: Migrasi Internasional Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) dan Pemanfaatan Remitansi di Daerah Asal Kabupaten Tulngagung : Budijanto
Dibiayai Oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional sesuai dengan Surat Perjanjian Penugasan Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Penugasan Penelitian Disertasi Doktor Tahun Anggaran 2010 Nomor : 492/SP2H/PP/DP2M/VI/2010, tanggal 11 Juni 2010.
Universitas Brawijaya Malang 2010
Demographically most of the population that international migration is at a potential age, marital status, high family burden and are women. Seen. From socioeconomic aspects come from farming families (farm workers and laborers) poor majority has no agricultural land, no work, no income and low-wage work. While the social aspect of high school-educated cultural mostly down, do not have the life skills., And the motivation for migration was high. While the reasons for work as migrant workers abroad are working overseas wages high, hard to find work in the area of origin, and wage employment in the area of low origin. Remittance to the area of origin is determined by the environmental aspects of working migrant workers mainly by migration status of migrant workers abroad and the type of job workers. While the socio-economic aspects of migrant workers abroad, is more determined by income migrant workers abroad and duration of work and income abroad TKI countries and regions to work. that its use has been a shift, which was originally consumptive nature are now productive. The impact of remittances to the region to changes in economic conditions. is the increasing household income workers and job mobility of family members of household workers from agriculture to non agriculture. On the other hand besides the utilization of remittances for investment as well as for education of children. Furthermore, associated with changes in social conditions of change in status and role of women in improving family welfare, originally the responsibility of men, but now women are more banyakberperan role in improving family welfare. Besides, the expansion of the role and function of women in various fields of work, as well as the economic mobility of women. Besides a shift in the status and role perempua also been a shift from the lower social stratification kelapisan on it. Shifting social strata in because before as a landless workers, low income,, the condition of non-permanent house but after a worker already has the land, livestock, shops, cars, luxury house fully furnished. This shift changes the structure and function of the family that replaces the position of men or women who work abroad either in the takeover of the job / the job description also in decision-making job. While the impact of remittances on the changes in culture conditions in the regions of origin include the four issues, namely lifestyle changes (about food consumption patterns, clothing patterns and physical building model houses), values and norms, their relationship within the family and the child.
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