PENDAHULUAN SPECIES = JENIS • A group of individuals, which have certain common characteristics, that distinguishes them from other group of individuals. Within a species the individuals are fertile when mated, in different species they are not.
BREED = RAS = BANGSA • A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like general appearance, features, size, configuration (arrangement/shape), etc. are said to be a breed. 3
Klasifikasi Mamalia Mamalia
(Mengandung anak)
Mamalia modern
Spesies 5
Newborn joey. Note the immature stage of development and that it is "attached" to the nipple.
A joey at 70 days after birth. At this stage the joey would still be in the pouch and attached to the nipple. Note the well developed claws
A 150 day old joey. The joey would still be residing in the mother's pouch.
A 200 day old joey. At this stage it would be staying outside of the pouch, but continuing to nurse the mother by sticking its head into the pouch.6
TERNAK PERAH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Family Bovidae
Dairy cattle breeds • Ternak sapi (domesticated cattle) biasanya dibagi kedalam dua kelompok utama yaitu: > Bos taurus (taurine cattle) : berasal –usul dari Eropah (temperate zone) > Bos indicus (zebu cattle): berasal-usul dari Asia (India) (tropical zone) • Walau diantara keduanya terdapat perbedaan fisik dan fisiologis yang, mereka dapat dipersilangkan dengan menghasilkan anak (jantan dan betina) yang fertil. 11
Deskripsi Umum • Domestic cows are common throughout the world. They are grown and bred for food – meat and milk production, as well as for working - plowing and moving heavy loads. • Domestic cows are social animals and live in herds which are structured according to a dominance hierarchy. • Cows feed on grasses and other herbaceous plants. An average cow can consume about 70 kg of grass in an 8 hour day. Cows are ruminants. They have a four chambered stomach. 12
Bos indicus group • This group is also called "the humped cattle“ (sapi ber-punuk). The size and shape of the hump vary by breed, sex and age of animals. • Other external features common to most Zebu cattle are narrow body, rather long legs and well developed dewlap, particularly in the males. 15
• The most important characteristic of this group is its adaptation to the tropical environment. This adaptation derives from three main aspects: > a high degree of heat tolerance partly due to low heat production (associated with low metabolic rate and low productivity) and partly due to a high capacity to dissipate heat; > low nutritional requirements, mainly due to low metabolic rate and small size and also possibly to more efficient digestion at low feeding levels; > a considerable degree of resistance to ticks and also to many tick-borne diseases prevalent in tropical countries. 16
• With regard to production traits, this group is characterized by low productivity. The milk yields are low with short lactations. • They also have low weight gains and are late maturing with delayed first calving. • An important trait is the higher fat and solidsnot-fat content of the milk when compared with the Bos taurus group. 17
• A large number of Zebu breeds have been described, each country in the region having one to several breeds. • Most of these breeds are of importance only in their home countries.
• The more important breeds of Zebu cattle are Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar, Hariana, Kankrej, Gir and Ongole. 18
• Pada mulanya bangsa-bangsa sapi dari daerah tropis dimanfaatkan tenaganya sebagai ternak kerja dan untuk keperluan upacara-upacara adat/agama, yang juga memerlukan air susu sebagai sesaji. • Turunan sapi zebu yang biasa digunakan sebagai sapi perah antara lain adalah:
Red Sindhi • Asal : India; wilayah yang kering atau/dan panas dengan suhu 500 – 1070F. • Ciri-ciri: > Potongan tubuh kuat, kokoh , dan berat, kaki pendek > Warna merah-coklat, bulu lembut > Ukuran ambing besar • Sifat-sifat > Lambat dewasa, yakni sekitar 25 bulan > Produksi susu 2000 liter permasa laktasi > Berat badan sapi jantan 500 kg, betina 350 kg. 20
Sahiwal • Asal: India. • Tanda-tanda > Potongan tubuh besar; lebih besar dari Red Shindi. > Warna coklat kemerahan > Bulu halus, ambing besar bergantung
• Sifat -sifat > Proses kedewasaan cepat yakni 20 - 25 bulan, lebih cepat dari Red Sindhi > Produksi rata-rata permasa laktasi 2500-3000 liter. 21
SAPI PERAH TURUNAN BOS TAURUS (SAPI SUB-TROPIS) • For over two centuries, the temperate breeds of cattle have been subjected to strong selection pressure for improved dairy, beef or dual purpose (dairy and beef) characteristics. Many of these breeds have been used in crossbreeding in the tropical countries. Some of the more important ones are as follows.
