IQ Management SystemTM
IQ Management SystemTM is a feature-rich portable fleet management software package
IQ Management SystemTM
IQ Management SystemTM is a feature-rich portable fleet management software package designed to add additional dimensions to the features provided by Biosystems gas detectors and IQ Dock solutions. The software automates various data collation and analysis activities, including the auto generation of reports, helping to reduce the cost and time spent undertaking fleet management activities by up to 60%.
Simplified, automated device tests • • • • • • •
Instrument identification test Battery test Alarm tests (audible, visual and vibration if available) Compliance test (with fault indication if applicable) Bump testing with four gases in under 45 seconds (O2, flammables, CO, H2S) Full span calibration (if needed) in under two minutes (O2, flammables, CO, H2S) Storage of all calibration data for device
Enhanced reporting and automatic data analysis capabilities • • • •
Can be configured to deliver a wide range of reports Detector performance reports Compliance reports Device trending
Automatic email generation • •
Emails for configured alarm settings Emails for compliance status
Helps to reduce ongoing costs • • •
Reduces ongoing device maintenance costs by up to 60% Enables devices to be operationally ready more quickly, potentially helping to reduce the number of devices required on site Reduces labour time spent maintaining devices and carrying out fleet management activities
Total flexibility of configuration • User defined instrument settings • • • • •
User defined calibration settings Two port docks can test a device using one multi-gas and one single component cylinder or two single component cylinders Four port docks can test a device using one multi-gas and three single component cylinder or four single component cylinders Connect to PC via USB or Ethernet for enhanced control over calibration and data acquisition during testing (optional) Ethernet capable docks provide the functionality to send auto-generated emails when a fault is detected
Trending Intelligence > Alarm/Event Notification > Automated Bump Test/Calibration > Safety Compliance >
Helps to enhance site safety • •
Preventative Maintenance >
Assists with on-site device compliance Ability to add password protection for devices, helping to increase device security
IQ Management SystemTM Product Options Detector
IQ Dock Solution for use with IQ Management SystemTM Software
IQ Express™
MultiProTM IQ Express™
IQ Management SystemTM allows you to view instrument and database info and dock status in ‘real’ time. You can pull historical information from the system to develop custom analyses, trends and reports that put you in control of your safety programme.
Simplified, Flexible Management of Safety Data IQ Management SystemTM has been designed to offer total flexibility and value to the user. Unlike comparable solutions, IQ Management SystemTM can be configured to deliver customised reports and data trending specific to a site’s needs. When used with a Biosystems IQ Dock Station (such as IQ6™ and IQ Express™), a wide range of data including detection events, detector performance, compliance status, trending and alarm levels can be automatically downloaded from a portable device to a PC. IQ Management SystemTM software uses this data to deliver automatic email notification, enhanced reporting and trending information.
Ethe r
IQ Management SystemTM can be configured to automatically work with downloaded data, providing users with auto-generated emails regarding alarm levels, device compliance and automatic device reports. This greatly reduces the time spent undertaking fleet management duties. When combined with the functionality offered by a Biosystems IQ Dock solution, a portable device can be docked and automatically bump tested. If the device fails bump testing, automatic full span calibration will be carried out. For additional safety, the device’s alarms are also checked, before all data is finally auto-downloaded.
PHD6™ Six-Gas Detector and IQ6™ Dock Ne tw ork
• • • •
Value-packed PHD6TM monitors six gases simultaneously; optional PID and IR sensors monitor VOCs and CO2 Fully automated bump test and calibration station performs up to twelve critical tests Comes standard with two configurable gas ports; four-port model is available Connects to PC via USB or Ethernet WAN to download data.
MultiPro™ Four-Gas Detector and MultiPro IQ Express™ Dock • • •
Economical MultiProTM monitors O2, LEL, CO and H2S Fully automated bump test and calibration station performs up to eight critical tests Connects to PC via USB or Ethernet to download data
ToxiPro® Single-Gas Detector and IQ Express™ Dock • ToxiPro® is field-replaceable • Fully automated bump test and calibration station performs up to eight critical tests • Connects to PC via USB or Ethernet WAN to download data • Can connect up to four IQ ExpressTM stations to a single gas supply • Link each detector to a person and have the knowledge to keep people safe.
Network Server Database
Our Product Range
Fixed Gas Monitoring
Portable Gas Monitoring
Technical Services
Honeywell Analytics offers a wide range of fixed gas detection solutions for a diverse array of industries and applications including: Commercial properties, industrial applications, semiconductor manufacturers, energy plants and petrochemical sites.
