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STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace
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„Digitální učební materiály – www.skolalipa.cz“
Klíčová aktivita
III/ 2 – inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT
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Typ materiálu:
PowerPointová prezentace
Předmět, ročník, obor:
Anglický jazyk, 3. a 4. ročníky, Ekologie a životní prostředí, Ekonomika a podnikání
Tematická oblast:
Anglický jazyk – Anglicky mluvící země
Spojené státy americké, turisticky zajímavá místa část I.
Jméno a příjmení autora:
Puškarčuková Miroslava
Datum vytvoření:
1. 10. 2013
Materiál slouží především při výkladu nové látky. Žáci si shrnou informace o Spojených státech amerických. V prezentaci jsou uvedena turisticky zajímavá místa USA. Na prezentaci navazuje pracovní list, oba materiály lze využít současně jak ve výkladové, tak i opakovací vyučovací hodině.
The USA places of interest Part I
created by Puškarčuková Miroslava
Content • • • • • • • •
The USA – General info Alaska Hawaii West and West coat Los Angeles San Francisco South West Questions, vocabulary
The USA – General info • • • • •
the third/forth largest country in the world a population of about 300 million people it consists of 50 states the capital, Washington, D.C. It also possesses some territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean
o What places in the USA would you like to visit? o https://maps.google.cz/maps?q=map+the+usa&ie=UTF8&ei=6IvJUoCsNM25hAeo4IHwAg&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg
o Here is a look at the main US regions and some important cities The USA o You can visit anything from crowded metropolises to vast prairies and breathtaking national parks
Alaska • Separated from the US mainland by Canada • Alaska is the largest and least populated US state • It was bought from Russia in 1867 for a small sum of money • Alaska has an arctic climate and is partly covered by glaciers • Rich in gold, oil and other mineral resources • It is the site of the highest US mountain, Mount McKinley, 6,138 m above sea level.
Hawaii • Hawaii is the only US state situated only on islands o Consists of the chain of hilly volcanic islands o All the islands were formed by volcanic eruptions
• Wonderful forests, waterfalls, the spectacular scenery and tropical climate make them a popular tourist destination o Hawaii Volcanoes National Park o Waikiki Beach
• The surprise Japanese attack on the US naval base in Pearl Harbor, west of the Hawaiian capital Honolulu, brought the US into World War II, o in which it joined the Allies (UK, France, USSR)
The West
• The Rocky Mountains - High mountains run from the north to the south and the area has a lot of unspoiled countryside popular for hiking and camping
o In the picture Utah, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park
• They stretch throughout o Montana – in the battle of Little Big Horn General Custer died o Idah o Wyoming – the home of Yellostone National Park – the oldest one in the worls o Utah o Colorado o New Mexico http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RockyMountainsLocatorMap.png
West coast Washington, Oregon, California California • Experienced a boom due to the “Gold Rush” in 1848 • This state is known for its natural beauty, relaxed lifestyle and celebrity buzz California’s national parks include • Sequoia National Park • Yosemite National Park • and Death Valley NP o The lowest point in the US – 86 m below sea level o It lies in Sierra Nevada Mountains
Los Angeles • has more than 4 million people • Ethnically diverse, with many residents moving to the city from Latin America and Asia Hollywood • represents the American film industry • hosts the Academy Award Ceremony every year • One popular tourist spot is Mann’s Chinese Theater o built in 1927 to be the world’s grates cinema o It is famous for the signatures, footprints, and handprints of well-known movie stars written in cement in the theater’s courtyard
• The Hollywood Walk of Fame comprises more than 2,500 five-pointed brass stars in the sidewalk with names of actors, musicians, directors, producers, etc.
San Francisco • Known for its steep hills and foggy days • a diverse mix of people, history and culture, a large Asian population here (Chinatown ) • You can take a ride on the town’s typical means of transport – the cable car through the city’s many neighborhoods, The Golden Gate Bridge • the most famous landmark, built on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay o o o
When it was built in 1937, it was the largest suspension bridge in the US The name of the bridge is connected with the gold rush More than 100,000 cars cross the bridge every day
You can take a ferry ride to visit Alcatraz Island in SF Bay o o
Originally a lighthouse, then a military fort, it’s most best-known for being a prison No prisoners have been imprisoned there since 1969 and now the island is a National Historic Monument where visitors can see the old prison, military ruins and the lighthouse
Silicon Valley near this city is the center for cutting-edge computer technology, where companies like Google, Apple and Intel have their headquarters
The South West
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico • This is a hot dry region, with deserts and lovely scenery o the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley…
• It was home to various Native American tribes and even now there are Indian reservations o The US won some parts of this region from Mexico in the Mexican-American war (1846-8) and Spanish culture is still strong there
• Texas is the second largest state (after Alaska) and an important center of oil production • It has many big cities, like Houston and Dallas • Arizona, The Grand Canyon • a symbol of the Wild West • This bright red canyon about 1,500 m deep was carved by the Colorado River cutting through the Colorado Plateau o You can follow different trails that offer breathtaking views
The South • The region has a mild climate suitable for agriculture and is a popular destination for retired people • Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida o This region was devastated by the Civil War (1861-65), a conflict between the South (which supported slavery because its main industry, agriculture, was dependant on this type of labor) and the North (which was against slavery because it profited more from industries which were not as dependant on slave labor). The North won and slavery was abolished, but for many years blacks were segregated and discriminated against
New Orleans • New Orleans in Louisiana located in the delta of the largest American river, the Mississippi • The city stands out because of its mixed cultural heritage – the French Creole influences • This is most noticeable in the architecture of the city’s French Quarter • It’s also the city of jazz and Dixieland music and in February the festival Mardi Gras takes place here o However, recently the town has been coping with two major disasters: Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the oil spill in 2010.
Vocabulary • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Vast Breathtaking Little, less, the least Glacier Naval base Ally, allies [elai] Spectacular [spekˈtækjʊlə] Stretch [stretʃ] Boom [buːm] Celebrity buzz [bʌz] Suspension bridge [səˈspenʃən] Cutting-edge Dependant [dɪˈpendənt]
- rozlehlý, širý - dech beroucí - málo, méně, nejméně - ledovec - námořní základna - spojenec, spojenci - působivý, velkolepý - táhnout se, rozkládat se - rozmach, vzestup - rozruch (kolem celebrit) - vysutý most - špičkový, nejvyspělejší - závislý na
ZDROJE: Pro citaci byla použita norma ISO 690 Použité obrázky: Všechny obrázky jsou použity z galerie http://office.microsoft.com/
Použitá literatura: MATOUŠKOVÁ, Kateřina a Barbora FAKTOROVÁ. Angličtina: přehledně vypracovaná témata. 1. vyd. Praha: Fragment, 2007, s. 53-54. Maturita (Fragment). ISBN 978-80-253-0428-0. Použité informace: United States. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-1007]. Dostupné z: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States „Materiál je určen pro bezplatné používání pro potřeby výuky a vzdělávání na všech typech škol a školských zařízeních. Jakékoliv další využití podléhá autorskému zákonu.“ „Škola vlastní licence k software, pomocí kterých byl zpracován tento digitální učební materiál.“ „Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora.“