Friday, 22 August 2008
CP Prima (CPRO)
BUY (Maintain)
Price : Rp184
Target Price: Rp350
Risky Outlook • Sales rose 42.2% YoY. Penjualan CPRO di 1H08 sebesar Rp3.7 triliun, naik 42.2% YoY. Lonjakan ini ditopang oleh pertumbuhan produksi udang sekitar 50 ribu ton sepanjang 1H08 dan kenaikan harga jual udang sebesar 10%. Kenaikan volume penjualan dikontribusi juga oleh tambak Wahyuni Mandira yang telah selesai direvitalisasi di FY07. Kami mengestimasi penjualan FY08 mencapai Rp7.8 triliun. • Margin was not perform as well as sales. Meskipun penjualan naik, namun dari sisi margin tidak perform sebagaimana kenaikan penjualan. Operating margin turun menjadi 8.2% (dari 9.7%) meskipun gross margin masih mengalami kenaikan tipis menjadi 20.3% (dari 19.2%). Hal disebabkan oleh kenaikan di sisi biaya hampir seluruh produk perseroan, bahkan biaya operasi meningkat 80% YoY. Penurunan margin ini sejalan dengan penurunan laba bersih 7% YoY menjadi Rp150 miliar karena ada peningkatan beban bunga yang cukup besar di 1H08 sebesar Rp191 miliar. • Revitalization update. Revitalisasi Dipasena masih berjalan sesuai rencana. Revitalisasi tambak Aruna Wijaya Sakti (AWS) sudah dimulai di 2Q08 dan diperkirakan akan selesai di FY09. Kami mengekspektasi dengan selesainya revitalisasi, total tambak di FY09 akan mencapai 14,473 tambak. Revitalisasi ini masih akan menjadi salah satu katalis pergerakan harga CPRO ke depan. • What’s changed? Cut TP to Rp350. Melihat kinerja di 1H08 dan beberapa update terbaru dari Perseroan ada perombakan besar di dalam model valuasi kami, kami memfaktorkan kenaikan biaya yang signifikan sehingga menurunkan estimasi laba Perseroan. Penjualan juga sedikit menurun karena kami mengubah asumsi ponds cycle AWS di FY08 menjadi 1 (dari 2). Asumsi ini penting mengingat di FY08 AWS belum sepenuhnya selesai direvitalisasi sehingga kami harus mem-breakdown-nya secara terpisah. Dengan perubahan tersebut, maka diperoleh target harga yang lebih rendah Rp350/shm. Target harga tersebut masih menawarkan upside potential yang tinggi 90.2%, namun sangat spekulatif mengingat adanya beberapa resiko a.l; spekulasi rights issue, higher cost of production, rumour agency problem. MAINTAIN BUY
JCI Index :
2,088 Share issued (mn)
21,417 Market Cap. (bn)
3,941 12 Mth High/Low
Rp495/176 Avg Daily Vol
69,837,492 Free Float (%)
34.8% Nominal Value
Rp100 Book value/share ‘08
Analyst: Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 #107
[email protected]
Forecast and Valuation (at closing price 184) Y/E Dec (Rpbn) Sales EBITDA Net Profit Basic EPS (Rp) Basic EPS Growth (%) DPS Dividend yield (%) BV per share (Rp) EV/EBITDA (x) P/E Ratio (x) P/BV Ratio (x)
06A 4,898 365 183 20 5 4 1 123 6.1 9.2 1.5
07A 6,091 499 358 20 -2 3 1 84 9.2 9.4 2.2
08F 7,849 801 451 25 26 4 1 103 8.2 7.5 1.8
09F 10,418 1,108 760 41 68 6 2 136 6.5 4.4 1.3
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
Friday, 22 August 2008 Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 Ext 107
[email protected]
Perubahan asumsi dengan pemfaktoran kenaikan biaya produksi dan operasional didasarkan pada tingginya harga komoditas untuk pembuatan pakan dan produksi. Biaya raw material Perseroan mencapai 84% dari total COGS. Kenaikan harga soybean mencapai 91% YoY di 2Q08 vs 2Q07, begitu juga harga gandum naik 51% YoY. Dua komponen biaya tersebut memiliki kontribusi 24% terhadap raw material. Melihat asumsi cost yang kami gunakan sebelumnya cukup rendah, maka kami melakukan revisi pada sisi biaya sehingga laba CPRO menurun. Penjualan sedikit menurun karena adanya perubahan asumsi ponds cycle di FY08 untuk AWS dan total udang yang dipanen. Kami juga menaikkan cost of debt dari 12% menjadi 14% karena adanya tren kenaikan suku bunga. Perubahan asumsi tersebut berdampak signifikan terhadap turunnya valuasi kami. Figure 1. CPRO - Financial Projection Changes FY08
