Press Release - October 6, 2011 -
The Starting Signal for the Event Series JERIN
JERIN Extravaganza Gala Opening – Classical Music Inspired the City of Jakarta ! ! Classical music is often portrayed as outdated and not young enough. The JERIN Opening Gala Extravaganza showed that even the young citizens of Jakarta have a taste for classical music. On Monday the JERIN Opening Gala took place in Jakarta as the beginning of the long awaited JERIN Event Series. The demand before the gala event was already enormous. The few free public places were granted after the release of the reservations hotline after a few days. Even Jakarta’s youngsters were lined up to get one of the rare tickets. Monday’s event filled the Bali Room of the Kempinski Hotel not only with Jakarta’s music lovers but as well with guests from politics, business and culture. The great lineup of 150 musicians from Indonesia, Germany and Thailand under the musical direction of the renowned conductor Gudni Emilsson performed a unique gala concert which was honored with minutes’ long standing ovations. The Gala Opening Concert with its multicultural cooperation is the perfect beginning for the JERIN Event Series. The sense of friendship between Germany and Indonesia were presented and the attraction to the young citizens of Jakarta was strong. The upcoming concerts and events shall address more and more Indonesians and provide cultural experiences and important education. JERIN wants to improve a platform to strengthen the bounds between Germany and Indonesia in many ways. For the upcoming Events click on the website,, and reserve your tickets as soon as possible.
Please contact us for more information:
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Jl.M.H. Thamrin No.1 Jakarta 10310 Indonesia Tel : (62-21) 3985 5000 Fax : (62-21) 390 1757
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Press Release Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta Supports The Event of “JERIN Gala Opening Concert” Business is always a pleasure at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta. This legendary historical landmark hotel is proudly managed by Kempinski Hotels, Europe's oldest luxury hotel operator established in Berlin in 1897. Supreme attention to the needs of the corporate individual redefines the art of business accommodation in Jakarta ~ today, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta is the preferred business hotel in the city. Combining unparalleled luxury and elegance with European legacy, this legendary hotel appeals to the German business community and beyond.
We are proud to support 'JERIN Opening Extravaganza' a Classical Gala Concert organized by the German Embassy, Goethe Institute and EKONID.
For further information please contact: Shanti Setyaningrum • Asst. Director of Public Relations • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta • Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 • Jakarta 10310 • Indonesia • Tel +62 21 2358 3800 • Fax +62 21 2358 3808 • mobile +62 815 102 417 48 •
[email protected] • Nathalia Atmaja • Public Relations Coordinator • Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta • Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 • Jakarta 10310 • Indonesia • Tel +62 21 2358 3800 • Fax +62 21 2358 3808 • mobile +62 821 10191063 •
[email protected] •
Informasi mengenai Perusahaan Mercedes-Benz Indonesia Mercedes-Benz Indonesia melambangkan kegiatan bisnis dari inovasi kendaraan mobil buatan Jerman di Indonesia. Hari jadi perusahaan yang ke 40 pada tahun 2010, mengukuhkan betapa pentingnya pasar Indonesia bagi Daimler AG serta komitmennya yang tidak pernah berubah terhadap negara yang luar biasa ini dan sangat penting dari segi ekonomi. Jangkauan bisnisnya di Indonesia mencakup pemasaran dan penjualan dari produk-produk dan servis Daimler AG serta memiliki fasilitas perakitan dari sejumlah kendaraan dan komponen yang berlokasi di Wanaherang, Bogor. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia dengan mengandalkan merek-merek Mercedes-Benz, Maybach dan smart, telah memperkuat dominasinya sebagai pemimpin pada pasar Luxury Passenger Car serta menapakkan kaki dalam bisnis kendaraan niaga dengan jajaran model bus dan truk Mercedes-Benz yang sukses. Disamping ekspansi bisnis yang dinamik, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia senantiasa menjalankan kewajibannya dengan maksimal terhadap sosial dan lingkungan seperti layaknya sebuah perusahaan yang baik di negara ini. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia akan selalu maju memimpin pasar, tidak hanya dengan mengandalkan teknologi otomotif yang modern tetapi juga dengan mempelopori kontribusi yang berorientasi pada masa depan bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia Company Information Mercedes-Benz Indonesia represents the business activities of the German innovator of the automobile in Indonesia. The company’s 40th anniversary in 2010 confirmed the importance the Indonesian market has always had for Daimler AG and the commitment towards this wonderful and economically so important country remains unchanged. The scope of business in Indonesia comprises sales and marketing for Daimler AG’s products and services as well as the assembly of an increasing number of vehicles and components in its own factory in Wanaherang, Bogor. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia has intensified its dominance as the clear leader in the Luxury Passenger Car market with the brands Mercedes-Benz, Maybach and smart and established a strong commercial vehicles business with the successful model lines of Mercedes-Benz Buses and Trucks. Apart from the dynamic business expansion Mercedes-Benz Indonesia continues to invest significant efforts in its social and ecological responsibility as a corporate citizen in the country. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia will continue to strive for leading the market not only with modern automotive technology but also with pioneering future oriented contributions to the Indonesian society. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia repräsentiert die Geschäftstätigkeiten des Erfinders des Automobils in Indonesien. Der vierzigste Geburtstag des Unternehmens in 2010 unterstrich die Bedeutung des indonesischen Marktes für die Daimler AG, deren intensives Engagement in diesem wunderbaren und ökonomisch so bedeutenden Land weiterhin ausgebaut wird. Neben dem Vertrieb der Produkte und Dienstleistungen der Daimler AG schließen die Aktivitäten von Mercedes-Benz Indonesien auch die Produktion einer steigenden Anzahl von Fahrzeugen und Komponenten in der eigenen Fabrik in Wanaherang, Bogor, ein. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia hat seine Marktführerschaft bei Premium-Pkw mit den Marken Mercedes-Benz, Maybach und smart ausgebaut und auch im Nutzfahrzeuggeschäft eine erfolgreiche Marktstellung mit den Mercedes-Benz Bussen und Lkw erreicht. Neben der dynamischen Geschäftsausweitung investiert Mercedes-Benz Indonesia weiterhin hohen Aufwand in die Wahrnehmung der sozialen und ökologischen Verantwortung als Unternehmen in der Gesellschaft. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia wird auch in Zukunft den Markt nicht nur durch technologische Innovationen gestalten, sondern auch seiner Pionierrolle im Hinblick auf eine zukunftsorientierte gesellschaftliche Verantwortung nachkommen.
