Jaarverslag netherlands atlantic association
2013 Annual report
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In totaal 45 programma’s met ruim 140 sprekers en ruim 1.640 deelnemers
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PROGRAMMA’S . . . . · StudiumGenerale . . · Jongeren . . . . · Onderwijs . . . . · Publieksbijeenkomsten · Studiebezoeken NAVO · Overige programma’s .
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MEDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Atlantisch Perspectief . . . . . . . · Overige publicaties . . . . . . . . · Opiniepeiling . . . . . . . . . . · Website . . . . . . . . . . . · Sociale media . . . . . . . . . . · Mediaoptredens, lezingen en publicaties directeur · Atlantische Commissie in de media . . . .
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10 bijeenkomsten van StudiumGenerale 15 bijeenkomsten van Jonge Atlantici met 31 sprekers voor in totaal 487 jongeren 7 onderwijsprogramma’s voor in totaal 309 docenten en leerlingen 9 publieksbijeenkomsten met in totaal 36 sprekers en 660 deelnemers
20.202 bezoeken 13.122 bezoekers 63.660 bekeken pagina’s
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8 nummers van Atlantisch Perspectief met in totaal 39 artikelen 3 onderwijspublicaties
360 begunstigers en studentbegunstigers 141 abonnees en studentabonnees
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DOELSTELLINGEN Sinds haar oprichting in 1952 is de Atlantische Commissie een forum voor het publieke debat over trans-Atlantische veiligheidsvraagstukken. Zij geeft voorlichting over en stimuleert onderzoek naar thema’s zoals de betrekkingen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Europa, ontwikkelingen in de NAVO en Europese veiligheidskwesties. De Commissie wil hiermee de maatschappelijke discussie over deze onderwerpen bevorderen. De Atlantische Commissie organiseert uiteenlopende programma’s voor specifieke doelgroepen. Naast de begunstigers van de Commissie zijn dit bijvoorbeeld politici, journalisten, universitair docenten en young professionals. Jonge Atlantici organiseert programma’s voor studenten en pas-afgestudeerden. De Atlantische Onderwijscommissie ontwikkelt initiatieven voor docenten en leerlingen in de bovenbouw van het voortgezet onderwijs.
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De Atlantische Commissie geeft ook publicaties uit. Naast het tijdschrift Atlantisch Perspectief verschijnen onder meer conferentie- en studierapporten, boeken en (digitale) onderwijspublicaties.
VO ORWO ORD De onafhankelijkheid van de Atlantische Commissie wordt gewaarborgd door het Stichtingsbestuur, waarin onder andere vertegenwoordigers van politieke partijen en deskundigen op het gebied van trans-Atlantische betrekkingen en veiligheidspolitiek zijn vertegenwoordigd. De Atlantische Commissie maakt deel uit van de Atlantic Treaty Association – de overkoepelende organisatie van de ruim 40 Atlantische commissies in de meeste lidstaten van de NAVO en in de meeste landen van het Partnership for Peace. De Atlantische Commissie werkt samen met overheidsinstellingen, politieke instellingen, wetenschappelijke instituten en non-gouvernementele organisaties in binnenen buitenland, en op ad hoc-basis met het bedrijfsleven. Ten slotte initieert en steunt de Atlantische Commissie de ontwikkeling van activiteiten van derden op het gebied van internationale en nationale veiligheidsvraagstukken en adviseert zij hen bij de opzet en uitvoering van projecten op bovengenoemd gebied.
De aandacht vragen voor het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor Defensie was een van de speerpunten in de programmering van de Atlantische Commissie in 2013. Het draagvlak voor defensieaangelegenheden en de NAVO is de afgelopen jaren aanzienlijk gedaald. Zo kwam uit een onderzoek van TNS NIPO, in juli 2013, naar voren dat er in Nederland weliswaar weinig draagvlak is voor verdere bezuinigingen op Defensie, maar evenmin veel steun voor investeringen. De recente gebeurtenissen in Rusland en Oekraïne laten zien hoe snel de internationale verhoudingen kunnen veranderen en wat het belang is van een goede ‘verzekeringspolis’ om de term van Commandant der Strijdkrachten Tom Middendorp te gebruiken. Voorts organiseerde de Atlantische Commissie een internationaal seminar in juli, waarbij deskundigen uit Europa en Noord-Amerika aangaven hoe er over dit onderwerp in hun respectievelijke landen werd gedacht. Minstens zo belangrijk is echter dat de Atlantische Commissie zelf probeert dit draagvlak vanaf de basis te vergroten, door in toenemende mate programma’s te organiseren voor jongere doelgroepen.
Ten slotte, maar zeker niet in de laatste plaats, waren er de programma’s voor zowel leraren als leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs. In 2013 begon de Atlantische Onderwijscommissie onder andere een project om bovenbouwleerlingen van het VWO uit te dagen een ‘excellent’ profielwerkstuk te schrijven over internationale vrede- en veiligheidsvraagstukken. Deze succesvolle ‘pilot’ wordt in 2014 voortgezet. Zo stimuleerde de Atlantische Commissie het afgelopen jaar op uiteenlopende manieren de discussie over internationale veiligheidsvraagstukken. Het Algemeen Bestuur, de Atlantische Onderwijs Commissie, Jonge Atlantici, directie en de medewerkers van het bureau en de enthousiaste stagiaires zullen zich ook in het komend jaar met plezier inzetten om hieraan een vervolg te geven. Dirk Jan van den Berg Voorzitter Atlantische Commissie April 2014
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In de eerste plaats gebeurt dit via Jonge Atlantici. Het zeer actieve en enthousiaste bestuur organiseerde in 2013 een vijftiental hoogwaardige en gevarieerde bijeenkomsten, masterclasses en studiebezoeken voor studenten en pas-afgestudeerden. Door samen te werken met studieverenigingen in verschillende universiteitssteden, in 2013 voor het eerst in Nijmegen, groeit het bereik van Jonge Atlantici.
COLOFON Atlantische Commissie Bezuidenhoutseweg 237a-239a 2594 AM DEN HAAG t 070-363.94.95 f 070-364.63.09 e
[email protected] i www.atlantischecommissie.nl
· Samenstelling en redactie: Niklaas Hoekstra · Eindverantwoording: Bram Boxhoorn · Vormgeving: Meyer/Van Gerwen, Den Haag/Breda · Druk: Ervee design & drukwerk B.V., Zoetermeer
Copyright © 2014 Atlantische Commissie
Een tweede methode om een jongere generatie te betrekken bij internationale (veiligheids)vraagstukken is het StudiumGenerale van de Atlantische Commissie. In 2013 vond de derde jaargang van dit succesvolle programma plaats, waarbij internationale instellingen en Nederlandse bedrijven met een internationale oriëntatie worden bezocht. Door de deelnemers – jonge, talentvolle medewerkers uit zowel de particuliere als de overheidssector – wordt dit programma enthousiast ontvangen. Daarnaast droegen de publieksbijeenkomsten over actuele onderwerpen en studiebezoeken voor journalisten, wetenschappers en (medewerkers van) Tweede Kamerleden aan het NAVO-hoofdkwartier ook voor grotere bewustwording over veiligheidsaangelegenheden.
WO ORD VAN DANK De Atlantische Commissie wil graag haar dank betuigen aan de instellingen, bedrijven en particulieren die de Atlantische Commissie in 2013 financieel hebben gesteund. Zonder de subsidies van de ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie was de Atlantische Commissie niet in staat geweest haar activiteiten uit te voeren. Ook de NATO Public Diplomacy Division, de Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag, de Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim, NHL Hogeschool, en natuurlijk de particuliere begunstigers droegen in belangrijke mate bij aan de realisering van de verschillende programma’s.
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De Atlantische Commissie is het German Marshall Fund of the United States, de Koninklijke Marine, de Nederlandsche Bank, Amnesty International, het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, het Ministerie van Defensie, Royal HaskoningDHV, Fokker en Thales Nederland zeer erkentelijk voor materiële bijdragen aan activiteiten van de Atlantische Commissie in 2013. Ten slotte is de Commissie veel dank verschuldigd aan de vele sprekers tijdens haar conferenties en andere bijeenkomsten, en aan de auteurs die belangeloos een bijdrage leverden aan Atlantisch Perspectief en andere publicaties. De activiteiten van de Atlantische Commissie komen tot stand in samenwerking met diverse instellingen en instanties in binnen- en buitenland. Goede betrekkingen worden onderhouden met de Nederlandse ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie. Ook Nederlandse ambassades en ambassades van OVSE-landen in Den Haag zijn de Atlantische Commissie regelmatig behulpzaam.
De Atlantische Commissie heeft in 2013 samengewerkt met de volgende organisaties: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag Amnesty International Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) Bureau BKB Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim De Nederlandsche Bank Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam (DIA) Fokker Aerostructures Gemeente Amsterdam German Marshall Fund of the United States Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Ministerie van Defensie NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division NDC Anciens Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ NHL Hogeschool Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Royal HaskoningDHV SIB-Leiden Studievereniging Europese Studies Universiteit van Amsterdam Studievereniging Politicologie ISMUS Radboud Universiteit Thales Nederland Universiteit van Amsterdam Universiteit Leiden
De Atlantische Commissie hoopt op voortzetting van de vruchtbare samenwerking met deze organisaties.
De Stichting Atlantische Commissie heeft een Dagelijks en een Algemeen Bestuur, waarbij het Dagelijks Bestuur deel uit maakt van het Algemeen Bestuur. Het Dagelijks Bestuur komt tenminste twee maal per jaar bijeen en het Algemeen Bestuur houdt tenminste drie maal per jaar een vergadering. In het Dagelijks en Algemeen Bestuur hebben onder andere vertegenwoordigers van politieke partijen zitting, evenals deskundigen op het gebied van transAtlantische betrekkingen en veiligheidspolitiek. In 2013 was er een aantal wijzigingen in de samenstelling van het Bestuur van de Atlantische Commissie. Marieke de Goede (hoogleraar Politicologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam) trad medio 2013 terug uit het Algemeen Bestuur waar zij sinds 2012 zitting in had. In april droeg Tweede Kamerlid Han ten Broeke (woordvoerder Buitenland voor de VVD) zijn zetel in het Dagelijks Bestuur over aan zijn fractiegenoot Ronald Vuijk. Het Dagelijks Bestuur van de Atlantische Commissie bestond op 31 december 2013 uit: · drs. D.J. (Dirk Jan) van den Berg, voorzitter Voorzitter, College van Bestuur, Technische Universiteit Delft · mevrouw drs. M. (Monika) Sie Dhian Ho, vicevoorzitter Directeur, Wiardi Beckman Stichting · mr. F.A.M. (Frank) van den Heuvel, secretaris Directeur Public Affairs, TNO · H.H.M. (Harry) Groen, penningmeester Voormalig burgemeester van Noordwijk · dr. N.V. (Norbert) Both Vice President Corporate Communications, Shell International B.V. · mevrouw drs. A.M.C. (Angelien) Eijsink Woordvoerder Defensie voor de PvdA, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal · drs. R. (Ronald) Vuijk Woordvoerder Buitenlandse Zaken voor de VVD, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal · drs. O. (Otte) Beeksma, waarnemer namens het ministerie van Defensie Plaatsvervangend directeur Voorlichting en Communicatie, ministerie van Defensie
· mr. J.C.S. (Joep) Wijnands, waarnemer namens het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Directeur Veiligheidsbeleid, ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Het Algemeen Bestuur van de Atlantische Commissie bestond, buiten de leden van het Dagelijks Bestuur, op 31 december 2013 uit: · mevrouw R. (Rowinda) Appelman Msc MA, voorzitter Jonge Atlantici Stafmedewerker Onderzoek, Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogiek, Vrije Universiteit · maj. M. (Mostafa) Hilali Directie Voorlichting, ministerie van Defensie · drs. R.W. (Raymond) Knops Woordvoerder Defensie voor het CDA, Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal · drs. H. (Hans) Luyendijk, voorzitter Atlantische Onderwijscommissie Rector, Dalton Den Haag · drs. P. (Patrick) Mikkelsen Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands · prof. dr. P. (Paul) Scheffer Publicist; hoogleraar Europese Studies, Tilburg School of Humanities _ dr. A. (André) Szász Voormalig directeur De Nederlandsche Bank _ lgen. b.d. M.L.M. (Marcel) Urlings Voormalig bevelhebber der Landstrijdkrachten _ ir. R. (Rein) Willems Voormalig president-directeur, Shell Nederland B.V.
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Deelnemers aan StudiumGenerale III tijdens het introductieweekend in Zeeland in maart / Participants in StudiumGenerale III during the team-building weekend in Zeeland in March. >
De directie van de Atlantische Commissie bestond op 31 december 2013 uit:
· dr. A. (Bram) Boxhoorn Directeur van de Stichting Atlantische Commissie; directeur van de Stichting voor Strategische Studies
Voorzitter van de Atlantische Commissie Dirk Jan van den Berg (r) tijdens de bijeenkomst over de verhouding VS-EU-China op 22 januari in Den Haag / Chairman of the Netherlands Atlantic Association Dirk Jan van den Berg (r) during
the meeting on the US-EU-China relationship on 22 January in The Hague.
Staf en stagiair(e)s van de Atlantische Commissie. Van links naar rechts: Jim Stoppelenburg, Tessa Daling, Maarten Katsman, Kees Kouwenhoven, Bram Boxhoorn, Niklaas Hoekstra, Janneke Suiskind en Marianne Copier / Staff and interns of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. From left to right: Jim Stoppelenburg, Tessa Daling, Maarten Katsman, Kees Kouwenhoven, Bram Boxhoorn, Niklaas Hoekstra, Janneke Suiskind and Marianne Copier. >
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Het Bureau is belast met de voorbereiding en uitvoering van de diverse programma’s van de Atlantische Commissie. Het organiseert de lezingen, seminars, conferenties en andere activiteiten en verzorgt de redactie, productie en verspreiding van de publicaties. Het Bureau houdt ook de website en de sociale media bij en ondersteunt studie- en werkgroepen. De samenstelling van het Bureau onderging in 2013 twee wijzigingen. Van 1 april tot 31 augustus was Laura Hof als Secretaris van Jonge Atlantici voor één dag in de week werkzaam op het Bureau. Vanaf 1 oktober 2013 werd zij opgevolgd door Marianne Copier.
Naast de vaste staf leveren stagiair(e)s van verschillende universiteiten een belangrijke bijdrage aan de werkzaamheden. In 2013 waren de volgende stagiair(e)s werkzaam bij de Atlantische Commissie: · · · · · ·
Lisa Glasbergen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) Katy Hofstede (Universiteit Utrecht) Gabriela Kouters (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Ciska Schippers (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Danny Turk (Universiteit van Amsterdam; Webster University) Bob Uhde (Universiteit Leiden)
Het Bureau bestond op 31 december 2013 uit: · drs. N.T.J. (Niklaas) Hoekstra Hoofd Secretariaat en webredacteur · M. (Maarten) Katsman MA Eindredacteur Atlantisch Perspectief · J.G. (Janneke) Suiskind MA Projectmanager Onderwijs en Jongeren · C.H. (Kees) Kouwenhoven MA Secretariaatsmedewerker · M.A.H. (Marianne) Copier MA Secretaris Jonge Atlantici
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BLOK 3 Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers:
StudiumGenerale Het StudiumGenerale programma van de Atlantische Commissie bestaat sinds 2011 en is gericht op ‘young professionals’, uit zowel de particuliere als de overheidssector. Het belangrijkste doel is de deelnemers vanuit verschillende perspectieven naar de transAtlantische betrekkingen te laten kijken. Een tweede doel is het netwerk van zowel deelnemers als de Atlantische Commissie te verbreden. Afgelopen jaren waren de deelnemers afkomstig van ABN AMRO, Shell International, Royal HaskoningDHV, Fokker Aerostructures, Randstad, Thales Nederland, West Holland Foreign Investment Agency, Bureau BKB, American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, Amnesty International, het Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten, de gemeente Den Haag en Amsterdam, en de ministeries van Binnenlandse Zaken, Defensie en Buitenlandse Zaken.
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In 2013 werd de tweede jaargang van StudiumGenerale afgerond en begon de derde jaargang. Het programma van de derde jaargang bestond uit tien bijeenkomsten (‘blokken’) en liep van maart 2013 t/m februari 2014. De onderwerpen liepen uiteen, maar besloegen – ruim genomen – de (nieuwe) wereldordening vanuit Nederlands en trans-Atlantisch perspectief.
· mevrouw J. (Justyna) Krajewska Msc MA Gemeente Amsterdam · mevrouw E. (Elke) Roelant BA American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands · mevrouw H.E. (Harriët) Slager MA Fokker Technologies / Damen Shipyards · mevrouw A.M. (Annemaaike) Tempelaar MA Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken · mevrouw drs. H.M. (Heleen) Tromp Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties · mevrouw drs. E.W.M. (Ilse) Veldman ABN AMRO
Programma BLOK 8 Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers: Locatie:
(StudiumGenerale II) 25 januari De rol van multinationale ondernemingen in de wereld: Royal HaskoningDHV medewerkers van Royal HaskoningDHV Royal HaskoningDHV, Rotterdam
BLOK 9 Datum: Onderwerp: Locatie:
(StudiumGenerale II) 15 februari Afsluitende bijeenkomst Ambassade Hotel, Amsterdam
BLOK 1 Datum: Onderwerp:
(StudiumGenerale III) 1-3 maart Teambuilding-weekend. Focus op intraEuropese verhoudingen en EuropeesAmerikaanse verhoudingen in historisch perspectief Vlissingen en Walcheren
Aan StudiumGenerale III namen de volgende twaalf cursisten deel: · mr. drs. JW. (Joost) Bruinsma Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties · mevrouw A. (Antonie) van Campen MA Ministerie van Defensie · mevrouw T.W. (Tessa) Hagen MA Bureau BKB · mevrouw E.J. (Eveline) Hamelink-van Rens MA Gemeente Den Haag · Ing. K.J.M. (Kees-Jaap) Koppe Thales Nederland · mevrouw T. (Tina) Koppejan LLM Shell International
Locatie: BLOK 2 Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers:
(StudiumGenerale III) 26 april Het belang van de euro voor Nederland. o.a. André Szász (voormalig directeur De Nederlandsche Bank) en medewerkers van De Nederlandsche Bank De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam
(StudiumGenerale III) 31 mei Nederlandse buitenlandse politiek: nieuwe accenten medewerkers van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Den Haag
BLOK 4 Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers: Locatie:
(StudiumGenerale III) 28 juni Mensenrechten medewerkers van Amnesty International kantoor Amnesty International, Amsterdam
BLOK 5 Datum: Onderwerp:
(StudiumGenerale III) 27 september Vraagstukken van binnenlandse veiligheid in trans-Atlantisch perspectief medewerkers van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, Zoetermeer
Sprekers: Locatie:
BLOK 6 Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers: Locatie:
(StudiumGenerale III) 1 november De rol van multinationale ondernemingen in de wereld: Fokker medewerkers van Fokker hoofdkantoor Fokker, Papendrecht
Jongeren Jonge Atlantici bestaat sinds 2006 en heeft als doel studenten en pas-afgestudeerden bewust te maken van en te betrekken bij gezamenlijke veiligheidsvraagstukken van de Verenigde Staten en Europa. Jonge Atlantici is een platform voor dialoog over de toekomst van de NAVO, zowel voor jongeren binnen Nederland als in de andere NAVO- en Partnership for Peace-landen. Om dit te bereiken, organiseert Jonge Atlantici verschillende nationale en internationale evenementen die gericht zijn op een jong publiek (18-35 jaar), waarbij zij samenwerkt met een groot aantal partnerorganisaties.
Bestuur Het bestuur van Jonge Atlantici onderging in 2013 een aantal wijzigingen. In de loop van 2013 verlieten Matthieu Bouwense, Rosalie van Gelder, Willem van Poll, Gerben Stormbroek en Eva van der Zee het bestuur. Er kwamen ook leden bij: Arnold Hooiveld, Ciska Schippers, Biejan Poor Toulabi, Inez Treffers, Remco Zwetsloot en Wouter van Zwieten traden toe tot het bestuur. Laura Hof was van 1 april tot 31 augustus secretaris van het bestuur. Sinds 1 oktober is dat Marianne Copier.
BLOK 7 Datum: Onderwerp:
(StudiumGenerale III) 29 november De NAVO op weg naar strategische eenheid?
Tijdens de 18e General Assembly van de Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) in Brussel op 9 december werd Rowinda Appelman, voorzitter van Jonge Atlantici, unaniem verkozen tot Voorzitter van het bestuur van de YATA in 2014.
