A Graduating Paper
Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Education Study Program
By: HERI SULISTYO 113 08 059
English Education Study Program of Educational Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga 2013
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.02, Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail:
[email protected]
Salatiga, September 14, 2013 Ari Setiawan, S.Pd M.M The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR‟S NOTE Case : Heri Sulistyo‟s Graduating Paper
Dear The Head of State Institute of Islamic Studies Salatiga
Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Heri Sulistyo’s graduating paper entitled “THE ANALYSIS OF REGISTER USED IN ENTREPRENEUR COMMUNITY IN SOCIAL MEDIA”, I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by Educational Faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.
Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
Ari Setiawan, M.M NIP. 19751004 200312 1002
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.02, Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id, E-mail:
[email protected]
Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Department of Educational faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga September 31, 2013, and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department.
Boards of examiners,
: Drs. Miftahuddin, M.Ag
: Sari Famularsih, M.A
1st Examiner
: Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum., M.Ed
2nd Examiner
: Rr. Dewi Mustikasari, M.Pd
3rd Examiner
: Ari Setiawan, M.M
Salatiga, 23 September, 2013 Head of STAIN Salatiga
Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag NIP. 195808 27 198303 1 002
Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer himself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other people ideas except the information from the references. The writer is capable to account his graduating paper if in the future it can be proved of containing others’ idea or in fact, the writer imitates the others’ graduating paper. Likewise, this declaration is made by the writer, and he hopes that this declaration can be understood.
Salatiga, September 14, 2013
The Writer
Heri Sulistyo NIM. 11308059
don’t focus on problems, focus on solutions
successful people are those who start to realize their dreams immediately
our efforts lead to a series of life’s history
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Department of Educational faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Peace and greetings always given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the time of ignorance to scientific and gave us syafa'at on the day of judgement.
However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:
Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, the Head of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga
Suwardi, M. Pd, as the Chief of Educational Faculty
Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A, as the Chief of English Department
Ari Setiawan, M.M, as the counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from beginning until the end
My beloved mother, father, and my siblings that has given their love and affection for the writer
K.H Mahfudz Ridwan Lc, as the organizer of Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding School, that has given advices to the writer
All of the lecturers in English Department of STAIN Salatiga
All of the lecturers in STAIN Salatiga
My beloved friends in Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding School and SEMA (Students’ Home of Representative)
All of the administration staffs of STAIN Salatiga, who have helped the writer in processing the graduating paper administration
All of my closest friends who have helped me to finish this graduating paper
Kopma Fatawa STAIN Salatiga, Sari Rachmawati, and the board and members
Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the graduating paper.
Salatiga, September 14, 2013 The writer,
Heri Sulistyo NIM. 11308059
Register is an interesting occupational style that describes the language of groups of people with common interests or jobs. The aims of this research are to find out the terms that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur community in social media; the definition of registers used in entrepreneur community in social media; and the function of registers used in entrepreneur community in social media. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research where the writer describes holistically the use of the register by the entrepreneurs in Facebook. In this research the writer observed 12 research subjects that consist of 9 groups, 1 fanpage and 2 personal Facebook accounts. The results of the study show the total amount of registers found in this research is 268 registers. There are 35 registers identified as abbreviations, 2 of them are blendings, 18 clippings, 5 coinages, 14 acronyms, 11 compoundings, 79 borrowings, 17 acronyms, 83 phrases and 19 simple words. The writer also took the research in the function of each register. It is found that there are 107 registers functioned as consultative, 104 register as deliberative, 38 registers as casual, 14 registers as intimate, 4 register as oratorical or frozen. Consultative and deliberative are the dominant functions of the register used by the entrepreneur. The registers also found in the form of phrases, not only in the form of words. It can be concluded that the entrepreneurs tend to use certain terms that are specialized to communicate each other when they do business and other entrepreneurial activities in social media.
Keywords: register, entrepreneur, community and Facebook
TITLE ...................................................................................................................... i LOGO OF STAIN ................................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................. iii STATEMENT SERTIFICATION ........................................................................ iv DECLARATION .................................................................................................... v MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vi DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... viii ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................ x TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................................... xiv CHAPTER I
A. Background of The Study ..............................................................................1 B. Limitation of The Study .................................................................................5 C. Statement of The Problem..............................................................................5 D. Objective of The Study ...................................................................................5 E. Significance of The Study ...............................................................................6
F. Review of Related Researches ........................................................................7 G. Clarification of Key Terms ............................................................................8 H. Graduating Paper’s Outline...........................................................................9 CHAPTER II
A. Register ................................................................................................................... 10 1.
The Definition of Register ................................................................................ 11
The Component of Register ............................................................................. 12
The Functions of Register ................................................................................. 14
The Forms of Register ...................................................................................... 16
B. Entrepreneur .......................................................................................................... 21 1.
The Definition of Entrepreneur ........................................................................ 21
The Characteristic of Entrepreneur ................................................................. 24
C. Social Media ........................................................................................................... 28 1.
Definition of Social Media ................................................................................ 28
Types of Social Media....................................................................................... 29
Function of Social Media .................................................................................. 32
A. Research Approach ................................................................................................ 33 B. Data Sources .......................................................................................................... 34 C. Object of the Research .......................................................................................... 35 D. Method of Data Collection ..................................................................................... 36 E. Method of Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 37 CHAPTER IV
A. Research Findings .................................................................................................. 41 1.
Description of The Research Sites .................................................................... 41
Description and Analysis of The Observation.................................................... 48
B. Discussion of the Findings ...................................................................................... 65 1. Words Formation............................................................................................... 65 2. Phrase Formation .............................................................................................. 83 3. The Definition and Function of Register Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook87 a. Definition of Register Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook .................... 87 b. Function of Register Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook ...................... 96 c. Implication of the Register used by the entrepreneur in Facebook .......... 110 CHAPTER V
A. Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 114 B. Suggestions ........................................................................................................... 115 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES
Table 4.1 Groups, Page, and Personal Accounts of Entrepreneur in Facebook ....45 Table 4.2 Data Collection of Register Used by The Entrepreneurs in Facebook ..48 Table 4.3 Register in The Form of Abbreviation ...................................................66 Table 4.4 Register in The Form of Blending .........................................................68 Table 4.5 Register in The Form of Clipping ..........................................................70 Table 4.6 Register in The Form of Coinage ...........................................................72 Table 4.7 Register in The Form of Compounding .................................................74 Table 4.8 Register in The Form of Borrowing .......................................................76 Table 4.9 Register in The Form of Acronym ........................................................79 Table 4.10 Register in The Form of Simple Word.................................................82 Table 4.11 Register in The Form of Phrase ...........................................................83 Table 4.12 Definition of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in Facebook ...........87 Table 4.13 Deliberative Function of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in FB ...97 Table 4.14 Consultative Function of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in FB 101 Table 4.15 Oratorical Function of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in FB ....105 Table 4.16 Casual Function of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in FB..........106 Table 4.17 Intimate Function of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in FB .......108
A group of words that relate to particular social and occupational society has its own characteristics. According to Wardhough (2006:49), sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups are called register. Surgeons, airline pilots, bank managers, sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers, including entrepreneurs. There many terms that are used in entrepreneur community have particular meanings and functions in the business communication.
Register itself is one of the roots in sociolinguistics especially in language variation. Linguistic varieties are varied from the types of the speakers, social context and the function. Register is the variation of the usage of language from the function of the language. The communicators use language that considered being a suitable tool to communicate with their partners. The function of register is to make the communication become more effective and efficient among the members of particular groups. They use it to make their communication easier, simpler, more interesting, and unique.
As explained above that register is community language such as doctor, entrepreneur, and many others, it means that register has the strong
relation with certain community. Nowadays, there are two kinds of social interaction, due to the development of technology; they are offline and online interaction. Those interactions are the beginning points that form the kinds of community.
The offline community or the real community is the community that is found in direct interaction in human life. Whereas, the online community is formed from the interaction of the people throught the internet connection, and most of them are found on social media.
Stefan Lindegaard (2012: 3) states: “I view social media as digital tools and services that facilitate involvement and interactions between different stakeholders, whether they are users or business partners, individuals or crowds, known or unknown. When it comes to open innovation, social media open up a whole new world of possibilities in terms of which you can collaborate with to solve problems and bring new products and services to market. With social media, your ability to extend your network of contacts that may be able to assist in your innovation process widens dramatically. These people can come from anywhere in the world, and right now you might not even know that they exist. At the same time, for smaller, entrepreneurial companies, as I mentioned above, the increased use of social media for open innovation will increase your ability to identify opportunities for connecting with larger entities to help them with their open innovation agendas.” As asserted by Stefan above, social media refers to „digital tools and services”. Social media can be used by the people as a service tool in digital world as a facility for them to interact with the other people who also use the same media. The people that can be connected by a media user are more than what they can imagine, because the virtual partners he has are various, whether they are businessmen or not. The positive side of using social media
is to open innovation, to increase the possibility of opportunities that can be gained, and to extend the network contacts to people around the world.
When the people open the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Friendster, Youtube, and so on; they make some groups, pages, or others that they use as the social interaction media, it means that they make certain community. It is the entrepreneur community when that group or page specialized used to talk about business, product promotion activities, trading activities, bargaining activities, capital transactions, etc. “To some economists, the entrepreneur is one who is willing to bear the risk of a new venture if there is a significant chance for profit. Others emphasize the entrepreneur‟s role as an innovator who markets his innovation. Still other economists say that entrepreneurs develop new goods or processes that the market demands and are not currently being supplied” (Kerry, 2007: 1). Based on what explained above, it can be concluded that an entrepreneur is someone who has bravery to take the risk of any chances and challenges, to make innovation in some products and services, and to develop them to fulfill the customers‟ requests. The entrepreneurs have the ability to find out the chances in small opportunity. They will maximize that opportunity to get the best profit in their business. Whereas, innovation itself is the part of idea and sense of art, so when entrepreneurs able to create new idea and bring it to be a real product, it will become their new invention. However, it is not only about producing a new product. Entrepreneur should have the marketing skill to sell each new product to the customers.
The entrepreneurs have particular words that have special meanings to interact among them in their group. Occasionally, only the members of the group are able to comprehend their meanings. The entrepreneurs also have their own various kinds of media in their social relationship. Each of the media that used to communicate commonly has different style and register. Thus, this research focuses on the use of particular words in business by the entrepreneurs. It further called register in entrepreneur community on social media (Facebook).
In this research, the writer focuses on the register used by the entrepreneur community in Facebook. Facebook is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers. A Facebook page is more dynamic than a website and easier to create and maintain. It has tools that allow the users to interact easily with clients and showcase their business and its culture in their community. The writer studies the terms used in the community that have the relationship with the business world, whether the general terms or the new ones.
For that reason, the writer intends to study a problem dealing with the register of entrepreneur entitled “The Analysis of Register Used in Entrepreneur Community on Social Media”.
The study is limited to the register of entrepreneur and business community in the social media that focused on 9 Facebook groups, 1 Facebook fanpage, and 2 Facebook accounts.
The problems that are going to be discussed in this research paper can be stated as follows:
1. What are the terms that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur communities in Facebook? 2. What are the definitions and functions of each term that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur communities in Facebook? D. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
Dealing with the statements described above, the objectives of the research are:
1. To find out the terms that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur communities in Facebook. 2. To identify and to comprehend the definitions and the functions of each term that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur communities in Facebook.
1. Theoretical Benefit
This research is conducted to support the register theory in the development of linguistic theories. In addition, hopefully this study will be beneficial for the other researchers in organizing a research of register.
2. Practical benefits
The educators and the lecturers would obtain meaningful information of register that are used in entrepreneur community on social media. The results of the study are contributed for:
a. The lecturers
Hopefully, this research would be beneficial for the lecturers to enrich the references of register that is found in entrepreneur community on social media.
b. The researcher
From this research, the researcher would comprehend the type of register that is found in entrepreneur community on social media.
c. The readers
For each educator who read this research, hopefully it can brings enlightenment and information concerning in register used in entrepreneur community on social media.
Several researches of register have been conducted by the researchers in various types. It mostly relied on the subjects of the research. The objects are people in community; articles in some media such as newspaper and magazine; or register of computer programs, software, mobile programs, and so on.
Nazilatul Khusna is one of the researchers who interests in researching the register used by the drivers, kondektur, and passenger in her home village in Purwodadi. It is entitled “The Analysis of Register Used by Drivers, Kondektur, and Passenger in Two Ways Direction Buses, Penggaron – Purwodadi”. This research was conducted in 2012, when she herself observed the language used by the people in the buses.
Another similar research was done by Nur Hidayah. Her research is “Lexical Meaning of English Register Used in Electronic Advertisement Issued by Kompas Newspaper On May 2012”. As seen from its title, her object of study is advertisement in newspaper.
The next research that is entitled “A Descriptive Analysis of English Register Used in Cellular Phone System Nokia Series 1112” arranged by Yusuf Arif Purwono in 2011. It uses qualitative descriptive approach in the research process. The object is quietly unique, that is the system of the cellular phone.
There are still several researches that are conducted by the students. Most of them are also have some similarities in the process of the research. In this point, this research is different with the other researches in the scope of the function of register in entrepreneur community on social media and the contextual meaning of the register terms that influence the language use.
Distinctive points of this research to the other researchers are the scope of the register that is in entrepreneur community in Facebook and the situational factors which influence the language use. The writer tends to follow Baker‟s view in analyzing those factors.
Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups. Surgeons, airline pilots, bank managers, sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers (Wardhaugh, 2006:52).
Entrepreneur is refers to someone who starts a company, arranges business deals, and takes risks in order to make a profit (Longman, 2008:532)
Social media is a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but does not allow readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content (Spencer, 2012:28). H. GRADUATING PAPER’S OUTLINE
In this section, the writer discusses several parts of the Graduating Paper‟s organization that consists of Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, and Chapter V as follows. Chapter I presents the introduction of the paper that consists of background of the study, limitation of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significants of the study, clarification of key terms, review of previous researches, and graduating paper‟s outline. Chapter II describes the theoretical framework that consists of definition of register, types of register, function of register, definition of social media, types of social media, function of social media, and analysis framework. Chapter III tells about the research methods. In this chapter, the writer describes the research approach, data source, object of the research, methods of data analysis, and methods of data collection. Chapter IV is the data analysis that the writer explains the description of the research findings and the discussion of the findings of the register used in entrepreneur community on social media. Chapter V is the closure that consists of conclusions and suggestions of the research.
Chapter II describes the theoretical framework that consists of the definition of register, the types of register, the functions of register, the definition of social media, the types of social media, the function of social media, and analysis framework.
A. REGISTER The variety of language is varied based on several factors. Those factors are differentiated according to the uses, the users, where it is used, when it is used and to whom it is used. That is why, the context of the language and the addresses are the main factors that affect words choice including the language and style (Holmes, 2001:224). The style that influenced by the addressee The style on the use of language by the addressor is influenced by some factors, such as the social background, age, social distance, gender, and solidarity. Social role and formal context When the language participants are set in the formal context, they tend to put aside their personal relationship when they determine the style that is appropriate in their communication.
The function of the use of language (topic of the language) The language has a certain function that determines the linguistic form used in communication. The influence of the audience The speaker will be influenced by the design of the listeners or the audience so that they will also produce different style.
1. Definition of Register According to Holmes (2001:246), an occupational style using specialized or technical jargon, that describes the language of groups of people with common interests or jobs, or the language used in situations associated with such groups, such as the language of doctors, engineers, journals, legalese, etc is called register. It means that when there is a group of people and has the same interest or job, and they have their own jargon or specialized words of their terms used in their communication, it can be concluded that they have a register. Register is a unique language that might only some people comprehend the meaning of their words. The engineers have their own terms or jargon used in the engineering, and so do the entrepreneurs have their own jargon in their business activity. Register is used by the member of certain group to communicate the special terms of particular things. It will be easier for them to have the specific word that refers to the thing they intended to
say rather than explain it with a long sentence. For example, it will be easier for someone who wants to buy a jacket in an online shop by saying, “I book this jacket.” rather than “I want to buy this jacket, and please don‟t sell it to anyone else”. The first utterance is the sample expression of register used by a person in order to book a certain product.
2. Components of Register Register is the interface between the use of specific code and a particular configuration of situational variables. Whereas, according to Baker (1994: 15-16) register is a variety of language that a language user considers appropriate to a specific situation. The components of register are the following:
a) Field of Discourse 1) Field as an activity: an utterance is a part of an activity whereby it helps sustain and shape that activity, in the other words is the extrinsic field. For example, a talk by a chemistry professor while demonstrating an experiment.
