, karena jumlah pelanggan dan penerimaan lebih tinggi dari pengiklan online mendorong penghasilan perusahaan. Pemicu lain harga minyak menguat didorong berita potensi pembicaraan antara Rusia dan produsen OPEC untuk memangkas produksi. Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average menguat 125,18 poin atau 0,79% ke level 16.069,64, Indeks S&P 500 menguat 10,41 poin atau 0,55% ke level 1.893,36 dan Indeks Nasdaq Composite menguat 38,51 poin atau 0,86% ke level 4.506,68. IHSG hari ini kemungkinan akan bergerak melemah dengan rentang support 4.556 dan resistance 4.610.
Harga Penutupan
Perubahan +/%
Leading Movers ASII
Lagging Movers BMRI
Most Active
Today’s Pick Aksi Kode Penutupan Target Harga
Top Value
MACD uptrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. BBRI potensi turun.
Didukung volume beli meningkat. BSDE melanjukan kenaikannya.
MACD uptrend. RSI diatas 70% dan stochastic diatas 80%.
MACD dan MFI downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend.
EMA-5 dan MFI downtrend. Stochastic deathcross.
MACD dan MFI downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend.
Pasar Uang & Indikator Ekonomi Penutupan
Perubahan +/%
SBI 1 mo
Deflasi MoM
Inflasi YoY
Saham Dual Listing Perubahan % TLKM
Valuasi USD IDR 13.847
Indeks Dunia Penutupan DJIA Nasdaq
16.069,64 4.506,68
Perubahan +/% 125,18 38,51
0,79 0,86
Nikkei 225
SOS : sell on strength, BOW : buy on weakness, TB : trading buy, SB : speculative buy
Highlight √
: Selandia Baru mempertahankan suku bunga.
: Mendirikan Mandiri Capital Indonesia (MCI).
: Membidik pendanaan eksternal Rp 1 triliun.
: Berharap di bisnis pasir zircon.
: 4 anak usaha mendapat pinjaman Rp 1,27 triliun.
: Mengembangkan pabrik rayon di Sukoharjo.
Sumber : Investor Daily, Kontan, Beritasatu, Liputan6, IQPlus, Bloomberg, ChartNexus.
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent assessment
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DAILY REPORT Jumat 29 Januari 2016
Economic News
Bank sentral Selandia Baru mempertahankan suku bunga utamanya, official cash rate (OCR), pada 2,5%. Ketidakpastian tentang kekuatan ekonomi global telah meningkat karena pertumbuhan lemah di negaranegara berkembang dan kekhawatiran tentang China serta negara berkembang lainnya. Harga untuk berbagai komoditas, terutama minyak, tetap lemah. Volatilitas pasar keuangan telah meningkat, dan inflasi global masih rendah. Perekonomian domestik melemah selama paruh pertama 2015 didorong oleh hal-hal yang lebih rendah dari perdagangan. Namun, pertumbuhan diperkirakan akan meningkat pada 2016 sebagai akibat dari berlanjutnya penguatan netto imigrasi, pariwisata, kegiatan konstruksi pipa serta peningkatan dalam kepercayaan bisnis dan konsumen.
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) mendirikan Mandiri Capital Indonesia. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk meluncurkan anak perusahaan baru yakni Mandiri Capital Indonesia (MCI) di sela gelaran Mandiri Investment Forum (MIF) 2016. Karena saat ini dengan adanya bisnis digital ini, banyak industri yang bangkrut. MCI sendiri akan melakukan penyertaan modal pada perusahaan startup yang memiliki risiko tinggi dan biasanya kesulitan memperoleh pinjaman perbankan. Melalui Mandiri Capital, berharap startup Indonesia dapat tumbuh lebih pesat lagi dan dapat merangsang kreativitas generasi muda menciptakan produk dan jasa yang out of the box, khususnya yang dapat mendukung produk perbankan dan jasa keuangan lainnya.
PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SMGR) membidik pendanaan eksternal Rp 1 triliun. PT Semen Indonesia Tbk (SMGR) membidik pendanaan eksternal Rp 1 triliun untuk membiayai belanja modal alias capital expenditure (capex) tahun ini. Manajemen mengkaji sejumlah opsi, yakni menerbitkan obligasi, mengajukan utang bank dan pinjaman Export Credit Agency (ECA). Pinjaman Rp 1 triliun akan cukup untuk menambah belanja modal pada tahun ini. SMGR akan menggunakan belanja modal tahun ini untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, yakni membangun Pabrik Indarung IV, Pabrik Rembang serta membangun pembangkit listrik yang memanfaatkan gas buang atau waste heat recovery power generator (WHRPG) berkapasitas 30,6 MW di Tuban. Dengan membangun kedua pabrik itu, di akhir tahun ini SMGR berharap meraih tambahan produksi 6 juta ton. Secara total, penjualan SMGR tahun lalu naik 0,4% menjadi 26,45 juta ton.
