1 Soil Association Certification Appeal and Complaint Resolution Procedure 1 Policy To ensure the public accountability of the certification process...
Soil Association Certification Appeal and Complaint Resolution Procedure 1 Policy To ensure the public accountability of the certification process, all interested parties shall have access to procedures which consider complaints and appeals in a timely and fair way. This procedure aims to:
Resolve issues in the context of Soil Association Woodmark and Certification Scheme standards and procedures. <Menyelesaikan permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan standar skema sertifikasi dan prosedur Soil Association Woodmark.> Identify improvements to standards and procedures so that future complaints are avoided. <Menyempurnakan standar dan prosedur sehingga keluhan mendatang dapat dihindari.>
2. Definitions Complaint: expression of dissatisfaction, other than appeal, by any person or organisation to a certification body, relating to the activities of that body, where a response is expected. Appeal: request by the client to the certification body for reconsideration of a decision it has made relating to that client.
3 Information about Woodmark’s Appeal and Complaint Resolution Procedure This procedure is made available in the following ways:
Applicants for forest management certification are told about the procedure as part of the application process. Consultees are informed of the procedure when they are consulted during a forest management evaluation. This procedure document is publicly available on www.soilassociation.org/woodmark, and is sent to any stakeholder (including clients) on request.
4. Procedure 4.1. Submission of a concern, comment or query and initial review Woodmark will respond in writing to an initial communication within two (2) weeks. Woodmark will file the correspondence (including notes from conversations) and record a summary on the Woodmark complaints register. The response should include: <Woodmark akan menanggapi secara tertulis terhadap komunikasi awal dalam 2 (dua) minggu. Woodmark akan mengarsipkan korespondensi (termasuk catatan pembicaraan) dan merekam rangkuman dalam daftar keluhan Woodmark. Tanggapan akan memuat:>
Date and method of communication by which the concern was raised. If appropriate, a suggestion that the stakeholder first raises the issue directly with the certified organisation. <Jika diperlukan, sebuah saran agar pihak yang berkepentingan pertama kali mengajukan permasalahan langsung dengan Lembaga yang tersertifikasi.> An explanation of any actions that Woodmark proposes to take in response to the concern raised. <Sebuah penjelasan mengenai apa saja tindakan yang akan diambil Woodmark dalam merespon permasalahan yang diajukan.> An explanation for the basis of those actions with reference to Woodmark or Certification Scheme standards or procedures. An offer to continue further discussion in an attempt to resolve the issue without recourse to formal Complaint/Appeal resolution procedures.
If appropriate, a copy of the Woodmark Appeal and Complaint Resolution Procedure (IPGEN-004) <Jika diperlukan, sebuah salinan dari Prosedur Penyelesaian Keluhan dan Banding Woodmark (IP-GEN-004).>
If a concern relates to actions or activities of a client which require verification on site, Woodmark may propose that investigation be carried out at the time of the next planned surveillance or if deemed necessary, an earlier surveillance visit may be arranged. <Jika suatu perihal terkait dengan kegiatan atau aktifitas dari klien yang memerlukan verifikasi di lapangan, Woodmark akan mengusulkan penyelidikan dilakukan saat audit penilikan berikutnya atau jika dianggap perlu, kunjungan penilikan yang lebih awal dapat dijadwalkan.> If Woodmark considers that no further action is appropriate, the concerned party will be informed and advised that if they are not satisfied with the conclusion, they may follow section 4.2 below. <Jika Woodmark memandang bahwa tidak perlu dilakukan tindakan lanjutan, pihak yang bersangkutan akan diinformasikan dan disarankan bahwa jika mereka tidak puas dengan keputusan yang dihasilkan, mereka dapat merujuk kepada bagian 4.2 di bawah.> 4.2 Review by Head of Forestry If the concerned party is not satisfied with Woodmark’s response under 4.1 above, they may request a review by the Head of Forestry. The request for review should include: <Jika pihak yang bersangkutan tidak puas dengan tanggapan pihak Woodmark pada bagian 4.1 di atas, mereka dapat meminta penilaian kepada Kepala Kehutanan. Permohonan peniaian tersebut harus memuat:>
A justification for reconsideration. <Bukti/alasan untuk pertimbangan ulang.> Reference to the relevant standard and/or scheme requirements. Any additional objective evidence. <Bukti-bukti tambahan yang obyektif.>
The Head of Forestry will acknowledge receipt of the request for a Review within two weeks and to provide confirmation of their decision within four weeks. 4.3 Submission of a Formal Complaint or Appeal 4.3.1 Submission of Formal Complaint If the concerned party is not satisfied with Woodmark’s attempt to address their concerns, a formal complaint or appeal may be submitted for consideration by the Soil Association Certification Limited’s Certification Committee. This must be submitted in writing.
