INTRODUCTORY WORD FOR HABITAT Term: March 17 – 20, 2011 Place: Exhibition Centre Prague Letnany Organizer: ABF, a.s. Set of trade fairs: Number of exhibitors: 535 Exhibition space net: 11,271 m2 Exhibition space total: 25,000 m2 Number of visitors: 29,350 FOR HABITAT Number of exhibitors: 156 Exhibition space net: 1,965 m2 Exhibition space total: 4,370 m2
Dear exhibitors and business friends,
looking back to the 18th year of the trade fair of living, renovations and building I would like to thank you for your support and participating at the FOR HABITAT Trade Fair. You have significantly contributed to a positive atmosphere at the Exhibition Centre Letnany from March 17 – 20, 2011. This year a new concept of trade fairs as well as of FOR HABITAT was introduced – the set of trade fairs was focused on living, public spaces and greenery. Main focus of FOR HABITAT Trade Fair was building, inbuilt parts of interior, soft furnishings and decorations. Both areas of change were positively accepted by the exhibitors as well as visitors, which was proved by a high visitor number and quality target group visiting the event. I believe that new conception of trade fairs and mostly FOR HABITAT convinced you, that this kind of promotion is a good start into a new season. I am looking forward to meeting you at next year’s trade fair, which will take place from March 22 – 25, 2012. Mgr. Lukáš Vilímek Trade Fair Manager
VERNISSAGE The set of trade fairs for living, public spaces and greenery FOR HABITAT, FOR FURNITURE, FOR OFFICE, FOR GARDEN and FOR GREENERY opened its gates to the visitors on Thursday, March 17. The trade fairs were opened by a symbolical ribbon cutting by Mr. Bedřich Danda - deputy minister of industry and trade of the Czech Republic and director general of the organizing company Ing. Jaroslav Čížek. Among other significant guests there was JUDr. Jan Wagner, director of the state fund for housing development.
GRAND PRIX ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME LECTURES I Oresi s.r.o. Speaker: Oresi manager Mr. Dušan Všelicha Topic: Useful technologies for lazy kitchen users – why have a well equipped kitchen I
Whirlpool Czech Republic Speaker: Mr. Pavel Trka Topic: New trends in kitchen appliances
JOSEF MASOPUST’S AUTOGRAPH GIVING In the framework of PORTAS company’s presentation all football fans could get an autograph from the legendary holder of the Golden ball award from 1962, Mr. Josef Masopust. GATE OF CRAFTS During the FOR HABITAT Trade Fair the 6th year of accompanying craft exhibition took place in cooperation with the association for handicrafts COMPETITION WITH PRAGUE’S ENERGETICS During the whole time of the trade fair a competition organized by Prague’s Energetics company took place in hall Nr. 5.
BEST PRODUCT COMPETITION – GRAND PRIX 2011 The GRAND PRIX awards for FOR HABITAT were handed over during the gala evening for exhibitors, which took place in congress hall of Interhotel Ambasador Zlatá husa.
AGC Flat Glass Czech a.s., AGC Group member for a set of dull glass Matelux Reasons: wide range of dull glass with high utility value and aesthetic quality
Brown & Johnson s.r.o. for catalytic lamp Reasons: Successful presentation of historical technology
BEST EXPOSITION COMPETITION – TOP EXPO In the framework of TOP EXPO competition a professional jury awarded the exposition of BIG TILE s.r.o. company. The committee appreciated a compact exposition with an outstanding placement of well processed logographer.
GALA EVENING FOR EXHIBITORS On Friday March 18, 2011 a gala evening for exhibitors took place in Interhotel Ambassador Zlatá husa. The GRAND PRIX and TOP EXPO awards were handed over here. After the official part of the evening dinner was served and band ERRORI took excelent care of the music.
