1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
There There There There There There
was some rice in the fridge. (Meat--No) was some food in the cupboard. (Eggs-Yes) were some good programs on the radio. (Good music-Yes) were some bananas in the shop. (Oranges-No) was some luggage in that room. (Furniture-No) was a picture in her bedroom. (Books-Yes)
(kata benda yang dapat dihitung)
How many eggs are there in the cupboard?
How many boys are there in your family?
How many adults were there at the party last night?
How many architects were there in the office?
Perhatikanlah bahwa dalam pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas kita memakai How many + kata benda + bentuk tanya kata kerja. Dalam contoh-contoh ini kita memakai There are dan There were dalam bentuk pertanyaan. Sekarang mari kita lihat pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain dengan How many yang memakai kata kerja yang berbeda:
How How How How How How
many many many many many many
letters does Helen type every day?
letters do they receive every week?
people did you see?
records did you buy?
brothers have you got?
bedrooms has the house got?
Perhatikanlah bahwa dalam pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas kita memakai How many + kata benda +
bentuk tanya kata kerja lain. Perhatikan juga bahwa pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut memakai bentuk
kata kerja waktu sekarang dan bentuk kata kerja untuk waktu lampau.
Sekarang: Kalau kita ingin bertanya tentang jumlah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dihitung, kita memakai:
HOW + MUCH Perhatikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang di bawah ini:
How much rice is there in the jar? How much bread was there in the cupboard? How much sugar do you want? How much exercise (= gerak beden, olahraga) does he do?
How How How How
much much much much
money did he have?
furniture did your friend buy?
time have you got?
luggage has Betty got?
Catatan tentang pertanyaan langsung How many/How much? Kata tanya HOW + MANY/MUCH selalu diletakkan pada permulaan kalimat. How many/much diikuti oleh kata bends, kecuali kalau kata bendanya sudah disebutkan sebelumnya atau sudah diketahui: I want some bananas How many do you want? I want some bananas How many? 3. How many diikuti oleh bentuk JAMAK kata benda yang dapat dihitung: How many boys? How many people? 4. How much diikuti oleh kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung: How much rice? How much time? 5. Dalam kalimat yang lengkap. How many/much + kata benda diikuti oteh kata kerja. 1. 2.
23 JAWABAN ATAS PERTANYAAN HOW MANY/HOW MUCH Pertanyaan dengan How many/much dapat dijawab dengan menyebutkan jumlah yang tepat: How many bananas do you want? (I want) three. How much milk did you buy? (I bought) one litre. = satu liter atau dengan memberikan suatu gambaran saja (jadi bukan jumlahnya yang tepat): (i) banyak, atau (ii) sedikit. (i) Untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang besar/banyak, baik dengan kata a lot of chairs { a lot of food benda yang dapat dihitung maupun yang tidek, kita memakai a lot of (ii) Untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang kecitlsedikit, dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung kita memakai not many not many chairs dengan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung, kita memakai not much not much food Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut: (i) How many Indonesians do you know? How many people were at the party? How much lemonade does she want? How much food was there in the cupboard?
. . .. ..
Oh, I know a lot (of Indonesians). There were a lot. She wants a lot (of lemonade). There was a lot. { A lot.
(ii) How How How How
.. .. .. .
Not many (Australians speak Russian). There weren't many. He hasn't got much. There wasn't much. { Not much.
many many much much
Australians speak Russian? songs were there in the program? money has he got? water was there in the bucket?
DUA JENlS PERTANYAAN DENGAN HOW MANY/MUCH Lihatlah dengan teliti contoh-contoh di atas. Apakah saudara dapat melihat bahwa contoh-contoh tersebut terdiri dari dua jenis pertanyaan? Kita dapat mengetahui bagaimana kedua jenis pertanyaan itu disusun kalau kita memperhatikan kalimat berita dan kemudian pertanyaannya. 2 1. Kalimat berita Pertanyaan
A lot of people How many peopl
saw her. saw her?
(= Berapa orang yang melihat dial)
2 Kalimat berita Pertanyaan
A lot of tea How much tea
comes from Ceylon. comes from Ceylon?
