Early Childhood and Primary
Primary School Newsletter this issue Principal’s Remarks Tzu Chi School Soccer: SPH Cup P5 Social Visit to Orphanage EEP performance Week Year End Performance Vesak Commemoration Gratitude Day Graduation Day Students Q&A Students Article
P5 Social Visit to Orphanage
Dear Parents, We have come to the end of a very fruitful year, a year filled with both challenges and triumphs. I am sure that this year would not have been possible without your support for the school, and for this I am very grateful. As I look back at the year that has passed, I cannot help but feel a surge of pride for all our students have achieved. For the youngest of our students, this signifies a newfound confidence as they have successfully hurdled the first year of Primary School. For our senior students, this is the year that they will transition to the Secondary level bringing with them all the learnings from their stay her in the Primary school. We are glad to see our children participate in many different activities and events this term. On Sports Day, the children learn to exercise while having fun as well as learning sportsmanship. We could see children’s faces beaming with excitement upon competing and bringing home medals as winners. For those who do not win, this is also a life lesson for them to learn to be happy for others. Another exciting achievement we had was for the girl soccer team to bring home the trophy as the first winner in SPH cup last April. At first, we did not expect as it was our first time to join such competition. The girl soccer team was also very young as it was formed in the end of 2015 but such achievement has brought pride and happiness for us as a school and we are thankful to the teachers and coaches who have been working extra hard to prepare them. To culminate this Academic Year, we had a Year – End Performance with the theme of “Look into your heart”. The show was instilled with good moral values of hard work, perseverance, love and compassion. It was great to see the students perform confidently on stage and to see them showcasing their talents in music, dance and acting through a beautifully choreographed play. I could say that it was a very successful and meaningful show. After this term ends, we are expecting a holiday for the students. I hope this holiday will give you more opportunity to spend quality time with your children. Enjoy and treasure the moment with the kids as their childhood will not repeat in the future. Lastly, thank you for your continuous support throughout the Academic Year and I look forward to more enjoyable cooperation in the new Academic Year.
Warm greetings,
Caroline Widjanarko
-Mr FauziTahun ajaran 2015/2016 sekolah Tzu Chi mulai membentuk tim sepak bola untuk kategori U8 (P1-P2), U10 (P3-P4) dan tim Putri U12 (P3-P5). Pembentukan tim dimulai dengan tahapan seleksi di bulan Oktober. Siswa – siswi Tzu Chi melakukan latihan rutin yaitu dua kali dalam seminggu, di hari Senin dan hari Sabtu. Mulai bulan Januari 2016, Tim Sepak bola Tzu Chi School melakukan latihan untuk persiapan kejuaraan turnamen sepak bola antar sekolah di Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Lippo Village -Tangerang. Para siswa dan siswi sangat serius dalam melakukan program latihan tersebut. Teknik dasar agility dan physical fitness merupakan materi paling dasar yang diberikan para pelatih. Turnamen sepak bola ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 25 – 30 April 2016. Ini adalah pertama kalinya Sekolah Tzu Chi berpartisipasi dalam suatu kegiatan kejuaraan sepak bola antar sekolah. Meskipun demikian, tim sepak bola Tzu Chi bisa meraih prestasi yang sangat membanggakan, yaitu; tim putri P3-P5 meraih juara 1 dan tim putra P1-P2 meraih berhasil menjadi salah satu tim terbaik yang juga memboyong piala dari panitia perlombaan. Tim putra P3-P4 hanya bisa berhasil menembus babak perempat final namun tim ini juga patut diacungkan jempol karena telah meraih 3 kemenangan yang berat pada babak penyisihan sebelumnya. Sekolah sangat bangga atas keberhasilan para siswa, tanpa kerja keras, semangat juang yang tinggi dan program latihan yang diberikan para pelatih tentu saja hal membanggakan ini tidak akan kita raih.
