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SOŠ informatiky a spojů a SOU, Jaselská 826, Kolín
ANGLICKÝ JAZYK HOUSING Autorem tohoto výukového materiálu jsou:
PhDr. Ludmila Růžičková Mgr. Dana Valášková Terezie Marková Mgr.Lidija Činovcová SOŠ informatiky a spojů a SOU, Jaselská 826, Kolín
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Housing The British pride in ownership is well known. A house, a garden and a place to wash the car is a British ideal. And the proverb My house – my castle is still a living truth in Britain. A large number of British people live in houses. Of course, most people don´t have enough money to buy a house for cash, so they have to take out a mortgage. It usually takes them about 25 years to pay it off. Perhaps that enormous investment of time and money is the reason why the British love their houses so much.
Housing • Census 2001: Housing • The most popular type of home in
England is semi-detached (more than 27% of all homes), closely followed by detached then terraced. • Almost half of London's households are flats, maisonettes or apartments. Information taken from Census 2001
Housing • • • • • • • •
Proverbs Buildings Houses in Britain Inside a house - groundfloor Inside a house - first floor Outside a house Prepositions of place There is/are
Proverbs • My house – my castle • East or west – home is best • Home sweet home • There´s no place like home
Buildings • • • • • • •
block of flats cabin castle cathedral chalet church cottage
[blk әv flæts] [’kæbn] [’kɑ:sl] [kә’i:drәl] [’ʃæle] [tʃ:tʃ] [’ktdʒ]
Buildings • • • • • •
hut light house skyscraper villa houseboat manor house
[ht] [’lathaʊs] [’skaskrepә] [’vilә] [’haʊsbәʊt] [’mænә haʊs]
Houses in Britain • bungalow • detached house • semi-detached house • terraced house • mansion • sheltered housing • cottage
['bŋ әlәʊ] [d'tætʃt haʊs] ['semi d'tætʃt haʊs] ['terәst haʊs] ['mænʃn] ['ʃ'eltәd haʊsiŋ] ['ktdʒ]
A bungalow
A bungalow • a single-storey house • It has only one storey and that´s why is
usually popular with older people. • It can be mostly found in villages. • The word originates from the Indian word banga, which in the 19th century referred to houses built in a Bengali style. • Bungalows can either be detached or semidetached
A detached house
A detached house • It isn´t joined to any other house. • It is a two-storey house. • It usually has a garden all round the house • There is a kitchen, sometimes with a separate dining room, a large living room and a toilet downstairs. • There are at least three bedrooms and a bathroom with a toilet upstairs.
A semi-detached house
A semi-detached house • the most common house • the two-storey house without a cellar • It is built in pairs with one house joined to the other along one side. • These houses usually have two or three bedrooms• There is a separate garden in front of the house (front garden) and the back garden behind the house.
A terraced house
A terraced house • the oldest type of house, they were built mainly • •
for working-class people four or more houses are joined together in a row both sides of each housein the row share common walls with beighbouring house, with the exception with the houses at each end of the terrace the first and last of these houses is called an end terrace, and is often larger than those houses in the middle
A mansion
A mansion • a very large detached house • The word itself derives from the Latin word mansio ("act of remaining or staying") • a traditional European mansion was defined as a house which contained a ballroom and tens of bedrooms
A sheltered housing
A sheltered housing • A special designed block of flats for old people or disabled ones • There are special facilities,such as lifts and ramps for wheelchairs. • There is also a warden who helps them to live as indepentently as possible, for example by going shopping for them.