• Termasuk bangsa-bangsa sapi perah sub-tropis adalah Friesien Holstein, Yersey, Ayrshire, Gurensey dan Brown Swiss breed utama sapi perah. 22
US Breeds of Dairy Cattle
Holsteins Jersey Ayrshires Swiss Guernsey Other
3.6 % 0.3 % 0.8 % 0.5 % 1.4 %
Average Milk Production by Breed Milk
Fat %
Fat lb.
Protein %
Protein lb.
Brown Swiss
USDA-AIPL 2004 Data
Friesian Holstein (FH) • Sapi ini juga dikenal dengan nama Fries Holland atau sering disingkat FH. Di Amerika bangsa sapi ini disebut Holstein, dan di negara-negara lain ada pula yang menyebut Friesien. Tetapi di Indonesia sapi ini popular dengan sebutan FH. • Sapi FH menduduki populasi terbesar, bahkan hampir di seluruh dunia, baik di negara-negara sub-tropis maupun tropis. Bangsa sapi ini mudah beradaptasi di tempat baru. Di Indonesia populasi bangsa sapi FH ini juga yang terbesar diantara bangsa-bangsa sapi perah yang lain. • Di Indonesia, kecuali menggunakan sapi FH murni sebagai sapi perah, khususnya di Jawa Timur, banyak pula diternakkan sapi Grati, yakni hasil persilangan antara Friesian Holstein dan sapi lokal Ongole. 25
• Asal : Belanda. • Tanda-tanda > Warna belang hitam putih > Pada dahinya terdapat hitam putih berbentuk segitiga. > Dada, perut bawah, kaki dan ekor berwarna berwarna putih. > Tanduk kecil-pendek menjurus ke depan. > Ambing : besar, simetris kanan kiri dgn putting yg panjang dan besar, kulit tipis dengan bulu halus, vena terlihat berkelok kelok (milk veins). • Sifat-sifat umum > Tenang dan jinak sehingga mudah ditangani > Tidak tahan panas, namun mudah beradaptasi > Lambat menjadi dewasa > Produksi susu:4500-6000 liter per satu masa laktasi > Bb: jantan mencapai 1000 kg dan betina 650 kg. 28
• The breed is well known for its high milk yields (with averages of over 6,000 kg per lactation in several countries), but fat and solids-not-fat contents are low. • They also have larger weight gains and higher mature weights than other temperate breeds of dairy or dual purpose cattle.
• In recent years, Friesians have gained in popularity as the temperate counterpart for crossbreeding of Zebu cattle and in some countries, this is the breed of choice. 29
History • The Holstein cow originated in Europe • The major historical development of this breed occurred in what is now the Netherlands • Winthrop Chenery brought the first Holstein over so the sailors could have milk – He noticed her high production and started to bring over more 30
Yersey • Bertubuh kecil, terkecil diantara breed utama sapi perah, namun bentuk tubuhnya sebagai sapi penghasil susu sangat ideal. • Asal: pulau Yersey, Inggris Selatan. • Tanda-tanda > Warna tidak seragam, yakni bervariasi mulai dari kelabukeputihan,coklat-nmuda ataui ada yang coklat-kekuningan, coklat-kemerahan, sampai merah-gelap dan pada bagian-bagian tertentu ada warna putih. > Jantan berwarna lebih gelap. > Warna mulut hitam, tetapi dikelilingi warna yang lebih muda. > Ukuran tanduk sedang,l ebih panjang daripada FH, menjurus agak ke atas.