Medewerkers van het ministerie van Defensie Ministerie van Defensie, Den Haag
Het bestuur van de Jonge Atlantici bestond op 31 december 2013 uit:
Locatie: BLOK 8 Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers: Locatie:
(StudiumGenerale III) 13 december De rol van multinationale ondernemingen in de wereld: Thales. medewerkers van Thales hoofdkantoor Thales, Hengelo
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Rowinda Appelman (voorzitter) Marianne Copier (secretaris) Laura Hof Arnold Hooiveld Ciska Schippers Biejan Poor Toulabi Inez Treffers Larissa Versloot Remco Zwetsloot Wouter van Zwieten
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Niet alleen de bezuinigingen bij Defensie, maar ook de Amerikaanse politiek hield de gemoederen flink bezig. Naar aanleiding van de herverkiezing van president Barack Obama en de zogenoemde ‘Asian pivot’ organiseerde Jonge Atlantici enkele bijeenkomsten waarin de Verenigde Staten centraal stonden. Dat de interesse voor Amerika nog immer groot is blijkt wel uit het hoge aantal bezoekers aan deze bijeenkomsten. Jonge Atlantici is zowel offline als online actief, wat bijdraagt aan de forumfunctie. De Facebookpagina telt bijvoorbeeld al meer dan 450 leden (en daar komen wekelijks nieuwe leden bij). Hier wordt discussie over actuele onderwerpen gestimuleerd. Alle leden van de Facebookpagina kunnen berichten plaatsen, waardoor de pagina goed weergeeft wat de leden bezighoudt. Dit gebruikt het bestuur van Jonge Atlantici weer bij het opstellen van de verschillende programma’s. De (bestuurs)leden van Jonge Atlantici zijn ook internationaal zeer actief geweest. Zo waren er verschillende bestuursleden aanwezig bij de Assemblees van YATA, de internationale koepelorganisatie. Ook namen er bestuursleden deel aan de seminars die plaatsvinden in de zomer en georganiseerd worden door zusterorganisaties, zoals het Portuguese Atlantic Youth Seminar (PAYS). Deze deelname aan internationale evenementen zal in 2014 verder worden uitgebreid.
NIEUWJAARSBORREL Datum: 17 januari Onderwerp: ‘De oorlog van de toekomst’ (cyberwarfare, UAVs, drones) Spreker: Frans Osinga (hoogleraar Militair Operationele Wetenschappen, Nederlandse Defensie Academie Locatie: Café Dudok, Den Haag Deelnemers: 25 (leden en netwerk van Jonge Atlantici) YATA ASSEMBLEE Datum: 3-5 februari Locatie: Rome Deelnemers: namens Jonge Atlantici: Rowinda Appelman (voorzitter) en Marianne Copier (vicevoorzitter) BIJEENKOMST Datum: 5 februari Onderwerp: ‘President Obama’s Second Term: Domestic & Foreign Policy Outlook’ Spreker: Susan MacManus (University of South Florida) Moderator: Gerard van der Ree (University College Utrecht) I.s.m.: Amerikaanse ambassade, Den Haag Locatie: Deelnemers:
Leden van het bestuur van Jonge Atlantici. Van links naar rechts: Wouter van Zwieten, Ciska Schippers, Inez Treffers, Arnold Hooiveld, Marianne Copier, Rowinda Appelman, Biejan Poor Toulabi, Larissa Versloot, Matthieu Bouwense, Janneke Suiskind, Remco Zwetsloot en Gabriela Kouters. / Members of the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth. From left to right: Wouter van Zwieten, Ciska Schippers, Inez Treffers, Arnold Hooiveld, Marianne Copier, Rowinda Appelman, Biejan Poor Toulabi, Larissa Versloot, Matthieu Bouwense, Janneke Suiskind, Remco Zwetsloot and Gabriela Kouters.
Auditorium, University College Utrecht 100 (leden van Jong Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden)
BIJEENKOMST Datum: 28 februari Onderwerp: Nederlandse inbreng bij de VN in New York, ervaringen op VN-missies (Libanon, Joegoslavië) en NAVO-missies (Irak en Afghanistan) Spreker: Rob Sondag (voormalig militair adviseur, Permanente Vertegenwoordiging van Nederland bij de VN) Locatie: Marine Etablissement, Amsterdam Deelnemers: 25 (leden van Jong Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden)
Tijdens de masterclasses van kapitein-ter-zee Niels Woudstra bogen de deelnemers zich over effectief beleid bij de Marine. De masterclass van majoor Oscar Zoeteweij draaide om het aantal gevechtsvliegtuigen dat nodig is voor het uitvoeren van de kerntaken van de Nederlandse Luchtmacht. Door het interactieve karakter van de masterclasses worden de deelnemers flink aan het denken gezet, wat resulteert in nieuwe inzichten.
Jonge Atlantici / Netherlands Atlantic Youth
In 2013 heeft Jonge Atlantici een zeer gevarieerd programma neergezet, zowel qua onderwerpen als wat de opzet van bijeenkomsten betreft. Er is geprobeerd de juiste balans te vinden tussen militaire en politieke onderwerpen en tussen Nederlandstalige en Engelstalige bijeenkomsten. Ook was er veel afwisseling in de opzet van de bijeenkomsten: van lezing en paneldiscussie tot excursie. Daarnaast zijn er dit jaar masterclasses geïntroduceerd, die zeer positief beoordeeld werden. Daarom zullen deze zeker een vervolg krijgen in 2014.
MASTERCLASS Datum: 10 januari Onderwerp: Strategieën op zee (deel 1) Spreker: Niels Woudstra (Koninklijke Marine; NLDA) Locatie: Marine Etablissement KMA, Amsterdam Deelnemers: 30 (leden van Jonge Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden)
Een aandachtig gehoor tijdens de bijeenkomst van Jonge Atlantici over Cyber Security op 13 november in Amsterdam / An attentive audience during the meeting of Netherlands Atlantic Youth on cyber security on 13 November in Amsterdam.
Susan MacManus tijdens de bijeenkomst van Jonge Atlantici over de tweede termijn van president Obama op 5 februari in Utrecht / Susan MacManus during the meeting of Netherlands Atlantic Youth on President Obama’s second term, on 5 February in Utrecht.
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BIJEENKOMST Datum: 4 april Onderwerp: Heroriëntatie Amerikaans buitenlands beleid en consequenties voor Europa Sprekers: Kees Homan (Instituut Clingendael); Ruth Oldenziel (Amerikadeskundige); Mathieu Segers (Universiteit Utrecht); Bartjan Wegter (Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken) Moderator: Paul Brill (De Volkskrant) I.s.m.: Studievereniging Europese Studies (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Locatie: CREA-theater, Amsterdam Deelnemers: 50 (leden van Jong Atlantici en SES en overige geïnteresseerden)
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BIJEENKOMST Datum: 24 april Onderwerp: Veiligheid in het Arctisch gebied Sprekers: Niels Woudstra (Koninklijke Marine; NLDA), Giles Scott-Smith (Universiteit Leiden) I.s.m.: Studievereniging Internationale Betrekkingen (SIB)-Leiden Locatie: Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw, Universiteit Leiden Deelnemers: 35 (leden van Jong Atlantici en SIB-Leiden, en overige geïnteresseerden) BIJEENKOMST Datum: 15 mei Onderwerp: Oorlog & Ethiek Sprekers: Désirée Verweij (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen; NLDA); Isabelle Duyvesteyn (Universiteit Utrecht; Universiteit Leiden) Locatie: Deelnemers:
EXCURSIE Datum: Onderwerp: Locatie: Deelnemers:
Drift 21, Utrecht 25 (leden van Jong Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden)
17 mei Onderzeedienst Den Helder 22 leden van Jong Atlantici
MASTERCLASS Datum: 5 juni Onderwerp: Masterclass Luchtmacht (militaire strategieën in de lucht) Spreker: Oscar Zoeteweij (Koninklijke Luchtmacht) Locatie: Kantoor Atlantische Commissie, Den Haag Deelnemers: 15 (leden van Jonge Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden) STUDIEBEZOEK NAVO-HOOFDKWARTIER Datum: 28 juni Onderwerp: Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de NAVO Sprekers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Eimert Hornstra (Nederlandse Permanente Vertegenwoordiging); Peter de Bruijn (Nederlandse Permanente Militaire Vertegenwoordiging) I.s.m.: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Locatie: Brussel Deelnemers: 30 (studenten en young professionals) BIJEENKOMST Datum: 25 september Onderwerp: Relatie Duitsland-Frankrijk-EU Sprekers: Mathieu Segers (Universiteit Utrecht); Ton Nijhuis (Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam) Locatie: Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw, Universiteit Leiden Deelnemers: 25 (leden van Jonge Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden) MASTERCLASS Datum: 8 oktober Onderwerp: Strategieën op zee (deel 2) Spreker: Locatie: Deelnemers:
Niels Woudstra (Koninklijke Marine, NLDA) Kantoor Atlantische Commissie, Den Haag 15 (leden van Jong Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden)
BIJEENKOMST Datum: 21 oktober Onderwerp: Het belang van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht Sprekers: Sabine Mengelberg (Nederlandse Defensie Academie); Kees Homan (Instituut Clingendael) I.s.m.: ISMUS, studievereniging voor studenten politicologie Locatie: Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen Deelnemers: 30 (leden van Jong Atlantici, ISMUS en overige geïnteresseerden)
BIJEENKOMST Datum: 13 november Onderwerp: Cyber Security Sprekers: Matthijs Veenendaal (Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie), Christian Prickaerts (Fox-IT); Paul Ducheine (Nederlandse Defensieacademie) Moderator: Marianne van Leeuwen (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Locatie: P.C. Hoofthuis, Amsterdam) Deelnemers: 35 (leden van Jong Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden) BIJEENKOMST Datum: 4 december Onderwerp: Amerika: leider van de wereld? Amerika’s buitenlands beleid onder Obama Sprekers: Ruud Janssens (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Paul Brill (columnist, De Volkskrant), Meline Arakelian (directie Noordelijk Halfrond, ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken) Moderator: Beerd Beukenhorst (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Locatie: CREA-theater, Amsterdam Deelnemers: 50 (leden van Jong Atlantici en overige geïnteresseerden) YATA ASSEMBLEE Datum: 9-11 december Locatie: Brussel Deelnemers: namens Jonge Atlantici: Rowinda Appelman (voorzitter), Marianne Copier (secretaris) en Arnold Hooiveld (bestuurslid)
Onderwijs De Atlantische Onderwijscommissie (AOC) besteedt veel aandacht aan voorlichting geven over trans-Atlantische veiligheidsvraagstukken aan docenten en scholieren in de bovenbouw van het Voortgezet Onderwijs en het Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO). De onderwijscommissie organiseert conferenties, regionale (nascholings-) seminars en studiereizen voor docenten in het Voortgezet Onderwijs en het HBO. Docenten ontvangen voor hun deelname een nascholingsverklaring, mogelijk gemaakt door de samenwerking met docentenverenigingen. Drie docentenverengingen, te weten de Vereniging voor docenten Geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland (VGN), de Nederlandse Vereniging van Leraren Maatschappijleer (NVLM) en het Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG) zijn in de Onderwijscommissie vertegenwoordigd. De Atlantische Onderwijscommissie heeft een onderwijsbestand van ruim 2.500 docenten en secties van scholen die op de hoogte worden gehouden van de verschillende activiteiten die worden georganiseerd. Daarnaast is er ook een digitaal adressenbestand van 800 docenten die via e-mail nieuws over de activiteiten ontvangen. Ten slotte geeft de Commissie ook lesmateriaal uit. Op de website staan zogeheten ‘websheets’, online lesmodules met veel informatie over actuele internationale veiligheidsontwikkelingen. Leerlingen kunnen zelf door middel van individuele en groepsopdrachten met de onderwerpen aan de slag.
Onderwijscommissie In 2013 was er één wijziging in de samenstelling van de Onderwijscommissie. In maart trad Jan Evert Volders (docent geschiedenis aan de Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim in Zwolle) toe tot de Commissie. De Atlantische Onderwijscommissie bestond op 31 december 2013 uit: · drs. H. (Hans) Luyendijk, voorzitter Rector, Dalton Den Haag · dr. A. (Bram) Boxhoorn, secretaris Directeur, Atlantische Commissie
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Programma In 2013 organiseerde de Atlantische Commissie op 6 maart de jaarlijkse Atlantische Onderwijsconferentie in Utrecht. Het thema was dit keer ‘De eeuw van Azië?’ en dit bleek een populair thema te zijn. Al een maand voor de conferentie was het maximale aantal deelnemers bereikt. In het voorjaar, op 18 april, organiseerde de Onderwijscommissie voor de derde maal op rij een regionaal onderwijsseminar in Zwolle, met als partners de Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim en de NHL Hogeschool. Ook hier kwamen veel geïnteresseerde studenten en docenten op af om te worden bijgeschoold over het thema ‘Actuele ontwikkelingen in het MiddenOosten’. In juni startte de AOC met een nieuw project waarbij acht koppels (in totaal zeventien leerlingen) van vijf verschillende middelbare scholen de mogelijkheid kregen een excellent profielwerkstuk (PWS) over internationale vrede en veiligheid te schrijven. Tijdens de startbijeenkomst in juni maakten de leerlingen kennis met de AOC en met
elkaar, en bespraken ze het thema waarover hun PWS zou gaan. Er volgden nog twee bijeenkomsten (in september en november) waarbij de vorderingen en de diverse obstakels werden besproken. De leerlingen werden op hun beurt geïnformeerd over het vinden van geschikte bronnen, het gebruik van en het verwijzen naar die bronnen, en andere zaken. In januari 2014 rondden zeven van de acht koppels het project af. Vier profielwerkstukken kregen het predicaat ‘excellent’. Tijdens de jaarlijkse onderwijsconferentie in februari 2014 werd het winnende koppel bekend gemaakt. Het project stond onder leiding van Theo Hoebink (bestuurslid) en Janneke Suiskind (Projectmanager Onderwijs).
Onderwijs / Education
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· mevrouw A-M. (Anne-Marit) Dannijs Hogeschooldocent maatschappijleer, Instituut voor Lerarenopleidingen, Hogeschool Rotterdam · mevrouw T. (Trudy) Elsenaar-Tijsze Oud-voorzitter Centrale Directie Openbaar Onderwijs Zaanstad; oud-voorzitter, KNAG · Mevrouw T. (Tanja) Groenendijk-de Vos MA · Th. (Theo) Hoebink Oud-docent aardrijkskunde, Katholieke Scholengemeenschap Etten-Leur (KSE) · drs. J.D.S. (Jacques) Kriens Vertegenwoordiger namens de NVLM; oud-docent maatschappijleer, De Nassau Scholengemeenschap, Breda · P. (Paul) Lemmens Vertegenwoordiger namens de VGN; docent geschiedenis, De Nassau Scholengemeenschap, Breda · W.F. (Frederik) Oorschot Vertegenwoordiger namens het KNAG; docent aardrijkskunde, NSG Groenewoud, Nijmegen · drs. R. (Robert) de Oude Docent geschiedenis en maatschappijleer, Walburgcollege, Zwijndrecht; lid commissie bovenbouw HAVO-VWO, VGN · J. (Jos) Roozenbeek · S.J. (Sietze) van der Vinne Docent lerarenopleiding Aardrijkskunde, Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle · drs. J.E. (Jan Evert) Volders Docent lerarenopleiding Geschiedenis, Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle
Leden van de Atlantische Onderwijscommissie. Van links naar rechts: Robert de Oude, Tanja Groenendijkde Vos, Trudy Elsenaar-Tijsze, Hans Luyendijk, Jac Kriens en Theo Hoebink / Members of the Atlantic Education Committee. From left to right: Robert de Oude, Tanja Groenendijk-de Vos, Trudy Elsenaar-Tijsze, Hans Luyendijk, Jac Kriens and Theo Hoebink.
De studiereis kreeg er in 2013 een nieuwe bestemming bij. Naast New York gingen de deelnemende docenten ook naar Boston. Het thema van de reis was ‘Excellent Onderwijs & Amerikaanse Geschiedenis’. In Boston bracht de groep van zestien docenten plus begeleiders onder meer een bezoek aan twee excellente public schools en aan de excellente universiteiten Harvard en het Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ook wandelde de groep langs het Freedom Trail, waarbij iedere deelnemer ter plaatse een presentatie over één van de sites gaf. Het programma werd vervolgd in New York waar een bezoek aan de New York Historical Society en Ground Zero werd gebracht. De deelnemers liepen langs de High Line en ze kregen een historische rondleiding door Zuid-Manhattan onder leiding van Heleen Westerhuijs. ATLANTISCHE ONDERWIJSCONFERENTIE Datum: 6 maart Onderwerp: De eeuw van Azië? De opkomst van China, India en Zuidoost-Azië en de gevolgen voor het ‘Westen’ Sprekers: Wouter van Straten (Avans Hogeschool); Gertjan Dijkink (Universiteit van Amsterdam); David Henley (Universiteit Leiden); Henk Schulte Nordholt (Vrije Universiteit; KITLV, Leiden); Ilse Akkermans (journalist en schrijfster); Trudy Elsenaar-Tijsze (Atlantische Onderwijscommissie); Theo Hoebink (Atlantische Onderwijscommissie, KS Etten-Leur); Mieke Steenbruggen (Hogeschool Rotterdam); Tom Wils (Hogeschool van Rotterdam; Fontys Hogescholen); Hanneke Maasland (Hogeschool van Rotterdam); Niels Woudstra (NLDA); Marieke Bloembergen (KITLV, Leiden) Moderator: Hans Luyendijk (voorzitter Atlantische
20 13 Een drukbezochte werkgroep tijdens de Atlantische Onderwijsconferentie op 6 maart in Utrecht / A well-attended workshop during the Atlantic Education Conference on 6 March in Utrecht.
Locatie: Deelnemers:
SEMINAR Datum: Onderwerp:
Moderator: I.s.m.: Locatie: Deelnemers:
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Onderwijscommissie) Academiegebouw, Universiteit Utrecht 125 (docenten (in opleiding) aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis en maatschappijleer uit het voortgezet onderwijs en overige belangstellenden)
18 april Op weg naar een nieuw Midden-Oosten? Twee jaar na het begin van de Arabische Lente Paul Aarts (Universiteit van Amsterdam); Lily Sprangers (Turkije Instituut); Halim El Madkouri (FORUM), Peyman Jafari (Universiteit van Amsterdam); Marianne van Leeuwen (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Hans Luyendijk (voorzitter Atlantische Onderwijscommissie) Hogeschool Windesheim, NHL Hogeschool Leeuwarden Nieuwe Buitensociëteit, Zwolle 100 (docenten aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis en maatschappijleer uit het voorgezet onderwijs; docenten en studenten aardrijkskunde, geschiedenis en maatschappijleer aan lerarenopleidingen; overige geïnteresseerden)
PROFIELWERKSTUKKENPROJECT Datum: 20 juni Onderwerp: Startbijeenkomst PWS-project in het kader van excellent onderwijs (kennismaking, informatieverschaffing) Locatie: Kantoor Atlantische Commissie, Den Haag Deelnemers: 17 geselecteerde leerlingen van Dalton Den Haag, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE, Walburg College VOORBEREIDINGSBIJEENKOMST STUDIEREIS BOSTON/NEW YORK Datum: 12 september Onderwerp: Kennismaking, inleidende lezingen en verschaffing reisinformatie Sprekers: Anita Wuestman (ECHA-specialist in Gifted Education); Tara Cummins (Amerikaans Consulaat, Amsterdam) Locatie: Vergadercentrum Vredenburg 19, Utrecht Deelnemers: 17 (deelnemers studiereis)
PROFIELWERKSTUKKENPROJECT Datum: 26 september Onderwerp: Tweede bijeenkomst PWS-project (presentatie vraagstelling, feedback) Locatie: Kantoor Atlantische Commissie, Den Haag Deelnemers: 17 leerlingen van Dalton Den Haag, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE, Walburg College STUDIEREIS Datum: 16-23 oktober Onderwerp: Excellent onderwijs & Amerikaanse geschiedenis Sprekers: o.a. Katherine Merseth (Harvard Graduate School of Education); William Uricchio (Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT); Charles Perry (Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis); Valerie Paley (New York Historical Society); Heleen Westerhuijs (onafhankelijk wetenschapper en auteur) Bestemming: Boston en New York Deelnemers: 16 docenten maatschappijleer, geschiedenis en aardrijkskunde uit het voortgezet onderwijs; namens de Atlantische Commissie: Janneke Suiskind (onderwijsmedewerker); Sietze van der Vinne (lid Atlantische Onderwijscommissie) en Bram Boxhoorn (directeur) PROFIELWERKSTUKKENPROJECT Datum: 21 november Onderwerp: Derde bijeenkomst PWS-project (presentatie resultaten PWS, feedback) Locatie: Kantoor Atlantische Commissie, Den Haag Deelnemers: 17 leerlingen van Dalton Den Haag, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE, Walburg College COLLEGE Datum: Onderwerp: Spreker: Locatie: Deelnemers:
Publicaties Bestuurslid Theo Hoebink gaf in 2013 een vervolg aan de workshop over Robert Kaplan die hij samen met Trudy Elsenaar gaf tijdens de Atlantische Onderwijsconferentie op 6 maart. Allereerst schreven beide een artikel in Geografie (het vakblad van het KNAG) getiteld ‘De wraak van geografie op school’ over de toepassing van het gedachtegoed van Kaplan in de klas. Tevens ontwikkelde hij naar aanleiding van een artikel van Kaplan een online lesmodule over de conflicterende en overlappende territoriale claims van kuststaten in de Zuid-Chinese Zee.