A cottage
• Anne Hathaway´s cottage
A cottage • a small house in the country with thick walls, small • • • • •
windows, low ceilings and usually with a thatched roof usually has one and half storeys the top floor is much smaller than the groundfloor originally in middle ages cottages housed agricultural workers and their families the term cottage denoted the dwelling of a cotterpeasants were originally located in rural or semi-rural locations
Plan of a typical house
Plan of a typical house
Plan of a typical house
Inside a house – groundfloor/downstairs • hall • dining room • kitchen • living room • toilet • utility room • swimming pool
[h :l] [’danŋru:m] [’ktʃin] [’lvŋru:m] [’t lәt] [ju:’tlәtru:m] [’swmŋpu:l]
A hall
A hall
coat hanger
hall miror
coat rack
A hall - vocabulary coat rack [kәʊt ræk ] věšák na kabáty coat hook [kәʊt hʊk] háček na kabáty coat hanger [kәʊt hæŋә] ramínko hall mirror [h :l mrә] zrcadlo chest of drawers for shoes [tʃest әv dr :z f : ʃu:z] botník stairs [steәz] schodiště umbrella stand [m’brelә stænd] stojan na deštník
A dining room chair
tablecloth vase
A dining room
A dining room - vocabulary table ['tebl] jídelní stůl chair [tʃ'eә] židle carpet ['kɑ:pt] koberec tablecloth ['teblklθ] ubrus small tablecloth [sm :l 'teblklθ] ubrousek table napkin ['tebl næpkn] ubrousek vase [vɑ:z] váza dish [dʃ] mísa, jídlo (chod), nádoba
A dining room - vocabulary plate [plet] talíř, mísa tureen [tjʊә'ri:n] polévková mísa saucer ['s :sә] podšálek, tácek, miska, omáčník porringer [‘prindʒә] polévková miska, šálek, miska, talířek cup [kp] šálek teacup ['ti:kp ] šálek na čaj
A dining room - vocabulary cup and saucer ['kp әnd 's :sә ] šálek a podšálek mug [m ] hrneček, konvička teapot , tea-pot ['ti:pt] čajová konvice coffeepot ['kfi pot] konvice na kávu cutlery ['ktlәri] příbor knife [naf] nůž
A dining room - vocabulary fork [f :k ] vidlička spoon [spu:n] lžíce teaspoon ['ti:spu:n] lžička setting ['setŋ] prostírání place-setting ['ples setŋ] prostírání tea-cloth ['ti: klθ] malé prostírání lay the table [le ðә tebl] prostřít spread the table [spred ðә tebl] prostřít lay the cloth [le ðә klθ] prostřít
A kitchen gas stove
A kitchen
A kitchen - vocabulary kitchen unit [ktʃn ju:nt] kuchyňská linka cupboard ['kbәd] kuchyňská skříňka stove [stoʊv] kredenc electric stove [l'ektrk stoʊv] elektrický sporák gas stove [' æs stoʊv] plynový sporák cooker ['kʊkә] sporák, vařič oven ['vәn] pečicí trouba dishwasher ['dʃwoʃә] myčka nádobí
A kitchen - vocabulary sink, kitchen sink [sŋk] kuchyňský dřez detergent [d't:dʒәnt] saponát washing-up liquid ['wʃŋ p lkwd] prostředek na mytí nádobí wire wool ['waә wʊl] drátěnka na nádobí dishrag, dishcloth ['dʃ ræ ], ['dʃ klθ] hadřík na nádobí dishcloth, dishtowel ['dʃ klθ], ['dʃ taʊәl] utěrka na nádobí pot [pt] hrnec, džbán, kotlík potlid ['ptlid] poklička
