-----Original Message----From: Paula Humfrey Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 09:12 AM To: Subject: Fwd: Trs: HUMAN OBLIGASI UN SWISSINDO
-------- Original Message --------
Subject:Trs: HUMAN OBLIGASI UN SWISSINDO Date:Mon, 18 Mar 2013 20:51:56 +0800 (SGT) From:alang Jr Reply-alang Jr To: To:paula
----- Pesan yang Diteruskan ----Dari: alang Jr Kepada: Cc: Dikirim: Jumat, 15 Maret 2013 1:22 Judul: HUMAN OBLIGASI UN SWISSINDO
Respectful greetings Mrs. Paula Humfrey Hopefully, in the shadow of the almighty god, I convey our gratitude from leaders at UN SWISSINDO MR.SINO.AS. on shipment data from your documents. The document is being done by our leaders that later I will send it back to you. Below I submit a proposal to the livelihoods HUMAN OBLIGASI people in the world. and I also send attachments GIFT CERTIFICATES example HUMAN OBLIGASI. As well as the development of the information I send our intelligence and intelligence both at home and abroad on UN SWISSINDO. very nice if one day we can meet in a single table. deep gratitude for this struggle. May God give grace to the soul senantisa us. AMIN My respectful greetings Apriyanto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the explanation of SERTIFICAT GIFT). SAMPLE / SAMPLE "GIFT CERTIFICATE" HUMAN obligation CARD, FOR 'MASTER CARD ESTWO "ATM-U AND SUITABLE FOR KTP/NIK- 1 DARI 260 MILLION SOULS OF INDONESIA
AND THE Citizens Of The World Population 7 MILIIARD. Swear THIS IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUTH IN ACCORDANCE intrinsic-SILA SILA SILA PANCASILA Specially TO 5 D animating and animated by SILA SILA-OTHER, AND SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR INDONESIA WORLD LIGHTHOUSE. HUMAN NATURE obligation AFTER THE TREATY EVENT Executed UN-SWISSINDO multinational, as a manifestation of UNITY UNITY INTERNATIONAL-BACK TO BASIC!!!!! Continued "EARLY RECOGNITION" HUMAN Obligation 2012 IMPROVEMENT AS "ID-ELECTRONICS" IN INDONESIA THE PAST. APPLY throughout UN MEMBER STATES AND BANK INDONESIA AND PRIME BANK IN INDONESIA. Entirely UNDER Veto Authority PERSONAL ONE ONLY, NO COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATE OF IDENTITY ACCEPTABLE Certifications: Financial Institution's Official SEAL or STAMP (such as Corporate & Institution STAMP or SEAL or STAMP Medallion Signature Guaranteed) Code 99.98. Brokers MUST USE A STAMP Medallion 8 ******************************************* (Note: Notary CERTIFICATION IS "NOT" ACCEPTABLE) Per ktp will have a gift certificate as valid proof of human righ legal obligation of every citizen of the world / reg. And its delivery device ktp apply for ATM-U as identity cards in Indonesia and the world other UN member states. One for all.
(Intelligence and intelligence) Swissindo Internaational · AM-FM FILE: Sultan Cakrabuwana Exhibits AB
ORBIT INTERNATIONAL WORLD TRUST SWISSINDO ANSWER AND CHALLENGES WORLD DECLARATION OF TRANSACTION NO. A5-303-333-742-42 WORLD BANK INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTION Institution OPERATION ALFA OMEGA CODE SPIRITUAL FAIR QUEEN OF WONDER BOY NEO Immam MAHDI INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS REPORT GERMANY-INDONESIA Intelligence-INTELLIGENCE UN-SWISSINDO GIS PUBLICATION CODE NO. ASM-001/MF REFERENCE ASBLP-0330-2012/13 FOR WE REFLECT What's the matter with the Government of Indonesia? Who Rakyat Indonesia Top Holders High Sovereignty? And Who is the Criminal? Who is Defending People Indonesia? Bank Statements Infinite Authority-SSA. SELECT ARTICLE-AKUR / RUINED This news was conveyed To YTH: Police of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Government. In this case I, SINGLE OWNER is responsible for the confidentiality WORLD BANK-UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND-BANK INDONESIA as a response and a challenge DECLARATION OF TRANSACTION World with NO. A5-303-333-742-42, DEPOSIT DEPOSIT CONTROL STATEMENT INVEST and is responsible for the final report Clarance BANK STATEMENTS INFINITE Program-The Committee of 300-The World Bank Group, Ref. ASBLP-0330-2012, the final Audit Account Account Data Sheets 884 Records under the authority UBS AG U.S.A Taxpayer & Documentary INSTRUCTION SWIFT program INTEGRATION PROJECTS. INSTRUCTION MT.799.105.103. FM.001 = 777.552552542AM INA: 117.113.112.ITJ Summary reports :: March 10, 2013 at 21:24 REVIEW Reports and Formal and information, and SPONTANEOUS regard to the instructions that have U.S. Bank Accept; Person responsible for some year-end Meeting in Germany and Italy