De openbare bijeenkomsten zijn bedoeld om verschillende belangrijke doelgroepen van de Atlantische Commissie (begunstigers, studenten, politici, journalisten, wetenschappers, beleidsambtenaren, leden van het corps diplomatique) voor te lichten over actuele thema’s uit de nationale en internationale politieke betrekkingen. Daartoe worden een of meerdere sprekers uitgenodigd die hun licht laten schijnen over het onderwerp. Na de inleidingen gaan de sprekers met elkaar, de moderator en met de zaal in discussie.
Deze lesmodule is bedoeld voor leerlingen uit de bovenbouw van het VWO en het HBO en bestaat uit een inleidende PowerPointpresentatie (voor de docent), een inleidend artikel over de situatie rond de Zuid-Chinese Zee, zes landenprofielen van de kuststaten plus de Verenigde Staten, en een afsluitend artikel van Robert Kaplan uit Foreign Policy getiteld ‘The South China Sea is the Future of Conflict’. Het doel van module is om leerlingen te informeren over een belangrijke internationale veiligheidskwestie, en hen actief na te laten denken over mogelijke oplossingen. De diverse onderdelen van de lesmodule zijn gratis te downloaden op de website van de Atlantische Commissie. De docentenhandleiding wordt op aanvraag verstrekt.
In 2013 werden negen publieksbijeenkomsten georganiseerd die door in totaal 660 belangstellenden werd bezocht. Twee bijeenkomsten hadden de NAVO als onderwerp en twee de trans-Atlantische betrekkingen. Daarnaast waren er bijeenkomsten over de Verenigde Staten, Defensie, de Balkan, Duitsland en China. Van zeven bijeenkomsten werden video-opnames gemaakt die terug te zien zijn op de website.
Ten slotte werd er in 2013 gewerkt aan updates van twee digitale websheets van de AOC. Het websheet over de NAVO verscheen in oktober. Dat over de EU en Europese Veiligheid verschijnt in de eerste helft van 2014. ARTIKEL Datum: Onderwerp: Auteurs: Oplage:
25 november Internationale (geopolitieke) conflicten van 1945 tot heden Theo Hoebink (lid Atlantische Onderwijscommissie) Fontys Hogeschool, Tilburg 19 studenten journalistiek
WEBSHEET Onderwerp: Verschenen: LESMODULE Onderwerp:
mei ‘De wraak van geografie op school’ in Geografie Trudy Elsenaar en Theo Hoebink 3.300
NAVO (bijgewerkte versie - inclusief docentenhandleiding) oktober
Territoriale conflicten in de ZuidChinese Zee (inclusief docentenhandleiding) november
Programma PUBLIEKSBIJEENKOMST Datum: 22 januari Onderwerp: De driehoeksrelatie Verenigde Staten – Europa – China Sprekers: Henk Schulte Nordholt (China-expert); Fokke Obbema (correspondent EU/China, De Volkskrant); Ruth Oldenziel (Amerikadeskundige) Moderator: Dirk Jan van den Berg (voorzitter Atlantische Commissie) Locatie: Perscentrum Nieuwspoort, Den Haag Deelnemers: 80 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en van Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden) PUBLIEKSBIJEENKOMST Datum: 21 maart Onderwerp: ‘Rebalancing the Transatlantic Partnership’ Spreker: Dan Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University) Moderator: Robert van de Roer (diplomatiek expert) Locatie: Pulchri Studio, Den Haag
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Amerikaanse sprekers tijdens publieksbijeenkomsten / American speakers at public meetings
Dan Hamilton tijdens de bijeenkomst over ‘Rebalancing the Transatlantic Partnership’ op 21 maart in Den Haag / Dan Hamilton during the meeting on ‘Rebalancing the Transatlantic Partnership’ on 21 March in The Hague.
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Walter Russell Mead en Maarten Huygen (moderator) tijdens de bijeenkomst over ‘Europe and the United States in a Changing World’ op 11 juni in Den Haag. / Walter Russell Mead and Maarten Huygen (moderator) during the meeting on ‘Europe and the United States in a Changing World’ on 11 June in The Hague.
Grote publieke belangstelling bij het interview van Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal (l) met Roger Simon over de politieke situatie in de VS op 5 november in Amsterdam / A large audience during the interview by Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal (l) with Roger Simon on the political situation in the US, on 5 November in Amsterdam.
50 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden)
Moderator: INTERNATIONAAL SEMINAR Datum: 22 maart Onderwerp: ‘NATO’s Asian Partnerships: What Role for NATO in a Changing Security Environment?’ Sprekers: Dan Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University); Sten Rynning (Political Science, University of Southern Denmark); Julian Lindley French (strategisch analist); Stefanie Babst (Strategic Analysis Capability, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO) Moderator: Marianne van Leeuwen (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Locatie: Perscentrum Nieuwspoort, Den Haag Deelnemers: 40 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden)
PUBLIEKSBIJEENKOMST Datum: 11 juni Onderwerp: ‘Europe and the United States in a Changing World’ Spreker: Walter Russell Mead (Bard College, Annandale NY; The American Interest) Moderator: Maarten Huygen (NRC Handelsblad) Locatie: Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag Deelnemers: 70 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden) INTERNATIONAAL SEMINAR Datum: 1 juli Onderwerp: ‘Support in Society for the Armed Forces: Perspectives from North America and Europe’
Locatie: Deelnemers:
Christian Leuprecht (Royal Military College of Canada); Peter Viggo Jakobsen (Royal Danish Defence College); Paul Cornish (University of Exeter); Jan Techau (Carnegie Europe); Jan van der Meulen (Universiteit Leiden) Alexander Moens (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada) Perscentrum Nieuwspoort, Den Haag 60 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden)
INTERNATIONAAL SEMINAR Datum: 9 september Onderwerp: ‘Europe’s Only Superpower? Germany’s International Role on the Eve of the National Elections’ Sprekers: Ruprecht Polenz (lid van de Bundestag – CDU); Günter Gloser (lid van de Bundestag – SPD); Paul Scheffer (publicist; Universiteit Tilburg; bestuurslid Atlantische Commissie); François Heisbourg (International Institute for Strategic Studies, Londen); Gunther Hellmann (Goethe Universiteit, Frankfurt; Henning Riecke (DGAP) Moderators: Jaap de Zwaan (Erasmus Universiteit); Norbert Both (Shell; bestuurslid Atlantische Commissie) I.s.m.: Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam Locatie: Perscentrum Nieuwspoort, Den Haag Deelnemers: 100 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden) INTERNATIONAAL SEMINAR Datum: 30 september Onderwerp: ‘Integration of the Western Balkans into EU and NATO’ Sprekers: Dejan Jovic (politiek analist voor de president van Kroatië); Radomir Licina (journalist); Lada Sadikovic (Universiteit van Sarajevo); Stella Ronner-Grubacic (Nederlands ambassadeur in Kroatië); Joost Korte (Europese Commissie,
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Moderator: Locatie: Deelnemers:
Brussel); Barbora Maronkova (Public Diplomacy Division, NAVO) Robert van de Roer (diplomatiek expert) Sociëteit De Witte, Den Haag 90 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, politici, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van het corps diplomatique en overige belangstellenden)
PUBLIEKSBIJEENKOMST Datum: 5 november Onderwerp: Politieke situatie in de VS een jaar na de verkiezingen Spreker: Roger Simon (Chief Political Columnist, Politico) Moderator: Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal (journalist) I.s.m.: Campagnebureau BKB Locatie: De Melkweg, Amsterdam Deelnemers: 120 (begunstigers, universitair docenten, journalisten, studenten en overige belangstellenden
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SEMINAR Datum: Onderwerp: Sprekers:
Moderator: I.s.m.: Locatie: Deelnemers:
12 december ‘NATO’s Capability Challenges under Economic Austerity’ Freek Meulman (Permanent Militair Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland bij de NAVO en het EU Militair Comité, 2010-2013); John Hulsman (John C. Hulsman Enterprises) Bram Boxhoorn (directeur Atlantische Commissie) NDC Anciens Koninklijke Militaire Academie, Breda 50 (begunstigers, universitair docenten en studenten, journalisten, vertegenwoordigers van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie, leden van NDC Anciens en overige belangstellenden)
Studiebezoeken NAVO De Atlantische Commissie organiseert jaarlijks enkele studiebezoeken aan het NAVO-hoofdkwartier voor specifieke doelgroepen. Zij worden tijdens een werkdiner en een dagprogramma op de hoogte gebracht van de jongste ontwikkelingen binnen de verdragsorganisatie door leden van de Internationale Staf en medewerkers van diverse permanente vertegenwoordigingen. In 2013 werden vier van dergelijke bezoeken georganiseerd, in samenwerking met NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.
Programma STUDIEBEZOEK NAVO-HOOFDKWARTIER Datum: 24 mei Onderwerp: Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de NAVO Sprekers: o.a. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Andrew Budd (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division); Frank Majoor (Permanent Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland); Nick Williams (Operations Division) I.s.m. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Locatie: Brussel Deelnemers: 8 journalisten van Nederlandse schrijvende en audiovisuele pers STUDIEBEZOEK NAVO-HOOFDKWARTIER Datum: 28 juni Onderwerp: Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de NAVO Sprekers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Eimert Hornstra (Nederlandse Permanente Vertegenwoordiging); Peter de Bruijn (Nederlandse Permanente Militaire Vertegenwoordiging) I.s.m. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Locatie: Brussel Deelnemers: 30 (studenten, stagiairs en young professionals) STUDIEBEZOEK NAVO-HOOFDKWARTIER Datum: 11 oktober Onderwerp: Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de NAVO Sprekers: o.a. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Timo Koster (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Jon Hill (Operations Division); Erica Schouten (Plaatsvervangend Permanent Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division)
I.s.m.: Locatie: Deelnemers:
NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Brussel 10 parlementair medewerkers
STUDIEBEZOEK NAVO-HOOFDKWARTIER Datum: 22 november Onderwerp: Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de NAVO Sprekers: o.a. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Nick Williams (Operations Division); Timo Koster (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division); Erica Schouten (Plaatsvervangend Permanent Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland) I.s.m.: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Locatie: Brussel Deelnemers: 9 medewerkers van universiteiten en onderzoeksinstituten
Overige programma’s Atlantic Treaty Association De Atlantische Commissie is lid van de Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), de netwerkorganisatie van alle Atlantische Commissies in de wereld. Twee maal per jaar organiseert de ATA een vergadering voor al haar leden. De directeur bezoekt jaarlijks beide bijeenkomsten, soms vergezeld door een of meer bestuursleden. Ook Jonge Atlantici heeft een internationale moederorganisatie: de Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA).
German Marshall Fund Elk jaar organiseert de Atlantische Commissie het Nederlandse programma voor een groep fellows van het American Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program die een reis door Europa maken. Het Marshall Memorial Fellowship is een programma van het German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). In 2013 hadden de fellows gesprekken over onder andere het integratiedebat in Nederland, het Nederlandse politieke landschap en grote stedenproblematiek. Ook spraken zij met de auteurs van Slaven in de polder en bezochten het Internationaal Strafhof, de Tweede Kamer en een boerderij in Flevoland. PROGRAMMA VOOR AMERIKAANSE FELLOWS Datum: 13-18 maart Sprekers: o.a. Semra Çelebi en Antje van Amsterdam (Gemeente Amsterdam); Mark Beunderman (NRC Handelsblad); Martijn Roessingh en Perdiep Ramesar (Trouw); Pieter Berkhout en Paul den Edel (Gemeente Amsterdam); Anton Steynbert en Florence Darques Lane (International Criminal Court); Pieter Duisenberg (Tweede Kamer, VVD); Marianne van Leeuwen (Universiteit van Amsterdam) I.s.m.: German Marshall Fund (Washington DC) Locaties: Amsterdam, Den Haag, Flevoland Deelnemers: 5 fellows van het American Marshall Memorial Fund
ATA ASSEMBLEE Datum: 3-5 februari Locatie: Rome Deelnemers: namens de Atlantische Commissie: Frank van den Heuvel (secretaris) en Bram Boxhoorn (directeur) ATA ASSEMBLEE Datum: 9-11 december Locatie: Brussel Deelnemers: namens de Atlantische Commissie: Bram Boxhoorn (directeur)
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MEDIA Atlantisch Perspectief Atlantisch Perspectief (AP) is het tijdschrift van de Atlantische Commissie. Het blad verschijnt acht maal per jaar en bevat opinieartikelen, analyses en columns over (actuele) ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de internationale betrekkingen en veiligheidspolitiek. Op de website zijn alle artikelen die zijn verschenen tussen 1991 en 2013 gratis te raadplegen en doorzoekbaar op auteur en titel. Atlantisch Perspectief is sinds 2012 digitaal verkrijgbaar via een app voor iPad en iPhone.
Redactie De redactie van Atlantisch Perspectief bestaat uit een eindredacteur, een Redactionele Adviesraad en een Internationale Adviesraad. De redactie onderging in 2013 geen wijzigingen.
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De redactie van Atlantisch Perspectief was op 31 december 2013 als volgt samengesteld: Eindredacteur ·
M. (Maarten) Katsman MA
Adviesraad · dr. A. (Bram) Boxhoorn, voorzitter Directeur, Atlantische Commissie · drs. N.T.J. (Niklaas) Hoekstra, senior redacteur Hoofd Secretariaat, Atlantische Commissie · genmaj marns b.d. mr. drs. C. (Kees) Homan Senior Research Associate, Instituut Clingendael, Den Haag · J. (Joris) Janssen Lok Thales Nederland BV · prof. dr. R.V.A. (Ruud) Janssens Hoogleraar Amerikanistiek, Universiteit van Amsterdam · prof. dr. W. (Wim) Klinkert Universitair hoofddocent Militaire Geschiedenis, Nederlandse Defensie Academie; Hoogleraar Militaire Geschiedenis, Universiteit van Amsterdam · drs. J.M.D. (Hans) van Leeuwe Hoofddirectie Algemeen Beleid, Ministerie van Defensie
· prof. dr. M. (Marianne) van Leeuwen Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties; bijzonder hoogleraar Moderne Trans-Atlantische Betrekkingen, Universiteit van Amsterdam · drs. R. (Rik) van der Linden Senior Adviseur Ondernemersondersteuning, Kamer van Koophandel, Rotterdam · drs. A.J. (Anselm) van der Peet Wetenschappelijk medewerker, Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie, Den Haag · dr. S.J.G. (Sebastian) Reyn Ministerie van Defensie · drs. A.P. (Auke) Venema Directeur Internationale Aangelegenheden en Operaties, Hoofddirectie Algemene Beleidszaken, Ministerie van Defensie Internationale Adviesraad · Dr. Hans Binnendijk Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. · Dr. Ann-Sofie Dahl Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Center for Military Studies, Copenhagen; Adjunct Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C. · Marten van Heuven Senior Consultant, RAND Corporation, Washington D.C. · Prof. dr. Jan Willem Honig Senior Lecturer, Department of War Studies, King’s College, Londen · Prof. dr. Margarita Mathiopoulos Chief Executive Officer, EAG European Advisory Group, Berlijn · Prof. dr. Alexander Moens Professor of International Relations, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (BC), Canada · Dr. Henning Riecke Head, Transatlantic Relations Program, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, Berlijn · Stanley Sloan Visiting scholar, Rohatyn Center for International Affairs, Middlebury College (VT), Verenigde Staten
Nadat 2012 voor een groot deel in het teken stond van de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen, richtte het tijdschrift zich in 2013 meer op Europa en andere regio’s. Binnen Europa lag de nadruk op de grote landen: Duitse verkiezingen in september, Frans defensiebeleid na één jaar onder president Hollande, en Brits-Nederlandse en FransNederlandse defensiesamenwerking. Buiten Europa was het conflict in Syrië een voor de hand liggend onderwerp. Atlantisch Perspectief richt zich hoofdzakelijk op veiligheidsvraagstukken, maar in 2013 werden ook enkele onderwerpen uitgelicht die op een andere manier belangrijk zijn voor de trans-Atlantische betrekkingen. Het beoogde vrijhandelsverdrag tussen de EU en de VS –Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – is hier een goed voorbeeld van. Hoewel het vooral een economisch vraagstuk is, kan TTIP een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de versteviging van de trans-Atlantische relatie in het algemeen. Atlantisch Perspectief bevat regelmatig een katern dat bestaat uit twee of meer artikelen over één thema, zodat dat thema vanuit diverse disciplines en invalshoeken kan worden behandeld. Dergelijke katernen bieden ook de mogelijkheid om tegenover elkaar staande opiniestukken tegelijkertijd te plaatsen en de lezer een goed geïnformeerd oordeel te laten vormen. De vraag of het Westen wel of niet moet ingrijpen in Syrië, geplaatst in Atlantisch Perspectief nr. 5, is een goed voorbeeld van zo’n opiniekatern. Tot slot is de Internationale Adviesraad actiever betrokken geraakt bij het tijdschrift. Sinds medio 2013 draagt elk lid met een (kort) artikel bij aan een editie, en besteedt aandacht aan ontwikkelingen in zijn/haar land of op het gebied van zijn/haar specifieke expertise. Tegelijkertijd is de trend van voorgaande jaren doorgezet dat er vaker buitenlandse auteurs bijdragen leveren aan het tijdschrift. Atlantisch Perspectief blijft een hoofdzakelijk Nederlands tijdschrift, gericht op thema’s die belangrijk zijn voor het Nederlandse defensie- en veiligheidsbeleid, maar de benadering vanuit een internationaal perspectief vormt een goede aanvulling op de onderwerpen en vergroot het aantal deskundigen dat een bijdrage kan leveren aan het tijdschrift. Alle artikelen die in 2013 in Atlantisch Perspectief zijn verschenen, zijn na te lezen op de website: www.atlantischecommissie.nl/media/archief-ap/ Verschenen: Oplage:
8x 1.200 ex.
Overige publicaties JAARVERSLAG Verschenen: mei 2013 Oplage: 500 Op de website staat een overzicht van alle publicaties die de Atlantische Commissie in de afgelopen jaren heeft uitgegeven.
Opiniepeiling In juni liet de Atlantische Commissie een opiniepeiling uitvoeren door onderzoeksbureau TNS NIPO over de positie van Defensie in het speelveld van internationale samenwerking, militaire interventies en bezuinigingen. Uit de enquête bleek onder andere dat er weinig draagvlak is voor verdere bezuinigingen op Defensie, maar evenmin veel draagvlak voor investeringen. Er is weinig steun voor meer uitgaven aan militaire schepen en vliegtuigen. Nederlanders steunen internationale militaire samenwerking in de vorm van taakverdeling, zelfs als dat ten koste gaat van de nationale onafhankelijkheid. Belangrijke uitkomsten van het onderzoek waren: ·
64% van de bevolking vindt dat Defensie zich in ieder geval moet richten op de nationale verdediging en het verlenen van bijstand bij nationale veiligheidstaken (58%). Iets minder dan de helft van de bevolking ziet bijdragen aan internationale vredesmissies en interventies als kerntaak. Nederlanders vinden het belangrijker dat Defensie zich inzet voor veiligheid en verdediging (nationaal en internationaal) dan dat Defensie zich preventief inzet voor vrede door de internationale rechtsorde te bevorderen. Ondervraagden vinden dat Nederland zich niet moet inlaten met militaire interventies als de kans groot is dat dit niets aan de internationale vrede en veiligheid zal toevoegen. De prestaties van Nederlandse militairen worden gemiddeld met een 7,1 beoordeeld. Defensie als organisatie scoort een 6,5. CDA-stemmers zijn het meest positief; SP-stemmers het meest negatief. Ongeveer de helft van de Nederlanders vindt de huidige budgettering van Defensie precies goed. Wanneer bezuinigingen in euro’s worden voorgelegd (in plaats van in percentages van het BNP) is er net iets meer draagvlak om de budgetten van Defensie te verhogen, en minder draagvlak voor bezuinigingen.
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46% van de bevolking is het niet eens met meer investeringen in militaire vliegtuigen. 41% wil niet meer investeren in militaire schepen. 36% wil wel investeren in moderne elektronische apparatuur. 46% van de ondervraagden vindt het een goede ontwikkeling dat landen zich militair specialiseren en meer gaan samenwerken. Slechts 17% is hier tegen. Nederland dient vooral aansluiting te zoeken bij de Benelux-landen en Duitsland. 60% van de ondervraagden denkt dat Nederland redelijk tot goed in staat is om internationale afspraken na te komen, zelfs als er op Defensie wordt bezuinigd.