2) Field as a subject matter, or the intrinsic field. For instance, political talk, financial services; it is particularly the lexis which is most directly affected by the field.
b) Tenor of Discourse Tenor refers to the type of social, (especially the status and power) relationship enacted in or constructed by a text, which is manifested especially in the level of formality. Tenor is the relationship between two persons or more that taking part in the discourse, or the relationship between sender and receiver. The people use language varies depending on such interpersonal relationship. Getting the tenor of discourse right in translation can be quite difficult. It depends on whether one sees are certain level of formality right from the perspective of the source culture of the target culture. The level of informality would be inappropriate in most other culture. A translator has to choose between changing the tenor to suit the expectations of the target reader and transferring the informal tenor to give a flavor of the type of relationship.
c) Mode of Discourse Mode concerns the adopted channel, especially spoken for immediate contact and written for deferred contact. Mode is an abstract term for the role that the language is playing, (such as in
lecture, essay, speech, and instruction) and it‟s medium of transmission, they are spoken and written.
3. The Functions of Register The function of register on communication can simplify the process of communication among the communicators because they have their own words about certain terms. According to Pateda (1987: 65) the function of register are casual, deliberate, consultative, oratorical, and intimate.
a) Deliberative (Formal) Deliberative (formal) is aimed to the listener to enlarge conversation consciously. When a speaker uses a formal language, it will make his or her speaking will be adjusted to all of the audience, whether they are children or adult, businessman or housewife.
b) Casual When people talk to their partner then they use casual language, it is used to omit any obstacles in communication of them. It will be easier for them to talk each other in casual way, in order to get closer and understand the messages of the conversation.
c) Consultative Consultative takes place in trading transaction. It is used to make an agreement between the seller and buyer.
d) Oratorical (Frozen) Oratorical register is used by professional speaker to attract the listener to what they are talking about. The jargons used in this type of register sometimes have special characteristics with the other speaking. For example is the phrase “Ladies and gentlemen,” in the speeches.
e) Intimate Intimate is used in family scope. The language used intimately by a father and his son is one of the examples of this type. “Honey, how is your school today?” The conversation in this context is more intimate and makes the relationship between them become more familiar.
4. The Forms of Register The forms of the register are derived from the classification of their classes according to the part of speech and according to the word formation. Here is the classification of register based on their classes in part of speech:
a) Types of Words Based on Part of Speech There are eight word classes in English according to Eastwood (2008:2), and sometimes they called „parts of speech‟. Those word classes are: 1) Verb
: be, bring, decide, decide, look, must, take, write
2) Noun
: car, dog, idea, London, sadness, time
3) Adjective
: big, different, high, natural
4) Adverb
: badly, often, probably, soon
5) Determiner : a, every, my, the, this 6) Pronoun
: him, myself, something, you
7) Conjunction : and, because, but, if 8) Preposition : at, by, to, with
Some words belong to more than one word class. Here are some examples:
Promise (Verb): I promise I won‟t be late. Promise (Noun): I won‟t be late and that‟s a promise.
That (determiner): Look at that poster! That (pronoun):
This is the car that I‟d like. That (conjunction): I just know that it‟s true.
b) Types of Words Based on the Word Formation The forms of register are also derived from the word formation such as compounding, coinage, abbreviation, clipping, blending, etc. Here are the explanations of those word formations:
1) Compounding Compounding is the process of combining of two or more independent words (Thornbury, 2002: 5). New words may be formed by stringing together words to create compound words. There are many compound words used by people in the social media. For example: Noun + noun
: roommate
Adjective + noun
: fullset (complete accessories)
Preposition + preposition : upon, into Verb + preposition
: takeover
Noun + verb
: sunbathe
2) Blending Blending is the fusion of two words into one new word, and this is usually the first part of the first sentence blended with the second part of the second sentence, and the resultant blend consists of both original meaning. (Thornbury, 2005:5) For example: Brunch
: comes from breakfast and lunch
Infotainment : comes from information and entertainment Edupreneur : comes from education and entrepreneur
3) Clipping According to Thornbury (2005:5), clipping is the process of getting new words by shortening or clipping longer words. It occurs when the longer word has very common use and a short from result because it is simpler and as easily understood. Clippings are not coined as words belonging to the standard vocabulary of a language. For example: “Sist” from “sista” or sister „Bro‟ from brother “Gan” from “agan” or “juragan” (the member or a group)
4) Borrowing In the daily life, it is common for the people to speak more than one language. This bilingual or even multilingual situation may conduct a condition that a register can be characterized by the use of some dialect and borrowing from other language. Borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. (Thornbury, 2005:5) For example:
Dijual satria FU, mulus, seken, nego alus. Seken means second or secondhand; it comes from English.
Many people died because of Tsunami. Tsunami comes from Japanese.
5) Coinage Coinage is new invented word which is derived from brand name that has become a general synonym for a certain product (Hatch and Brown, 1995:175). For example: Kodak refers to camera Honda refers to motorcycle
Tissue refers to handkerchief or napkin 6) Abbreviation Abbreviation is the process of reducing certain word and using its first letter as the initials. The users sometimes also mention the intended word using this abbreviation (Thornbury, 2005:5). For example: PO
: Pre Order
: Facebook
: online
7) Acronym Acronym is word made up of abbreviation that can be pronounced as word, not only a list of letter like abbreviation. (Thornbury, 2005:6). For example: Depe
: from DP, or down payment
: means as soon as possible
: jaringan pribadi (private message)
c) Phrase In addition to the kinds of word, there also several kinds of phrase according to Eastwood (2008:3), and those kinds of phrase are:
1) Verb Phrase A verb phrase has an ordinary verb. There can also be one or more auxiliaries in front of the ordinary verb. For example: was, arrives, can see, don‟t know, have been thinking. 2) Noun Phrase A noun phrase has a noun. There can also be an adverb of degree in front of the adjective. For instance: music, some money, a good game. 3) Adjective Phrase An adjective phrase is often just an adjective. There can also be an adverb of degree in front of the adjective. For example: great, very old, and most ridiculous. 4) Adverb Phrase An adverb phrase is often just an adverb. There can be an adverb of degree in front of the adverb. For example: sometimes, very carefully. 5) Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase is a preposition + noun phrase. For example: on the road, by Friday, for a long time. In English there are lots of verbs that can be used as nouns in expressions such as have a look, make a copy, and do a search.
B. ENTREPRENEUR 1. Definition of Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs are people who are willing to take a risk of a new venture if there is a significant opportunity for profit. Their bravery does not appear suddenly but the ability of entrepreneurs to see something that is not visible by others is the main factor. Experience also helps them to gain a lesson of life, because not all entrepreneurs become successful on their first attempt. Some entrepreneurs even repeatedly failed in building the business. But they have the courage to stand up again and sometimes this is not owned by other ordinary people (Kerry, 2006:1). Others emphasize the role of entrepreneurs as an innovator who market innovation. Entrepreneurs start preparing their market with the extraordinary idea. Innovation in the work is thinking out of the box, they are trying to break with creativity and intelligence. Development of today's world was bolstered by their brilliant ideas. It is not called entrepreneurs if they can not realize it. Economist Schumpeter (1883-1950) in Kerry (2006:1) focuses on how entrepreneurs work for innovation and improvement creates upheaval and change. It can be seen if Schumpeter's view of entrepreneurship as a force of "creative destruction" which means the ability to process existing products into new exciting things and never imagined by others. Entrepreneurs process "new combinations" thus
helping to make a long time and obsolete industry survives in the dynamic market and customer needs. It is based on the simple concept of the entrepreneur, they are: observe, imitate and modify. Moreover, other economists say that entrepreneurs develop new goods or processes that the market demands and are not currently being supplied. Entrepreneurs begun to predict a future market needs. The current prediction says that the buying desire of the consumers can be predicted directly where the need is realized. The entrepreneurs have the ability to set the psychological situation and social conditions to assure the marketing process of what has been produced by the entrepreneurs. With the new products that being offered by entrepreneurs, it will make the buyers to always follow. Even it is an old product, but when their hands can package them to be good products with high value, it will attract a lot of consumers. Profit and loss are common things that we always see from some people that have the career as an entrepreneur. The basic principle "make a minimum cost to achieve maximum profit" is what many traders hold. Calculations are complicated and seem to be a boring activity. It is not just a benefit that will be pursued by the true entrepreneurs. Many successful entrepreneurs share stories that they are not only pursuing a treasure, but also self-satisfaction in the work and creativity. Their success will be closer to the loyalty and honesty of a businessman. Honest is the most emphasized factor in this field.
Honesty will provide a wider path to success without that the entrepreneurs do not know before. In this case, even the slightest opportunity will surely be seen by a
opportunities in the form of producing items or services, and they able how to maximize the sale value and quality. The entrepreneurs also have the ability to manage the regulation process of the products to be distributed to the consumers. As the time goes by, it has created some kind of social relationships, and ultimately creating various types of media that connected the buyers and sellers through social networks on the Internet. This market opportunity has been a trading medium for a long time compared to the conventional system. It facilitates the transactions and negotiations process by optimizing the distance and time.
2. Characteristics of Entrepreneur Business expert Drucker (1909-2005) in Kerry (2006:1) describing the entrepreneur as someone who actually searches for change, responds to it, and exploits change as an opportunity. The thing that illustrates this idea is the change in communications from typewriters to personal computers to the Internet. The research indicates that most successful entrepreneurs share certain
“smarts”, and braveness (not afraid of risk and success) (Sugars, 2008:5)
a. Creativity Creativity is a glowing idea that evolves from the process of innovation and invention in business. This urge usually appears in a person when he or she is faced with a challenge along with his or her critical thinking, continuous learning, and progress. The answer in this challenge is finally led to an interesting new idea in product management and business management planning.
b. Dedication Motivation is used to work hard and sacrifice in the fight of a business. Planning, development and innovation should be supported by the dedication and loyalty to the goals that have been targeted. One of the biggest reasons that companies fail is because they lose focus. Commitments to a positive result and ready to do the things that are necessary to increase the quality are a must. The entrepreneur should also meet the challenges of the market or to act beyond the mere call of duty, as their long-lasting dedication.
c. Determination Determination is courage in a very strong desire to achieve success. This includes persistence and ability to bounce back after repeated failures. Determination makes an entrepreneur working ten times, after nine efforts did not produce what was targeted. For the true entrepreneurs, money is not the motivation. Success is a motivator, money is a reward. The entrepreneurs should focus on the process to of success, not the reward they want to get.
d. Flexibility Flexibility is the ability to move quickly in response to changing market needs. It is being true to a dream while also being mindful of market realities. Flexibility also requires the entrepreneur to keep abreast of modernity and businesses seeking to survive in a changing economic system. For example, the conventional market now will be replaced by the modern market, where freedom buyers more flexibility in determining the choice. Flexibility also demands the entrepreneurs to always follow the modernity and keep steady in the economic system changing every time. Nowadays, the conventional markets will be replaced with the modern ones, where the customers will be more flexible in determining the choices.
e. Leadership Leadership is capability to make rules and set goals. It is the capacity to follow up to see that the rules are followed and goals are achieved. Leaders have a strategy to achieve that goal by maximizing every potential, driving human resources, improving productivity, managing the conflicts that arise in the organization.
f. Passion Passion is what makes entrepreneurs start and keeps them there. This gives employers the ability to convince others to believe in their vision. It cannot replace planning, but it will help them to stay focused and to get other people to look at their plans. Because entrepreneurs will be more comfortable and satisfied when what they do is part of the passion of their life such as hobbies, interests, skill and talents.
g. Self-confidence Self-confidence comes from deep planning, which reduces the level of uncertainty and risk. It also comes from expertise. Selfconfidence gives employers the ability to listen without easily swayed or intimidated. Principles are built when it drafted plan will be maintained so that other people will believe in the ability and fighting spirit of entrepreneurs.
h. Smartness Smartness consists of common sense joined with knowledge or experience in a related business or endeavor. The accumulation of experience that constantly tested gave good instincts of people, expertise, and ability to plan for a future success. Many people are not aware of their intelligence, when they tried to start a business but have forgotten the past, such as the experience of being a worker, educational, organizational, social, and spiritual. They all contribute to intelligence both inward and outward.
i. Not Afraid of Risk or Success Entrepreneurs are not immune to fear. But they prioritize their approach to life so that the fear of failure, frustration, boredom, drudgery, and dissatisfaction far outweighs the lingering fear of success. As discussed earlier, the employee mindset is preoccupied with a need for security. They stand still to what is familiar to them, even if it means the denial of their dreams, lack the diligence and ambition that the real entrepreneur exhibits.
C. SOCIAL MEDIA 1. The Definition of Social Media Social media is a media design in the virtual world devoted to social interaction. Each member can know each other and greet greetings, designed inside a content load sharing profile members as an introduction. Another point of social media is very easy to be accessed and operated. This will continue to drive millions of socialites to join and make social media into their new world. Operational and fairly easy to understand also will generate interest and convenience of the members. Social media is believed as an important tool for businesses in general, and specifically for start-ups and social enterprises. The most beneficial aspect of social media for businesses is deemed to be its promotional and outreach capacity across the region. Social media is seen as an important tool for social enterprises by a large majority of respondents across the region. Beside its benefits for businesses and enterprise, social media is perceived as a necessary and even transformational tool for education. Social media continues to be an equalizer among different gender and age groups, with majority of respondents –regardless of their gender- seem to have the same perceptions about social media with regards to its potential for job creation, its benefits and drawbacks for business and enterprise (Salem, 2012:8).
2. Types of Social Media a.
Facebook Facebook was created in 2004 for college students to socialize online. However, it is also expanded into a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers. A Facebook page is more dynamic than a website and easier to create and maintain. It has tools that allow the people to interact easily with clients and showcase their business and its culture (Spencer, 2012: 17).
b. Twitter Twitter makes the businesses easily share information and deepen relationships with clients. On Twitter page, other users can sign up as “followers” of one‟s tweets, which means they receive his or her messages on their Twitter page. The site also allows them to interact with the owner instantly such like sending comments, questions, compliments or complaints (Spencer, 2012: 17).
YouTube With more than 800 million visitors per month, YouTube is the most popular site on the web after Google and Facebook. The average visitor watches half an hour of YouTube videos each day. YouTube is also the world‟s most popular search
engine after Google, with 4 billion monthly search queries (Spencer, 2012: 17).
d. LinkedIn With more than 175 million members, LinkedIn is one of the largest social media sites and the biggest professional network. LinkedIn has unique features that make it a vital social media site for businesses, professionals and employees. Like Facebook, LinkedIn‟s heart is the ability to connect with others and post professional and personal updates that are seen on the home page of everyone in your network. The difference is that LinkedIn is more geared to professional networking, while Facebook is more oriented to general social interaction (Spencer, 2012: 17).
Blogs Blogs (short for web logs) are the oldest form of social media. They first rose in the early 2000s when bloggers broke several high-profile news stories before the mainstream media. Many businesses have since adopted them as a versatile online tool. With more than 150 million blogs in existence, they are
gaining ground on traditional websites in popularity (Spencer, 2012: 17).
3. The Functions of Social Media The function of social media is as a vital business tool. Before that, social media was just about posting the vacation photos or letting friends know what the people were having for lunch. Today, social media has become a vital business tool that entrepreneurs can no longer ignore. Social media is everywhere. The people use it to make buying decisions, to stay in touch with friends and family, and to develop new relationships, both personal and professional (Spencer, 2012: 17). Many entrepreneurs are reluctant to get involved because they lack information. They feel unsure about how to get started on it. Then they concerned about what to post; and suspicious that they will not get a return on their investment. Business owners use social media regularly in their daily lives, and they try to develop their efforts in the virtual world. When it is properly applied, social media especially Facebook can help to drive business to a new level of success.
Chapter III tells about the research methods. In this chapter, the researcher would like to describe the research approach that relates to this research. The method that is used by the writer in this study is descriptive qualitative approach. The researcher took certain procedures in conducting the research and would like to explain it into five parts, they are research approach, data sources, object of research, method of data collection, and method of data analysis.
A. Research Approach
The research approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative research. The writer study holistically the register used by the entrepreneurs in some community groups in Facebook. It includes sentences or description of the objects and does not need the detail arithmetic calculation or statistic.
Quoting what Moleong (2008:6) states in his book, qualitative research is a research to comprehend phenomena of what is happen on the research subject holistically and by description in words and language form, in a certain natural context and use several scientific methods. Holistically means dealing with the whole of something. Hence, the purpose of this research is to study the actual words of language in communication. According to Milles and Huberman (1992: 1) the qualitative data tends to be
in the form of words than series of number. It is the same with what have explained above, that qualitative research is not use number in measuring the data. It means that the researcher will study holistically the register used by the entrepreneurs in some community groups in Facebook in this research.