(22 / 12-04/1/2013 to destroy SWISSINDO transactions, SPECIAL OPERATION FORMER PRESIDENT of GERMANY & Counsellor, CL (President IMF) and the initial "G" and an act openly. IMF said all these people that he can play at will over " The accounts untouched "or Spiritual Wonder Boy. If that does not happen meskinya GLOBAL CRISIS and it must have a MICRO FILM, which is really only one and only one in the world, ID-History (Millstones). Otherwise MICRO FILM hand, obviously the actors an IMF-Tidaak have any authority associated Code FM & AM until the GIS NO.ASM CODE-001 then he should be adopted. In A.1.1.A IMF reports, Related Commercial banks recognized that the removal or criminal behavior by a bank or individual Reqime by 3 factors: 1. Corporate changes. 2. Legal Reform. 3. Technology. The proof presented to the public is clear he must have MICRO FILM AND ONE HUNDRED YEARS Helping Medallion TO CREATE THE FUTURE. So if anyone understands that the STAFF is NOT Interpreted. The STAFF is NOT Owner. We recently received a report on the implementation of a big financial-Germany at Commerzbank. SKR. NO.44525592 within the mandate of the Cabinet Ham on Account No. Commerzbank. 400876834300, otherwise must didamping Account SKR-97. AND Keep in mind (97 SHEETS) was used by 25 countries is related to the Master Agreement BANK-BANK INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION LAW & PROTECTION AGREEMENT COVERS IV (Top Secret UBS-FED-US TREASURY). It will happen if SWISSINDO (SWISS-INDONESIA) as Single Owner, FLO-FESSELIO LIUZES ORFILIZE, using His right to carry out INSTRUCTION MT.799. 105,103. and the appointment of CommerzbankGermany, and presented as THE BIG BANK Bullion KENCANA MAS QUEEN ROOM A1-1A, and the transaction is regulated through control mechanisms PAYEMNT 1-11. Certification Board of the Association of International Documents, as the holder and owner MICRO FILM, Signatory Medallion Guarantee. This shows that the manual system is part of the whole Electronich Counter System, to keep the secret passage control monetary and finance system Printing Printing Currency Law Legal Standards World Pay Account Updates 97 (97 SHEETS) is a 138 Distribution Account, to PARTICIPANT'S & 253 beneficiary countries and the Top 300 Organization. Obviously 97 Product Certificate UBS-IMF means any individual, clearly dependent on UBS. In this case NATO, SEATO, NON BLOCK U.S. $. 138,990,000,000,000. - Is part of the recipients in the list NEW WORLD ORDER PAYMENT 1-11. CERTIFICATE 97, is part of the data identic code ownership, Exhibit A. Gold Certificate of UBSInstruction (List No.. 001-List No.. 235) or 235 Gold Certificate UBS, The bleached by the International Association of Document-Crown Council I-XIII, Integrated Ownership: UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND METAL with Registrant's UBS AG THE WORLD BANK and BANK OF INDONESIA. It was reported that the contents of the financial amount is almost equal, it is considered part of the
operation SWISSINDO and legal means, if not then no authorization OCC. OMD will be introduced to the commission BIS. Responsible Agent Commerzbank is "R" to prepare asset exchange with HSBC in Paris. Envoy geneva, related to the current German states in SSA residence some time ago, that if this is not resolved in 2013 will trigger World War 3, and this has started from SABAH, it is also a domino effect in the natural law, and legal history of the treaty show the world. Incident-KING STONE conflict between the TNI-police, also part of the journey RI, which can not be resolved by the party of the party in this negari. The anti SBY also amazes me, and what is happening in this country? BNN-seen prestige the case of a country boy named RAFI Amad (Read: Neat AMAT) helped enliven this country phenomenon. At the same time the Secret German menhubungi Foreign Affairs to remind that no SWISSINDO and OMD have been disbanded and diissukan GIANT FRAUD. French secret agent contact DCRI foreign affairs to menginfokan that SWISSINDO and SSA is a giant fraud CRIMINAL under supervision