Mediaoptredens, lezingen en publicaties directeur CURSUS Datum: Titel: Locatie: Deelnemers:
4 april Geschiedenis van de Atlantische betrekkingen 1800-1989 Universiteit Tilburg 40
RADIOCOMMENTAAR Datum: 5 september Onderwerp: Amerikaans-Russische betrekkingen en de situatie in Syrië Programma: De Gids.FM (Radio 1)
Website Op de website van de Atlantische Commissie (www.atlcom.nl of www.atlantischecommissie.nl) staat informatie over de organisatie, doelstellingen en de vele activiteiten van de Atlantische Commissie, de Atlantische Onderwijscommissie en Jonge Atlantici.
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Veel publicaties kunnen online worden ingezien, en scholieren kunnen werken met de verschillende websheets. Via de site kunnen geïnteresseerden zich ook aanmelden voor programma’s van de Atlantische Commissie, en (video)verslagen bekijken van afgelopen bijeenkomsten. In 2013 werd de site 20.202 keer bezocht en werden 63.660 pagina’s bekeken.
RADIOCOMMENTAAR Datum: 8 oktober Onderwerp: Obama en Amerikaans buitenlands beleid Programma: De Gids.FM (Radio 1) ARTIKELEN · ‘Heeft de NAVO toekomst?’, in: Liberaal Reveil, maart 2013 (1), pp. 16-20. · Recensies in de boekenrubriek ‘Internationale Verhoudingen’ Geschiedenis Magazine nr. 3 (april/mei 2013, jrg. 48), pp. 59-60. · Recensies in de boekenrubriek ‘Internationale Verhoudingen’, Geschiedenis Magazine nr. 8 (november 2013, jrg. 48), pp. 56-57.
LEERSTOEL De Atlantische Commissie heeft in 2005 een bijzondere leerstoel Moderne Trans-Atlantische Betrekkingen ingesteld aan de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Sinds oktober 2009 bekleedt dr. Marianne van Leeuwen deze leerstoel. Zij werkt sinds 2003 bij de Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) als senior beleidsadviseur. In 2013 gaf zij onder andere een werkcollege ‘TransAtlantische betrekkingen getoetst aan buitenlands beleid’ voor 15 Masterstudenten en een werkcollege ‘Domestic context of American foreign policy making’ voor 20 Masterstudenten Amerikanistiek. Zij begeleidde vier Masterscripties, een Bachelorscriptie en een promotieonderzoek, schreef een tweetal artikelen en gaf acht lezingen of presentaties voor diverse doelgroepen.
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Atlantische Commissie in de media Sociale media De Atlantische Commissie en Jonge Atlantici zijn actief op Facebook en Twitter. De sociale media worden ingezet voor het vergroten van de naamsbekendheid van zowel de Atlantische Commissie als Jonge Atlantici. Daarnaast worden de ‘volgers’ via deze nieuwe media op de hoogte gehouden van de activiteiten die worden georganiseerd, en de publicaties die verschijnen. De Facebookpagina van de Atlantische Commissie had op 31 december 2013 155 ‘likes’, en die van Jonge Atlantici 518. Er werd in 2013 94 keer een bericht gepost. Het aantal volgers op Twitter was op 31 december 2013 224. Er werden in 2013 213 tweets verzonden.
De volgende dag-, week- en maandbladen, websites en radioprogramma’s besteedden in 2013 aandacht aan (activiteiten van) de Atlantische Commissie: · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
AD (Haagsche Courant) Armex Barneveldse Krant BN De Stem bnr.nl Brabants Dagblad Eindhovens Dagblad Friesch Dagblad De Gids.fm Gooi en Eemlander Haarlems Dagblad HP/De Tijd IJmuider Courant
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Internationale Spectator Leidsch Dagblad Noordhollands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad nu.nl Parool Reformatorisch Dagblad Spits Telegraaf Trouw De Volkskrant Vrij Nederland
De Stichting voor Strategische Studies is een zelfstandige organisatie die zorg draagt voor de wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de Atlantische Commissie. De Stichting richt zich op het initiëren en bevorderen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar veiligheidsvraagstukken. Dr. Rob de Wijk was van mei 1999 tot februari 2008 bijzonder hoogleraar Strategische Studies aan de Universiteit Leiden op een door deze stichting opgerichte en gefinancierde leerstoel. Van april 2009 tot juli 2011 was dr. Julian LindleyFrench bijzonder hoogleraar Strategische Studies. In mei 2012 werd mevrouw dr. Isabelle Duyvesteyn benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Strategische Studies. Haar leeropdracht omvat internationale veiligheid in brede zin, met speciale aandacht voor de rol van militaire macht als instrument in het buitenlands beleid van regeringen. Isabelle Duyvesteyn is universitair hoofddocent bij het Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis van de
Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht. Daarnaast is zij onder andere lid van de Commissie Vrede en Veiligheid van de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken. Het bestuur van de Stichting voor Strategische Studies bestond op 31 december 2013 uit: · · · · ·
drs. D.J. (Dirk Jan) van den Berg, voorzitter mevrouw drs. M. (Monika) Sie Dhian Ho, vicevoorzitter mr. F.A.M. (Frank) van den Heuvel, secretaris H.H.M. (Harry) Groen, penningmeester dr. A. (Bram) Boxhoorn, directeur
STA AT VAN BATEN EN LA STEN bedragen x 1.000, afgerond op duizendtallen BATEN Inkomsten overheid Overige inkomsten Totaal baten
€ 505 € 124 –––––– € 629
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Platform- en netwerkactiviteiten Onderwijs Publieksprogramma’s Media Overige Totaal lasten
€ 155 € 134 € 146 € 201 € 008 –––––– € 644
SALDO 2013
€ (15)
45 programmes with more than 140 speakers and some 1,640 participants
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10 meetings of van StudiumGenerale 15 meetings of Netherlands Atlantic Youth with a total of 31 speakers and 487 students and young professionals 7 education programmes for more than 300 teachers 9 public meetings with a total of 36 speakers and 660 participants
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20,202 visits 13,122 visitors 63,660 page views
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· ·
8 issues of Atlantisch Perspectief with a total of 39 articles 3 educational publications
PROGRAMMES . . . . . · StudiumGenerale . . · Netherlands Atlantic Youth · Education . . . . · Public Meetings . . . · Study Visits to NATO . · Other Programmes . .
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MEDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Atlantisch Perspectief . . . . . . . . · Other Publications . . . . . . . . . · Public Opinion Poll . . . . . . . . . · Website . . . . . . . . . . . . · Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . · Interviews, Lectures and Publications of the Director · Netherlands Atlantic Association in the Media . .
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360 patrons and student patrons 141 subscriptions and student subscriptions
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Since its institution in 1952, the Netherlands Atlantic Association has been a forum for public debate on transatlantic security issues. It provides information and promotes the study of issues such as relations between Europe and the United States, NATO and European security. In this way, the Association hopes to further public discussion on these issues.
Drawing attention to public support for defence was one of the priorities of the Netherlands Atlantic Association’s programme in 2013. Support for defence and NATO has declined considerably in recent years. Although a TNS NIPO survey in July 2013 showed little support for further defence cuts, it also showed little support for further defence investment. Recent events in Russia and Ukraine, however, show how quickly international relations can change and also highlight the importance of a good ‘insurance policy’ – to use the term of Commander of the Netherlands’ Armed Forces Tom Middendorp.
The Netherlands Atlantic Association organises various programmes for specific target groups. Among these target groups are patrons of the Netherlands Atlantic Association, politicians, journalists, diplomats, university lecturers and young professionals. Netherlands Atlantic Youth organises programmes for (recently graduated) students. The Atlantic Education Committee develops initiatives for teachers and pupils in the upper classes of secondary schools.
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The Netherlands Atlantic Association is also active in the field of publishing. Its publications include Atlantisch Perspectief [Atlantic Perspective], conference and study reports, books and (digital) educational brochures.
The independence of the Netherlands Atlantic Association is safeguarded by the organisation’s Board, which includes representatives of major political parties and experts on transatlantic relations and security policy as its members. The Netherlands Atlantic Association is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association – the umbrella organisation for the more than 40 Atlantic councils, which work in most NATO member states and Partnership for Peace countries. The Netherlands Atlantic Association cooperates with government institutions, political and scientific institutions and non-governmental organisations in the Netherlands and abroad, and on an ad hoc basis with the business community. Finally, the Netherlands Atlantic Association initiates and supports the development of others’ activities in the fields of national and international security and advises on the organisation and implementation of projects.
The Netherlands Atlantic Association organised an international seminar in July 2013, when experts from Europe and North America indicated what people in their respective countries think about this particular subject. At least as important, however, is that the Association itself is trying to increase support from the ground up, by organising more and more programmes for younger target groups.
an ‘excellent’ profile assignment on international peace and security issues. This successful pilot will be continued in 2014. The Netherlands Atlantic Association thus stimulated the debate on international security issues in various ways in 2013. The Board, Atlantic Education Committee, Netherlands Atlantic Youth and the Association’s management, secretariat and the enthusiastic interns are committed to continuing their work in the coming year. Dirk Jan van den Berg Chairman, Netherlands Atlantic Association April 2014
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This is primarily realised through Netherlands Atlantic Youth. In 2013, the very active and enthusiastic Board organised some fifteen high-quality and varied meetings, master classes and study visits for students and recent graduates. By cooperating with student associations in various university cities – in 2013 for the first time also in Nijmegen – the range of Netherlands Atlantic Youth is growing. A second method to involve a younger generation in international (security) issues is the Netherlands Atlantic Association’s StudiumGenerale. 2013 saw the third year of this successful programme, where participants visit international institutions and Dutch companies with an international orientation. The young and talented employees from both the business community and government institutions respond very positively to this programme.
COLOPHON Netherlands Atlantic Association Bezuidenhoutseweg 237a-239a 2594 AM The Hague t +31-70-363 94 95 f +31-70-364 63 09 e
[email protected] i www.atlcom.nl
· Editor: Niklaas Hoekstra · Design: Meyer/Van Gerwen, Den Haag/Breda · Printing: Ervee design & drukwerk b.v., Zoetermeer
Copyright © 2014 Netherlands Atlantic Association
Public meetings on current issues and study visits to NATO Headquarters for journalists, university teachers and researchers, and members of parliament and their staffers, also contributed to a greater awareness of security issues. Last, but not least, programmes were held for secondary school teachers and pupils. In 2013, the Atlantic Education Committee initiated a project to challenge pupils to write
The Netherlands Atlantic Association wishes to express its gratitude to all the individuals and institutions that have assisted the Association with its activities during 2013.
Representatives of major political parties, as well as experts in the fields of transatlantic relations and security policy, are represented on the Board and the Executive Committee (which is part of the Board) of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. The Executive Committee and the Board meet at least twice and three times a year respectively.
Without the financial contributions of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, the Association would not have been able to carry out its activities. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, the US Embassy in The Hague, Windesheim University, NHL University, and, of course, the private patrons of the Netherlands Atlantic Association also contributed greatly to the realisation of the various programmes. The Netherlands Atlantic Association is very grateful to the German Marshall Fund of the United States, as well as the Dutch Royal Navy, Amnesty International, ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ (Dutch Central Bank), the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Dutch Ministry of
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Defence, Royal HaskoningDHV, Fokker and Thales Netherlands, for providing material contributions in connection with the Association’s programmes in 2013. The Netherlands Atlantic Association is also indebted to the many speakers at its conferences and other meetings, and to the authors who contributed to Atlantisch
In 2013, the Netherlands Atlantic Association cooperated with the following organisations: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Perspectief and to other publications. The activities of the Netherlands Atlantic Association are carried out in cooperation with many organisations, both at home and abroad. Regular contact is maintained with the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, with Dutch diplomatic missions abroad, and with the embassies of OSCE countries in The Hague.
· · · · ·
Amnesty International Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) BKB Bureau City of Amsterdam ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ Dutch United Nations Student Association, Leiden Fokker Aerostructures German Marshall Fund of the United States Germany Institute Amsterdam (DIA) Leiden University Dutch Ministry of Defence Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division NDC Anciens Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ NHL University Radboud University Nijmegen Royal HaskoningDHV Student Association for European Studies at the University of Amsterdam Study Association for Political Science - ISMUS Thales Netherlands University of Amsterdam US Embassy in the Hague Windesheim University
The Netherlands Atlantic Association hopes to continue its fruitful cooperation with these organisations in the future.
In 2013 there were several changes in the composition of the Board and Executive Committee of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. Marieke de Goede (Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam) stepped down from the Board in mid-2013. She had been a member since 2012. In April the seat on the Executive Committee that was occupied by Han ten Broeke (Foreign Affairs spokesman for the VVD in the Second Chamber of Parliament) was taken over by his parliamentary colleague Ronald Vuijk. On 31 December 2013 the Executive Committee was composed as follows: · Dirk Jan van den Berg, Chairman President, Executive Board, Delft University of Technology · Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Deputy Chairman Director, Wiardi Beckman Foundation · Frank van den Heuvel, Secretary Director, Public Affairs, TNO · Harry Groen, Treasurer Former Mayor of Noordwijk · Norbert Both Vice-President, Corporate Communications, Shell International BV · Angelien Eijsink Defence spokesperson for the Social Democratic Party (PvdA), Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament · Ronald Vuijk Foreign Affairs spokesman for the Liberal Party (VVD), Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament · Otte Beeksma, Observer for the Dutch Ministry of Defence Deputy Director of Information and Communication, Ministry of Defence
· Joep Wijnands, Observer for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director of Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs On 31 December 2013 the members of the Board included: · Rowinda Appelman Chairperson of Netherlands Atlantic Youth; Researcher, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Free University Amsterdam · Mostafa Hilali Directorate of Information and Communication, Dutch Ministry of Defence · Raymond Knops Defence spokesman for the Christian Democratic Party (CDA), Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament · Hans Luyendijk, Chairman of the Atlantic Education Committee Headmaster, Dalton School, The Hague · Patrick Mikkelsen Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands · Paul Scheffer Writer; Professor of European Studies, Tilburg School of Humanities · André Szász Former Director of ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ · Marcel Urlings Former Commander-in-Chief, Royal Netherlands Army · Rein Willems Former President, Shell Nederland BV
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On 31 December 2013 the management of the Netherlands Atlantic Association was composed as follows:
StudiumGenerale The StudiumGenerale programme of the Netherlands Atlantic Association has been in existence since 2011 and is aimed at talented young professionals with a government or business background. Its main purpose is to encourage participants to look at transatlantic relations from different perspectives. A second purpose is to expand the network of both participants and the Netherlands Atlantic Association.
· Dr A. (Bram) Boxhoorn Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association; Director, Strategic Studies Foundation
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The work of the Secretariat of the Netherlands Atlantic Association involves both the preparation and implementation of policy. Secretariat staff organise public meetings, seminars, conferences and other activities. They also maintain the website and social media, edit the Association’s publications, and manage their production and distribution. Furthermore, the Secretariat assists the study and work groups. There were two changes in the Secretariat’s composition in 2013. Laura Hof worked at the Secretariat from 1 April until 31 August for one day a week as Secretary of the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth. On 1 October she was succeeded by Marianne Copier. On 31 December 2013 the Secretariat was composed as follows: · Niklaas Hoekstra Head of Secretariat, Web Content Manager · Maarten Katsman Editor of Atlantisch Perspectief · Janneke Suiskind Project Manager for Education and Youth · Kees Kouwenhoven Project Assistant · Marianne Copier Secretary, Netherlands Atlantic Youth
Students from various Dutch universities provide valuable assistance with the Secretariat’s work. In 2013 the following interns worked with the Netherlands Atlantic Association: · · · · · ·
Lisa Glasbergen (Radboud University, Nijmegen) Katy Hofstede (Utrecht University) Gabriela Kouters (University of Amsterdam) Ciska Schippers (University of Amsterdam) Danny Turk (University of Amsterdam; Webster University) Bob Uhde (Leiden University)
In previous years, participants in the StudiumGenerale programme came from ABN AMRO, Shell International, Royal HaskoningDHV, Fokker Aerostructures, Randstad, Thales Nederland, West Holland Foreign Investment Agency, BKB Bureau, the American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, Amnesty International, the Dutch National Police Corps, the cities of The Hague and Amsterdam, and the Dutch ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs and Defence. In 2013, the second year of StudiumGenerale came to an end, and the third year of StudiumGenerale began. The programme for the third year consisted of ten meetings between March 2013 and February 2014. The subjects varied, but broadly speaking they dealt with the (new) world order from a Dutch and transatlantic perspective.
· Justyna Krajewska City of Amsterdam · Elke Roelant American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands · Harriët Slager Fokker Technologies / Damen Shipyards · Annemaaike Tempelaar Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs · Heleen Tromp Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations · Ilse Veldman ABN AMRO
Programmes UNIT 8 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale II) 25 January The role of multinationals in the world: Royal HaskoningDHV Employees of Royal HaskoningDHV Royal HaskoningDHV, Rotterdam
UNIT 9 Date: Subject: Location:
(StudiumGenerale II) 15 February Final meeting Ambassade Hotel, Amsterdam
UNIT 1 Date: Subject:
(StudiumGenerale III) 1-3 March Team-building weekend: introduction to the third year of StudiumGenerale. Focus on intra-European relations and transatlantic relations in a historical perspective Vlissingen and Walcheren
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Participants Participants in StudiumGenerale in 2013 were: · Joost Bruinsma Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations · Antonie van Campen Dutch Ministry of Defence · Tessa Hagen BKB Bureau · Eveline Hamelink-van Rens City of The Hague · Kees-Jaap Koppe Thales Nederland · Tina Koppejan Shell International
Location: UNIT 2 Date: Subject: Speakers:
(StudiumGenerale III) 26 April The importance of the euro for the Netherlands André Szász (former Director, ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’) and employees of the Dutch Central Bank ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’, Amsterdam
UNIT 3 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
UNIT 4 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale III) 28 June Human rights Employees of Amnesty International Amnesty International, Amsterdam
UNIT 5 Date: Subject:
(StudiumGenerale III) 27 September Questions of homeland security in a transatlantic perspective Employees of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Zoetermeer
Speakers: Location:
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(StudiumGenerale III) 31 May Dutch foreign policy: new accents Employees of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
UNIT 6 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale III) 1 November The role of multinationals in the world: Fokker Employees of Fokker Fokker, Papendrecht
UNIT 7 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale III) 29 November Is NATO on its way to strategic unity? Employees of the Dutch Ministry of Defence Dutch Ministry of Defence, The Hague
UNIT 8 Date: Subject:
(StudiumGenerale III) 13 December The role of multinationals in the world: Thales Employees of Thales Thales, Hengelo
Speakers: Location:
Netherlands Atlantic Youth Since 2006, Netherlands Atlantic Youth has been a subcommittee of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. It aims to increase awareness among students and young professionals and to increase their involvement in common transatlantic security issues. Netherlands Atlantic Youth is a platform for dialogue on the future of NATO, not only for young people in the Netherlands, but also for those in other NATO and Partnership for Peace countries. In order to meet these goals, Netherlands Atlantic Youth organises various national and international events that are aimed at a young audience (from 18-35 years), and it does so in cooperation with various partner organisations.
Programmes Netherlands Atlantic Youth had a very varied programme in 2013, both with regard to subject matter and the type of meetings. It tried to strike a balance between military and political themes and between meetings in Dutch and English. The types of meetings also varied: from lectures and panel discussions to excursions. In 2013 the first master classes were given as well. They proved to be very popular, so more master classes will be organised in 2014. Captain Niels Woudstra gave two master classes on Dutch Royal Navy policies. Major Oscar Zoeteweij gave a master class on the core tasks of the Royal Dutch Air Force. The interactive character of the master classes resulted in new insights for the participants.
Board The Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth underwent several changes in 2013. In the course of 2013 Matthieu Bouwense, Rosalie van Gelder, Willem van Poll, Gerben Stormbroek and Eva van der Zee stepped down from the Board. Arnold Hooiveld, Ciska Schippers, Biejan Poor Toulabi, Inez Treffers, Remco Zwetsloot and Wouter van Zwieten joined the Board. From 1 April until 31 August Laura Hof was Secretary of the Board. Marianne Copier has fulfilled this position since 1 October 2013.
US policy was another focus point in 2013. On the occasion of the re-election of US President Barack Obama and the so-called ‘Asian pivot’, Netherlands Atlantic Youth organised a couple of meetings on the United States. The high number of participants in these meetings proved that interest in US policies is still high. Netherlands Atlantic Youth is active both offline and online. Its Facebook page has more than 450 members (and increases weekly), where discussions on topical issues are promoted. All members of the Facebook page can post messages. It is thus a good reflection of what occupies its members. The Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth uses this input to establish various programmes.
