Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Project Information Title: Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme Project Number: 2010-LDV-TOI-510 Year: 2010 Project Type: Transfer of Innovation Status: running Country: Belgie Marketing Text: Het project zal een concept ontwikkelen voor een Skills Lab, gebaseerd op de methodologische toepassing van het Levensloopmodel, en zo een brug vormen van sociale uitsluiting naar lange termijn tewerkstelling. De geoptimaliseerde leeromgeving van ieder Skills Lab zal de doelgroep de nodige training en omgeving bieden om de vereiste werk attitudes, vaardigheden, competenties, enz. te ontwikkelen Het project Skills Lab zal de attitudes van zowel werkzoekenden met ASS als potentiële werkgevers veranderen, zodat beide groepen realistische verwachtingen hebben ten aanzien van werk en van alle redelijke aanpassingen die nodig zijn voor de individuele kandidaat. De partners zullen de vaardigheden en kennis in dit gespecialiseerde domein ontwikkelen en verspreiden. Het concept Skills Lab is gebaseerd op de medewerking van stakeholders: vertegenwoordigers uit het veld van educatie en tewerkstelling zullen betrokken worden in het project. Summary: The main problems the project wants to tackle, are the problems that adults with ASD encounter towards employment (due to Autism like for example communication problems, ...). They need a environment in their approach to work that offers enough structure and is autismfriendly to learn new skills. There is a lack of support after (and during) the school period or diagnosis to help them to work. The European Union however, wants to achieve the highest possible employment rate. In the Skills Lab people with ASD are being prepared/trained for their future employment in an ASD-friendly environment. Over the years few vocational training centres have developed a specific method for the support related to work by adapting the method of supported employment to the needs of this specific target group (adults with ASD). The methods and instrument have been proven very successful. A tailor-made answer concerning their labor question is still missing in many countries. Adults with ASD have severe problems to find a job on the open labour market. The project wants to make a contribution to maximize the professional integration of people with ASD. The project will enhance the skills of people with ASD and their environment (empowerment). Within the Avanti project the partners developed a life course model for the target group. This project wants to use the model (and vision) and apply it in the concept of the Skills Lab. The partnership will exchange, develop, inventorise and disseminate methods to the stakeholders within the field of education and work (an important transition). The 'Skill Lab' wants to help people with ASD to build their self-reliance, social skills and competences to work in a ASD-friendly environment. The Skills Lab is a setting with concrete support, where research on the skills and adjustments for employers are possible, to prepare professional integration. The Skills Lab is a workplace, a good environment to prepare for work where people with ASD are the priority, and yet offers enough challenge to work on their personal and professional skills regarding labour. The Skills Lab is a (pragmatic) knowledge centre for work and disability (and the context that is needed for social inclusion). The Skills Lab can have many concrete forms but is the combination of different methods and instrument of the partners involved. A pilot in Flanders for example wants to start a library as a learning/training environment for adults with ASD. The target group will build a library at Indigo (a specialist therapy centre). The library is also useful for gathering knowledge and for dissemination, but it could be another service that is provided as a work floor. Each partner (NL, UK, PT) will organize a different pilot to support people with ASD towards work in their region, the skills lab will also be organized in companies on the open labor market (labor continuum - scale of adjusted settings in the labor continuum).
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Project Information Description: Het project zal een concept ontwikkelen voor een Skills Lab, gebaseerd op de methodologische toepassing van het Levensloopmodel, en zo een brug vormen van sociale uitsluiting naar lange termijn tewerkstelling. De geoptimaliseerde leeromgeving van ieder Skills Lab zal de doelgroep de nodige training en omgeving bieden om de vereiste werk attitudes, vaardigheden, competenties, enz. te ontwikkelen. Voorts zal ook het trainen en engageren van werkgevers ontvankelijke werkplekken en sympathiekere aanwervingspraktijken bevorderen. Het project Skills Lab zal de attitudes van zowel werkzoekenden met ASS als potentiële werkgevers veranderen, zodat beide groepen realistische verwachtingen hebben ten aanzien van werk en van alle redelijke aanpassingen die nodig zijn voor de individuele kandidaat. De partners zullen de vaardigheden en kennis in dit gespecialiseerde domein ontwikkelen en verspreiden. Het concept Skills Lab is gebaseerd op de medewerking van stakeholders: vertegenwoordigers uit het veld van educatie en tewerkstelling zullen betrokken worden in het project. Themes: *** Labor market *** Lifelong learning *** Equal opportunities Sectors: ** Human Health and Social Work Activities ** Other Service Activities * Education Product Types: others modules website Product information: Projecthomepage:
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Project Contractor Name: City: Country/Region: Country: Organization Type: Homepage:
Gespecialeerde Opleiding en Begeleiding (GOB) DE PLOEG vzw Antwerpen Antwerpen Belgie association/non-governmental organisation
Contact Person Name:
Annemie Smits
Duinstraat 76
City: Country:
Antwerpen Belgie
++ 32 (0) 15 20 69 89
++ 32 (0) 15 20 69 17
E-mail: Homepage:
[email protected]
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Coordinator Name: City: Country/Region: Country: Organization Type: Homepage:
