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Company Profile Sabtu, 19 April 2014
Haililah Tri Gandhiwati,S.S.,S.Si.,M.M. FIKOM Program Studi
Hubungan Masyarakat
Definisi Company Profile Produk tulisan praktisi PR yang berisi gambaran umum perusahaan. Company Profile merupakan penjelasan mengenai perusahaan tentang produknya secara verbal maupun grafik yang mengangkat corporate value, product value, dan keunggulan perusahaan dibandingkan pesaing Gambaran ini tidak sepenuhnya lengkap, detail dan mendalam. Perusahaan bisa memilih poin-poin apa saja yang ingin disampaikan secara terbuka kepada publiknya.
Tujuan pembedaan company profile adalah untuk menciptakan kepuasan publik. Publik akan puas jika kepentingannya terpenuhi. Salah satunya adalah kepentingan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkannya tentang aktivitas perusahaan. Berikut disampaikan perbedaan kepentingan di antara publik.
company profile dibuat berdasarkan kepentingan publik sasaran. Ada company profile yang dibuat khusus untuk konsumen (pelanggan), untuk bank, untuk pemerintah, pemasok dan sebagainya. Besar/kecilnya perusahaan mempengaruhi kebijakan membuat company profile Faktor financeial perusahaan Teknis pembuatan company profile : cetak dan digital
Corporate value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sejarah Berdirinya Usaha Visi & Misi Usaha Struktur Organisasi Pengalaman Pekerjaan Terdahulu Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan
Product Value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Product Price Promotion Placement People Process Physical Evidence
Fungsi Company Profile 1. 2. 3. 4.
Representasi perusahaan Komunikasi Menghemat waktu transaksi Membangun identitas dan citra korporat
Konten Company Profile 1. Sejarah perusahaan, mencakup antara lain pendiri perusahaan, jajaran direksi, asal muasal, proses perkembangan. 2. Filosofisi perusahaan, bisa disebut pandangan atau ideologi dasar perusahaan. 3. Budaya perusahaan, adalah nilai-nilai kunci dan konsep bersama yang membentuk citra anggota organisasi terhadap organisasinya. Misalnya etos kerja tinggi, maju untuk semua. 4. Sambutan dari pimpinan (Komisaris Utama atau Direktur Utama) tentang segala hal yang sangat berpengaruh pada aktivitas perusahaan dan rencana jangka panjang.
Konten Company Profile 5. Identitas perusahaan, termasuk di sini logo, uniform, interior gedung dan kantor, kualitas cetakan atau kualitas audiovisualnya. 6. Visi, misi, strategi perusahaan, termasuk komitmen perusahaan untuk meraih kemajuan. Vision: a foundational statement that describes the purpose of the company’s existence. It answers the questions ‘why do we do what we do' and 'who do we serve'. Mission: an image or description of the company community as aspire to become in the future. It answers the question, ‘if we can achieve what we want to do, what will we look like in X years time?’
7. Alamat cabang-cabang. 8. Gambaran tentang SDM. 9. Sistem pelayanan dan fasilitas disediakan. 10. Prestasi dan keunggulan perusahaan 11. Laporan perkembangan perusahaan (annual report), termasuk informasi laba rugi perusahaan. 12. Deskripsi tentang produk-produk atau jasa utama yang ditawarkan. 13. Program pengembangan di masa datang. Termasuk pelatihan-pelatihan, rencana pengembangan produk, pengembangan pasar
Characteristics of a ‘Good’ Mission Statement Make it as succinct as possible. Make it memorable. Make it unique to you. Make it realistic. Make sure it's current.
Examples of Mission Statements ‘To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful’ – Google ‘To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people’ – Wal-Mart ‘To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence.’ - University of Cambridge
Characteristics of a ‘Good’ Vision Statement There is NO Formula for it, but: Be inspirational. Be ambitious Be realistic. Be creative. Be descriptive. Be clear. Be consistent
Examples of Vision Statements ‘Peace’ - United Nations ‘There will be a personal computer on every desk running Microsoft software.’ [Short, simple, unequivocal, memorable and long term] - Microsoft ‘Our vision is every book ever printed in any language all available in 60 seconds’ – [Simple, clear, bold, inspiring] Amazon Kindle. ‘GM's vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. We will earn our customers‘ enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork, and innovation of GM people.’ [It is not short, it is not simple, it is not memorable and contains too many words open to interpretation of meaning] – General Motors.