and entered DPO in POLICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. There are interesting things here: SSA-In isukan in Germany so excited why GOVERNMENT RI and in this case is political will, libelous SSA, and do not have the slightest lift Citra nationalist citizens, and should be remembered SSA, INSTEAD OF A TERRORIST, NOT ANYWAY "corruptors" he is a citizen of Indonesia Sah, in accordance with the Convention ECOSOC, and all we have to inform 253 countries, UN, Commander-Commander, GOVERNOR, to implement PAYMENT SUPER SEMMAR 11-UNEVEN / PAYMENT 1-11. And at about the same time in HOTEL PATRA BALI DENPASAR, occurred 52 meetings with the parents-Sri Mulyani (World Bank) Obligation is linked GLOBAL HUMAN rights under the Intellectual world SWISSINDO Patent Licensee Agreement, which has also been accepted by the United Nations and the State and National 253 Indonesia 33 Governor. Info unilateral, not considered in this case, and contacted in secret since it is considered sensitive. And please note the corrupt START of MCC-plastered REAL DEMOCRAT, TV & MEDIA TO WITNESS THE END OF HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY and SSA thank the DPO-in POLICE TO THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA issued the German intelligence and others. If that fact simply published in Media TV-Nor, then danger if the issue spread-CRIMINAL Police and law enforcement agencies involved Criminalization Laws, Lies and the Public to seseorangm SWISSINDO institution, let alone a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Indonesia 17-8-1945 CERTIFICATE HOLDER . Need to Remember SWISSINDO is Memorial & Imperial Corporate & Institutional Collateral World, the Patent Licensee Swissindo Agreement (WORLD BANK-UBS-BI-STATE PROGRAM) of the League of Nations and United Nations named UNO-192 was established by the State witnessed 16 Country Multinationals and the Parent bureaucracy managing 25 countries, which was signed by MR. H. GROOB. (SWISS-INDONESIA) MR. SOEKARNO. The ignorance of the authorities of the government of Indonesia, enabling it for the conspiracy since 1966. Why do they still think to be able to use the Financial SWISSINDO for their own interests, both in the State of RI. Especially replacement and International Debt-Debt?????? Is not that still "haram" and the
International Fund of Crimes if done? During two days in Lausanne SWITZERLAND unofficial meeting held oleg OG with some bank representatives and financial experts DS Group, the real intention at that time to follow Transactions SWISSINDO. I / We consider ways like this is never acceptable, and indeed in PAYMENT 1-11, all are accommodated throughout the state interest, Corporate & Institutions, and its citizens in the form of CASH FUNDS Quota through Contract Projects Exhibits AB-SWISSINDO UN Treaty Event . At the same time a lot of DS Group members are trying to figure out for abusing the Money, for their own purposes and can control the full!!! CONCLUSION TO CONSOLIDATED INTERNATIONAL SWISSINDO 1. WE DO NOT DOUBT AT ALL that you (SSA) WHICH HAVE TAKEN FULL CONTROL SYSTEM FOR HIGH-LEVEL dilevel (120 BIG TOP) Exhibits AB. 2. OUR ANXIETY OVER TO CONDUCT THE MOST ACTORS ACTOR-WORLD FINANCIAL. 3. THEREFORE WE CONVEY THE BANKER AND ACTORS OF FINANCIAL EXPECT "ACTION EXPRESS" FROM THE authoritative / AUTHORITIES IN THE CONTEXT OF POWER AND AUTHORITY show. We are still ready to work for the People. [Regards MRMC-Germany]. Q: How mengawasai where finally the total amount of money that should be done by a Single Owner? A: NEW WORLD ORDER PAYMENT 1-11 (SUPER SEMMAR 11 UNEVEN), and PAY LEGAL STANDARD SECURITY PRINT NEW WORLD CURRENCY "ESTWO" is a substitute CERTIFICATE OF INDONESIAN INTERNATIONAL U.S. $. 97,000,000,000.0 (97 SHEETS)-UBS A.G. the parent authority MICRO-FILM BOARD OF GUARDIANSHIP INDIVIDUAL HOME-ICC. PAID LEGAL STANDARD FORM WORLD CURRENCY 2013. Payment 1-11 To make International Unity Unity walk together across the state and nation-bagsa world and its people and the United Nations through three principal contracts Exhibits AB: GLOBAL HUMAN obligation, KEY GLOBAL MASTER PLAN, INDONESIA MASTER PLAN "Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development 2010-2025 (in Ask the government. SBY-Boediono Through IMF). So it is not fair if RIGHTS OF THE WORLD U.S. $. 