Hasil Pertandingan Turnamen sepakbola SPH 2016 adalah sebagai beriku Tim P1-P2 (Participant Trophy) Tzu Chi 3 vs 1 SPH B Lippo Tzu Chi 2 vs 0 Mentari Tzu Chi 3 vs 0 SPH A Lippo Tim P3 – P4 (Putra) Tzu Chi 5 vs 2 Bina Bangsa Tzu Chi 4 vs 0 SPH B Lippo Tzu Chi 1 vs 3 Lippo Cikarang
Tim Putri P3-P5 Tzu Chi 7 vs 3 Sekolah Anak Terang Tzu Chi 3 vs 3 SPH Lippo Tzu Chi 3 vs 1 Sekolah Hapan Bangsa Tzu Chi 1 vs 0 SPH Lippo (Juara 1 kategori putri)
Tim P1-P2: Selwyn, Charlyne, Dave Bhiyan, Javier, Heinrich, Thedrick, Naomi, Gabriel, Caleb, Justin Clifford, Jethro, Justin Sergio, Maurice Morgan Tim P3-P4: Warren, Filbert, Hans Lee, Jason Charles, Justin Kosasih, Wilbert, Ananda, Wendy, Loui, Roy, Reagen, Justin Ang, Adnan, Mathew Liem, Travis. Tim Putri P3-P4: Audrey, Avrielle, Gabriela, Micaela, Jovina, Chloeentha, Angela, Avrill, Kayla, Janice, Natasha, Freida Coach: Mr. Fauziansyah, Mr Lukman & Mr. Erick
Social Visit to Orphanage - Ms. Mei-
On April 2016, Tzu Chi Primary School held a social visit trip to an orphanage with our P5 students. This activity, which is held annually, aims to build a sense of gratitude, empathy and sharing to our students. Unlike previous years, our social visit this year was divided into three
different groups. The first trip was held on April 9th at Panti Asuhan Abhimata – Bintaro with P5 Respect, Love, and, Compassion. The second trip, held on April 16th at Panti Asuhan Kasih Mulia Sejati– Bojong, was also covered by DAAI TV, containing our P5 Grateful and Joy
students. Our last trip was held on April 30th with P5 Harmony and Kindness at Panti Asuhan Pondok Si Boncel – Jagakarsa. The students were very excited to participate in this social trip.
Most students donated secondhand goods, like clothes, toys, stationeries, etc. to be given to the
orphans, while some students also donated new items. In the days leading up to the trip, students wrapped their souvenirs to be given to the orphans happily and with sincerity.
There were also some activities done during each visitation. First, the students were invited to
tour around the orphanage to see each room, accompanied by the caretaker. This activity aimed to let students feel grateful for the life they have, in which they are very lucky to have a nice place to stay with good facilities. Second, the students also played together with the orphans in a pleasant atmosphere, in order to spread the sense of joy and kindness. Then, our students put on a Shou-Yu performance to the song “Satu Keluarga” meant to spread care,
love, and acceptance to the children, even though they come from different backgrounds and religions. Before ending the trip, we also had lunch together with the orphans and gave the souvenir that had been prepared in advance. As we can see from the pictures, the students were very enthusiastic about giving the children their gifts and spending time together.
First Trip, Panti Asuhan Abhimata – Bintaro.
Second Trip, Panti Asuhan Kasih Mulia Sejati – Bojong.
Third Trip, Panti Asuhan Pondok Si Boncel – Jagakarsa.
