CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents the result of research based on the research question. There are the several sub topics that would be presented: The use of code mixing on economic and education column of the Gorontalo Post, consist of (a) code mixing in the form of word, (b) code mixing in the form of phrase. The types of code mixing in Gorontalo Post newspaper. The data analysis on economic and education column of the Gorontalo Post consists of (a) English words inserted into Indonesian expression, (b) English phrases inserted into Indonesian expression. For conducting this research, some theories used to classify and analyze the words and phrases, which related to expressive code mixing. 4.1
The use of Code Mixing on Economic and Education column of the Gorontalo Post
Code mixing in the form of words - Soal tanah dan bangunan sudah dibicarakan dengan pihak developer Developer who has expertise buildings and the word “developer” in Indonesian
mean “pembangunan”, in the sentence above the writer uses this term. It also usually applied in our society. The word is involved in category of insertion in code mixing. Therefore, it becomes the phenomenon of code mixing because the writer uses two languages Indonesian and English. The factor of using code mixing in Gorontalo Post is because it is familiar in society and demands for creativity of the editors.
- Gubernur warning proses pengadaan benih - Gubernur memberikan warning kepada para pekerja yang terkait pengadaan benih There is code mixing between English that inserted into Indonesian sentence. The word, which is inserted into Indonesian, is “warning”. It means a term or sign is telling about a possible danger may happen in the future. In Indonesian, it means “peringatan” and they usually use this term to be a sign about something danger. - Problem pedet di lobi hotel - Problem sekarang, perusahaan sawit mana yang layak melakukan investasi There is code mixing between Indonesian and English “problem” and it is English word that in Indonesian means “Masalah”. The word is involved in category of insertion in code mixing. “Problem” means thing that is difficult to understand and relation between human will and reality and need the resolution when will and reality do not coincide. Gorontalo Post use this term because many people know that the problem means “masalah” and it becomes a usual word among them. - Kita kekurangan sapi dan akhirnya harus import daging sapi tiap tahun - Kasus suap import daging sapi di kemetrian pertanian tahun 2013 - Gorontalo import gula dari Thailand In the three examples of the sentences above, we can see the phenomenon of code mixing. “Import” is code mixing from English into Indonesian and this term usually used in economics. It services brought in from one country to another country for sale also means the economic value of all goods and services that are imported. Nevertheless, this
term distrustful of auto correct in computer. It said in Indonesian spelling “import” become “impor”. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. “Import” is consist of transaction in goods and services for sales, barter, gifts or grants. It is also usually used in Gorontalo Post in economic news. - Sementara dari segi growth, sektor tersebut tumbuh tahunan sebesar 23,32 persen meningkat - Harus secara continue melakukan evaluasi terhadap seluruh SKPD There are two codes mixing in the example above, those are “growth” and “continue”. In the first sentence, the word “growth” refers to a development. In Indonesian means “pertumbuhan”. Growth is process of growing or projection of something and the term usually used in economic. It pure codes mixing because it is write in English. Second, “continue” is also code
Indonesian. Nevertheless, the term distrustful of auto correct in computer. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. It means start to do something again after stopping. If we see the sentences, it has different meaning, in Indonesian means “meneruskan” but in the sentence means “berkelanjutan”. - Diperlukan koordinasi dan komunikasi secara intense diantara semua pihak “Intense” is from English, the word means something wrong. There is a phenomenon of code mixing because the term “intense” embed within the sentence. “Intense” is a code mixing between Indonesian and English. In Gorontalo Post usually used this term, depend on theme of news. Moreover, this term said in Indonesian spelling intense become intens. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian.
- Kredit skala kecil memilii outstanding terbesar diantara skala kredit lain - Forum seperti itu diharapkan ada solusi final dan credible tentang penyelesaian masalah - Waspada terhadap barang-barang illegal From example above, we have three phenomena of code mixing. First sentence, “outstanding” means something is extremely good and the term usually used in economic. It pure code mixing because outstanding is English word inserted into Indonesian sentence and it said in English. Second, have two words within the sentence “final” and “credible”. Final means the last and at the end of something, this term mostly pronounced by young people in the conversation. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. “Credible” means be able to believe or convince, in Indonesian credible means “dapat dipercaya”. Both of words in sentence number two are show phenomenon of code mixing between Indonesian and English here and the term sometimes used
in conversation. “Illegal” the term is
belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. The term is familiar in society and they know the meaning of the term and feel comfortable to use this term. - Kegiatan launching buku sejarah perjuangan patriotik 23 januari - Kegiatan launching 50 tahun emas diawali dengan senam pagi - Kegiatan launching ini, merupakan persembahan fakultas tehnik “Launching” is from English, but often-use in official ceremony to begin something new for the first time. The term is popularly in society and they are comfortable to use this term. In Indonesian “launching” means “peluncuran” and the term usually used in official ceremony to introduce something new. The words usually
use and occur in news of ceremony.
