DAILY REPORT Kamis 4 Februari 2016
Market View
AKTIVITAS BURSA Rabu, 3 Februari 2016
Pada perdagangan Rabu 3/2/2016, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan
IHSG : 4.596,108
Market Volume
: 3,583 Billion Shares
Market Value
: 4,901.664 Billion Rupiah Harga Penutupan
Perubahan +/%
Leading Movers UNVR
Lagging Movers
Most Active TLKM
(IHSG) menguat 8,67 poin (0,19%) dan ditutup pada level 4.596,10. Kenaikan IHSG ditopang oleh Sektor Infrastruktur menguat 0,95%, Sektor Aneka Industri menguat 0,90% dan Sektor Manufaktur menguat 0,88%. Investor asing melakukan net sell sebesar Rp 168 miliar. Bursa saham AS ditutup menguat seiring kenaikan harga minyak pada perdagangan rabu kemarin. Di tengah aksi jual sebelumnya di sektor bank dan teknologi dipicu kekhawatiran meluasnya perlambatan ekonomi global. Bursa AS berfluktuasi antara penguatan dan pelemahan sehubungan data ekonomi yang dapat menghidupkan kembali kekhawatiran tentang kekuatan pertumbuhan ekonomi AS. Dalam laporan terakhir menunjukkan industri jasa diperluas pada bulan Januari bergerak paling lambat dalam hampir dua tahun terakhir, meningkatkan risiko bahwa kemerosotan yang terjadi terus-menerus dalam manufaktur mulai meluas ke seluruh perekonomian AS. Melambatnya industri jasa muncul setelah para investor mewaspadai tanda-tanda kelemahan ekonomi China. Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average menguat 183,12 poin atau 1,13% ke level 16.336,66 Indeks S&P 500 menguat 9,50 poin atau 0,50% ke level 1.912,53 dan Indeks Nasdaq Composite melemah 12,71 poin atau 0,28% ke level 4.504,24. IHSG hari ini kemungkinan akan bergerak menguat dengan rentang support 4.585 dan resistance 4.630.
Today’s Pick Aksi Kode Penutupan Target Harga
Top Value
Keterangan Williams%R netral. Mengindikasikan ANTM potensi naik terbatas.
MFI dan MADC downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend
Didukung volume jual meningkat. indikasikan INDF potensi turun.
EMA-5 dan MFI downtrend. Mengindikasikan INTP potensi turun.
MFI downtrend. Stochastic deathcross. PTBA potensi turun.
MACD dan MFI uptrend. RSI dan stochastic uptrend
Pasar Uang & Indikator Ekonomi Penutupan
Perubahan +/%
SBI 1 mo
Deflasi MoM
Inflasi YoY
Saham Dual Listing Perubahan % TLKM
Valuasi USD IDR 13.754
Indeks Dunia Penutupan DJIA
Perubahan +/% 183,12
Nikkei 225
SOS : sell on strength, BOW : buy on weakness, TB : trading buy, SB : speculative buy
Highlight √
: ICP bulan Januari turun US$ 7,98 per barel.
: Memangkas utang sebesar Rp 13,29 triliun.
: Meningkatkan transaksi pengiriman uang TKI.
: Memberi pinjaman ke anak usaha.
: Berencana luncurkan 3 proyek baru tahun ini.
: Agresif membidik proyek baru di Timur Tengah.
Sumber : Investor Daily, Kontan, Beritasatu, Liputan6, IQPlus, Bloomberg, ChartNexus.
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent assessment
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DAILY REPORT Kamis 4 Februari 2016
Economic News
Realisasi harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesian Crude Price/ICP) pada Januari lalu tercatat sebesar US$ 27,49 per barel, turun dari Desember 2015 yang mencapai US$ 35,47 per barel. Sehingga ICP turun hingga US$ 7,98 per barel. Sementara harga minyak Minas atau jenissweet light crude (SLC) pada Januari 2016 mencapai US$ 26,63 per barel, turun sebesar US$ 7,98 per barel dari US$ 34,61 per barel pada Desember 2015. Penurunan harga minyak mentah Indonesia tersebut sejalan dengan penurunan harga minyak mentah utama di pasar Internasional. Harga minyak turun lantaran meningkatnya pasokan minyak mentah dunia sebesar 500 ribu barel per hari (bph).
PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL) memangkas utang hingga sebesar Rp 13,29 triliun. PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL) bakal memangkas utang hingga sebesar Rp 13,29 triliun sepanjang tahun ini. Utang tersebut terdiri atas utang jatuh tempo senilai Rp 2,49 triliun dan percepatan pelunasan utang yang mencapai Rp 10,8 triliun. Seluruh utang jatuh tempo tahun ini akan dibayar dengan kas internal. Pada semester I-2016, perseroan akan melunasi utang kredit valuta asing US$ 88 juta. Lalu, pada semester II-2016, EXCL memiliki utang pinjaman bank Rp 800 miliar dan utang pokok sukuk Rp 494 miliar. Sejak Januari 2016, EXCL mengumunkan lelang terbuka penjualan sekitar 2.000-2.500 menara.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI) meningkatkan transaksi pengiriman uang TKI. PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BBNI) akan menggenjot transaksi pengiriman uang (remittance) dari tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) di sejumlah negara. BBNI dalam menaikkan transaksi tersebut dengan meningkatkan sisi proses, melalui pendekatan langsung ke pengirim maupun penerimanya. Selain itu, BBNI juga ada tiga program untuk TKI baik yang mau pulang dan yang baru akan berangkat dengan membekali keterampilan.
