P a g e | 384
: Bahasa Inggris
: XII / 5
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C.3. Menyajikan Laporan
Indikator Outline laporan prakerin ditulis didalam powerpoint slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat yang singkat dan padat.
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : 1. Menyampaikan outline laporan prakerin ditulis didalam powerpoint slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat yang singkat dan padat.
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar: Phonology : Segmentals: segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used. Supra segmentals: Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc. Vocabulary : Presentation skills: How to open a speech How to propose ideas How to elaborate ideas
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Introducing sub-topics Let me begin by explaining why / how ... First / Now I want to talk about ... First / Now I want to give you an insight into ... Let's (now) find out why / how ... Let's now move to ... As I already indicated ... Another aspect / point is that ... The roots of ... go back to ... ... began when ... Legend has it that ... As you probably know, ... You probably know that ... Maybe you've already heard about ... You might have seen that already. At the beginning there was / were ... Many people knew / know ... Hardly anyone knew / knows ... ... hit the idea to ... ... was the first to ... It is claimed that ... One can say that ... I have read that ...
Pictures and graphics Let me use a graphic to explain this. The graphic shows that ... As you can see (in the picture) ... In the next / following picture, you can see ... Here is another picture. The next picture shows how ... Let the pictures speak for themselves. I think the picture perfectly shows how / that ... Now, here you can see ... RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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Final thoughts on a sub-topic It was a great success for ... It is a very important day in the history of ... It was / is a very important / special event. This proves that ... The reason is that ... The result of this is that ... It's because ... In other words, ... I want to repeat that ... I'd (just) like to add ...
III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and Answer ( Tanya Jawab ) 2. Role playing 3. Observation 4. Lecture
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran : 1. Kegiatan awal ( 5 – 10 menit ) o Presensi ( mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan / penyebabnya o Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berfikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan bermotivasi siswa. o Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : ( 130 – 140 menit ) Listening - Matching the pictures with statements about presentation - Listening to short talks and choosing the best answer to each questions - Listening to the song and completing its lyrics
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Speaking - Role playing dialogs about how to make and take presentation - Making short dialogs based on the pictures given - Making presentation based on clues given Reading - Reading an outline of presentation Writing - Making an outline of presentation - Writing sentences of opening presentation - Arranging words in the correct order to make sentences about presentation - Completing short talks about how to present reports
3. Kegiatan akhir o Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari o Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa o Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar 1. Modul bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; kode modul C.3 2. Elementary communication games 3. English for hotel 4. English Presentation 5. Grammar Dimension (Platinum Edition) 6. American Business English
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VI. Penilaian 1. Write 3 sentences how to open a speech 2. Write 3 sentences how to propose ideas 3. Write 3 sentences how to elaborate ideas 4. Make an outline of Prakerin presentation in a slide power point
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 389
: Bahasa Inggris
: XII / 5
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C.3. Menyajikan Laporan
Indikator Outline laporan prakerin ditulis didalam powerpoint slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat yang singkat dan padat.
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : 1. Menyampaikan outline laporan prakerin ditulis didalam powerpoint slide atau transparansi dengan menggunakan kalimat yang singkat dan padat.
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar: Phonology : Segmentals: segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used. Supra segmentals: Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc. Vocabulary : Presentation skills: How to close a speech How to handle questions How to use gestures (body language)
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Conclusion ... has a great influence on today's life. Unfortunately, ... is hardly known today. ... should not be forgotten. ... has really impressed me. I hope that one day ... We should not forget ... All in all I believe that... Summing up / Finally it can be said that ... Let me close by quoting ... who said, »...« That was my presentation on ... I am now prepared to answer your questions. Do you have any questions?
If working with a quiz or questions on the topic Well, let's find out now how much you've learned. Let's check how much you can remember from my presentation. Are you ready for the quiz? Let's do the quiz. Okay, let's answer the questions now. Question number one / two / three ... Next question. Who can tell me ...? Exactly. That's correct. / That's right. That's not correct. Try again. I'll give you a hint.
Gestures Keep eyes contact Use hand freely Never put hand on the pocket Keep straight stance RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and Answer ( Tanya Jawab ) 2. Role playing 3. Observation 4. Lecture 5. Discussion
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran : 1. Kegiatan awal ( 5 – 10 menit ) o Presensi ( mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan / penyebabnya o Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berfikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan bermotivasi siswa. o Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : ( 130 – 140 menit ) Listening - Matching the pictures with statements about presentation - Listening to short talks and choosing the best answer to each questions - Listening to the song and completing its lyrics Speaking - Role playing dialogs about how to make and take presentation - Making short dialogs based on the pictures given - Making presentation based on clues given Reading - Reading an outline of presentation Writing - Making an outline of presentation - Writing sentences of opening presentation RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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- Arranging words in the correct order to make sentences about presentation - Completing short talks about how to present reports
3. Kegiatan akhir o Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari o Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa o Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar 1. Modul bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; kode modul C.3 2. Elementary communication games 3. English for hotel 4. English Presentation 5. Grammar Dimension (Platinum Edition) 6. American Business English
VI. Penilaian 1. Write 3 sentences how to close a speech 2. Write 3 sentences how to handle questions 3. Write 3 ideas how to use gestures 4. Make an outline of Prakerin presentation in a slide power point
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 393
: Bahasa Inggris
: XII / 5
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C.3. Menyajikan Laporan
Indikator Laporan prakerin disajikan secara lisan dalam bentuk presentasi yang benar.
