5.1 Simpulan Berdasarkan pembahasan pada bab-bab sebelumnya dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1. Penyelenggaraan model investasi semi kelola (return on investment) dalam bidang perdagangan jasa akomodasi wisata yang sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 adalah penyelenggaraan yang mengikuti ketentuan Pasal 12 Perka BKPM yang menentukan bahwa penanam modal wajib melaksanakan ketentuan-ketentuan dan syarat-syarat yang berlaku untuk kegiatan penanaman modal yang dikeluarkan oleh instansi teknis yang memiliki kewenangan perijinan dan nonperijinan. 2. Bentuk pengaturan yang diperlukan dalam penyelenggaraan model investasi semi kelola (return on investment) di bidang perdagangan jasa akomodasi wisata adalah pengisian kekosongan norma ketentuan Pasal 12 Perka BKPM yang mewajibkan penanam modal melaksanakan ketentuan dan syarat kegiatan penanaman modal namun tidak secara tegas memerinci jenis investasi yang diwajibkan memenuhi ketentuan dan persyaratan tersebut. Karena itu kekosongan norma itu perlu diisi dengan ketentuan yang mengatur tentang jenis investasi yang diwajibkan memenuhi ketentuan dan persyaratan penanaman modal asing termasuk
jenis pengembangan properti dengan model ROI dalam bidang penyediaan akomodasi wisata. 5.2 Saran Adapun saran yang dapat diberikan terkait dengan permasalahan yang dikaji, yaitu: 1. Pemerintah
pendataan akomodasi wisata yang menggunakan modal asing dan model ROI dalam pengembangannya dalam rangka penentuan signifikasi pengaturan model kegiatan usaha itu melalui perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam rangka mencegah kerugian yang lebih besar yang dapat dialami pemerintah dan masyarakat atas manfaat investasi asing sebagaimana telah diatur di dalam UUPM. 2. Perubahan UU PM perlu segera dilakukan untuk mencegah kerugian dan meningkatkan manfaat investasi asing bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat dari model ROI yang telah digunakan secara luas dalam pengembangan akomodasi wisata.
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This agreement is set and enters info on Saturday May twenty seventh two thousand and six (May 27th, 2006) by and between:
SINARTO DHARMAWANGSA, Indonesian, Personal ID Card Number: [*], issued by [*], dated [*] valid to [*], having his last address in [*], acting on his capacity as the President Director of the PT Cakra Buana, a limited liability company duly incorporated under the Law of The Republic of Indonesia, having its principal office at Jalan [*] Hereinafter referred as to THE FIRST PARTY AND ALVIN WILLIAM JAMES, Australian, Passport Number E76606642, issued by the Authority of Melbourne Australia, date of issue 27 October 2003 valid to 27 October 2013, having his last address [*] Hereinafter referred as to THE SECOND PARTY The First Party and The Second Party collectively shall refer as to THE PARTIES of BOTH PARTIES.
WITNESSETH WHEREAS the First Party is the holder of a 30 years lease rights over a property where the estate is developed, the developer of the estate, the holder of an exclusive rights for managing and operating the estate. WHEREAS the Second Party has leased Villa number [*] and has enter into a Sub-lease Agreement with the First Party, dated [*]. WHEREAS the First Party offers the ROI Program to the Second Party in conformity with terms and conditions stipulated in Article 2 section 2.2 of the Sublease Agreement.
WHEREAS, the Second Party desirously wishing to participate in the Program. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises, covenants and conditions as set forth herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Return on Investment Agreement, herein after refer as to the ROI or ROI Program or the Program, is a program for renting the Buana Private Estate, including the villa of Second Party which participate in the Program. 1.2 Agreement is the ROI Agreement set and signed by The Parties as the date mention above. 1.3 Sub-lease Agreement is an agreement set up by The Parties, dated [*] 1.4 Villa is the Villa number [*], villa of the Second Party. 1.5 Return on investment income is the income generated from the conducting of the ROI Program. 1.6 The Buana is the Buana Private Estate. 1.7 Events of Default means material breaches by the Defaulting Party to any performances, warranties or covenants, commitments, undertakings, obligations, agreements, contained in this agreement or any other documents called by this Agreement or any certificate or statement delivered or made hereunder or there under shall become incorrect or untrue or incomplete or misleading in any material respect.
2. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1 The First Party runs the ROI Program. 2.2 The Second Party grants rights to the First Party to include Villa number [*], the villa of the Second Party, in the Program.
2.3 The First Party shall have full and exclusive rights to manage the Villa under the ROI Program in the conformity with the whole terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2.4 The Second Party shall have rights over the return of [his] investment in conformity with the whole terms and conditions of this Agreement.
3. CONCEPT OF ROI 3.1 The ROI shall be conducted under the overall CONCEPT OF The BUANA. 3.2 All villas that going to be operated under the ROI Program should meet the overall BUANA concepts and standards, including atmosphere, image, building, interior and exterior, landscape, furniture, and performance. 4. ADJUSMENT 4.1 Should any adjustment necessary to be made for meeting the concepts and standards of the Buana, the First Party shall inform the Second Party. 4.2 The adjustment stated in paragraph 3.3 shall be carried out by the First Party.
5. RETURN ON INVESTMENT GUARANTEE 5.1 The Second Party shall have rights to earn the ROI income. 5.2 The First Party guarantee the ROI income in amount of 8.3% (eight point three percent) of the PRICE of the Villa per-year, net before tax.