PT First Media Tbk (KBLV) memberi pinjaman ke anak usaha. PT First Media Tbk (KBLV) menggelontorkan pinjaman kepada anak usaha sebesar maksimal Rp160 miliar pada kuartal I/2016. First Media menandatangani Perjanjian Hutang Pemegang Saham dengan Hak Konversi dengan PT Mitra Mandiri Mantap (MMM). Pinjaman diberikan dalam dua tahap. Tahap I maksimal Rp32 miliar yang dicairkan setelah ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Pinjaman. Tahap II maksimal Rp238 miliar yang akan dicairkan pada atau sebelum 31 Maret 2016. Pinjaman berjangka waktu tiga tahun terhitung sejak 29 Januari 2016.
PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) berencana luncurkan 3 proyek baru tahun ini. PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) berencana meluncurkan tiga proyek baru tahun ini. Langkah ini juga merupakan upaya untuk mengejar target marketing sales yang dipatok sebesar Rp 6,9 triliun di 2016. ketiga proyek diantaranya apartemen Aerium Taman Permata Buana di Jakarta Barat, Apartemen di Tanjung Barat dan Apartemen Jagir di Surabaya. BSDE akan mengembangkan proyek Aerium Taman Permata Buana dengan bekerjasam dengan Itochu, perusahaan asal Jepang. Proyek ini akan dikembangkan dua menara kondominium di atas lahan 1,8 hektare (ha). Tahun ini, BSDE membidik marketing sales Rp 337,2 miliar tahun ini. Sementara dari proyek apartemen Tanjung Barat. PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) agresif membidik proyek baru di Timur Tengah. PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) makin leluasa dalam mengembangkan bisnis dan termasuk mendapatkan kontrak baru. Dimana tahun ini, perseroan tengah membidik proyek pemondokan haji, pusat perbelanjaan dan hotel di Jeddah. Setelah mendirikan kantor cabang di Timur Tengah, perseroan mengincar kontrak baru sebesar Rp 500 miliar hingga Rp 600 miliar. Pendirian kantor cabang sudah hampir selesai. Namun, perseroan masih menghitung ulang pendanaan awal lantaran Pemerintah Arab Saudi mengharuskan 10% tenaga kerja dari lokal. Dalam pengembangan proyek baru di Timur Tengah, nantinya perseroan akan mengajak anak usahanya, PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WTON) untuk ikut mendirikan pabrik pracetak di Arab Saudi untuk melayani kebutuhan proyek yang akan digarap. Selain membidik kontrak baru dari Arab Saudi, WIKA mengincar proyek dari negara lain seperti Timor Leste, Aljazair dan Malaysia. Tahun ini, total Kontrak baru yang dibidik dari proyek luar negeri mencapai Rp 2 triliun. Di Malaysia, WIKA mengincar proyek pembangunan mal di wilayah Kucing.
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent assessment
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DAILY REPORT Kamis 4 Februari 2016
Today’s Pick Chart ANTM
MFI netral. RSI diatas 70% dan stochastic diatas 80%. Williams%R netral. Mengindikasikan ANTM potensi naik terbatas. Rec : Buy On Weakness (BOW). Support 339 dan resistance 346.
MFI dan MADC downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. Williams%R downtrend. Mengindikasikan BBRI potensi turun. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 10.825 dan resistance 11.050.
EMA-5 dan MFI downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. Didukung volume jual meningkat. M e ng i nd i k a si k a n IN D F po te ns i mel a njut ka n penurunannya. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 6.075 dan resistance 6.250.
EMA-5 dan MFI downtrend. RSI dan stochastic downtrend. Didukung volume jual meningkat. Williams%R downtrend. Mengindikasikan INTP potensi turun. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 19.150 dan resistance 19.325.
MFI downtrend. Stochastic deathcross. Didukung volume jual meningkat. Willaims%R downtrend. Mengindikasikan PTBA potensi turun. Rec : Sell On Strength (SOS). Support 4.385 dan resistance 4.425.
MACD dan MFI uptrend. RSI dan stochastic uptrend. Didukung volume beli meningkat. Indikasikan UNVR potensi naik. Rec : Buy On Weakness (BOW). Support 38.500 dan resistance 38.775.
