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Sweco - Smart cities
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In the smart city, everything communicates Share this Email Facebook
Andreas Gyllenharnmar, Sustainability Manager at Sweco in Sweden, you've said that perspectives on sustainability in urban development are evolving. "Smart cities" are increasingly mentioned as the solution, but what does it mean? "In the smart city, everything communicates - not just people. Large data volumes are harnessed to make things like transports, energy consumption, light and water flows more effective. In simple terms you can see it as a way of"fine-tuning" the city. We are used to urban development being about slow and physical changes. Now, when we talk about smart cities, the focus is shifted to using the existing built environment and infrastructure in a more optimised way." What changes can we expect and when will they happen? "In the Nordic region we are approaching something of a critical turning point. We are extremely IT mature and an increasing number of public authorities and companies are opening up their data volumes to the public. In the smart city, this collective information helps in real time to make smarter decisions for the city as a whole and for individual citizens. Reduced traffic congestion and smarter operation of our buildings are two concrete examples. The city's new possibilities are closely tied to the way we at Sweco are developing our approach to sustainability." What role is Sweco playing in making our cities smarter? "For Sweco, it's natural to take a strong leadership position when it comes to smart cities. With our unique range of services we are already involved in more aspects of urban development than perhaps any other company. Now that it will be possible to use the information produced by the city in a new way, Sweco can develop total solutions. The potential is enormous and, to a large extent, still unexplored."!en/Sweco-group/About-Sweco/Sustainable-engineering-. .. 20 15-04-29
DINAS KOMUNIKASIINFORMATIKA DAN KEHUMASAN Jln. Medan Merdeka Selalan 8-9 Siok G Lt. XIII. Telp. (021)3814216. 3823054, 3823158, 3823258, 3823449, 3823457, Fax. (021)3848850 JAKARTA 10110
KepadaYth, Dari Nomor Perihal
Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Kepala UPT Jakarta Smart City ~~ (-on Rapat Persia pan mengenai Undangan Kedutaan Besar Swedia tentang Indonesia - Sweden Infrastructure Forum in Jakarta
Sehubungan dengan undangan dari Kedutaan Besar Swedia mengenai Indonesia Sweden Infrastucture Forum in Jakarta, dengan ini disampaikan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: 1.
Rapat diadakan pada Rabu, 29 April 2015 pukul 13.00 WIB di Ruang Rapat Blok B Lantai 3 Gedung Balaikota DKI Jakarta, dipimpin oleh Kasubag TU UPT Jakarta Smart City dan dihadiri oleh unsur UPT Smart City serta Unsur Kedutaan Besar Swedia.
Undangan Indonesia - Sweden Infrastucture Forum akan dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 6 Mei 2015 di Hotel Mandarin JI. M.H. Thamrin Jakarta Pusat.
Pembahasan rapat: a. Undangan ini membicarakan mengenai bantuan yang akan diberikan oleh beberapa perusahaan Swedia untuk Jakarta Smart City, dimana Kedutaan Besar Swedia yang menjadi media dengan Pemeritah Provinsi OKI Jakarta. b. Acara dimulai pad a pukul 08.30 -15.30 WIB. Acara akan dihadiri oleh Sekretaris Kedutaan Besar Swedia, Guru Besar ITB, Kementerian PU, Perusahaan-perusahaan dari Swedia, dan Jakarta Smart City. c. Sambutan dari: Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Perhubungan Hermanto Dardak, Kepala Badan Pengembangan Infrastruktur Wilayah, Kemeterian Pekerjaan Umum dan Peru mahan Rakyat d. Diskusi panel mengenai Smart City akan dimulai pada pukul 10.50 - 11.15 WIB, diisi oleh: Andreas Gyllenhammar, Chief Sustainability Officer Sweco Prof. Dr. Suhono Harso Supangkat, yang merupakan Guru besar ITB Dadang Rukmana, Direktur Perkotaan, Kementerian Pekerja Umum dan Peru mahan Rakyat Alberto Ali, Kepala UPT Jakarta Smart City Perusahaan dari Swedia: • Cale, perusahaan mesin parkir yang saat ini di uji coba di JI. Sabang Jakarta. • Axis Communication, perusahaan professionallP video surveillance. • Saab e. Diskusi panel mengenai transportasi akan dimulai pada puku111.35 -12.00 WIB, diisi oleh: Matts - Ake Belin Bambang Susanlono, Ketua Dewan Eksekutif CSID UI dan mantan Wakil Menteri Perhubungan Sutanto Soehodho, Deputi Gubernur DKI Perusahaan dari Swedia: • Kapsch • SKF • Volvo f. Kedutaan Besar Swedia mengundang Bpk. Ii Karunia, M.Si selaku Kepala Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Kehumasan DKI Jakarta, pada acara VIP Reception at the Swedish Residence, diselenggarakan oleh H.E Ambassador Johanna Brismar Skoog, JI. Sriwijaya Raya 11-A Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selalan, hari Rabu, 6 Mei 2015 pukul 19.00 - 21.00 WIB.
