The Forest and Climate Change Programme’s (FORCLIME) activities related to Climate and Policy by Dr. Helmut Dotzauer
International Indonesia Peatland Conversation February 25-27, 2013 Bandung, Indonesia 2/27/13
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Seite 1
What is FORCLIME and what do we do?
Overview of the work being done by FORCLIME in Indonesia: What “science results” have been or are being generated The relevance of the outputs to GOI policy needs"
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Seite 2
Overall Strategic Programme Objective (by 2020) To reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from the forest sector and to improve the livelihood of rural poor by implementing strategies for forest protection and sustainable forest management
To be measured by: 1. Greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in selected districts of Kalimantan remain below the agreed Reference Emission Levels 2. The public and private sector invest into REDD mechanisms in Indonesia 3. Significantly larger forest areas are assigned to sustainable forest management and forest protection 4. The majority of the population living in areas of REDD activities attests to an improvement of living conditions through forest protection and sustainable forest management 2/27/13
Seite 3
FORCLIME Programme Structure Forests and Climate Change Programme (FORCLIME)
Technical Cooperation Module
TC Module: 3 components
Financial Cooperation Module
Investments + Consulting Services for implementation of districtbased REDD demonstration activities
Seite 4
The three pilot districts • Malinau 39.800 km2 population 62.500
Berau Kapuas Hulu
• Berau 34.100 km2 population 180.000 • Kapuas Hulu 29.850 km2 population 186.000
Seite 5
Core intervention areas Investments in REDD+ Readiness
Investments in REDD+ Demonstration Activities
• District REL
• Demonstrate economic and technical feasibility of a “pro-poor” REDD+ design
• District Forest Management Information System • District REDD+ Strategies/ Mitigation Action Plans • Forest Management Unit (FMU) establishment for forest governance reform • Stakeholder consultation fora (e.g. REDD+ Working Group East Kalimantan)
• Early livelihoods investments • DA with variety of partners: communities, forest enterprises • and potential REDD+ methodologies: CBFM, SFM, sustainable land use, RIL Seite 6
What is FORCLIME and what do we do? What “science results” have been or are being generated: Land-use change analysis for Berau, Malinau and Kapuas Hulu Emission Base line for the Districts of Berau, Malinau and Kapuas Hulu Carbon maps for the Districts
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Seite 7
Land-use change analysis for Malinau
1990 2/27/13
2010 Präsentationstitel hier eintragen
Seite 8
Deforestation in Malinau
1990-2000 2/27/13
1990-2010 Präsentationstitel hier eintragen
Seite 9
Seite 10
Carbon stock development 1990 - 2010 and prediction 1990 – 2030 in Malinau (39,800 km2)
Carbon loss 1990 – 2010: 22,882,478 t C or 5,75 t C per Hectar over 20 years Projected Carbon loss until 2030 (polynomial): 10,233,145 t C 2/27/13
Seite 11
Carbon stock map for Malinau 1990/2010
Seite 12
Deforestation in Berau
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Seite 13
Deforestation rate Berau 1990 - 2010
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Seite 14
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Seite 15
Drivers of Deforestation in Berau 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1990 - 1995 1995 - 2000 2000 - 2005 2005 - 2010 Plantagen Landwirtschaft Vegetationsfrei Seite 16
Participatory mapping in the community of Setulang, Malinau
Seite 17
Seite 18
Data management and decision making system
Seite 19
The relevance of the outputs to GOI policy needs" • Data necessary for the development of REDD+ strategies at national, provincial and district level • Base line data necessary for international negotiations • Available for all interested actors (transparency policy!)
• Data useful for decision making at: • FMU level to manage forest and NTF resources • District level as an input for spatial planning • Data useful for low carbon economic development (“Green Economy”) • Data useful as an orientation for politician and policy decisions 2/27/13
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Seite 20
Indonesian-German Forests and Climate Change Programme ( )
Thank you!