6 million Per-KTP/SSN derailed in various operations gray, 253 STATE RIGHT, TOP 300 organizati ON, NATO-SEATO-NON BLOCK, UN, AND ORGANIZATIONS selected, OR INDIVIDUAL mandate as world-Parent 25 Country. So the UN-based Executive Order 10,422, which is implied in any media and authorities under the Big Top Royal, K.681 King of King's AM-1, Th Greatest President of the Kingdom's of the United Nations Organization, to crack down to the individual / banking actors, for the execution of any organizasi OPERATIONS AAAA ALFA OMEGA Code: FM-001-777, Albisraider AC.P.USD. 1568-1120 Bank Officer, Switzerland-Indonesia (SWISSINDO), SBC SWIFT 80A OCHZZ Coordinates Bank, Zurich-
Cirebon (SWISS-INDONESIA) Operation Code SPIRITUAL WONDER BOY, Overtake Order Geneva '63; GARUDA INDONESIA IS MARRIED WITH 1 THEN NANGKUTI MIRACULOUS KING IS BORN NEO GUARDIAN FAIR QUEEN Immam MAHDI, and authorization was ordered to Sec.Gend. Bank Ki Moon & General Assemble UNITED NATIONS, Reference ASBLP-0330-2012, UNRegistered Executive Order 10 422 SWISSINDO. TASK FORCE WHITE TIGER INDONESIA, RUSSIA BEAR RED, WHITE BEAR AND THE DRAGON WHITE AMERICA CHINA, The Diplomatic Corps Community Commercial, whether bilateral, multinateral and Global Millennium and NEW armed NATO-SEATO-NON BLOCK, of Mother Army A & B / an / SINO.AS / Tasked with escorting the bullion goes BIG BANK KENCANA MAS QUEEN ROOM A11A in German. It is defined as the Global Paradox Verdict Executive Order Petition UN-10 422-SWISSINDO presidential decree appointing the UN and Commerzbank-FRANKFURT, GERMANY as a form of rebirth Banking Industrial Revolution, the Meiji Restoration, and the International CL Leadership World Revolutionary Indonesia as the guarantor guarantees states foreign exchange earner and print collateral to pay legal standard world currency. Sandi Language: Bahasa Indonesia International GRANT'S TEAM Gov't [THREAD ID: 1-1TB79N] P1.PKC-CIREBON Homeland-17-8-1945 COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DOCUMENTS The Founding Father's Regional International Institutions BIG TOP ROYAL, K.681 THE GREATEST PRESIDENT / S / S / AM-FM / GIS CODE REG-NO.ASM-001/INA MR.A1.SINO.AS.S "2". IR.S, ST INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PATENT AGREEMENT Licensee SWISSINDO Registered World History Program Copyright in the Protect Act NOTE: The data SWISSINDO ORBIT INTERNATIONAL WORLD TRUST, many diplagiatkan and circulated in Indonesia, with the aim of seeking personal gain or groups, undermine SWISSINDO image, which has the legal status of FLO in international law and owner of Patent Licensee SWISSINDO Agreement, and Registration bersertificate World History Program , the Collateral Super Majority in the world.
CTC-Report, stating that anyone around the opposition NEW WORLD ORDER is a terrorismSparatism-Cominism. To anyone who uses the powers of Banking, SWISSINDO Membership, as well as those who break the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia through the Modus Operandi SWISSINDO behalf, abuse, Warrant, without a warrant, to the ranks of Interpol, FATF-GAFI, UNO-SECURITY COUNCIL for crack down including all defamation via the Internet, by both individuals and institutions are part of Plan B-Operation FM.001 Algae Omega-777 ® and diberita acarakan openly. The Security and Exchange Commissions-SEC by BA1 (OFFICIAL 1 EXHIBIT A) (9/97) entitled to carry out the automatic acquisition of Corporate (Prime Banks) who do not heed the order and the code of conduct for the use of collateral related to Print Currency Certificate 97 and Infinite Bank Statements as part of the Board of Resolutions MAS QUEEN OF THE WORLD BANK KENCANA related ROOM A1-1A Account Code AM. Top of Form
Brokers MUST USE A STAMP Medallion 8 ******************************************* (Note: Notary CERTIFICATION IS "NOT" ACCEPTABLE) Per ktp will have a gift certificate as valid proof of human righ legal obligation of every citizen of the world / reg. And its delivery device ktp apply for ATM-U as identity cards in Indonesia and the world other UN member states. One for all.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( Intelijen and Intelijensia ) Swissindo Internaational· AM-FM FILE: Keraton Cakrabuwana
