Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Spreken -‐ Presentations -‐ Leerjaar 2 -‐ © 2015 G. Holtappels
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
A practical reader helping you to develop your language skills through discussion, role-‐plays, presentations, vocabulary development, language analysis and negotiating practice
This reader belongs to: Name: Class:
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Inhoudsopgave Info leerjaar 2 Studiewijzer periode 2 The Marketing Mix Introduction Choosing topic Store details Target group description Mission statement 5 Ps SWOT analysis Graph/chart Campaign Presentation Wrts Nedercom-‐ Highfive Reflection Resources
blz. 4 blz. 5 blz. 6 blz. 7 blz. 8 blz. 9 blz. 10 blz. 11 blz. 12 blz. 13 blz. 14 blz. 16 blz. 17 blz. 17 blz. 18 blz. 19
Schrijf-‐ lees -‐en luisteropdrachten/ Webquests Werk alle opdrachten uit in Word. Per periode kun je een studiepunt verdienen door inzet te tonen met het uitvoeren van alle opdrachten en met het behalen van de toets. Vraag regelmatig om feedback en laat je studiewijzer aftekenen. Vocabulaire Op www.wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c staan 11 woordenlijsten klaar. Neem ze over en bestudeer ze. Grammar -‐ Nedercom-‐ Highfive Elke student heeft toegang tot het Highfive programma. Dit programma behandelt de Engelse grammatica. Regelmatig zal de studiewijzer verwijzen naar dit programma.
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Info leerjaar 2 Beste student, Zoals je straks kunt zien op de studiewijzer, is het programma opgebouwd uit 5 vaardigheden: lezen, luisteren, schrijven, spreken en gesprekken voeren. Lesmethode We werken met readers en met beroepsgerichte webquests op MasterEnglish.nl. De oefeningen variëren van dialogen, uitspraakoefeningen en woordtrainingen tot schrijfopdrachten en presentaties. In de taallessen werk je aan je taalvaardigheid om straks aan het einde van dit jaar met succes je examens af te ronden. Dit doe je samen met je docent, zelfstandig en eventueel met de native speaker. Examinering en toekenning studiepunten Examinering vindt plaats aan het einde van leerjaar 2. Het examen bestaat uit een toets Spreken, Gesprekken voeren, Lezen, Luisteren en Schrijven. We beoordelen volgens het Europees raamwerk. Dit is een systeem van 6 taalniveaus: A1 -‐ A2 -‐ B1 -‐ B2 -‐ C1 en C2. A1 is het laagste, C2 het hoogste. Het gewenste eindniveau is B1. Per vaardigheid krijg je een cijfer. Compensatie tussen de vaardigheden is mogelijk maar gemiddeld moet Engels minimaal met een 5 worden afgesloten (let wel: je tweede moderne vreemde taal moet dan minstens een 5.5 zijn). De examinering staat los van de te behalen studiepunten. Per periode kun je 1 studiepunt behalen. Het studiepunt krijg je op basis van je inzet, de gemaakte opdrachten en het resultaat van de periodetoets. Tot slot Mocht het zo zijn dat je Engelse taalvaardigheid ver beneden het gewenste niveau ligt dan heb je de mogelijkheid hulplessen te volgen bij een instructeur; meld je daarvoor aan in het OLC van de Talenacademie. Good luck and see you in class! Regards, De docent
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
PERIOD 2 Class: 2nd years M&C Department: Marketing & Communicatie
Masterenglish.nl Vocabulary WRTS No. 1-‐ 12: www.wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c Www.nedercom.nl
Week 47 16-‐11-‐15
Vocabulary WRTS Grammar workshops
Download WRTS lijsten van www.wrts.nl/engelsma rketingkw1c Practice WRTS 9
Reading/ Listening
Introduction Examenopdracht Spreken Marketing Mix Step 1 and 2 Choosing your topic; Details Step 3 Description of the target group
Presentation examples
Presentation tips
Examples target Www.nedercom.nl group features chapter 4 t/m 8.
Step 4 Mission statement
Step 5 Describe 5 Ps Step 6 SWOT analysis
Examples 5 Ps Www.nedercom.nl Examples SWOT chapter 4 t/m 8.
