Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Recruitment -‐ Leerjaar 2 -‐ © 2015 G. Holtappels
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
A practical reader helping you to develop your language skills through discussion, role-‐plays, presentations, vocabulary development, language analysis and negotiating practice
This reader belongs to: Name: Class:
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Inhoudsopgave Info leerjaar 2 Studiewijzer periode 1 Recruitment Introduction Strengths and Weaknesses Looking for a job Summarizing job ad Curriculum vitae Application letters Listening Preparing the interview Wrts Nedercom-‐ Highfive Reflection Resources
blz. 4 blz. 5 blz. 6 blz. 7 blz. 9 blz. 10 blz. 11 blz. 12 blz. 14 blz. 15 blz. 16 blz. 17 blz. 18 blz. 19
Schrijf-‐ lees -‐en luisteropdrachten/ Webquests Werk alle opdrachten uit in Word. Per periode kun je een studiepunt verdienen door inzet te tonen met het uitvoeren van alle opdrachten en met het behalen van de toets. Vraag regelmatig om feedback en laat je studiewijzer aftekenen. Vocabulaire Op www.wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c staan 11 woordenlijsten klaar. Neem ze over en bestudeer ze. Grammar -‐ Nedercom-‐ Highfive Elke student heeft toegang tot het Highfive programma. Dit programma behandelt de Engelse grammatica. Regelmatig zal de studiewijzer verwijzen naar dit programma.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Info leerjaar 2 Beste student, Zoals je straks kunt zien op de studiewijzer, is het programma opgebouwd uit 5 vaardigheden: lezen, luisteren, schrijven, spreken en gesprekken voeren. Lesmethode We werken met readers en met beroepsgerichte webquests op MasterEnglish.nl. De oefeningen variëren van dialogen, uitspraakoefeningen en woordtrainingen tot schrijfopdrachten en presentaties. In de taallessen werk je aan je taalvaardigheid om straks aan het einde van dit jaar met succes je examens af te ronden. Dit doe je samen met je docent, zelfstandig en eventueel met de native speaker. Examinering en toekenning studiepunten Examinering vindt plaats aan het einde van leerjaar 2. Het examen bestaat uit een toets Spreken, Gesprekken voeren, Lezen, Luisteren en Schrijven. Elke vaardigheid moet minimaal een 5 zijn. We beoordelen volgens het Europees raamwerk. Dit is een systeem van 6 taalniveaus: A1 -‐ A2 -‐ B1 -‐ B2 -‐ C1 en C2. A1 is het laagste, C2 het hoogste. Het gewenste eindniveau is B1. Per vaardigheid krijg je een cijfer. Compensatie tussen de vaardigheden is mogelijk maar gemiddeld moet Engels minimaal met een 5 worden afgesloten (let wel: je tweede moderne vreemde taal moet dan minstens een 5.5 zijn). De examinering staat los van de te behalen studiepunten. Per periode kun je 1 studiepunt behalen. Het studiepunt krijg je op basis van je inzet, de gemaakte opdrachten en het resultaat van de periodetoets. Tot slot Mocht het zo zijn dat je Engelse taalvaardigheid ver beneden het gewenste niveau ligt dan heb je de mogelijkheid hulplessen te volgen bij een instructeur; meld je daarvoor aan in het OLC van de Talenacademie. Good luck and see you in class! Regards, De docent
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
PERIOD 1 Class: 2nd years M&C
Masterenglish.nl Vocabulary WRTS No. 1-‐ 12: www.wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c www.nedercom.nl
Department: Marketing & Communicatie
36 31-‐8-‐15 37 7-‐09-‐15
39 21-‐09-‐15
Step 4 Curriculum Vitae 40 Step 5 28-‐09-‐15 Application letters
41 5-‐10-‐15
Step 5 Application letters
42 12-‐10-‐15
43 19-‐10-‐15
Step 7 Write down answers to top 10 questions
46 9-‐11-‐15
Vocabulary WRTS Grammar workshops
Introduction Practice ‘Who Examenopdracht am I’ Gesprekken voeren Recruitment Step 1 38 Step 3 14-‐09-‐15 Summarizing Job
44 26-‐10-‐15 45 2-‐11-‐15
Reading/ Listening
Download WRTS lijsten van ☐ WRTS 10-‐11
Step 2 Reading Job ads Looking for a job
www.nedercom.nl chapter 2 and 3
Step 7 Job interview roleplays
www.nedercom.nl chapter 2 and 3 www.nedercom.nl chapter 2 and 3 WRTS 10-‐11
Step 6 Listening ex. Job interviews
WRTS 10-‐11
Periode Toets WRTS 10-‐11 (E-‐N N-‐E)
☐ ☐
Autumn break Step 10 Reflection -‐ Deadline recruitment – mailen naar docent -‐ feedback Toetsweek marketing
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
RECRUITMENT Voor degene die liever een digitale versie hebben van deze opdracht, kunnen deze vinden op www.masterenglish.nl -‐ webquests -‐ recruitment. INTRODUCTION Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates to a job. When you are looking for a job it is helpful to have some means of evaluating the possible options and making a choice. Some of the elements of choice will be easy to make; do I have the necessary qualifications or does my experience match what the employer is looking for? Other questions, of equal importance, may not be that obvious; how will I know if I am going to be happy working for a particular company or in a particular job? The influences that can shape your career choices include; the type of work that you want to do, the organizational environment in which you prefer to work and the rewards and satisfaction that you are seeking. Aspirations and wants are not the same as skills and abilities and as such they may deserve being given separate consideration. In the coming ten weeks you will be studying and participating in all different aspects of the recruitment process, such as writing application letters and CVs and practicing your interviewing skills. Get to it and start building your career!