Revenue New Old
% Change Gross Profit (Rpbn) New Old
% Change
Operating Profit (Rpbn) New Old
% Change
EBITDA (Rpbn) New Old
% Change
Net Profit (Rpbn) New Old
% Change
7,849 7,963
10,418 10,829
1,429 1,705
1,886 2,566
776 1,047
1,081 1,741
801 1,072
1,108 1,769
451 507
760 1,028
Source: SSI estimate
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
Friday, 22 August 2008 Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 Ext 107
[email protected]
Figure 2. Discounted Cash Flow
Fair Value Using DCF = Rp350, WACC 12.3% PV of Cash Flow (Rp)
Net Debt FY08 (Rpbn)
Equity Value (Rp)
Issued Shares (mn)
DCF Equity Value/share (Rp)
Terminal growth
Source: SSI estimates
What’s next? Rencana ke depan, CPRO akan ekspansi untuk memperluas pasar di Eropa dan Rusia. Saat ini CPRO menguasai market share untuk udang sekitar 3-4% di dunia, dan 5% di pasar Amerika yang selama ini menjadi penopang penjualan CPRO. Rencana ekspansi ini kami nilai sangat bagus untuk kinerja CPRO ke depan mengingat demand terhadap udang masih cukup tinggi, Global Aquaculture Alliance menyatakan rata-rata permintaan udang tumbuh 15-20% per tahun. Hal ini memungkinkan CPRO untuk memperluas pasar dengan selesainya revitalisasi karena volume produksi meningkat cukup signifikan, kami mengestimasi volume produksi pasca revitalisasi di FY09 akan mencapai 113,000 MT untuk produk frozen shrimp. Figure 3. Frozen shrimp sales by country 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2004
2005 Japan
2006 Europe
Others (China, Australia, Canada)
Source: company
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
Friday, 22 August 2008 Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 Ext 107
[email protected]
Figure 4. Timeline AWS Revitalization
Source: company
Dalam RUPSLB yang diadakan pada 20 Agustus, salah satu agenda RUPS adalah Perseroan memutuskan untuk menaikkan modal dasar menjadi 80 miliar lembar saham. Sebelumnya modal dasar Perseroan sebesar 26 miliar lembar saham, modal disetor dan ditempatkan sebanyak 20.6 miliar lembar, waran yang telah dikonversi hingga 2Q08 sebanyak 1.9 miliar sehingga menyisakan portopel sebesar 3.5 miliar. Namun, Perseroan masih menyisakan waran yang belum di-exercise sebesar 3 miliar. Untuk itu, kami menilai peningkatan modal dasar ini ditujukan untuk mengantisipasi konversi waran selanjutnya karena jika di-exercise seluruhnya sisa modal portopel hanya 500 juta lembar saham. Namun peningkatan modal dasar tersebut akan menjadi katalis negatif karena pasar berpotensi berspekulasi akan adanya corporate action berupa rights issue dalam waktu dekat. Hal ini sangat mungkin mengingat leverage Perseroan cukup tinggi, DER di 1H08 mencapai 2.0x sehingga kebutuhan dana Perseroan kemungkinan tidak akan dipenuhi lagi dari pinjaman. Key Risks Kami melihat ada beberapa resiko terkait dengan pergerakan harga CPRO yang cenderung turun dan menjadi concern kami, diantaranya: 1) Spekulasi pasar akan adanya rights issue ke depan terkait peningkatan modal dasar 2) Revitalisasi Dipasena yang tidak sesuai ekspektasi 3) Higher cost of production 4) Exchangeble bond 5) Rumour about agency problem Beberapa resiko tersebut cenderung membawa harga CPRO kurang menarik dan beresiko. Namun, berdasarkan valuasi kami yang menawarkan upside yang masih cukup tinggi sebesar 90.2% sangat atraktif sehingga rekomendasi kami masih BUY untuk CPRO.