In this case, it found within the sentence in
newspaper and it describes the phenomenon of code mixing. - Keberpihakan pada orang miskin dan gender akan menjamin kebijakan There is “gender” it is English word, in Indonesian means “jenis kelamin”. Gender is range of physical, mental and behavioral characteristic distinguish between male and female. Depend on the context or sentence, the term refers to biological gender identity or the state of being male or female. Moreover, people cannot realize the term become on indonesianized English because it is influence by the next word and it belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. In the sentence above it shows the phenomena of code mixing but they rare to use this term. - beberapa karakter fundamental ekonomi daerah mampu mendukung capaian ini The word “fundamental” refers to essential or an important thing, in Indonesian means “pokok” or “asas” and this term usually use in economic. There is code
between Indonesian and English, but some people do not know about the meaning of the term. The term is involved in category of insertion in code mixing. - Kontruksi yang banyak menggunakan material pabrikan In the sentence above there is code mixing between Indonesian into English. “Material” is mixed with Indonesian, it is English word that in Indonesian means “bahan”. “Material” can be anything made of matter. Wood, air, cement, water and any
other matter are all example of materials. It refers to substance or components are the parts required to make something like a buildings. - Gubernur menyepakati 5 point penting untuk pembangunan regional sulawesi There are two code mixing “point” and “regional”. The term “point” is popular in young people and they usually use in their conversation and it is not strange to hear. Point refers is element of something or the main things. “Regional” refers to located and it most commonly used in terrestrial sciences, and means large area of land.
Indonesian point means “inti, pokok or hal” and regional means “kedaerahan” and both of term inserted into Indonesian sentence. The phenomenon above is involved in category of congruent lexicalization in code mixing. In Gorontalo Post, they use this term because it mostly said in our society. - Masih ada lagi anggaran untuk sejumlah cottage - Bisnis meeting dan pameran international ekonomi dan pariwisata - Perhitungan auditor dari inspektorat mendapat kerugian “Cottage” is code mixing between Indonesian into English. “Cottage” is a dwellings modest house typically in a rural or semirural house. In Indonesian, it means “Gubuk or Pondok”. The term of cottage also tends to denote rural dwellings of traditional build. “Meeting” in Indonesian means “pertemuan or rapat” which when the people come together to discuss one or more topic. In the second sentences, “bisnis meeting” is incorrect and should be “business meeting”. The term belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian.
“International” means an organization-involved mare in a country. “Auditor” in Indonesian means “akuntan”. It is an evaluation of person, system and process also project or product. This is term always use in economic and become the hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. It became an indonesianized English. - UNG undang tim reviewer dikti - kerjasama antar pemda dan UMG untuk me-review pelaksanaan pembangunan The word “review and reviewer” in Indonesian means “tinjauan and peninjau. Review is examining something or evaluating of a publication, product such as a movies and books. Whereas, reviewer revered to person who writes reviews and the term is most famous in our society and some people used this term in
their conversation it also
borrowed from English to Indonesian. In Gorontalo Post used this term
editor and journalist know that this word is very familiar in the society especially in education, sometimes the usage of English language caused by the creativity of journalist or the editor of the newspaper. This word is one of the term become an indonesianized English and belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. - 3,5 M for ormas keagamaan dan kepemudaan - Rektor akan sediakan lahan pemanen for paperta It shows more simple term “for” in Indonesian means “untuk”. This term usually used to show in purpose or function about something and order to obtain something. The term usually used by young people in conversation activity, it causes the editor use this term in newspaper. The term is involved in category of insertion in code mixing.