6. PAYMENT PROCEDURE 6.1 The First Party shall under obligation to pay the ROI income to the Second Party. 6.2 The income stated in paragraph 5.1 shall be pain in a rear and shall be subjected to income tax (PPh) and/or any other tax applicable at the time.
6. COSTS AND CHARGES 6.1 The Second Party shall bear all costs for the adjustment stated in paragraph 4.1
6.2 The First Party shall deliver report on adjustment including its cost to the Second Party, prior to the commencement of the adjustment. 6.3 The Second Party shall bear 50% of the maintenance and services charges. 6.4 Tax of the charges stated in paragraph 6.1 shall be born by the First Party. 6.5 The First Party shall bear 100% of the water and electricity charges. 6.6 Telephone bill shall be berne by whoever is staying in the villa, based on the telephone bill recording made and kept by the First Party, in accordance to the period of the staying. 6.7 The First Party shall keep the receipt of the telephone bill. 6.8 The First Party shall have rights to generate income tax applicable to the 8.3% from guaranteed ROI income. 6.9 The Second Party shall bear the Bank charges for transferring the 8.3% of the ROI income. 7. EXPENSES 7.1 The Second Party shall bear all expenses for refurbishment of all interiors, furniture, and landscape of the villa. 7.2 The refurbishment shall be carried out by The First Party. 7.3 The First Party shall deliver report on the refurbishment including its cost to the Second Party, prior to the commencement of refurbishment, except the refurbishment cost less than USD 200 per item for wear and tear.
8. RIGHTS FOR STAYING 8.1 The Second Party shall have rights for staying in the villa for 2 weeks in the high season and 2 weeks in the low season every year during the period of the ROI Program.
9. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT 9.1 ROI Program shall be commenced within the period of Sublease. 9.2 The period of the Agreement is 6 (six) years, since 27 May 2006 to 27 May 2012, since the date is signing.
9.3 The Agreement can be extended upon agreement of the Parties.
10. EVENTS OF DEFAULTS 10.1 if either Party at any time during the period of the ROI Program shall fail to observe any of its obligations, the Non-defaulting Party may, be written notice to the Defaulting Party, terminate this Agreement if such default is not cured within thirty (30) days after the Defaulting Party shall have received written notice specifying the detail nature of such default. 10.2 The termination set forth in paragraph 10.1 shall not affecting the rights of the non-defaulting Party and shall not wipe out any obligations of the defaulting Party to perform its obligation under this Agreement up to the terminating date including rights of the non-defaulting Party to the recovery of the damages caused by the defaulting events. 10.3 The Party agree to waive the provisions of article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code to the extent of the requirement of the court approval in respect with any termination of this Agreement.
11. FORCE MAJEUR 11.1 Neither party hereto shall be liable to the other for delay in any performance or for failure to render any performance under this Agreement when such delay or failure is caused by governmental action, administrative or court injunction, fire, strike, war, riot, flood, accident epidemic, or any other cause or cause whether of like or different nature, beyond the reasonable control of such party. 11.2 The obligations of a Party shall be suspended during the time and to the extent that the Party is prevented from or delayed in complying their obligation by the Force Majeur. 11.3 A Party affected by Force Majeur shall: a. as soon as possible after being affected by the force majeur give the other Party the specification of the Force Majeur, including specification of the circumstance beyond its reasonable control, the manner in which its performance is thereby prevented or delayed and its calculation of estimated period of prevention or delay as a consequence of Force Majeur; and b. promptly and diligently take appropriate action to enable it to perform the obligations, compliance with which is prevented or delayed by Force Majeur.
11.4 Each Party shall use reasonable endeavors to remove or mitigate any Force Majeur at the earliest possible time except that neither Party shall be obliged to settle a strike, lockout, boycott or other industrial dispute. 11.5 If a party is prevented from or delayed in complying with an obligation under this Agreement by Force Majeur for a period of at least 90 days then the other Party may be notice to the Party terminate this Agreement.
12. INFORMING 12.1 Any inform given under this Agreement shall be delivered in written which indicate effectively received: a. if delivered directly: 7 (seven) working days if delivered by registered letter, post which shall proved by it recipient; or b. If sent through e-mail or fax shall deliver to the following address; or any other address which informed mutually by the Owner and the Operator.
To the First Party
Fax No.
To the Second Party : Address
Fax No.
13.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all aspect in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
14. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTE 14.1 Any disputes, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled through consultation and negotiation. 14.2 In the event that the parties unable to resolve through consultation and negotiation procedure pursuant to paragraph 14.1, the dispute shall be settled through mediation and conciliation procedure where the parties may jointly determine rule of procedure, including the person chosen to run the settlement or the mediation or the conciliation. 14.3 Should consultation, negotiation, mediation and conciliation pursuant to paragraph 14.1 and 14.2 fail to settle the disputes, the Parties hereto agree to finally settle the dispute through the Court of Justice of Denpasar.
15. ENTRY INTO FORCE 15.1 This Agreement shall come into force, and the term thereof shall commence, on the effective date. 15.2 This Agreement shall remain full force for a period of 6 years in conformity with paragraph 9.2.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement duty executed on the day and year given above in a manner legally binding upon the Parties.
THE FIRST PARTY By (signature) ______________________________________ Name : (in print) ____________________________________ Title : _____________________________________________
Date : _____________________________________________
THE SECOND PARTY By (signature) ______________________________________ Name : (in print) ____________________________________ Title : _____________________________________________ Date : _____________________________________________
EFFECTIVE DATE: ______________________________ (initials on behalf of OWNER) (initials on behalf of OPERATOR)