P a g e | 419
: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester
: XII / 6
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Computer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C. 5 Memahami Surat-surat Bisnis Sederhana
Pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dijawab dengan benar
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : Pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dijawab dengan benar
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar Phonology : Segmentals : segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used Supra segmentals : pronunciation, stress, pitch, intonation, etc. Vocabulary : Types of business documents: Letter Faxes Memos Advertisements Brochures Form Questionnaires RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 420
Grammar : Future tense : you will be rolling in the aishes Past tense
: food and accommodation included in hotel sanur beach
III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and answer (Tanya jawab) 2. Lecturing (ceramah) 3. Task (penugasan) 4. Role Play 5. Discussions
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran 1. Kegiatan Awal (5 – 10 menit) Presentasi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan/penyebabnya) Apersepsi dan motivasi : mebuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa. Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : (130 – 140 menit)
Listening to the song and completing it’s lyrics
Listening for information (short talk) while choosing the best answer
Discussing about business letter in a group
Role playing finding other formal expression
Reading aloud about brochures
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Completing a memos
Drawing and writing a brochures about favorite place for students
3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)
Mengulas secara sngkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari
Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa
Membari tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; KODE MODUL C4 English for secretaries English for business letter Vocabulary book
VI. Penilaian a. Praktek : Make a brochures based on their school environment
b. Latihan Choose the correct answer 1. The document is used when we want to convey information to another staff called? a.
2. Here are the type of business document, except? a.
personal letter
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3. What is the main point that available in the brochures ? a.
the strength of the place
the weaknesses of the place
the threats of the place
name of the manager
4. Memos usually use in ? a.
internal institution
external institution
pos office
key answer : 1. a
2. d
3. a
4. a
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 423
: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester
: XII / 6
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Computer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C. 5 Memahami Surat-surat Bisnis Sederhana
Pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dijawab dengan benar
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : Pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dijawab dengan benar
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar Phonology : Segmentals : segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used Supra segmentals : pronunciation, stress, pitch, intonation, etc. Vocabulary : Part of faxes : Dates Name of sender Name of receiver Name of company receiver Total page which sent Body of faxes The advantages of the advertisement : RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 424
To get information about new product To make them easy to get what we need Grammar : Present perfect : have you returned that…… Gerund
: advertising need an attractive art.
III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and answer (Tanya jawab) 2. Lecturing (ceramah) 3. Task (penugasan) 4. Role Play 5. Discussions
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran 1. Kegiatan Awal (5 – 10 menit) Presentasi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan/penyebabnya) Apersepsi dan motivasi : mebuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa. Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : (130 – 140 menit)
Listening to the song and completing it’s lyrics
Listening for sample of advertisement and give an opinion
Completing the incomplete faxes with oral information
Discussing about faxes in a group
Acting out dialog containing producer and consumer
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Silent reading about faxes
Writing simple faxes
Make a advertisement about product that they like
3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)
Mengulas secara sngkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari
Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa
Membari tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; KODE MODUL C4 English for secretaries English for business letter Vocabulary book
VI. Penilaian a. Praktek : Make dialog based on this advertisement Honda Jazz, 2006, met black, 156 km, in top condition throughout, w/new tires and original interior, call 0725-260261
b. Latihan Choose the correct answer 1. Copy of written or printed material sent electronically by telephone line called ? a. faxes b. memos c. brochures d. questioning
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2. There are the part of faxes, except ? a. dates b. total page sent c. name of receiver d. what kind of paper used for faxes 3. what is the advantages of advertisement ? a. to give information about new product b. to give some idea c. to information about new manager d. to make all the people confused key answer : 1. a 2. a 3. d
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 427
: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester
: XII / 6
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Computer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C. 5 Memahami Surat-surat Bisnis Sederhana
Pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dijawab dengan benar
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : Pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi surat-surat bisnis dijawab dengan benar
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar Phonology : Segmentals : segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used Supra segmentals : pronunciation, stress, pitch, intonation, etc. Vocabulary : The topic question that usually use in interview about : Your identity Your family The passing grade The daily activity The major in formal education The reason why choose the company Salary RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 428
Your skill and capability Grammar : Simple perfect continuous tense : I have been working for three years
III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and answer (Tanya jawab) 2. Lecturing (ceramah) 3. Task (penugasan) 4. Role Play 5. Discussions
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran 1. Kegiatan Awal (5 – 10 menit) Presentasi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan/penyebabnya) Apersepsi dan motivasi : mebuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa. Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : (130 – 140 menit)
Listening to the song and completing it’s lyrics
Listening for real interview by tape
Make dialog about interview and come in front of the class to perform that.
Silent reading about some example question in the interview.
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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Make question that use for interview
3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)
Mengulas secara sngkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari
Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa
Membari tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; KODE MODUL C4 English for secretaries English for business letter Vocabulary book
VI. Penilaian a. Praktek : menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh guru dengan cepat for example : 1)
could you tell me about yourself
can you tell your strength and weaknesses
what do you do in spare time
what school did you last go to
what program do you major in
and others.
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 430
Mata Diklat
: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester
: XII / 6
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Computer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C. 5 Memahami Surat-surat Bisnis Sederhana
Isi surat bisnis diceritakan kembali dengan benar
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : Isi surat bisnis diceritakan kembali dengan benar.
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar Phonology : Segmentals : segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used Supra segmentals : pronunciation, stress, pitch, intonation, etc. Vocabulary : Type of business letter : Inquiry letter Letter of order Letter of recommendation Application letter Parts of application letter : - Heading the
- body of letter
- Inside address
- the closure
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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- The salutation
- the signature
Letter of request Grammar : In application letter we learn about modals : should, could, would, might For example : I would like to apply for………….