PT Cakra Mineral Tbk (CKRA) berharap di bisnis pasir zircon. PT Cakra Mineral Tbk (CKRA) masih tetap berharap bisa meningkatkan penjualan produk andalan, yakni pasir zirkon. Dengan target produksi berkisar 350 ton - 400 ton per bulan, perusahaan ini berharap bisa meraup pendapatan US$ 4,5 juta dari produk tersebut. harga pasir zirkon yang berkisar US$ 960 per ton. Dengan upaya ini, CKRA berharap bisa memperluas pasar ekspor pasir zirkon di negara Asia yang lain. Saat ini, sekitar 70% ekspor zirkon CKRA menyasar China, Italia, Jerman dan Ukrania.
4 anak usaha PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk (AISA) mendapat pinjaman Rp 1,27 triliun. Empat anak usaha PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk (AISA) mendapatkan fasilitas pinjaman dari beberapa Bank yang jumlahnya mencapai Rp 1,27 triliun. Fasilitas pinjamanan tersebut menurut Direktur AISA, Budhi Istanto Suwito telah ditandatangani oleh keempat anak usaha AISA, yakni PT Dunia Pangan (DP), PT Indo Beras Unggul (IBU), PT Jatisari Srirejeki (JSR) dan PT Sukses Abadi Karya Inti (SAKTI). alasan diterimanya fasilitas pinjaman ini adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tambahan modal bagi keempat anak usahanya tersebut. Adapun fasilitas pinjaman yang diberikan untuk anak-anak usaha AISA ini berasal dari PT Rabobank International Indonesia, PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk dan The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd Jakarta Branch.
PT Sri Rejeki lsman Tbk (SRIL) mengembangkan pabrik rayon di Sukoharjo. PT Sri Rejeki lsman Tbk (SRIL) melalui anak usaha perusahaan, PT Rayon Utama Makmur tengah ekspansi ke produk hulu yang memproduksi bahan baku untuk sektor tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) dengan mengembangkan pabrik rayon yang nantinya menghasilkan benang. Saat ini proyek pembangunan pabrik rayon di Sukoharjo mencapai 85%. Ditargetkan mulai produksi pada Juli hingga Agustus mendatang. Fasilitas produksi pabrik tersebut terdiri atas dua line dengan total kapasitas 80.000 ton per tahun. Pabrik rayon tersebut dilengkapi dengan pembangkit listrik tenaga uap berkapasitas 30 megawatt (MW). SRIL juga turut membangun dan memperbaiki infrastruktur jalan di sekitar pabrik.
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent assessment
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DAILY REPORT Jumat 29 Januari 2016
Today’s Pick Chart BBRI
MACD uptrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. Secara teorities BBRI potensi melanjutkan penurunannya. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 11.175 dan resistance 11.325.
EMA-5 dan MFI uptrend. RSI dan stochastic uptrend. Didukung volume beli meningkat. Mengindikasikan BSDE potensi melanjutkan kenaikannya. Rec : Buy On Weakness (BOW). Support 1.695 dan resistance 1.745.
MACD uptrend. RSI diatas 70% dan stochastic diatas 80%. Williams%R uptrend. Mengindikasikan GGRM potensi naik terbatas. Rec : Buy On Weakness (BOW). Support 57.500 dan resistance 58.200.
MACD dan MFI downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. Didukung volume beli meningkat. Williams%R downtrend. Mengindikasikan ICBP potensi turun. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 14.700 dan resistance 14.925.
EMA-5 dan MFI downtrend. Stochastic deathcross. Didukung volume jual meningkat. Mengindikasikan ITMG potensi turun. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 4.710 dan resistance 4.750.
MACD dan MFI downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. Didukung volume jual meningkat. Indikasikan TLKM potensi turun. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 3.235 dan resistance 3.275.