Gespecialeerde Opleiding en Begeleiding (GOB) DE PLOEG vzw Antwerpen Antwerpen Belgie association/non-governmental organisation
Contact Person Name:
Annemie Smits
Duinstraat 76
City: Country:
Antwerpen Belgie
++ 32 (0) 15 20 69 89
++ 32 (0) 15 20 69 17
E-mail: Homepage:
[email protected]
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Partner Partner 1 Name:
dr. Leo Kannerhuis
City: Country/Region:
Doorwerth Gelderland
Organization Type: Homepage:
public institution
Partner 2 Name: City: Country/Region: Country: Organization Type: Homepage:
Strategische projectenorganisatie Kempen Turnhout Antwerpen Belgie association/non-governmental organisation
Partner 3 Name: City: Country/Region:
Interdisciplinaire Groep voor Ontwikkelingsstoornissen vzw Mechelen Antwerpen
Organization Type:
Partner 4 Name: City: Country/Region: Country: Organization Type: Homepage:
APPACDM de Marinha Grande Marinha Grande Lisboa PT-Portugal association/non-governmental organisation
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Partner Partner 5 Name: City: Country/Region: Country: Organization Type: Homepage:
NAS Prospects London London UK-United Kingdom association/non-governmental organisation
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Project Files Portuguese Pilot.pdf
Skills Box Eng.pdf
Skills Box nl def.pdf
Skills Box PT def.pdf
Skills Lab conceito Pt def.pdf
Skills Lab concept def eng.pdf
Skills Lab concept nl def.pdf
Skills Lab manual handleiding tot een SL.pdf
Skills Lab manual Pt.pdf
Skills Lab manual to set up a SL.pdf
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Products 1
Skills Lab Concept
Manual to set up a Skills Lab
Skills Box
Job preparation Group workshops
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Product 'Skills Lab Concept' Title: Skills Lab Concept Product Type: others Marketing Text: A significant group of people with ASD therefore remains excluded from the labour market. This is an unacceptable situation which must be addressed, and the most effective way to do this is by providing existing mainstream and pan-disability employment support organisations with the specialist skills and resources they need to support jobseekers with ASD effectively. Skills Lab provides this bridge. Skills Lab offers a range of resources for people with ASD to develop the skills they need to access the workplace or specialized guidance, training and employment opportunities successfully. Skills Lab provides employers with the awareness and understanding which they need in order to recruit and retain employees with ASD.
Description: A concept Target group: Professionals, teachers and employers who work whith people with ASD. Result: see under 'files' Area of application: Homepage: Product Languages: Portuguese Engels Nederlands
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Product 'Manual to set up a Skills Lab' Title: Manual to set up a Skills Lab Product Type: others Marketing Text: This manual is a guideline for professionals who want to set up a Skills Lab. Skills Lab emphasises the necessity of increasing employment opportunities of people with ASD by helping them to develop the skills that they need to find, secure and succeed in employment. We focus mainly on their strengths, support needs and areas for development. It contains eight fundamental steps, based on the experience of the partners who developed a Skills Lab in different contexts. Step by step, the concept of the Skills Lab will become more concrete and tailored to the context the professional is working in and the needs of his/her clients with ASD. Want to support or start your own Skills Lab? Just follow these 8 simple steps. Description: Guideline to set up a skills Lab Target group: Professionals, teachers who work with people with ASD Result: Area of application: Homepage: Product Languages: Nederlands Engels Portuguese
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Product 'Skills Box' Title: Skills Box Product Type: others Marketing Text: Skills Lab is a place where people with ASD can practice their (labor) skills. In our approach, we focus on talents and strengths instead of difficulties or diagnose. Furthermore, it’s an integrative approach, which means we consider all the relevant factors and involve them when necessary to make reasonable adjustments, based on the client’s specific (ASD-related) needs. Description: All information gathered: the skills Lab concept, testemonies of the first Skills Labs, a guideline to start up a Skills Lab Target group: Professionals and teachers who work with people with ASD Result: concept info pilots manual to set up a Skills Lab -> see under 'Files' Area of application: Homepage: Product Languages: Portuguese Engels Nederlands
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Product 'website' Title: website Product Type: website Marketing Text: Description: website with all info gathered ( projectinfo, concept, pilots, manual) Included a lot of instruments and tools which can be used in a Skills Lab to support people with ASD towards work. Also infomation for employers to support employees with ASD. Target group: Professional, teachers and employers who work with people with ASD Result: Area of application: Homepage: Product Languages: Engels Nederlands Portuguese
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Product 'Job preparation Group workshops' Title: Job preparation Group workshops Product Type: modules Marketing Text: Description: workshops to support jobseekers with ASD towards work about different topics such as time-management,social skills, ASD awareness,... Target group: jobseekers with ASD Result: Area of application: Homepage: Product Languages: Nederlands Engels Portuguese
Project SKILLS LAB naar werk voor mensen met autisme (2010-LDV-TOI-510)
Events Opening Ceremony of the Belgian Skills Lab Date Description
29.06.2011 Opening Ceremony of the Belgian Skills Lab
Target audience Professionals in the fields of work- education-care concerning people with ASD Public Contact Information Time and place
Event is open to the public
[email protected] Indigo vzw, G. de Stassartstraat 9, 2800 Mechelen