A kitchen - vocabulary teapot ['ti:pt] čajová konvice coffeepot ['kfi pt] kávová konvice pan [pæn] pánev frying pan ['fraŋ pæn] pánev, pekáč saucepan ['s :spæn] hluboká pánev, pekáč fryer, frier ['fraә] pekáč drip (dripping) pan [drp, 'drpŋ pæn] pekáč
A kitchen - vocabulary baking pan ['bekŋ pæn] pánev electric baking pan ['lektrk] elektrická pánev spoon [spu:n] lžíce, vařečka spurte [sp:t] měchačka plank [plæŋk] (kuchyňské) prkénko grater [' retә] struhadlo crumbs-grater ['krms retә] mlýnek na strouhanku
A kitchen - vocabulary mixer, blender ['mksә] chopper ['tʃpә] whipper ['wpә] beater ['bi:tә] laddle, ladle [‘ledl ] dipper [‘dpә ]
mixer sekáček šlehač šlehač naběračka, sběračka naběračka
A kitchen - vocabulary brush ['brʃ] smeták whisk, hand-brush [wsk], ['hænd brʃ] smetáček shovel ['ʃvl] lopatka mop [mp] mop, vytírat mopem swab, swob [swb] hadr na utírání wiper ['wapә] hadr. utěrka
A living room - 1 armchair ceiling
wall lamp
A living room - 2 clock
A living room - vocabulary armchair ['ɑ:mtʃeә] křeslo rocking chair ['rkŋ tʃeә] houpací křeslo bookcase ['bʊkkes] knihovna bookshelf ['bʊkʃelf] polička na knihy carpet ['kɑ:pt] koberec wall to wall carpeting [w :l tә w :l 'kɑ:pәtŋ] celoplošný koberec ceiling ['si:lŋ] strop ceiling fan['si:lŋ fæn] stropní ventilátor
A living room - vocabulary clock [klk] cosy ['koʊz] curtain ['k:tn] door [d :] downstairs [dan’steәz] upstairs [p’steәz] fireplace [’faәples]
hodiny útulný záclona dveře dole, v přízemí nahoře, v patře krb
A living room - vocabulary floor [fl :] podlaha, patro furniture ['f:ntʃә] nábytek furnished ['f:nʃd] zařízený nábytkem unfurnished [n 'f:nʃd] nezařízený nábytkem Hi-fi console ['ha fa knsәl] Hi-fi zařízení (hi-fi = high fidelity) [f'delәti] vysoce věrná reprodukce lamp [læmp] lampa painting ['pentŋ] malba, obraz
A living room - vocabulary stereo system ['steriәʊ sstәm] stereo věž TV set [ti:'vi:] televizor wall [w :l] zeď wallpaper ['w :lpepә] tapeta wardrobe ['w :drәʊb] šatní skříň wall unit ['w :l ju:nt] obývací stěna well equipped ['wel kwpd] dobře vybavený, zařízený
A living room - vocabulary built-in wardrobe ['blt n 'w :drәʊb] vestavěná šatní skříň sun-blind ['sn bland ] žaluzie statuette ['stætʃʊәt] soška vase [vɑ:z] váza candlestick ['kændlstk] svícen coffee table ['kfi tebl] konferenční stolek loudspeaker ['laʊdspi:k] reproduktor plant in a flowerpot ['plɑ:nt n ә 'flaʊәpt] květina v květináči remote control [r'mәʊt kәn'trәʊl] dálkový ovladač
A utility room • or a laundry (in American English), is a room
where automatic washing machine, clothes dryer,an ironing board, an iron and a lot of other necessary things for household can be stored. It can be located in the basement of older houses, but in many modern houses it can be found on the groundfloor near the kitchen or upstairs near the bedrooms.
A utility room - vocabulary brush [brʃ] kartáč dustpan ['dstpæn] lopatka na smetí mop [mp] hadr, hadrový smeták iron ['aәn] žehlička ironing-board ['aәnŋ b :d ] žehlicí prkno vacuum cleaner ['vækjʊ:m kl:nә] vysavač automatic washing machine automatická pračka [ :tә'mætk 'wʃŋ mә'ʃ'i:n]
An indoor swimming pool
Inside a house – first floor/upstairs • bedroom ['bedrʊ:m] • nursery/children´s room ['n:sәr/tʃ'ldrәn rʊ:m] • study ['std] • bathroom and a toilet ['ba:θru:m ænd ә 't lәt] • attic ['ætk]
A bedroom 1 double bed
A bedroom 2
A bedroom 3 bedside cabinet
A bedroom - vocabulary alarm clock [ә'lɑ:m klk] budík bed [bed] postel single bed ['sŋ l bed] jednolůžko double bed ['dbl bed] dvojlůžko bedcover ['bedkvә] přikrývka bedspread ['bedspred] přehoz bedside cabinet ['bedsad 'kæbnәt]] noční stolek bedside table ['bedsad tebl] noční stolek bed-linen ['bed 'lnn] ložní prádlo blanket ['blæŋkt] přikrývka
A bedroom - vocabulary chest of drawers ['tʃest әv 'dr :] prádelník coat-hanger ['kәʊt hæŋә] ramínko na šaty dressing table ['dresŋ 'tebәl] toaletní stolek dressing stool ['dresŋ 'stu:l] taburet headboard ['hedb :d] záhlaví postele lamp (reading lamp) ['ri:dŋ læmp] lampa, lampička bedroom lamp ['bedru:m 'læmp] nástěnná světla u postele light [lat] světlo
A bedroom - vocabulary mattress ['mætrәs] pillow ['ploʊ] rug (bedside rug) [r ] wardrobe ['w :drәʊb]
matrace polštář koberec, běhoun šatní skříň
A nursery /Children´s room
A girl´s nursery cot
A nursery - vocabulary bunk (bed) [bŋk] patrová postel cot/ crib (Am.E.) [kt/krb] dětská postýlka toys [t z ] hračky storage box ['st :rdʒ 'bks] úložný prostor bedna (na hračky) lamp [læmp] (stojací) lampa cradle/crib ['kredl/krb] kolébka
A study computer
printer document file swivel chair
A study - vocabulary answering machine (answerphone) ['ɑ:nsәŋ mәʃ'i:n] fax computer [kәm'pju:tә] počítač desk [desk ] pracovní stůl document file ['dkjumәnt fal] šanon file [f'al] desky filling cabinet ['f'lŋ 'kæbnәt] skříňka na dokumenty
A study - vocabulary keyboard ['ki:b :d] klávesnice notebook ['nәʊtbʊk] zápisník office furniture ['fs 'f:ntʃә] kancelářský nábytek printer ['prntә] tiskárna punch [pntʃ] děrovačka swivel chair ['swvl 'tʃ'eә] otáčecí židle stapler ['steplә] sešívačka wastepaper basket ['westpepә ba:skt] koš na papír (odpadky)
A bathroom bathroom cabinet
A bathroom and a toilet washbasin
shower cubicle bidet
A bathroom - vocabulary bar of soap ['bɑ: әv 'sәʊp] mýdlo (kostka mýdla) bath [bɑ:θ ] vana bathroom cabinet ['bɑ:θrum 'kæbnәt] koupelnová skříňka bath salt ['bɑ:θ s :lt] sůl do koupele bath towel ['bɑ:θ taʊәl] osuška bath mat ['bɑ:θ mæt] koupelnová předložka bidet ['bi:de] bidet blind ['bland] roleta
A bathroom - vocabulary comb [kәʊm] kartáč (na vlasy) brush [brʃ] hřeben hand-towel ['hænd-taʊәl] ručník flannel ['flænәl] žínka laundry basket [l' :ndri bɑ:skt] koš na prádlo medicine cabinet ['medsәn 'kæbnәt] lékárnička mirror ['mrә] zrcadlo
A bathroom - vocabulary mirrored bathroom cabinet ['mrәd 'bɑ:θrum 'kæbnәt] koupelnová zrcadlová skríňka mixer taps (for cold/hot water) ['mksә 'tæp] kohoutek se studenou/teplou vodou scales ['skel] váha shower ['ʃ'aʊә] sprcha shower cubicle ['ʃ'aʊә 'kju:bkl] sprchový kout shampoo[ʃæm'pu:] šampon sponge ['spndʒ] (mycí) houba
A bathroom - vocabulary towel-rail ['taʊәl rel] držák na ručníky tube of toothpaste ['tju:b әv 'tu:θpest] zubní pasta toothbrush ['tu:θbrʃ] zubní kartáček washbasin ['wʃbesәn] umyvadlo (automatic) washing machine [ :tә'mætk 'wʃŋ mә'ʃ'i:n] (automatická) pračka tile [tal] dlaždička, obkladačka
An attic / a loft
Outside the house • garden • greenhouse • garage • swimming pool
[' ɑ:dәn] [' ri:nhaʊs] [' ærɑ:ʒ] ['swmŋ pu:l] ]
A garden bush
A garden flower-bed
A garden • A greenhouse is a structure with a glass or plastic roof and walls • It can be found in the (back) garden • It is used for growing flowers and vegetables • It can also be a permanent home to coldhardy vegetables grown for autumn and winter harvest
In the garden - vocabulary bench [bentʃ] bush [bʊʃ] flower-bed ['flaʊә bed] flowerpot ['flaʊәpt] fence [fens] grass/lawn [' rɑ:s/'l :n] gate [ et] hedge [hedʒ] lawnmower ['l :nmәʊә]
lavička keř květinový záhon květináč plot tráva, trávník vrata živý plot sekačka na trávu
In the garden - vocabulary path [pɑ:θ] plant [plɑ:nt] tree [tri:] watering can ['w :tә kәn] greenhouse [' ri:nhaʊs]
chodník rostlina strom konev skleník
A garage and a carport
A garage and a carport • A garage is a part of a house, or an
associated building.In the past garages were often separate buildings from the house. • It can be single or double, used for storing one or two cars. • It is also a place used to store tools, bicycles,lawn mowers and other things
A garage and a carport • A carport offers less protection than a
garage but allow for more ventilation. • It can either be free standing or attached to a wall. • The structure doesn´t have four walls, and is mostly commonly found with only two. • It is cheaper than a garage.
An outdoor swimming pool
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place - exercises • For this exercise use picture of a living room 2 • • • • • • •
The coffee table is………………….of the room. The picture is ………………….the mantelpiece. The blue carpet is ………………………the floor. The Tv set is ………………………..the wall unit. The plant is…………………………….the window. The vase is…………………………the matelpiece. The sofa is ……………………………the wall unit.
There is/are • Tato vazba vyjadřuje: • existenci (výskyt) blíže neurčené věci, případně osoby • má ustálený slovosled • následuje po ní podstatné jméno se členem neurčitým, číslovkou nebo výrazy some/any. • výraz there v této vazbě nemá žádný konkrétní význam, zastupuje pouze podmět, a proto se nepřekládá.
There is/are • Tento výraz je však třeba odlišit od příslovečného určení místa "there", které stojí zpravidla na konci věty (vyskytuje se ve větě proto 2x). • Tuto vazbu můžeme použít s různými slovesnými časy
There is/are Přítomný čas: Oznamovací způsob:
There is/ are + podmět + příslovečné určení místa
There is a coffee table in the middle of the room. Uprostřed pokoje je konferenční stolek.
There is a desk near the window. U okna je psací stůl.
There are some plants in the living room. V obývacím pokoji jsou květiny.
There is/are Zápor:
There is/are + not + podmět + příslovečné určení místa
There is not a fireplace in the living room V obývacím pokoji není krb. There are not posters on the wall. Na stěně nejsou žádné plakáty. NEBO There isn´t a bookcase in the study. V pracovně není knihovna. There aren´t any rugs on the floor Na podlaze nejsou žádné koberce.(předložky)
There is/are Otázka :
Is/ are there + podmět + příslovečné určení místa Is there a dining room in this house? Je v (tomto) domě jídelna? Are there any books on the shelf? Jsou na polici (nějaké) knihy?
Krátká odpověď:
Yes, there is/are or No, there isn´t/ aren´t Is there a balcony in this house? Yes, there is. Is there a toilet in the batroom? No, there isn´t.
There is/are Nejčastější chyby: Chybný překlad a slovosled:
In the living room are 2 windows. V obývacím pokoji jsou 2 okna.
Správný překlad:
There are 2 windows in the living room. NEBO In the living room, there are 2 windows.
Chybné užití přivlastňovacího zájmena nebo určitého členu: There is our car in the garage. There is the car in the garage. Správně:
There is a car in the garage.
There was/were Minulý čas : Oznamovací způsob :
There was/were+podmět+příslovečné určení místa There were some flowers on the table. Na stole byly (nějaké) květiny. There was a carpet on the floor. Na podlaze byl koberec.
There was/were Otázka:
Was/were there +podmět+ příslovečné určení místa Was there a dishwasher in the kitchen? Byla v kuchyni myčka? Were there any chairs at the table? Byly u stolu (nějaké) židle?
Krátká odpověd´: Yes, there was/were. No, there wasn´t / weren´t. Was there a window in bathroom? Yes, there was. // There wasn´t.
There used to be Tuto vazbu můžeme použít v minulém čase i s vazbou "used to" There used to be + podmět + příslovečné určení místa There used to be a bedroom but now there is a guest room. Bývala tu ložnice, ale nyní je tu pokoj pro hosty.
There is/are going to be Budoucí čas: There is/are going to be + podmět + příslovečné určení místa There is going to be a new study there. Bude tu nová pracovna. NEBO There will be + podmět + příslovečné určení místa There will be another garage behind the house. Za domem bude ještě další garáž.
Houses in the USA detached house [d'tætʃt haʊs] rodinný dům duplex ['dju:pleks] dvojdomek row house ['rәʊ haʊs] řadový domek mansion ['mænʃn] zámeček, panské sídlo ranch - style house ['rɑ:ntʃ - stal haʊs ] ranč, statek
Big North American two-story single-detached home
A duplex
Rowhomes in Washington, D.C.
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt
A ranch - style house
A house – description attic ['ætk] balcony ['bælkә lk ni] chimney ['tʃmni] front door ['frnt d :] roof [ru:f] step [step] window ['wndә nd ʊ]
podkroví, půda balkón komín přední dveře střecha schod okno
A house – description
Types of flats • bedsitter ['bedstә ] • studio flat ['stju:diәʊ flæt] • two/three/four-room flat ['ru:m flæt] • co-op flat/apartment ['kәʊ-әp flæt/ә'pɑ:tmәnt] • council flat ['kaʊnsl flæt ] • loft flat/apartment ['lft flæt / ә'pɑ:tmәnt] • mobile home ['mәʊbal hәʊm] • penthouse ['penthaʊs]
A bed-sit / studio flat • the smallest type of a flat • also known as a bed-sitting room • consists of a single room with a shared bathroom and lavatory • this single room is used for both – living and sleeping • is often occupied by young people • the living there is cheap
A bed-sit / studio flat • a studio flat is one room apartment with a small adjoining kitchen and a private bathroom • There is no distinct bedroom in a studio: sleeping, cooking, dining and living is all done in the main room • the American equivalents to a bed-sit are single room occupancy (SRO) and rooming house
A two/three/four-room flat • A flat with a living room,one/two/ or three bedrooms. • Instead of one bedroom there can be found a study, a guest room or a playroom. • There are usually also two bathrooms or a half bath( with a toilet and a washbasin), in a spacious flat.
A co-op flat/ apartment • a form of ownership in which a corporation owns the entire apartment building or development and residents own shares in the corporation that correspondent to either apartment and a correspond to their apartment and a percentage of common areas
The council house • a form of public or social housing • they are built and operated by local council
Council housing
Types of flats • A condominium – a form of ownership of an • •
individual apartment and a percentage of common areas A penthouse – a luxurious, very expensive flat/apartment on one of the highest floors of a block of flats/ an apartment building A maisonette a flat on two levels with internal stairs or which has its own entrance at street level
A loft flat/apartment
An empty attic space is converted into a functional flat.
Types of flats – mobile homes • Mobile homes/ static caravans are prefabricated • • • •
homes built in factories They were designed for people whose lifestyle required mobility They are usually transported by tractor-trailers over public roads to sites which are often in rural areas or high-density developmnets Many people who coudn´t afford a traditional site-built home began to see factory-built homes as a viable alternative for long- term housing needs In some countries they are used for temporary accommodation on campsites
Mobile home parks
Housing - vocabulary buy a house/flat ['ba] koupit dům/byt rent a house/flat ['rent] pronajmout si dům/byt live in a house/flat ['lv] bydlet v domě/bytě housing shortage ['ʃ :tdʒ] nedostatek bytů solve the housing problem ['slv] (vy)řešit bytový problém move (house) ['mu:v] stěhovat se move in nastěhovat se let the house/flat ['let] pronajmout dům/byt
Housing - vocabulary tenant ['tenәnt] basement ['besmәnt] loft ['lft] attic ['ætk] ground floor [' raʊnd fl :] kitchenette ['ktʃnet] dining recess ['danŋ r'ses] roomy ['ru:mi]
nájemník suterén půda podkroví přízemí kuchyňka jídelní kout prostorný
Housing - vocabulary cosy ['koʊzi] útulný comfortable ['kmftәbl] pohodlný,útulný entrance hall ['entrәns h :l] vstupní hala, předsíň climb the stairs ['klam ðә steәz] vystoupit po schodech heat a room ['hi:t ә ru:m] vytápět místnost put some coal ['pʊt sәm kәʊl] přiložit uhlí fireplace ['faәples] krb
Housing - vocabulary accommodation [әkmә'deʃn] ubytování dwelling ['dwelŋ] obydlí greenhouse [' ri:nhaʊs] skleník homesick ['hәʊmsk] stesk po domově housekeeper ['haʊski:pә] domovník housework ['haʊsw:k] domácí práce housing estate ['haʊzŋ s'tet] sídliště indoor heated pool [n'd : hi:td pu:l] vnitřní vyhřívaný bazén
Housing - vocabulary maisonette [mezә'net] mansion ['mænʃn] mortgage ['m : dʒ] neighbourhood ['nebәhʊd] pantry ['pæntri] residential [rez'denʃl] rural ['rʊәrәl] shelter ['ʃeltә]
byt ve dvou patrech zámeček, panské sídlo hypotéka sousedství spíž obytný, vilový venkovský útulek, přístřeší
Housing - vocabulary suburb ['sb:b] předměstí layout of a house ['leaʊt әv ә haus ] plánek domu light [lat] světlo bucket ['bkt] kbelík wallpaper ['w :lpepә] tapetovat paint ['pent] vymalovat, natřít polish ['plʃ] leštit mop the floor ['mp ðә fl :] vytřít podlahu (vodou)
Zdroje http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detached_house http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chalet_ bungalow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row_houses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHALET http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheltered_housing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Breakers_rear.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houseboat
Zdroje http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_flat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_home#History http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardener#Gardeners http://www.obydleni.cz/fotogalerie/bazeny-saunyvirivky/706-vnitrni-bazen http://www.waterair.cz/obrazky-bazeny.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Caravans_at_beer_devon_a rp.jpg
Zdroje Friendship 9-10, My home, my castle Světla Brendlová, Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí, nakladatelství Fraus, 1995 The Oxford-Duden Pictorial English Dictionary, Oxford University Press 1981 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Councilhousing01.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Duplex_home.JPG
Zdroje http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-family_detached_home http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terraced_house#In_the_United_ States http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt_ National_Historic_Site http://www.reality21.cz/nemovitosti/dum-obvod-praha-6-P102-147378 http://www.recaioglultd.com/Images http://www.gliffy.com/examples http://www.house-n-home-building.com/images
Zdroje http://year8german.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/prepositi ons-of-place-pictures1.png http://eflbeginners.files.wordpress.com/2007/05/prepositio ns.gif
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