Institute for Environmental Policy
Keep the blue
Keep the blue green
Institute for Environmental Policy
What is the IEP?
What is the IEP vision?
The Institute for Environmental Policy is one of the leading environmental nongovernmental non-profit organisations, active in the Czech Republic as well as internationally since 1992.
The mission of the IEP is to promote sustainable development, which arises from realising the connections between human needs and natural resources. We understand sustainable development as a solution that brings long-term benefits to people, the economy and the environment.
What does the IEP do to achieve that? • We run projects promoting sustainable
• We deal with legal regulation on
development and healthy environment, with an ambition to change existing negative trends. • We co-operate with public administration and influence its decisions towards desirable changes and environmentally friendly policies and measures. •W e deal with cross-sectoral issues concerning sustainable development and environmental protection, including research projects.
environmental protection in the EU and the Czech Republic and implementation of international treaties. • We present new ideas and solutions from abroad in the Czech Republic. • We are active at the European and international levels (member of EEB and ANPED), fulfilling our mission at the European level.
Institute for Environmental Policy Kateřinská 26, 128 00 Prague 2 | | Tel./Fax: +420 224 826 593
Are Czech cities doomed to collapse? Unregulated urban growth and transportation system crisis
Sustainable land and landscape use
The project focused on the most important phenomenon affecting Czech landscape and ecosystems largely since the latter half of the 20th century: the relative as well as absolute expansion of cities, chiefly owing to activity shifting from central areas outside compact development or outside cities altogether. The unregulated growth is a consequence of
the absence of good strategic and land-use planning with direct public participation, non-existent or inconsistently applied legal and economic regulatory instruments, and assertion of the interests of private investors. The project examined and proposed recommendations for Prague, Brno, Olomouc, and Kladno.
Suburbanisation is characterised by: • unbearably high requirements on land and costs of transportation and technical infrastructures • high consumption of energies and water and loss thereof in distribution networks • multifold increase in traffic
Brownfield revitalisation What legal and economic instruments exist and how are they applied in the Czech reality in revitalising so-called brownfields – disused, devastated areas and buildings? The IEP worked on a series of projects focusing on the issues of abandoned and devastated areas, examining the numbers and types of brownfields in selected Czech regions and municipalities as well as instruments for preparing plots and adequately prompt
revitalisation of these areas. The IEP developed a “Methodology for Monitoring Brownfields in Czech Municipalities”. The IEP success was the presentation of conceptual proposals for brownfield revitalisation. They were submitted to public administration and institutions influencing the decision-making in the sphere.
Involving the public in implementing the Carpathian Convention
Public participation
The international Carpathian Convention protects one of Europe’s largest mountain ranges, valued for being little damaged naturally and culturally, and supports its inhabitants in naturally developing their traditional values in modern society. The IEP works on involving local communities and the professional public in protecting the Carpathian natural and cultural heritage and sustainable development, striving for a
practical implementation of the Convention goals. We organise meetings and seminars, an information campaign, run a database of affected institutions and individuals, and work on compiling the Carpathian Heritage List, which should become a tool for protecting the heritage in future.
Local Agenda 21 Strategic and land-use planning with direct public participation, local referenda, and local Agenda/Action 21 are effective tools of good governance at the local and regional levels. The IEP has been systemically and individually promoting LA21 programmes, implementing sustainable principles locally with direct public participation, in the Czech
Ústí Region – A Living Region Republic since 1998. The IEP has initiated and assisted such programmes in Kladno, Prague 7 and elsewhere; we were the co-founder of TIMUR, an initiative for monitoring European Common Indicators and local sustainable development indicators in Bohemian and Moravian towns and cities.
“If municipal politicians show will and willingness to take a certain political risk and start deciding on municipal development not on their own, but in co-operation with citizens, non-governmental non-profit organisations, and major groups influencing local development, they may significantly contribute to promoting sustainable development in the entire society,” Josef Novák, founder of TIMUR
The project actively involved part of the public in five towns in the Ústí nad Labem Region in resolving certain acute local problems, and facilitated training for public administration and NGO representatives in sustainable development issues. So-called Local Action Teams (MAT) were established in Bílina, Krásná Lípa, Litoměřice, Roudnice nad Labem, and Rumburk, richly populated with interested local citizens, which worked on resolving problems chosen in preceding enquiries. The IEP also monitored selected European sustainable development indicators in the towns.
In Rumburk, some 8% of the citizens participated in the enquiry; they most minded unemployment and untidiness in town – mainly dog excrements. The project resulted in a draft new municipal ordinance, leaflets informing about requirements on dog owners, a photographic exhibition, as well as installation of bins and bags around the town.