EEP Performance Week, 17-19 Mei 2016
Kegiatan EEP (Extended Enrichment Program) meupakan salah satu program sekolah untuk mengasah bakat dan minat para siswa. Keseimbangan antara kognitif dan keterampilan diharapkan dapat tercapai melalui program EEP ini. Program EEP di SD Tzu Chi untuk tahun ajaran 2015/2016 telah berlangsung selama 3 term, dimulai dari term 2 – term 4. Dalam rangka memberikan sedikit gambaran kepada orang tua murid tentang aktivitas EEP yang selama ini telah dilakukan oleh anak-anak, maka sekolah mengundang orang tua murid untuk datang ke sekolah menyaksikan EEP Performance Week. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di penghujung tahun ajaran selama 3 hari pada tanggal 17-19 Mei 2016. Orang tua murid menunjukkan antusiasme yang besar untuk menghadiri EEP Performance Week ini, hal ini dapat terlihat dari banyaknya jumlah orang tua murid yang mendaftar untuk bisa menghadiri kegiatan ini. Meskipun orang tua mempunyai kesibukannya masing-masing, tetapi mereka tetap meluangkan waktu untuk melihat penampilan anak-anak. Terlihat rasa bangga pada wajah orang tua murid saat menyaksikan anak-anak mereka mempersembahkan suatu penampilan tentang apa yang telah mereka pelajari dalam kegiatan EEP selama ini. Keberanian para siswa untuk berani mempresentasikan hasil pekerjaan mereka di depan orang tua masing-masing patut diacungkan jempol. Selain itu, kerja sama yang baik antara orang tua dan murid juga bisa terlihat dari kegiatan ini. Keberhasilan siswa untuk menuntaskan komitmen yang telah dipilih untuk menambahkan keahlian di luar akademik ini tentu saja tidak luput dari dukungan orang tua murid. Orang tuapun bisa melihat progres atau hasil yang diraih oleh melalui kegiatan ini. Sekolah mengucapkan terima kasih untuk dukungan dan kerja sama dari orang tua murid. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan setiap tahun sebagai kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan sekolah untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa menunjukkan apa yang sudah mereka pelajari selama kegiatan EEP.
― Mr Abraham
Year End Performance The 5th Year End Performance of Tzu Chi Primary School was held on June 8, 2016 in Jing Si Hall. Our theme for this year is “Look into Your Heart”. The theme for Primary 1 and 2 was presented with the storyline “The Adventure of Little Prince”. The storyline for Primary 3 to 5 was “The Legend of the Wolf”. The stories in the performance were adapted from different fairy tales and connected with the themes of Humanistic Education from this year. The students learned values and Jing Si Aphorisms from each story in class. We expected that not only the students, but also the parents would gain a more profound understanding about humanistic spirit through Year End Performance. The main character in the storyline “The Adventure of Little Prince” was Ye Jia Ming. Chen Fei Han from P1 Grateful took the role of narrator. The Little Prince wanted to find a way to save his planet and his rose, so he explored different planets from TCo1 to TCo5 looking for clues. After the adventure, the Little Prince finally found his answer, which was “Look into Your Heart”. In the storyline “The Legend of the Wolf”, the main character of the wolf was played by Christopher Adhiputra Supriyadi. Huang Pei Lun from P5 Kindness took role of narrator for this performance. Throughout the story, The Little Wolf wanted to find a way to change other people’s impression of him, so he went exploring in different places from TCo1 to TCo7. During his journey, he finally realized that he had to change himself first before trying to change others. With great help from the parents and teachers, the costumes were well-prepared in connection to the story. All the children came to school with happy smiles in their cute and colorful well-groomed costumes on the big day. When the performance was about to start, the children from the youngest to the oldest were all waiting in a nervous but anticipative mood. Regardless of how nervous they were, they did an excellent job and brought pride and honor to themselves, their parents, and Tzu Chi School