MARKETING CAMPAIGN Durnig the entire year the FOR HABITAT Trade Fair was presented in specialised media. Two months before the event the promotion was supported by advertisements, news and articles in the dailies, radio, television, internet, LCD screens in shopping centers and by outdoor promotion. FOR HABITAT ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Dailies: MF DNES, Metro, Právo, AHA, Noviny městské části Praha 8, 9, 13, Deník Praha, Deník Středočeský, Deník jižní Čechy, Deník západní Čechy, Deník severní Čechy, Deník východní Čechy, Deník Vysočina, Deník jižní Morava, Deník střední Morava, Deník severní Morava Professional magazines: BYDLENÍ STAVBY REALITY, Realit, Design & Home, Moderní byt, Domov, Pěkné bydlení, Lobby, Top trendy v bývání, Stavebnictvo a byvanie, Interiér veřejných budov, Golf, Byty, domy, zahrady, Panel Plus, Parlament, vláda, samospráva, Jihlavské listy, Prager Zeitung, Praktik, Na dřevo, Estate, Můj dům, Building world magazine, Project and Property, Real City,Kovo-dřevo-stavby-zásoby-služby, Vše pro dům, byt, zahradu, hobby, Grand bydlení, Grand reality, Dům a zahrada, Realitní průvodce, Terra, Uniform mail s TV, katalog Uniform, Podlahy a interiér, Top Kuchyňa, Interiérové vybavení a zařízení 2011, Home, ASB, Pražský express, Topi profesional Internet: www.bydleni.cz, www.interier.cz, www.interier.com, www.abcinterier.sk, www.modernipanelak.cz, www.ceskestavby.cz, www.vseprovasdum.cz, www.trendybydleni.cz, www.bydletvpanelu.cz, www.obydleni.cz, www.kdechcibydlet.cz, www.abecedabydleni.cz, www.zivotnistyl.cz, www.tvujdum.cz, www.sreality.cz, www.slevomat.cz, www.e15.cz, www.sedmicka.cz, www.uniform.cz, www.az-podlahy.cz, www.ukazjakbydlis.cz, www.prague-express.cz, www.zlatestranky.ru, www.lobby.cz, www.novebydleni.cz, www.idealni-bydleni.cz, www.panelplus.cz, www.chytrazena.cz, www.buildinfo.cz, www.pozemky.cz, www.pragerzeitung.cz, www.arch-info.eu, www.designandhome.cz, www.real-city.cz, www.hyperinzerce.cz Outdoor: Billboards on the main roads to Prague and in Prague, LCD screens in shopping centers, B1 frames at escalators in underground, QS foils on trams in Prague, floor graphics, concave car Radio: Frekvence 1, Evropa 2, Radio DJ, Rock Zone, Bonton, Impuls - Praha a střední Čechy Events: Press conference in Interhotel Ambassador Zlatá husa, vernissage, accompanying programmes
EXHIBITORS 2011 A&D STUDIO, Ing. Arch. Jiří Hakulín ABC tuning group a.s. Absolínová Františka Abstract s.r.o. AGC FLAT GLASS CZECH a.s., člen AGC group Alois Dallmayr automaten service s.r.o. andrew/eBMA, s.r.o. Antonín Krejča - Easy clean Apis - zateplování oken, s.r.o. Aq-technik s.r.o. Aquaba Energie Centrum, a.s. (DORESTAV) AQUAPOL, spol. s.r.o. ATANERA s.r.o. ATEX PLANÁ s.r.o. AURA PRAHA s.r.o. Auto-Staiger s r.o. BAKERO export-import s.r.o. BAUDEKOR s.r.o. BAZÉNY KREIDL s.r.o. Be kara ok! Ben Anderson s.r.o. Beting s.r.o. BIGTILE s.r.o. BIOKAMÍN EU s.r.o. BLAKAR trading s.r.o. Bonafide publishing, s.r.o. BORGIS, a.s. Britomex s.r.o. Brouk centrum s.r.o. Brown & Johnson spol. s r. o. Building world, s.r.o. Business Media CZ, s.ro. Caretta Technologies s.r.o. CCB, spol. s r. o. Centers Publishing, s.r.o. Concept 2M Českomoravská stavební spořitelna Český internet s.r.o. ČZT, s.r.o. D.R.E.G.S., spol. s r.o. Dalibor Holub Dana Fulínová-ANTISA Daniel Mika Darré Náchod - Aleš Kuchař DENNERT BAUSTOFFWELT Gmbh DKNV stavební s.r.o. Dominika Bučková Net Press Media e-domicil ELCO spol. s r.o. E-portály s.r.o. ESPRIT BOHEMIA, s.r.o. EVROPA RK s.r.o. Exhition Centre FairExpo Sp. Z.o.o. FENESTRA střešní okna, s.r.o. Filip Dub-Gibbus FITIS FONTANA WATERCOOLERS, s.r.o. FORIS s.r.o. FurnitureGlobal.com GAPA MB s.r.o. GATO s.r.o. GE Money bank a.s. GEO CENTRUM s.r.o.