Saran staff: Perlu dilakukan koordinasi yang lebih intensif antara Pemprov DKI Jakarta dengan Kedutaan Besar Swedia. Demikian laporan ini disampaikan. Mohon arahan dan petunjuk lebih lanjut dari Bapak.
29 April 2015 Kepala UPT Jakarta Smart City Dinas Komunikasi Informatika dan Kehumasan provinJlJKI ~karta
~~tL Alberto Ali NIP. 197703171998031002
EMBASSY OF SWEDEN INDONESIA-SWEDEN INFRASTRUCTURE FORUM 2015 Jakarta, 6 May 2015 Mandarin Oriental - Diponegoro Room DRAFT PROGRAMME as of 2015-04-29 • •
GREEN =confirmed (until now) BLUE =tentative
Registration Venue: Mandarin Hotel Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Welcoming by Moderator
Opening remarks by HE Ambassador Johanna Brismar Skoog
Keynote speech by Mr. Ignasius Jonan, Transport Minister
09:30 09:50 10:10
Keynote speech by Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, DKI Jakarta Governor Keynote speech by Mr. Hermanto Dardak, Head of Regional Infrastructure Development Agency - Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Coffee break Topic speech by Mr. Andreas Gyllenhammar - Chief Sustainability Officer, Sweco "How smart can contribute to green: integration of sustainability in the smart city concept"
More and more attention is given to smart city development in Indonesia. The recent launch of Indonesia's Smart City Index has amplified the importance of integrating ICT in making city a better place to live in. Undoubtedly, ICT has the capability to accelerate urban development toward a sustainable society. "In the smart city, everything communicates - not just people," said Andreas Gyllenhammar who is one of Sweden's highly qualified sustainability consultants, a strategist and business developer at Sweco - a leading Swedish consulting company in sustainable engineering and design. Mr. Gyllenhammar is also part of the global working group of smart city standards.
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EMBASSY OF SWEDEN development of traffic safety in Indonesia. 1. Matts-Ake Belin 2. Bambang Susantono, Chairman of Executive Board CSID UII former Vice Minister for Transport (academia) 3. Sutanto Soehodho, Deputi Gubernur DKI bidang Industri, Perdagangan dan Transportasi Sutanto Soehodho (government) 4. Elly Sinaga, Head of Research and Development, Ministry of Transportation (government) 5. Companies: • Kapsch
• • 12:00
SKF Volvo
Networking Lunch
After lunch two parale/ round table discussions are offered
Venue: TBC - bus transport Companies: Saab, SKF, Volvo
Venue: Board Room, Mandarin Oriental 3"' floor Companies: Axis, Cate, Kapsch
Round Table discussion with UPT Round Table discussion with Ministry of TransportJakarta Smart City - "How ICT could "Towards a sustainable contribute to sustainability as an and safe transportation integral part of the Smart City policies for Indonesia" Concept" VIP Reception at the Swedish Residence Hosted by H.E. Ambassador Johanna Brismar Skoog Venue: Jalan Sriwijaya Raya 11-A, Kebayoran Saru - Jakarta Se/atan
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