1 04-‐01-‐16 2 11-‐01-‐16
Step 7 Find a graph
Step 8 Original campaign
3 18-‐01-‐16
Step 9 Make PowerPoint Write reflection Deadline werkstuk Werkstuk mailen
Practice presentations
48 23-‐11-‐15 49 30-‐11-‐15 50 07-‐12-‐15 51 14-‐12-‐15 52-‐53
4 25-‐01-‐16 5 01-‐02-‐16
Practice WRTS 9
Christmas holiday Workshop Graphs and charts
Practice WRTS 9
Periode Toets WRTS 9 (E-‐N/ N-‐E)
Toetsweek marketing
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
THE MARKETING MIX Voor degene die liever een digitale versie hebben van deze opdracht, kunnen deze vinden op www.masterenglish.nl -‐ webquests – The Marketing Mix. INTRODUCTION Marketing: the term given to all the different activities intended to make and attract a profitable demand for a product. This involves: -‐ Identifying consumer needs and wants. -‐ Setting the price. -‐ Deciding the best place to sell the product. -‐ Deciding on how best to promote the product. Product advertising is an important part of the marketing mix. Its aim is to increase sales by making a product or service known to a wider audience. You can advertise in a variety of ways depending on how much you wish to spend and type of audience you wish to target. In the coming period you shall be doing research into the marketing and communication of a company, resulting in a PowerPoint presentation at your speaking exam at the end of the year. Goals: • Learn how to set up a Marketing plan • Analyze your chosen company • Use past and present company information • Learn about surveys and mission statements • Learn how to describe promotional activities • Learn to describe graphs, charts and tables • Learn how to give presentations
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 1. CHOOSING THE TOPIC FOR YOUR PRESENTATION Choose a small company that you find very interesting. You can think of a new retail store that just opened up in your own neighborhood, an events agency that you would like to do your internship at next year, or even your favorite restaurant or Bed & Breakfast. Let's pretend that this company has asked you to do research into their marketing and communications mix and into how, for instance, Internet marketing can help make their business more successful. They want you to prepare a presentation about the outcome of your research. Get your teacher's approval on your choice before continuing with step 2. (Large retailers in clothing, electronics or food are not allowed)
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 2. DETAILS OF THE COMPANY Write down some of the details of the company. What kind of business is it? Where is it located? When was it founded? Who is the owner or founder?
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 3. TARGET GROUP DESCRIPTION The following features should be considered: Demographic features: age, gender, education and income; Geographic features: where does your target group live? Psychographic features: hobbies and interests (lifestyle-‐kenmerken zoals interesses); Behavioural features: response to a product or loyalty to a brand. (use the resource: target group segmentation in detail)
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 4. MISSION STATEMENT What does your company want to communicate to the target group? What is the main message of your company? Keep in mind that a message is not the same as an advertising slogan or a marketing line; A message is a simple and clear idea that summarizes the essence of its program or projects. An example of a clear message is to inform the target group about the company activities regarding durability, energy policy, planning, and customer service or sponsoring. Keep your message short and simple. Look at the example below; it’s the mission statement of your school.