Peran Mercedes-Benz Indonesia pada JERIN Mercedes-Benz Indonesia menyambut dengan baik inisiatif dari JERIN sebagai sebuah landasan yang penting dan unik dalam menjelajahi kesempatan untuk mengembangkan hubungan bisnis dan kebudayaan yang saling menguntungkan di masa mendatang antara kedua mitra negara , Jerman dan Indonesia. Kolaborasi dari Kedutaan Besar Jerman, Goethe Institute dan Ekonid bersama dengan beberapa perusahaan besar di Indonesia akan menjamin sebuah pendekatan holistik yang dapat menunjukkan kedasyatan dari kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang dapat dihasilkan oleh kemitraan ini baik sekarang, maupun di masa mendatang. “Setelah hadir selama lebih dari 40 tahun di Indonesia, kami tidak ragu untuk memberikan dukungan penuh terhadap JERIN dan sangat senang memberikan kontribusi apapun demi membawa kedua negara , Jerman dan Indonesia, lebih dekat lagi” ujar Roland Staehler, Vice President Sales and Marketing of Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, “Kami sangat gembira, terutama dengan perhatian yang diberikan oleh JERIN dalam menanggapi dan mengaktifkan generasi muda Indonesia. Banyak sekali yang dapat ditemukan dan pelajari dari kedua kebudayaan kita yang sangat luas, banyak potensi yang dapat digali dalam lingkungan bisnis kita. Kami sangat berharap untuk dapat memberikan kontribusi pada kesuksesan JERIN demi masa depan dan kemitraan yang sukses”. Mercedes-Benz Indonesia’s JERIN involvement Mercedes-Benz Indonesia welcomes the innovative JERIN initiative as a unique and important platform to discover and explore opportunities to foster the future development of mutually beneficial business and cultural relationships between the two partner countries Germany and Indonesia. The collaboration of the German Embassy, Goethe Institute and Ekonid in partnership with leading companies in Indonesia guarantees a holistic approach to display the width and depth of present and future partnership possibilities in an unprecedented way. “Being active for more than 40 years in Indonesia we have not hesitated to do our best to support JERIN and are happy to contribute whatever we can in order to bring our two countries Germany and Indonesia even closer together.” says Roland Staehler, Vice President Sales and Marketing of Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, “We are especially pleased with the strong focus of JERIN to address and activate the Indonesian youth. There is so much to discover and to learn in both our diverse cultures, so much potential to explore in our business environments - we are looking forward to contributing to the success of JERIN for the sake of a bright future of our relationships with each other.” Mercedes-Benz Indonesia begrüßt die innovative JERIN Initiative als einzigartige und wichtige Plattform zur Schaffung und Nutzung neuer Chancen für die Stärkung der beiderseitig gewinnbringenden Kulturund Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen den beiden Partnerländern Deutschland und Indonesien. Die Zusammenarbeit der Deutschen Botschaft, des Goethe-Instituts und Ekonid mit führenden Unternehmen in Indonesien ermöglicht einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz, die Bandbreite der bestehenden und zukünftigen Möglichkeiten zur Partnerschaft in einer bisher nicht bekannten Form darzustellen. „Nach über 40 Jahren aktiven Engagements in Indonesien haben wir nicht gezögert, uns für JERIN zu engagieren und freuen uns darauf, alles und Mögliche zu tun, um unsere beiden Länder Deutschland und Indonesien noch enger zusammen zu bringen.“ sagt Roland Stähler, Vertriebsleiter bei MercedesBenz Indonesia, „Wir schätzen insbesondere die starke Ausrichtung der JERIN-Aktivitäten auf die Jugend Indonesiens. Es gibt so viel zu entdecken und zu lernen in unseren vielfältigen Kulturen, so viel Potenzial zu heben in unseren Geschäftswelten – wir freuen uns, zu dem Erfolg von JERIN beizutragen zum Wohle unserer Beziehungen zuein Contact: Yuniadi Hartono Phone/Fax: 30003612/30003662 Mathilda Jeanette Phone/Fax: 30003636/30003662 Mobile/0821-254- 33943 Email/
[email protected] /
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[email protected] Website: Media Site: username:
[email protected] password: MercedesIndonesia