Digitální učební materiál Projekt Šablona Tématická oblast DUM č. RVP
CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0415 Inovujeme, inovujeme III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT (DUM) Anglický jazyk Příprava na maturitní zkoušku Ověřování znalostí probraného učiva HW pre-int. VY_32_INOVACE_CH18_3_19 Téma Ověřování znalostí lekce 11 a 12 34-56-L/01 Fotograf Ročník 1 Předmět Anglický jazyk 69-41-L/01 Kosmetické služby
2 3
Zpracoval(i) Mgr. Pavla Kostková Kdy 09/2013 Klíčová slova Anglický jazyk, Second conditional, Might, Present perfect continuous, Hot verbs ( so, such, bring take, come, go) Toto dílo obsahuje citace v souladu s § 31 odst. 1 písm. c) zákona č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském a může být použito výhradně při vyučování. Anotace Tento učební materiál slouží k ověření znalostí, které si student osvojil v průběhu hodin anglického jazyka, poskytuje zpětnou vazbu nejen učiteli, ale i studentu samotnému. Tento test je zaměřen na gramatické jevy a slovní zásobu 11 a 12. lekce Headway pre-intermediate, kde se student seznámil a osvojil si užití přítomného času prostého a přítomného času průběhového. Účelem je připravit studenta nejen na státní maturitní zkoušku, ale především do jeho budoucího profesního života, ve kterém se jedinec jen těžce uplatní bez znalosti anglického jazyka. Druh výukového zdroje: Testový soubor - testová cvičení zaměřená na přítomný čas prostý a průběhový, ověření slovní zásoby prezentované v dané lekci ve formátu MS Word. Typ interakce: Frontální Soubor název Soubor – popis obsahu VY_32_INOVACE_CH18_3_19 Testové otázky ve formátu MS Word
Metodický list Studentům jsou rozdána zadání testu, nejdříve se studenty projdeme zadání, které je v anglickém jazyce a ověříme, zda student zadání rozumí. Při této příležitosti je učivo ještě jednou celou třídou zopakováno. Pak je žákům nechán prostor na vlastní vypracování testových otázek. Čas by měl být 35-40 min, celá vyučovací hodina. Hodnocení je nastaveno následovně – každá správná odpověď je hodnocena 1 bodem. Výsledné známky jsou dány procentuálním poměrem: výborný je 100 % – 90 %, chvalitebný 89 % – 80 %, dobrý 79% – 65%, dostatečný 64 % – 45 %, nedostatečný 44 % – 0 %. Pokud je otázka zodpovězena z části, může se vyučující rozhodnout a ohodnotit tento výkon 0,5 bodem. Časová náročnost: 35-40 minut ( celá vyučovací hodina) i s ohledem na žáky s SPU. Použité zdroje: Soars, John and Liz. New Headway pre-intermediate student´s book. Oxford, 2007 Soars , John and Liz and Wheeldon Sylvia. New Headway pre-intermediate woorbook. Oxford, 2007
HW pre-int. U11
1. Put the verbs in the correct form (2nd conditional): 1. If I _________________(be) rich, I ________________(travel) round the world. First I __________________(go) to Canada, then I ________________(go) to New York. 2.
If he ________________(work) harder, he _________________(have) more money.
I _____________________(go) to work if I ____________________(feel) better, but I feel terrible.
4. What __________________you ________________(do) if a stranger _________________ (give) you $1 million? 5. If I __________________ (can) speak perfect English, I _______________ (not be) in this classroom. 2. Choose the correct verb in these sentences: 1. What's for supper? We're having/ we might have lamb. It's in the oven. 2. What time are we eating? Don't worry. It'll be/ it might be ready before your TV programme. 3. Who's eating with us? I've invited Jerry, but he'll be/ he might be late. It depends on the traffic. 4. Are you going to have a winter holiday this year? I am /I might. I haven't decided yet. 3. Correct the mistakes – 2nd conditional, might: 1. If I ´d have a car, I'd give you a lift.___________________________________________ 2. They'll call their baby Lily, but they aren't sure yet.______________________________ 3. I'd visit you more often if you wouldn't live so far away.__________________________ 4. I'm playing tennis tomorrow. I'm not sure.______________________________________ 5. If I would know the answer, I'd tell you._______________________________________
4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate phrasal verb: 1. Put ______________ something warm. It's cold today. 2. Why are your clothes on the floor? Please pick them _______. 3. Look _________ the countryside. Isn't it beautiful? 4. I'm _________________ forward to meeting you very much. 5. I'm _________________ for the car keys. Have you seen them anywhere? 5. Put the phrasal verbs from the box into the right place, one is extra: get on with, run out of, look out, take off, try on, put off, 1. I like these jeans. Can I _________them___________? 2. How do you _____________________ your parents? 3. ________________your coat and sit down. 4. I'm sorry, I can't offer you coffee with milk. We've just ______________________milk. 5. ____________________! There's some broken glass on the floor. 6. Complete the sentences with so, such a, such, so many, so much: 1. Their house is ________________ mess! 2. There were ______________people at the party! 3. I'm ____________hungry! 4. Jane and Pete are ____________ nice people! 5. We've had __________nice time! 6. Molly's _____________clever dog!