B. Data Sources It is stated by Arikunto (1983: 102) that data sources are the subjects where the data are collected. In this research, the sources of the data were taken from the observation and documentation of the language used by the entrepreneurs in community groups in Facebook on June until July 2013. 1. The primary data source The primary data sources are 12 subjects that consist of 9 Facebook Group, 2 Facebook Account, 1 Facebook Fanpage. Since there the are so many individuals or groups of business and cooperative interactions in Facebook, the writer chose the groups, fanpage, and individual Facebook account that have the highest number of interactions and strong relationship to the object of the study. Those objects that consist of 9 groups, 2 individual accounts, and 1 fanpage are selected in the reason that they meet the intended characteristics of the object of study. It can be seen from the process of observation; those 12 objects have some of the activities such like product sales, property business, sharing information, business motivation, individual enterprise, government entrepreneurship programs, cooperatives, savings and loans, capital activities, and students‟ entrepreneurial activities.
The next reason relates to the range or area of the issues that have been collected. Those are the area of local campus (STAIN Salatiga), the local city of Salatiga, the local province of Central Java, and the national boundary. The last consideration relies on the activeness of the communities, and it can be seen from the number of the member of them and their activities seen from the postings updated in their networks.
2. The secondary data source There are some secondary sources used by the writer in supporting and completing the process of collecting data and analyzing the problem. For the examples are books, papers, internets, and other references, that can help the writer to complete the data of the research.
C. Object of the Research The object of the research is the register of the language that found in the communication among the entrepreneurs when they offer their product in their postings and the other Facebook users who give comments in the postings. There are so many products and services offered in the business forums on Facebook. The interaction among the users has several terms in words that are used to offer, bargain, order, and other business activity. Those are the terms that belong to register and would be studied in this research. The forms of the register as the object of the study that found in this research are in the form of words and phrases.
D. Method of Data Collection In the method of data collection, the writer used some steps to collect the data. The steps are:
1. Observation The method of data collection in this research is observation and documentation. In the book entitled „Metodologi Research‟, Sutrisno Hadi (1989: 136) describes the meaning of observation is to observe and record the phenomenon systematically. This method was decided as the method of data collection in this research to gain all of the information of register used by the entrepreneur community in Facebook. As asserted by Jehoda (Hadi, 1986: 136), observation can be used as the research method if the validity, reliability, and the accurateness of the data can be checked and controlled as in the other research data. It is also necessary not only to satisfy the curiosity but also to note and relate the data of the observation with the more general propositions systematically. The writer observed the postings found in the groups, fanpages, and Facebook accounts in order to find out the terms that have the relationship with register used by the entrepreneurs. From the observation process, it results 12 subjects of the research. It took a month in the process of the observation from the beginning until the end, started from the middle of July until August.
2. Documentation Moleong (2008:216) states that documentation is a material in written form or film which used as sources of research. Documentation is used to get data to perceive the nature and extend of the significant interrelated elements. The writer used some documents to analyze the research. The documents that are used are notes, photos, and other documents which were needed. It is also to know about the condition of the register‟s environment, that is the dialogue transcription of each group or page. For that reason, the writer will study the register used by the entrepreneurs in the Facebook groups using the observation and documentation method.
E. Method of Data Analysis The writer used the descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. It is the language that is used in entrepreneur communities on Facebook when the entrepreneurs offer their products in their postings and the other Facebook users give comments in the postings and they produce terms or words that indicated as register. In this process, the forms of the register will be separated into words, phrases, and sentences and the meaning of the register will be identified. The steps of data analysis are as follows:
1. Data Selection In collecting the data, the writer collected them by taking the original documents from the postings in the groups of entrepreneurs and trading forums on Facebook. The writer took picture of each posting on Facebook groups and pages. After the data was collected, they were compiled into a complete table of data. These data results also served in the attachment of the research.
2. Identification In this section, the writer identified the parts of the postings that will be examined from the results of data collection. This identification process resulted in the raw data of register. There three stages of the identification process. The first was to determine the object of the research; those are the words in the postings that belong to register. The second step was to break down the sentences or the utterances that appeared in postings into several words and phrases that included to the register category. Finally, the researcher put the data that had been collected in a separated list of words and phrases that had the relation to register that were used by the entrepreneurs.
3. Data reduction In data reduction, the researcher reduced the number of words that have been identified from the selected postings and only focused on the 54
terms that were belonged to register. This process is important because it is the state where the words that are categorized as register and nonregister are separated. The writer put aside the words and phrase that are not included into registers. The final data only consist of words and phrase that included register used by the entrepreneur on Facebook.
4. Clarification The writer clarified the words that were identified in several lists of words based on the particular type of register theory. Each register differ in the features and characteristics will be classified into several groups according to the theory of the registers or other linguistic theories. Those clarifications are according to the type, the content, the form, and the function of the register.
5. Data Analysis Data analysis is the next step of analysis method and the core of these processes in analyzing the data all at once. The writer analyzed the registers found in the posts and classified them from the types and functions. This process is the deepening process of the clarification of the research process. The writer described each word or phrase of registers much deeper according to their classification in order to derive the accurate and detail results.
6. Drawing conclusions and Verification Finally, the writer concluded the registers found on Facebook including their types and their function, and verify the accuracy based on theory. This stage is the final part of conclusions and suggestions.
In this chapter, the writer presents the data collections that will be described and result of the data analysis. The focus of this chapter is the presentation of the findings of the research. This chapter divided into two main parts; the research findings and the discussion of the findings.
Descriptions of the Research Sites Founder and chairman of Facebook is Mark Zuckenberg. He was born with full name Mark Elliot Zuckenberg, from a spouse Mr. Edward Zuckenberg (Dentist) and Ms. Karen Zuckenberg (Psychiatrist). Zuck (his nickname) was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, United States. He is the only son of the family; his three sisters are Randi, Donna, and Arielle. Mark is an American and he married with Pricilla Chan in 2012. She is a Chinese. Zuck can speak both English and Mandarin. They live in Palo Alto, California, United States. In 1998 – 2000, he studied at Ardsley High School, and then continued his study in Philips Exeter Academy. In 2002 – 2004, he also studied in Harvard University (from September 2002 until May 2004) but unfortunately he was dropped out in May 2004 (Goldfarb, 2012:7).
Zuck has been work in Facebook.inc as the CEO and Chairman at once start from 2004 until now. He is popular as young billionaire of entrepreneur, his salary has reaches US$ 16.8 billion on years 2013. He got Awards Time Person of the Year 2010 and World‟s 2nd youngest self- made billionaire (Goldfarb, 2012:7). Facebook is a social directory that enables people to share information. It is a social network that provides a good opportunity for people to stay in contact with old acquaintances and keeping up with new friends. The people can use Facebook to make friends with the same hobbies and pleasure. Facebook also can support jobs and business person with the ability to access a vast network, then Facebook can be used as a means of development and introduction of a product or service. Facebook was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckenberg student at Harvard University, which he later as the founder and CEO at Facebook.inc. with the help of three colleagues Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chrise Huges-Mark. They chose to drop out at Harvard University and decided to develop Facebook. He was originally a social networking student at Harvard University and spread to several other campuses in the United States, until now the development of Facebook continues to grow until now. Over the last 2 years it has developed into the most trafficked sites in the U.S. 7 with more than 7.5 million users at 2,200 colleges, 22,000 high schools and 2,000 companies.
Facebook is a free social networking website popular allowing registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and stay in touch with friends, family and colleagues. The site is available in 37 different languages. Facebook also own a few advantages, such as that presented by Facebook features more varied. Facebook so far has 9,373 applications in 22 categories that can be used to enrich Facebook, such as Chat, Games, Advertising, down to business and politics. General applications found on Facebook, among others: 1.
Marketplace, allows members to post, read and respond to classified ads.
Groups, allows members who have common interests to find each other and interact.
Events, allows members to publicize an event, invite guests and track who plans to attend.
Pages, allows members to create and promote a public page built around a specific topic.
Presence technology, allows members to see which contacts are online and chat. In the personal profile of each member, there are several key
network components. There are three of the most popular components, the first is the Wall. Wall is basically a virtual bulletin board. Messages left at the wall members can be text, video, or photos. Another popular
component is a virtual photo album. Photos can be uploaded from the desktop or directly from camera phones. There is no limit on quantity, but the Facebook staff will remove inappropriate images or copyright. An interactive album feature allows contact members (commonly called „friends‟) to comment on each photo and identify (tag) people in the photos. Other popular profile components are Status Updates, a microblogging feature that allows members to broadcast text posts such as brief announcements to their friends. All interactions published in the newsfeed, which are distributed in real-time to a member's friends Facebook offers a variety of privacy options for its members. This content gives security to the members and the data that is uploaded. A member can make all of its communications visible to everyone, he can block certain connections or she can keep all her communications private. Members can choose whether or not to be searchable, decide which parts of their profile public, decide what you do not put in their Newsfeed and determine exactly who can see their posts. For those members who wish to use Facebook to communicate privately, there is a message feature, which closely resembles email. Messaging feature (inbox) is not made public, where everyone can check. But this is more private between two people who send messages. Groups, it allows members who have common interests to find each other and interact. In this research the writer found more the type of groups that based on hobbies, occupation, work, ideology, culture and the
others. The researcher collected the data of the groups, individual accounts, and pages, about entrepreneurs and their online activities on Facebook. It is seen that the entrepreneurs create group and invite the friends with the same anxiety. But they also search the other entrepreneur groups and joined. The writer presents data of entrepreneur groups in Facebook; it includes the name of group, the type of groups, and the data of member and description.
Table 4.1 Groups, Pages, and Personal Accounts of Entrepreneur in Facebook
No A-Z 1.
Data of Descriptions Member Ayo... Open 3,254 “Ayo Beternak Property” is one of our Beternak Group member method to spread the „Property Business Property, Virus‟ that are commonly have low risk and Untung do not require high knowledge. The Pasti members just need to have the relationship with the land owner and contractor. Be Pashion Facebook 2151 Fashion online shop from Semarang, “no account friends booked, grab it fast!!!” FJB OPEN 8841 How to be a member of Trading Forum: Salatiga Groups member 1. Invite friends into the group FJBS, minimum of 10PeopleTo The Group. 2. Like this page http ://www.facebook.com/rokok.bell 3. Send a private message to the administrator if there is no confirmation of the request. This forum is in the area of Salatiga and is powered by Bell Mild. Forum Open 411 It is a special forum for the member of Pemuda Groups member cooperatives and cooperative organizations Koperasi in Central Java. It is the Place to share Se-Jateng information and the Place for the youth cooperative to discuss about all things related to the economic and humanity. Jual Beli Open 1,258 Indonesian trading forum: clothes, Name
members cosmetics, accessories, royalty or land, property, computer, etc. Open 112 “Bravo Fatawa”, this is the group of Kopma K Kopma Fatawa's Group members Fatawa‟s member to share anything related Club to business, cooperatives, or information of the organization. Open 9660 “Welcome to Pasar Salatiga Group”. It is P Pasar Salatiga Group members used as a forum, a gathering, and meeting place of online sellers and buyers in the area of Semarang Regency -AmbarawaBoyolali-Ungaran, and more specifically Salatiga. Hopefully this group can bridge and encounter the buyers and sellers. Pusat Open 1656 This group is dedicated to anyone who Aneka Group members wants to promote any business, does not Promosi (all kind violate the provisions, and applicable laws. Usaha Kota of You want to look for something, sell, invite, Salatiga people) or whatever your promotion purposes, please "spread" here. It can be affirmed that the group is open and free, has no connection with any kind with institutions / organizations or government agencies and community in Salatiga. Happy selling and promoting, gain the target you have expected. Tremendous success!!!!! Salatiga Open 2065 This is special group for the people in S Promos Group member Salatiga and around it to share information (everyone about certain commercial products, as they can join) called as „promo‟. Spirit Gkn Fanpage 43.796 It is a Government Organization with the (Spiritgkn) Fans name :
Tupperware Sisil/ Sisil Tuppy Wirausaha Muda Indonesia
Facebook Hidden account Open group
“Gerakan Kewirausahaaan Nasional 2013 Spirit Of Global Entrepreneurship”. It is found in January 18, 2013 Address: Kantor Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM Deputi Bidang Pengembangan SDM Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan. Telp/Fax : +6221-7972098 Tupperware Online Shop located in Salatiga
9.998 This is a forum to bring the young members entrepreneurs who have a soul and a spirit in building a of young entrepreneurs Indonesia
network. Through this network we hope to help people who are not familiar with the world of entrepreneurship in order to have the insight and ability to have the entrepreneur effort, make a better living standard in order to make Indonesia considered as a more valuable country. Please join and change Indonesia!
In this research the writer observed 12 subjects of research used in this study. From those 15 subjects, it was made up of 9 groups, 1 fanpage and 2 individual Facebook account. There are two types of groups in Facebok, they are open group and closed group. In this study the entire groups are belonging to open groups. Whereas, for the fanpage, the writer used one fanpage, that is “Spirit GKN”. The writer also include two Facebook individual account, they are “Be Pashion” and “Tupperware Sisil (Sisil Tuppy)”. In those three types of Facebook accounts, each of the type has its own members or followers. In fan page, the name of the members is „fans‟, where they should give „like‟ for the page they want to join in. whereas, if the users use individual Facebook account, they will make their own „friends‟ by adding them or by added by other Facebook users. And the last, when the type of the Facebook account is group, it is commonly referred to „member‟ as the follower of the group. It is also explained in the last column in the table below that includes the information of the object of research, such as the
administrators, the group goals, the advantages of joining the group/ fan page, and also the activities that can be accessed.
Description and Analysis of the Observation The terms that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur communities in Facebook are:
Table 4.2 Data Collection of Register Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook NO A-Z REGISTER 1 936 115rb 2 A Action
4 Agen 5 Agen Penjual, 6
SAMPLE SENTENCE 936 115rb sis
Kopma Fatawa‟s Club
Pengurus pun wajib ikut merumuskan AD ART melalui RAT.
Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Jual Beli Indonesia, FJBS Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Jual Beli Indonesia, FJBS AYO... Beternak Property Untung Pasti Salatiga Promos
Kenapa gak segera action dan buktikan, Akhirnya Bismillah saya action, ternyata beneran.
Obral dari agen langsung, harga grosir.
Mau donk ikut jd agen penjual, gmn caranya? Dengan surat AJB Rp 1,2jt/mtr - Klik albumnya ya sistaa - Klik www.jasaloundry.com
AYOBeternak Property, All item ga ada minimal order Untung Pasti, FJBS All size Pasar Salatiga Uk all size cew M dan cow L Termurah dan terlengkap khususnya Anda percaya AYO... Beternak di Surabaya kami siap Property Untung Pasti Anda Percaya kami siap melayani Menerima pesan antar, Layanan 24jam AYO... Beternak Grup Investor siap mendanai bisnis Bagi hasil Property Untung Pasti anda, dengan sistem bagi hasil… Bandrol Salatiga Promos Open reseller harga dibawah bandrol All item
9 10
SOURCE Be Pashion GKN, Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga, Forum Pemuda Koperasi SeJateng
13 Barter 14
Jual Beli Indonesia GKN,Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, FJB AYO... Beternak Property Untung Pasti Keluarga Besar Kopido, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, GKN
15 BB 16
Bebas financial
17 BI 18
19 BO 20 Bonus 21 22
Bravo Kopma
24 25 26 27 28
Bravo koperasi Indonesia Bro Budget Buka harga Bulog Bunda
29 Buyback
pin BB 3124xxx 089836xxx Reseller are welcome Misi min, numpang lapak ya… Barter atau TT akan diperhitungkan sesuai kualitas Batangan po complet bos? Minat hub 085xxx ato BB Jk906Lxx Ikuti: seminar Finansial,
Kasus Century menyeret beberapa pejabat BI. Ini saatnya anda buktikan bisnis ini! Ini adalah BO yg lounching 3jam yg lalu
Pelatihan Publik speaking NYARIS AYO... Beternak GRATIS, dr Cuta Bina Management. Property Untung Pasti Hanya 75rb + Bonus macam-macam Pasar Salatiga Booked! Keluarga Besar Kopido, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club, Forum Bravo kopma...... Pemuda Koperasi SeJateng Keluarga Besar Bravo Koperasi Indonesia, Jaya Kopido, Kopma Bangsa Indonesia! Fatawa‟s Club Pasar Salatiga Surat sebelah, bro. AYO... Beternak Dengan budget 2,5 M Property Untung Pasti Pasar Salatiga Mas Sigit buka harga dulu... Keluarga Besar Berasnya beras impor dari Thailand, Kopido Bulog pun juga impor. Bunda sista so sorry kalo respond Tupperware Sisil order hari ini agak slow.. GKN, Pusat Aneka Dalam 3 bulan barang tidak laku, Promosi Usaha Kota kami buyback! Salatiga
C Call
Call now
Catalog, catalog
33 COD 34
Coming Soon 35
Company profile Consumer Union
36 37
39 40
Cuci gudang
44 DEKOPIN 45 46 47 48 49 50
Delivery Delivery order Dijual Cepat Direct owner Disc Discount,
Pasar Salatiga, GKN, Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga AYO... Beternak Property Untung Pasti
Minat call/sms 0896361117xx Silahkan call kami untuk info lbh lanjut
FJB Salatiga
Cek fb ada catalognya.
Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, GKN, Forum Pemuda Koperasi Se-Jateng Be Pashion, Pasar Salatiga, Jual Beli Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Keluarga Besar Kopindo Jateng Keluarga Besar Kopido Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga Salatiga Promos, GKN, FJBS FJB Salatiga
minat serius, pls call now 085xx
Bisa lgsg COD u/ wil kmpus ITS Surabaya. Coming soon! sekarang juga!
Cek di katalog
Ada yang mencari jasa pembuatan web, company profile, dll? Semoga gerakan Consumer Union di Indonesia segera menyusul! Corat-coret yg mau jual Shok YSS Mio murah Sob Cp 087781xxx
Cuci gudang jas hujan parasut balon, Pertama, para cukong negeri ini ditekan secara ekonomi dan politik Keluarga Besar melalui perselingkuhan organisasi Kopido multi literal seperti WTO, IMF, dan World Bank. Be Pashion, Pasar Baju bajunya gak Cuma buat cwe, Salatiga, Jual Beli buat cwok n buat couple jg ada Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Cek koleksinya di Gurita accessories, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club dear Subordinasi badan koperasi dan Keluarga Besar pemerintah tentang penegasan Kopido Dekopin sebagai wadah tunggal System pembelian: delivery (lokasi Salatiga Promos terbatas) FJB Salatiga Delivery order area Salatiga AYO... Beternak DIJUAL cpt rumah, di Bojong Property Untung Pasti Gede…. AYO... Beternak Dijual rumah baru slesai bangun 2 Property Untung Pasti bln lalu (direct owner) Salatiga Promos, Pusat Ambil serian disc 15rb/psg Aneka Promosi Usaha
55 56
57 58
59 60 61
63 64 65
Kota Salatiga GKN, Forum Pemuda Terima kasih kepada kepala Disperindagkop Koperasi Se-Jateng, Disperindagkop Kota Salatiga Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Paket master distributor/ perwakilan Distributor GKN kabupaten. Silakan kunjungi olshop kami untuk lebih jelas Salatiga Promos, Jual Beli Indonesia, Pusat Setelah order, DP bisa dikirim ke DP Aneka Promosi Usaha no.rek saya Kota Salatiga, FJB Salatiga GKN, Pusat Aneka Kami berikan potongan harga per pcs Dropshipper, Promosi Usaha Kota Kami juga melayani reseller ataupun Dropship Salatiga dropshipper Kelengkapan: dusbook, CD Driver, Dusbook Pasar Salatiga VGA Card. Salatiga Promos, Jual Jual BB lengkap Dusbuk Beli Indonesia, FJB Dusbuk dan charger.. minat bisa Salatiga inbox Ecer Tupperware sisil Kemeja Vancy ecer @60 Strategi membangun „ekonomi Ekonomi Keluarga Besar kerakyatan‟ melalui „merakyatkan kerakyatan, Kopido ekonomi‟ kah? Pusat Aneka Promosi Saatnya sukses berinvestasi dan jadi Entrepreneur Usaha Kota Salatiga entrepreneur sejati Rahasia mendapatkan uang sambil Facebookan Pasar Salatiga facebookan akhirnya terbongkar! Salatiga Promos, Jual Beli Indonesia, Pusat Fanpage Aneka Promosi Usaha Fanpage:GameKomputer Salatiga Kota Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club, Fast respon, Pasar Salatiga, Forum Fast respon sms ke 085641347xxx Fast Response Pemuda Koperasi SeJateng Fit to L Be pashion, Rayon Bangkok Fit to L Pusat Aneka Promosi For sale, ladies! Beli 3 pcs dpt pot For sale, obral Usaha Kota Salatiga harga 5rb/pcs Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Pusat Untuk informasi lebih jelas, silakan Fp Aneka Promosi Usaha kunjungi fp kmi. Kota Salatiga, FJB Salatiga
66 67
68 69 70
71 72
76 77
79 80
AYO... Beternak Dicari marketing perumahan Property Untung Pasti inhouse/freelance, wilayah Surabaya. Jual Butuh Uang Cepat!!! Apartemen taman kemAyoran kondominium. AYO... Beternak Full furniture 2 lantai, luas 412m2, Full Furnitur, Property Untung Pasti srt SHM & Tdk Sengketa. Harga Pasaran Rp 6 milyar Samsung Galaxy Pocket fulset (HP, Fullset, fulset Pasar Salatiga cas, dosbok, hedset) no afgan Gadget Pasar Salatiga Beli gadget baru di sini! Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Jual Beli Misi Agan numpang promo. Gan, agan Indonesia, FJB Permisi gan mau numpang promo. Salatiga, AYO... Beternak dengan garansi air bersih selama Garansi Property Untung Pasti 1tahun Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga, AYO Minat dengan produk ini bisa coba Gratis Beternak Property sample n gratis. Untung Pasti Great Sale!!! AYO... Beternak Great sale Sedia jasa promosi indoor & outdoor Property Untung Pasti dg target pasar di dunia maya. Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga, Wirausaha Sinar Baru Grosir Muda Indonesia, Jual Grosir n ecer lampu LED Beli Indonesia, Pasar Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club, Happy Pasar Salatiga, Forum Happy Shopping sista!!!! shopping Pemuda Koperasi SeJateng Harga 750k Pasar Salatiga Harga 750k nego alus. Jual Butuh Uang Cepat!!! Apartemen taman kemAyoran kondominium. AYO... Beternak Harga Pasaran 2 lantai, luas 412m2, Full Furnitur, Property Untung Pasti srt SHM & Tdk Sengketa. Harga Pasaran Rp 6 milyar Tawaran Menarik Investasi Property Bali Niswara Apartemen-Seminyak Harga pasti AYO... Beternak Bali..Harga pasti naik terus naik terus Property Untung Pasti Manfaatkan harga Pre-SALE – Price dr Rp 700jt – 1,1 m HM FJB Salatiga Tanah sawah, belum HM, Salatiga Home GKN Hot Promo 4 CUTE PAO Freelance
industri, home industry 81
82 83
84 85 86
88 89 90
93 94 95 96
Jualan jaket kulit sintetis/asli, produksi sendiri home industry di Banjaran kab.bdg Hot Promo 4 CUTE PAO Wirausaha Muda Jualan jaket kulit sintetis/asli, Hot Promo Indonesia produksi sendiri home industry di Banjaran kab.bdg Hot Update, Salatiga Promos Hot update! Saint row 4 Keluarga Besar ICA Kopido, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club IDR Salatiga Promos Lampu tempel jati blora IDR. 75.000 Ijin Share FJB Salatiga Ijin share ya min… Keluarga Besar IMF Kopido, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Temen2 yg udah pernah import Wirausaha Muda Impor, import barang dari LN buat usaha dagang, Indonesia tolong dong share infrmasinya Be Pashion, GKN, Ku tguu rekapya ya sis,,inbox pls...tq Inbox Pasar Salatiga Happy shopping sista! AYO... Beternak Dicari marketing perumahan Inhouse Property inhouse/freelance, wilayah Surabaya. AYO... Beternak Yuk jadi pengusaha dg berinvestasi Investasi Property, Untung aman Pasti, GKN Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga AYO... Beternak Property Untung Pasti, Sinar Baru Investor Wirausaha Muda Grosir n ecer lampu LED Indonesia, Jual Beli Indonesia, Pasar Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Invite BB Wirausaha Muda Invite BB ak ya 30ee0572 Indonesia Jabodetabek Tupperware Sisil Gratis ongkir Jabodetabek Japri Pasar Salatiga Jual motor, Minat japri Salatiga Promos JNE Kirim via JNE/TIKI/Wahana FJB Salatiga Jual Butuh Uang Cepat!!! Apartemen Jual butuh AYO... Beternak taman kemAyoran kondominium. uang cepat Property Untung Pasti 2 lantai, luas 412m2, Full Furnitur, srt SHM & Tdk Sengketa.
97 98
99 K 100
104 105
106 107 108 109 110 111 112
Jual ecer AYO... Beternak harga grosir Property Untung Pasti Salatiga Promos, Jual Juragan, Beli Indonesia, Pusat Aganwati Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga, FJBS Keluarga Besar Kabid Kopido, Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Keluarga Besar Kopido, Kopma Kadin Fatawa‟s Club, Forum Pemuda Koperasi SeJateng
Harga Pasaran Rp 6 milyar Jual ecer harga grosir 60.000 sudah termasuk ongkir Agan dan aganwati Numpang sharing info… Kepengurusan Kopindo Kabid PSDA 2013-2014
Kepala Kadin propinsi jawa tengah berpendapat jika kenaikan BBM adalah solusi pemerintah yang akan berdampak pada perekonomian rakyat menengah kebawah. Grup ini dinamakan Keluarga Besar Kopindo, disingkat KBK, agar dapat Keluarga Besar KBK menampung semua eks koperasi Kopido primer Kopindo (kopma, pesantren, pemuda, pramuka) Salatiga Promos, Kami menawarkan kerjasama dengan Kemitraan Wirausaha Muda system kemitraan. Indonesia Dijamin kita sama-sama untung…… Salatiga Promos, Pusat Klik albumnya ya sistaa Klik Aneka Promosi Usaha Klik www.jasaloundry.com Kota Salatiga Kode 936 atasan + rok brp mbk Kode Be Pashion harganya Salatiga Promos, Kodi, kodian Wirausaha Muda Harga 160/kodi Indonesia Cek koleksinya di Gurita accessories, Koleksi Pasar Salatiga dear Ada komisi untk yg minat jd reseller Komisi FJB Salatiga ato dropsshipper. Komplit, complet Salatiga Promos, FJB Batangan po complet bos? complete Salatiga Konfirmasi Pasar Salatiga Konvirmasi 08xx sms/wa Kontak FJB Salatiga Kontak via inbox ato bb Keluarga Besar Menteri Koperasi dan UKM pelihara Koperasi Kopido rentenir! Kalo gak salah gak ada kopindowati Koperasi Keluarga Besar yg jadi pengurus/pengawas, primer Kopido narasumber yg ini dari salah 1 koperasi primer Kopindo atau
113 114
116 KTA 117 KW 118 L Lapak 119 Layanan 24jam 120 Like 121 122
Limited Edition
Kopma Fatawa‟s Club
Limited Stock
Tupperware sisil
123 LN 124 M 125
Mahar Masih sipz
126 127
darimana kah? Besar Jangan lupa mas Narto Koperasipreneur! Mantan bendahara kopindo masuk Keluarga Besar tipi! Kopido, Kopma Dia tdk sedikitpun brbicara tntg Fatawa‟s Club bgmana UKM bid.pertanian menekan laju harga sembako yg terus meroket Grup ini dinamakan Keluarga Besar Keluarga Besar Kopindo, disingkat KBK, agar dapat Kopido, Forum menampung semua eks koperasi Pemuda Koperasi Seprimer Kopindo (kopma, pesantren, Jateng pemuda, pramuka) Wirausaha Muda Saya bekerja di Pemata Bank di Indonesia, bagian Kredit Tanpa Agunan (KTA) Pasar Salatiga Dress panjang bahan kaos rayon KW Pasar Salatiga, super 195rb. Pusat Aneka Promosi Baju bajunya gak Cuma buat cwe, Usaha Kota Salatiga buat cwok n buat couple jg ada Misi min, numpang lapak ya… Jual Beli Indonesia Barter atau TT akan diperhitungkan sesuai kualitas Termurah dan terlengkap khususnya di Surabaya AYO... Beternak Anda Percaya kami siap Property Untung Pasti Menerima pesan antar Layanan 24 jam Pasar Salatiga, Like page kami dan cek baju2nya Pusat Aneka Promosi segera!! Usaha Kota Salatiga
Keluarga Koperasipreneur Kopido
Mbk, mbak Member
Ayo2 silakan… limited edition!