MASTER CLASS Date: 10 January Subject: Strategies at sea (part 1) Speaker: Niels Woudstra (Dutch Royal Navy; Netherlands Defence Academy) Location: ‘Marine Etablissement’, Amsterdam Participants: 30 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) NEW YEAR’S DRINKS Date: 17 January Subject: ‘The War of the Future’ (cyber warfare, UAVs, drones) Speaker: Frans Osinga (Professor of Military Operational Sciences, Netherlands Defence Academy) Location: Café Dudok, The Hague Participants: 25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) YATA ASSEMBLY Date: 3-5 February Location: Rome Participants: On behalf of Netherlands Atlantic Youth: Rowinda Appelman (Chairperson) and Marianne Copier (Vice-Chairperson) MEETING Date: Subject: Speaker:
On 9 December, at the 18th General Assembly of the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) in Brussels, Rowinda Appelman, Chairperson of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, was unanimously elected as Chair of the Board of YATA in 2014. On 31 December 2013 the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth consisted of: · · · · · · · · · ·
Rowinda Appelman (Chairperson) Marianne Copier (Secretary) Laura Hof Arnold Hooiveld Ciska Schippers Biejan Poor Toulabi Inez Treffers Larissa Versloot Remco Zwetsloot Wouter van Zwieten
Members of the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth have also been very active abroad. A number of Board members were present at assemblies of YATA (the international umbrella organisation). They also took part in summer seminars that were organised by sister organisations, such as the Portuguese Atlantic Youth Seminar (PAYS). Participation in international events will be expanded in 2014.
5 February ‘President Obama’s Second Term: Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook’ Susan MacManus (University of South Florida) Gerard van der Ree (University College Utrecht)
In coop. with: US Embassy, The Hague Location: Auditorium, University College Utrecht Participants: 100 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) MEETING Date: Subject:
Location: Participants:
28 February Dutch contributions to the UN in New York: experiences during UN missions (Lebanon and Yugoslavia) and NATO missions (Iraq and Afghanistan) Rob Sondag (former military adviser, Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the UN) ‘Marine Etablissement’, Amsterdam 25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
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MEETING Date: Subject:
Jonge Atlantici / Netherlands Atlantic Youth
Excursie van Jonge Atlantici naar de Onderzeedienst in Den Helder op 17 mei / Excursion of Netherlands Atlantic Youth to the Submarine Service in Den Helder on 17 May.
4 April Reorientation of US foreign policy and its consequences for Europe Speakers: Kees Homan (Clingendael Institute); Ruth Oldenziel (expert on the United States); Mathieu Segers (Utrecht University) Moderator: Paul Brill (De Volkskrant) In coop. with: Students’ Association for European Studies – SES (University of Amsterdam) Location: CREA Theatre, Amsterdam Participants: 50 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, SES and others)
MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
24 April Security in the Arctic region Niels Woudstra (Dutch Royal Navy; Netherlands Defence Academy; Giles Scott-Smith (Leiden University) In coop. with: Dutch United Nations Student Association (SIB) Leiden Location: Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Leiden University Participants: 35 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, SIB Leiden and others)
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MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
Location: Participants:
EXCURSION Date: Subject: Location: Participants:
MASTER CLASS Date: 5 June Subject: Master class on the Royal Netherlands Air Force (military strategies in the air) Speaker: Oscar Zoeteweij (Royal Netherlands Air Force) Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Participants: 15 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 28 June Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Eimert Hornstra (Netherlands Permanent Representation to NATO); Peter de Bruijn (Netherlands Permanent Military Representation to NATO) In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 30 (students and young professionals) MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
25 September Relationship of Germany, France and the EU Mathieu Segers (Utrecht University); Ton Nijhuis (Germany Institute Amsterdam) Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Leiden University 25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
15 May War and ethics Désirée Verweij (Radboud University Nijmegen; Netherlands Defence Academy); Isabelle Duyvesteyn (Utrecht University; Leiden University) Drift 21, Utrecht
MASTER CLASS Date: 8 October
25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
Subject: Speaker:
Location: 17 May Submarine service Den Helder 22 members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth
Strategies at sea (part 2) Niels Woudstra (Dutch Royal Navy; Netherlands Defence Academy) Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague 15 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
Deelnemers aan de Masterclass van Jonge Atlantici over Strategieën op zee op 8 oktober op het kantoor van de > Atlantische Commissie / Participants in the master class on strategies at sea on 8 October at the office of the Netherlands Atlantic Association.
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MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
21 October The importance of the Dutch Armed Forces Sabine Mengelberg (Netherlands Defence Academy); Kees Homan (Clingendael Institute) In coop. with: Study Association for Political Science – ISMUS (Radboud University) Location: Radboud University, Nijmegen Participants: 30 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, ISMUS and others)
MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
Moderator: Location: Participants:
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MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
Moderator: Location: Participants:
13 November Cyber security Matthijs Veenendaal (Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice); Christian Prickaerts (Fox-IT); Paul Ducheine (Netherlands Defence Academy) Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam) P.C. Hoofthuis, Amsterdam 35 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
The Atlantic Education Committee organises conferences, (regional) seminars and study trips for teachers from secondary schools and teacher-training institutes. Cooperation with teachers’ organisations makes it possible to issue post-graduate certificates following these educational activities. The Atlantic Education Committee includes representatives of three teachers’ organisations, namely the Netherlands Association for Teachers of History (VGN), the Netherlands Association for Teachers of Social Studies (NVLM) and the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association (KNAG). The Netherlands Atlantic Association has a database of some 2,600 teachers and school departments that are kept informed of the various activities of the Atlantic Education Committee.
4 December America: leader of the world? US foreign policy under Obama Ruud Janssens (University of Amsterdam); Paul Brill (De Volkskrant); Meline Arakelian (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Beerd Beukenhorst (University of Amsterdam)
Under the auspices of the Atlantic Education Committee, the Netherlands Atlantic Association regularly issues educational publications. In so-called ‘web sheets’, background information about topical international developments is given. Questions and assignments are also part of the web sheets.
CREA Theatre, Amsterdam 50 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
There was one change in the composition of the Atlantic Education Committee in 2013. In March Jan Evert Volders (Lecturer in History at the Windesheim University for Applied Sciences) joined the Committee.
YATA ASSEMBLY Date: 9-11 December Location: Brussels Participants: On behalf of Netherlands Atlantic Youth: Rowinda Appelman (Chairperson), Marianne Copier (Secretary) and Arnold Hooiveld (Board Member)
The Atlantic Education Committee (AOC) focuses on providing information on transatlantic security issues for teachers and pupils in secondary schools and institutes for teacher training.
Atlantic Education Committee
On 31 December 2013 the Atlantic Education Committee was composed of the following members: · Hans Luyendijk, Chairman Headmaster, Dalton School, The Hague · Bram Boxhoorn, Secretary Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association · Anne-Marit Dannijs Senior Lecturer of Social Studies, Institute for Teacher Education, Rotterdam University
· Trudy Elsenaar-Tijsze Former Chairperson, Central Directorate of Public Education, Zaanstad; former Chairperson, Royal Netherlands Geographical Association (KNAG) · Tanja Groenendijk-de Vos · Theo Hoebink Former teacher of Geography, ‘Katholieke Scholengemeenschap Etten-Leur’ (KSE) · Jacques Kriens Representing the Netherlands Association for Teachers of Social Studies (NVLM); former teacher of Social Studies, ‘De Nassau Scholengemeenschap’, Breda · Paul Lemmens Representing the Netherlands Association for Teachers of History (VGN); teacher of History, ‘De Nassau Scholengemeenschap’, Breda · Frederik Oorschot Representing the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association (KNAG); teacher of Geography, ‘NSG Groenewoud’, Nijmegen · Robert de Oude Teacher of History and Social Studies, ‘Walburgcollege’, Zwijndrecht · Jos Roozenbeek · Sietze van der Vinne Lecturer in Geography, Institute for Teacher Education, Windesheim University for Applied Sciences · Jan Evert Volders Lecturer in History, Institute for Teacher Education, Windesheim University for Applied Sciences
Programmes In 2013 the Netherlands Atlantic Association organised its annual Education Conference on 6 March. This year’s theme – ‘Asia’s Century?’ – proved to be popular. A month before the conference, the maximum number of participants was reached. On 18 April the Education Committee organised for the third time a regional seminar in Zwolle in cooperation with Windesheim University and NHL University. Many interested students and teachers followed this postgraduate seminar on ‘Current Developments in the Middle East’. In June the Education Committee started a new programme in which eight pairs (17 pupils in total) from five different secondary schools were given the opportunity to write an excellent ‘profile assignment’ on a subject related to international peace and security. At the first meeting the pupils got acquainted with each other and the members of
the Education Committee. They discussed the themes of their profile assignments. Two more meetings followed (in September and November), in which they discussed their progress and the various obstacles that they had encountered. The pupils were given suggestions about, among other things, finding, using and referring to useful sources for their projects. In January 2014 seven out of the eight pairs successfully finished the project. Four profile assignments were given the predicate ‘excellent’. At the annual Education Conference in February 2014, the winning pair was announced. The project was headed by Theo Hoebink (member of the Education Committee) and Janneke Suiskind (Project Manager, Education) The annual study trip added a new destination. As well as New York, the participating teachers also visited Boston. The theme of this year’s trip was ‘Excellent Education and American History’. In Boston the sixteen participants and their supervisors visited two excellent public schools, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). The group also walked along the Freedom Trail. Each of the participants gave a presentation at one of the sites. The programme continued in New York, where the group visited the New York Historical Society and Ground Zero. The participants also walked along the High Line and were given a historical guided tour of South Manhattan by Heleen Westerhuijs. ATLANTIC EDUCATION CONFERENCE Date: 6 March Subject: ‘Asia’s Century? The Rise of China, India and South-East Asia and the Consequences for the West’ Speakers: Wouter van Straten (Avans University); Gertjan Dijkink (University of Amsterdam); David Henley (Leiden University); Henk Schulte Nordholt (Free University Amsterdam; Royal Netherlands Institute for South-East Asian and Caribbean Studies); Ilse Akkermans (journalist and writer); Trudy ElsenaarTijsze (Atlantic Education Committee); Theo Hoebink (Atlantic Education Committee, KS Etten-Leur); Mieke Steenbruggen (Rotterdam University); Tom Wils (Rotterdam University; Fontys University); Hanneke Maasland (Rotterdam University); Niels Woudstra (Netherlands Defence Academy); Marieke Bloembergen (Royal Netherlands Institute for South-East Asian and Caribbean Studies)
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Onderwijs / Education
Moderator: Location: Participants: De eerste bijeenkomst van deelnemers aan het Profielwerkstukkenproject op 20 juni. Theo Hoebink legt de opzet van het project uit / The first meeting of the participants in the Profile Assignment Project. Theo Hoebink presents an introduction on the project.
Hans Luyendijk (Chairman, Atlantic Education Committee) University Hall, Utrecht 125 (secondary school teachers of history, geography and social studies, students and others)
SEMINAR Date: Subject:
18 April ‘On the Road to a New Middle East? Two Years after the Start of the Arab Spring’ Speakers: Paul Aarts (University of Amsterdam); Lily Sprangers (Turkey Institute); Halim El Madkouri (FORUM); Peyman Jafari (University of Amsterdam); Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam) Moderator: Hans Luyendijk (Chairman, Atlantic Education Committee) In coop. with: Windesheim University and NHL University Location: ‘Nieuwe Buitensociëteit’, Zwolle Participants: 100 (secondary school teachers and students of Geography, History and Social Studies, and others)
Sprekers tijdens het onderwijsseminar in Zwolle over het Midden-Oosten. Van links naar rechts: Halim El Madkouri, Lily Sprangers en Paul Aarts / Speakers during the education seminar on the Middle East in Zwolle. From left to right: Halim El Madkouri, Lily Sprangers and Paul Aarts.
PROFILE ASSIGNMENT PROJECT Date: 20 June Subject: First meeting of the Profile Assignment Project Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Participants: 17 selected pupils of the Dalton School, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE and Walburg College
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PREPARATORY MEETING FOR STUDY TRIP TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK Date: 12 September Subject: Getting acquainted, introductory lectures and travel information Speakers: Anita Wuestman (Specialist in Gifted Education); Tara Cummins (US Consulate, Amsterdam) Location: Conference Centre ‘Vredenburg 19’, Utrecht Participants: 17 participants in the study trip
PROFILE ASSIGNMENT PROJECT Date: 26 September Subject: Second meeting of the Profile Assignment Project Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Participants: 17 pupils from the Dalton School, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE and Walburg College STUDY TRIP Date: Subject: Speakers:
16-23 October ‘Excellent Education and American History’ Katherine Merseth (Harvard Graduate School of Education); William Uricchio (Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT); Charles Perry (Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis); Valerie Paley (New York Historical Society); Heleen Westerhuijs (independent researcher and writer), among others Destinations: Boston and New York Participants: 16 secondary school teachers of Social Studies, History and Geography; and on behalf of the Netherlands Atlantic Association: Janneke Suiskind (Project Manager, Education); Sietze van der Vinne (Member, Atlantic Education Committee) and Bram Boxhoorn (Director) PROFILE ASSIGNMENT PROJECT Date: 21 November Subject: Third meeting of the Profile Assignment Project Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Participants:
LECTURE Date: Subject: Speaker:
Deelnemers aan en begeleiders van de studiereis voor docenten naar Boston en New York in oktober bij het Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Participants in and supervisors of the study trip for teachers to Boston and New York in October, posing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Location: Participants:
Hague 17 pupils from the Dalton School, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE and Walburg College
25 November International (geopolitical) conflicts from 1945 until today Theo Hoebink (Member, Atlantic Education Committee) Fontys University, Tilburg 19 journalism students
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ARTICLE Subject: Authors: Published: Print run: WEB SHEET Subject: Published:
‘The Revenge of Geography in Schools’ in Geografie Trudy Elsenaar and Theo Hoebink May 2013 3,300
NATO (updated version - including teachers’ guide) October 2013
TEACHING MODULE Subject: Territorial conflicts in the South China Sea (including teachers’ guide) Published: November 2013
In 2013, nine public meetings were organised, which were attended by a total of 660 interested people. Two meetings dealt with NATO and two with transatlantic relations. Beside this, there were meetings on the United States, defence, the Balkans, Germany and China. Seven meetings were videotaped. The videos can be viewed on the website.
Programmes PUBLIC MEETING Date: 22 January Subject: The relationship of the United States, Europe and China Speakers: Henk Schulte Nordholt (China expert); Fokke Obbema (EU/China correspondent, De Volkskrant); Ruth Oldenziel (expert on the United States) Moderator: Dirk Jan van den Berg (Chairman, Netherlands Atlantic Association) Location: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague Participants: 80 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
Sprekers en moderator tijdens het seminar over maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de krijgsmacht op 1 juli in Den Haag. Van links naar rechts: Jan van der Meulen, Paul Cornish, Christian Leuprecht, Alexander Moens (moderator), Peter Viggo Jakobsen en Jan Techau / Speakers and moderator during the seminar on ‘Support in Society for the Armed Forces’ on 1 July in The Hague. From left to right: Jan van der Meulen, Paul Cornish, Christian Leuprecht, Alexander Moens (moderator), Peter Viggo Jakobsen and Jan Techau.
Stefanie Babst tijdens het seminar over NATO’s Asian Partnerships op 22 maart in Den Haag / Stefanie Babst during the seminar on NATO’s Asian Partnerships on 22 March in The Hague.
Sprekers en moderator tijdens het seminar over de Westelijke Balkan en NAVO op 30 september in Den Haag. Van links naar rechts: Robert van de Roer (moderator), Radomir Licina, Lada Sadikovic, Stella Ronner-Grubacic en Dejan Jovic / Speakers and moderator during the seminar on the western Balkans and NATO on 30 September in The Hague. From left to right: Robert van de Roer (moderator), Radomir Licina, Lada Sadikovic, Stella Ronner-Grubacic and Dejan Jovic. >
Finally, updates were made of two digital web sheets of the Atlantic Education Committee. The web sheet on NATO was published on the website in October. The web sheet on the EU and European Security will be published in 2014.
Public meetings aim to inform several important target groups of the Netherlands Atlantic Association (patrons, students, politicians, journalists, university lecturers, policy-makers and members of the diplomatic corps) about topical themes in national and international political relations. One or more speakers are invited to shed their light on the subject. After the introduction(s), the speakers debate with each other, the moderator and the audience.
This learning module is for pupils in the upper classes of secondary schools and students at teacher-training institutes. It consists of an introductory PowerPoint presentation (for the teacher), an introductory article about the situation around the South China Sea, six country profiles of coastal states plus the United States, and a concluding article by Robert Kaplan, titled ‘The South China Sea is the Future of Conflict’, which was published in Foreign Policy. The purpose of the module is to inform pupils about an important international security issue, and to allow them to think actively about possible solutions. The various parts of the teaching module can be downloaded for free from the website of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. The teacher’s guide can be obtained upon request.
PUBLIC MEETING Date: Subject: Speaker:
Moderator: Location: Participants:
21 March ‘Rebalancing the Transatlantic Partnership’ Dan Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University) Robert van de Roer (diplomatic expert) Pulchri Studio, The Hague 50 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
Theo Hoebink (Member of the Atlantic Education Committee) gave a follow-up to the workshop that he gave with Trudy Elsenaar at the Atlantic Education Conference on 6 March. First, they both wrote an article in Geografie (the magazine of the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association – KNAG) entitled ‘The Revenge of Geography in Schools’ about using Kaplan’s ideas in the classroom. Hoebink also developed an online learning module about the conflicting and overlapping territorial claims of coastal states in the South China Sea, following an article by Kaplan.
Public Meetings
François Heisbourg tijdens het seminar over de internationale rol van Duitsland op 9 september in Den Haag / François Heisbourg during the seminar on Germany’s international role, on 9 September in The Hague.
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INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 22 March Subject: ‘NATO’s Asian Partnerships: What Role for NATO in a Changing Security Environment?’ Speakers: Dan Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University); Sten Rynning (Political Science, University of Southern Denmark); Julian Lindley French (strategic analyst); Stefanie Babst (Strategic Analysis Capability, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO) Moderator: Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam) Location: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague Participants: 40 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
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PUBLIC MEETING Date: 11 June Subject: ‘Europe and the United States in a Changing World’ Speaker: Walter Russell Mead (Bard College, Annandale, NY; The American Interest) Moderator: Maarten Huygen (NRC Handelsblad) Location: ‘Koninklijke Schouwburg’, The Hague Participants: 70 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others) INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 1 July Subject: ‘Support in Society for the Armed Forces: Perspectives from North America and Europe’ Speakers: Christian Leuprecht (Royal Military College of Canada); Peter Viggo Jakobsen (Royal Danish Defence College); Paul Cornish (University of Exeter); Jan Techau (Carnegie Europe); Jan van der Meulen (Leiden University) Moderator: Alexander Moens (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
Location: Participants:
Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague 60 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 9 September Subject: ‘Europe’s Only Superpower? Germany’s International Role on the Eve of the National Elections’ Speakers: Ruprecht Polenz (Member of the Bundestag – CDU); Günter Gloser (Member of the Bundestag – SPD); Paul Scheffer (writer; Board Member, Netherlands Atlantic Association); François Heisbourg (International Institute for Strategic Studies, London); Gunther Hellmann (Goethe University, Frankfurt); Henning Riecke (DGAP) Moderators: Jaap de Zwaan (Erasmus University); Norbert Both (Shell; Board Member, Netherlands Atlantic Association) In coop. with: Germany Institute Amsterdam (DIA) Location: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague Participants: 100 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others) INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 30 September Subject: ‘Integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and NATO’ Speakers: Dejan Jovic (Political Analyst for the President of Croatia); Radomir Licina (journalist); Lada Sadikovic (University of Sarajevo); Stella Ronner-Grubacic (Netherlands Ambassador to Croatia); Joost Korte (European Commission); Barbora Maronkova (Public Diplomacy Division, NATO) Moderator: Robert van de Roer (diplomatic expert) Location: ‘Sociëteit De Witte’, The Hague
90 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
PUBLIC MEETING Date: 5 November Subject: ‘The Political Situation in the United States One Year after the Elections’ Speaker: Roger Simon (Chief Political Columnist, Politico) Moderator: Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal (journalist) In coop. with: BKB Bureau Location: ‘De Melkweg’, Amsterdam Participants: 120 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists and others) SEMINAR Date: Subject:
12 December ‘NATO’s Capability Challenges under Economic Austerity’ Speakers: Freek Meulman (Permanent Military Representative of the Netherlands to NATO and the EU Military Committee, 2010-2013); John Hulsman (John C. Hulsman Enterprises) Moderator: Bram Boxhoorn (Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association) In coop. with: NDC Anciens Location: Royal Military Academy, Breda Participants: 50 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
Study Visits to NATO Every year the Netherlands Atlantic Association organises a number of study visits to NATO Headquarters for specific target groups. During a working dinner and a day programme, they are informed about recent developments within the Alliance by members of the International Staff and representatives from various Permanent Representations. Four such visits were organised in 2013 in cooperation with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.