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent
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DAILY REPORT Jumat 29 Januari 2016
NO Stock
Closing Rec Target Stop Support Pivot Resistance Price Loss I II I II 1 ASII 6.250 BOW 6.300 6.200 6.000 5.800 6.200 6.400 6.500 2 BBCA 13.150 BOW 13.400 13.300 13.000 12.800 13.100 13.200 13.300 3 BBNI 4.960 BOW 5.200 5.100 4.700 4.600 5.000 5.100 5.200 4 BBRI 11.250 SOS 11.000 10.800 11.200 11.000 11.300 11.400 11.500 5 BMRI 9.500 BOW 9.700 9.600 9.400 9.300 9.500 9.600 9.700 6 GGRM 58.000 SOS 56.000 55.000 57.500 56.500 58.000 59.500 60.000 7 INDF 5.975 SOS 5.600 5.500 5.700 5.600 5.900 6.000 6.100 8 SMGR 10.700 BOW 11.000 10.900 10.400 10.300 10.800 11.000 11.200 9 TLKM 3.260 BOW 3.400 3.300 3.100 3.000 3.300 3.400 3.500 Second Liners Trust Universe Agriculture 10 AALI 17.225 SOS 16.500 16.400 16.600 16.400 17.300 17.500 17.700 11 BWPT 174 BOW 200 150 170 150 180 200 250 12 LSIP 1.425 SOS 1.100 1.000 1.300 1.200 1.400 1.500 1.600 13 SIMP 318 SOS 250 200 300 200 400 500 600 14 SSMS 2.000 BOW 2.000 1.900 1.800 1.600 2.200 2.300 2.400 Contractor & Property 15 ADHI 2.470 BOW 2.600 2.500 2.300 2.200 2.500 2.600 2.700 16 PTPP 3.940 SOS 3.700 3.600 3.800 3.700 4.000 4.100 4.200 17 WIKA 2.780 BOW 3.000 2.900 2.600 2.400 2.800 2.900 3.100 18 WSKT 1.735 BOW 1.900 1.800 1.700 1.500 1.800 1.900 2.000 24 ASRI 320 BOW 450 400 300 200 400 500 600 25 BSDE 1.725 BOW 1.500 1.400 1.600 1.400 1.700 1.800 1.900 26 CTRA 1.295 BOW 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.000 1.300 1.400 1.500 27 KIJA 230 BOW 300 250 200 100 300 400 500 28 LPKR 1.045 SOS 900 800 1.000 900 1.100 1.200 1.300 Mining 29 ADRO 520 BOW 700 600 470 450 500 550 600 30 ANTM 323 BOW 500 400 300 200 400 500 600 31 INCO 1.385 BOW 1.600 1.500 1.300 1.000 1.400 1.500 1.600 32 ITMG 4.730 SOS 4.600 4.500 4.700 4.500 4.900 5.000 5.100 33 TINS 520 SOS 400 300 400 300 500 600 700 Others 34 BBTN 1.385 BOW 1.500 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.400 1.500 1.600 35 INTP 20.000 SOS 18.000 17.000 19.500 19.200 20.200 20.500 20.700 36 KLBF 1.360 BOW 1.500 1.400 1.200 1.100 1.400 1.500 1.600 37 MPPA 1.655 SOS 1.500 1.400 1.500 1.400 1.700 1.800 1.900 38 PGAS 2.400 BOW 2.600 2.500 2.300 2.100 2.400 2.500 2.600 39 UNTR 16.775 SOS 15.700 15.600 16.600 16.400 17.000 17.200 17.500 40 UNVR 37.250 SOS 35.200 35.000 36.700 36.200 37.000 37.500 38.000 BOW : Buy On Weakness SOS : Sell On Strength OVB : Over Bought OVS : Over Sold, SB : Speculative Buy
Technical Alert MACD Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend RSI Uptrend MACD Downtrend Williams%R Downtrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend
MA-5 Downtrend Stochastic Uptrend MFI Downtrend MA-5 Downtrend MA-5 Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend MA-5 Downtrend RSI Uptrend MACD Uptrend RSI Uptrend RSI Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Goldencross MFI Downtrend MACD Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend MACD Downtrend MA-5 Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend Stochastic Goldencross MACD Downtrend RSI Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend Stochastic Downtrend
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent assessment
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DAILY REPORT Jumat 29 Januari 2016
Research Team
Urip Mulyo Santoso Telp :6221 - 57940678 Ext. 411 Fax :6221 - 57940676 Email :
[email protected]
Puspa Rini Head Sales Equity Retail Telp :6221 - 57948790 Ext. 128 Fax :6221 - 57944242 Email :
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Nesya Kharismawati Senior Institusional Equity Sales Telp :6221 - 57944266 Ext. 166 Fax :6221 - 57940676 Email :
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Dewi (Aling) Branch Manager Medan Telp :061 - 4555139 Fax :061 - 4555204 Email :
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www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent
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