as well. The Ren Wen department started to organize the performance since Term 3, from adapting different fairy tales to choosing suitable Jing Si Aphorisms and songs. Later, Ren Wen teachers guided the drama cast from the beginning of this semester, while the other teachers also attentively accompanied and guided the students to practice class performance throughout the entire semester in preparation for the big day. To make the performance more successful, the teachers also joined in the class performances for the first time in five years. The students had been looking forward to their performance with eager anticipation because of the participation from their teachers. With all the help from the teachers and the parents, Tzu Chi Primary School has moved onto another chapter of achievement and success. Thank you all for your continuous support. We hope you have a wonderful holiday. See you next year! - Ms Yang Chih Hui
Look into Your Heart
Perayaan Waisak di SD Tzu Chi -Mr Finsen-
Hari raya Waisak adalah hari suci dalam agama Buddha. Hari Waisak
biasanya jatuh pada bulan Mei. Setiap tahun, umat Buddha di seluruh dunia bergembira merayakan hari Waisak. Sama seperti umat lainnya, siswa-siswa SD TZU CHI juga merayakan hari raya Waisak ini di sekolah. Perayaan Waisak di sekolah dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 10 Mei 2016. Acara ini diikuti oleh siswa-siswi SD Tzu Chi mulai dari kelas 1 sampai dengan kelas 6. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam dua sesi yaitu; sesi pertama untuk kelas 1 sampai kelas 3 dan sesi kedua untuk kelas 4 sampai kelas 6. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh sekitar 750 siswa yang beragama Buddha, para guru SD TZU CHI, dan beberapa Shi Gu . Peringatan hari Waisak kali ini bersamaan dengan perayaan hari Ibu Internasional dan hari Tzu Chi sedunia. Hari Waisak merupakan momen untuk memperingati 3 peristiwa penting dalam kehidupan Sang Guru Agung Buddha Gotama yaitu; kelahiran Pangeran Siddharta ,Pangeran Siddharta menjadi Buddha, dan Buddha Parinibbana. Peringatan hari Waisak merupakan wujud syukur kita terhadap keluhuran Sang Buddha yang telah hadir sebagai penuntun jalan kebenaran bagi semua mahkluk. Peringatan hari Ibu Internasional juga merupakan momen yang tepat untuk membalas pengorbanan ibu yang begitu besar melalui melahirkan, merawat, dan mendidik kita dengan penuh kasih sayang. Peringatan hari Tzu Chi sedunia adalah momen untuk mengenang budi luhur semua makhluk, serta meningkatkan kualitas diri untuk lebih giat melatih diri, mengembangkan kebijaksanaan di jalan Bodhisattva. Peringatan ketiga hari besar secara bersamaan ini memberikan inspirasi bahwa ajaran Buddha hendaknya menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kita dan kita harus mempraktikkan Dharma dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan berbakti kepada orang tua. Selama perayaan berlangsung, suasana sangat tertib dan lancar. Para siswa masuk ke aula sembari melafalkan nama Buddha. Setelah berbaris dengan rapi pada posisinya, acara pun dimulai. Para siswa memberikan hormat dan melantunkan gatha pujian bagi Buddha. Setelah itu, proses pemandian rupang (Patung) Buddha dimulai. Dalam kegiatan ini prosesi pemandian rupang dilakukan dengan cara membungkuk dan menyentuhkan ujung jari ke dalam air. Proses pemandian rupang sebagai simbol membersihkan diri dari segala bentuk kekotoran batin. Selama prosesi pemandian rupang berlangsung, para siswa dan siswi terlihat sangat khidmat dan penuh konsentrasi mendengarkan semua instruksi yang diberikan. Setelah prosesi pemandian rupang selesai, perayaan ditutup dengan pembacaan doa. Pembacaan doa ini ditujukan kepada semua mahkluk di alam semesta, dengan harapan semoga semua mahkluk dapat hidup berbahagia dan terhindar dari segala bencana. Setelah selesai acara, semua murid kembali ke kelas masing-masing dengan perasaan penuh haru dan hati yang baru, terpancar ketenangan ketika berbaris dan kembali ke kelas mereka masing-masing. Tahun depan acara serupa akan diulang kembali, tentunya dengan tema dan suasana yang berbeda. Selamat Hari Waisak bagi yang merayakan!