<Jika pihak yang bersangkutan tidak puas dengan usaha Woodmark untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan mereka, keluhan atau banding resmi dapat diajukan untuk dipertimbangkan oleh Komite Sertifikasi Soil Association Certification Limited. Pengajuan ini harus secara tertulis.> Members of this Committee will not have been involved in the certification activities (i.e. evaluation, decision making) related to the complaint or appeal. In order to evaluate the issue(s) fully, the complainant must submit the following information:
Their name and contact details plus their organisation name if applicable Details of the organisation about which the complaint or appeal is being submitted (with license code or certificate code if applicable). A summary of the issue(s). A description of the Certification Scheme requirements that have not been complied with (including details of non-compliance quoting standard requirements where possible). Copies of any objective evidence that supports the complaint/appeal. <Salinan bukti yang obyektif yang mendukung keluhan/banding.> A description of any steps taken up to this point, for example: persons contacted, responses received. In the case of complaints against certificate holders, evidence should be provided that the complainant has already directed their complaint to the certificate holder. If this has not been possible, a rationale should be provided to explain why not. Objective of complaint/appeal – A statement of what the complainant expects to achieve through this process.
Woodmark will take the following actions within two weeks of receiving a formal complaint or appeal: <Woodmark akan mengambil tindakan berikut dalam dua minggu dari saat menerima pengajuan keluhan/banding resmi:> Add relevant correspondence, documentation, and notes of other communication to the file. <Menambahkan korespondensi, dokumentasi, dan catatan komunikasi lainnya ke arsip.> Provide the complainant with an outline of Woodmark’s proposed action to follow up on the complaint or appeal. <Memberikan garis besar rencana yang akan dilakukan Woodmark mengenai keluhan/banding tersebut kepada pemohon.> IP-GEN-004-09 ID
Woodmark will take the following actions within 3 months of receiving a formal complaint or appeal: <Woodmark akan mengambil tindakan berikut dalam waktu 3 bulan sejak menerima keluhan atau banding:>
Investigate the allegations and specify proposed actions. <Menyelidiki berbagai dugaan dan menetapkan tindakan yang akan diambil.> Complete a report on the complaint including an explanation of any actions already taken or proposed to resolve the issue, and send a copy of this to the complainant, and to the Secretary to the Soil Association’s Certification Committee. <Membuat laporan mengenai keluhan termasuk penjelasan dari tindakan yang sudah atau akan dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, dan mengirimkan salinannya kepada pemohon dan sekertaris Komite Sertifikasi Soil Association.> Inform Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™) or scheme owner where necessary that the complaint has been lodged. <Menginformasikan kepada FSC, PEFC atau pemilik skema jika perlu, bahwa keluhan sudah diajukan.> Inform the complainant of the date of the next Certification Committee meeting. <Menginformasikan kepada pemohon tanggal rapat Komite Sertifikasi berikutnya.> Woodmark will keep the complainant informed of progress in evaluating the complaint. <Woodmark akan tetap menginformasikan kepada pemohon perkembangan evaluasi keluhan tersebut.>
4.3.2 Certification Committee Review of the Complaint or Appeal <Tinjauan Komite Sertifikasi terhadap Keluhan atau Banding> The Secretary to the Certification Committee should advise the complainant when consideration of their complaint will be included on the agenda of the Certification Committee meeting. <Sekertaris Komite Sertifikasi harus menginformasikan kepada pemohon bahwa pengajuan keluhan mereka akan dibicarakan dalam agenda rapat Komite Sertifikasi.> The Certification Committee will consider the report and decide upon any appropriate corrective action to be taken and the means by which it will be carried out. In its consideration of the report, the Certification Committee may draw upon the specialist expertise of any Committee members, or other experts as it sees fit. The Certification Committee shall inform the complainant of its decision within two weeks of the date of the Certification Committee meeting. 4.4 Further Resolution In the case of appeals, further information is available on request in the Soil Association Certification Limited Appeals procedure (C013Pd). IP-GEN-004-09 ID
In the case of complaints, if the complainant is not satisfied with the Soil Association Certification Committee’s decision; - for FSC® certification issues, the complainant may take their complaint to ASIAccreditation Services International GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 69, 53113 Bonn, Germany, Phone: + 49 (228) 227 237 0 Fax: + 49 (228) 227 237 30 E-mail: [email protected] Soil Association Woodmark’s FSC Licence Code is FSC® A000525. for PEFC™ certification issues, the complainant may take their complaint to the PEFC National Office or PEFC International, 10, Route de l'Aéroport, Case Postale 636, 1215 Geneva – Switzerland Tel: +41 (22) 799 4540 Fax: +41 (22) 799 4550 E-mail: [email protected] Soil Association Woodmark’s PEFC accreditation code is PEFC 16-44-917
Kode akreditasi PEFC Woodmark Soil Association adalah PEFC 16-44-917>
Should you require any further information, please contact Woodmark at: <Jika anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi Woodmark di:> Soil Association Certification Ltd South Plaza • Marlborough St • Bristol • BS1 3NX • United Kingdom Telephone (+44) (0) 117 914 2435 • Fax (+44) (0) 117 314 5001 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.soilassociation.org/woodmark