Si Kancil dan Monyet
Pada suatu waktu, Si Kancil berteman baik dengan Monyet. Si Kancil dan Monyet pergi ke mana-mana berdua. Kalau Si Kancil pergi ke sungai, Monyet pergi ke sungai juga. Kalau Si Kancil pergi ke hutan mencari makanan, Monyet pergi ke hutan mencari makanan juga. Mereka selalu berdua. Once upon a time, Mousedeer was very good friends with Monkey. Mousedeer and Monkey went everywhere together. If Mousedeer went to the river, Monkey went to the river too. If Mousedeer went to the jungle to look for food, Monkey went to the jungle to look for food too. They were always together.
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Pada suatu hari, Si Kancil dan Monyet ingin pergi ke hutan mencari makanan. Monyet berkata; “Hidup kita terlalu susah! Setiap hari berbahaya!” Si Kancil berkata; “Tentu saja! Kita mencuri semua makanan kita!” “Benar!” berkata Monyet, “Saya ingin kita tidak harus mencuri makanan dan lalu kita tidak harus takut lagi!” Si Kancil diam saja, dia berpikir. “Saya tahu!” teriak Si Kancil. “Kita bisa menanam pohon sendiri, lalu kita akan punya makanan sendiri! Ayo kita menanam pohon pisang sekarang!” One day, Mousedeer and Monkey wanted to go to the jungle in search of food. Monkey said; “Our life is too difficult! Every day is dangerous!” Mousedeer said; “Of course! We steal all our food!” “True!” said Monkey, “I wish we didn’t have to steal food and then we wouldn’t have to be scared again!” Mousedeer was quiet, he was thinking. “I know!” yelled Mousedeer. “We can plant our own trees, then we will have our own food! Let’s plant banana trees now!” Selanjutnya, Si Kancil dan Monyet menanam pohon pisang. Mereka senang sekali dengan ide bagus ini! Monyet berkata; “Kita berdua menanam pohon dan berapa saja buah pisang yang kita dapat, kita akan bagi berdua!” “Setuju!” berkata Si Kancil. After that, Mousedeer and Monkey planted banana trees. They were very happy with this good idea! Monkey said: “We both planted trees and however many bananas we get, we will share them!” “Agreed!” said Mousedeer. Sesudah beberapa minggu, pohon pisang Si Kancil sudah besar dan sudah ada buah pisang yang kecil sedangkan pohon pisang Monyet sudah mati. Pohonnya mati karena setiap hari Monyet makan daun dari pohon itu, sampai tidak ada daun lagi dan lalu pohonnya mati. After several weeks, Mousedeer’s banana tree was already big and already had small banana (fruit) on it while Monkey’s banana tree was already dead. His tree was dead because Monkey had been eating the leaves from the tree everyday, until there were no more leaves left and then the tree died.
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Kemudian, suatu hari waktu buah pisang sudah besar dan berwarna kuning, Si Kancil memberi keranjang kepada Monyet dan minta Monyet naik pohon untuk mengambil pisangnya, yang mereka akan bagi berdua, karena tentu saja, Si Kancil tidak bisa naik pohon. Then, one day when the bananas were already big and coloured yellow, Mousedeer gave the basket to Monkey and asked Monkey to climb the tree to take the bananas, that they would share, because of course, Mousedeer can’t climb a tree. Monyet naik pohon pisang itu. Waktu Monyet sudah naik tinggi, dia bisa melihat pisang yang besar dan dia mulai lapar. Monyet makan semua pisang di pohon itu. Monyet melempar kulit pisang saja di dalam keranjangnya. Monkey climbed the banana tree. When Monkey had climbed high, he could see the big bananas and he became hungry. Monkey ate all the bananas in that tree. Monkey only threw the banana skins in the basket. Sesudah Monyet makan semua pisang, dia turun dari pohon. Monyet memberi keranjangnya kepada Si Kancil dan berkata; “Inilah, bagi kamu!” Si Kancil melihat di dalam keranjang dan dia melihat ada kulit pisang saja dan tidak ada buah pisang. Dia marah sekali! After Monkey had eaten all the bananas, he climbed down from the tree. Monkey gave the basket to Mousedeer and said; “Here’s your share!” Mousedeer looked inside the basket and he saw that there were only banana skins and no banana (fruit). He was very angry! Beberapa minggu kemudian, Si Kancil melihat pohon pisangnya yang lain, pohon ini sudah ada buah pisang kecil. (*Si Kancil pintar sekali! Dulu, dia menanam lebih dari satu pohon!) Si Kancil menjaga pohon pisang ini pada siang hari dan sampai malam juga. Si Kancil takut bahwa Monyet akan mencuri pisang dia lagi. Several weeks later, Mousedeer looked at his other banana tree, this tree already had some small bananas (fruit). (*Mousedeer is very clever! In the past, he planted more than one banana tree!) Mousedeer guarded this banana tree all day and night. Mousedeer was scared that Monkey would steal the bananas again.