* Sifat-sifat > Sangat peka dan mudah gugup, kurang tenaga dan mudah terganggu oleh perubahan-perubahan di sekitar. > Apabila sapi diperlakukan dengan lembut akan mudah ditangani. Namun bila diperlakukan kasar akan mudah berontak sehingga sulit ditangani. Untuk menghadapi bangsa sapi semacam ini, peternak harus hati-hati dan sabar. > Produksi susu: 2500 liter per satu masa laktasi. > Berat badan: jantan 625 kg, betina 425 kg. 34
History • The Jersey breed originated on the Island of Jersey, a small British island in the English Channel • The island of Jersey was very protective of this breed. Because of this the breed stayed distinctive for many years • Second most populous breed 35
Characteristics • Jerseys are adapted to a wide range of climatic and geographical conditions • Jerseys vary greatly in color, but the characteristic color is golden fawn, with or without white markings • smallest of the dairy breeds
• long life (61.1 months vs 56.2 months) • its nutritive content is 28.46% greater than ordinary milk 36
Ayrshire • Dibandingkan bangsa sapi yersey dan Guernsey bangsa sapi Ayrshire lebih besar, namun lebih kecil daripada FH. • Asal usul: Scotlandia Selatan. • Tanda-tandanya > Warna belang-merah atau belang-coklat dan putih. > Tanduk agak panjang, menjurus ke atas dan agak lurus dengan kepala. 37
• Sifat-sifat sapi > Bangsa sapi ini agak tenang dan mencapai kedewasaan seperti halnya sapi Guernsey. > Rajin merumput di padang rumput yang pertumbuhannya jelek. > Produksi susu: 3500 liter persatu masa laktasi. > BB: jantan mencapai 725 kg, betina 550 kg. 40
History • The Ayrshire breed originated in the County of Ayr in Scotland, prior to 1800. • Prior to 1800 many of the cattle of Ayrshire were black, although by 1775 browns and mottled colors started to appear. • early breeders carefully crossed and selected the various strains of cattle 41
Guernsey • Bangsa sapi Guernsey lebih kuat dan besar dibanding Yersey. Tetapi bentuk tubuhnya mirip Yersey. • Asal: pulau Guenrsey, Inggris Selatan. • Tanda-tanda • Warnanya kuning tua dengan belang-belang hitam-putih, warna putih pada umumnya terdapat pada muka dan sisi perut danpada keempat kakinya. • Tanduknya menjurus kedepan dan agak condong ke depan dengan ukuran sedang. • Sifat-sifat • Bangsa sapi ini lebih tenang daripada Yersey walaupun tidak setenang FH. • Cepat menjadi dewasa, tetapi sedikit lebih lambat daripada Yersey. • Produksi susu: 2750 liter per masa laktasi. • Berat badan: jantan mencapai 700 kg, betina 475 kg. 42
History • Originated on island of Guernsey off the coast of France • Brought to U.S. in 1831 • Fourth in milk production • Produces a golden colored milk • Cows weigh 1100 lbs.
Sapi Brown Swiss • Brown Swiss termasuk bangsa sapi yang tulang-tulang dan kepalanya berukuran besar, penghasil susu dan daging yang baik. • Asal sapi: Switzerland • Tanda-tandanya • Warna bervariasi, mulai dari warna muda atau ringan sampai gelap, termasuk coklat-muda-keabuan, coklat-hitam yang pada umumnya warna coklat seperti tikus (sawo-matang). Pada mulut dan sekitar tuang belakang berwarna lebih muda, sedangkan hidung dan kakinya hitam. • Ukuran badan dan tulang-tulangnya besar, mendekati FH • Sifat-sifat • Jinak, mudah dipelihara • Produksi susu baik, nomor dua setelah FH
• Berat badan: jantan 970 kg, betina 630 kg. 45
Brown Swiss breed • This breed has a somewhat lower lactation yield than Holstein, but with a higher fat content. It is slightly better than Holstein in beef potential. • The total world population is in the range of about 4 million cows (2 percent of all dairy cows). • This breed has: (1) lower milk yield/lactation (2) higher fat content (3) better beef production than the Friesian. 46
History • Believed to have originated in the Alps of Switzerland, these hardy animals are tolerant of harsh climate and produce large quantities of milk, close behind the Holsteins.
• Officially recognized as a breed in the U.S. in 1906, the first small group of cows arrived here in 1869. Though few animals were actually imported, this hasn't stopped their steady growth in number, and today, the Brown Swiss are very important members of the dairy industry. • Average output is 21,000lbs./9525kg (~2450 gallons) of milk per cycle with 4.0% butterfat, 3.5% total protein. 48
Milking Shorthorn
• One of the oldest recognized breeds in the world, a segment of the Shorthorn breed • Originated in northeastern England • Came to U.S. (Va.) in 1783 • Provided milk, meat, and transportation to pioneers • Red, red & white, white, or roan in color
Traits • • • •
Tri purpose breed Low milk production, low components Moderate in size Reddish brown and white – Spotted or speckle, roan
• Lack dairyness • Good grazers
History • Shorthorn originated Tees River Valley in the northeastern part of England
• The Colling brothers, Charles and Robert, are often referred to as the founders of the Shorthorn breed of cattle • first systematic breeding program • They were brought to America in 1783 52
Major Breeds of Dairy Cattle
Milking Devon • • • •
Red in color Triple purpose (Draft, beef, milk) Not normally raised for milk production Medium sized