Sale Kiddie Box, limited stock, please inbox Temen2 yg udah pernah import Wirausaha Muda barang dari LN buat usaha dagang, Indonesia tolong dong share infrmasinya Pasar Salatiga Mahar 3.700.000 nego…!!! Scond gpp yg penting msh sipz, GL Pusat Aneka Promosi Pro 98, hrg 6.250 nett, minat Usaha Kota Salatiga lgsg hub 083879139274 Kode 936 atasan + rok brp mbk Be Pashion harganya Wirausaha Muda Semoga grup ini bisa member Indonesia manfaat buat member-sekian 71
Termurah dan terlengkap khususnya AYO... Beternak di Surabaya Property Untung Pasti Anda Percaya kami siap Menerima pesan antar Layanan 24jam Forum Pemuda Menkeu dalam sosialisasi kenaikan Koperasi Se-Jateng, harga BBM, menyatakan ini jalan Menkeu Kopma Fatawa‟s Club, terberat yang harus diambil oleh keluarga besar kopindo pemerintah. Merapat FJB Salatiga Yg jual blackberry silakan merapat. Wirausaha Muda Menjadi milyarder itu pilihan, Milyarder Indonesia, memulai sekarang maka itu juga Jual Beli Indonesia pilihan. Mikro bisnis modal kecil (small Mikro bisnis GKN enterprise) Min Wirausaha Muda Mimin dan momod, dan para Indonesia, pengunjung sekalian numpang jualan Admin, mimin FJB Salatiga ya! Minat atau mau tanya2 bsa lewat sms Minat Jual Beli Indonesia o8xxx, no tipu, trusted, n amanah Minat serius, Salatiga Promosi, Peminat Cek di album ready stock, yg minat AYO... Beternak serius, serius langsung inbox Property Untung Pasti siap minat AYO... Beternak Minimal order Pemesanan tanpa minimal order Property Untung Pasti Minus, min Jual Beli Indonesia Minus: headset gak ada Banyak cara menjadi pengusaha Mitra GKN sukses, salah satu caranya dengan menjadi mitra PT. Berkah. MLM Pasar Salatiga Asli! Ini bukan MLM! Wirausaha Muda Modal bukanlah factor utama sebuah Indonesia, GKN, usaha itu sukses, modal tidak bisa Modal Kopma Fatawa‟s Club, dimaknai dengan uang atau nilai keluarga besar kopindo capital tertentu. Wirausaha Muda Mimin dan momod, dan para Momod Indonesia, pengunjung sekalian numpang jualan Jual Beli Indonesia ya! Pusat Aneka Promosi Awalnya saya ragu, jangan2 ini Money game Usaha Kota Salatiga MLM/Moneygame dll. FJB Salatiga, Salatiga Gabung sekarang, dan jadilah Multimiyarder Promos, Pasar multimilyarder sekarang juga. Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Jual Mulus Beli Indonesia, Pasar Mulus, normal dan komplit plit… Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Menerima pesan antar
130 131
132 133 134 135 136
137 138 139
140 141
143 144
146 147 N
Tupperware sisil Paket loli murmer orange AYO... Beternak Property Untung Pasti, FJB Salatiga, Salatiga 1,7 nego di 08961xxx Promos, Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga, AYO... Beternak Harga tersebut diatas bisa nego tipis Property Untung Pasti Gan Pasar Salatiga, Jual Laptop Tosiba FJB Salatiga 5jt, nego tipis. Silahkan komen Pusat Aneka Promosi lgsg hub 083879139274 Usaha Kota Salatiga Samsung Galaxy Pocket fulset Pasar Salatiga (HP,cas,dosbok,hedset) no afgan Pasar Salatiga, Tupperware Sisil, Be PO! No cancel Pashion
Nego alus
149 Nego tipis 150 151
Nett, net No Afgan
152 No Cancel 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
160 161 O
163 164
No Hit Run
Pasar Salatiga
No minus
Pasar Salatiga
No Ready
Be Pashion
No hit and run! Dijual VGA Card no minus kelengkapan. Ku tguu rekapya ya sis,,inbox pls...tq Happy shopping sista! Minat atau mau tanya2 bsa lewat sms o8xxx, no tipu, trusted, n amanah
Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Salatiga Promos, Pasar Normal Mulus, normal dan komplit plit… Salatiga, FJB Salatiga Numpang promo GKN Misi gan numpang promo ya! Pelatihan Publik speaking NYARIS AYO... Beternak Nyaris gratis GRATIS, dr Cuta Bina Management. Property Untung Pasti Hanya 75rb + Bonus macam-macam Salatiga Promos, Pasar Obral jaket kulit, langsung datang Obral Salatiga, FJB Salatiga dari produsen. Paket master distributor/ perwakilan kabupaten olShop GKN Silakan kunjungi olshop kami untuk lebih jelas AYO... Beternak Bisnis property adalah bisnis Masa Property Untung Pasti, Depan! Bisnis yg tdk akan prnah Omzet, Omset Pusat Aneka Promosi Rugi, bahkan Omzet didiamkan sj Usaha Kota Salatiga akan bertambah terus nilau jualnya. Be Pashion, GKN, FJB Ongkir Kira2 ongkirnya brp mbk? Salatiga Online shop Wirausaha Muda Paket master distributor/ perwakilan No tipu
166 Open daily 167 Open Reseller 168 Order
169 170
Orek-orek ORI
171 Owner 172 Pack 173 P Page
174 Pasar global 175 Pasar local 176
Passive income
177 pc, pcs
Indonesia, kabupaten keluarga besar Silakan kunjungi olshop kami untuk Kopindo Jateng lebih jelas Wirausaha Muda Maaf sebelumnya jika OOT, Indonesia, Open daily from 15.00-21.00 lokasi AYO... Beternak at Kelapa Gading Permai Jakarta Property Untung Pasti Utara. Open reseller harga dibawah bandrol Salatiga Promos, Jual pin BB 3124xxx 0898xxx... Reseller Beli Indonesia are welcome Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Jual Beli Mari di order dulu... Indonesia, Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga Pasar Salatiga Minat lgsg orek2 Spec : ori minus carger FJB Salatiga Kondisi masih ori AYO... Beternak Property, Untung Owner Bp.Yanto Pasti, GKN Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Harga 50ribu/ pack, 1 pack isi 10 Indonesia, Jual Beli buah Indonesia, Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Jual Beli Silakan klik page na sista Indonesia, Pusat www.bajugrosir.com. Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga, FJBS Bagaimana Negara mampu Keluarga Besar mendorong pelaku usaha lokal Kopido khususnya UKM untuk memenuhi pasar lokal dan pasar global? Bagaimana Negara mampu Keluarga Besar mendorong pelaku usaha lokal Kopido khususny UKM untuk mmenuhi pasar lokal dan pasar global? Pusat Aneka Promosi Passive income s.d 2juta/bulan Usaha Kota Salatiga Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Tupperware Mukena abutay Rp 50rb/pcs Sisil, Pusat Aneka 74
Kami berikan potongan harga per pcs Kami juga melayani reseller ataupun dropshipper PDP Untuk panitia PDP segra merapat Peluang usaha/ Nyari peluang bisnis murah meriah, GKN peluang bisnis modal minim dan brkah? Ga tau pasaran, coba buat penawaran Penawaran FJB Salatiga aja barangkali cocok Kalo gak salah gak ada kopindowati Pengawas Keluarga Besar yg jadi pengurus/pengawas, Kopido, Kopma narasumber yg ini dari salah 1 Fatawa‟s Club koperasi primer Kopindo atau Pengurus darimana kah? PERTAMAX Pasar Salatiga Pertamax gan!!! Untuk pemesanan bs komen lgsung d PicPasar Salatiga pic nya. AYO... Beternak Please contact Please Contact,
[email protected] Property Untung Pasti PLP Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Kapan PLP dan TOT? Ku tguu rekapya ya sis,,inbox Pls Be Pashion pls...tq… Happy shopping sista! Wirausaha Muda PM Silahkan PM, terimakasih Indonesia, PO Be Pashion PO!! No Ready! Salatiga Promos POS Kirim via JNE/TIKI/Wahana FJB Salatiga Pot Harga Salatiga Promos Pot harga 15rb/pcs Prelaunching..Ruko-Rukan Permata Pre-launching, AYO... Beternak Ancol, Unit terbatas : 23 pre launch Property Untung Pasti Ruko/Rukan 4 Lantai Tawaran Menarik Investasi Property Bali Niswara Apartemen-Seminyak AYO... Beternak Bali Pre-sale Property Untung Pasti Harga pasti naik terus Manfaatkan harga Pre-SALE – Price dr Rp 700jt – 1,1 m No price police ya, jangan samain Price police Pasar Salatiga jualan online sama di pasar Hot Promo 4 CUTE PAO Wirausaha Muda Jualan jaket kulit sintetis/asli, Produksi Indonesia produksi sendiri home industry di Banjaran kab.bdg Pcs
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
189 190 191 192 193
195 196
Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga GKN, Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga Keluarga Besar Kopido
199 200 201
202 203 R 204
206 207 208
209 210 211 212
Baju diproduksi produsen Indonesia Pusat Aneka Promosi sendiri. Produsen Usaha Kota Salatiga Pre launch, bisnis online dengan sangat repeat order Bagi anda yg Project/Job mungkin Project/Job/ Wirausaha Muda Freelancer bisa menjadi salah satu Proyek Indonesia sumber yg bagus Promo Pasar Salatiga Promo!! Beli 2 gratis 1! AYO... Beternak Miliki sekarang property di komplek Property Property Untung Pasti ciputra regency, Surabaya. Keluarga Besar Kepengurusan Kopindo sebagai PSDA Kopido, Kopma Kabid PSDA 2013-2014 Fatawa‟s Club Psg, Salatiga Promos, GKN Ambil serian disc 15rb/psg Pengurus pun wajib ikut RAT Kopma Fatawa‟s Club merumuskan AD ART melalui RAT. Salatiga Promos, Ready banyak model & warna uk 36Ready Kopma Fatawa‟s Club, 40 Jual Beli Indonesia Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Ready stok, Indonesia, Jual Beli Cek di album ready stock, yg minat ready stock, Indonesia, Pusat serius langsung inbox stock ready Aneka Promosi Usaha Kota Salatiga Ku tguu rekapya ya sis,, inbox Rekap Be Pashion pls...tq …Happy shopping sista! Keluarga Besar Menteri Koperasi dan UKM pelihara Rentenir Kopido rentenir! Baju diproduksi produsen Indonesia Pusat Aneka Promosi sendiri. Repeat order Usaha Kota Salatiga Pre launch, bisnis online dengan sangat repeat order Reques, Pasar Salatiga Bisa reqwes desain juga.. reqwes (Pusat Aneka Promosi Reseller Reseller are welcome! Usaha) Reseller are Reseller are welcome! (1 GKN welcome reseller/kota) AYO... Beternak Property Untung Pasti Bunda sista so sorry kalo respond Respond order Pusat Aneka Promosi order hari ini agak slow Usaha Kota Salatiga Wirausaha Muda Retail Melayani grosir maupun retail Indonesia,
214 Rukan 215 Ruko 216 S 217 218
Saham Salam Sukses Sale
219 Seken, second, 220
221 Serian, seri 222 223
Serius order Set, Pasang
224 Share, sharing 225 SHM
226 Sis, sista 227 228 229
Sms Sms only
230 231
Sold Spec
Sob, Sobat
Prelaunching…. Ruko-Rukan AYO... Beternak Permata Ancol Unit terbatas : 23 Property Untung Pasti Ruko/Rukan 4 Lantai Prelaunching….. Ruko-Rukan AYO... Beternak Permata Ancol Unit terbatas : 23 Property Untung Pasti Ruko/Rukan 4 Lantai Keluarga Besar Aqua 76% sahamnya milik Danone Kopido (perusahaan Perancis) Wirausaha Muda Salam sukses shabat sekalian calon Indonesia entrepreure sukses!!!! Tupperware sisil, FJB Sale Kiddie Box, limited stock, Salatiga please inbox Scond gpp yg penting msh sipz, GL Pusat Aneka Promosi Pro 98, hrg 6.250 nett, minat Usaha Kota Salatiga lgsg hub 083879139274 Jual Beli Indonesia Tersedia Blackberry Gemini mulus lengkap (seken) AYO... Beternak ambil dr gudang seller Property Untung Pasti Salatiga Promos, Be pashion, Jual Beli Ambil serian disc 15rb/pcs, Indonesia, FJB Seri @53 Salatiga Salatiga Promos Serius order ke 085541xxx Sepatu sport (futsal/lapangan) Nike, Pusat Aneka Promosi Adidas, specs, umbro dll Usaha Kota Salatiga 245/set semua ukuran. Misi gan malam2 gini mau sharing Jual Beli Indonesia aja, saya jual Blackberry Gemini mulus lengkap (seken) Jual Butuh Uang Cepat!!! Apartemen taman kemAyoran kondominium. AYO... Beternak 2 lantai, luas 412m2, Full Furnitur, Property Untung Pasti srt SHM & Tdk Sengketa. Harga Pasaran Rp 6 milyar Be Pashion, Salatiga Promos, Kopma Ku tguu rekapya ya sis,,inbox pls...tq Fatawa‟s Club, Happy shopping sista! Tupperware Sisil Pasar Salatiga Minat call/sms 0896361117xx FJB Salatiga CP Ery 085xxx sms only Pusat Aneka Promosi Corat-coret yg mau jual Shok YSS Usaha Kota Salatiga Mio murah Sob Tupperware sisil SOLD! FJB Salatiga Spec : ori minus carger
Kondisi masih ori 232 233
234 235 236 237
238 239 240 T
241 242
245 246 247 248
Special Price
AYO Property
Special price for fullday tour
SPECIAL PROMO,,, POP AYO... Beternak Special promo DENPASAR 3D2N Rp Property Untung Pasti 375.000/Persons Spesifikasi dual time (analog dan Spesifikasi GKN digital), alarm, backlight Pasar Salatiga, Mengajak sodara2 untuk segera Sub Agen Pusat Aneka Promosi action berwirausaha menjadi sub Sub reseller Usaha Kota Salatiga reseller/ sub agen Wirausaha Muda Indonesia, Jual Beli Indonesia, Sundul Sundul, gan! Pasar Salatiga, FJBS, Pusat Aneka Promosi Usaha Salatiga Wirausaha Muda Adakah yg bisa supply ketan hitam Supply Indonesia dengan kualits baik? Pembayarn SW udah dberlakukn! SW Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Silakn yg mau bayar! Great Sale!!! Sedia jasa promosi AYO... Beternak Target Pasar indoor & outdoor dg target pasar di Property Untung Pasti dunia maya. Tawar Pasar Salatiga Ditawarkan 750, nego alus aja, Tawaran Menarik Investasi Property Bali Niswara Apartemen-Seminyak Tawaran AYO... Beternak Bali, menarik Property Untung Pasti Harga pasti naik terus, Manfaatkan harga Pre-SALE – Price dr Rp 700jt – 1,1 m Ingin tau testimoni orang2 yg sudah Testimoni Pasar Salatiga memakai produk kami, langsung buka di web kami www.xxx.com. Jual Butuh Uang Cepat!!! Apartemen taman kemAyoran kondominium. 2 Tidak AYO... Beternak lantai, luas 412m2, Full Furnitur, srt sengketa Property Untung Pasti SHM & Tdk Sengketa. Harga Pasaran Rp 6 milyar Salatiga Promos, FJB TIKI Kirim via JNE/TIKI/Wahana Salatiga TOT Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Kapan PLP dan TOT? Ku tguu rekapya ya sis,,inbox Tq Be Pashion pls...tq- Happy shopping sista! Transfer Salatiga Promos Tranfer Via Rekening BRI, BCA,
249 250
251 U
Trusted, amanah
TT, (tukar FJB Salatiga tambah) Uk 36-40
252 UKM 253 UMKM 254 255
256 257
259 V 260
261 262 W 263 264
265 266
Pasar Salatiga, FJB Salatiga
Salatiga Promos Keluarga Besar Kopido Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Kopma Fatawa‟s Club Keluarga Besar Kopido Pasar Salatiga
Mandiri Minat atau mau tanya2 bsa lewat sms o8xxx, no tipu, trusted, n amanah Misi min, numpang lapak ya… Barter atau TT akan diperhitungkan sesuai kualitas Ready banyak model & warna uk 36-40 Menteri Koperasi dan UKM pelihara rentenir! Visi kami adalah mendorong pertumbuhan UMKM di Indonesia
Di Silakan unduh file nya di sini Prelaunching….. Ruko-Rukan AYO... Beternak Unit Terbatas Permata Ancol: Unit terbatas : 23 Property Untung Pasti Ruko/Rukan 4 Lantai Up Salatiga Promos Up!!! Salatiga Promos, Bisa update produknya sekarang Update Wirausaha Muda ..gan… Indonesia, Bill gates dan mark zuckerberg Wirausaha Muda Usaha kecil memulai semua dari usaha kecil Indonesia mereka AYO... Beternak Valid Valid till July, 31 2013 Property Untung Pasti Salatiga Promos, Wirausaha Muda Krim dari malang, bisa via wahana Via Indonesia, FJB ato pos, Salatiga Visit,tengok,ce Visit dan segera order sebelum Jual Beli Indonesia k,chek,check kehabisan! Krim dari malang, bisa via wahana Wahana Salatiga Promos ato pos, Whatsapp Pasar Salatiga Whatsapp: 0882161797xx Wolrd bank kembali menawarkan Keluarga Besar pinjaman, setelah akhirnya kita World Bank Kopido bebas, apakah kita akan terjajah lagi karena kapitalisme?? WTB Pasar Salatiga WTB samsung galaxi S2, PM Tapi saat pertemuan kemarin dg Keluarga Besar kawan2 kadin jateng, beliau WTO Kopido mengatakan impor hanyalah solusi pendek
267 268 Y
Wirausaha Indonesia Pasar Salatiga
WTS Yatim
Muda WTS ayam Umur 1-7 hari 8800 Dijual Satria FU yatim nego 7jt.
The total amounts of registers found in this research are 268 registers. Those consist of single words, phrases, and sentences. The main point of this research is that the writer found several words that are included into new words, whether they are in abbreviation, blending, clipping, acronyms, etc. Some of the words are Noun, and some others are Verb, Adjective, Adverb, and exclamation. From this finding of the research, the data shows that there are code mixing and code switching used by the Facebook users. Those are Javanese, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. In this finding, the data will be explained later in the next discussion. Most of the registers used by the entrepreneurs have a strong relationship with business and cooperative world. Their topics mostly about products sold by the seller and their responses from the other Facebook accounts. Here are some sample conversations between them: Be Pashion added 9 photos to album PO!!! NO READY. FB account:”Harga brp?” FB account: “Kode 936 atasan + rok brp mbk harganya” Be Pashion
:”936 115rb sis”
FB account
:” Kira2 ongkirnya brp mbk?
Be Pashion
:”Ongkir k mana sis?”
From the citation of the posting above, it can be seen that the use of words is not always based on the standard language (Subject + Verb + Object). They tend to use a flexible and brief explanation in order to make the conversation is delivered apt and to the point. For example: -
The words “Harga brp?” is used to replace the longer question, “Kalo baju yang di gambar ini yang kodenya 936 harganya berapa, Sist?”
The words “936 115rb sis” is used to replace the longer reply, “Harga baju dengan kode 936 adalah Rp 115.000, Sist.”
There also found some code mixing in the conversation, where the speakers mix Bahasa and English languages. They also shorten the words in their postings, and it indicates that they are creatively build new terms in the purpose that there is no verbuse conversation and to attact the other Facebook users or customers. For example, add, sis, PO, ongkir, No Ready, and brp.
B. DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS 1. Word Formation Before the discussion comes to the definition and function of each register, here is the table of the types of them according to the word formation:
a. Abbreviation Abbreviation is the process of reducing certain word and using its first letter as the initials. Below is the table of abbreviated register used by the entrepreneurs: Table 4.3 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs on Facebook in the Form of Abbreviation
NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
21 22 23
24 25
EXPLANATION Anggaran Dasar/ Anggaran rumah Tangga (Article of Association and Bylaw) Akta Jual Beli (Sale Certificate) BlackBerry Bank Indonesia (Bank of Indonesia) Business Opportunity Cash on Delivery Contact Person Down Payment Fanpage Hak Milik (Property Rights) International Cooperatives Association Indonesian Rupiah International Monetary Financial Keluarga Besar Kopindo (The Big Family of Kopindo) Kredit Tanpa Agunan (Credits Without Collateral) Luar Negeri (overseas) aboard Multi level marketing Out of topic Pendidikan Dasar Perkoperasian (Basic Cooperatives Training) Pendidikan Lanjutan Perkoperasian (Cooperatives Training) Private message Pre Order Pengembangan Sumber Daya Anggota (Human Resources Development) Rapat Anggota Tahunan (Annual Meeting of Members) Surat Hak Milik (Letter of Proprietary Rights)
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Short Message Service Simpanan Wajib (obligatory savings) Training For Trainers Thank you Tukar Tambah (Barter) Usaha Mandiri Kecil Menengah (Home Industry) Usaha Kecil Menengah (Home Industry) Want to buy World Trade Organisation Want to Sell
It is shown in the table above; the registers that are included in the form of abbreviation are 35 words. There are two common languages used, they are English (19 words) and Bahasa Indonesia (16 words). For examples: IDR
: Indonesian Rupiah
UKM : Usaha Kecil Menengah RAT
: Rapat Anggota Tahunan
The data results also indicate that the use of different language would lead to the difference in the form of abbreviation. For example: (a) “SHM” is the abbreviation of “Surat Hak Milik”, if it translated into English, it becomes „Letter of Property Rights‟ and abbreviated as „LPR‟. (b) “PDSA” is the abbreviation of “Pengambangan Sumberdaya Anggota”, when it translated into
Development‟ or „HRD‟. Base on data can analyzed if the words such like WTS (want to sell), WTB (want to buy), COD (cash on delivery), and PO (pre order) are used especially in the trade transaction. Those words are unique because they can only found in online conversation. Some of the terms used in Facebook community also used in the other social media such like Twitter and Kaskus. Because of the terms used are abbreviated in new words, it probably that some of the readers or viewers will not understand them. Hence, they should also study those terms in order to comprehend the conversation.
b. Blending Blending is the fusion of two words into one new word, and this is usually the first part of the first sentence blended with the second part of the second sentence, and the resultant blend consists of both original meaning. Table 4.4 Register Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Blending NO A-Z REGISTER 1 2
K Koperasipreneur R Ruko
EXPLANATION Koperasi and entrepreneur Rumah (house) and toko (shop)
The data of registers in the form of blending found in this research are 2 of 268 registers of data collected. Two registers are composed from two words; they are “koperasipreneur” and “ruko”. For examples: Ruko
: Rumah Toko
: Koperasi Entrepreneur
Here is the sample posting on Facebook: PRELAUNCHING RUKO/RUKAN CENTRAL PERMATA ANCOL Lokasi strategis: 1. Pusat perkantoran dan perdagangan 2. Di lingkungan yang ramai sekitar 400 ruko 3. Lokasi strategis: Dekat Pusat Bisnis Mangga Dua, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, PelabuhanTanjung Priok dan kawasan bisnis Kemayoran 4. Dekat 2 pintu: Tol Ancol &Kemayoran 5. Parkir Luas & Container bisa bongkar muat
Based on the data and the sample conversation above, it can be analyzed that the process of blending is uniting two words and their meaning at all. For instance, the word ruko consists of two words, rumah and toko. Rumah means house, and toko means shop,
and ruko means a building that usually consists of two floors, the upper part is used as the house and the shop is under the house. c. Clipping Clipping can be formed from the process of shortening or clipping longer words. It occurs when the longer word has very common use and a short from result because it is simpler and easy to be understood. Besides, clippings are not belong to the standard vocabulary of a language. Table 4.5 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Clipping NO A-Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
„Bro‟ Cwe, cew Cwok,cwo Disc „gan‟ or „agan‟ Kw Min or admin Min Net, nett Ori Pc, pcs Pls Pic Psg „Sis‟ or „sist‟ „Sob‟ Spec Uk
Brothers Cewek (girls) Cowok (boys) Discount Agan, juragan, the nicnaming of male social media users Kwalitas (Quality) Administrator Minus (-) Netto Original Piece, pieces Please Picture Pasang (set) Sista, sister Sobat, means friends Specification Ukuran (size)
After the process of classifying the data, the researcher found 18 registers in the form of clipping. Those are the clipped words of registers. Most of the words are pronoun such as „sist‟ from „sista‟ or „sister‟; „bro‟ from „brother‟; “gan” from “juragan”; “sob” from “sobat” or “sohib”; „min‟ from „administrator‟; “cwe” from “cewek”; “cwo” from “cowok”. It indicates that registers used in the entrepreneur communities are directed to built comfort and intimacy. For Instance: Ori
: Original
: juragan
: Pieces
: Netto
Below is the sample conversation: Seller
:”Ada yang mau tuker sepeda united jumper dengan sepeda gunung uk 24 or 36, kondisi masih ori (hanya perlu perawatan normal karena tidak pernah dipakai) anak sudah
Salatiga TT
diperhitungkan sesuai kualitas.” FB account 1 :”klo
FB account 2 :”Tak byr e ae boz.”
FB account 3 : “di jual aja gan, siyap cod ssma Gendongan.” Seller
:”Ga tau pasaran... coba buat penawaran brgkali cocok.”
FB account 1
:”Mas Sigit buka harga dulu.”
FB account 4 :”brp” Seller
:”Yg tau pasaran langsung kasih standar harga aja, diutamakan barter atau TT” FB account 1 :”kalo di beli 100 boleh g ya....”
From the sample conversation above, it can be analyzed that the function of clipping is to shorten the sentence written in the postings because of two reasons, time management and the effectiveness of the conversation. The sellers do not want to make their customers wait too long to their replies, and they also have accustomed to use clipped words such in short messages. So, it will make the conversation more effective and easier to read using a clipped words rather than using the longer ones that need more time to be typed. d. Coinage Coinage is new invented word which is derived from the name of a brand that has become a general synonym for a certain product. The people are accustomed to use the coined words rather 88
than to use the original name of those things. Here are the words that consider as the coined words found in the object of the study: Table 4.6 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Coinage NO 1 2 3 4 5
JNE POS TIKI Wahana World Bank
Name of expedition service Post Office, Name of expedition service Name of expedition service Name of expedition service Multiteral Bank/ Bank of multinational
Registers in business world have a strong relationship with the financial institutions, such like banks and services, especially the delivery services. Hence, when the conversation refers to the words like JNE or TIKI, the people will automatically know that the service delivery used JNE or TIKI. For example: TIKI, POS, World Bank Here is the sample posting derived from Niek Conan Komik (Name of Personal Account): “Klik albumnya ya sistaaa... Ready banyak model n warna uk 36-40... Ambil serian disc 15rb/psg... Krim dari Malang, bisa via Wahana ato POS, Happy shopping… (^_^)”
The sample posting above shows that
the entrepreneur
communities in Facebook deliver their products using some
expedition services, such as JNE or POS, and most of the member have known with those names. They should not mention or explain that those are the names of expedition services that will deliver the order, because they know that the member have accustomed using those terms.
e. Compounding Compounding is the process of combining two or more words without losing part of the combined word. It is also the process of generating new meaning gotten from the combination of the both compounded words. This compounding process commonly results on new longer word.
Table 4.7 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Compounding NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B Buyback D Dropshipper F Fanpage Freelance Fullset/ fulset I Inbox M Multimilyarder P PERTAMAX Prelaunching Presale R Reseller
EXPLANATION Buy-back Drop-shipper Fan-page Free-lance Full-set In-box Multi-milyarder Pertama-x, pertama kali, the first posting Pre-launching Pre-sale Re-seller
From the table above, it can be seen that there are 11 words that categorized as compounding. Each word comes from the process of compounding to a single word. It has the purpose to make the codification of certain terms being simpler and easy to be understood. Most of the compounded words are not included into the list of standard vocabulary. For examples: Prelaunching Reseller Fullset Buyback, etc Sample Posting : “Bagi agan2 yg ingin bertanya bisa langsung sms k no. CP. Mohon maaf sedang tidak bisa menjawab inbox yg blum berteman.”
The compounding analysis results that there are many words borrowed from English are compounded become new nonstandard words, such as fullset and reseller. It is also seen that the meaning of each compounded word also derived from the mixed meanings of two words that arrange it. For example, reseller means a person who buys certain product and sells it. In other words, reseller is almost the same with an agent. His job is also to promote the
products to the customers. In standard vocabulary, there is no word reseller, but resell or seller.
f. Borrowing Borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. Here are the registers found in the form of borrowing:
Table 4.8 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Borrowing No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
REGISTER Action Agen Album Bandrol Barter Bisnis Bonus Booked Budget Call Catalog, catalog Cukong Dear Delivery Discount, diskon Distributor Dropshipper, drop-ship Entrepreneur Facebookan Gadget Garansi Impor, import Investasi Investor Juragan, aganwati
EXPLANATION Action (English) Agent (English) Album (English) Official price (Javanese) Barter (English) Business (English) Bonus (English) Booked (English) Budget (English) Call (English) Catalog (English) Big boss (Malay) Dear (English) Delivery (English) Discount (English) Distributor (English) Drop-shipper (English) Entrepreneur (English) Facebook (English) Gadget (English) Guarantee (English) Import (English) Investment (English) Investor (English) Juragan (name of boss in Javanese)
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.
Klik Kode Koleksi Komisi Komplit/complete/complet Konfirmasi Kontak Koperasi Like Mahar Mbak Member Milyarder Minus Modal Momod Nego, Nett, net Normal Omzet, Omset Order Orek-orek Owner Pack Page Produksi Produsen Project/job/ proyek Promo Properti Ready Rekap Reques,reqwes Retail Sale Seken, second, Seller Serian, seri Share, sharing Sobat Sold Sundul Supply Testimoni
Click (English) Code of the product Collection (English) Commission (English) Complete (English) Confirmation (English) Contact (English) Cooperative (English) Like (English) Mahar (Arabic) Sister (Javanese) Member (English) (Million) People have billions money (English) Minus (English) Modal (English) Moderator (English) Negotiation (English) Nett, Netto (English) Normal (English) Omzet (Englihs) Order (English) Vandalism on Writing (English) Owner (English) Pack (English) Page (English) Production (English) Producer (English) Project/Job (English) Promotion (English) Property (English) Ready (English) Recapitulation Request (English) Retail (English) Sale (English) Second (English) Seller (English) Series (English) Sharing, share (English) Sahabat (Arabic) Sold (English) Sundul (Heading on Javanese) Supply (English) Testimony (English)
70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.
Transfer Trusted, amanah Unduh Up Update Valid Via Visit, tengok, cek , check
Transfer (English) Trusted (English), amanah (Arabic) Download (Javanese) Up (English) Update (English) Validity (English) Via (English) Visit(English), Check(English), Tengok (Malay) Whatsapp (English) Yatim (Arabic)
Whatsapp Yatim
It is found from the research, they are 79 words categorized as borrowing that most of them are borrowed from English, Javanese, Arabic, and Malay. For example
: entrepreneur, mahar, unduh, tengok.
The sample posting is recorded from the Group Ayo Beternak Property, Untung Pasti. UD Pintu Jati
: “Grosir pintu jati 275rb pintu mahoni 175rb. Kusen ready stock. hub. UD Pintu
02747409131 email:
[email protected]. Kirim luar kota ok (kirim jakarta hanya 15rb/pintu) PIN BB 27463E72.” Although the registers such as mahar, amanah, yatim, tengok and cukong are borrowed from Arabic and Malay, but they have become absorbed words in Bahasa Indonesia. In this case, the
use of those words has different meanings in the online conversation especially in the business and entrepreneur communities. For example, the word yatim in Arabic and Bahasa Indonesia means orphan. However, in this context it means that the products (especially for motorcycles) have incomplete documents (STNK or BPKB). It almost the same with the use of mahar, where it means bride-price in Arabic, but it means the cost of certain products. It indicates that there is a shift of meaning or function in the use of words in certain register. That is why, although this register borrows some words from English, but it does not mean that the language used is English. They only borrow those words in order to mention the terms that have not had the translation in Bahasa Indonesia.
g. Acronym Acronym is a word that made up of abbreviation that can be pronounced as word, and it is not only a list of letter like the abbreviated words. Table 4.9 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Acronym No 1. 2.
B Bulog D Dekopin
EXPLANATION Badan Urusan Logistik (Logistic Affair Agency) Dewan Koperasi Indonesia (Indonesian Cooperative Council)
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16.
Disperindagkop Dinas Perdagangan dan Koperasi (Cooperative and Commerse Department) Dusbook Dus = kardus (Box) and Book = buku, complete pack, especially for mobile Dusbuk Dus = kardus (Box) and Buk=buku, complete pack, especially for mobile Jabodetabek Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, name of big cities as the central business location Japri Jaringan (net/link) and pribadi (private/individually), private message Kabid Kepala (head/leader) and bidang (division/section), head of division Kadin Kamar Dagang Indonesia, Indonesian Commerse Agency Kopindo Koperasi Pemuda Indonesia, Indonesian Youth Organization Kopma Koperasi mahasiswa, student cooperative Menkeu Menteri Keuangan (Finance Ministry) Murmer Murah meriah, the price is very cheap olShop Online Shop, the term used in naming certain online shop Ongkir Ongkos (charge/cost) and kirim (sent/delivery), delivery cost Rukan Rumah (house) and kantor (office), a building that consist of two parts, an office and a house in front of the office. Sembako Sembilan bahan pokok, nine main needs, consist of several goods, such as rice, eggs, etc.
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. These components may be individual letters (as in laser) or parts of words (as in Kopma and Sembako). There are 17 acronyms found in this research. Sample conversation: Susilo Prayitno : “Group ini bernama Keluarga Besar Kopindo, disingkat (KBK) agar makna dan nama dapat menampung semua
komponen eks aktivis Primer KOPINDO (Kopma, Koperasi Pemuda, Pesantren, Pramuka) maupun yang masih aktif, serta siapapun, baik individu maupun lembaga yang
Koperasi. Sebagai wadah untuk menjalin persaudaraan dalam rangka memperkuat perjuangan Gerakan Koperasi. Bravo Koperasi!!! Bravo KBK!!!” Syarif Hidayat : “KELUARGA dan BESAR” The acronyms found in the conversation above are Kopindo and Kopma. The other form of acronym also found in the other postings, and below is the sample found in Tupperware Sisil (Name of Personal Account): “Paket loli murmer ORANGE, 135rb/set” The register murmer means murah meriah or very cheap. This word is used very often especially in the seller postings. h. Simple Words Word is defined as a written or spoken unit of language. Here are the registers used by the entrepreneurs in the forms of words.
Table 4.10 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Simple Word No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
REGISTER Batangan Bunda Corat-coret Ecer Gratis Grosir Kemitraan Kodi, kodian Lapak Merapat Minat Mitra Mulus Penawaran Pengawas Pengurus Rentenir Saham Tawar
EXPLANATION Incomplete, only consist of mobile phone (Adjective) Moms (Pronoun) Write (Verb) Retail (Adjective) Free (Adjective) Wholesaler (Adjective) Partnership (Adjective) Consist of 20 unit of products (Adjective, Noun) Mini shop (Noun) Come to get closer/ to get involved in the conversation (Verb) Do you interest in it? (Verb) Partner (Noun) No scratch (Adjevtive) Offer (Noun) Supervisor (Noun) Owner (Noun) Creditor (Noun) Stock (Noun) Bid (Verb)
Those 19 words are the registers that not classified as formed words. They are the words that used by the entrepreneurs in their community that have the relation with business, cooperative, and enterprise, and trade. FB account 1 :”Yg jual N73 merapat n wajib orek2…” FB account 2 :”Wani pr?” FB account 1 : “Lha due ra?” FB account 2 : “Lha wani pr? Jeh normal.” FB account 3 : “Bos kui arep tuku… ora adol… :P”
FB account 2 : “Lha iyo, aku ndue owk.” The register in the form of simple word found in conversation above is merapat that means get involved in the conversation. 2. Phrase Formation Phrase is a group of words which is part rather than the whole of a sentence. The registers used by the entrepreneurs in the form of phrase are explained as below: Table 4.11 Registers Used by the Entrepreneurs in Facebook in the Form of Phrase No A-Z REGISTER 1. A Agen Penjual, All item 2. All size 3. 4. B Bagi hasil Bebas financial 5. Bravo koperasi Indonesia, 6. Bravo Kopma! 7. Buka harga 8. 9. C Call now Coming soon 10. Company profile 11. Consumer Union 12. Cuci gudang 13. 14. D Delivery order Dijual Cepat 15. Direct owner 16. 17. E Ekonomi kerakyatan, 18. F Fast response, fast respon Fit to L 19. For sale 20. Full furniture 21. 22. G Great sale Happy Shopping 23.
EXPLANATION Seller agent All item All size Share provide Free financial Bravo Indonesian Cooperative Bravo student cooperative first offer Call now coming soon Company profile Consumer Union Clearance of products Delivery order Going to sell as soon as possible Direct owner Democratic economy Fast response Fit to size large (L) For sale Full furniture Great sale Happy Shopping
Type NP AdjP AdjP VP AdjP exclamation exclamation NP VP AdvP NP NP VP VP VP NP NP NP AdjP AdvP AdjP AdjP exclamation
24. 25. 26.