Programmes STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 24 May Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: a.o. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Andrew Budd (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division); Frank Majoor (Permanent Representative of the Netherlands); Nick Williams (Operations Division), among others In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 8 journalists from Dutch print and audiovisual media STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 28 June Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Eimert Hornstra (Netherlands Permanent Representation); Peter de Bruijn (Netherlands Permanent Military Representation) In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 30 (students, interns and young professionals) STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 11 October Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: a.o. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Timo Koster (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Jon Hill (Operations Division); Erica Schouten (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division), among others
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NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Brussels 10 parliamentary staffers
STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 22 November Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Nick Williams (Operations Division); Timo Koster (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division); Erica Schouten (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands), among others In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 9 university lecturers and researchers
Other Programmes Atlantic Treaty Association
Every year the Netherlands Atlantic Association organises the Dutch segment of a trip that a group of fellows of the American Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program makes in Europe. In 2013 the fellows had discussions about, among other topics, the integration debate in the Netherlands, the Dutch political landscape and metropolitan issues. They also talked to the authors of Slaves in the Polder and visited the International Criminal Court, Dutch Parliament, and a farm in Flevoland. PROGRAMME FOR AMERICAN FELLOWS Date: 13-18 March Speakers: Semra Çelebi and Antje van Amsterdam (City of Amsterdam); Mark Beunderman (NRC Handelsblad); Martijn Roessingh and Perdiep Ramesar (Trouw); Pieter Berkhout and Paul den Edel (City of Amsterdam); Anton Steynbert and Florence Darques Lane (International Criminal Court); Pieter Duisenberg (Member of Parliament, VVD); Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam), among others In coop. with: German Marshall Fund (Washington, DC) Locations: Amsterdam, The Hague and Flevoland Participants: 5 fellows from the American Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program
Deelnemers aan het studiebezoek aan het NAVO-hoofdkwartier voor studenten op 28 juni / Participants in the study visit to NATO headquarters on 28 June.
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ATA ASSEMBLY Date: 3-5 February Location: Rome Participants: On behalf of the Netherlands Atlantic Association: Frank van den Heuvel (Secretary) and Bram Boxhoorn (Director) ATA ASSEMBLY Date: 9-11 December Location: Brussels Participants: On behalf of the Netherlands Atlantic Association: Bram Boxhoorn (Director) >
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The Netherlands Atlantic Association is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), the network organisation of all Atlantic Associations in the world. Twice a year ATA organises a meeting for all its members. The Director attends both meetings, sometimes accompanied by one or more members of the Board. Netherlands Atlantic Youth also has a mother organisation: the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA).
German Marshall Fund
In coop.: Location: Participants:
Op 14 maart bezochten de fellows van het American Marshall Memorial Fund onder andere het fietsdepot van de Gemeente Amsterdam / On 14 March the Fellows of the American Marshall Memorial Fund visited, among other places, the Bicycle Depository of the City of Amsterdam.
Omslag van Atlantisch Perspectief nr. 5 / The cover of Atlantisch Perspectief, No. 5. >
MEDIA Atlantisch Perspectief Atlantisch Perspectief [Atlantic Perspective] is the magazine of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. It appears eight times a year and has opinion pieces, analyses and columns on developments in international politics and the field of security. The website contains an online archive of old volumes of Atlantisch Perspectief from 1991 to 2013. All articles can be viewed and downloaded for free in pdf format. The archive also has a search engine. Since 2012, Atlantisch Perspectief has also had an app for iPads and iPhones.
Editorial Board The Editorial Board of Atlantisch Perspectief consists of an Editor, an Editorial Advisory Board and an International Advisory Board. There were no changes to the Editorial Boards in 2013.
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On 31 December 2013 the Editorial Board of Atlantisch Perspectief was composed as follows: Editor ·
Maarten Katsman
Advisory Board · Bram Boxhoorn, Chairman Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association · Niklaas Hoekstra, Senior Editor Head of Secretariat, Netherlands Atlantic Association · Kees Homan Senior Research Associate, Clingendael Security and Conflict Programme, Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, The Hague · Joris Janssen Lok Thales Nederland BV · Ruud Janssens Professor of American Studies, University of Amsterdam · Wim Klinkert Lecturer in Military History, Netherlands Defence Academy; Professor of Military History, University of Amsterdam
Other Publications
· Hans van Leeuwe Principal Directorate of General Policy Affairs, Dutch Ministry of Defence · Marianne van Leeuwen Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations; Professor, by special appointment, of Modern Transatlantic Relations, University of Amsterdam · Rik van der Linden Senior Adviser for Entrepreneurs’ Support, Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce · Anselm van der Peet Researcher, Netherlands Institute for Military History, The Hague · Sebastian Reyn Dutch Ministry of Defence · Auke Venema Director of International Affairs and Operations, Principal Directorate of General Policy Affairs, Dutch Ministry of Defence International Advisory Board · Hans Binnendijk Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC · Ann-Sofie Dahl Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Military Studies, Copenhagen; Adjunct Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC · Marten van Heuven Senior Consultant, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC · Jan Willem Honig Senior Lecturer, Department of War Studies, King’s College, London · Margarita Mathiopoulos Chief Executive Officer, EAG European Advisory Group, Berlin · Alexander Moens Professor of International Relations, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (BC), Canada · Henning Riecke Head, Transatlantic Relations Programme, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin · Stanley Sloan Visiting Scholar, Rohatyn Center for International Affairs, Middlebury College (VT), United States
While many articles in Atlantisch Perspectief had in 2012 focused on the American presidential elections, the magazine turned its attention to Europe and other regions in 2013. In Europe, the focus was on the bigger countries: German elections in September; French defence policy under President Hollande; and British-Dutch and FrenchDutch defence cooperation. Outside of Europe, the conflict in Syria was an obvious topic. As a rule, Atlantisch Perspectief focuses on security issues, but in 2013 a number of topics were highlighted that are important in another way for transatlantic relations. The proposed free-trade agreement between the European Union and the United States – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – is a good example. Even though it is an economic issue, TTIP can still make an important contribution to strengthening transatlantic ties in general. Atlantisch Perspectief regularly contains a section consisting of two or more articles on one theme. In this way the theme can be approached from different disciplines and angles. These sections can also make it possible to publish two opposing opinion pieces at the same time, and give the reader the opportunity to form an informed opinion. The question of whether the West should or should not intervene in Syria in Atlantisch Perspectief No. 5 is a good example of such a section. Finally, the International Advisory Board has become more actively involved with the magazine. Since mid-2013, every member contributes a (short) article to an edition and writes about developments in his or her country in the field of his/her expertise. At the same time, the trend of the last couple of years to invite more foreign authors to contribute has continued. Atlantisch Perspectief is still a mainly Dutch magazine that focuses on topics that are important for Dutch defence and security policy, but the international perspective complements the topics very well and it increases the number of authors who can contribute to the magazine.
ANNUAL REPORT Date of publication: Print run:
On the website you can find an overview of all publications that the Netherlands Atlantic Association has published in the last couple of years.
Public Opinion Poll At the request of the Netherlands Atlantic Association, public opinion bureau TNS NIPO conducted a survey in June 2013 on the position of the Dutch Armed Forces against the background of international cooperation, military interventions and budget cuts. The survey showed, among other things, that there is little support for further defence cuts, but neither for investments, for instance in military ships and aircraft. The Dutch support international military cooperation and specialisation, even at the expense of national independence. The main results of the opinion poll were: ·
All articles that were published in Atlantisch Perspectief in 2013 can be found on the website: http://www.atlcom.nl/english/archive-magazine/ · Date of publication: Print run:
May 2013 500
8 times a year 1,200 copies
64% of the population thinks that the Armed Forces should focus in any case on national defence and assisting with national security tasks (58%). A little less than half of the population sees contributing to international peace missions and interventions as a core task. The Dutch find it more important that the Armed Forces are committed to security and defence (both national and international) than to preventive commitment to peace by promoting international law and order. Interviewees think that the Netherlands should not engage in military intervention if it is unlikely to increase international peace and security. The performance of Dutch soldiers was awarded 7.1 out of 10. The Dutch Ministry of Defence as an organisation scored 6.5 out of 10. Voters from the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) are the most positive; those of the Socialist Party (SP) are the most negative. Roughly half of the Dutch population thinks that the current defence budget is exactly right. When cuts are presented in euros (instead of as a percentage of GDP), there is a little more support for raising the defence budget and a little less support for cuts. 46% of the Dutch population does not want to invest more in military aircraft. 41% does not want to invest
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more in military ships. 36% does want to invest in modern electronic equipment. 46% of those questioned find increased military specialisation and international cooperation to be a positive development. Only 17% opposes this. The Netherlands should mainly intensify cooperation with the Benelux countries and Germany. 60% of the population thinks that the Netherlands is (reasonably) well suited to honour international engagements, even in the face of defence cuts.
Website The website of the Netherlands Atlantic Association (www.atlcom.nl or www.atlantischecommissie.nl) contains information on the structure, purpose and activities of the Association, the Atlantic Education Committee and Netherlands Atlantic Youth.
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Many publications can be viewed online and secondary school pupils can work with the various web sheets. The site can also be used to register for programmes of the Netherlands Atlantic Association and to watch and read (video) reports of previous activities. In 2013 the website had 20,202 visitors and 63,660 page views.
Interviews, Lectures and Publications of the Director COURSE Date: Title: Location: Participants:
4 April ‘History of Transatlantic Relations, 18001989’ Tilburg University 40
RADIO COMMENT Date: 5 September Subject: US-Russian relations and the situation in Syria Media: De Gids.FM (Radio 1) RADIO COMMENT Date: 8 October Subject: Obama and US foreign policy Media: De Gids.FM (Radio 1) ARTICLES · ‘Heeft de NAVO toekomst?’ [Is there a future for NATO?], in: Liberaal Reveil, March 2013 (1), pp. 16-20. · Reviews in the book section of ‘International Relations’, Geschiedenis Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 3 (April/May 2013), pp. 59-60. · Reviews in the book section of ‘International Relations’, Geschiedenis Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 8 (November 2013), pp. 56-57.
CHA IR IN MODERN TRANSATLANT I C RELAT I ONS Since 2005 the Netherlands Atlantic Association has endowed a chair in Modern Transatlantic Relations at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam.
doctoral research projects. Moreover, she wrote two articles and gave seven lectures and presentations for various target groups.
Marianne van Leeuwen has held the chair since October 2009. She has worked for the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD) as Senior Policy Adviser since 2003. In 2013 Marianne van Leeuwen gave a tutorial on ‘Transatlantic Relations Tested against Foreign Policy’ for 15 Master’s students, and a tutorial on ‘National Interest, Special Interest, Public Interest and the Domestic Context of US Foreign Policy’ for 20 Master’s students in American Studies. She supervised four Master’s theses and two
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Social Media Both the Netherlands Atlantic Association and Netherlands Atlantic Youth are active on Facebook and Twitter. Social media are used to increase the awareness of young people. Moreover, followers are kept informed about activities and publications. On 31 December 2013, the Facebook page of the Netherlands Atlantic Association had 155 ‘likes’ and the Netherlands Atlantic Youth page had 518. There were 94 posts in 2013. There were 224 followers on Twitter on 31 December 2013, and 213 tweets were sent in 2013.
Netherlands Atlantic Association in the Media Reports on (activities of) the Netherlands Atlantic Association were published in the following newspapers and periodicals in 2013. Activities were also posted on news websites and were broadcast on radio programmes. · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
AD (Haagsche Courant) Armex Barneveldse Krant BN De Stem bnr.nl Brabants Dagblad Eindhovens Dagblad Friesch Dagblad De Gids.fm Gooi en Eemlander Haarlems Dagblad HP/De Tijd IJmuider Courant
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Internationale Spectator Leidsch Dagblad Noordhollands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad nu.nl Parool Reformatorisch Dagblad Spits Telegraaf Trouw De Volkskrant Vrij Nederland
The Strategic Studies Foundation is an independent organisation that was established to take care of the Netherlands Atlantic Association’s scholarly activities. The Foundation’s goals are to initiate and support scholarly research on security-related issues. From May 1999 until February 2008 Rob de Wijk was Professor, by special appointment, of Strategic Studies at Leiden University, a chair established and endowed by the Foundation. From April 2009 until July 2011, Julian Lindley-French occupied the chair. In May 2012 Isabelle Duyvesteyn was appointed Professor, by special appointment, of Strategic Studies. Her teaching commitment encompasses international security in a broad sense, with special attention for the role of military power as a foreign policy instrument of governments. Isabelle Duyvesteyn is an Associate Professor at the Department of History of International
Relations at Utrecht University. She is, among other things, a member of the Peace and Security Committee of the Advisory Council on International Affairs. On 31 December 2013 the Board of the Strategic Studies Foundation was composed as follows: · · · · ·
Dirk Jan van den Berg, Chairman Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Deputy Chairperson Frank van den Heuvel, Secretary Harry Groen, Treasurer Bram Boxhoorn, Director
FINANC IAL REPORT amounts x 1,000, rounded to thousands INCOME Government Other income Total income
€ 505 € 124 –––––– € 629
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Platform and networking activities Education Public programmes Media Other Total expenses
€ 155 € 134 € 146 € 201 € 008 –––––– € 644
€ (15)
45 programmes with more than 140 speakers and some 1,640 participants
· · · ·
10 meetings of van StudiumGenerale 15 meetings of Netherlands Atlantic Youth with a total of 31 speakers and 487 students and young professionals 7 education programmes for more than 300 teachers 9 public meetings with a total of 36 speakers and 660 participants
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20,202 visits 13,122 visitors 63,660 page views
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· ·
8 issues of Atlantisch Perspectief with a total of 39 articles 3 educational publications
PROGRAMMES . . . . . · StudiumGenerale . . · Netherlands Atlantic Youth · Education . . . . · Public Meetings . . . · Study Visits to NATO . · Other Programmes . .
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MEDIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Atlantisch Perspectief . . . . . . . . · Other Publications . . . . . . . . . · Public Opinion Poll . . . . . . . . . · Website . . . . . . . . . . . . · Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . · Interviews, Lectures and Publications of the Director · Netherlands Atlantic Association in the Media . .
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360 patrons and student patrons 141 subscriptions and student subscriptions
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Since its institution in 1952, the Netherlands Atlantic Association has been a forum for public debate on transatlantic security issues. It provides information and promotes the study of issues such as relations between Europe and the United States, NATO and European security. In this way, the Association hopes to further public discussion on these issues.
Drawing attention to public support for defence was one of the priorities of the Netherlands Atlantic Association’s programme in 2013. Support for defence and NATO has declined considerably in recent years. Although a TNS NIPO survey in July 2013 showed little support for further defence cuts, it also showed little support for further defence investment. Recent events in Russia and Ukraine, however, show how quickly international relations can change and also highlight the importance of a good ‘insurance policy’ – to use the term of Commander of the Netherlands’ Armed Forces Tom Middendorp.
The Netherlands Atlantic Association organises various programmes for specific target groups. Among these target groups are patrons of the Netherlands Atlantic Association, politicians, journalists, diplomats, university lecturers and young professionals. Netherlands Atlantic Youth organises programmes for (recently graduated) students. The Atlantic Education Committee develops initiatives for teachers and pupils in the upper classes of secondary schools.
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The Netherlands Atlantic Association is also active in the field of publishing. Its publications include Atlantisch Perspectief [Atlantic Perspective], conference and study reports, books and (digital) educational brochures.
The independence of the Netherlands Atlantic Association is safeguarded by the organisation’s Board, which includes representatives of major political parties and experts on transatlantic relations and security policy as its members. The Netherlands Atlantic Association is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association – the umbrella organisation for the more than 40 Atlantic councils, which work in most NATO member states and Partnership for Peace countries. The Netherlands Atlantic Association cooperates with government institutions, political and scientific institutions and non-governmental organisations in the Netherlands and abroad, and on an ad hoc basis with the business community. Finally, the Netherlands Atlantic Association initiates and supports the development of others’ activities in the fields of national and international security and advises on the organisation and implementation of projects.
The Netherlands Atlantic Association organised an international seminar in July 2013, when experts from Europe and North America indicated what people in their respective countries think about this particular subject. At least as important, however, is that the Association itself is trying to increase support from the ground up, by organising more and more programmes for younger target groups.
an ‘excellent’ profile assignment on international peace and security issues. This successful pilot will be continued in 2014. The Netherlands Atlantic Association thus stimulated the debate on international security issues in various ways in 2013. The Board, Atlantic Education Committee, Netherlands Atlantic Youth and the Association’s management, secretariat and the enthusiastic interns are committed to continuing their work in the coming year. Dirk Jan van den Berg Chairman, Netherlands Atlantic Association April 2014
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This is primarily realised through Netherlands Atlantic Youth. In 2013, the very active and enthusiastic Board organised some fifteen high-quality and varied meetings, master classes and study visits for students and recent graduates. By cooperating with student associations in various university cities – in 2013 for the first time also in Nijmegen – the range of Netherlands Atlantic Youth is growing. A second method to involve a younger generation in international (security) issues is the Netherlands Atlantic Association’s StudiumGenerale. 2013 saw the third year of this successful programme, where participants visit international institutions and Dutch companies with an international orientation. The young and talented employees from both the business community and government institutions respond very positively to this programme.
COLOPHON Netherlands Atlantic Association Bezuidenhoutseweg 237a-239a 2594 AM The Hague t +31-70-363 94 95 f +31-70-364 63 09 e
[email protected] i www.atlcom.nl
· Editor: Niklaas Hoekstra · Design: Meyer/Van Gerwen, Den Haag/Breda · Printing: Ervee design & drukwerk b.v., Zoetermeer
Copyright © 2014 Netherlands Atlantic Association
Public meetings on current issues and study visits to NATO Headquarters for journalists, university teachers and researchers, and members of parliament and their staffers, also contributed to a greater awareness of security issues. Last, but not least, programmes were held for secondary school teachers and pupils. In 2013, the Atlantic Education Committee initiated a project to challenge pupils to write
The Netherlands Atlantic Association wishes to express its gratitude to all the individuals and institutions that have assisted the Association with its activities during 2013.
Representatives of major political parties, as well as experts in the fields of transatlantic relations and security policy, are represented on the Board and the Executive Committee (which is part of the Board) of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. The Executive Committee and the Board meet at least twice and three times a year respectively.
Without the financial contributions of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, the Association would not have been able to carry out its activities. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, the US Embassy in The Hague, Windesheim University, NHL University, and, of course, the private patrons of the Netherlands Atlantic Association also contributed greatly to the realisation of the various programmes. The Netherlands Atlantic Association is very grateful to the German Marshall Fund of the United States, as well as the Dutch Royal Navy, Amnesty International, ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ (Dutch Central Bank), the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Dutch Ministry of
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Defence, Royal HaskoningDHV, Fokker and Thales Netherlands, for providing material contributions in connection with the Association’s programmes in 2013. The Netherlands Atlantic Association is also indebted to the many speakers at its conferences and other meetings, and to the authors who contributed to Atlantisch
In 2013, the Netherlands Atlantic Association cooperated with the following organisations: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Perspectief and to other publications. The activities of the Netherlands Atlantic Association are carried out in cooperation with many organisations, both at home and abroad. Regular contact is maintained with the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, with Dutch diplomatic missions abroad, and with the embassies of OSCE countries in The Hague.
· · · · ·
Amnesty International Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) BKB Bureau City of Amsterdam ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ Dutch United Nations Student Association, Leiden Fokker Aerostructures German Marshall Fund of the United States Germany Institute Amsterdam (DIA) Leiden University Dutch Ministry of Defence Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division NDC Anciens Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’ NHL University Radboud University Nijmegen Royal HaskoningDHV Student Association for European Studies at the University of Amsterdam Study Association for Political Science - ISMUS Thales Netherlands University of Amsterdam US Embassy in the Hague Windesheim University
The Netherlands Atlantic Association hopes to continue its fruitful cooperation with these organisations in the future.
In 2013 there were several changes in the composition of the Board and Executive Committee of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. Marieke de Goede (Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam) stepped down from the Board in mid-2013. She had been a member since 2012. In April the seat on the Executive Committee that was occupied by Han ten Broeke (Foreign Affairs spokesman for the VVD in the Second Chamber of Parliament) was taken over by his parliamentary colleague Ronald Vuijk. On 31 December 2013 the Executive Committee was composed as follows: · Dirk Jan van den Berg, Chairman President, Executive Board, Delft University of Technology · Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Deputy Chairman Director, Wiardi Beckman Foundation · Frank van den Heuvel, Secretary Director, Public Affairs, TNO · Harry Groen, Treasurer Former Mayor of Noordwijk · Norbert Both Vice-President, Corporate Communications, Shell International BV · Angelien Eijsink Defence spokesperson for the Social Democratic Party (PvdA), Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament · Ronald Vuijk Foreign Affairs spokesman for the Liberal Party (VVD), Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament · Otte Beeksma, Observer for the Dutch Ministry of Defence Deputy Director of Information and Communication, Ministry of Defence
· Joep Wijnands, Observer for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director of Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs On 31 December 2013 the members of the Board included: · Rowinda Appelman Chairperson of Netherlands Atlantic Youth; Researcher, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Free University Amsterdam · Mostafa Hilali Directorate of Information and Communication, Dutch Ministry of Defence · Raymond Knops Defence spokesman for the Christian Democratic Party (CDA), Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament · Hans Luyendijk, Chairman of the Atlantic Education Committee Headmaster, Dalton School, The Hague · Patrick Mikkelsen Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands · Paul Scheffer Writer; Professor of European Studies, Tilburg School of Humanities · André Szász Former Director of ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ · Marcel Urlings Former Commander-in-Chief, Royal Netherlands Army · Rein Willems Former President, Shell Nederland BV
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On 31 December 2013 the management of the Netherlands Atlantic Association was composed as follows:
StudiumGenerale The StudiumGenerale programme of the Netherlands Atlantic Association has been in existence since 2011 and is aimed at talented young professionals with a government or business background. Its main purpose is to encourage participants to look at transatlantic relations from different perspectives. A second purpose is to expand the network of both participants and the Netherlands Atlantic Association.