III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and answer (Tanya jawab) 2. Lecturing (ceramah) 3. Task (penugasan) 4. Role Play 5. Discussions
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran 1. Kegiatan Awal (5 – 10 menit) Presentasi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan/penyebabnya) Apersepsi dan motivasi : mebuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa. Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : (130 – 140 menit)
Listening to the song and completing it’s lyrics
Listening for information (short talks) while choosing the best answer
Saying formal expression with the body of the letter
Role playing dialog finding other formal expression.
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 432
Reading for information about advertisement and application letter
Write an application letter based on job vacancy
3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)
Mengulas secara sngkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari
Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa
Membari tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; KODE MODUL C4 English for secretaries English for business letter Vocabulary book
VI. Penilaian 1. Praktek : making an application letter based on advertisement: A Singapore Industrial chemical manufacturing has vacancy for : maintenance supervisor. The person we are seeking must have the following qualification : a. Bachelor degree (D3) in mechanical b. Have experience in factory machineries c. Can operate generator and compressor d. Can understand English Written application along with curriculum vitae recent photograph should be sent to: Factory manager : P.O BOX 2940, Jakarta 40100
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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2. Latihan Choose the correct answer 1. part of application letter, except ? a. heading
c. the signature
b. inside address
d. total page sent
2. the part of application letter that show about personal identity called ? a. curriculum vitae
c. heading
b. inside address
d. the signature
3. the last paragraph of application letter contain of ? a. the application strength b. the closure c. the signature d. heading
Key Answer : 1. d 2. a 3. b
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 434
: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester
: XII / 6
Program Keahlian
: Teknik Computer dan Jaringan
Alokasi Waktu
: 4 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi
: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris Setara Level Intermediate
Kompetensi Dasar
: C. 5 Memahami Surat-surat Bisnis Sederhana
Isi surat bisnis diceritakan kembali dengan benar
I. Tujuan Pemelajaran : Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat : Isi surat bisnis diceritakan kembali dengan benar.
II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar Phonology : Segmentals : segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used Supra segmentals : pronunciation, stress, pitch, intonation, etc. Vocabulary : In business documents we learn about : Relevant vocabulary Antonym / synonym Affixes = prefixes and suffixes Grammar : - Future tense
- simple perfect continuous tense
- Present perfect
- modals
- Gerund
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III. Metode Pemelajaran : 1. Question and answer (Tanya jawab) 2. Lecturing (ceramah) 3. Task (penugasan) 4. Role Play 5. Discussions
IV. Skenario Pemelajaran 1. Kegiatan Awal (5 – 10 menit) 2. Presentasi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan alasan/penyebabnya) 3. Apersepsi dan motivasi : mebuka proses berpikir dan menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan memotivasi siswa. 4. Memberitahukan tujuan pemelajaran hari ini.
2. Kegiatan Inti : (130 – 140 menit)
Students listening to teacher who retelling about business document
Students make summary about business document and make presentation in front of the class
Silent reading to the business document
Write one kind of business document
3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit)
Mengulas secara sngkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 436
Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa
Membari tugas/pekerjaan rumah
V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Intermediate; KODE MODUL C4 English for secretaries English for business letter Vocabulary book
VI. Penilaian Praktek : student are distribute by the teacher application letter and they have silent reading. After that, they are asked to coming in front of the class to retelling it.
Metro, 17 Juli 2006
Kepala SMKN 3 Metro
Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris
NIP. 131856347
NIP. 460023788
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
P a g e | 437
SOAL UJIAN Kompetensi Dasar C.5 (Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 menit) A. LISTENING When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that the best describes what you see in the picture. 1.
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B. READING CHOOSE THE CORECT ANSWER 3.There are several type of business document, except ? a. faxes b. memos c. application letter d. personal letter 4. How many part of faxes ? a. 5 part
c. 7 part
b. 6 part
d. 8 part
5. This is a question in the interview: How long have you been working there ? You must answer……….. a. I have been working for three years b. I have worked for three years c. I had work for three years d. I been working for three years 6. show that you are interested and……………by your attitude to the question asked. a. attention b. well-organized c. requested d. carefully
PARTS OF APPLICATION LETTER VINO GROUP INDUSTRY Vinova street no 22, Yogyakarta 220687(___7_)
The Factory Manager P.O BOX 43111 Jakarta 10000(___8__)
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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Dear Sir, I have seen your advertisement in today’s “Lampung Pos” and I would like to apply for the post of maintenance. As you can see from the enclosed curriculum vitae, I have had several years experience in different industries. I am familiar with boiler, generator and compressor.(____9____) However, I would now prefer a post where I can use my knowledge of English and where my interest in machinery might be useful. I hope you will consider my application and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
(_____10____) Ahmad Syafii
7. a. heading b. inside address c. the salutation d. the closure 8. a. heading b. inside address c. the signature d. the body of letter 9. a. the body of letter b. the signature c. inside address d. heading 10.a. the heading b. inside address c. the body of letter d. the signature
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro
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KUNCI JAWABAN SOAL UJIAN KOMPETENSI DASAR C. 5 1. A A. there is a girl who looking for a job in newspaper B. a girl wearing a jacket C. there is a girl reading magazine D. a girl smile to newspaper 2. B A. there is a dirty table B. there is a memo on the table C. there are English books on the table D. an complicated table in the living room
3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D
RPP C.5/AS/SMKN 3 Metro