Ada apa dengan Pemerintah RI? Siapa Rakyat Indonesia Pemegang Kedaulatan Tinggi Tertinggi? Dan Siapa yang Kriminal? Siapa yang Membela Rakyat Indonesia? Otorita Infinite Bank Statements-SSA. PILIH RUKUN-AKUR / HANCUR Berita ini disampaikan Kepada YTH: Kepolisian Republik Indonesia & Pemerintah RI. Dalam hal ini saya, SINGLE OWNER bertanggung jawab atas Kerahasiaan WORLD BANK-UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND-BANK INDONESIA sebagai Jawaban dan tantangan Dunia bersama DECLARATION OF TRANSACTION NO. A5-303-333-742-42, DEPOSIT CONTROL STATEMENT INVEST DEPOSIT dan bertanggung jawab atas laporan akhir Clarance Program INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS-The Committee of 300-The World Bank Group, Ref. ASBLP-0330-2012, Audit akhir Account data Sheets 884 Account Records dibawah otorita UBS A.G. & U.S.A Taxpayer Documentary Program INSTRUCTION SWIFT INTEGRATION PROJECTS. INSTRUCTION MT.799.105.103. FM.001=777.552552542AM INA:117.113.112.ITJ Ringkasan laporan:: 10 Maret 2013 pada 21:24 REVIEW Laporan dan informasi Resmi dan Tidak Resmi, dan SPONTAN Berkenaan dengan Instruksi Bank yang telah KAMI Terima; Penanggung jawab atas beberapa Meeting akhir tahun di Jerman dan Itali (22 /12-04/1/2013 untuk menghancurkan transaksi SWISSINDO, SPECIAL OPERATION dari MANTAN PRESIDEN GERMANY & ATASE C.L. (President IMF) dan initial “G” beraksi secara terbuka dan a.n .IMF menyatakan kesemua orang bahwa dia bisa bermain semaunya atas “Rekeningrekening tak terjamah” atau Spiritual Wonder Boy. Jika demikian meskinya tidak terjadi KRISIS GLOBAL dan ia harus memiliki MICRO FILM, yang sesungguhnya hanya satu dan hanya satu didunia, ID-History (Millstones). Jika tidak MICRO FILM ditangannya, jelas para aktor a.n. IMF-Tidaak memiliki kewenangan apapun terkait Code FM & AM hingga kepada GIS CODE NO.ASM-001 maka ia harus diadopsi. Dalam laporan-laporan IMF A.1.1.A, Terkait bank-bank Komersial diakui bahwa perilaku penghapusan atau kejahatan perbankan oleh suatu Reqime ataupun oknum melalui 3 faktor: 1. Perubahan Corporate. 2. Pembentukan Hukum. 3. Teknologi. Pembuktian kehadapan Publik adalah jelas ia harus memiliki MICRO FILM dan MEDALLION
HELPING ONE HUNDRED YEARS TO CREATE THE FUTURE. Maka jika siapapun itu paham bahwa the STAFF is NOT Interpreted. The STAFF is NOT Owner. Kami baru saja menerima laporan tentang pelaksanaan keuangan yg besar di Commerzbank-Germany. SKR. NO.44525592 dalam Ham Cabinet yakni amanat Commerzbank atas Rekening No. 400876834300, dinyatakan harus didamping SKR-Rekening 97. DAN Perlu di ingat (97 SHEETS) yang telah digunakan oleh Induk 25 Negara adalah terkait BANK AGREEMENT-INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION LAW & BANK PROTECTION MELIPUTI AGREEMENT I-V (Top Secret UBS-FED-US TREASURY) . Hal itu akan terjadi apabila SWISSINDO (SWISS-INDONESIA) selaku Single Owner, F.L.OFESSELIO LIUZES ORFILIZE, menggunakan hakNya untuk melaksanakan INSTRUCTION MT.799. 105.103. dan penunjukan Commerzbank-Germany, dan dipresentasikan selaku THE BULLION BIG BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A, dan transaksi tersebut diatur melalui mekanisme Control PAYEMNT 1-11. Sertifikasi Dewan Ikatan Dokumen Internasional, selaku pemegang dan pemilik MICRO FILM, Signatory Guarantee Medallion. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa manual System adalah bagian Counter seluruh Electronich System, untuk tetap menjaga berjalannya secret control monetary finance system dan Hukum Percetakan Pencetakan Mata Uang Standar Sah Bayar Dunia Pembaruan Rekening 97 (97 SHEETS) adalah menjadi Rekening Distribusi 138, untuk PARTICIPANT’S & BENEFICIARY 253 negara dan Top 300 Organization. Sertifikat 97 Jelas Produk UBS-Artinya apapun oknum IMF, jelas bergantung kepada UBS. Dalam hal ini NATO, SEATO, NON BLOCK senilai US$. 138,990,000,000,000.