· Dr A. (Bram) Boxhoorn Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association; Director, Strategic Studies Foundation
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The work of the Secretariat of the Netherlands Atlantic Association involves both the preparation and implementation of policy. Secretariat staff organise public meetings, seminars, conferences and other activities. They also maintain the website and social media, edit the Association’s publications, and manage their production and distribution. Furthermore, the Secretariat assists the study and work groups. There were two changes in the Secretariat’s composition in 2013. Laura Hof worked at the Secretariat from 1 April until 31 August for one day a week as Secretary of the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth. On 1 October she was succeeded by Marianne Copier. On 31 December 2013 the Secretariat was composed as follows: · Niklaas Hoekstra Head of Secretariat, Web Content Manager · Maarten Katsman Editor of Atlantisch Perspectief · Janneke Suiskind Project Manager for Education and Youth · Kees Kouwenhoven Project Assistant · Marianne Copier Secretary, Netherlands Atlantic Youth
Students from various Dutch universities provide valuable assistance with the Secretariat’s work. In 2013 the following interns worked with the Netherlands Atlantic Association: · · · · · ·
Lisa Glasbergen (Radboud University, Nijmegen) Katy Hofstede (Utrecht University) Gabriela Kouters (University of Amsterdam) Ciska Schippers (University of Amsterdam) Danny Turk (University of Amsterdam; Webster University) Bob Uhde (Leiden University)
In previous years, participants in the StudiumGenerale programme came from ABN AMRO, Shell International, Royal HaskoningDHV, Fokker Aerostructures, Randstad, Thales Nederland, West Holland Foreign Investment Agency, BKB Bureau, the American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands, Amnesty International, the Dutch National Police Corps, the cities of The Hague and Amsterdam, and the Dutch ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs and Defence. In 2013, the second year of StudiumGenerale came to an end, and the third year of StudiumGenerale began. The programme for the third year consisted of ten meetings between March 2013 and February 2014. The subjects varied, but broadly speaking they dealt with the (new) world order from a Dutch and transatlantic perspective.
· Justyna Krajewska City of Amsterdam · Elke Roelant American Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands · Harriët Slager Fokker Technologies / Damen Shipyards · Annemaaike Tempelaar Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs · Heleen Tromp Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations · Ilse Veldman ABN AMRO
Programmes UNIT 8 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale II) 25 January The role of multinationals in the world: Royal HaskoningDHV Employees of Royal HaskoningDHV Royal HaskoningDHV, Rotterdam
UNIT 9 Date: Subject: Location:
(StudiumGenerale II) 15 February Final meeting Ambassade Hotel, Amsterdam
UNIT 1 Date: Subject:
(StudiumGenerale III) 1-3 March Team-building weekend: introduction to the third year of StudiumGenerale. Focus on intra-European relations and transatlantic relations in a historical perspective Vlissingen and Walcheren
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Participants Participants in StudiumGenerale in 2013 were: · Joost Bruinsma Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations · Antonie van Campen Dutch Ministry of Defence · Tessa Hagen BKB Bureau · Eveline Hamelink-van Rens City of The Hague · Kees-Jaap Koppe Thales Nederland · Tina Koppejan Shell International
Location: UNIT 2 Date: Subject: Speakers:
(StudiumGenerale III) 26 April The importance of the euro for the Netherlands André Szász (former Director, ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’) and employees of the Dutch Central Bank ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’, Amsterdam
UNIT 3 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
UNIT 4 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale III) 28 June Human rights Employees of Amnesty International Amnesty International, Amsterdam
UNIT 5 Date: Subject:
(StudiumGenerale III) 27 September Questions of homeland security in a transatlantic perspective Employees of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Zoetermeer
Speakers: Location:
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(StudiumGenerale III) 31 May Dutch foreign policy: new accents Employees of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
UNIT 6 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale III) 1 November The role of multinationals in the world: Fokker Employees of Fokker Fokker, Papendrecht
UNIT 7 Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
(StudiumGenerale III) 29 November Is NATO on its way to strategic unity? Employees of the Dutch Ministry of Defence Dutch Ministry of Defence, The Hague
UNIT 8 Date: Subject:
(StudiumGenerale III) 13 December The role of multinationals in the world: Thales Employees of Thales Thales, Hengelo
Speakers: Location:
Netherlands Atlantic Youth Since 2006, Netherlands Atlantic Youth has been a subcommittee of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. It aims to increase awareness among students and young professionals and to increase their involvement in common transatlantic security issues. Netherlands Atlantic Youth is a platform for dialogue on the future of NATO, not only for young people in the Netherlands, but also for those in other NATO and Partnership for Peace countries. In order to meet these goals, Netherlands Atlantic Youth organises various national and international events that are aimed at a young audience (from 18-35 years), and it does so in cooperation with various partner organisations.
Programmes Netherlands Atlantic Youth had a very varied programme in 2013, both with regard to subject matter and the type of meetings. It tried to strike a balance between military and political themes and between meetings in Dutch and English. The types of meetings also varied: from lectures and panel discussions to excursions. In 2013 the first master classes were given as well. They proved to be very popular, so more master classes will be organised in 2014. Captain Niels Woudstra gave two master classes on Dutch Royal Navy policies. Major Oscar Zoeteweij gave a master class on the core tasks of the Royal Dutch Air Force. The interactive character of the master classes resulted in new insights for the participants.
Board The Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth underwent several changes in 2013. In the course of 2013 Matthieu Bouwense, Rosalie van Gelder, Willem van Poll, Gerben Stormbroek and Eva van der Zee stepped down from the Board. Arnold Hooiveld, Ciska Schippers, Biejan Poor Toulabi, Inez Treffers, Remco Zwetsloot and Wouter van Zwieten joined the Board. From 1 April until 31 August Laura Hof was Secretary of the Board. Marianne Copier has fulfilled this position since 1 October 2013.
US policy was another focus point in 2013. On the occasion of the re-election of US President Barack Obama and the so-called ‘Asian pivot’, Netherlands Atlantic Youth organised a couple of meetings on the United States. The high number of participants in these meetings proved that interest in US policies is still high. Netherlands Atlantic Youth is active both offline and online. Its Facebook page has more than 450 members (and increases weekly), where discussions on topical issues are promoted. All members of the Facebook page can post messages. It is thus a good reflection of what occupies its members. The Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth uses this input to establish various programmes.
MASTER CLASS Date: 10 January Subject: Strategies at sea (part 1) Speaker: Niels Woudstra (Dutch Royal Navy; Netherlands Defence Academy) Location: ‘Marine Etablissement’, Amsterdam Participants: 30 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) NEW YEAR’S DRINKS Date: 17 January Subject: ‘The War of the Future’ (cyber warfare, UAVs, drones) Speaker: Frans Osinga (Professor of Military Operational Sciences, Netherlands Defence Academy) Location: Café Dudok, The Hague Participants: 25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) YATA ASSEMBLY Date: 3-5 February Location: Rome Participants: On behalf of Netherlands Atlantic Youth: Rowinda Appelman (Chairperson) and Marianne Copier (Vice-Chairperson) MEETING Date: Subject: Speaker:
On 9 December, at the 18th General Assembly of the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) in Brussels, Rowinda Appelman, Chairperson of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, was unanimously elected as Chair of the Board of YATA in 2014. On 31 December 2013 the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth consisted of: · · · · · · · · · ·
Rowinda Appelman (Chairperson) Marianne Copier (Secretary) Laura Hof Arnold Hooiveld Ciska Schippers Biejan Poor Toulabi Inez Treffers Larissa Versloot Remco Zwetsloot Wouter van Zwieten
Members of the Board of Netherlands Atlantic Youth have also been very active abroad. A number of Board members were present at assemblies of YATA (the international umbrella organisation). They also took part in summer seminars that were organised by sister organisations, such as the Portuguese Atlantic Youth Seminar (PAYS). Participation in international events will be expanded in 2014.
5 February ‘President Obama’s Second Term: Domestic and Foreign Policy Outlook’ Susan MacManus (University of South Florida) Gerard van der Ree (University College Utrecht)
In coop. with: US Embassy, The Hague Location: Auditorium, University College Utrecht Participants: 100 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) MEETING Date: Subject:
Location: Participants:
28 February Dutch contributions to the UN in New York: experiences during UN missions (Lebanon and Yugoslavia) and NATO missions (Iraq and Afghanistan) Rob Sondag (former military adviser, Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the UN) ‘Marine Etablissement’, Amsterdam 25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
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MEETING Date: Subject:
Jonge Atlantici / Netherlands Atlantic Youth
Excursie van Jonge Atlantici naar de Onderzeedienst in Den Helder op 17 mei / Excursion of Netherlands Atlantic Youth to the Submarine Service in Den Helder on 17 May.
4 April Reorientation of US foreign policy and its consequences for Europe Speakers: Kees Homan (Clingendael Institute); Ruth Oldenziel (expert on the United States); Mathieu Segers (Utrecht University) Moderator: Paul Brill (De Volkskrant) In coop. with: Students’ Association for European Studies – SES (University of Amsterdam) Location: CREA Theatre, Amsterdam Participants: 50 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, SES and others)
MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
24 April Security in the Arctic region Niels Woudstra (Dutch Royal Navy; Netherlands Defence Academy; Giles Scott-Smith (Leiden University) In coop. with: Dutch United Nations Student Association (SIB) Leiden Location: Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Leiden University Participants: 35 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, SIB Leiden and others)
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MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
Location: Participants:
EXCURSION Date: Subject: Location: Participants:
MASTER CLASS Date: 5 June Subject: Master class on the Royal Netherlands Air Force (military strategies in the air) Speaker: Oscar Zoeteweij (Royal Netherlands Air Force) Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Participants: 15 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others) STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 28 June Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Eimert Hornstra (Netherlands Permanent Representation to NATO); Peter de Bruijn (Netherlands Permanent Military Representation to NATO) In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 30 (students and young professionals) MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers: Location:
25 September Relationship of Germany, France and the EU Mathieu Segers (Utrecht University); Ton Nijhuis (Germany Institute Amsterdam) Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Leiden University 25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
15 May War and ethics Désirée Verweij (Radboud University Nijmegen; Netherlands Defence Academy); Isabelle Duyvesteyn (Utrecht University; Leiden University) Drift 21, Utrecht
MASTER CLASS Date: 8 October
25 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
Subject: Speaker:
Location: 17 May Submarine service Den Helder 22 members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth
Strategies at sea (part 2) Niels Woudstra (Dutch Royal Navy; Netherlands Defence Academy) Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague 15 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
Deelnemers aan de Masterclass van Jonge Atlantici over Strategieën op zee op 8 oktober op het kantoor van de > Atlantische Commissie / Participants in the master class on strategies at sea on 8 October at the office of the Netherlands Atlantic Association.
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MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
21 October The importance of the Dutch Armed Forces Sabine Mengelberg (Netherlands Defence Academy); Kees Homan (Clingendael Institute) In coop. with: Study Association for Political Science – ISMUS (Radboud University) Location: Radboud University, Nijmegen Participants: 30 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth, ISMUS and others)
MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
Moderator: Location: Participants:
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MEETING Date: Subject: Speakers:
Moderator: Location: Participants:
13 November Cyber security Matthijs Veenendaal (Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice); Christian Prickaerts (Fox-IT); Paul Ducheine (Netherlands Defence Academy) Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam) P.C. Hoofthuis, Amsterdam 35 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
The Atlantic Education Committee organises conferences, (regional) seminars and study trips for teachers from secondary schools and teacher-training institutes. Cooperation with teachers’ organisations makes it possible to issue post-graduate certificates following these educational activities. The Atlantic Education Committee includes representatives of three teachers’ organisations, namely the Netherlands Association for Teachers of History (VGN), the Netherlands Association for Teachers of Social Studies (NVLM) and the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association (KNAG). The Netherlands Atlantic Association has a database of some 2,600 teachers and school departments that are kept informed of the various activities of the Atlantic Education Committee.
4 December America: leader of the world? US foreign policy under Obama Ruud Janssens (University of Amsterdam); Paul Brill (De Volkskrant); Meline Arakelian (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Beerd Beukenhorst (University of Amsterdam)
Under the auspices of the Atlantic Education Committee, the Netherlands Atlantic Association regularly issues educational publications. In so-called ‘web sheets’, background information about topical international developments is given. Questions and assignments are also part of the web sheets.
CREA Theatre, Amsterdam 50 (members of Netherlands Atlantic Youth and others)
There was one change in the composition of the Atlantic Education Committee in 2013. In March Jan Evert Volders (Lecturer in History at the Windesheim University for Applied Sciences) joined the Committee.
YATA ASSEMBLY Date: 9-11 December Location: Brussels Participants: On behalf of Netherlands Atlantic Youth: Rowinda Appelman (Chairperson), Marianne Copier (Secretary) and Arnold Hooiveld (Board Member)
The Atlantic Education Committee (AOC) focuses on providing information on transatlantic security issues for teachers and pupils in secondary schools and institutes for teacher training.
Atlantic Education Committee
On 31 December 2013 the Atlantic Education Committee was composed of the following members: · Hans Luyendijk, Chairman Headmaster, Dalton School, The Hague · Bram Boxhoorn, Secretary Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association · Anne-Marit Dannijs Senior Lecturer of Social Studies, Institute for Teacher Education, Rotterdam University
· Trudy Elsenaar-Tijsze Former Chairperson, Central Directorate of Public Education, Zaanstad; former Chairperson, Royal Netherlands Geographical Association (KNAG) · Tanja Groenendijk-de Vos · Theo Hoebink Former teacher of Geography, ‘Katholieke Scholengemeenschap Etten-Leur’ (KSE) · Jacques Kriens Representing the Netherlands Association for Teachers of Social Studies (NVLM); former teacher of Social Studies, ‘De Nassau Scholengemeenschap’, Breda · Paul Lemmens Representing the Netherlands Association for Teachers of History (VGN); teacher of History, ‘De Nassau Scholengemeenschap’, Breda · Frederik Oorschot Representing the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association (KNAG); teacher of Geography, ‘NSG Groenewoud’, Nijmegen · Robert de Oude Teacher of History and Social Studies, ‘Walburgcollege’, Zwijndrecht · Jos Roozenbeek · Sietze van der Vinne Lecturer in Geography, Institute for Teacher Education, Windesheim University for Applied Sciences · Jan Evert Volders Lecturer in History, Institute for Teacher Education, Windesheim University for Applied Sciences
Programmes In 2013 the Netherlands Atlantic Association organised its annual Education Conference on 6 March. This year’s theme – ‘Asia’s Century?’ – proved to be popular. A month before the conference, the maximum number of participants was reached. On 18 April the Education Committee organised for the third time a regional seminar in Zwolle in cooperation with Windesheim University and NHL University. Many interested students and teachers followed this postgraduate seminar on ‘Current Developments in the Middle East’. In June the Education Committee started a new programme in which eight pairs (17 pupils in total) from five different secondary schools were given the opportunity to write an excellent ‘profile assignment’ on a subject related to international peace and security. At the first meeting the pupils got acquainted with each other and the members of
the Education Committee. They discussed the themes of their profile assignments. Two more meetings followed (in September and November), in which they discussed their progress and the various obstacles that they had encountered. The pupils were given suggestions about, among other things, finding, using and referring to useful sources for their projects. In January 2014 seven out of the eight pairs successfully finished the project. Four profile assignments were given the predicate ‘excellent’. At the annual Education Conference in February 2014, the winning pair was announced. The project was headed by Theo Hoebink (member of the Education Committee) and Janneke Suiskind (Project Manager, Education) The annual study trip added a new destination. As well as New York, the participating teachers also visited Boston. The theme of this year’s trip was ‘Excellent Education and American History’. In Boston the sixteen participants and their supervisors visited two excellent public schools, Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). The group also walked along the Freedom Trail. Each of the participants gave a presentation at one of the sites. The programme continued in New York, where the group visited the New York Historical Society and Ground Zero. The participants also walked along the High Line and were given a historical guided tour of South Manhattan by Heleen Westerhuijs. ATLANTIC EDUCATION CONFERENCE Date: 6 March Subject: ‘Asia’s Century? The Rise of China, India and South-East Asia and the Consequences for the West’ Speakers: Wouter van Straten (Avans University); Gertjan Dijkink (University of Amsterdam); David Henley (Leiden University); Henk Schulte Nordholt (Free University Amsterdam; Royal Netherlands Institute for South-East Asian and Caribbean Studies); Ilse Akkermans (journalist and writer); Trudy ElsenaarTijsze (Atlantic Education Committee); Theo Hoebink (Atlantic Education Committee, KS Etten-Leur); Mieke Steenbruggen (Rotterdam University); Tom Wils (Rotterdam University; Fontys University); Hanneke Maasland (Rotterdam University); Niels Woudstra (Netherlands Defence Academy); Marieke Bloembergen (Royal Netherlands Institute for South-East Asian and Caribbean Studies)
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Onderwijs / Education
Moderator: Location: Participants: De eerste bijeenkomst van deelnemers aan het Profielwerkstukkenproject op 20 juni. Theo Hoebink legt de opzet van het project uit / The first meeting of the participants in the Profile Assignment Project. Theo Hoebink presents an introduction on the project.
Hans Luyendijk (Chairman, Atlantic Education Committee) University Hall, Utrecht 125 (secondary school teachers of history, geography and social studies, students and others)
SEMINAR Date: Subject:
18 April ‘On the Road to a New Middle East? Two Years after the Start of the Arab Spring’ Speakers: Paul Aarts (University of Amsterdam); Lily Sprangers (Turkey Institute); Halim El Madkouri (FORUM); Peyman Jafari (University of Amsterdam); Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam) Moderator: Hans Luyendijk (Chairman, Atlantic Education Committee) In coop. with: Windesheim University and NHL University Location: ‘Nieuwe Buitensociëteit’, Zwolle Participants: 100 (secondary school teachers and students of Geography, History and Social Studies, and others)
Sprekers tijdens het onderwijsseminar in Zwolle over het Midden-Oosten. Van links naar rechts: Halim El Madkouri, Lily Sprangers en Paul Aarts / Speakers during the education seminar on the Middle East in Zwolle. From left to right: Halim El Madkouri, Lily Sprangers and Paul Aarts.
PROFILE ASSIGNMENT PROJECT Date: 20 June Subject: First meeting of the Profile Assignment Project Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Participants: 17 selected pupils of the Dalton School, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE and Walburg College
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PREPARATORY MEETING FOR STUDY TRIP TO BOSTON AND NEW YORK Date: 12 September Subject: Getting acquainted, introductory lectures and travel information Speakers: Anita Wuestman (Specialist in Gifted Education); Tara Cummins (US Consulate, Amsterdam) Location: Conference Centre ‘Vredenburg 19’, Utrecht Participants: 17 participants in the study trip
PROFILE ASSIGNMENT PROJECT Date: 26 September Subject: Second meeting of the Profile Assignment Project Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Hague Participants: 17 pupils from the Dalton School, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE and Walburg College STUDY TRIP Date: Subject: Speakers:
16-23 October ‘Excellent Education and American History’ Katherine Merseth (Harvard Graduate School of Education); William Uricchio (Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT); Charles Perry (Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis); Valerie Paley (New York Historical Society); Heleen Westerhuijs (independent researcher and writer), among others Destinations: Boston and New York Participants: 16 secondary school teachers of Social Studies, History and Geography; and on behalf of the Netherlands Atlantic Association: Janneke Suiskind (Project Manager, Education); Sietze van der Vinne (Member, Atlantic Education Committee) and Bram Boxhoorn (Director) PROFILE ASSIGNMENT PROJECT Date: 21 November Subject: Third meeting of the Profile Assignment Project Location: Netherlands Atlantic Association, The Participants:
LECTURE Date: Subject: Speaker:
Deelnemers aan en begeleiders van de studiereis voor docenten naar Boston en New York in oktober bij het Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Participants in and supervisors of the study trip for teachers to Boston and New York in October, posing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Location: Participants:
Hague 17 pupils from the Dalton School, Erasmiaans Gymnasium, CSG Het Noordik, KSE and Walburg College
25 November International (geopolitical) conflicts from 1945 until today Theo Hoebink (Member, Atlantic Education Committee) Fontys University, Tilburg 19 journalism students
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ARTICLE Subject: Authors: Published: Print run: WEB SHEET Subject: Published:
‘The Revenge of Geography in Schools’ in Geografie Trudy Elsenaar and Theo Hoebink May 2013 3,300
NATO (updated version - including teachers’ guide) October 2013
TEACHING MODULE Subject: Territorial conflicts in the South China Sea (including teachers’ guide) Published: November 2013
In 2013, nine public meetings were organised, which were attended by a total of 660 interested people. Two meetings dealt with NATO and two with transatlantic relations. Beside this, there were meetings on the United States, defence, the Balkans, Germany and China. Seven meetings were videotaped. The videos can be viewed on the website.
