« the Quarry Life Award 3rd Edition 2016»
By Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk, HeidelbergCement Group Unit Operational Citeureup – Bogor West Java Date Jan, 2016
Agenda Who is HeidelbergCement? What is the Quarry Life Award? How to participate? Sharing project news
HeidelbergCement in the world No 1 in aggregates No 3 in cement No 3 in ready-mixed concrete
Cement & grinding plants Aggregates
HeidelbergCement in figures
52,000 employees Core business – Aggregates – Cement – Downstream activities
2,500 locations in more than 40 countries – 538 production sites for sand, gravel, and crushed rock – 103 cement and grinding plants – 1,321 ready-mixed concrete plants – 94 asphalt plants
Cement capacity 122 million tonnes/year Aggregates reserves 19 billion tonnes
Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk,
Since 1975
Core business – Cement – Aggregates Locations CementPlant in Indonesia – Citeureup Plantsite – Cirebon Plantsite – Tarjun Plantsite
One of the world's largest integrated plant with 10 factories in the 1 area
Cement capacity 22 million tonnes
“Tiga Roda” is trademarks Indocement as a single entity in Indonesia
Indocement focus on sustainable development through an ongoing commitment to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the cement production process, became one of Indocement's responsibility to the environment.
Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk,
10 16
Agenda Who is HeidelbergCement? What is the Quarry Life Award? Biodiversity Projects around five topics Sharing project news
Apakah Quarry Life Award?
HeidelbergCement mengadakan sebuah kompetisi ilmiah dan penelitian tingkat nasional dan internasional untuk meningkatkan ekologi pertambangan dan keanekaragaman hayati.
Terbuka bagi umum (mahasiswa, peneliti, akademisi, yayasan, LSM dan institusi riset pemerintah atau swasta) dan pelajar (SMU sederajat) untuk mengajukan proposal penelitian keanekaragaman hayati berdasarkan topik yang sudah ditentukan, baik individu atau kelompok
Kompetisi ini akan berjalan secara simultan di 22 negara (unit operation Heidelberg) – quarry yang berpartisipasi dapat dilihat pada www.quarrylifeaward.com (international web) atau di www.quarrylifeaward.co.id (national web)
Rangkaian acara National Quarry Life Award akan diselenggarakan pada periode Januari hingga November 2016
Partisipasi Negara pada QLA 2016
Tujuan Quarry Life Award? Mempromosikan penelitian ekologi di pertambangan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran nilai biologis di lokasi tambang Mempromosikan proyek pendidikan lingkungan dengan fokus pada pertambangan berwawasan lingkungan dan keanekaragaman hayati Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan lingkungan eksternal Mendapat masukkan untuk pengembangan keanekaragaman hayati pada lokasi tambang berupa Biodiversity Management Plan
Biodiversity Projects around Five Topics 1. Habitat and Spesies Research Goal: Increase knowledge about biodiversity in mining sites through:
Mappings Surveys Scientific studies
Developing scientific techniques: to improve accuracy to collect data with minimal resources
2. Biodiversity Management Goal: Optimizes biodiversity value during or after extraction activities through innovative management techniques
Areas for nature protection, forestry or agriculture, recreation and housing Rehabilitation concepts / methods / projects
Optimization of rehabilitation techniques
Biodiversity Projects around Five Topics 3.
Education and Raising Awarness Goal: the importance of biodiversity for society ,social stakeholder activities focused on mining and biodiversity
Events, nature trails, educational tools Cooperation schools and quarry Cooperation projects with NGOs Cooperation universities and quarry
4. Beyond Quarry Border Goal: Contestant can develop the concept about nature which basically is the value of biodiversity exists not limited in mining area, but clearly can be influenced by the external environment. Habitat connectivity, urban technology, infrastructure / green building and Biodiversity measures projects which create new living spaces/habitats for plants and animals on industrial land. Example : Green Bridge, Hotel insect, urban plantation and village park
Biodiversity Projects around Five Topics 5.
Student Class Project Goal : Invites and gives motivation to senior high school students or equivalent to study one of the four biodiversity topics to create the paper
Search last edition national winning projects in the online archive!!