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : 1. Menyampaikan laporan prakerin yang disajikan secara lisan dalam bentuk presentasi yang benar.
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar: Phonology : Segmentals: segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used. Supra segmentals: Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc. Vocabulary : Presentation skills: How to maintain audiences’ attention How to use presentation aids
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Presentation Reason A presentation proves that you are able to communicate on a topic of your choice with just a few key words as reminders. In some countries, a presentation is part of the English exam at school (e.g. Eurokom in Germany). Preparation Choose a topic that interests you. First, read about the topic in your native language for necessary background information. At that point you should already plan how you want to organize your presentation. When writing the presentation, you should work with English texts only (that's easier than translating the document in the end). Take short notes only from the English texts, then make your own sentences (short ones if possible). Structure and Content
Introduction: General information on the topic Give your listeners an introduction to the topic (some general information) and explain what exactly you are going to talk about in your presentation.
Actual Presentation Subdivide your presentation into several sub-topics, e.g.: o
Presentation on an event: history, present, special customs
Presentation on a sport: history, rules, important events
Presentation on a stay in an English speaking country: chronologically
Conclusion Find a good conclusion (otherwise it would look as if you simply stopped in the middle of your presentation). A good conclusion could be for example: o
How does the event influence our daily lives?
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How important is the event for you personally? / What's your opinion about it?
What might the future bring?
a quotation that summarizes your presentation
Important Tenses Which tenses to use depends on your topic. Above all you'll probably need the following tenses:
Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Perfect
Note If you cannot think of a topic for your presentation, check out the sections countries, literature and animals/sports on www.ego4u.de. Maybe you'll find something that catches your interest. The online encyclopedia www.wikipedia.org provides lots of information on a variety of topics in several languages. Do also use the search engine www.google.com to find information on your topic. Collect pictures and graphics if possible. They'll help you getting through your presentation without losing the thread. Furthermore, pictures always make a presentation more interesting for the listeners. Usually you are expected to talk about the topic without reading every sentence from a piece of paper. So practice at home until you can hold the presentation with just a few key words (or pictures) as reminders.
III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and Answer ( Tanya Jawab ) 2. Role playing 3. Observation RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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4. Lecture 5. Discussion
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran : 1. Kegiatan awal ( 5 – 10 menit ) o Presensi ( mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan / penyebabnya o Apersepsi dan motivasi : membuka proses berfikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan bermotivasi siswa. o Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : ( 130 – 140 menit ) Listening - Matching the pictures with statements about presentation - Listening to short talks and choosing the best answer to each questions - Listening to the song and completing its lyrics Speaking - Role playing dialogs about how to make and take presentation - Making short dialogs based on the pictures given - Making presentation based on clues given Reading - Reading an outline of presentation Writing - Making an outline of presentation - Writing sentences of opening presentation - Arranging words in the correct order to make sentences about presentation - Completing short talks about how to present reports
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3. Kegiatan akhir o Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari o Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa o Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar 1. Modul bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; kode modul C.3 2. Elementary communication games 3. English for hotel 4. English Presentation 5. Grammar Dimension (Platinum Edition) 6. American Business English
VI. Penilaian 1. How do we maintain audiences’ attention? 2. Mention some ways of using presentation aids? 3. Present your reports!
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 398
SOAL UJIAN KOMPETENSI DASAR C.3 (Alokasi Waktu: 6 x 45 Menit) 1. Presentation Make a presentation of Prakerin report in a slide of power point in time duration 6 – 8 minutes for each student! Every student has 5 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions and answers.
2. Scoring Criteria
Aspek Yang Dinilai
Organization (Introduction, body, conclusion)
Content (depth of knowledge, logic)
Language : pronunciation grammar vocabulary
Performance (eye contact, facial expression, gesture) Skor yang diperoleh Skor maksimum
Catatan: a. Kolom skor diisi dengan angka sebagai berikut: 4 = sangat kompeten 3 = kompeten 2 = kurang kompeten 1 = tidak kompeten RPP C.3/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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b. Penilaian dapat dilakukan dengan kriteria sebagai berikut Skor minimum : 1 x 7 (aspek yang dinilai) = 7 Skor maksimum : 4 x 7 (aspek yang dinilai) = 28 Kategori kriteria : 4 Rentangan Nilai : 28 - 7 ------- = 5.25 4 Penentuan Kriteria: Skor 23-28, dapat ditetapkan sangat kompeten Skor 18-22, dapat ditetapkan kompeten Skor 13-17, dapat ditetapkan kurang kompeten Skor 7 -12, dapat ditetapkan tidak kompeten
3. Students’ number: 30 30 x 8 minutes = 240 minutes, for students’ presentation 30 x 1 minutes = 30 minutes, for teacher’s feedback. Overall, 270 minutes.
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