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 1. a. Strengths and weaknesses Look at the list below. It is a list of many strengths and weaknesses. Choose at least 10 items that really apply to you and write them down. b. Speaking -‐ Group activity Sit down with one or two classmates for about 20 minutes. Discuss the type of person each member of the group is. Describe each other's talents, characteristics, things that make him or her happy or unhappy. Just say anything that comes to mind, in a respectful and constructive way. Talk about strengths rather than weaknesses. Use the strengths and weaknesses analysis from step 1a. Listen to the example in the online webquest.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
c. Writing -‐ Individual Now write down a short description of yourself (about 250 words). Write down the things you dream of, the things you are proud of, your education, your family, your challenges etc. Look at the mindmap below for some ideas to write about.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 2. LOOKING FOR A JOB If you were given the chance to do your internship in another country, where would you go and what kind of job would you want? What industry appeals to you? Education, security, entertainment, communications, fashion; there are plenty of opportunities. Start looking for an English internship abroad. You may choose from all job listings: temporary, full-‐time, part time, summer jobs, internships, etc. Check the resources on page 19 for interesting job/internship sites. When entering keywords in Google, always enter 'assistant' or 'junior'. If you have a hard time finding a suitable job ad, you may choose one you like from the jobads list in the webquest online.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 3. SUMMARY OF THE JOB AD Summarize the job ad in Dutch in your own words. (function, type of company, requirements, experience, salary, benefits, etc.) If there is a company website, check it out to learn more about what type of business it is.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 4. MAKING YOUR ENGLISH C.V. Make your English C.V. For examples and tips check Masterenglish.nl – webquests – Recruitment resources -‐ CV tips; Here’s an example format of a C.V.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 5. APPLYING FOR THE JOB – WRITING THE MOTIVATION LETTER Write the application letter to the job you've chosen. Write down why you would be the ideal candidate for the job. Think of what you have learned so far. What skills do you have; what activities can you perform? Below is a list of contents and one of the different activities that a marketing & communication student should be able to perform. Check the resources for an example of the layout.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 6. LISTENING a. Go to the online version of webquest recruitment and do the listening exercises of Job interview I and II. (Install the Quicktime player if you can't get the audio file automatically) Recruitment: The job interview I Listen to the following complete job interview: receiving the applicant; smalltalk; explaining the position; talking about the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate. Listen to the interview and answer the following questions: 1. What does the secretary do to welcome Matt? (mention 3) 2. What kind of job is Jennifer Lawson offering? 3. What has Matt done so far? 4. What will Matt's core activities be in the new? (mention 2) 5. Is Matt currently involved in potential customers? 6. Why did Matt apply for this job? 7. What languages does Matt speak? 8. What is a requirement for the job? 9. What question does Matt have? 10 Can Matt start right away? b. Listen to a complete interview on Job interview II and do the three listening exercises. Recruitment: The job interview II Situation: Name of organization Easy Jet Description of company Easy Jet is one of Europe's leading low-‐cost airlines. Since its first flight in November 1995, the airline has grown from a Luton based airline offering two routes from Luton to Glasgow and Edinburgh, to forty airlines offering sixteen routes from 16 European destinations. Easy Jet keeps costs low by eliminating the unnecessary costs and 'frills' which characterize 'traditional' airlines. Event Easy Jet wants to recruit new full-‐time cabin crew. Lucy Jenkins is Easy Jet's Personnel Manager. Caroline Samuels works with Lucy in the Personnel Department. Lucy and Caroline have a meeting to discuss the vacancies for cabin crew. Lucy asks Caroline if she can prepare some information about the vacancies to put on the company's website. A