Other Ideas of Mission A mission statement explains why the organization exists — its overall purpose. The mission statement also states what the organization does right now, in the most general sense. In this way, the mission also sets parameters for what the organization, through omission, does not do. The vision statement articulates the future of the organization and the community that it serves. The vision statement, when compared with the current reality of the organization or the community, implies the work still needs to be accomplished. In this way, it lends credibility and motivation to the mission statement.
Considerations when writing a mission statement Mission statements should be developed with awareness of: the served community; the broader society; the primary activities of programs, staff, and volunteers; the history of the issue(s) that you are addressing in your community; the values held by your staff and volunteers. Avoid long statements. Mission statements should not be highly specific, and clarity is not necessarily improved with length. Make sure your mission statement is no more than one or two sentences. Use active verbs that distinguish your organization but do not limit the scope of your programs and services. For example: “enable,” “build,” “dedicate,” “grow,” “serve,” or “engage.” Re-examine the mission every five years to maintain relevance to the served community and its needs.
Considerations when writing a vision statement Visions incorporate goals for the future: but whose goals? Make sure the goals set out by your organization are shared by the community you serve. Visions are often value-laden statements. Values should be broad and inclusive to incorporate as many people and perspectives as possible. Visions should be optimistic and inspiring: to you, organization staff, and the community you serve. “We believe in the equality of all people, regardless of race, class, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation.”
Core Values The basic underlying foundation for both are our core values. Core values are the principles and standards at the very center of our character, and from which we will not budge or stray. Core values are extremely stable and change only very slowly over long periods of time. Core values form the basis for our beliefs about life, ourselves and those around us, and the human potential of ourselves and others. Values and beliefs form our attitudes and guide our behavior. The behaviors we engage in are what people around us see, along with our skills and actions. Our outer or public shell of behaviors and skills can change rapidly and dramatically through our lives, influenced by our environment and guided by our more stable core values and beliefs.
Goals & Obbectives Goals and objectives create the bite size pieces, the road map and manageable stepping stones to achieve the mission, make the vision a reality, and navigate the course we have set for our business, or for ourselves. Reading the business literature is confusing as to what’s a goal and what’s an objective, they’re used interchangeably from one business author to another. The education literature however is consistent and specific. Goals are the bigger fuzzy things and objectives are the small: S pecific M easurable A ttainable R ewarding T imed
To be effective goals and objectives must be written. If they aren’t in writing they’re merely ideas with no real power or conviction behind them. Written goals and objectives provide motivation to achieve them and can then be used as a reminder to you and others. Clearly and specifically written, they also eliminate confusion and misunderstanding. Having well developed goals and objectives also helps: Maintain focus and perspective Establish priorities Lead to greater job satisfaction Improve employee performance.
management process found that the level of performance is highest when: Goals are clearly stated and contain specific objectives Goals are challenging but not unreasonable Employees accept their goals with a true sense of ownership Employees participate in setting and reviewing their goals.
Outcomes = the change you are going to bring to or on behalf of your clients Outputs = how you are going to achieve that change that you plan to do.
Values Statement - "What do we stand for?" Your VALUES define what your business stands for — they are your core rules. They provide the bounds or limits of how the employees will conduct their activities while carrying out the vision and mission. They are statements about how the organization will value customers, suppliers, and the internal community. Once defined, the values that are important to your organization should be reflected in everything you do. Value Statements samples: Respect - we believe that all people should be treated with consideration and dignity. We cherish diversity. Caring – we are committed to serving with empathy and compassion. Teamwork – we are committed to effective partnerships between volunteers and staff, and we seek opportunities to form alliances with others. Integrity – we are committed to act in an ethical, honest manner.
Mistakes to Avoid Don't regurgitate a description of your business. Don't make it boring. Don't make it the length of a thesis. Don't fake emotion. If you don't believe it, don't include it. Use only language common within the Business. Don't lie or claim to be something you aren't. Don't forget to get the input of everyone on your team.
Bivins,Thomas H.The Basics of Style to accompany Public Relations Writing The Essentials of Style and Format. Fifth Edition.2005. Newsom, Dough & Jim Haynes. Public Relations Writing Form & Style.2011. The Grantsmanship Center.(1979). Guide to public relations for nonprofit organizations and public agencies Los Angeles, CA.: Martinez, B.F.
Terima Kasih Haililah Tri Gandhiwati,S.S.,S.Si.,M.M.