- adalah bagian dari penerima dalam daftar PAYMENT 1-11 NEW WORLD ORDER. SERTIFIKAT 97, adalah bagian dari identic data code ownership, Exhibit A. Gold Certificate UBSInstruction dari (List No. 001-List No. 235) atau 235 Gold Certificate UBS, Yang diputihkan oleh Dewan Ikatan Dokumen Internasional-Crown Council I-XIII, Integrated Ownership: UNION BANK OF METAL SWITZERLAND dengan Registrant’s UBS A.G. THE WORLD BANK dan BANK OF INDONESIA. Dilaporkan bahwa isi jumlah keuangan hampir sama maka hal ini dianggap bagian operasi SWISSINDO dan berarti legal, jika tidak maka tidak ada otorisasi OCC. OMD akan diperkenalkan kepada komisi BIS. Penanggung Jawab Amanat Commerzbank adalah “R” untuk mempersiapkan pertukaran asset dengan HSBC di Paris. Utusan geneva, terkait German menyatakan saat di kediaman SSA beberapa waktu lalu, bahwa jika 2013 hal ini tidak terselesaikan akan memicu terjadinya Perang Dunia Ke 3, dan hal ini telah dimulai dari SABAH, hal ini juga efek domino secara hukum alam, maupun hukum sejarah perjanjian peragaan dunia. Insiden-konflik BATU RAJA antara TNI-POLRI, juga bagian dari perjalanan RI, yang tidak bisa diselesaikan oleh segolongan Partai di negari ini. Gerakan anti SBY pun mengherankan saya, dan sedang terjadi apa dinegeri ini? BNN-yang terlihat gengsi atas kasus seorang anak negeri bernama RAFI AMAD ( Baca: Rapi Amat) turut meramaikan fenomena negeri ini. Di waktu yang sama Agen Rahasia Jerman menhubungi urusan Luar Negeri untuk mengingatkan bahwa
SWISSINDO tidak ada dan OMD telah dibubarkan dan diissukan FRAUD RAKSASA. Agen Rahasia Prancis DCRI menghubungi urusan luar negeri untuk menginfokan bahwa SWISSINDO dan SSA adalah seorang KRIMINAL Fraud raksasa dibawah Pengawasan dan masuk DPO di KEPOLISIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA. Ada hal menarik disini: SSA-Di isukan dijerman sedemikian heboh mengapa PEMERINTAH RI dan dalam hal ini adalah political will, mencemarkan nama baik SSA, dan tidak memiliki nasionalis sedikitpun mengangkat Citra Warga NegaraNya, dan harus di ingat SSA, BUKAN SEORANG TERORIS, BUKAN PULA “KORUPTOR” ia adalah Warga Indonesia Sah, sesuai dengan Konvensi ECOSOC, dan seluruhnya telah kami informasikan ke 253 Negara, PBB, PANGDAM-PANGDAM, GUBERNUR, untuk melaksanakan PEMBAYARAN SUPER SEMMAR 11-MERATA / PEMBAYARAN 1-11. Dan pada saat yang hampir bersamaan di HOTEL PATRA DENPASAR BALI, terjadi Rapat bersama 52 para orang tua-Sri Mulyani (World Bank) terkait GLOBAL HUMAN OBLIGATION Adalah hak Intelektual dunia dibawah Licensee Patent SWISSINDO Agreement, yang juga telah diterima oleh PBB dan 253 Negara dan Nasional Indonesia 33 Gubernur. Info SEPIHAK, tidak dianggap dalam hal ini, dan menghubungi secara rahasia mengingat hal ini dianggap sensitif. Dan perlu diketahui PARA KORUPTOR MULAI TERPAMPANG NYATA dari PKS-DEMOKRAT, TV & MEDIA MENJADI SAKSI AKHIR SEJARAH NEGERI INI dan SSA mengucapkan terimakasih atas DPO-di KEPOLISIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Yang diisukan KE para intelijen Jerman maupun lainnya. Jika itu kenyataanya silahkan dipublikasikan di TV-Maupun Media, Maka bahaya jika Kepolisian menebar issu-KRIMINAL, dan lembaga penegak hukum terlibat Kriminalisasi Hukum, Kebohongan Publik kepada seseorangm maupun institusi SWISSINDO, apalagi seorang warga negara NKRI dan PEMEGANG SERTIFIKAT NKRI 17-8-1945. Perlu di Ingat SWISSINDO adalah Memorial & Imperial Corporate & Institusi Collateral Dunia, dengan Patent Licensee Swissindo Agreement (WORLD BANK-UBS-BI-STATE PROGRAM) dari Liga Bangsa-Bangsa dan bernama UNO-PBB didirikan oleh 192 Negara disaksikan 16 Negara Multinasional dan para pelaksana birokrasi Induk 25 Negara, yang ditandatangani oleh MR. H. GROOB. (SWISS-INDONESIA) MR. SOEKARNO. Adapun ketidak tahuan para pihak aparat pemerintah RI, memungkinkan hal ini mengingat konspirasi besar sejak 1966. Kenapa Mereka masih berpikir untuk dapat menggunakan Keuangan SWISSINDO untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri, baik dalam Negeri RI. Maupun Internasional Khususnya pengganti Utang-Utang?????? Bukankan itu tetap “HARAM” dan International Fund of Crimes jika dilakukan? Selama 2 hari di Lausanne SWISS meeting tidak resmi diadakan oleg O.G dengan beberapa Perwakilan bank dan ahli keuangan DS Group, maksud sebenarnya saat itu untuk menindaklanjuti Transaksi SWISSINDO. Saya / Kami menganggap cara-cara seperti ini tdak dapat diterima, dan sesungguhnya dalam PAYMENT 1-11, semua sudah terwadahi seluruh kepentingan negara, Corporate & Institutions, dan Warga NegaraNya dalam bentuk Quota CASH FUNDS melalui Contract Projects Exhibits AB Treaty Event UNSWISSINDO. Pada saat yang sama banyak member DS Group yang mencoba membayangkan untuk menyalahgunakan Jumlah Uang, untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri dan dapat mengontrol penuh!!!