- Pendidikan entrepreneurship tiga jenjang selama 18 minggu - Didukung semangat orang tua yang melanjutkan study putra putrinya There are two codes mixing, the first “entrepreneurship” refers to occupation and business. Entrepreneurship is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one undertakes innovation. The term used in economic and business, in Indonesian, it means that “kewiraswastaan” it pure English word and inserted into Indonesian sentence. Second is “study” which is refers to education. It means the process of learning and teaching. There is code mixing between English into Indonesian. This term “study” also belongs hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. Two English words inserted into a sentence of language background. - Pelaksanaan olahraga dan kesenian bukan nantinya menunggu moment tertentu - Moment ini tentu juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mempelajari pasar ekonomi It is English word, but often use by the people in the conversation activity. “Moment” is particular time for doing something special. It famous in society, people used this term in their conversation activity. It is code mixing between English into Indonesian and the term remains pure English. Moment is hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian as “momen” it is an indonesianized English. - Trend pengembangan ekonomi yang dilakukan di Indonesia - Trend kemiskinan yang ada di kabupaten semakin menurun “Trend” can divine as “kecenderungan or kebiasaan”. Trend refers to development and including a fashion or technology. These trends usually occur in
fashion, technology
and business, it describe about popularity, rising or falling about
something fast and most familiar in society, it also belongs hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. It is the phenomenon of code mixing but the term most popular in young people in conversation activity and constitute to language style. - Kita harus memperkuat basis ekonomi agar tidak drop - Pengembang pariwisata menjadi salah satu sector unggulan pemerintah - SMK pariwisata akan melaksanakan prakerin dengan system dua tahapan It is term from English “drop” also borrowed from English to Indonesian. There is code mixing between English inserted into Indonesian sentence. Drop in Indonesian means “menurun” and it refers to become or make something weaker or less. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. While, the
refers to places or part of area and this term mostly used in economic.
“sector” term
of auto correct in computer. In addition, a “system” is a set of element or component. For most of Indonesian people, the word System has become their own language rather than consider it as a word that is borrowed from English. - Workshop itu akan dilaksanakan selama 4 hari - Dr. Sarson Pomalato memberikan materi dalam kegiatan workshop KKS yang dilaksanakan LPM - UNG beri ruang pada orator It taken from English “workshop” which means an educational seminar or series of meetings gives priority to interaction and exchange of information among of
participants. “Orator” means person who makes formal public speeches or public speaking. The both or term usually used in education. The both of the term is indonesianized English and belongs to hybrid borrowing. - Buyers’ jerman tertarik dengan kopi pinogu - Salah satu distributor kopi menjalin kerjasama perdagangan export kopi pinogu - Produk kopi pinogu mendapat respond positif dari para buyers di Jerman There are three codes mixing here “buyers, export and respond” the terms is usually use in economic. “Buyers” is any person who buys and gets something by paying money for it. In Indonesian means, “pembeli” and it refers to costumers. Commonly the buyer’s primary responsibility is obtaining the highest quality goods at the lowest cost. Furthermore, it English word “export” this term in Indonesian means “mengirim” or “mengekspor”. Export is selling and sending goods and services produced to
country. It is hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian as “ekspor” it is an indonesianized English. “Respond” refers to replay or answer, and to make a return by some action
as if in answer. Respond can be mean to react with expression and action.
It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. The term mostly said and popular young people in conversation activity. - Pengolahan yang masih natural sehingga belum terkontaminasi dengan bahan kimia - Pemerintah daerah lebih focus dalam membangun penataan dan pelebaran jalan - Sumber potensi yang ada dapat menjadi income bagi daerah
The words “natural, focus and income” are showing the phenomena of code mixing in newspaper because three English words whose are inserted into Indonesian sentences of language background. “Natural” related something nature and without having to learn how to do it, in Indonesian the term means “alami”. The term is belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. “Focus” in Indonesian can be divine as “memusatkan”, actually this term is code mixing between English inserted into Indonesian sentences but many people do not realized it. In addition, this term distrustful of auto correct in computer. It may be not code mixing because code mixing from human characteristic to use more language in their conversation activity. They
guess it from
Indonesian but “focus” borrowed from English. Focus refers to give all attention to something. “Income” this term is usually used in economics, in Indonesian means “penghasilan or pendapatan”. Income is the consumption and saving opportunity gained from money that you pay to the government according to how much you earn. In addition, income is the sum of all wages, profits and other forms of earnings received and it also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. - kegiatan mahasiswa akan selalu kami support - PKM support mahasiswa keluar negeri the term most popular in young people and has a similarity with other term as moment, focus, nature, etc. “Support” in Indonesian means “bantuan” and it refers to encouragement that you give to someone in a difficult situation.
