Rationale “Innova'e” = geen doel op zich maar staat ten dienste van: • voorzien, omgaan met, oplossen…maatschappelijke uitdagingen die voor Noordzee en NWE meest relevant zijn of een transna'onale oplossing behoeven • meer en duurzamere economische bedrijvigheid en jobs Innova'e = rode draad doorheen alle thema’s van beide OP’s: kennisstromen, innova'e capaciteit KMO’s, efficiënt gebruik van hulpbronnen en materialen, energievoorziening en zekerheid, kwetsbaarheid voor klimaatverandering events, economische en sociale inclusie…
Rationale De Noordzee en NWE niche voor innova'e = • Diffusie en valorisa.e: aanwezige kennis/structuren economisch en maatschappelijk valoriseren + versterken via samenwerking • Toegepast: geen fundamenteel onderzoek; wél toegepaste projecten rond een specifiek product, dienst, proces...meestal in de valida'efase van een concept of technologie (incl het design, testen en implemteren ervan) • Resultaatgericht: met een tastbare output als eindresultaat (een product, dienst of proces) • Dicht bij de markt: market readiness of introduc'e/opname van een product, dienst of proces verhogen • Nieuw: op de markt in het algemeen of nieuw voor een regio die de innova'e opneemt/implementeert
Rationale Specificiteit krachtlijn innova=e vs meer inhoudelijke krachtlijnen in de OP’s (bijv. Low Carbon, Transport, Materialen…)= -‐ Werkverdeling niet steeds 100% eenduidig af te bakenen -‐ In 1ste geval ligt de nadruk algemeen meer op zgn. framework condi.ons om relevante actoren tot samenwerking te bewegen met het oog op een meer effec'eve ondersteuning van innova'e(processen) in hun werkgebieden -‐ Eventueel ook opname van zgn “rest” thema’s
Aanpak Grosso modo huldigen NWE en Noordzee de volgende driedeling binnen de krachtlijn Innova'e 1. Capaciteitsopbouw binnen regio’s (in brede zin) voor innova'e 2. Ondersteunende ac'es op transna'onale schaal ter verbetering van het innova'e en concurren'evermogen van KMO’s 3. Innova'e aanwenden ter oplossing van maatschappelijke kwes'es met een demografisch en socio-‐economisch karakter
“Thinking Growth”
“Enhanced innova=on performance through interna=onal coopera=on”
Capaciteitsopbouw regio’s
SO2: Enhance regional innova=on ToA1: Building the capacity of support capacity so that it will allow regions and territories to improve regions to effec'vely increase their innova'on performance innova'on levels aaer the end of the funding period and par'cularly in line with smart specializa'on strategies.
Innova=e-‐ en concurren=evermogen KMO’s
SO1: Develop new or improved knowledge partnerships between businesses, knowledge ins'tu'ons, public administra'ons and end users with a view to long-‐term coopera'on (post project) on developing specific products and services.
ToA2: Improving the compe''veness of enterprises, through coopera've ac'ons that take forward the development of specific products, services or processes to a stage of market-‐ readiness.
Sociale innova=e
SO3: S'mulate the public sector in genera'ng innova'on demand and innova've solu'ons for improving public service delivery
ToA3: Delivering societal benefits through innova'on. Ac'ons aim at all territories of NWE and specifically target excluded popula'on or popula'on at risk for exclusion and communi'es under pressure. Ac'ons aim at suppor'ng development, tes'ng and implementa'on of innova=ve solu=ons for social needs and problems (‘social innova'on’).