Programmes PUBLIC MEETING Date: 22 January Subject: The relationship of the United States, Europe and China Speakers: Henk Schulte Nordholt (China expert); Fokke Obbema (EU/China correspondent, De Volkskrant); Ruth Oldenziel (expert on the United States) Moderator: Dirk Jan van den Berg (Chairman, Netherlands Atlantic Association) Location: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague Participants: 80 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
Sprekers en moderator tijdens het seminar over maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de krijgsmacht op 1 juli in Den Haag. Van links naar rechts: Jan van der Meulen, Paul Cornish, Christian Leuprecht, Alexander Moens (moderator), Peter Viggo Jakobsen en Jan Techau / Speakers and moderator during the seminar on ‘Support in Society for the Armed Forces’ on 1 July in The Hague. From left to right: Jan van der Meulen, Paul Cornish, Christian Leuprecht, Alexander Moens (moderator), Peter Viggo Jakobsen and Jan Techau.
Stefanie Babst tijdens het seminar over NATO’s Asian Partnerships op 22 maart in Den Haag / Stefanie Babst during the seminar on NATO’s Asian Partnerships on 22 March in The Hague.
Sprekers en moderator tijdens het seminar over de Westelijke Balkan en NAVO op 30 september in Den Haag. Van links naar rechts: Robert van de Roer (moderator), Radomir Licina, Lada Sadikovic, Stella Ronner-Grubacic en Dejan Jovic / Speakers and moderator during the seminar on the western Balkans and NATO on 30 September in The Hague. From left to right: Robert van de Roer (moderator), Radomir Licina, Lada Sadikovic, Stella Ronner-Grubacic and Dejan Jovic. >
Finally, updates were made of two digital web sheets of the Atlantic Education Committee. The web sheet on NATO was published on the website in October. The web sheet on the EU and European Security will be published in 2014.
Public meetings aim to inform several important target groups of the Netherlands Atlantic Association (patrons, students, politicians, journalists, university lecturers, policy-makers and members of the diplomatic corps) about topical themes in national and international political relations. One or more speakers are invited to shed their light on the subject. After the introduction(s), the speakers debate with each other, the moderator and the audience.
This learning module is for pupils in the upper classes of secondary schools and students at teacher-training institutes. It consists of an introductory PowerPoint presentation (for the teacher), an introductory article about the situation around the South China Sea, six country profiles of coastal states plus the United States, and a concluding article by Robert Kaplan, titled ‘The South China Sea is the Future of Conflict’, which was published in Foreign Policy. The purpose of the module is to inform pupils about an important international security issue, and to allow them to think actively about possible solutions. The various parts of the teaching module can be downloaded for free from the website of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. The teacher’s guide can be obtained upon request.
PUBLIC MEETING Date: Subject: Speaker:
Moderator: Location: Participants:
21 March ‘Rebalancing the Transatlantic Partnership’ Dan Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University) Robert van de Roer (diplomatic expert) Pulchri Studio, The Hague 50 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
Theo Hoebink (Member of the Atlantic Education Committee) gave a follow-up to the workshop that he gave with Trudy Elsenaar at the Atlantic Education Conference on 6 March. First, they both wrote an article in Geografie (the magazine of the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association – KNAG) entitled ‘The Revenge of Geography in Schools’ about using Kaplan’s ideas in the classroom. Hoebink also developed an online learning module about the conflicting and overlapping territorial claims of coastal states in the South China Sea, following an article by Kaplan.
Public Meetings
François Heisbourg tijdens het seminar over de internationale rol van Duitsland op 9 september in Den Haag / François Heisbourg during the seminar on Germany’s international role, on 9 September in The Hague.
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INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 22 March Subject: ‘NATO’s Asian Partnerships: What Role for NATO in a Changing Security Environment?’ Speakers: Dan Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University); Sten Rynning (Political Science, University of Southern Denmark); Julian Lindley French (strategic analyst); Stefanie Babst (Strategic Analysis Capability, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO) Moderator: Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam) Location: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague Participants: 40 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
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PUBLIC MEETING Date: 11 June Subject: ‘Europe and the United States in a Changing World’ Speaker: Walter Russell Mead (Bard College, Annandale, NY; The American Interest) Moderator: Maarten Huygen (NRC Handelsblad) Location: ‘Koninklijke Schouwburg’, The Hague Participants: 70 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others) INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 1 July Subject: ‘Support in Society for the Armed Forces: Perspectives from North America and Europe’ Speakers: Christian Leuprecht (Royal Military College of Canada); Peter Viggo Jakobsen (Royal Danish Defence College); Paul Cornish (University of Exeter); Jan Techau (Carnegie Europe); Jan van der Meulen (Leiden University) Moderator: Alexander Moens (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
Location: Participants:
Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague 60 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 9 September Subject: ‘Europe’s Only Superpower? Germany’s International Role on the Eve of the National Elections’ Speakers: Ruprecht Polenz (Member of the Bundestag – CDU); Günter Gloser (Member of the Bundestag – SPD); Paul Scheffer (writer; Board Member, Netherlands Atlantic Association); François Heisbourg (International Institute for Strategic Studies, London); Gunther Hellmann (Goethe University, Frankfurt); Henning Riecke (DGAP) Moderators: Jaap de Zwaan (Erasmus University); Norbert Both (Shell; Board Member, Netherlands Atlantic Association) In coop. with: Germany Institute Amsterdam (DIA) Location: Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’, The Hague Participants: 100 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others) INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Date: 30 September Subject: ‘Integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and NATO’ Speakers: Dejan Jovic (Political Analyst for the President of Croatia); Radomir Licina (journalist); Lada Sadikovic (University of Sarajevo); Stella Ronner-Grubacic (Netherlands Ambassador to Croatia); Joost Korte (European Commission); Barbora Maronkova (Public Diplomacy Division, NATO) Moderator: Robert van de Roer (diplomatic expert) Location: ‘Sociëteit De Witte’, The Hague
90 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
PUBLIC MEETING Date: 5 November Subject: ‘The Political Situation in the United States One Year after the Elections’ Speaker: Roger Simon (Chief Political Columnist, Politico) Moderator: Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal (journalist) In coop. with: BKB Bureau Location: ‘De Melkweg’, Amsterdam Participants: 120 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists and others) SEMINAR Date: Subject:
12 December ‘NATO’s Capability Challenges under Economic Austerity’ Speakers: Freek Meulman (Permanent Military Representative of the Netherlands to NATO and the EU Military Committee, 2010-2013); John Hulsman (John C. Hulsman Enterprises) Moderator: Bram Boxhoorn (Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association) In coop. with: NDC Anciens Location: Royal Military Academy, Breda Participants: 50 (patrons, university lecturers and students, journalists, politicians, representatives from the Dutch ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, members of the diplomatic corps and others)
Study Visits to NATO Every year the Netherlands Atlantic Association organises a number of study visits to NATO Headquarters for specific target groups. During a working dinner and a day programme, they are informed about recent developments within the Alliance by members of the International Staff and representatives from various Permanent Representations. Four such visits were organised in 2013 in cooperation with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.
Programmes STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 24 May Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: a.o. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Andrew Budd (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division); Frank Majoor (Permanent Representative of the Netherlands); Nick Williams (Operations Division), among others In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 8 journalists from Dutch print and audiovisual media STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 28 June Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Eimert Hornstra (Netherlands Permanent Representation); Peter de Bruijn (Netherlands Permanent Military Representation) In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 30 (students, interns and young professionals) STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 11 October Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: a.o. Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Timo Koster (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Jon Hill (Operations Division); Erica Schouten (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division), among others
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NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Brussels 10 parliamentary staffers
STUDY VISIT TO NATO HEADQUARTERS Date: 22 November Subject: Recent developments within NATO Speakers: Eric Povel (Public Diplomacy Division); Nick Williams (Operations Division); Timo Koster (Defence Policy and Planning Division); Petr Lunak (Public Diplomacy Division); Erica Schouten (Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands), among others In coop. with: NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division Location: Brussels Participants: 9 university lecturers and researchers
Other Programmes Atlantic Treaty Association
Every year the Netherlands Atlantic Association organises the Dutch segment of a trip that a group of fellows of the American Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program makes in Europe. In 2013 the fellows had discussions about, among other topics, the integration debate in the Netherlands, the Dutch political landscape and metropolitan issues. They also talked to the authors of Slaves in the Polder and visited the International Criminal Court, Dutch Parliament, and a farm in Flevoland. PROGRAMME FOR AMERICAN FELLOWS Date: 13-18 March Speakers: Semra Çelebi and Antje van Amsterdam (City of Amsterdam); Mark Beunderman (NRC Handelsblad); Martijn Roessingh and Perdiep Ramesar (Trouw); Pieter Berkhout and Paul den Edel (City of Amsterdam); Anton Steynbert and Florence Darques Lane (International Criminal Court); Pieter Duisenberg (Member of Parliament, VVD); Marianne van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam), among others In coop. with: German Marshall Fund (Washington, DC) Locations: Amsterdam, The Hague and Flevoland Participants: 5 fellows from the American Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program
Deelnemers aan het studiebezoek aan het NAVO-hoofdkwartier voor studenten op 28 juni / Participants in the study visit to NATO headquarters on 28 June.
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ATA ASSEMBLY Date: 3-5 February Location: Rome Participants: On behalf of the Netherlands Atlantic Association: Frank van den Heuvel (Secretary) and Bram Boxhoorn (Director) ATA ASSEMBLY Date: 9-11 December Location: Brussels Participants: On behalf of the Netherlands Atlantic Association: Bram Boxhoorn (Director) >
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The Netherlands Atlantic Association is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), the network organisation of all Atlantic Associations in the world. Twice a year ATA organises a meeting for all its members. The Director attends both meetings, sometimes accompanied by one or more members of the Board. Netherlands Atlantic Youth also has a mother organisation: the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA).
German Marshall Fund
In coop.: Location: Participants:
Op 14 maart bezochten de fellows van het American Marshall Memorial Fund onder andere het fietsdepot van de Gemeente Amsterdam / On 14 March the Fellows of the American Marshall Memorial Fund visited, among other places, the Bicycle Depository of the City of Amsterdam.
Omslag van Atlantisch Perspectief nr. 5 / The cover of Atlantisch Perspectief, No. 5. >
MEDIA Atlantisch Perspectief Atlantisch Perspectief [Atlantic Perspective] is the magazine of the Netherlands Atlantic Association. It appears eight times a year and has opinion pieces, analyses and columns on developments in international politics and the field of security. The website contains an online archive of old volumes of Atlantisch Perspectief from 1991 to 2013. All articles can be viewed and downloaded for free in pdf format. The archive also has a search engine. Since 2012, Atlantisch Perspectief has also had an app for iPads and iPhones.
Editorial Board The Editorial Board of Atlantisch Perspectief consists of an Editor, an Editorial Advisory Board and an International Advisory Board. There were no changes to the Editorial Boards in 2013.
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On 31 December 2013 the Editorial Board of Atlantisch Perspectief was composed as follows: Editor ·
Maarten Katsman
Advisory Board · Bram Boxhoorn, Chairman Director, Netherlands Atlantic Association · Niklaas Hoekstra, Senior Editor Head of Secretariat, Netherlands Atlantic Association · Kees Homan Senior Research Associate, Clingendael Security and Conflict Programme, Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, The Hague · Joris Janssen Lok Thales Nederland BV · Ruud Janssens Professor of American Studies, University of Amsterdam · Wim Klinkert Lecturer in Military History, Netherlands Defence Academy; Professor of Military History, University of Amsterdam
Other Publications
· Hans van Leeuwe Principal Directorate of General Policy Affairs, Dutch Ministry of Defence · Marianne van Leeuwen Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations; Professor, by special appointment, of Modern Transatlantic Relations, University of Amsterdam · Rik van der Linden Senior Adviser for Entrepreneurs’ Support, Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce · Anselm van der Peet Researcher, Netherlands Institute for Military History, The Hague · Sebastian Reyn Dutch Ministry of Defence · Auke Venema Director of International Affairs and Operations, Principal Directorate of General Policy Affairs, Dutch Ministry of Defence International Advisory Board · Hans Binnendijk Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC · Ann-Sofie Dahl Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Military Studies, Copenhagen; Adjunct Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC · Marten van Heuven Senior Consultant, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC · Jan Willem Honig Senior Lecturer, Department of War Studies, King’s College, London · Margarita Mathiopoulos Chief Executive Officer, EAG European Advisory Group, Berlin · Alexander Moens Professor of International Relations, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (BC), Canada · Henning Riecke Head, Transatlantic Relations Programme, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin · Stanley Sloan Visiting Scholar, Rohatyn Center for International Affairs, Middlebury College (VT), United States
While many articles in Atlantisch Perspectief had in 2012 focused on the American presidential elections, the magazine turned its attention to Europe and other regions in 2013. In Europe, the focus was on the bigger countries: German elections in September; French defence policy under President Hollande; and British-Dutch and FrenchDutch defence cooperation. Outside of Europe, the conflict in Syria was an obvious topic. As a rule, Atlantisch Perspectief focuses on security issues, but in 2013 a number of topics were highlighted that are important in another way for transatlantic relations. The proposed free-trade agreement between the European Union and the United States – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – is a good example. Even though it is an economic issue, TTIP can still make an important contribution to strengthening transatlantic ties in general. Atlantisch Perspectief regularly contains a section consisting of two or more articles on one theme. In this way the theme can be approached from different disciplines and angles. These sections can also make it possible to publish two opposing opinion pieces at the same time, and give the reader the opportunity to form an informed opinion. The question of whether the West should or should not intervene in Syria in Atlantisch Perspectief No. 5 is a good example of such a section. Finally, the International Advisory Board has become more actively involved with the magazine. Since mid-2013, every member contributes a (short) article to an edition and writes about developments in his or her country in the field of his/her expertise. At the same time, the trend of the last couple of years to invite more foreign authors to contribute has continued. Atlantisch Perspectief is still a mainly Dutch magazine that focuses on topics that are important for Dutch defence and security policy, but the international perspective complements the topics very well and it increases the number of authors who can contribute to the magazine.
ANNUAL REPORT Date of publication: Print run:
On the website you can find an overview of all publications that the Netherlands Atlantic Association has published in the last couple of years.
Public Opinion Poll At the request of the Netherlands Atlantic Association, public opinion bureau TNS NIPO conducted a survey in June 2013 on the position of the Dutch Armed Forces against the background of international cooperation, military interventions and budget cuts. The survey showed, among other things, that there is little support for further defence cuts, but neither for investments, for instance in military ships and aircraft. The Dutch support international military cooperation and specialisation, even at the expense of national independence. The main results of the opinion poll were: ·
All articles that were published in Atlantisch Perspectief in 2013 can be found on the website: http://www.atlcom.nl/english/archive-magazine/ · Date of publication: Print run:
May 2013 500
8 times a year 1,200 copies
64% of the population thinks that the Armed Forces should focus in any case on national defence and assisting with national security tasks (58%). A little less than half of the population sees contributing to international peace missions and interventions as a core task. The Dutch find it more important that the Armed Forces are committed to security and defence (both national and international) than to preventive commitment to peace by promoting international law and order. Interviewees think that the Netherlands should not engage in military intervention if it is unlikely to increase international peace and security. The performance of Dutch soldiers was awarded 7.1 out of 10. The Dutch Ministry of Defence as an organisation scored 6.5 out of 10. Voters from the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) are the most positive; those of the Socialist Party (SP) are the most negative. Roughly half of the Dutch population thinks that the current defence budget is exactly right. When cuts are presented in euros (instead of as a percentage of GDP), there is a little more support for raising the defence budget and a little less support for cuts. 46% of the Dutch population does not want to invest more in military aircraft. 41% does not want to invest
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more in military ships. 36% does want to invest in modern electronic equipment. 46% of those questioned find increased military specialisation and international cooperation to be a positive development. Only 17% opposes this. The Netherlands should mainly intensify cooperation with the Benelux countries and Germany. 60% of the population thinks that the Netherlands is (reasonably) well suited to honour international engagements, even in the face of defence cuts.
Website The website of the Netherlands Atlantic Association (www.atlcom.nl or www.atlantischecommissie.nl) contains information on the structure, purpose and activities of the Association, the Atlantic Education Committee and Netherlands Atlantic Youth.
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Many publications can be viewed online and secondary school pupils can work with the various web sheets. The site can also be used to register for programmes of the Netherlands Atlantic Association and to watch and read (video) reports of previous activities. In 2013 the website had 20,202 visitors and 63,660 page views.
Interviews, Lectures and Publications of the Director COURSE Date: Title: Location: Participants:
4 April ‘History of Transatlantic Relations, 18001989’ Tilburg University 40
RADIO COMMENT Date: 5 September Subject: US-Russian relations and the situation in Syria Media: De Gids.FM (Radio 1) RADIO COMMENT Date: 8 October Subject: Obama and US foreign policy Media: De Gids.FM (Radio 1) ARTICLES · ‘Heeft de NAVO toekomst?’ [Is there a future for NATO?], in: Liberaal Reveil, March 2013 (1), pp. 16-20. · Reviews in the book section of ‘International Relations’, Geschiedenis Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 3 (April/May 2013), pp. 59-60. · Reviews in the book section of ‘International Relations’, Geschiedenis Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 8 (November 2013), pp. 56-57.
CHA IR IN MODERN TRANSATLANT I C RELAT I ONS Since 2005 the Netherlands Atlantic Association has endowed a chair in Modern Transatlantic Relations at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam.
doctoral research projects. Moreover, she wrote two articles and gave seven lectures and presentations for various target groups.
Marianne van Leeuwen has held the chair since October 2009. She has worked for the General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands (AIVD) as Senior Policy Adviser since 2003. In 2013 Marianne van Leeuwen gave a tutorial on ‘Transatlantic Relations Tested against Foreign Policy’ for 15 Master’s students, and a tutorial on ‘National Interest, Special Interest, Public Interest and the Domestic Context of US Foreign Policy’ for 20 Master’s students in American Studies. She supervised four Master’s theses and two
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Social Media Both the Netherlands Atlantic Association and Netherlands Atlantic Youth are active on Facebook and Twitter. Social media are used to increase the awareness of young people. Moreover, followers are kept informed about activities and publications. On 31 December 2013, the Facebook page of the Netherlands Atlantic Association had 155 ‘likes’ and the Netherlands Atlantic Youth page had 518. There were 94 posts in 2013. There were 224 followers on Twitter on 31 December 2013, and 213 tweets were sent in 2013.
Netherlands Atlantic Association in the Media Reports on (activities of) the Netherlands Atlantic Association were published in the following newspapers and periodicals in 2013. Activities were also posted on news websites and were broadcast on radio programmes. · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
AD (Haagsche Courant) Armex Barneveldse Krant BN De Stem bnr.nl Brabants Dagblad Eindhovens Dagblad Friesch Dagblad De Gids.fm Gooi en Eemlander Haarlems Dagblad HP/De Tijd IJmuider Courant
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Internationale Spectator Leidsch Dagblad Noordhollands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad nu.nl Parool Reformatorisch Dagblad Spits Telegraaf Trouw De Volkskrant Vrij Nederland
The Strategic Studies Foundation is an independent organisation that was established to take care of the Netherlands Atlantic Association’s scholarly activities. The Foundation’s goals are to initiate and support scholarly research on security-related issues. From May 1999 until February 2008 Rob de Wijk was Professor, by special appointment, of Strategic Studies at Leiden University, a chair established and endowed by the Foundation. From April 2009 until July 2011, Julian Lindley-French occupied the chair. In May 2012 Isabelle Duyvesteyn was appointed Professor, by special appointment, of Strategic Studies. Her teaching commitment encompasses international security in a broad sense, with special attention for the role of military power as a foreign policy instrument of governments. Isabelle Duyvesteyn is an Associate Professor at the Department of History of International
Relations at Utrecht University. She is, among other things, a member of the Peace and Security Committee of the Advisory Council on International Affairs. On 31 December 2013 the Board of the Strategic Studies Foundation was composed as follows: · · · · ·
Dirk Jan van den Berg, Chairman Monika Sie Dhian Ho, Deputy Chairperson Frank van den Heuvel, Secretary Harry Groen, Treasurer Bram Boxhoorn, Director
FINANC IAL REPORT amounts x 1,000, rounded to thousands INCOME Government Other income Total income
€ 505 € 124 –––––– € 629
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Platform and networking activities Education Public programmes Media Other Total expenses
€ 155 € 134 € 146 € 201 € 008 –––––– € 644
€ (15)