- Sector pendidikan itu akan disentuh secara full - Pramuka penting dan relevant dengan zaman - Pramuka merupakan sebuah gerakan social “Sector” in Indonesian means “kawasan” it refers to places or part of area and this term mostly used in economic. This is a phenomenon of code mixing, when the English word inserted into Indonesian sentences. Nevertheless, the term distrustful of auto correct in computer and hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. “Full” refers to something complete and details; in Indonesia, it means “penuh or lengkap”. It also became an indonesianized English. The term belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. Newspaper has many English words inserted into Indonesian sentences but they do not care about the meaning of the words. They just read the news and obtain what the point of the news. This is one of example of phenomena of code mixing in newspaper. “Relevant” is English language but
conversation activity. In addition, it also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. It refers to relation, in Indonesian means “bersangkut-paut”. - Kemiskinan dapat bergerak dari bawah hingga level kesejahteraan - Salah satu instrument yang akan digunakan yakni pelaksanaan KKS harus terintegrasi dengan PPL There is code mixing between Indonesian and English here. “Level and Instrument” are mixing with Indonesian. “Level” refers to position or rank of something but is not apparently like that phenomenon of code mixing because this term used as Indonesian language borrowed from English and most people familiar with the
and usually used by young people in the conversation activity. “Instrument” in
Indonesian means “alat”, actually this term related to the music but the meaning of this term depends on the sentences. The both of the term belong to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. - Agenda ini menindaklanjuti aduan petani sekaligus me-monitoring pemanfaatan bantuan benih - Monitoring pengembangan jagung di kabupaten Gorontalo - Melihat harga jual yang real dan produksi yang real There are code mixing between English and Indonesian. There are three English words inserted into Indonesian sentence of language background. “Agenda” is from English, it refers to programs and something to discuss at a meeting. “Monitoring” is watch or check something over time to see how it develops. It refers to observe how to develop something. In addition, it shows more simple term use for make something clear “real”. In Indonesian means “nyata”, and it pure from English.
“agenda, monitoring and real” is hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. 4.1.2
Code mixing in the form of Phrase - Partisipasi perempuan merupakan langkah strategi guna meningkatkan kinerja good government There is “good government” they are mixed from English and Indonesian, it tells
about how the affairs and manage public resource. It explains about the concept, method or system the responsibility of governments and governing the need of people in
society. In Indonesian, it means “pemerintahan yang baik” and this term often emerges in economic or political. - Pengresmian asrama boarding school SMA N 3 gorontalo oleh bupati There is code mixing of English phrase that is “boarding school”. It explained a school where some or all people study and stay during the school year with their students and
teachers or administrators. Boarding school refers to dormitory and
Indonesian means ‘asrama siswa”. Actually, it helps students to prepare for college entrance, most commonly to assimilate students about academics before college. - Talk show universitas paramadina-IAIN Sultan Amay It from English “talk show” is familiar in the young people. “Talk show” is a program or agenda of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to whatever issue being discuss on the show. Usually, talk shows occur in television program or radio program. It also belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian and become an Indonesianized English. - Indikasi maraknya illegal logging di kawasan hutan ternyata benar adanya From the sentence above, there is “illegal logging”. They mixed from English and Indonesian, it tells about against law, extraction of something without permission from a protected area or the extraction of something in excess of agreed limits. Illegal logging also occurs in the purchase or sale, transportation, harvest and the forests. This term hard to say and explained in Indonesian but some people understand when they used this term
pin their conversation activity and write report, news or statement. It also become an Indonesianized English or belongs to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian. - Ini meminimalisir adanya mark-up dalam penggunaan anggaran There is English phrase “mark-up” in the sentence. In Indonesian language, it means “kenaikan harga”. Mark up is a percentage and added of the total cost incurred by the product of a goods or estimate used. It usually used in economic and pure English phrase inserted into Indonesian sentence. - Sektor-sekrot itu akan di back-up langsung - Ikut back-up penjaran tersangka narkoba “Back-up” it also the English phrase and used in economic. “Back up” or the process of backing up is handling or taking in hand as a jobs or problems and refers to the help or supports something. “Back up” purpose to recover data or something loss, but the meaning of the term depends on the sentences. Some people usually used this term because make it easier and simpler to be say and write. - Pembangunan infrastruktur yang terintegrasi dan sistematis dengan visi long time It show the simpler phrase and easier to understand “Long time”. In Indonesian means “jangka panjang” or “lama”, it refers to long range. Long time is an adjective to explain how to do something for a long period. Many people know about the meaning of this term and Gorontalo Post used this term based on people knowledge.