Seite 21
Merang REDD Pilot Project (MRPP) di Kawasan Hutan Produksi Rawa Gambut Merang Kepayang Kab Musi Banyuasin Prop Sumatera Selatan
2008 - 2011
Disajikan oleh: MRPP Team
Seite 22
Kerangka Penyajian 1. Profil MRPP 2. Lokasi Proyek 3. Kegiatan proyek 4. Capaian 5. Tantangan 6. Pengalaman Seite 23
Profil MRPP ü No Proyek: 2008.9233.1/ 2009.9056.4 ü Donor: BMU Germany ü Dana Hibah: 1,445,250 + 651.700 Euro ü Durasi: 2008 – 2011 ü German Implementing Agency: GIZ ü GoI Executing Authority: Kementerian Kehutanan /DitJen BUK ü GoI Co-Implementing Agency: Pemda Prov Sumatera Selatan dan Pemda Kab MUBA ü Lokasi: 24.000 ha di Hutan Rawa Gambut Merang Kepayang, Kec Bayung Lencir, Kab MUBA, SumSel
Seite 24
Project Location
Seite 25
Kegiatan Proyek • Pengumpulan Data Dasar: •
Survey Sosek (NGO), Keanekaragaman Hayati (LIPI), Illegal Logging (UMP), dll
• Community Development (CD)
Pembentukan Kelompok Masyarakat Peduli Hutan: 2 KMPH Inti+ 12KMPH Pengembangan
Alternatif Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat, Pengembangan Lembaga Keu Micro di desa
Training Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Pendampingan rutin/bulanan Penguatan Kelembagaan
Mendukung penaggulangan kegiatan illegal logging
• Nursery and Rehabilitation •
Pelatihan dan Membangun 2 Pesemaian Desa masing-masing kapasitas 50.000 seedling
Percobaan Rehabilitasi/ Penanaman Hutan rawa gambut
Percobaan Canal blocking
• Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation •
Fasilitasi pembentukan UPTD KPHP Lalan sebagai KPHP Model
Kolaborasi dengan Zoological Society London (ZSL) , Harapan Rain Forest (HRF) dan para pihak lain
Penyusunan Draft PDD
• Forest and Carbon Monitoring: 2/27/13
Seite 26
Pembentukan, Pelatihan dan Pendampingan reguler bagi KMPH
Seite 27
Pelatihan Dasar KMPH dan Pelatihan Pemadaman Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan
Seite 28
Patrolling and Initial attack by Community Forest Rangers
Seite 29
Peningkatan Pendapatan Alternatif
Seite 30
Pengembangan lembaga keuangan micro credit Grafic of finansial rotation at CFR Merante Jaya 50,000,000
40,000,000 TP 30,000,000
JP LS Total
Linear (Total) November '09 Desember '09
Januari '10
Februari '10
Maret '10
April '10
May '10
Seite 31
Membangun Pesemaian Desa • Panduan Pesemaian Desa • Pesemaian 2 KMPH Desa Muara Merang and Kepayang kapasitas 100.000 seedling • 3 kali pela;han & bimbingan teknis • Sebagai IGA dengan harga IDR 1.000 / seedling
Seite 32
Canal Blocking
Seite 33
Penutupan akses Illegal Logging
Seite 34
Carbon Accounting System Local allometric equation
à Tier 3
• Destructive method: trees are felled, fractioned and weighted • Allometric relationship between DBH and biomass or carbon
Carbon inventory -> Plot measurementà
Tier 3
- Multi purpose inventory - Record most important carbon pools - Stratified random sampling, with SE 10%
Approach 3 à Landscape—based carbon assessment - Utilize remotely-sensed imageries - Pixel-based digital classification Seite 35
Weighting and Sample taking - Each fractions weighted, including stumps. - Cross sectional cut of woods taken as samples for lab analysis - Lab analysis: dry weight, wood density, carbon fraction - Develop and choose the best allometric model
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Plot distribution
Seite 37
Biomass Plot Sampling - Carbon stock-based Stratification - Multi purpose inventory (+ peat, biodiversity, illegal logging) - Field measurement of 4 carbon pools - Standard error, 10%, CI= 95% - Stratified random sampling
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Landscape-based carbon assessment
Seite 39
Peat Volume and Peat C-Stock in Project Area Area: 24,000 ha Peat Volume : 1.06 billion m3 Peat depth : 1.1 m – 8.5 m average: 4.4 m
Bulk Density: 0,144 (Couwenberg, et al, 2009) % C: 0,42 (0,31 – 0,49) (SSFFMP, 2005) C Stock: 64 mill ton or 2671 ton/ha (13 times bigger than AGB) Seite 40
Peat Volume Area: 24,000 ha Peat Volume : 926 mill m3 Peat depth average: 3.8 m
Seite 41
Panduan Inventarisasi Karbon, 2009 Luas Area: 24 Ribu ha Gambut: 926 Juta m3 Downloadable Volume at: Rata-rata kedalaman: 3,8 m Has been adopted by the Ministry of Forestry as appendix: http:// PerdirjenBPK_3_2010.p df
Seite 42
Capaian ü Kegiatan Pemberdayaan / Pengembangan Masyarakat ü Kalkulasi Karbon di Hutan Rawa Gambut Merang ü KPHP Lalan terbentuk dan berkonsolidasi ü ICVKM ü Contoh Rehabilitasi hutan rawa gambut lebih 30 HA Seite 43
Tantangan ü Illegal logging ü Proses COP lambat ü Institusi / infrastruktur REDD national / lokal belum terbentuk ü Peningkatan kapasitas dan kompetensi SDM dan lembaga/instansi terkait ü Pendanaan kedepan Seite 44
Pengalaman yang didapat ü Pengukuran Karbon ü Manajemen Kebakaran Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat ü Pengembangan Masyarakat ü Kolaborasi dan Integrasi LSM ü Jejaring dengan para pihak ü REDD dan PI ü Proses REDD Kemenhut ü Persemaian & Rehabilitasi ü Manajemen Pengetahuan Seite 45
Terima kasih Terima kasihTe
Seite 46