Harga 750k Harga Pasaran Harga pasti naik terus
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Home industri, industry Hot Promo Hot Update I Ijin Share Invite BB J Jual beli online jual butuh uang cepat
Jual ecer harga grosir
Price 750k Common price The price will always increase all the time home home industry
35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
K Koperasi primer L Layanan 24jam Limited Edition Limited stock M Masih sipz
40. 41. 42.
Menerima pesan antar Mikro bisnis Minat serius, Peminat serius, siap minat Minimal Order Money game N Nego alus
43. 44. 45. 46.
Nego tipis
No Afgan
48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.
No Cancel No Hit and Run No minus No ready No tipu Numpang promo
54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
Nyaris gratis O Online shop Open daily Open Reseller P Pasar global
Hot Promo Hot Update Ask permit to share Invite Blackberry Online transaction Sell certain product because need money for urgent Sell retail products with wholesale price Prime cooperative 24hours Service Limited Edition Limited stock Still go condition Gift service delivery order Micro business Seriously to buy certain product, notification for serious buyer Minimal Order Money game The price can be bided in a small range The price can be bided in a small range No bid too far from the offered price (notice) No cancelling the order (notice) No Hit and Run (notice) No minus No ready with product to sale No Cheating Ask permit to post something on the group Almost free Online shop Open daily Open Reseller Global market
59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.
Pasar local Passive income Peluang usaha/ peluang bisnis Please contact Pot Harga Price police Ready stok, ready stock, stock ready Repeat order Reseller are welcome Reseller welcome Respond order Salam Sukses Serius order, serious order Sms only Special Price Special promo Sub agen Sub reseller, Target Pasar Tawaran menarik Tidak sengketa Uk 36-40 Unit Terbatas Usaha kecil 936 115rb
Local market Passive income Business Opportunity
Please contact Discount price Price police Product ready to sale
Repeat order Reseller are welcome Reseller welcome Respond order Successful greeting Seriously to order Sms only Special Price Special promotion Sub agency Sub reseller Target Market Good Opportunity No dispute Size 36-40 Limited unit Micro industry for product with code 936 costs Rp.115.000,-
The researcher reported the number of registers that categorized as phrase (consist of more than one word) are 83 phrases. 66 phrases made up from two words, and the rest made up from more than two words. The kinds of phrase found in this part consist of noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, and adverbial phrase.
For instance: -
Layanan 24 jam
Bravo Koperasi Indonesia
Here is the instance posting updated by a Facebook account: Seller : “July ready. Format sms > nama kamu + alamat lengkap + kode baju dan warna… harga sudah pas…
pengiriman JNE dan Wahana (ongkir cek di www.jne.co.id
www.wahana.com utk Wahana) utk wilayah Solo yg ingin hemat ongkir bisa diambil di daerah Gajahan jam 17.00 – 21.00 (untuk keterangan lebih lanjut message). Utk pembayaran via bank BCA & Mandiri… pin bb = 266027xx sms/wa = 0896649xx no hit and run…!!!!! Happy shopping :) untuk stock terupdate harap bertanya dulu via comment di pic (karena stock di FB tidak sempat mengupdate thx :).” It can be seen from the analysis of phrases of register that there is no prepositional phrase in this research. However, there are 3
phrases that included into exclamation; they are Bravo Kopma, Bravo Koperasi Indonesia, and Happy Shopping. 3. The Definition and The Function of the Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook Here are the definitions and functions of each term that are categorized as register used in entrepreneur communities in Facebook.
a. Definitions of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook The definition of each registers found in this research can be shown in this table below:
Table 4.12 Definition of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook
NO A-Z 1 2 3
936 115rb A
Action AD/ART
4 5 6 7
Agen penjual, agen Agen AJB
8 9 10
All item All size Anda percaya siap melayani
The cost of the product with code 936 is Rp 115.000 (N) Action, to take an action in doing something especially business Anggaran Dasar and Anggaran Rumah Tangga (Bylaw of the Organization) Seller agent/agencies, the agent of the product Agencies (Akta Jual Beli) purchase contract (N) Albums on Facebook (N) (place contains pictures or photograph) All of the items of the product The type of the product‟s size are the same (Adj) You trust, we serve (slogan)
11 12 13
B Bagi hasil Bandrol Barter
14 15 16 17 18
Batangan BB Bebas financial BI
19 20 21
BO Bonus
Bravo Koperasi Indonesia, bravo Kopma! Bravo Kopma
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Bro Budget Buka harga Bulog Bunda Buyback C Call Call now Catalog, catalog COD Coming soon Company profile Consumer union Corat-coret Cp Cuci gudang Cukong Cwe, Cwok D Dear
Profit sharing system, the system used in business Price asserted in the product (N) Exchange, barter (V) to get certain product by exchanging one‟s own product Consist of hand-phone only, (in mobile trading) Blackberry messenger, online chatting media Free financial cost, one of the strategy for businessmen Indonesian Bank, one of the banks in Indonesia Business (N), business activity, to do business, or have a business Business Opportunity (N), opportunity to have a business Gratification, additional goods for free Have been booked, the product have been booked by another customer Bravo Indonesian Cooperative! (slogan)
Bravo Student Cooperative! (slogan) Brother (greeting), used to call the other Facebook users especially the male Budget, the budget needed in buying something Open price, the first offered price of product Badan Urusan Logistik (Logistic Affair Agency) of Indonesia Moms, call for married women (N) To buy the product back Make a call (V), or the phone number asserted (Please) call now, strong recommendation to buy the product immediately Catalog of the product on Facebook album Cash on delivery, to pay the cost of the product cash and carry Coming soon (the product will be launch as soon as possible) The profile of certain company that consists of data related to the company. Type of consumptive cooperative, like credit union. To give comment or response Contact person available (N) Clearance of products (an activity held in order to sell all the products out) Capitalist (N), the capitalist in business Girls, women, fashion specification Boys, men, fashion specification Dear (N) (directed to the customers), call for the customers
45 46
47 48 49 50 51
Dijual cepat Direct owner Disc Discount/diskon
52 53 54
Distributor DP Dropshipper, dropshipreseller Dusbook
Delivery order
55 56
57 58 59
E Ecer Ekonomi kerakyatan,
60 61 62
F Facebookan Fanpage Fast respon, response
For sale, obral Fp
67 68
Full furniture
Fullset, fulset G
Gadget Gan, agan, aganwati
71 Garansi 72 73
Gratis Great sale
Fast response (N) of the offered products The sizes consist on Small, Medium and Large, the size fit to the large size (Adj) The products are available to sell cheaper than usual(N) Fanpage (Fp); Page or fanpage on Facebook (N) doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization The furnitures are complete Full in a set of product, all of the accessories are complete, especially in mobile products a small device or machine with a particular purpose, refers to gadget or mobile product
Fit to L
64 65 66
in order to make a close relationship. Dewan Koperasi Pemuda Indonesia (Indonesian Youth Cooperative Council) Delivery service (Adj), the service in the trading activity Delivery service, the seller‟s service to deliver the ordered product to the customers Going to sell as soon as possible The offer comes from the owner, there is no mediator (N) Disc = Discount (N), a reduction in the usual price Discount (N), a reduction in the usual price Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, dan Perkoperasian (Cooperative, Industry, and Commercial Department) People who distribute something (product) to the reseller. Down Payment in the transaction Drop-shipper, drop-ship reseller, the agent of certain company who sell the product to the reseller Box and books inside (N) especially in mobile trade Dus/Box and buk=buku/books inside (N), especially in mobile trade Retail products, especially in fashion and accessories Democratic economy, the economic system in Indonesia Entrepreneur, someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity (V) to play Facebook Fanpage in Facebook (N)
the nicnaming of male social media users Guarantee (N), a written promise by a company to repair or change a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time Free cost to gate or buy the some products The products are available to sell cheaper than usual (N)
Wholesale (Adj), of or for the selling of goods in large amounts at low prices to shops and businesses, rather than the selling of goods in shops to customers (greeting) To enjoy the shopping activity 75 H Happy shopping Harga 750k Rp 750.000 (the price of the product) 76 Harga pasaran Common price in the market 77 Harga pasti naik terus The price will increase definitely 78 HM Hak milik, property rights(Adj) 79 Home industri, home Home industry, producing the product at home and in small 80 industry kuantity and handmade Hot promo Special promo for the customers 81 Hot update The new update of the posting (N) 82 Internationan Cooperative Assiciation 83 I ICA IDR Indonesian Rupiah (N) (curency) 84 Ijin share Ask permit to share something on Facebook 85 IMF International Monetary Financial 86 To import, to buy or bring in products from another 87 Impor, import country Inbox Private conversation (N), to send a private conversation (V) 88 Inhouse Stay at home 89 Investment, the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into 90 Investasi something to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc. used to do this Investor (N), a person who puts money into something in 91 Investor order to make a profit or get an advantage Invite BB Term used to add a friend‟s on Blackberry account (V) 92 Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, name of several 93 J Jabodetabek big cities in Indonesia Japri Jaringan pribadi, private message 94 JNE Name of expedition service (N) 95 Jual butuh uang cepat Sell certain product because need money urgently 96 Jual ecer harga grosir Sell retail products with wholesale price 97 juragan, aganwati the nicnaming of male social media users 98 Kepala Bidang, the head of certain sector or division 99 K Kabid Kadin Kamar Dagang Indonesia, Indonesian Trade Organitation 100 Partnership, a company which is owned by two or more 101 Kemitraan people Keluarga Besar Kopindo, Kopindo Family, the big family 102 KBK of Kopindo Klik Click (V), a suggestion to open certain website 103 Kode Code of the product (N) 104 Kodi, kodian Consist of 20 unit of products (N) 105 Collection (N), a group of objects of one type that have 106 Koleksi been collected by one person or in one place Komisi Commission (N), a (system of) payment to someone who 107 74
sells goods which is directly related to the amount of goods sold 108 109 110 111
Komplit, complet
Konfirmasi Kontak Koperasi
112 113 114
Koperasi primer Koperasipreneur
115 116 117
Kopma KTA
118 L Lapak Layanan 24 jam 119 Like 120 Limited edition 121 Limited stock 122 LN 123 124 M Mahar Masih sipz 125 126 Mbk, mbak 127 128
129 130 131 132 133
Menkeu Merapat Mikro bisnis Milyarder
134 135 136 137 138
Menerima pesan antar
Min, admin, mimin Minat Minat serius, peminat serius, siap minat Minimal order Min Minus
Component of the product is still complete (Adj) Confirmation, a statement, often written, that an arrangement or meeting is certain To contact (V), communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to them regularly Cooperative, a company that is owned and managed by the people who work in it Primary cooperative (N) Koperasi + entrepreneur (cooperative for entrepreneur) Koperasi Pemuda Indonesia (Indonesian Youth Coperative Organisation) Koperasi Mahasiswa (Student Cooperative) (Kredit Tanpa Agunan), credits without collateral KW, kwalitas, kualitas, kualitas, quality, it usually refers to the non original products but in good quality. Place to sell something 24 hours service for the customers Like (give mark if somebody likes the posting or page) Production on a view unit The stock is limited Luar Negeri, abroad, other country Price of the product Still in good condition Sister (greeting) (N), used to call the other Facebook users especially the female Member of the group (N) Delivery service, the service for the customers to deliver the product Financial Ministry To give response and make a discussion Micro business (N), business in small area/dimension Rich people, billionaire Administrator (N), someone whose job is to control the operation of a business, organization or plan Berminat? (Do you interest in it?) an offer to the customers of certain product Want to buy seriously, only for the serious buyers Minimal amount of order Min = minus Minus (Adj) (incomplete condition (especially for mobile products)
139 140
141 142
143 144 145 146 147
Money game Multimilyarder Mulus Murmer
148 149
Nego alus
150 151 152 153 154
Nett, net No afgan No cancel No hit and run
nego tipis
No minus
155 No ready 156 157
No tipu Normal
Numpang promo 158 Nyaris gratis 159 160 O Obral Olshop 161 162 Omzet, omset 163 164 165
Ongkir Online shop
166 167
Open daily Open reseller, reseller are welcome Order Orek-orek
168 169 170 171
Ori Owner
Partner, partnership (N), one of the owners of a company Multi level marketing, one of the type of marketing strategy Capital Moderator (N), someone who makes certain that a discussion happens without problems and follows the rules Gambling, the activity of betting money Multi billionaire No scratch (Adj) (especially for mobile products) Murah meriah, the price is very cheap Negotiable, the price is able to be discussed or changed in order to reach an agreement The price can be bidded in a small range, Bid (V) The price can be negotiatied until both the seller and the buyer deal with the fixed price Netto, Fixed price A notice for the buyers not to bid under the offered price A notice for the buyers not to cancel the order A notice for the buyers not to cancel the booking Complete (adj), there is no missing parts of the product (especially for mobile products) There is no ready stock of the products it means that the buyers should order before they want to buy those products they want. No cheat, safe transaction The product is still in good condition (Adj) especially in mobile products Ask permit to post something, especially on certain group The price of the product almost free Wholesale product (N), (V) Online shop/ virtual shop (N) Turnover, the amount of business that a company does in a period of time (N) Ongkos Kirim (delivery cost) (N) Online shop/ virtual shop (N) Out of topic (used when the people involved in certain discussion and deliver different topic) The sign that the enterprise/company opens everyday Open opportunity for the reseller to resell the product To order certain product (V) To give response to the postings Original (Adj), existing since the beginning, or being the earliest form of something Owner, someone who owns something
173 174 175 176 177 178 179
Page Pasar global Pasar local Passive income Pc Pcs
Peluang usaha/ peluang bisnis Penawaran Pengurus Pengawas Pertamax Pic-, Please contact
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
Plp Pls PM PO POS Pot harga Pre-launching, launch Pre-sale Price police Produksi Produsen
198 199 200 201 202 203 204
Project/job/proyek Promo Property PSDA Psg, R RAT Ready
Package of the goods, a group, set or collection of something Page or fanpage on Facebook (N) Global market (the global market around the world) Local market (the market in local area) Income from certain investment, not from business activity Piece, item, Pcs, the number of the item of the product Piece, item, Pcs, the item of the product Pendidikan Dasar Perkoperasian (Basic Cooperative Training) Business opportunity (N), the opportunity in making a new business To make an offer of the product Manager, the board of certain organization or company Supervisor, the board of certain organization or company Pertama kali, the first posting in certain group or fanpage Picture or photograph Asking for people to communicate (V) Pendidikan Lanjutan Perkoperasian (Cooperative Advance Education) in cooperative/ student cooperative Please (polite order) (exclamatory) Private message (N), (V) Pre Order, there is no ready stock of the product (adj) Post Office, Name of expedition service (N) Potongan Harga (Discount) (N) The first time launching (Adj) The first offered price The seller do not want anyone to compare the price of the other seller Production of the company Producer (N), a company, country or person that provides goods, especially those which are produced by an industrial process or grown or obtained through farming, usually in large amounts Business project (N) The first promotion or offer of certain product Property, an object or objects that belong to someone, especially land and house Pengembangan Sumber Daya Anggota (Human Resources Development) Pasang (set) (N), set of certain product Rapat Anggota Tahunan/ Annual Members Meeting Ready (Adj), a notification to the customers that the stock
is available Ready stok, ready stock, stock ready Rekap Rentenir Repeat order Reques,reqwes Reseller Reseller are welcome Respond order Retail
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
215 216
Ruko S Saham
217 218 219 220 221
Salam sukses Sale Second Seller
222 223 224 225 226 227 228
Serius order Set, pasang Share, sharing SHM Sis, sista SMS
229 230 231 232 233 234
Sob, sobat Sold Spec Special price Special promo
235 236 237 238
Sub agen Sub reseller Sundul
Serian, seri
Sms only
The stock are available Recapitulation (N), the recaptulation of the product Creditor, someone who money is owed to Repeated order, the product is in demand To make a request Second seller (N) Opportunity for reseller The respond for the consumer‟s order Small quantities of products Rumah dan kantor, home office (N) a building that consist of a home and an office Rumah dan toko, shophouse (N), a building that consist of a house and a shop Shares, one of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided and which can be bought by members of the public Success greeting Sell, an act of exchanging something for money Secondhand goods (Adj) The seller of certain product Series (a series of product that have same color and model) (Adj), (N) To order seriously (V) Set (consist of 2 parts) to share a product on Facebook (V) (surat hak milik) (N), property rights certificate Sister, a call for the other user especially for female To send message (V), message from mobile phone (N) The order is served only by sending sms, the seller will not accept the phone call (Sobat) Friends, a call for the other group members (the product) had been sold Specification (N) of the product The price is special means there is more benefit Special promotion/offer of certain product Specification (a detailed description) of the product Agent for reseller (N) Agent for reseller (N) Up, to place the postings in the top of the page To supply (V), to provide something that is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time
239 240 241 242 243
Simpanan Wajib (compulsory savings) especially in cooperatives Market target, the targetted customers (offer) (V),to offer something Special offer Testimony of customer, (an example of) spoken or written statements that something is true, especially those given in a court of law No dispute/ problems due to the product Name of expedition service (N) Training of Trainer (especially for the member of cooperatives) Thank you (exclamation) To transfer (V), to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person or group to another Can be trusted, the seller can be trusted Exchange and pay for the rest Ukuran (size) (N) the size of the product Usaha Kecil Menengah (Micro Bussiness) Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah, (micro business) To download, to copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory, especially from the Internet or a larger computer Limited unit, the amount of the product is limited To make the position of the posting upper than before (V) To make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design, the newest posting Micro business (N), a small business The validity of the offer/posting (adj) Via (prep), through, using
SW Target pasar T Tawar Tawaran menarik Testimoni
244 245 246
Tidak sengketa TIKI
247 248
249 250 251 252 253 254
Transfer Trusted, amanah TT, (tukar tambah) Uk 36-40 U UKM UMKM Unduh Unit terbatas Up
255 256 257
Update Usaha kecil Valid V Via Visit, tengok, chek, check 262 W Wahana Whatsapp 263 World bank 264 265 WTB 258 259 260 261
266 267 268
To visit the account/group/page (V) name of expedition service (N) One of the name of social media Name of certain international bank Want to buy (a notice that the someone wants to sell something) World Trade Center Want to Sell (a notice that the someone wants to buy something) Orphan (adj) means that the product has incomplete document (Adj)
Those meanings are the situational or the contextual meaning of the registers. The instance conversation is illustrated as follow: Seller : “Askum admin thx udah diijinin nyari sesuap nasi. Minat serius hub: 085 726 640 xxx. COD: Sala3.SAMSUNG GALAXY POCKET FULSET (HP, CAS, DOSBOK, HEDSET). Bnus kondom, normal, mulus, segel. Rp 700 nett (mav pnawar no respon).” Seller : “Up.” Based on the sentences above, it can be analyzed that there are some new meanings are built from the using of registers. Fr example, the meaning of the word „up‟ is not to place something in a higher position but to add new comment so that the position of the posting „upper‟ than before. In Facebook, a posting will be placed in the top position when it is updated in several ways, and one of them is by giving comment on it.