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Pada suatu hari, waktu pisang sudah matang, Monyet datang ke pohon pisang itu. Si Kancil marah dan berkata; “Mengapa kamu di sini, Monyet?” “Saya melihat pisang kamu sudah matang!” menjawab Monyet. Si Kancil tambah marah dengan Monyet dan berkata; “Ya, benar tetapi ini bukan bisnis kamu! Dulu, kita sudah setuju bahwa berapa saja buah pisang kita dapat, kita akan bagi berdua tetapi kamu makan semua!” “Oh, itu sudah lama terjadi! Masak kamu tidak bisa memberi saya satu pisang pun?” “Tidak!” menjawab Si Kancil. “Oke, kalau begitu …” berkata Monyet sambil dia mulai berjalan pergi. One day, when the bananas were ripe, Monkey came to the banana tree. Mousedeer was angry and said; “Why are you here, Monkey?” “I saw that your bananas are ripe!” answered Monkey. Mousedeer became angrier at Monkey and said; “Yes, true but this is not your business! In the past, we already agreed that however many bananas we got, we would share between us but you ate them all!” “Oh, that happened a long time ago! Impossible, you can’t give me even one banana?” “No!” answered Mousedeer. “Okay, if it’s like that…” said Monkey while he started to walk away. Tiba-tiba Monyet berkata; “Oh, Si Kancil, kamu sudah belajar naik pohon, ya? Oke, sampai jumpa! Selamat menikmati pisang kamu!” “Tunggu!” teriak Si Kancil. Si Kancil lupa bahwa dia tidak bisa naik pohon. Dia perlu minta tolong dari Monyet karena Monyet pintar naik pohon. “Mengapa?” bertanya Monyet. “Saya minta tolong Monyet. Kamu tahu saya tidak bisa naik pohon. Kalau kamu naik pohon, pisangnya kita bagi berdua!” berkata Si Kancil. Suddenly, Monkey said; “Oh, Mousedeer, you’ve already learnt to climb a tree, yeah? Okay, see you later! Enjoy your bananas!” “Wait!” screamed Mousedeer. Mousedeer forgot that he couldn’t climb trees. He needed the help of Monkey because Monkey is clever at climbing trees. “Why?” asked Monkey. “I am asking for your help Monkey. You know that I can’t climb trees. If you climb the tree, then we’ll share the bananas!” said Mousedeer.
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Monyet mengambil keranjangnya lagi dan naik pohon pisang itu. Tetapi waktu Monyet melihat buah pisang yang besar dan kelihatannya enak, dia mulai makan pisang lagi. Si Kancil melihat ke atas pohon itu dan dia bisa melihat Monyet sedang makan pisangpisang. Si Kancil marah sekali dan dia mulai berpikir bagaimana dia bisa menang di situasi ini. Tibatiba Si Kancil ada ide bagus! Monkey took the basket again and climbed the banana tree. But at the time that Monkey saw the big bananas that looked so delicious, he started to eat the bananas again. Mousedeer looked to the top of the tree and he could see Monkey eating the bananas. Mousedeer was very angry and he started to think how he could win in this situation. Suddenly Mousedeer had a good idea! Si Kancil mulai teriak kata-kata buruk kepada Monyet. “Kamu binatang liar yang jahat! Monyet, kamu pelit sekali! Kamu banyak bohong!” Lalu, Monyet mendengar semua kata-kata ini dan dia menjadi marah sekali. Tiba-tiba Monyet mulai melempar kulit pisang kepada Si Kancil. Monyet makan pisang, dan lalu melempar kulitnya, sampai dia lupa dan dia mulai melempar buah pisang. Si Kancil menangkap setiap buah pisang dan dia makan semuanya sampai tidak ada buah pisang lagi di pohon. Si Kancil tertipu Monyet. Monyet turun dari pohon itu dan dia pergi ke hutan. Akhirnya, Si Kancil menang! Dari hari itu, Si Kancil dan Monyet tidak berteman lagi. Mousedeer started screaming bad words at Monkey. “You are an evil, wild animal! Monkey, you are very stingy! You tell lots of lies!” Then, Monkey heard all these bad words and he became very angry. Suddenly Monkey started to throw the banana skins at Mousedeer. Monkey ate the banana, and then threw the skin, until he forgot and he started to throw the bananas. Mousedeer caught every banana and he ate all of them until there were no more bananas left on the tree. Mousedeer had tricked Monkey. Monkey climbed down from the tree and he went into the jungle. Finally, Mousedeer won! From that day, Mousedeer and Monkey were no longer friends.
© 2014 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Provided acknowledgements are retained, Education Users may use, reproduce and communicate this material free of charge for non-commercial educational purposes until 30 June 2018, unless otherwise indicated.
mencari selalu berkata hidup berbahaya mencuri berpikir teriak menanam sendiri bagi berdua setuju sedangkan mati memberi keranjang mengambil melempar turun menjaga matang menjawab terjadi masak pun sambil tiba-tiba menikmati tunggu lupa perlu minta tolong bertanya kelihatannya buruk liar jahat pelit bohong menangkap tertipu
to look for, to search for, to seek, to hunt always to say, said life dangerous, risky to steal to think yell s.t., shout s.t. to plant s.t. by oneself, myself, yourself, him/herself etc divided in two, shared between two agree, agreed while die, be dead to give basket to take to throw go down, descend to guard s.t. ripe (of fruit) to answer happen, occur, take place impossible, it is unbelievable even while, at the same time suddenly to enjoy wait forget, forgot need ask for help to ask, asked it looks bad, nasty wild evil, bad, wicked stingy lie to catch, caught tricked, cheated
© 2014 Education Services Australia Ltd, unless otherwise indicated. Provided acknowledgements are retained, Education Users may use, reproduce and communicate this material free of charge for non-commercial educational purposes until 30 June 2018, unless otherwise indicated.