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5 月 27 日,慈济学校举办大爱妈妈感恩茶会,参加人数约志工 63 位,教职员 21 位。慈济学校在每年的学年结束前都会举办大爱妈妈感恩茶会,目的是为了感恩师姑及大 爱妈妈这一年来为学校的付出。 节目一开始由幼儿园中班 K1 的学生为大家带来手语《认识你真好》。孩子们无私的 笑容,给我们这场茶会增添了不少温暖的气氛。手语结束后就是我们奉茶的时刻了。茶道 是慈济人文的一部分,品茗好茶的同时也学习如何把心静下来。过去的一年里,师姑及大 爱妈妈总是在课堂上用心教导学生,不管是花道、茶道、书法等都非常有耐心。因为师姑 细心栽培,使学生认识了慈济人文,知道如何行善行孝,如何把慈济人文融入到生活中。 为了让师姑及妈妈们感受到孩子们满满地感恩,中学部的学生努力学习如何奉上一 杯好茶。在奉茶的过程中,学生的用心,师姑们都看在眼里。当学生将茶与茶食端到面前 时,师姑们都好感动,甚至不少师姑感动到落泪。学生奉上的茶,不仅仅是杯好茶,也说 出了心里面对师姑们满满的感恩。老师也为师姑及大爱妈妈准备了志工回顾影片。里面都 是这一年来大家一同度过的回忆,还有老师和学生们感谢的话。 感恩的话就是要大声表达出来才能让对方感受到我们的心意,因此老师也安排了三 位小学部生代表致辞。从学生口中大家都知道每一位志工妈妈都用心良苦,她们把每一位 学生当成自己的孩子一样来照顾。他们打从心里非常感恩志工们无私的爱、无所求的付 出,感恩大家一路上的陪伴。除了学生,校董、Sudino Lim 先生、师姑代表也上台致辞, 表达对志工、大爱妈妈的感恩。 节目到了尾声,由校董、Sudino Lim 先生及慈济学校校长发结缘品,还有团体大合 照为这次节目画上了完美的句点。虽然感恩茶会结束了,但希望这份因缘还能持续下去。 大家一起迈向更好的一年,继续将慈济人文传承给下一代。 - Ms Yosephine -
Graduation Day
Tzu Chi Primary School held its 2nd commencement exercise last June 3, 2016 at the International Conference Auditorium, Jing Si Hall. Forty-nine Primary 6 students marched into the auditorium ready for their final day together. Following the processional, Ms Caroline Widjanarko, the school principal, addressed all in attendance with an inspirational message for the graduates. Performances from the graduates, notably a Balinese dance and a musical drama, showed the students’ learning journey in school. Special gifts were given by the graduates to their parents to show their gratitude and appreciation. Ms Tinnie, the school director, congratulated the graduates and sincerely wished them success in the future. The top 3 academic performers in each class were also recognized during the program. Calista, Michelle PL and Michelle Anwar received the first, second and third honourable mention respectively in P6 Grateful. In P6 Respect, Angelica topped the class as the first honourable mention, Theodore received second honourable mention and Catherine Darma was awarded third honourable mention. Additionally, the students’ conduct was recognized during the graduation program. Edward Djaja and Felicia of P6 Grateful were called to the stage, as well as Feliko and Lim Jing Yi of P6 Respect to be given the ‘Best in Conduct’ awards. Later, Ms Ayyen, the PTA President, gave a message to the graduates on behalf of all the parents. Following the speech, a remarkable Shou Yu performance was presented by the graduates, teachers and selected members of the DAAI mama group. Lastly, a turnover of rites was conducted by Michael Denise of P6 Grateful and Pricella Vidya Limberta of P5 Joy to transfer the symbolic key of responsibility to the incoming Primary 6 students. The ceremony ended with the graduates expressing their sincerest gratitude to the shigus, shibos, as well as the teachers and parents. The graduation ceremony was indeed a great success. Congratulations to all the graduates of batch 2015 - 2016, we wish you all a bright and promising future! - Mr Marvin -
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Graduation Day
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By: Ms Laylani & Ms Priscilia
The school aims to provide a meaningful life lesson for Primary 5 students to help them learn the value of kindness, empathy, care and respect for those who are less fortunate than them. With these in mind, the school conducted a social visit to three different orphanages for three Saturdays during the month of April 2016 for Primary 5 students. Let’s hear what they had to say:
I felt sad for the kids who do not have parents. I also admire them for being respectful and grateful for what they have despite the challenges and heartaches in life. - Maegan, P5Love It was fun and exciting playing with new friends in the orphanage, as well as seeing all things and happenings there. I feel happy because I got to experience feeding adorable little children. - Wirya, P5 Love I felt very glad that I visited the orphanage because I was able to play and eat together with the children there. - Kezia, P5 Joy
Empathy is when we understand others’ feelings. It served as my guide to fully understand the orphan’s feelings and tells us all how to treat people with love and respect. - Celine, P5 Compassion Empathy is when we realize the value of sharing our feelings and emotions in a positive manner. It helps us develop closer relationships with others and prevents us from mistreating anyone. - Levian Tamara, P5 Compassion