b. Functions of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook
From the side of the function of the registers, they are divided into five: deliberative or formal, casual, consultative, frozen or oratorical, and intimate. Here is the table of each function of registers used by the entrepreneurs in Facebook:
1) Deliberative Function Deliberative is the function of register in order to make the conversation more formal. This is used to attract more viewers from any kinds of social background and age. Table 4.13 Deliberative Function of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
A-Z Deliberative A AD/ART Agen Agen penjual AJB Album Anda percaya kami siap melayani B Barter Bebas Financial BI Bisnis Booked Bulog C Catalog, katalok Company profile Consumer Union D Dekopin Disperindagkop E Ekonomi kerakyatan Entrepreneur F Fanpage For sale Freelance G Gadget H HM Home Industri, Home Industry I ICA IDR IMF Impor/import Inhome 113
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.
Investasi Investor Jabodetabek JNE Kabid Kadin KBK Koleksi Komisi Konfirmasi Kontak Koperasi Koperasi primer Kopindo Kopma KTA Layanan 24jam Limited Edition LN Menerima pesan antar Menkeu Mikro bisnis Milyarder MLM Modal Money game Multimilyarder Normal Online shop Owner Pasar global Pasar local Passive income PDP Peluang bisnis, peluang usaha Penawaran Pengurus Pengawas PLP POS Produksi Produsen Project/Job/Proyek PSDA
75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104.
R RAT Ready Rentenir Retail Rukan Ruko S Saham Sembako SHM SMS sub agen Sub reseller Supply SW T Tawaran menarik Testimony TIKI TOT Transfer U UKM UMKM Unduh Unit terbatas Update Usaha kecil V Via W Wahana Whatsapp World bank WTO Deliberative is the function of register that used in
formal ways in order to make all of the readers from any kinds of occupations and age able to understand the message. The 104 terms above are the registers that identified as deliberative registers. It means that those words are common words used by the entrepreneurs that can also be used in any occasion and condition. The words such as WTO, World
Bank, Kopma, Unduh, download and limited edition are the sample of deliberative registers. Here is the sample posting: :
Bangun Sawah Rp 20 Triliun di Indonesia” FB Account 1
:“Berarti bangun
pengusaha apa
China?” FB Account 2
: “Pertama para cukong republik ini ditekan secara politik dan ekonomi melalui
organisasi WTO,
haram seperti
kepentingan di belakangnya adalah MNC/TNC.” It is also seen that the type of the conversation is different. The context is also more formal, and the participants involved in the conversation are also tend to use formal words. The topic of the convertsation is also different, the participants involved do not have the purpose to sell or to buy something such in the trading conversation. They discuss a more important things such as the topics that have the relation with cooperative, bussiness and economical affairs.
2) Consultative Function Consultative is the function of register that has the connection with the trading activities or enterprise. Table 4.14 Consultative Function of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Consultative 936 115rb Action All size Bagi hasil Bandrol Batangan Bonus Budget Buka harga Buyback Call COD Cuci Gudang Delivery Delivery order Dijual cepat Direct owner Disc, Discount, diskon Distributor DP Dropshipper, dropship Ecer Fast respon, fast response Fit to L Full furniture Fullset/fulset Garansi Gratis Great sale Grosir Harga 750k Harga pasaran Harga pasti naik terus
35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78.
Hot promo Hot Update Inbook Jual butuh uang cepat Jual ecer harga grosir Kemitraan Kodi, kodian Koperasi-preneur KW Limited edition Limited stock Mahar Minat Minat serius, peminat serius, siap minat. Minimal order Minimal order Minus, min Mitra Mulus Murmer Nego alus, nego tipis Nego, Nett, net No Afgan No cancel No hit n Run No minus No ready No tipu Numpang promo Nyaris gratis Obral Olshop Omzet, omset Ongkir Open daily Open reseller, reseller welcome Order ORI Pack Pc, Pcs PO
79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107.
Pre-sale Price pilice Promo Property Psg Ready stock, stock ready Rekap Repeat order Reseller Reseller are welcome Respon order Sale Second Seller Serian. Seri Serius order Set, pasang Sold Spec Special price Special promo Target pasar Tawar Trusted, amanah TT Uk 36-40 WTB WTS Yatim
It can be seen that there are 108 register have the function as consultative. It means that those registers have the relation to trade activity, such as WTB, ori, no afgan, no cheat, etc. The registers mentioned in the table above are interesting since some of the terms used are not common used in the daily activities. The readers should understand the context of 119
the topic to follow the conversation. Some of the responders (the people who give responses to the postings) sometimes ask the meaning of certain terms, because they have not understand it before. The sample posting is illustrated as follows. : “Galaxy Pocket, Complet Segel
Ory, antigores + condom, muluss, normal.., jual 700 nett, lokasi salatiga. Minat hub : 089630xxx.” Seller
: “Up..”
FB Account 1
: “tt ma e63”
FB Account 2
: “650 mas...”
: “@Mas, 690 tak lepas bos,.. @banteng, kondisi?, complet po batang mas?, meh nambahi piro?”
FB Account 3
: “TT mbe E72 fullset py?”
The main point in the implementation of consultative registers in entrepreneur communication is that those words are used in the process of offering and bargaining to reach the fixed price. Those words are also used to ask the quality and quantity of certain products in the deal process.
3) Oratorical/Frozen Function Oratorical is another function of register as the indication that the conversation flows in a frozen way such like the speaking of the orators in their speeches. Table 4.15 Oratorical Function of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook No 1. 2. 3. 4.
Oratorical BO Pre-launch Salam sukses Valid
As illustrated in the table above, there only 4 registers that classified as oratorical register. It means that there only few postings consist of register delivered in oratorical way. Below is the sample posting found in Facebook: Posting 1 : “Terimakasih sudah di approve dalam grup ini .. saya ingin menjadi wirausaha muda.. saya mohon bantuan ilmunya rekan rekan,.. salam sukses !!” Comment : “ Salam kenal pak Marcel, Sukses menjadi wirausahawan muda nantinya yah. Sebagai
seminar karakter untuk team sales. Modal dasar awal adalah : 1. Semangat dan
Optimisme, tetap bersemangat mengolah usaha dan optimis sukses bisnis yang di kelola. Selanjutnya Management Produksi, Keuangan,
(Promosi). Kalau itu pak Marcel sudah pakarnyalah yah. Tetap semangat apa yang diyakini Pak Marcel itu akan terjadi. Salam Sukses!! The phrase “Salam sukses” in the sentence refers to the oratorical function of register. This kind of register is used to give supports and motivations. This is a common registers that usually used in the communication as the confirmation and conviction of certain idea. 4) Casual Function Casual is the function of register to make the conversation become more relax. It is intended to make the communication not too formal so that there will be more people get involved in the discussion. Table 4.16 Casual Function of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook No. 1. 2. 3.
Casual All item BB Call now
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
Corat-coret CP Cukong Dusbuk Dusbook Facebookan Fp Happy shopping Ijin Share Invite BB Japri Klik Komplit Lapak Like Masih sipz Merapat OOT Orek-orek Page PertamaX Pic Please contact Pls PM Pot harga Request, reqwes Share, sharing Sms only Spec Sundul Tidak sengketa Tq Up Visit, tengok, cek, chek, check
In this research, the writer found 38 register as casual function. Some of the casual registers that are used in the entrepreneur community as asserted above are also used in the other communities on Facebook. Thus, although the new people
read the posting that contain the words above, some of them will understand that because they have already met the same terms in the other communities. FB Account writes on Be Pashion‟s wall: FB Account
: “Ku tguu rkapya y sis,, inbox pls... tq”
In the sample sentences above, the use of the casual registers is to create informal, kind and creative dialog. For example are the terms pls and tq.
5) Intimate Function In order to make the conversation become more familiar, one of the types of the register‟s function is intimate. The addressee will feel more comfort when they treated as family member. It is also used in order to omit the social gap among the speakers. Table 4.17 Intimate Function of Registers Used by the Entrepreneur in Facebook NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
INTIMATE Bravo Koperasi Indonesia! Bravo Kopma! Bro Bunda Cwe, Cwek Cwo, Cwok Dear Gan, agan
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Juragan, aganwati Mbk, mbak Mimin, min, admin Momod Sis, sista Sob, sobat
Almost like the casual function, intimate registers can also be found in the other communities in Facebook. However, the intimate function that is seen in this type will give familiar senses to the involved participants of the conversation. There are 14 registers that have the function as intimate in this research. Here is the sample of the conversation taken from Pasar Salatiga Group: Seller‟s posting : “Dijual Satria FU yatim nego 7jt.” FB account
: “Tahun dan kelengkapannya mas? Maksudnya
gmn?” : “Surat sebelah, bro.”
In the dialog above, it can be observed that the use of the word “bro” has the function to make the relationship between the speakers closer. The word “bro” is clipped from brother. The function of this term is almost the same with the use of „Sir‟ and „Madam‟ in English.
c. The Implication of Register Used by The Entrepreneur in Facebook From the analysis above, it can be derived that there are five function of register in the entrepreneur communities. Deliberative is the dominant category of function that found from the observation. There are 87 registers that included into the deliberative group. For instance: produksi, home industry, modal, peluang bisnis, peluang usaha, mikro bisnis, online shop, rentenir, UKM/UMKM, Koperasi, ekonomi kerakyatan, and saham. Consultative is the most dominant function according to the research. As stated in the problem statements, those of the matters relating to the business world would be very easy to find. There are 100 registers of data that classified as a consultative. Those are the words with a clear and straightforward characteristics directly addressed to the business objectives, such as the following words: 936 115rb, 750k, ongkir, price police, uk 36-40, mahar, serian, seri, mitra, fit to L, action, disc, discount, diskon, call, psg, pack, set, pasang, kw, serius order, repeat order, order, nett, net, deliver, and buka harga. In the rest of the data classification, the total amount of the registers that have the casual function are 37 words, intimate are 10 words, and 4 registers that has the function as oratorical or frozen.
Those are the words such as: gan, agan, sist, pre-launch, Salam sukses, sundul, ijin share, pls, tq, invite, and visit. From the functional perspective on language, the implication of register can be valuable for the teachers and students as it provides the basis for curriculum oriented to be in social and purposeful language activities. In language learning, culture plays an important role in communication. Whenever human beings communicate with each other, culture is involved, acted out, transmitted and preserved through communication. The use of language is greatly influenced by culture, which is the total cultural background shared by one community. Because the social and cultural backgrounds between English and Bahasa Indonesia are greatly different, the registers of these two languages, of course, are different. As for English, if it is surveyed in the aspect of syntax, there exist obvious differences between special language and common language. And the differences between varieties are also very apparent. Compared with English, Bahasa Indonesia does not have such obvious differences between special language and common language. For example, we can divide English into legal English, business English, scientific and technical English etc, whereas in Bahasa Indonesia, it seems that there is no legal Bahasa, business Bahasa Indonesia, scientific and
technical Bahasa Indonesia. So when the people communicate with the foreigners it is necessary for them to understand the differences between these two languages, especially registers and levels of formality. It is known that register is a set of meanings that is appropriate to a particular function of language, together with the words and structures, which express these meanings. The social environment, as well as social structures, can be reflected in a language and can often have an effect on registers of that language. Sometimes communication can be made extremely difficult because of cultural diversity in perceiving the same thing. In the implementation of the use of register, the people can use the list of registers found in this research and apply them in the communication, not only in Facebook but also in the other social media. They can also use this list of register as their guidelines in the bussiness and cooperative communication. Besides, although the use of these registers can be applied by everyone, but they should consider the context of the registers they used and the situation they involved in as explained in the former sentences above. For instance, the people can use the deliberative registers in the trading community but they should make a further consideration when they want to use it in the formal groups or other non entrepreneurial groups.
Register can also applied in the learning process. It can be asserted in the thematic learning plans, especially in economy and sociolinguistic subjects. The sample sentences and conversations in this research can also be used by the teacher to give explanation about register along with the meanings and the forms to the students. The result of this research can be used in the development of students‟ learning process to be more update and modern, because it relates to their environment in their daily lives. They will get more understanding of the use of the register in the implementation in their modern society. It should also noticed by the entrepreneurs and other register users that sometimes they will meet certain terms that have different meanings with the common definition. They also have to know that some of the registers used in social media are different or not used in the other places and in their real daily life.
The last chapter of the graduating paper is the closure. It consists of conclusion and suggestion. Conclusion is the description of the findings in some shorter sentences. Suggestion is served to give more recommendations due to the research.
A. Conclusion Register is the variation of language used by certain people in certain group or organization in order to express the purpose in certain situation. Commonly register has the relationship with occupation. In this research, the registers that are used by the entrepreneurs in Facebook are 268 items. It consists of single words, phrases, or sentences. Here the writer found some words that categorized as new words that have not been included in the dictionary. It is found that the people tend to make new terms in explaining what they are talking about in order to make the conversation simpler. Those kinds of the categories to identify the kinds of registers are clipping, blending, coinage, abbreviation, acronym, borrowing, and compounding. The detail number of each of them are 35 registers for abbreviation, 2 registers for blending, 18 registers for clipping, 5 registers for
coinage, 11 registers for compounding, 79 registers for borrowing, 17 registers for acronym, 83 registers for phrases, and 19 registers that categorized as simple words. Furthermore, in the kinds of the function of the registers, there are 104 registers identified have the function as deliberative, 107 registers has the function as consultative, 4 registers have the function as oratorical or frozen, 14 registers have the function as intimate, and the last is 38 registers have the function as casual. Consultative is the dominant function of the registers, and it is in line with the object of the study, that is the register used by the entrepreneur in the social media (Facebook). It is because consultative is the function of register that used in trade activity as explained in the second chapter of this graduating study.
B. Suggestion Hopefully this research of register used by the entrepreneur can support the use of register theory by the teachers, lecturers, and the students. The result of this research can also be used as the additional references of register especially in the field of entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and business. The detail data of the research has been compiled in the data presentation and in the attachment in order to make the readers will not find any obstacles in reading and comprehending this graduating paper.
It is also beneficial for the other researchers to enrich the vocabulary in register by conducting more researches in the other field. Furthermore, any people can use this research as one of their references and the guidance in studying the dynamics of online activities. It will help them especially for the new people who are still not expert in online world. The last point is specialized for the entrepreneurs who want to find any references of register used in the online entrepreneur community especially in Facebook, hopefully this research can help as much as possible for them.
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