Building the capacity of regions and territories to improve their innovation performance -‐ voorbeeldacties • Transna'onal knowledge partnerships and clusters strengthen the par'cipa'ng sectors; • Explore, enhance or develop supply chains to bridge the gap between capacity building and the delivery of products to the market; • Suppor'ng the interna=onalisa=on through sharing know-‐ how and cross-‐sectoral collabora'ons; • Developing transna'onal schemes for infrastructure sharing for research and innova=on (knowledge transfer centres, B2B ini'a'ves). • Encouraging entrepreneurship
Improving the competitiveness of enterprises – voorbeeldacties • Demonstra=ng and tes=ng technologies, products, services and processes under real-‐life condi'ons or feasibility/refine design and development plans (for example with end-‐user-‐ involvement, co-‐design approach); • Demonstra=ng (larger scale) service delivery models/ improved business processes (proof of concept); • Developing transna'onal schemes for infrastructure sharing to improve business innova=on and compe''veness; tes'ng plants, fablabs etc. • Helping SMEs access opportuni=es in the single market, public procurement and global markets
Delivering societal bene>its through innovation-‐ voorbeeldacties • Designing and demonstra'ng new public service delivery mechanisms, or products for excluded popula'on or popula'on at risk for exclusion; • Developing and delivering joint services or financial tools that address the demographic or social challenges highlighted in the NWE area, in par'cular unemployment, depriva'on, demographic changes, health inequali'es, rural peripherality / isola'on and social integra'on; • Suppor'ng and developing social enterprises, such as segng up social incubators in transna'onal collabora'on networks and train the trainer programmes for social entrepreneurs.
Voorbeeld BIOBASE NWE § §
Budget: 28 MEUR tot. kost/10 MEUR EFRO/8.8 Hermes Vlaamse partners: Biobase Europe ivzw e.a
1 Pilot Plant Pilot voor opschaling naar industriële schaal biogebaseerde processen en/of producten; 1 trainingscentrum voor procesoperatoren en onderhoudstechnici in biogebaseerde industrie (fysieke en virtuele opleidingstools); Netwerkvorming met andere ini'a'even en clusters; Interna.onale “structuur ter ondersteuning en begeleiding biogebaseerde bedrijven (“business” ontwikkeling + toeleiding naar Pilot Plant)
§ §
Voorbeeld – FOOD2MARKET • Budget: €2,4M (waarvan 50% of € 1,2M EFRO) • Vlaamse partners: Flanders’FOOD • 5 partners uit 3 verschillende Europese regio’s • Coopera'on between 5 food sector clusters in Flanders , Netherlands, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-‐Westphalia • Aim = 1) increase the innova'on capacity of NWE food sector SMEs by accelera'ng the transforma'on of ideas and knowledge into new products, processes and services 2) increase SMEs' compe''veness and allow them to rapidly react to market trends and access new transna'onal markets, using two market drivers: sustainability and health-‐consciousness. • Ac'vi''es: 1) a permanent transna.onal innova.on incubator that assists food sector SMEs in overcoming common barriers to innova'on and facilitate interna'onal and interdisciplinary coopera'on needed to achieve such innova'on 2) The incubator scheme will be piloted in order to ensure both first real impact and also to op'mize the quality of the support offered to SME's.
Voorbeeld -‐ SPIDER • Budget: €2,2M (waarvan 50% of € 1,1M EFRO) • Vlaamse partners: Design Vlaanderen, CVBA Maaslands Huis, Stadsbestuur Geel, Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten vzw • 9 partners uit 4 verschillende Europese regio’s • Deliver innova'on in public services by pugng ci'zens at the heart of the development process using service design • Apply service design on 4 cases Driving an Ac've Youth Workforce , Extending Independent Living for Older People, Cultural Change within Public Authori'es, Building Sustainable Capacity in Public Services • Results: 1) use service design to create 10 cost-‐effec've, crea've and user-‐centered services that deliver tangible improvements for ci'zens 2) train 400 public service managers in design methods and tools that will ensure the approaches used within SPIDER are embedded within each public authority.
Voorbeeld – SMART CITIES • Budget: €6,7M (waarvan € 3M EFRO) • Vlaamse partners: Intercommunale Leiedal, Stad Kortrijk, Lessius Mechelen vzw • 13 partners uit 6 verschillende Europese regio’s • Crea'on of an innova'on network between governments and academia in six countries to promote excellence in the domain of e-‐services (development and take-‐up) to set a new standard for e-‐service delivery in the whole NSR. • Results: 1) e-‐service plaDorm with poten'al to be shared across the NSR in the domain of service-‐delivery, wireless service and take-‐up services 2) innova've e-‐public services (for ex jointly new services channels, blue-‐tooth services for public transport, online forms in mobile phones, wireless city services… 3) common interface standards and prac'cal indicators and management instruments to survey and guarantee e-‐service delivery 4) Co-‐design of public mobile services with aven'on for e-‐inclusion 5) Network of North Sea e-‐Government leaders and an academic and research network.