: Thursday, February 13, 2014
: Hafifi Hidayat
: Business IT Leader ATI Business Group
Questions Questions 1. Is there any IT Projects that already live and currently being used by user? Can you explain more about the project? Î Ada a. Online reporting tool ( digunakan oleh client FCGP dan user FCGP. Aplikasi internal yang mendukung kebutuhan klien dengna menyediakan data secara online dan real time, sehingga klien dapat mengetahui progress kerja dari sisi perusahaan. Contoh data yang disajikan progress report dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan. b. Espresso : proyek aplikasi pengganti online reporting tool yang dianggap sudah tidak memenuhi kebutuhan internal dan eksternal, konsepnya hampir mirip dengan ORT tapi berbeda karena ORT masih manual tetapi espresso lebih lengkap. 2. Is there any ongoing IT Projects? Can you explain more about the project? Falcon, aplikasi HRD yang berisi beberapa modul mulai dari recruitment Test,administrasikaryawan, hinggamanajemenwaktudanpenilaianperformaseluruhkaryawan. 3. Whether the ORT project can be regarded as a failed project?
Î Ya, secara teoritis gagal.. karena tidak memenuhi waktu yang telahditetapkan
belummemenuhiseluruhkebutuhan user 4. How about the project management of Espresso? Kebutuhan userÆ terpenuhi tapi belum sepenuhnya TimingÆ sesuai dengan schedule ResourcesÆ tidak sesuai dengan perencanaan awal, awal hanya 2 programmer tetapi pada akhirnya menggunakan 3 programmer dikarenakan kebutuhan 5. Any project that will run in this year? Kindly to mention. Falcon, manajemen repoting, BCP (add on falcon), asset & inventory management, finance management system. 6. Can you describe what drives the company to start those IT projects? (just one of those projects) BCP Æ latar belakangnya bagi kebutuhan bisnis: karena bisnis perusahaan berkaitan dengan klien luar negeri, dan karena faktor alami yang tidak dapat dideteksi. Sehingga mendorong perusahaan untuk ingin mengetahui bila ada bencana yang terjadi bisa diprediksi berapa besar kemungkinan gangguan yang terjadi dpada operasional dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan pada klien. 7. Is there any obstacle throughout the project? Kendala yang paling besar : tim IT yang masih baru sehingga menyebabkan tidak adanya standarisasi yang paling baik yang bisa diterapkan. 8. In your opinion, do you think the current project management is optimum or not? (in terms of time, budget, and resources) Î Manajemen proyek falcon belum optimum, lebih buruk dari manajemen proyek Espresso karena banyak melakukan bugs fixing sehingga timing mundur dari yang diperkirakan. Strategi nya untuk menangani hal ini adalah membagi tim developer menjadi dua kelompok yaitu untuk develop falcon dan maintenance espresso. Mungkin akan menambahkan satu satu resource untuk falcon. 9. What changes in project management that you are hoping for it to be better?
Î Resources : Mau memiliki tim solid, artinya setiap anggota tim memiliki solusi untuk setiap masalah, keterbukaan setiap tim, dan komunikasi yang baik. Î Project time : punya pengukuran untuk menghitung project time berdasarkan skala dari proyeknya, misalkan use case points Î User requirement : ingin mengikutsertakan seluruh user bukan hanya leader saja, tetapi user operasional pun diikutsertakan karena terkadang kebutuhan mereka nggak tercapture.
Date Time
: Thursday, February 13, 2014
: Felix Hidayat
: Chief Business Officer (CBO), Director
Questions 1. What do you think about the investment to the IT projects that you have spent this far? Is there any benefit of the IT investment to the business of the company? 2. Concerning project management, if there were a project that happens to fail (in term of either time, cost, or resources) how will it impact to the business? What do you think about the IT project failure? 3. In your opinion, do you think the current project management is optimum? (in terms of time, budget, and resources) 4. Can you tell me the ideal project management that should be running on the company? 5. As a CBO, what are your hopes to the investment for IT that has been spent this far? Answers 1. An evolution in business is usually attended by an evolution in business technology. Our company is in that next stage of growth, and any investment to our IT projects thus far have been worthwhile given that necessity to propel better that symbiotic relationship between company’s growth and an evolution in business technology. As we’ve been observing the changing nature of
customer relationships there is also a need to innovate on the tools we use to manage those relationships hence the benefit I see of the IT investment that has been made to the business. 2. If there was a project that happens to fail, the biggest downward effect would have been the retard of company’s reaching that next needed level of growth. My perspective on such IT project failure has a ramification that will cause our company’s inability to achieve a comfortable level of differentiation with the competitors in the same industry. And it is crucial to remember that technology and the resulting innovation in the way we conduct our business must remain an important ingredient that supports our company’s success. 3. I’ll stick to the saying “there’s always room for improvements”. I tend to look at our Business IT project management from that angle, remembering how newly established this division is in the company. There’s a distance still to traverse in that sphere of project management. The challenge is how do we get to ensure that every resource in our Business IT division can make the valueadded contributions e.g. to put to right use their individuality of thoughts and practice and yet to do it as a team of individuals working together more cohesively, given the company’s limited resources. 4. I know that the traditional project management practices work well for stable business environments, but not for our company. That’s because those traditional project management practices are too rigid and may become bureaucratic for today’s mercurial and competitive business environment— and ATI’s business world is rapidly changing. Few attributes that I know are more suitable for our company’s project management style are:
a) Flexibility. For instance, instead of strictly following scores of predefined processes and steps and having to deliver reams of documentation at each phase of the project—all of which dramatically and often unnecessarily protracts projects—I would advise project managers to customize better the project deliverables. For shorter duration projects, a formal document and formally documented use cases and design specifications may be overkill. Individuals in project management position have to correctly and wisely figure out which deliverables you really need. We need our Business IT team to adapt easily and quickly to changing business needs. b) I believe that technology should be proactive, and so does project management practices. Our approach to project management should evolve alongside the business and IT. There is a need for us to be more responsive by soliciting better our stakeholders and business partners for their ideas. c) Anyone in project management and the team behind him/her need to understand well that if you’re not managing your users, stakeholders, you could deliver on budget but you might not meet their needs and they’ll say that they’re not satisfied. So yes, good project managers whether in IT or elsewhere have good foresight—able to anticipate and head off problems that can jeopardize deadlines, budgets and user acceptance. A project manager needs to understand well that he/she must be the bridge between our business and technology i.e. take on
technology challenges that do not have simple answers as you bridge technology and business. d) Good project managers are also good communicators. Successful project managers understand that they need to discuss their project in the context of whatever is important to their audience. e) Knowing how to lead is crucial. Since there may be project team members who do not directly report to the project manager, the project manager has to find ways to motivate those individuals over whom they have no direct influence and who can make or break a project. Project managers also need to be able to inspire the confidence of key stakeholders in the event the budget or timeline needs to be renegotiated to complete the project. 5. As someone who oversees the integration of our company’s different divisions, my hopes for the IT investment that has been made and will continue to be made can revolutionize the way we do business—the way our customers interact and experience with our services through technology. Once again, I am a firm believer that technology should be proactive. How our Business IT can develop tools to enable the creation of value-added relationships between our customers and our company—not just record transactions. How the team can be innovative to ensure that we’re always putting our best foot forward to deliver outstanding technical solutions to our clients. Our Business IT development division is and always will be an engineering division in our company. We hire people with a broad set of skills (technical and non-technical) who are ready to tackle some of our customer’s
and industry’s greatest challenges and make an impact to hundred, if not tens of thousands of users, and by changing our industry one technological advance after another. That should be our company’s guiding principle to the investments that have been made or will continually to be made in the IT development space.
2. Project Specification Project
menjelaskansecaradetilbeberapa poin penting seperti, deksripsi proyek, tujuan, ruang lingkup, deliverables, tugas dan wewenang, dan milestones. Project charter ini dibuat oleh project manager dan disetujui oleh user dan leader.
3. System Design Specification Dokumeniniseringdisebutsebagai
dibuatolehSistemAnalisdengansudutpandanguserdanbusiness. SDS membantu programmer
interfacedariproyeksoftware yang diinginkan.
4. Functional Specification Documentation Dokumeniniseringdisebutsebagai
dibuatolehSistemAnalisdanditujukankepada programmer. Perbedaandari SDS adalah,
sudahlengkapdengantable definitionsdarisetiapatribut yang disebutkanpada SDS.
5. Bugs Report Bugs Report digunakansebagaikomunikasiantara QA kepada programmer untukmelaporkanbugs yang terjadi.
6. Minutes of Meeting DibuatolehSistemAnalisdandisetujuiolehBusiness
Leaderdanseluruhpesertameeting. Digunakanuntukmenyamakanpersepsiantarauserdengandevelopment seluruhchange-requestjugatercatatdenganbaik.