Lihatlah pada contob-contoh di atas. Perhatikan kalimat beritanya. Dalam contoh-contoh ini, A lot of people dan A lot of tea diletakkan di muka kata kerja. Baik kalimat berita mau pun pertanyaannya memakai bentuk kata kerja yang sama. 2 2. Kalimat berita
John wrote
a lot of stories
2 Pertanyaan
IHow many stories I
did John write?
2 Kalimat berita
I bought
Isome tea I
2/ Pertanyaan
I How much tea I
did you buy?
(Berapa cerita yang ditulis John?)
24 Lihat/ah pada contoh-contoh pada ha/aman 23. Perhatikan ka/imat beritanya. Da/am contoh-contoh ini, a lot of stories dan some tea di/etakkan di be/akang kata kerja. Bentuk kata kerja yang dipakai da/am ka/imat berita berbeda dari bentuk kata kerja yang dipakai da/am pertanyaannya. Perhatikan juga bahwa da/am bahasa /nggeris, susunan kata da/am pertanyaan berbeda dengan susunan kata da/am ka/imat berita. Perhatikan beberapa contoh /agi dari kedua jenis pertanyaan dengan How many/much, dan beberapa kemungkinan untuk menjawabnya:
How many people came to the party?
A lot (of people came) Not many (people came)
How many children learn French?
A lot Not many
How much bread is there?
There's a lot (of bread) There isn't much/Not much
How many oranges did she buy?
She bought a lot She didn't buy many/Not many
How many shirts has he got?
He's got a lot He hasn't got many/Not many
How much furniture did they buy?
They bought a lot They didn't buy much/Not much
How much luggage has Jack got?
A lot Not much
Kata Benda Yang Dapat Dihitung Ka/imat Berita (Tidak Menyangkal) Pertanyaan Jawaban Pendek Yang Mengyakan Jawaban Pendek Yang Menyangka/ Kalimat Berita Menyangka/
He's got a lot of friends. Has he got many friends? Yes, he's got a lot. No, he hasn't got many. He hasn't got many friends.
Kata Benda Yang Tidak Dapat Dihitung
He drinks a lot of coffee. Does he drink much coffee? Yes, he drinks a lot. No, he doesn't drink much. He doesn't drink much coffee.
1. A lot of dapat dipakai da/am semua contoh di etas, baik yang bersifat menyangka/ msupun yang tidak menyangka/. 2. Perhatikan bahwa da/am ka/imat di man a kata bendanya tidak disebut, kita pakai a lot, dan bukan a lot of:
Has he got many friends?-
{Yes, he's got a lot.
Yes, a lot ..
Let me see [LET miST] = Sebenter A lot of children start school every year [a LOT_av Cl Ldran STAT SKO L EVri YI 8] = Banyak anak mulai bersekolah setiap tahun It depends [at daPENDZ] = ltu tergantung I'm not sure [aim NOT SYO(a)] = Saya tidak begitu yakin Not many shops are open [NOT MENi SYOPS_acOUpan] = Tidak ban yak toko yang buka oil [01 L] = minyak pollution [paLOsyan] = pencemaran/pengotorana litre [Llta] = seliter a kilogram [Kll.aqrzem/Kl laqreern] = sekilo alam a kilo [Kllou] activity [rekTIVati] = kegiatan a gram [GR.lEM] = segram an uncle [ANGkal] = paman a cousin [KAZan] = saudara sepupu interview [INtavyu] = wawancara/tanya-jawab a tennis ball [TEN as bol] = bola tenis a course [KOS] = kursus
PART 11:
come from [KAM fram] = berasal dari earn [aN] = mendapat (misalnya gaji) sell - sold [SEL - SOULD] = menjual Russian [RASYan] = bahasa Rusia Ceylon [saLON]} = Sri Langka Sri Lanka
a part-time job [PATTAIM JOB] = pekerjaan sambilan a department store [daPATmant sto(a)] = toko serba-ada a manager [M.lENaja] = pemimpin usaha/ direktur perusahaan