- Mahasiswa cukup memikirkan living cost dan akomodasi lainnya There is code mixing of English phrase in the sentence above that is “living cost”. It tells about money of living. In
to buy the things you need in life of maintaining a certain standard
Indonesian, it means “biaya hidup”, in addition living cost means
estimated how much money will needed for live. This term is easier to understand but in fact this term infrequently used of people in conversation activity. - Kegiatan tersebut dilanjutkan dengan fun bike dari seluruh pimpinan universitas - Gorontalo nampaknya mulai membuka peluang para investor local There are two phrases of English inserted into Indonesian in those sentences. Those are “fun bike” and investor local”. It is familiar in society. “Fun bike” this term most popular in young people and it became a usual word among them. In Indonesian means, “sepeda santai” in newspaper it is written in English. Fun bike refers to trend bike activity of people and it has relation with physical exercise or sport. “Investor local” term often used, concerning with people who invest their money to buy business shares and his only invest money in particular place of their region. It is indoneianized English and belongs to borrowing. - Hadirkan mantan dekan mewujutkan MIPA be excellent - Aksi mahasiswa UG di titik simpangan empat traffic light There are codes mixing between Indonesian and English here. “Be excellent” it shows popular term and it explained about something very good, the young people
are often using for everybody who can make something more than good. “Traffic light” in Indonesian means “lampu lalu-lintas”. Traffic light is the set of colored lights that control the flow of traffic at a road junction. - General checkup dan tes narkoba digelar sehari - Membentuk sikap mental yang berorientasi pada global mindset - Mereka dapat belajar dari learning by doing There are three phrases of English in the sentences above. Those are “general checkup, global mindset and learning by doing”. The “general checkup” term
occurs in the periodic health evaluation. It means examine something to make sure whether it is correct, safe and satisfactory or not. This term pure English but some people used in their conversation activity. This term also popular in our society, “global mindset” in Indonesian language it means “pola pikir yang luas”. Global mindset is way of thinking which can affect the global mindset as one that combines openness and awareness diversity as opportunity to exploit and prepared to adopt successful practices and good ideas wherever they come from. This term often used in education “learning by doing”. It explains about the method of
teaching and learning or gain knowledge or
skill in a subject by activity. - Masyarakat antusias memanfaatkan car free day “Car free day” is a phrase mixed in Indonesian and English. It tells about a day free of dust and pollution when people are not used transportation to go everywhere. In newspaper, it is not write in Indonesian but in English.
Derek pesik sedang mengikuti training of training (TOT) di balai diklat
This is from English abbreviation training of training. “TOT” in Indonesian means “pelatihan” it is a designed program for people with a strong experience background in high quality management. It is containing education, leaning theories and available training resources and generally the participant of “TOT” is teachers and official. The purpose of the “TOT” is to help the participant reinforce the knowledge and expertise they gained. Sometime in newspaper, it writes with “TOT”, it makes shorter from the whole words, and it is easier to said and write. - Memorandum of understanding (MoU) yang ditandatangani oleh dinas pendidikan - Kerjasama UNG dengan kabupaten sebagai tindak lanjut MoU (memorandum of
understanding) - Mereka ingin mengkonkritkan kerjasama itu dalam bentuk MoU (memorandum of
understanding) - Pemberdayaan perempuan melakukan MoU memorandum of understanding bersama PKK - Kerjasama antara keduanya dimulai sejak ada MoU memorandum of
understanding This is from English abbreviation of memorandum of understanding, most famous in our society. “MoU” is a document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement. It often used in cases where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. In Indonesian “MoU” means “nota kesepahaman” and it contains with the required elements are offer, consideration and acceptance. In newspaper sometime, it writes as “MoU” but
sometime “memorandum of understanding”. In addition, it used in a variety of different contexts, like in education, economic, politic, industry, etc. The words and phrases inserted into auto correct in computer and belong to hybrid borrowing from English into Indonesian can be found in the following in the table: Words
Auto correct
Hybrid borrowing
*Bisnis meeting should be *Business meeting International
Review, reviewer
Auto correct
Hybrid borrowing
Illegal logging
Investor local
Talk show
The Types of Indonesian-English Code Mixing on Economic and Education Column of the Gorontalo Post Based on theory of expert, defines three types of code mixing are: (a) Insertion of
material from one language into a structure of the other language. (b) Alternation between structures from language. (c) Congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a shared grammatical structure.