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
Friday, 22 August 2008 Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 Ext 107
[email protected]
Figure 5. Sales by product – 1H08 7.9% 16.9% 51.7%
4.4% 19.1%
Frozen shrimp
shrimp feed
shrimp fry
fish feed
Source: company
Figure 6. CPRO - 1H08 Results Rpbn Revenue Gross Profit Opr Profit Net Income EPS (Rp) Gross Margin (%) Operating Margin (%) Net Margin (%)
YoY Chg +42.2%
749 302 150 7
498 250 162 8
+50.4% +21.0% -7.1% -7.1%
20.3 8.2 4.1
19.2 9.7 6.2
Source: company
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
Friday, 22 August 2008 Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 Ext 107
[email protected]
CPRO Consumer – Food
478 499 124 425
776 801 (121) 655
1,081 1,108 22 1,103
Net profit
Balance Sheet Yr-end Dec (Rpbn) Cash & ST Investment Account Receivable Inventories Others Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Assets Short Term Loans Account Payable CMLTD Others Current Liabilities LT Debt Other LT Liabilities Non-current Liabilities Minority Interest Total Liabilities Total Equity
06A 920 778 645 113 2,455 972 359 3,785
07A 335 2,242 1,170 307 4,053 3,358 384 7,794
08E 351 2,243 872 132 3,598 3,991 370 7,958
09F 303 1,555 1,158 143 3,158 4,436 380 7,974
275 236 63 63 637
540 705 94 90 1,429
250 344 1,123 131 1,847
250 424 410 161 1,245
1,882 134 2,016 8 2,653 1,124
3,012 1,814 4,826 9 6,255 1,531
3,935 276 4,211 8 6,058 1,891
3,925 296 4,221 8 5,466 2,499
Perseroan menghasilkan produk berupa udang beku, benur, pakan udang, pakan ikan dan pakan ternak, di mana lebih dari 98% produk udang beku diekspor ke AS, Eropa dan, Jepang.
Shareholding Structure PT Surya Hidup Satwa Red Dragon Regent Central International Charm Easy International Estimated Free Float
37.9% 24.0% 9.6% 10.9% 17.6%
: : : : :
Price Chart 165
145 125 105 85 65 45 25
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
353 365 (96) 278
Operating profit EBITDA Other expenses (inc) Pretax profit
8,532 1,866 805
6,420 1,429 653
4,973 1,118 640
CPRO merupakan salah satu perusahaan aquaculture terbesar di dunia dan juga merupakan salah satu pemimpin pasar di Indonesia.
4,083 815 463
Company Background
09F 10,418
08E 7,849
07A 6,091
06A 4,898
Yr-end Dec (Rp bn) Revenue Cost of good sold Gross profit Operating expenses
Profit and Loss Statement
Friday, 22 August 2008
CPRO Consumer – Food Basic Assumption Yr-end Dec (Rpbn) Y/E rate Rp/USD Sales Volume Frozen Shrimp (MT) Shrimp Feed (MT) Fish Feed (MT) Poultry Feed (MT) Shrimp Fry (mn) DOC (th) Average Selling Price Frozen Shrimp (US$/Kg) Shrimp Feed (Rp/Kg) Fish Feed (Rp/Kg) Poultry Feed (Rp/Kg) Shrimp Fry (Rp/fry) DOC (Rp/DOC)
06A 9,020
07A 9,000
08E 9,000
09F 9,000
30,840 109,673 219,029 303,999 5,389 59,004
36,221 129,519 288,040 308,880 7,300 63,511
66,415 167,100 330,979 11,358 -
96,054 224,100 330,979 12,778 -
7.1 8,197 3,695 2,447 30 2,321
7.2 8,200 4,003 2,534 31 2,160
7.2 8,066 4,203 2,463 31 -
7.2 8,227 4,413 2,458 32 -
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.
Friday, 22 August 2008 Ike Rahmawati (021)8370-1608 Ext 107
[email protected]
Recommendation History – CP Prima (CPRO) Date 03 Juni 2008
Recommendation BUY
Closing Price 255
Target 625
Recommendation Chart– CP Prima (CPRO)
This document is for information only and for the use of the recipient. It is not to be reproduced or copied or made available to others. Under no circumstances is it to be considered as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security. Any recommendation contained in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Moreover, although the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, its accuracy, completeness and reliability cannot be guaranteed. All rights reserved by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia.