R2. Cunningham, William & Mary Ann. 2011, Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York , Chapter.14
Widiantono, Doni J.,Green Transport: Upaya Mewujudkan Transportasi yang Ramah Lingkungan
Sukarto, Haryono, Transportasi Perkotaan dan Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Sipil - Universitas Pelita Harapan
Berbagai sumber lainnya
There is no energy crisis, there is a crisis of ignorance… There is sufficient resource for human’s needs not human’s greed
World Gain Simulation Interconnect the electric power network between region and nation with emphasis on local and remote renewable energy resources The benefits: 1. elevate living standard 2. reduce pollution and climate change 3. stabilize population growth 4. reduce world hunger 5. enhance trade, cooperation, and peace
Types of Energy
Basically energy can be divided into TWO types:
Non-Renewable Energy
Non-Renewable Energy Renewable Energy
Resources can not be generated once consumed. Example: natural oil & gas, coal, chemical fuel, nuclear fuel, forests, etc.
Renewable Energy
Resources are replenished with time. Example: hydro power, solar/wind/wave energy, vegetable oil, etc.
Source: G magazine
Global Final Energy Consumption 2008
Global Final Energy Consumption 2011
Fossil Fuels Energy
Perkembangan Neraca Listrik Indonesia
Scenario for Low Carbon Emission Development (LCED)
Three scenarios:
business as usual (BAU) for 2020 M1 for end user energy efficiency measures M2 for combination of end user efficiency measures and supply side efficiency measures (power generation and T&D network).
Source: NCCC & JICA, Low Carbon Emission Development (LCED) Scenario in Indonesia Energy Sector, 2012
Current condition & Simulation
Source: NCCC & JICA, Low Carbon Emission Development (LCED) Scenario in Indonesia Energy Sector, 2012
Source: NCCC & JICA, Low Carbon Emission Development (LCED) Scenario in Indonesia Energy Sector, 2012
Source: NCCC & JICA, Low Carbon Emission Development (LCED) Scenario in Indonesia Energy Sector, 2012
Source: NCCC & JICA, Low Carbon Emission Development (LCED) Scenario in Indonesia Energy Sector, 2012
Dampak Pembangunan Tenaga Listrik
Kualitas udara (emisi, ambien, kebisingan) Kualitas air (ceceran minyak pelumas, limbah) Aspek sosial, ekonomi, budaya : pembebasan lahan dan pemindahan penduduk Pada PLTA, kegagalan bendungan (dam break), akan mengakibatkan gelombang banjir (flood surge) yang sangat potensial untuk merusak lingkungan di bagian hilirnya
Perkembangan Energi Terbarukan di Indonesia
Sumber: G Magazine
video: 10 Worst Polluting Countries
What are the causes?
Population growth:
Populations in cities are expanding far faster than infrastructure can possibly grow Cities that were once compact began to spread over the landscape, consuming space and wasting resources (urban sprawl)
What are the causes?
people live far from where they work, shop, or recreate they consider it essential to own a private automobile. the freeway system was designed to allow drivers to travel at high speeds without ever having to stop
Transportation & Sustainable Transportation
Transportation: the mobility from one place to another using a certain vehicle, either human-, animal- or motor/machineoperated.
Sustainable transportation : “any effort to fulfil the current needs of mobility without jeopardising the needs of future generation for their mobility”.
Basic types of transportation a) Human b) Stuffs c) Vehicle d) Road (infrastructure) e) (Mobility) Organization
Modes of transportation a.
b. c.
Land transportation Water transportation Air transportation
Impacts of transportation to the environment
Land transportation: - traffic congestion - traffic accident - air pollution - traffic noise Pollution: air pollution, noise, vibration.
Impacts of transportation to the environment Air Pollutant: CO, NOx, THC (Total Hydro Carbon): transportation SOx: industrial activities TSP (Total Suspended Particulate): household/domestic activities
To reduce air pollutant, what can we do? 1.
2. 3. 4.
Menggalakkan pemakaian sepeda dan mengembangkan sistem angkutan massal (mass rapid transit system) perkotaan. Mengurangi kendaraan bermotor (mobil) Mengubah mesin kendaraan bermotor Menggunakan bahan bakar alternatif (misalnya: gas, listrik) yang ramah lingkungan
To reduce the use of cars, what can we do? 1. 2. 3.
6. 7. 8.
tidak membangun jalan-jalan baru menaikkan harga bahan bakar secara drastis menyediakan jalur khusus untuk kendaraan umum (bis, taksi) dan sepeda, khususnya pada jam-jam sibuk/padat lalu lintas mengenakan biaya tol jalan atau jembatan yang lebih tinggi pada jam-jam sibuk menghapuskan atau mengurangi biaya tol jalan atau jembatan untuk kendaraan dengan tiga atau lebih penumpang mengenakan pajak untuk tempat-tempat parkir kendaraan meniadakan beberapa tempat parkir di pusat kota melarang kendaraan bermotor pada beberapa jalan atau pada daerah tertentu
To reduce the (vehicle) emissions, what can we do? 1.
Mengubah mesin pembakar dalam (internal combustion engines), hingga penggunaan bahan bakar berkurang dan polusinya lebih sedikit. Memakai mesin yang lebih efisien tenaganya, hingga polusi yang dihasilkan juga lebih sedikit. Mengurangi berat kendaraan dengan memakai lebih banyak bahan plastik dan logam ringan untuk badan (body) kendaraan.
What can we do? TOD (Transit Oriented Development) upaya revitalisasi kawasan lama atau kawasan terpadu baru yang berlokasi pada jalur-jalur transportasi utama seperti jalur KA, busway dll dengan mengembangkan kawasan berfungsi campuran (mixed-use) antara fungsi hunian, komersial dan perkantoran.
TDM (Transit Demand Management) penerapan kebijakan dan strategi transportasi untuk mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi dan mendistribusikan beban transportasi yang ada ke dalam moda transport, lokasi dan waktu berbeda.
What can we do? Transit Demand Management : 1. Ride-sharing, car pooling, three in one 2. Cheap, fast and conveniet public transport 3. Pedestrian facilities 4. Restricted access to cars (alternating plate number pass)
Sustainable transport 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Bicycle Electric bicycle Hybrid cars Alternative fuel vehicles Hypercar: lightweight construction using composite materials, aerodynamics, hybrid fuel system, minimum accessories
Walking while possible: e.g. : walking for 400-500 m mobility.
What makes a city green?
What makes a city green?
What makes a city green?
What makes a city green?
Then, what can you do to make your city greener?
Assignment – Group & Individuals
Based on the previous discussion and your consumption,
Write a plan: what can your group make to have a more sustainable living? Write a commitment what YOU can do to make a more sustainable living (it is YOU that can change the world, you cannot wait other people to change the world for you)
Diary Konsumsiku
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