Insertion Insertion is one of the types of code mixing, insertion of material from one
language into a structure of another language. In Gorontalo Post the researchers found the words and phrases are involved in category of insertion in code mixing are: Example of words are involved in category of insertion in code mixing No
Insertion (words)
Sentence Soal tanah dan bangunan sudah dibicarakan dengan
pihak developer (March 2nd. 2013)
Gubernur memberikan warning kepada para pekerja yang terkait pengadaan Gubernur warning proses pengadaan benih (March 2nd. 2013)
Kita kekurangan sapi dan akhirnya harus import daging sapi tiap tahun (March 4th. 2013) Kasus suap import daging sapi di kemetrian pertanian tahun 2013 (March 27th. 2013) Gorontalo import gula dari Thailand (March 21st. 2013)
Sementara dari segi growth, sektor tersebut tumbuh tahunan sebesar 23,32
persen meningkat (March
4th. 2013) 5
Harus secara continue melakukan evaluasi terhadap seluruh SKPD (March 4th. 2013)
Diperlukan koordinasi dan komunikasi secara intense diantara semua pihak (March 4th. 2013)
Kredit skala kecil memilii outstanding terbesar diantara skala kredit lain (March 4th. 2013)
Forum seperti itu diharapkan ada solusi final dan
credible tentang penyelesaian masalah (March 4th. 2013)
Waspada terhadap barang-barang illegal (March 4th. 2013)
Kegiatan launching buku sejarah perjuangan patriotik 23 januari (March 4th. 2013) Kegiatan launching 50 tahun emas diawali dengan senam pagi (March 9th. 2013) Kegiatan launching ini, merupakan persembahan fakultas tehnik (March 14th. 2013)
Keberpihakan pada orang miskin dan gender akan menjamin kebijaka (March 5th. 2013)
beberapa karakter fundamental ekonomi daerah mampu mendukung capaian ini (March 5th. 2013)
Kontruksi yang banyak menggunakan material pabrikan (March 5th. 2013)
Gubernur menyepakati 5 point penting untuk
pembangunan regional selawesi Masih (March 5th. 2013)
ada lagi anggaran untuk sejumlah cottage (March 6th. 2013)
Bisnis meeting dan pameran international ekonomi
dan pariwisata (March 7th. 2013)
Perhitungan auditor dari inspektorat mendapat kerugian (March 7th. 2013)
reviewer review
UNG undang tim reviewer dikti (March 8th. 2013) kerjasama antar pemda dan UMG untuk me-review
pelaksanaan pembanguna (March 8th. 2013) 3,5 M for ormas keagamaan dan kepemudaan (March 8th. 2013) Rektor akan sediakan lahan pemanen for papert (March 13th. 2013) Pendidikan entrepreneurship tiga jenjang selam 18 minggu (March 13th. 2013)
Didukung semangat orang tua yang melanjutkan study putra putrinya (March 14th. 2013)
Pelaksanaan olahraga dan kesenian bukan nanntinya menunggu moment tertentu (March 14th. 2013)
Kita harus memperkuat basis ekonomi agar tidak drop (March 14th. 2013)
pariwisata menjadi salah satu sector
unggulan pemerintah (March 14th. 2013) 25
SMK pariwisata akan melaksanakan prakerin dengan system dua tahapan (March 16th. 2013)
Dr. Sarson Pomalato memberikan materi dalam kegiatan workshop KKS yang dilaksanakan LPM (March 26th. 2013)
UNG beri ruang pada orator (March 16th. 2013)
respond buyers
Produk kopi pinogu mendapat respond pasitif dari
Pengolahan yang masih natural sehingga belum
para buyers di Jerman (March 19th. 2013)
terkontaminasi dengan bahan kimia
2013) 30
Pemerintah daerah lebih focus dalam membangun penataan dan pelebaran jalan (March 19th. 2013)
Sumber potensi yang ada dapat menjadi income bagi daerah (March 20th. 2013)
Sumber potensi yang ada dapat menjadi income bagi daerah (March 20th. 2013)
kegiatan mahasiswa akan selalu kami support (March 22nd. 2013) PKM support mahasiswa keluar negeri (March 26th. 2013) Pramuka penting dan relevant dengan zaman (March 22nd. 2013) Pramuka merupakan sebuah gerakan social (March 22nd. 2013) Kemiskinan dapat bergerak dari bawah hingga level kesejahteraan (March 25th. 2013) Salah satu instrument yang akan digunakan yakni pelaksanaan KKS harus terintegrasi dengan PPL(March 26th. 2013) Melihat harga jual yang real dan produksi yang real (March 28th. 2013)
Example of phrases are involved in category of insertion in code mixing No
Insertion (phrases)
good government
boarding school
illegal logging
long time
living cost
fun bike
investor local
be excellent
