Pre-studies in het kader van decentralisatie m.b.t. het Traditioneel Gezag en het grondenrechtenvraagstuk
2. Producten die gereed liggen en beschikbaar zijn
(i). RAPPORT van dr. Ellen Rose-Kambel: Indigenous and Tribal Government and the Decentralization Programme in Suriname (International Legal Framework and Examples of Self-Government Arrangements from Abroad) Prepared for the Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Programme, the Ministry of Regional Development and the Inter-American Development Bank; 24 January 2006 (ii). Het traditioneel gezag en het Decentralisatieprogramma in Suriname Presentatie voor het Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Program door mr. dr. Ellen-Rose Kambel 28 mei 2007 (iii). Indian Country Today: U.N. declaration becomes law of the land in Bolivia. At: http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=1096416239 (iv). The Status of The Traditional Authorities Of Suriname within The Framework of The Decentralization And Local Government Strengthening Program; Research Proposal. (v). SUPPORT FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERIOR -COLLECTIVE RIGHTS SUPPORT TO THE TRADITIONAL AUTHORITY STRUCTURE OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND MAROONS IN SURINAM FINAL DRAFT REPORT March 2010 THE AMAZON CONSERVATION TEAM
(vi). Suriname Support for the Development of the Interior project (SSDI) DISCUSSION DOCUMENT ON THE ROLE, STATUS AND TRAINING NEEDS OF THE TRADITIONAL AUTHORITIES Prepared by Christopher Healy and Richene Libretto 16 September 2009; (Revised version 19 March 2010) (vii) A Dual System of Self-Government for Sipaliwini ‘Reconciliation of Universalism and Cultural Relativism’ Mr. Hans Lim Apo, 21-04-2010 (viii) (viii) Terms of Reference to incorporate te position and the role of the Traditional Authority in the Law of Regionale Body Stand van zaken
Alle uitgebrachte rapporten zijn van recente data en ‘final’. In deze betrokken de IDB, Min v R.O. en het DLGP. Ligt bij Leiding Min 1
3. Vindplaatsen
4. Toelichting MvT/NvT
(i). RAPPORT van dr. Ellen Rose-Kambel:
R.O. Nog geen besluiten over de positie, rol van het Traditioneel gezag en het grondenrechtenvraagstuk.Het materiaal ligt er. Er is recentelijk met het Instituut van Lim Apo een contract getekend op basis van de boven aangehaalde Terms of Reference om de positie en de rol van het Traditioneel gezag te incorporeren in de Wet Regionale Organen (WRO) Deels Zie www. decentralisatie.org Ook op CD verkrijgbaar op het Projectbureau van het DLGP Anton Dragtenweg 210, tel 551403 of per e-mail:
[email protected] Ad (i): METHODOLOGY AND STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT For this report, I have reviewed academic literature, international legal instruments and decisions by international and regional human rights bodies, and other written sources relevant to the subject. I have not interviewed or spoken to government, indigenous or maroon representatives.1 Their comments on the draft report will be included separately
(ii). Het traditioneel gezag en het Decentralisatieprogramma in Suriname
Ad (ii): Betreft een powerpoint presentatie van het voerenvermelde rapport.
(iii). Indian Country Today:
Ad (iii): Hier is een simpele oplossing voor de grondenrechtenwetgeving in Suriname.
(iv) The Status of The Traditional Authorities Of Suriname Within The Framework of The Decentralization And Local Government Strengthening Program
Ad (iv):
Ad (v): The Government of Suriname (GOS) with the support of the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) and the Japan Special Fund (JSF), is undertaking the commitment articulated in the Government Declaration of 2006-2011 to improve the administration and development of the Interior. The GOS has recently embarked on a comprehensive approach for the planning and eventual implementation of a sustainable development program for the Interior. This approach includes a strong participatory methodology that ensures that the target beneficiaries are involved in the planning
Objective: The objective of this study is: 1) to provide insight into the (inter)national legal status of the traditional authorities of the indigenous peoples and maroons in Suriname within the framework of the Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Program (DLPG); 2) to develop recommendations regarding the potential participation of the traditional authorities within the decentralization program, based on consultations with these authorities and members of the regional organs; 3) to formulate recommendations for the legal regulation of the position and powers of the traditional authorities based on examples from other countries in the region.