When it comes to personal protection from gas hazards, Honeywell Analytics has a wide range of reliable solutions ideally suited for use in confined or enclosed spaces. These include:
At Honeywell Analytics, we believe in the value of great service and customer care. Our key commitment is providing complete and total customer satisfaction. Here are just a few of the services we can offer:
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Full technical support
Fully equipped workshops to ensure quick turnaround on repairs
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Detection of flammable, Oxygen and toxic gases (including exotics) Innovative use of four core sensing technologies – paper tape, electrochemical cell, catalytic bead and infrared Capability to detect down to Parts Per Billion (ppb) or Percent by Volume (%v/v) Cost effective regulatory compliance solutions
France Isabelle Thoris Customer Service
Jocelyne Gobert Customer Service Benelux
Tel: +49 451 70 274 13 Fax: +49 451 70 274 51 Email:
[email protected] Tel: +32 2 7282116 Fax: +32 2 7282396 Email:
[email protected]
Italy Tiziana Pasolini Customer Care
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Single gas personal monitors – worn by the individual Multi-gas portable gas monitors – used for confined space entry and regulatory compliance Multi-gas transportable monitors – used for temporary protection of area during site construction and maintenance activities
Nordic Tel: +33 678 03 34 76 Email:
[email protected]
Germany and Central Europe Ulf Sievers Customer Service Leader
Detection of flammable, Oxygen and toxic gases
Tel: +39 0382 812111 Fax: +39 0382 84113 Email:
[email protected]
Comprehensive service engineer network Training on product use and maintenance Mobile calibration service Customised programmes of preventative/corrective maintenance Extended warranties on products
Spain and Portugal
Carolina Backlund Market Support - Nordic
Customer Service: +46 42 88 200 Direct Tel: +46 42 88 121 Fax: +46 42 73 968 Email:
[email protected]
Antonio Calle Customer Care Manager
Veronica Nilsson Market Support - Nordic
Customer Service: +46 42 88 200 Direct Tel: +46 42 88 170 Fax: +46 42 73 968 Email:
[email protected]
United Kingdom
Poland and Slovakia Joanna Sosin Customer Service Assistant
Tel: +48 12 656 57 31 Email:
[email protected]
Karolina Jóźwiak Customer Service Assistant
Tel: +48 42 649 12 67 Email:
[email protected]
Please Note: While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. Data may change, as well as legislation, and you are strongly advised to obtain copies of the most recently issued regulations, standards, and guidelines. This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract. H_Biosystems_IQ Management_DS01112_V1_EMEAI 03/12 © 2012 Honeywell Analytics
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Expert team on hand to answer questions and queries
Chris Miller Customer Services Supervisor
Tel: +34 91 676 45 21 Fax: +34 91 677 08 98 Mobile: +34 696 42 06 26 Email:
[email protected]
Tel: +44 1256 693200 Fax: +44 1256 693300 Mobile: +44 7500 445435 Email:
[email protected]
After Sales Service ZAC Athélia 4 375 Avenue du Mistral Bât B, Espace Mistral 13600 La Ciotat, France
Tel: +33 4 42 98 17 70 Fax: +33 4 42 71 97 05 Email:
[email protected]
EURO-INDEX Service Onderhoud en kalibratie van meetinstrumenten ....................................................................... De Nederlandse vestiging van EURO-INDEX beschikt over een bijzonder modern service- en kalibratielaboratorium. Hier worden de meetinstrumenten uit het assortiment preventief onderhouden, gerepareerd, gekalibreerd en indien nodig gejusteerd. Het service- en kalibratielaboratorium van EURO-INDEX is verdeeld in verschillende disciplines, gebaseerd op het soort meetinstrument en de gemeten grootheden. Druk
Temperatuur (inclusief
infrarood temperatuurmeting en thermografie)
grootheden en luchthoeveelheid
Waarom een kalibratiecertificaat? .................................................................................................. Een kalibratiecertificaat vermeldt hoeveel een meetinstrument afwijkt ten opzichte van onze, naar (inter)nationale standaarden herleidbare, kalibratiemiddelen. Bij de meetresultaten op het certificaat wordt tevens vermeld of het meetinstrument voldoet aan de specificaties die door de fabrikant zijn opgegeven. Zonder kalibratiecertificaat kunt u er vanuit gaan dat de meter voldoet aan de fabrieksspecificaties, maar aantonen kunt u dit niet. Een testcertificaat van de fabrikant is te beknopt om de lineairiteit aan te tonen en is niet geregistreerd op naam (wat wel degelijk een vereiste is).
KWS® ................................................................................................................................................... KWS® is een uniek servicesysteem voor uw meetinstrumenten met periodiek onderhoud en kalibratie. Veel zaken worden voor u geregeld, zodat u zonder zorgen gebruik kunt maken van uw meetinstrumenten. prijs staat vast voor de levensduur van het instrument (mits de KWS® behandeling volgens herkalibratieadvies periodiek wordt uitgevoerd in het EURO-INDEX kalibratielaboratorium) Geen arbeidsloon bij de KWS® behandeling Kalibratie voor justage (voorkalibratie) indien mogelijk Indien nodig justage en (na)kalibratie
en preventief onderhoud oproep met het advies voor herkalibratie Controle op functionaliteit van het instrument Vijf jaar historie voor alle gegevens 10% korting op onderdelen Serienummerregistratie Franco retourlevering Gratis
RvA accreditatie ............................................................................................................................ Het kalibratielaboratorium van EURO-INDEX beschikt sinds 21 augustus 1997 over een RvA accreditatie naar NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025. Deze accreditatie geldt voor verschillende grootheden, zoals gespecificeerd in de scope bij accreditatienummer K105 op Test- en meetinstrumenten voor grootheden die deel uitmaken van de gespecificeerde scope, kunnen worden voorzien van een RvA kalibratiecertificaat. De metingen worden uitgevoerd met standaarden waarvan de herleidbaarheid naar (inter)nationale standaarden, ten overstaan van de Raad voor Accreditatie, is aangetoond. In het Multilateral Agreement zijn de meeste Europese landen overeengekomen elkaars accreditaties te accepteren. Hierdoor is een RvA kalibratiecertificaat internationaal geaccepteerd. Bovendien wordt op een RvA kalibratiecertificaat de meetonzekerheid van de gerapporteerde meetresultaten vermeld. Verhuur van meetinstrumenten ........................................................................................................... EURO-INDEX biedt een assortiment meetinstrumenten te huur aan. Na deskundig advies van onze productspecialisten, wordt bepaald welk instrument u nodig heeft voor uw specifieke werkzaamheden. De instrumenten worden compleet met accessoires geleverd, inclusief herleidbaar kalibratiecertificaat. Wijzigingen voorbehouden EURO-INDEX® VL 13001