Sentence Partisipasi perempuan merupakan langkah strategi guna meningkatkan kinerja good government nd (March 2 . 2013) Pengresmian asrama boarding school SMA N 3 gorontalo oleh bupati (March 4th. 2013) Indikasi maraknya illegal logging di kawasan hutan ternyata benar adanya (March 6th. 2013) Ini meminimalisir adanya mark-up dalam penggunaan anggaran (March 6th. 2013) Sektor-sekrot itu akan di back-up langsung (March 7th. 2013) Pembangunan infrastruktur yang terintegrasi dan sistematis dengan visi long time (March 7th. 2013) Mahasiswa cukup memikirkan living cost dan akomodasi lainnya (March 8th. 2013) Kegiatan tersebut dilanjutkan dengan fun bike dari seluruh pimpinan universitas (March 9th. 2013) Gorontalo nampaknya mulai membuka peluang para investor local (March 11th. 2013) Hadirkan mantan dekan mewujutkan MIPA be
11 12 13 14 15 16
excellent (March 11th. 2013) Aksi mahasiswa UG di titik simpangan empat traffic traffic light light (March 13th. 2013) Membentuk sikap mental yang berorientasi pada global mindset global mindset (March 19th. 2013) Mereka dapat belajar dari learning by doing (March learning by doing 19th. 2013) Masyarakat antusias memanfaatkan car free day car free day (March 25th. 2013) training of training Derek pesik sedang mengikuti training of training (TOT) di balai diklat (March 2nd. 2013) (TOT) MoU (memorandum of Kerjasama UNG dengan kabupaten sebagai tindak lanjut MoU (memorandum of understanding) (March 14th. understanding) 2013) Alternation Alternation between structures from language and the characteristic of alternation
code mixing usually from English into Indonesian sentence. In Gorontalo Post the researchers found the words and phrases are involved in category of insertion in code mixing are: Example of words are involved in category of insertion in code mixing No Alternation (words) 1 Problem
Sentence Problem pedet di lobi hotel Problem sekarang, perusahaan sawit mana yang layak melakukan investasi
Moment ini tentu juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mempelajri pasar ekonomi Trend pengembangan ekonomi yang dilakukan di Indonesia
Workshop itu akan dilaksanakan selama 4 hari
Buyers’ jerman tertarik dengan kopi pinogu
Monitoring pengembangan jagung di kabupaten Gorontalo
Example of words are involved in category of insertion in code mixing No Insertion (phrases) 1 Talk show 2 3
General checkup Memorandum understanding (MoU)
Sentence Talk show universitas paramadina-IAIN Sultan Amay General checkup dan tes narkoba digelar sehari of Memorandum of understanding (MoU) yang ditandatangani oleh dinas pendidikan
Congruent lexicalization Congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a
shared grammatical structure. In Gorontalo Post the researches not found the words or phrases are involved in category of congruent lexicalization in code mixing. 4.3
The Data Analysis of Code Mixing in Newspaper
4. 3.1 English Words inserted into Indonesian sentences According the data that obtained from economic and education column on March 2013 in newspaper of Gorontalo Post, it is found that there several words appear when the researcher read the newspaper. The words can be seen in the following the table:
Table 1 English words inserted into Indonesian No Words 1. launching
Frequency 3
Percent (%) 5.17 %
5.17 %
3.44 %
3.44 %
3.44 %
3.44 %
3.44 %
3.44 %
3.44 %
10. workshop
3.44 %
11. buyer
3.44 %
12. support
3.44 %
1.72 %
14. real
1.72 %
15. growth
1.72 %
16. continue
1.72 %
17. intense
1.72 %
18. outstanding
1.72 %
19. final
1.72 %
20. credible
1.72 %
21. illegal
1.72 %
22. gender
1.72 %
23. fundamental
1.72 %
24. material
1.72 %
25. point
1.72 %
26. regional
1.72 %
27. cottage
1.72 %
28. meeting
1.72 %
29. international
1.72 %
30. entrepreneurship
1.72 %
31. study
1.72 %
32. drop
1.72 %
33. system
1.72 %
34. orator
1.72 %
35. export
1.72 %
36. respond
1.72 %
37. natural
1.72 %
1.72 %
39. income
1.72 %
40. full
1.72 %
41. relevant
1.72 %
42. social
1.72 %
43. rank
1.72 %
45. instrument
1.72 %
46. agenda
1.72 %
100 %
Total frequency
The researchers found the words, which written in English in newspaper. There are 58 English words inserted into Indonesian sentence and containing with other words of language. In fact, the words “launching and import” occur and often used in the newspaper. The frequency is about 3 times or 5.17 percent. Come to the second rank that it is mostly used those are “review, for, moment, trend, sector, workshop, buyer, monitoring and real” the frequently about two times or the frequency is 3.44 percent.