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 5. THE 5 Ps Describe its 5 Ps: Place -‐ Product -‐ Price -‐ Promotion -‐ Personnel Look at the information below and be as detailed as possible. Marketing Plan * In het marketingplan beschrijf je de commerciële formule (commercial formula) en de markt waarin je jezelf begeeft. Het plan stel je op aan de hand van de vijf Ps van het marketingplan: plaats, product, prijs, promotie en personeel. (Place -‐ Product -‐ Price -‐ Promotion -‐ Personnel) Place Bij het kiezen van een plaats zijn distributie, uitstraling (appearance/charisma/ style), bereikbaarheid (accessibility) en de aanwezigheid van concurrentie (presence of competition) van belang. Hoe goed/slecht is de locatie van jouw gekozen bedrijf? Product Geef een gedetailleerde beschrijving van je product, assortiment of dienst. Het gaat ook om zaken die de totale uitstraling bepalen, zoals garantie, service, verpakking en klachtenbeleid (complaint handling/policy). Price Beschrijf de opbouw van de prijs van het product (setting the price). Gaat het om een dienst, dan vermeld je het uurtarief (hourly rate). Let op het effect van de prijs: kijken klanten naar de laagst mogelijke prijs, of kijken ze eerst naar kwaliteit en zijn ze bereid meer te betalen? Wat is de prijs van de concurrentie (competition)? Wie zijn de concurrenten (competitors)? Hoe is de prijs-‐kwaliteitverhouding? (Price-‐quality comparison) Promotion Hoe bereik je de klanten? (use of different media such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, direct mail). Hoe maak je de klanten de meerwaarde (surplus value) van je producten en/of diensten duidelijk? Promotieplannen moeten overeenstemmen met (correspond with) de uitstraling van het bedrijf. Met welke promotiemiddelen gaan jullie de klanten benaderen (approach)? Motiveer de keuze door die te koppelen (link/ relate) aan de doelgroep. Personnel Ideeën over het aannemen (hiring), begeleiden (coaching), motiveren van personeel. Bij een goed marketingplan bestaat er samenhang (coherence) tussen de vijf P's. Als er één P verandert, moeten de andere P's aangepast worden.
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 6. MAKE A SWOT-‐ANALYSIS Describe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Strengths: what are the strengths of your product? • Your specialist marketing expertise • Sole brand in this market sector • A new, innovative product or service. • Location of your business. • Very strong customer loyalty to the brand • Any other aspect of your business that adds value to your product or service Weaknesses: what are the weaknesses of your product? • Brand not so appealing to youth market • Product specification means it is difficult to supply variants at short notice • Lack of marketing expertise. • Location of your business. • Poor quality goods or services. • Damaged reputation. Opportunities: what external factors have a positive effect on your market share? In SWOT, opportunities and threats are external factors. • A developing market such as the Internet. (New technologies) • Mergers (fusies), joint ventures or strategic alliances. • Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits. • A new international market. • A market vacated (vrijgekomen) by an ineffective competitor. • Favourable Government legislation Threats: what external factors threaten to reduce your market share? • A new competitor in your home market. • Price wars with competitors. • A competitor has a new, innovative product or service. • Competitors have superior access to channels of distribution. • Taxation is introduced on your product or service.
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 7. GRAPHS AND CHARTS Find one graph or chart that is relevant to your company. You can choose a linegraph, a barchart or a piechart. Then describe what this graph is about. This graph may be about changes in production, in sales figures, in personnel, in promotion as long as it has something to do with your company. First describe what can be seen on the Y-‐axis and the x-‐axis. Then describe what is happening and why you think this is happening. When you describe the graph, use the correct vocabulary. For more vocabulary training go to webquest ‘graphs and charts’ on www.MasterEnglish.nl and study the vocabulary and do the exercises.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 8. DESIGN AN INTERESTING CAMPAIGN How can you create more brand awareness for your company? Marketing your business or product can be a difficult task, especially when there are other competitors around. Try to be more original in using new marketing methods other than the traditional radio and television. Describe this idea in detail and try to convince your company of its potential success.
You can think of an innovative crowdsourcing or guerilla marketing campaign. Heineken, Starbucks, Samsung and McDonald’s for instance have done some interesting crowdsourcing campaigns. Check the information below.
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 9. PRESENTATION Put all steps into your PowerPoint. (Length presentation: approx. 8-‐10 minutes) Please note: Only use key words in the slides. Wait for feedback. Study the words and the pronunciation of WRTS number 9. Make sure you have a table of contents. This may look like the one below. For presentation tips check the resources.
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 10. VOCABULARY -‐ WRTS Study wordlists 9 from www.wrts.nl/engelsmarketingkw1c. Practice the words regularly by making sentences with them. 1. Meeting people 2. Asking & showing the way 3. Appointments & Invitations 4. Telephoning 5. Reservations 6. The Media 7. Products 8. Complaints 9. Sales & Marketing 10. Organizing events 11. Recruitment 12. Management styles STEP 11. BY THE WAY, HOW’S YOUR ENGLISH GRAMMAR? Open Nedercom -‐ ‘Highfive’ on your computer and do chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. How did you score?