Reclaiming landscape around Kladno disturbed by mining
Research and development
In connection to the end of coal mining around Kladno, it was necessary to assess the degree of landscape devastation and define the scope of measures required to restore its functions. The project confirmed that positive opinions on the spoil heap biotopes significantly outbalance the negative ones, and that the spoil heaps are both man’s work and full-blooded nature, deserving care and protection. It has established that the conventional technical and forestry or farming reclamation,
overlaying the old scars with a new artificial landscape, are dysfunctional, too expensive, and environmentally literally harmful. The project outcomes now affect the design of the reclamation projects undertaken. The accompanying exhibition HALDY/ ARIZONA at the Kladno Chateau Gallery presented the very rich diversity of animals and plants, frequently threatened and protected, found during the on-site surveys on the spoil heaps around Kladno.
Reclamation and management of non-natural biotopes in the Czech Republic
Rural benchmarking – improving microregional management
How do ecosystems change in areas significantly affected by man’s activity, chiefly by mining, construction, waste deposits and deposits of power industry by-products? The multiple-year research project headed by IEP has shown that former mining and industrial areas are far from a “moon landscape” without life, but rather a new wilderness and haven for interesting, threatened and protected fungal, plant and animal species.
Microregions are associations of municipalities in rural areas, aiming at joint regional development. The development is increasingly dependent on growing professionalism of their management from the organisational structure to project fundraising, to evaluation of activities and impacts on actual regional development. The project aims to help
Instead of conventional technical methods, the project proposes and promotes new, semi-natural methods of reclaiming and managing non-natural biotopes, which are more environmentally efficient and substantially cheaper.
these rural associations by proposing a set of benchmarks – common indicators showing the impacts of the management and development. The indicator set is being prepared in co-operation with 18 Czech microregions, which are testing its practical applicability.
Visit the project website to compare the performance of the microregions in North and Central Bohemia and Central Moravia in financial, promotion, and certain environmental issues.
Land-use plan concepts and territorial disparities How far do changes made to an approved land-use plan shift the document from its original concept, and how far may they go in inappropriate and unbalanced development in the area? The IEP co-operates on a research project headed by CTU Faculty of Architecture, aiming at developing a method and a software application for evaluating the impacts of such changes by means of clear indicators.
At present, the research results are of extreme importance also because under the New Building Act, each municipality has to adopt its own land-use plan by 2015 and review it periodically at least every 4 years.
Sustainable transport: car sharing, walking and traffic calming IEP projects deal with supporting sustainable modes of transport, such as walking. They transfer information from abroad concerning new urban transport solutions, such as traffic calming, 30-kph zones, and car sharing.
The IEP has organised two summer schools focusing on monitoring environmental and economic impacts of transport and published a book titled Základy dopravní ekologie.
Our achievements:
IEP and …
• Introducing the issue of car sharing in the Czech Republic, along with a successful information campaign;
• Initiating a Walking Working Group at Prague City Council, developing pedestrian transport principles for Prague, and asserting pedestrian transport into the new draft land-use plan for Prague.
Sustainable water management in the landscape For several years, the IEP has co-operated with Bavarian and Czech institutions on holding seminars and excursions focused on semi-natural revitalisation of watercourse and done awareness raising work. The IEP information campaign included publications on comprehensive rainwater management: Ochrana před povodněmi v urbanizovaných územích, Přírodě blízké odvodňování dopravních ploch v sídlech, and Jak hospodařit s dešťovou vodou na soukromém pozemku – a practical handbook for restoring permeability of surfaces and infiltration.
Sustainable tourism – Tourism monitoring of Prague suburban forests Jak hosp
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The IEP does long-term monitoring of the recreational demand in certain forests in Prague, such as the Kunratice Wood, Hvězda Game Park, Šárka, Prokopské Valley, Ďáblice Grove, and provides recommendations for improving management and reducing damage to these sites valuable both for biology and recreation. Major threats to them include littering, erosion due to movement outside marked paths, vandalism, and investors’ pressure to develop adjacent sites.
Visitor counts have shown that the largest of the monitored forests of Prague receive 600-800 thousand visitors a year. On a perhectare-per-year basis, the Hvězda (7,000), the Hostivař Park Forest (5,300) and the Kamýk (5,200) are in the highest demand.
Jak si stojí mikroregiony severních a středních Čech a střední Moravy v porov-
Ecological footprint exhibition
Environmental education, training and awareness raining (EE)
This unconventionally designed exhibition introduces schoolchildren and secondary school students to the concept of the ecological footprint, an “accounting tool” for lifestyle. It determines the size of the ecologically productive land required by individuals, institutions, municipalities, or the entire planet in order to secure resources for their activities and dispose of all generated waste. Hundreds of students in the Ústí and Liberec Regions and Prague have seen the exhibition to date.