KESIMPULAN LAPORAN INTERNASIONAL KEPADA SWISSINDO 1. KAMI TIDAK RAGU SAMA SEKALI BAHWA ANDALAH (SSA) YANG TELAH MENGAMBIL KONTROL PENUH ATAS SYSTEM DILEVEL-LEVEL TERTINGGI (120 BIG TOP) EXHIBITS AB. 2. KECEMASAN KAMI LEBIH KEPADA TINGKAH LAKU PARA KEBANYAKAN AKTORAKTOR DUNIA KEUANGAN. 3. KARENA ITU KAMI SAMPAIKAN DARI PARA BANKIR DAN PELAKU KEUANGAN YANG MENGHARAPKAN “TINDAKAN TEGAS” DARI YANG BEROTORITAS / BERWENANG DALAM RANGKA MENUNJUKAN KUASA DAN WEWENANG. Kami yang masih tetap siap bekerja untuk Umat. [Salam MRMC-Germany]. Q: Bagai mana akhirNya mengawasai secara total Jumlah Uang yang seharusNya dilakukan oleh Single Owner? A: NEW WORLD ORDER PAYMENT 1-11 (SUPER SEMMAR 11 MERATA), dan JAMINAN CETAK STANDAR SAH BAYAR MATA UANG DUNIA BARU “ ESTWO” adalah pengganti INDONESIAN OF CERTIFICATE INTERNATIONAL US$. 97,000,000,000.0 (97 SHEETS)-UBS A.G. dengan induk otorita MICRO FILM-BADAN INDUK PERWALIAN PERSEORANGAN-ICC. DALAM MEMBENTUK STANDAR SAH BAYAR MATA UANG DUNIA 2013. Payment 1-11 Untuk menjadikan Persatuan Kesatuan Internasional berjalan bersama-sama seluruh negara dan bagsa-bangsa didunia dan rakyatnya dan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa melalui 3 pokok kontrak proyek Exhibits AB: GLOBAL HUMAN OBLIGATION, GLOBAL MASTER KEY PLAN, INDONESIA MASTER PLAN “Acceleration and Expansion Economic Development of Indonesia 2010-2025 (di Ajukan Pemerintah RI. SBY-BUDIONO Melalui IMF). Jadi tidak adil jika HAK RAKYAT DUNIA US$. 6.000.000 Per-KTP/SSN dijegal dalam berbagai operasi kelabu, HAK 253 NEGARA, TOP 300 ORGANIZATION, NATO-SEATO-NON BLOCK, PBB, DAN ORGANISASI TERSELEKSI, MAUPUN PERORANGAN selaku mandate dunia-Induk 25 Negara.
Maka berdasar Executive Order UN-10422, apapun yang tersirat dalam media ini dan dibawah otorita Big Top Royal, K.681 King of King’s AM-1, Th Greatest President of the Kingdom’s of the United Nation Organization, untuk menindak tegas kepada para oknum/aktor perbankan, organizasi manapun untuk dilaksanakanNya OPERASI ALFA OMEGA Code A.A.A.A: FM-001-777, Albisraider AC.P.USD. 1568-1120 Bank Officer, Switzerland-Indonesia (SWISSINDO), S.B.C. SWIFT 80A OCHZZ Coordinates Bank, Zurich-Cirebon (SWISS-INDONESIA) Operation Code SPIRITUAL WONDER BOY, Overtake Order Geneva ’63; GARUDA 1 INDONESIA IS MARRIED WITH NANGKUTI THEN KING WALI SAKTI IS BORN NEO RATU ADIL IMMAM MAHDI, dan otorisasi ini diperintahkan kepada Sec.Gend. Bank Ki Moon & General Assemble UNITED NATIONS,
Reference ASBLP-0330-2012, Registered Executive Order UN-10422 SWISSINDO. TASK FORCE MACAN PUTIH INDONESIA, BERUANG MERAH RUSIA, BERUANG PUTIH AMERIKA DAN NAGA PUTIH CHINA, The Corps Diplomatic Community Commercial, baik bilateral, multinateral maupun Global Millennium dan NEW ARMED: NATO-SEATO-NON BLOCK, Induk-Induk Army A & B / a.n/ SINO.AS/ Bertugas mengawal berjalannya BULLION BIG BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A di German. Hal ini ditetapkan Global Paradox selaku Putusan Executive Order UN-10422 SWISSINDO PetisiDekrit Presiden Besar PBB dan penunjukan COMMERZBANK-FRANKFURT, GERMANY sebagai wujud lahir kembali Revolusi Industri Perbankan, Restorasi Meiji, dan International C.L Leadership World Revolusioner Indonesia selaku penjamin jaminan negara-negara penghasil devisa dan jaminan cetak standar sah bayar mata uang dunia. Bahasa Sandi: Bahasa Internasional Indonesia GRANT’S GOV’T TEAM [THREAD ID;1-1TB79N] P1.PKC-CIREBON NKRI-17-8-1945 DEWAN IKATAN DOKUMEN INTERNASIONAL The Founding Father’s Regional International Institutions BIG TOP ROYAL, K.681 THE GREATEST PRESIDENT /S/S/AM-FM/REG-GIS CODE NO.ASM-001/INA MR.A1.SINO.AS.S”2”.IR.S,ST HAK INTELEKTUAL PATENT LICENSEE SWISSINDO AGREEMENT History Registered World Program Hak Cipta di Lindungi Undang-Undang CATATAN: Data-data SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT, banyak diplagiatkan dan beredar di Republik Indonesia, dengan tujuan mencari keuntungan pribadi atau kelompok, merusak citra SWISSINDO, yang memiliki hukum F.L.O dalam status hukum internasional dan pemilik Patent Licensee SWISSINDO Agreement, dan bersertificate History Registered World Program, dengan Collateral Super Majority di dunia. CTC-Report, menyatakan bahwa siapapun seluruh Opisisi NEW WORLD ORDER adalah TerorismSparatism-Cominism.