Rangkaian Tahapan National QLA
QLA Goes To Campus Quarry Open Day / Quarry Visit Proposal proyek harus disubmit paling lambat 1st Maret 2016 Semua proposal akan diseleksi oleh juri nasional menjadi 15 proposal terbaik (Maret 2016) 15 Proposal terbaik akan diseleksi melalui presentasi dan diumumkan sebagai 5 Proposal terbaik untuk melanjutkan ke tahap penelitian lapangan/quarry (April 2016). 5 Proposal terbaik akan menerima bantuan incentive penelitian untuk melakukan penelitian lapangan/quarry (Mei 2016) Masing-masing dari 5 Proposal terbaik akan memiliki akses ke national website untuk mem-posting update news dan foto penelitian lapangan Presentasi progres setelah penelitian lapangan/quarry (Juni 2016) Laporan akhir penelitian harus disubmit paling lambat 19 September 2016 Presentasi , penilaian akhir penelitian dan pengumuman pemenang (November 2016)
Hadiah National QLA 2016 Penilaian dan Penghargaan oleh Juri Nasional Hadiah Kategori Umum 1st – Rp 75.000.000, 2nd – Rp 45.000.000, 3-5rd - @Rp 22.500.000, Hadiah Kategori Pelajar 1st – Rp 10.000.000, 2nd – Rp 6.000.000, 3-5rd – @Rp 2.500.000, Kriteria Penilaian: – Inovasi dan Kreativitas – Keterlibatan Stakeholder – Dapat diimplementasikan – Ada nilai Pendidikan / meningkatkan kesadaran – Memberikan benefit dan nilai tambah untuk perusahaan (perlindungan alam, kesadaran masyarakat,cost reduction, keamanan, pengembangan) – Mempromosikan kearifan lokal
Pemenang National QLA 2014 (Kategori Umum) 1st WINNER
Yudi LA Salampessy Mining and Biodiversity Comics Publishing to the Elementary School Students Around Mine Areas
Titut Yulistyarini Conservation Area at Cirebon Quarry and Its Potency in Carbon Sequestration
Nisa Rachmania Mubarik Exploration of Bacterial Diversity at Cirebon Quarry
Geo Septianella Odonata Diversity Relationship with Plant Vegetation Diversity in Palimanan Quarry, Cirebon, West Java
Ada Chornelia Bats Diversity in Disturbing Areas in Cirebon Quarry PT ITP
Pemenang National QLA 2014 (Kategori Pelajar) 1st WINNER
Alfin Mohamad Abdillah (SMAN 2 Cirebon)
Dwi Maya Santi (MAN Cirebon)
Ika Lutviani (MAN Ciwaringin)
Muhamad Semesta (MAN Ciwaringin)
Dadan Sukendra (DLS Indramayu)
Umar Sahid (SMAN 1 Palimanan)
A. Fawaid Ridwan (MAN Ciwaringin)
Hadiah International QLA 2016
Juara pertama dari ketegori umum dan kategori pelajar pada national QLA otomatis diikutsertakan pada international QLA, apabila menjadi salah satu pemenang akan menerima penghargaan di Polandia, Des 2016
Penilaian dan Penghargaan oleh Juri Internasional
Hadiah Kompetisi Internasional Habitat and species research- 10,000 euro Biodivesity management - 10,000 euro Education and raising awarness- 10,000 euro Beyond quarry border- 10,000 euro Student class project- 10,000 euro
Hadiah Utama sebesar 30,000 euro untuk pemenang utama
Pemenang International QLA 2014
Agenda Who is HeidelbergCement? What is the Quarry Life Award? Biodiversity Projects around five topics How to participate? Sharing project news
How to Participate?
Submit your project idea/ proposal by 1st March 2016 – Template for Project Proposal available on website: www.quarrylifeaward.co.id – Describe your project idea: objectives (what?), methods (how?), project timeline (when?), involved groups and persons (who?) – Explain the expected added value for biodiversity and /or society and company – Give a budget estimation for implementation
Technical Guide 1 Technical Guide 2
Agenda Who is HeidelbergCement? What is the Quarry Life Award? Biodiversity Projects around four topics How to participate? Sharing project news
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