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent
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DAILY REPORT Kamis 4 Februari 2016
NO Stock
Closing Rec Target Stop Support Pivot Resistance Price Loss I II I II 1 ASII 6.200 BOW 6.400 6.300 6.000 5.900 6.100 6.200 6.300 2 BBCA 13.050 BOW 13.300 13.200 12.900 12.500 13.000 13.200 13.500 3 BBNI 4.870 BOW 5.100 4.900 4.800 4.500 4.900 5.000 5.100 4 BBRI 10.925 SOS 10.700 10.500 10.800 10.600 11.000 11.200 11.500 5 BMRI 9.375 SOS 9.200 9.000 9.300 9.000 9.500 9.600 9.700 6 GGRM 58.250 SOS 57.000 56.000 57.600 56.800 60.000 60.200 60.300 7 INDF 6.150 SOS 5.900 5.800 6.100 5.900 6.200 6.300 6.400 8 SMGR 10.475 BOW 11.000 10.800 10.300 10.000 10.500 10.600 10.800 9 TLKM 3.275 BOW 3.500 3.400 3.200 3.000 3.300 3.400 3.500 Second Liners Trust Universe Agriculture 10 AALI 16.650 SOS 16.800 16.600 16.400 16.000 16.600 16.700 16.900 11 BWPT 176 BOW 200 180 160 150 170 180 190 12 LSIP 1.385 SOS 1.200 1.100 1.300 1.000 1.400 1.500 1.600 13 SIMP 325 SOS 250 200 300 200 400 500 600 14 SSMS 1.965 BOW 2.100 2.000 1.900 1.700 2.000 2.100 2.200 Contractor & Property 15 ADHI 2.635 BOW 2.800 2.700 2.500 2.200 2.700 2.800 2.900 16 PTPP 3.965 SOS 3.700 3.600 3.900 3.700 4.000 4.100 4.200 17 WIKA 2.680 SOS 2.500 2.400 2.600 2.400 2.700 2.900 3.000 18 WSKT 1.775 BOW 1.900 1.800 1.700 1.500 1.800 1.900 2.100 24 ASRI 325 BOW 450 400 300 200 400 500 600 25 BSDE 1.675 BOW 1.800 1.700 1.600 1.400 1.800 1.900 2.100 26 CTRA 1.235 BOW 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.000 1.300 1.400 1.500 27 KIJA 230 BOW 300 250 200 100 300 400 500 28 LPKR 1.010 BOW 1.200 1.100 900 800 1.000 1.100 1.200 Mining 29 ADRO 575 BOW 700 600 500 400 600 700 800 30 ANTM 342 BOW 500 400 300 200 400 500 600 31 INCO 1.405 SOS 1.300 1.200 1.300 1.200 1.400 1.500 1.600 32 ITMG 4.760 SOS 4.600 4.500 4.700 4.500 4.800 4.900 5.100 33 TINS 530 SOS 400 300 500 400 600 700 800 Others 34 BBTN 1.370 BOW 1.500 1.400 1.300 1.100 1.400 1.500 1.600 35 INTP 19.225 SOS 18.800 18.600 18.600 18.200 19.000 19.500 19.800 36 KLBF 1.290 SOS 1.100 1.000 1.200 1.000 1.300 1.400 1.500 37 MPPA 1.810 SOS 1.700 1.600 1.700 1.500 1.900 2.000 2.100 38 PGAS 2.420 BOW 2.600 2.500 2.300 2.100 2.400 2.500 2.600 39 UNTR 16.475 SOS 16.200 16.000 16.300 16.000 16.500 16.700 17.000 40 UNVR 38.625 BOW 40.000 39.000 37.400 36.200 38.000 39.500 40.000 BOW : Buy On Weakness SOS : Sell On Strength OVB : Over Bought OVS : Over Sold, SB : Speculative Buy
Technical Alert MACD Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend RSI Downtrend MACD Downtrend Williams%R Downtrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend
MA-5 Downtrend Stochastic Uptrend MFI Downtrend MA-5 Downtrend MA-5 Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend MA-5 Downtrend RSI Downtrend MACD Uptrend RSI Uptrend RSI Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Goldencross MFI Uptrend MACD Uptrend Stochastic Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend Stochastic Downtrend MACD Downtrend MA-5 Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend Stochastic Downtrend MACD Downtrend RSI Uptrend Stochastic Downtrend Stochastic Uptrend
www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent assessment
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DAILY REPORT Kamis 4 Februari 2016
Research Team
Urip Mulyo Santoso Telp :6221 - 57940678 Ext. 411 Fax :6221 - 57940676 Email :
[email protected]
Puspa Rini Head Sales Equity Retail Telp :6221 - 57948790 Ext. 128 Fax :6221 - 57944242 Email :
[email protected]
Nesya Kharismawati Senior Institusional Equity Sales Telp :6221 - 57944266 Ext. 166 Fax :6221 - 57940676 Email :
[email protected]
Dewi (Aling) Branch Manager Medan Telp :061 - 4555139 Fax :061 - 4555204 Email :
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www.trust.co.id The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of PT.Trust Securities and/or its affiliated companies and /or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liabilities as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue there off. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by PT.Trust Securities or any other person to enter info any agreement with regards to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investment you should make your own independent
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