Kepada siapapun yang menggunakan wewenang Perbankan, Tanda Anggota SWISSINDO, maupun pihak-pihak yang memecah belah persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI melalui Modus Operandi mengatasnamakan SWISSINDO, menyalahgunakan, Surat Perintah, tanpa surat perintah, kepada jajaran Interpol, FATF-GAFI, UNO-SECURITY COUNCIL untuk menindak tegas termasuk seluruh pencemaran nama baik melalui media internet, baik oleh perorangan maupun Institusi adalah bagian Plan B-Operasi Alga Omega FM.001-777® dan diberita acarakan secara terbuka. Kepada Security & Exchange Commissions-SEC melalui BA1 (OFFICIAL 1, EXHIBIT A) (9/97) berhak melaksanakan otomatis akuisisi Corporate (Prime Banks) yang tidak mengindahkan tatanan dan kode etik atas penggunaan jaminan Cetak Mata Uang terkait Sertifikat 97 dan Infinite Bank Statements sebagai bagian Board of Resolutions THE WORLD BANK RATU MAS KENCANA ROOM A1-1A terkait Account Code AM. Top of Form
-------- Original Message -------Subject:Trs: HUMAN OBLIGASI UN SWISSINDO Date:Thu, 21 Mar 2013 21:30:06 -0400 From:Paula Humfrey To:apri My friend Apriyanto, I received your email with appreciation. I return your wonderful energy in kind. I am grateful for the opportunity to communicate with you. Please give my best regards to your leaders. I share your concerns for the freedom of the people of Indonesia and all other people of this planet. I read the HUMAN OBLIGASI proposal carefully. The almighty god is immanent within us. As above, so below. I greatly appreciate your forthright honesty in sharing intelligence on UN SWISSINDO. I will be equally honest with you. Thank you for showing me how the gift certificate system works. I salute you for proposing this plan. However, because of the depth of global banking corruption, the One People's Public Trust has abandoned the old system altogether, and will be moving to a new financial system almost immediately. Please recall that the One People's Public Trust wishes to present Absolute Data, so that the entire TRUTH of any situation stands fully revealed. Accordingly, it is important for me to state again that the UN, the Bank for International Settlements, and all related corporations have been foreclosed by the One People's Public Trust. Until these corrupt institutions are completely shut down and out of funds, it is perhaps not wise to introduce funds from your Trust. Actions are being taken now, such as those we see in Cyprus, that will
unfold in such a way as to stop the criminal activity. Our creator god will return to us what is rightly due, and then the value can be returned to the people. I believe that there is a way for our shared struggle to be over right now, in this moment. Please see the attached Military Order and Declaration that was filed as international and universal law by the One People's Public Trust at the end of 2012. You have every right to arrest all of the actors to whom you refer in your most recent message. The banks have committed fraud and, as discussed above, the government of Indonesia is a corporation that has now been foreclosed by the One People's Public Trust. It is not an organic government for the people, but instead a corporation beholden to its investors. I send to you this day another filing that allows the military to take into custody any and all actors, providing that no harm be should be done to them. I trust you will know how to implement this very powerful tool. Please empower the Indonesian military to arrest corrupt bankers and government officials so that they can do no more harm to the people of Indonesia. The One People's Public Trust Military Order mandates that every soul on the planet is safe: no harm will be done to another being. However, it is very important to stop these beings from committing further crimes against the people. The future is for our children, and it is our duty and responsibility to make it available to them, free from any wars that these ACTORS and CRIMINALS would like to initiate. I know full well of their crimes and manipulation. This is why the One People's Public Trust has foreclosed on these illegal corporations acting under the disguise of people's governments. This is why the One People's Public Trust has foreclosed on all the central banks of the world, including Indonesia's (Rakyat). The Indonesian people should feel empowered immediately to undertake changes to business and civic systems. These changes will be supported by the immediate global release of new technologies that will improve the life of every person on this planet. We will have considerable assistance in undertaking this task. It is a great pleasure and a privilege to develop this relationship together in the spirit of 5D. I very much look forward to sitting down at the same table. Insha'Allah, Paula