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
STEP 12. REFLECTION a. What have I learned? b. What was difficult for me? c. What went right? What went wrong? d. What will I do differently next period?
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
RESOURCES 1. Target group segmentation Why have target group segmentation? The main reason why we have segmentation is because we have so many types of customers. The variables used for segmentation include: a. Geographic variables Region of the world or country: East, West, South, North, Central, coastal, hilly, etc. Country size: metropolitan cities, small cities, and towns. Density of Area: urban, Semi-‐urban, and Rural. Climate: hot, cold, humid, rainy. b. Demographic variables Age Gender Male and Female Sexual orientation Family size Education Primary, High School, Secondary, College, University. Income Occupation Education Socio-‐economic status Religion Nationality/race (ethnic marketing) Language c. Psychographic variables Personality Life style Interests/ hobbies Attitude/ opinions d. Behavioral variables In this approach buyers are classified into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product. Some behavioral variables can be • usage rate • readiness for buying the product (readiness-‐to-‐buy stage) • attitude toward the product • loyalty to the product (brand loyalty), and • occasions on which the product is used etc. When numerous variables are combined to give an in-‐depth understanding of a segment, this is referred to as depth segmentation. When enough information is combined to create a clear picture of a typical member of a segment, this is referred to as a buyer profile. When the profile is limited to demographic variables it is called a demographic profile (typically shortened to "a demographic"). A statistical technique commonly used in determining a profile is cluster analysis.
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
2. Internet marketing Internet marketing is important because it aligns with the way consumers make purchasing decisions. Studies by analysts such as Gartner indicate that increasing numbers of consumers use social media and research on mobile Internet to carry out preliminary product and price research before making final decisions. Internet marketing enables you to build relations with customers and prospects through regular, low-‐cost personalized communication, reflecting the move away from mass marketing. Convenience Internet marketing enables you to be open for business around the clock without worrying about store opening hours or overtime payments for staff. Offering your products on the Internet is also convenient for customers. They can browse your online store at any time and place orders when it is convenient for them. Reach By marketing on the Internet, you can overcome barriers of distance. You can sell goods in any part of the country without setting up local outlets, widening your target market. You can also build an export business without opening a network of distributors in different countries. However, if you want to sell internationally, you should use localization services to ensure that your products are suitable for local markets and comply with local business regulations. Localization services include translation and product modification to reflect local market differences. Cost Marketing products on the Internet costs less than marketing them through a physical retail outlet. You do not have the recurring costs of property rental and maintenance. You do not have to purchase stock for display in a store. You can order stock in line with demand, keeping your inventory costs low. Personalization Internet marketing enables you to personalize offers to customers by building a profile of their purchasing history and preferences. By tracking the web pages and product information that prospects visit, you can make targeted offers that reflect their interests. The information available from tracking website visits also provides data for planning cross-‐selling campaigns so that you can increase the value of sales by customer. Relationships The Internet provides an important platform for building relationships with customers and increasing customer retention levels. When a customer has purchased a product from your online store, you can begin the relationship by sending a follow-‐up email to confirm the transaction and thank the customer. Emailing customers regularly with special, personalized offers helps to maintain the relationship. You can also invite customers to submit product reviews on your website, helping to build a sense of community. 20
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Social Internet marketing enables you to take advantage of the growing importance of social media. An article on the Harvard Business School Executive Education website highlighted the link between social networking and online revenue growth. According to the article, a group of consumers that responded most strongly to the influence of social networks generated increased sales of around 5 percent. You can take advantage of this type of influence by incorporating social networking tools in your Internet marketing campaigns.
3. PowerPoint and presentation tips http://www.englishclub.com/speaking/presentations.htm 4. Online marketing lessons www.marketingteacher.com
5. Guerilla marketing Samsung http://www.marketingboeken.net/guerrillamarketing/samsung-‐ galaxy-‐s4-‐zurich/
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
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Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
Denk internationaal, spreek je taal!
Talenacademie -‐ Koning Willem I College -‐ ‘s-‐Hertogenbosch
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