GERDA SK, s.r.o. GMF AQUAPARK PRAGUE, a.s. GRAND PRINC a.s. HELUZ cihlářský průmysl v.o.s. HomeDeco SMP a.s. Hušek a. s. HyperMedia, a.s. ib1.cz s.r.o. Ignis Trade s.r.o. Ing. Jiří Polák ing. Václav Dostál – Terrapolis INKU International, s.r.o. INT, s.r.o. INTELO, s.r.o. Interiéry a schodiště Lenali s.r.o. Inzertspoj spol. s r.o. Jaga Media, s.r.o. JaM Decoré JAN KOŠAŘ Jaroslav Zika-Prozi Jiří Novák Josef Čurda K-atelier Keramika Šenauerová-Macek KODÁR GROUP, s.r.o. KRESSIDA s.r.o. LOMAX&CO s.r.o. LPK incest Martin Patřičný Mgr. Martin Harasim MICHAL DRKOŠ-SMERALDINO Mikolášek Pavel
MISE MÉDIA s.r.o. Mladá Fronta a.s. Modrá pyramida stavební spořitelna a.s. Monika Prouzová MOTOR PRESSE BOHEMIA s.r.o. MULTIPŮJČOVNA CZ s.r.o. Next, spol. s r.o. NEXUS GROUP s.r.o. NUDE Juice and Smoothie co., s.r.o. PANEL PLUS PRESS s.r.o. Park ZIKO spol. s r.o. PAROLA, spol. s r.o. Partis a.s. (Vermont design) Pavel Ciml – CIMEX Pavel Tesárek (AAA stránky) Petr Klokočka Petr Vočadlo - TOP Media PetrStříbrný - Historická kamna PISA SPOL. S R.O. PLAS s.r.o. PORTAS - Jan Masopust PostScriptum s.r.o. Pozemky CZ s.r.o. Prago-Media, spol. s r.o. Pražská energetika, a.s. Pražská vydavatelská společnost Pro BYT PROMONT střašní okna s.r.o. Realitní průvodce Retail info, s.r.o. Rogan Solutions s.r.o.
ROLLO s.r.o. Rudolf Cízler Rudolfinea o.s. Sanoma Magazines Praha s.r.o. Seznam.cz, a.s. SILVA - sdružení podnikatelů Skanska a.s., divize Skanska Reality SMART SECURITY s.r.o. SNI, s.r.o. STROIKO EXPO Ltd. Strojtex, a.s. SUMERU COMPANY s.r.o. Suncom CZ, s.r.o. Svaz českých a moravských výrobních družstev TEWIKO systems s.r.o. Tomáš Brandejský Total brokers partners a.s. TREND PLUS s.r.o Truhlářství Martin Čuda Uniform Praha, spol. s r.o. UNIPRO-CZECH s.r.o. VETOS dveře a zárubně s.r.o. VOPE - Mgr. Zuzana Viktorínová Vydavatelství Lenny s.r.o. Wienerberger cihlářský průmysl a.s. xBizon, s.r.o. Zbyněk Pokorný-společenský magazín Markéta ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL s.r.o. ZNAČKOVÁ OKNA PRAHA, s.r.o.
Business Team Director Ing. arch. Maria Wohlrabová tel.: +420 225 291 244 mobil: +420 739 306 332 e-mail:
[email protected]
Trade Fair Manager Mgr. Lukáš Vilímek tel.: +420 225 291 223 mobil: +420 739 003 169 e-mail:
[email protected] Foreign Relations Mag. Jana Jůdová tel.: +420 225 291 246 mobil: +420 739 003 135 e-mail:
[email protected]
October 6 – 9, 2011
Production Bc. Alexandra Šukalová tel.: +420 225 291 141 mobil: +420 739 003 170 e-mail:
[email protected]
EXHIBITION CENTRE PRAGUE LETNANY ABF, a.s. Trade Fair Administration Mimoňská 645 190 00 Prague 9 – Prosek Czech Republic
March 22 – 25, 2012