week and a half after the vacancy has been advertised, Lucy and Caroline have a meeting to discuss the response to the advertisement. Persons involved Lucy Jenkins, aged 38, Personnel Manager; Caroline Samuels, aged 20, Personnel Department employee Listening practice 1 Listen to the following conversation between Jane and Daniel and answer the following questions. Daniel Smith has seen the vacancy for cabin crew on Easy Jet's website. He phones Easy Jet to ask for information about the vacancy for cabin crew. He talks to Jane Watson from the Customer Services Department 1. Which department does Jane work in? 2. What does Daniel have to send to Easy Jet to get an application form? 3. Where does Daniel's friend live? 4. What suggestion does Daniel make so that his friend can get an application form? 5. What does Jane suggest? 6. Why does Easy Jet prefer receiving application forms rather than CVs? Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Listening practice 2 Lucy and Caroline have a meeting to discuss how the recruitment of new staff is going. Listen to the following conversation between Lucy and Caroline and then answer the following questions. a. Answer the following questions after you have listened to the conversation between Lucy and Caroline. 1. When was the vacancy for cabin crew put on the website? 2. Why were some people told they could send a short CV instead of an application form? 3. How many completed application forms have been returned? 4. Are the interviews going to be held in London or at all the different bases where cabin crew is needed? 5. What does Lucy suggest Caroline does first? 6. Why is it not such a good idea? 7. What is Caroline's suggestion? b. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word from the dialogue. 1. Has there been a good […] to the vacancy? 2. Send a letter to the applicants we want to [...] for an interview. 3.Twelve people have sent back a [...] application form. 4. It might be quite [...] for some of them to travel to London. 5. We've got a [...] letter for that. Listening practice 3 Look at the job advertisement below. You will hear a conversation in which Fiona Scott is telling a friend about the advertisement. Listen to the conversation and complete the missing information.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 7. REPARING THE INTERVIEW Answer the top ten interview questions in English. Use the following link: http://www.job-‐ interview-‐wisdom.com/top-‐10-‐interview-‐questions.html So prepare yourself to questions about: reasons for applying, description of function, tasks, responsibilities, strengths, interests, experience, chances of promotion, career development, problem solving ability, things you are proud of, things you want to learn, things you have learned at school, etc. Minimal length of the interview: approximately 10 minutes
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 8. VOCABULARY -‐ WRTS Study wordlists 10 and 11 from www.wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c. Practice the words regularly by making sentences with them. 1. Meeting people 2. Asking & showing the way 3. Appointments & Invitations 4. Telephoning 5. Reservations 6. The Media 7. Products 8. Complaints 9. Sales & Marketing 10. Organizing events 11. Recruitment 12. Management styles Heb je nog geen account, maak er dan een aan op www.wrts.nl.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 9. BY THE WAY, HOW’S YOUR ENGLISH GRAMMAR? Open Nedercom -‐ ‘Highfive’ on your computer and do chapter 2 Bijvoeglijk naamwoord/ bijwoord/ vergelijkingen and chapter 3 Werkwoorden: voltooide tijden How did you score?
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 10. REFLECTION a. What have I learned? b. What was difficult for me? c. What went right? What went wrong? d. What will I do differently next period?
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
RESOURCES http://www.masterenglish.nl/webquests/application%20interview/frameset.htm -‐ Layout application letter http://www.masterenglish.nl/webquests/application%20interview/frameset.htm -‐ Example job ad and letter of application: http://www.job-‐interview-‐wisdom.com/top-‐10-‐interview-‐questions.html -‐ interview questions Video! Check out Youtube for Do's and Don'ts at the job interview. There is plenty of useful material available. Vacaturesites www.monsterboard.com www.jobsearch.co.uk www.topjobs.co.uk career.start4all.com https://enternships.com (Internships And Jobs In Europe's Most Exciting Companies) http://www.masterenglish.nl/webquests/application%20interview/job%20ads.htm Job ads
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!