English phrases inserted into Indonesian sentences According the data that obtained from economic and education column on March
2013 in newspaper of Gorontalo Post, it is found
that there several phrases appear
when the researcher read the newspaper. The phrases are
can be seen in the following
the table: Table 2 English phrases inserted into Indonesian No Phrases 1. MoU (memorandum of understanding)
Frequency 5
Percent (%) 22.73 %
back up
9.09 %
boarding school
4.54 %
talk show
4.54 %
illegal logging
4.54 %
mark up
4.54 %
long time
4.54 %
living cost
4.54 %
fun bike
4.54 %
10. investor local
4.54 %
11. be excellent
4.54 %
12. traffic light
4.54 %
13. general checkup
4.54 %
14. global mindset
4.54 %
15. learning by doing
4.54 %
16. TOT (training of training )
4.54 %
17. car free day
4.54 %
100 %
Total frequency
There are 22 phrases inserted into Indonesian expression and combined in every sentences of the news. Come to the fist rank that mostly used “MoU” (memorandum of understanding). The frequently is about five times or the frequency is 22.72 percent. In addition, the second rank that mostly used “back up”. The frequently is about two times or the frequency is 9.09 percent. Of the all phrase, there are English phrase involved in English
abbreviation they are “MoU” and “TOT”. Both of phrases are
familiar in our society and often said and write from the abbreviation. 4.4
Discussion Code mixing is a phenomenon of bilingual and multilingual society. In fact,
mixing phenomenon occur many codes in society. Moreover, people know more than one language and it means they used more than one language while they
or writing. Code mixing is the changes of one language to another within the
utterance or in the same oral or written text. Code mixing occurs if one language inserted into another language, such as Indonesian and English,
Gorontalist. This research is analyzing the code mixing from newspaper of Gorontalo Post.
Code mixing in newspaper of Gorontalo post is demanding a creativity of the editors. As the background, they used common words or phrases to be easier to understand and remember. Nevertheless, the words and phrase miss function and makes the sentences ambiguity even there is error in typing of words or phrases. It should be correct in such a way that the news, in order to achieve the function and goal. The news on newspaper contain the aspect of transmitting information to the readers and making the readers absorb the information are very important, especially when the readers found English words ranges to every sentences of news. News, which is usually use English word, is usually the news of ceremony. News divided into two categories. They are ceremony news and non-ceremony news. The way to write ceremony news is depend on the way of journalist write something, so that it often uses English words. Non-ceremony news such as an issue or even but is rarely use English word. The factors that affected the editor use code mixing because the word is already familiar in the society, the way of journalist rite something and it is usually because the demanding to be a creative journalist. So that they often mix language to make, the news becomes more interesting. In newspaper is usually exist advertorial news. It is news than can be paid and often published, but it is not a work of a journalist. So that the news is sometime different from the way to use a good language, so that the news will be edited by other people and probably will not be added. It is usually used quotation mark (“”) in the sentences and at
the end of the sentence will be added by the word Redaction (red). Code mixing occur in the text because desirability of people and do not occur because sophisticated of things. In this case, code mixing occurs because computer or auto correct of computer. It can be say code mixing but the term distrustful of auto correct of computer. In addition, code mixing become hybrid borrowing already know in society. Many words, phrases, clauses and sentences write or speak in English and become indonesianized English or belong to hybrid borrowing. In fact, news of Gorontalo Post obtain the phenomenon of code mixing, auto correct of computer and hybrid borrowing. The styles of code mixing in newspaper consist mixing of words and phrases inserted to sentences of news. The words used come from foreign language, which mixed in the news of newspaper into a single sentence. The phenomenon of code mixing in newspaper is depending on the news and announcement which gotten from outside and on the vocabulary of other language that editor and journalists make have. More code mixing types the created in newspaper. According Muysken (2002) (as cited in CardenasCarlos and Isharyanti 2009, p.69) defined three types of code mixing. Those are insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization. (a) insertion of material from one language into a structure of the other language. (b) alternation between structure of language. (c) congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a shared grammatical structure. Based the data that obtained from the interview, they usually used code mixing in the news of newspaper, the general reason is they are using in order to explain the meaning of the other words to another language become comfortable.