The ToR includes the possibility of a more elaborate field study as a follow-up to this study, which would be aimed at gathering the views from relevant stakeholders and indigenous peoples and maroons regarding actual and potential conflicts and possible solutions on this topic.
(vii) A Dual System of SelfGovernment for Sipaliwini ‘Reconciliation of Universalism and Cultural Relativism’
and implementation of their own development priorities and that the focus of the program is aligned around their rights and interests. Within the context of the work outlined above and after consultations with the Traditional Authorities and other stakeholders, recommendations for the legal framework that will be required to formally recognize the rights, duties und responsibilities of Indigenous and Maroon traditional authorities as they relate to land, natural resource management and use, and national representation. Ad6 (vi) A key issue is raised here: in the process of legal formalization of the role and status of the customary chiefs, should the clan and linage system provide the framework for formalization, or should the village be recognized as the basic administrative unit? Among the Indigenous population the primacy of the village as administrative unit seems to be the preferred alternative, but this needs to be confirmed through consultations with the Indigenous communities and leaders. These policy decisions are logically prior to any effort to strengthen the customary authorities. Their new role needs to be defined so that a culturally appropriate training package can be prepared. Ad (vii)
Draft legislation for implementing fiscal decentralization in Suriname has been submitted to the Decentralization and Local Government Strengthening Program (DLGP) of the Government of Suriname and the Inter-American Development Bank in October 2008. The draft legislation does not take account of the status of the indigenous peoples and maroon peoples2 inhabiting the Sipaliwini District. Case studies described in the literature show that many ways are used to accommodate the status of indigenous peoples. In particular the form, type and scope of the system of self-government to which they are entitled under international law, may vary in each case. These self-government systems are uniquely influenced by the state of recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights in the prevailing domestic law, the constitutional framework within which the selfgovernment system is implemented as well as local historical and actual circumstances. But the main underlying issue is a conflict between two different ideologies of human rights at national level namely, universalism and cultural relativism. Universalism holds that more and more ‘primitive’ cultures will eventually evolve towards the same system of law and rights as Western Cultures. Cultural relativists hold an opposite, but equally rigid viewpoint, that a traditional culture is unchangeable. This study makes an effort to reconcile both ideologies by pragmatically accommodating the underlying principles of ideologies, respectively integration and self-determination, in the implementation of a self-government system for the Sipaliwini District
According to article 1 of the ILO Convention 169 (1986) and the finding of the IACHR in the Moiwana Village v. Suriname Case (par 86.6) maroon peoples, because of their cultural distinctiveness and self-identification, are entitled to the same property rights based on traditional occupation of land as indigenous peoples. Because property rights are the foundation of the self-government entitlements which are the subject of this Study, the notion of ‘indigenous peoples is for convenience being used to refer to both ‘indigenous peoples’ and ‘maroon peoples’.
(viii) Terms of Reference to incorporate te position and the role of the Traditional Authority in the Law of Regionale Body
Ad (viii) Specific objective: The purpose of component “Legal Context” is to continue supporting changes in legislation that are necessary to improve fiscal relations between central and local governments, including a.o the preparation of draft Technical back ground papers and legal background papers on Traditional Authority to complete the legal framework on Local Government. III.