Key: EX. 1 1. We're having Were/was , would travel, would go, would go 2. Worked, would have 3. Would go, felt 4. Would you do, gave 5. Could, wouldn’t be Ex. 2 1. 2.
It'll be
he might be late
4. I might. Ex. 3 1. If I had a car, I'd give you a lift. 2. They might call their baby Lily, but they aren't sure yet. 3. I'd visit you more often if you didn’t live so far away. 4. I' might play tennis tomorrow. I'm not sure. 5. If I knew the answer, I'd tell you. Ex. 4 On, up, at, looking, looking Ex. 5 Try them on, get on with, take off, run out of, look out Ex. 6 Such a, so many, so, such, such a
1. Choose the correct tense: 1.
How long have you been living / do you live in Brno?
How long have you been having / have you had your car?
I’ve written / ´ve been writing an essay all day.
I bought / have bought a new house a year ago.
Tom worked / has been working as a postman for the past month.
2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense: My daughter_________________________ (try) to find a job for months. She ___________________
_____________________ (have) one or two part-time jobs. She _____________________ (work) in a cafe for the last four weeks. She ___________________(want) to work in publishing. 3. Correct the mistakes – tenses: 1. How long you have been learning English? _____________________________________ 2. I have started learning Italian two years ago. ____________________________________ 3. Did you finish your homework yet? ___________________________________________ 4. She is living in Prague for five years. _________________________________________ 5. I’ve painted the living room, but I haven’t finished yet. ____________________________ 4. Complete the text with bring, take, come or go in the correct form: 1.
Goodbye, everyone! I’m __________________ on holiday tomorrow. I’m ______________________ my family to Australia.
When you ________________ back, ____________________ me a T-shirt!
What time did you__________________ home yesterday?
Before midnight, Peter ______________________ me home in his car.
5. Complete the conversation with the correct expressions: That’s right
Oh, what a pity
Never mind
I hear
A: ___________________ you’re getting married soon. ___________________________! B: ____________________. Next July. July 21st. Can you come to the wedding? A: _____________________! That’s when we’re going away on holiday. C: ______________________. We’ll send you some wedding cake. Good luck
See you later
Same to you
Good idea
A: ____________________ in your exam! B: ____________________. I hope we both pass. A: ___________________after the exam. Let’s go for a drink. B: _______________________. 6.
Complete the text wit the correct word from the box. Some words are extra: climb, adventure, backpack, agreed, silly, set off, sled, calm down, advice
Alicia is going to ___________________ on a journey to the Arctic. Alicia has been walking a lot with heavy ______________________, and she has also been practising pulling a ______________ long distances. Her father said that it took a long time before he ____________________ to let his daughter go on the trip. Alicia’s mother is also trying to _______________________ about the trip. Her father said: ´ you’ve got to enjoy it. There’s no other reason for doing ____________________________. 7.
Are these sentences true (T) or false (F):
Alice has prepared for the journey._______
Her father let her go immediately on the trip.______
Her mother is not very happy about the trip.______
Key: Ex. 1 1.
have you been living
have you had
´ve been writing
has been working
Ex. 2 Has been trying, left, has had, has been working, wants Ex. 3 1.
How long have you been learning English?
I started learning Italian two years ago.
Have you finished your homework yet?
She has been living in Prague for five years.
I’ve been painting the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.
Ex. 4 Going, taking, come, bring, come, brought Ex. 5 I hear, congratulations, that´s right, oh, what a pity, never mind Good luck, same to you, see you later, good idea Ex. 6 Set off, backpack, sled, agreed, calm down, adventure Ex. 7 T, F, T