the Christmas holidays [dha KRISmas HOLadeiz] Sekolah di Australia Tahun pelajaran di sekolah-sekolahA ustralia, baik sekolah dasar maupun sekolah menengah. terbagi dalam tiga kwartal. Tiap-tiap kwartal diakhiri dengan liburan. Liburan panjang bertepatan dengan musim penes, mulai bulan Desember ssmpei bulan Pebruari. Liburan ini disebut liburan Natal (the Christmas holidays). Tahun pelajaran dimulai dalam bulan Pebruari. Di Australia. anak-anak harus bersekolah mulai umur 6 tahun sampai umur 15 atau 16 tahun. Banyak anak di bawah umur 6 tahun pergi ke sekolah taman kenek-kenek. Dan banyak murid yang terus bersekolah sampai umur 18 tehun. pada waktu mereka menempuh ujian akhir. Seperti saudara-saudara ketebui. Australia terdiri dari enam negara beqisn, dan pendidikan merupakan tanggung-jawab setiap negara bagian. Karena itu sist/m pendidikan di suatu negara bagian agak berbeda dengan sistim pendidikan di negara-negara bagian yang lain. Meskipun demikien, pada umumnve. pola pendidikan di seluruh negara Australia sama. Pelajarilah dan latihlah tanya-jawab ini dengan seorang teman! How many books has he got? A lot - about 200. How many tourists arrived? A lot - about 70. How many chairs has she got? Not many - two. How many people were (there) at the party? Not many - only about eight, I think.
How How How How
much much much much
money did you give the child? coffee did he drink? milk is there in the jug? rice do you want?
Not much A lot Not much A lot
only 20 cents. about 4 cups. half a litre. 5 kgs.
26 LAT/HAN A. Pe/ajari/ah contoh di bawah ini. Saudara diminta membuat pertanyaan dengan How many atau How much.
Contoh: I've got some cups for you. Contoh: I've got some tea for you.
Pertanyaan: How many have you got? Pertanyaan: How much have you got?
1. I've got some honey for you. 3. I've got some lemonade for you. 2. I've got some pictures for you. 4. I've got some peanuts for you. B.
JawabJah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memakai Not many atau Not much. Pe/ajari/ah du/u contoh berikut ini:
Contoh: Do you want any souvenirs? Contoh: Do you want any ice-cream?
Jawab: Yes, but not many. Jawab: Yes, but not much.
1. Do you want any margarine? 4. Do you want any furniture? 2. Do you want any petrol? 5. Do you want any bananas? 3. Do you want any lemons? 6. Do you want any milk?
Berdasarkan tiap-tiap ka/imat di bawah ini. buat/ah pertanyaan dengan How many atau How much. Ada dua jenis pertanyaan yang dapat diajukan. Pe/ajari/ah du/u contoh berikut ini: Contoh: Three tourists arrived. Contoh: He saw three tourists. Pertanyaan: How many tourists arrived? Pertanyaan: How many tourists did he see? 1. She bought some bread. 5. A lot of children learn French. 2. There are six rooms in her house. 6. She buys a lot of rice every week. 3. He's got four sisters. 7. A lot of people live in Melbourne. 4. Tom and I want some beer. 8. A lot of oil comes from Sumatra.
Pemakaian kata kerja can ( = dapat) da/am bahasa Jnggeris bermacam-macam. Da/am peJajaran ini akan
kita bicarakan beberapa di antaranya.
1. Dapat/Mampu + ? atau +
I She John Iwan and Rudi Jack and I I
can can can can can can
No, I can't (cannot) ;. Can you sing well?
--;.. Can she sing too?
-;. Yes, she can No, he can't Can he play badminton?
Can they speak English too?
Yes, they can Can you swim well?
Yes, we can Can you understand him?
No, I can't I
sing dance play tennis speak Indonesian swim understand her
Can dapat dipakai untuk menunjukkan kemampuan me/akukan sesuatu. Bentuk menyangkaJnya, yaitu can't, berarti tidak mempu atau tidak dapat. 2. Bo/eh
? Can I go home now? Can she have an ice-cream?
Yes, you can
No, she can't
+ You can leave now They can listen to the radio John can drive my car Can dapat dipakai ka/au meminta atau memberi izin, terutama dengan anak-anak.