Scope and activities to be undertaken
Specifically the consultant will undertake the following activities:
5. Urgentie
1. Meet with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), especially the Managing Director, the Legal and other staff persons within the Ministry of Regional Development, District Commissioner, District Council, the Traditional Authorities in the hinterland and other external experts; 2. Study the relevant project documents and the historical and other background papers. 3. Discuss the subject during brainstorming sessions and hearings with the relevant stakeholders for input and perform Power Point presentation for consensus building during meetings initiated by the PIU and/or Ministry of Regional Development; 4. Attend and participate in meetings, seminars, workshops of the PIU and Ministry of Regional developments that are related with the subject/objective of this consultancy; 5. Preparation of the Technical Background Paper; 6. Preparation of the Legal Background Paper; 7. Preparation of the Draft Law. Het grondenrechtenvraagstuk en het traditioneel gezag staat hoog op de agenda van Mega. Het team van Mega Denk Tank bepaalt de urgentie. Deze bijdrage kan van groot nut zijn, omdat veel voorwerk in het kader van het DLGP al gedaan is en alle materiaal promt te krigen is via het projectbureau om beleid te kunnen maken.
6. Wijze van voorbereiding
Voorbereiding is geschied door de PIU ( Project Implementation Unit) van het DLGP van het Ministerie van Regionale Ontwikkeling in samenwerking met een reeks van externe internationale en lokale deskundigen en met goedkeuring en financiering van de IDB.
7. Advies
De documenten spoedig te toetsen o.a. aan de beleidspunten uit het MEGA Verkiezings Programma 2010-2020, 4.1, blz. 48:
Toetsing aan beleidspunten uit het MEGA VERKIEZINGSPROGRAMMA 2010-2020
4.1 Het grondenrechten vraagstuk Het incorporeren van rechten op grond van Inheemsen en traditionele gemeenschappen in het binnenland verdient bijzondere aandacht. Er bestaat een spanningsveld tussen de traditioneel opgebouwde rechten en het gelijkheidsbeginsel van de grondwet. Het tweede vraagstuk dat zich voordoet is de tegenstelling tussen de rechten op de grond en de rechten die aan derden worden verleend voor bijvoorbeeld mijnbouwdoeleinden. De Mega Combinatie wil komen tot een versnelde oplossing van dit vraagstuk en wenst daartoe de volgende stappen te nemen: Wij moeten de Inheemse en traditionele entiteiten in het bosgebied 4
in de Grondwet van de Republiek Suriname erkennen; Het is noodzakelijk om na deze stap de geïdentificeerde in stamverband levende gemeenschappen collectieve rechten te verschaffen op die delen van het binnenland waar zij traditioneel woonachtig zijn. Deze collectieve rechten zullen onder bepaalde voorwaarden en tijdelijk overdraagbaar zijn aan individuele personen of rechtspersonen, gericht op de bevordering van economische ontwikkeling; De demarcatie van de hierboven bedoelde collectieve rechten zal in samenspraak met het traditioneel gezag worden gerealiseerd; Indien de overheid zou besluiten concessies te verlenen aan derden in gebieden die vallen binnen bovengenoemde demarcatielijnen, dan zal een dergelijke concessie slechts van waarde zijn wanneer het lokale gezag van het gebied wordt gekend bij de besluitvorming. Bovenstaande regelgeving en eventuele nadere regels zullen bij wet worden vastgesteld in overleg met het traditioneel gezag, DNA-leden en de Districtsraadsleden van het betreffende district. 9. Aanbeveling
Neem een voorsprong om heel wat beleidspunten reeds in het eerste regeerjaar te realiseren. 1. Aanwijzen van een team van deskundigen om alle documenten door te nemen, te toetsen aan het megabeleid;
2. Het creeren van een nationaal draagvlak via workshops, seminars, hearings. 3. Uitwerken van voorstellen 4. Besluitvorming en uitvoering Noot: Zie boven de vermelde Terms of Reference. Participeren in de uitvoering hiervan is ten zeerste aan te bevelen. 10. Contactpersoon
De Directeur van DLGP-projectbureu, Mr. Basharat Ahmadali Anton Dragtenweg 210, Tel 551403, 455953, 08556020, e-mail:
[email protected]