The school wants to teach us the value of family, as the children there do not have parents to care for them. That made me realize that I am so lucky and that it is very important to show respect to my parents. - Darren, P5 Joy
By going there, we were able to know how children without family live. I have learnt to be grateful for having loving parents and for that I need to respect and care for them. - Jennifer, P5 Love
The children do not have parents who support them and provide them with all the things they need. By donating items to the children, we can also make them happy and feel loved. - Winston, P5 Kindness The school wants us to help them have better lives. For example: they are able to play with different kinds of toys, wear nice clothes and have new stationery when they go to school. - Giselle, P5 Harmony
They look happy and they are grateful for whatever they have. However, I know they are longing to have parents who nurture and love them just like us. - Eugene, P5 Kindness They are all independent children. They try their best to do all things by themselves. They study and do homework by themselves. - Vincent Chandra, P5 Grateful
Journalism and Broadcasting EEP The Importance of Recycling By Marchie, Ayla, Freida and Aoniya
ecycling is not a new concept. The practice of recycling has been around for thousands of years. There is evidence of glass being recycled as much as 2300 years ago in modern day Turkey. There is also evidence that early Romans recycled bronze coins into statues that could be sold at a higher monetary value than the original coins. Recycling remains one of the best ways for us as individuals to have a positive impact on the environment. It is important to our environment and the future of mankind. With the deterioration of our planet gathering momentum, we need to act quickly. The amount of rubbish we produce is always increasing. There are a number of reasons for this. People are becoming richer and buying more things, which means they are creating more waste. Also, as the population increases, we are finding ourselves with a lot more people to create waste. The importance of recycling cannot be underestimated and has a huge impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by this waste. Also, habitat destruction and global warming are some of the problems caused by deforestation. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the world’s rainforests can be preserved. Finally, huge amounts of energy are used when making products from raw materials. Recycling requires much less energy and therefore helps to preserve natural resources. So what can we say in conclusion? Well, recycling is clearly essential for the future of this planet. It may not save it, but it will certainly help slow down global warming, and allow future generations and technology more time to find a way around it. So we urge you to be mindful of any opportunity to recycle and help your environment.
News Article By Odelia P3 Kindness
ast 17 May 2016, Primary 3 and 4 students had their last EEP activities. The Broadcasting and Journalism Club conducted a mock Press Conference and Talk Show at Tzu Chi Primary School library where parents of the club members attended. The event started with the overview of the programme by Odelia from P3 Kindness and Fiona from P4 Respect. It was followed by a presentation of the ‘Goals of a News Team’ delivered by Gwayne from P4 Love. After that, Rachiele from P4 Love discussed the different parts of a news article. The second part of the programme was The Talk Show. Joel from P4 Love and Vincentius from P4 Compassion acted as the hosts. During the talk show, they interviewed Sakha from P4 Kindness where he discussed his reasons for joining the Broadcasting and Journalism club, and the things he learned from it. They also invited one of the parents to take part in the show. Ms Rika, Joel’s mom, acted as one of the talk show guests and shared her thoughts about the club and how it helped her son. After the interview, the students who acted as the camera operators, namely: Zen from P3 Grateful, Ursula from P3 Respect, Charlene, Luzern and Erlin from P4 Grateful, Angeline and Jennifer from P4 Harmony and Chelsea from P4 Joy were introduced to the guests. The said students worked hard to make props like the video cameras and practiced during their free time weeks before the show.
The young journalists did their best during the presentation and the parents were obviously proud of what they had accomplished this year.