“EE helps form positive attitudes towards the environment and its protection, respect for life in all its forms, extends the knowledge of the environment, and contributes to understanding connections even among seemingly unrelated areas,“ Tomáš Gremlica, Director of IEP.
The exhibition shows that the Czech Republic is an unsustainable manager in terms of natural balance. With the current standards and technologies, it can only satisfy the requirements of 50% of its population. Like other industrialised nations, it “imports” the required production capacity from less developed countries. The Ecological Footprint is one of the most successful awareness raising campaigns of the IEP, since it has first introduced and popularised it in the Czech Republic.
Prague Advisor
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St)tn" to hlukem od soused90 & i @% dB Zdroj: p!"mo/ z)t31 dB zp9sobe mo1no obt31uj" obt31ov)n hluku >% dB m probl-m spole,n3 Jste&li zdroj st" ochrany a neform)ln"m startuj letadlo '2 dB !e6en"m je oslovit z)t31 $% dB vy!e6"te/ "c" ru"í ka#dého jinak Zdroj: na!"zen m91ete provinit Co Hluk .'% dB Obdobn3 & Vy pro starou hlukovou prodejny0 ,asto nejlep6"m pozd3ji/ M91ete zjistit0 1e doty,njso " vl)dy ,/ .*?B'% t"m0 1e ru6"te Zdroj: St)tn" ke hygien se ne1 '2 dB u pro starou hlukovou zdravotn"sami "m n3koho jin-ho0 %$ Sb/ na vztahu ,lov3ka tu6ili/ B5t ohledup Provozovatel z)t31 u 1elezni,n i 8stav Lep6" je jednat d!"ve +2 dB ani1 byste obt31uj" a neform)ln pojem a v1dy z)le1" l i m je "ch +2 dB i zdroje hluku c k é Hluk ln5 je jedna z i t relativn" to z)t31 u 1elezni,n"ch v n3kter5ch y o tom0 1e v)s se nejlep6"ch mo1nost drah hlu u? p!ed hlukem! nejvy66" p!"pus je ulo1ena ru6iv5 m91e b5t osoby ani nev" '2 dB Obdobn3 Vy sami " Hluk Hluk je relativ ochrany tn- hodnoty povinn situaci & kproto1e drah spole,n3 vy!e6"te/ to v noci0 ze zdroj9 ru"í ka#dé Zdroj: na!"zen" Konta hluk leták hluku nebolizvuku a ost dodr1ovat Tento n" zp9sobem probl-m ,/ .*?B'%%$ Sb/ limity #upravuje jin-ho0 ani1 byste ho jinak vl)dy ,/ .*?B'%%$ zvuku a situaci pojem a v1dy z)le1" stanoven-i 6epot/ V"ce obt31uje najdete hluku0 ktujte nás §+% z)kona Zdroj: na!"zen" vl)dy Co 1e ru6"te n3koho zdroj9 Sb/ jsou 5ch hygien ekopo na vztahu v denn" a '2?B'%%%(/p!"padech h y gp!"pad & proto1 litiku, o.p.s. také na web stránk mo1nost" ochrany m91ete provinit t"m0 ienické dom9 a z ovladateln ,lov3ka ke no,n" dob30 Stanovuj"hseuvnit!ickProvozo je jedna z nejlep6"ch informace l i m i t y e ru6iv5 um"st3n5c 5/ o ÚEP (ÚEP) http://ekop ách Ústavu limity se p!epo, pr9m3plynul5 pro vateli zdroje hluku ech i 6epot/ te násvn" prosto h l u km91e ne1 p!eru6ovan tu6ili/ B5t ohledupln5 V"ce obt31u Kontaktujvenko u ? b5t v n3kter5ch olitika nejvy66" volejte 224 pro hluk ry um"st3n5ch je ulo1ena povinno Ústavu "t)vaj" mailem iep@e ry ,i okol" je sn)6en je hluk Pro p!"pustn l-pe 826 593, na vnit!n hluk stránkách uvnit! dom9 st dodr1ov Tento leták najdeteKontaktujte nás staveb a zvl)6tn v také na web kopoli z noci0 hodnoty p!ed hlukem! doprav " Pro najdete . a at ze leták tujte nás y a leteck-ho zdroj9 Tento neboli stanovena z ovladateln5c " limity plat" sn)6en hluku? #upravuje §+% l-pe jehluku (ÚEP) http://eko ekopolitiku, o.p.s. také na web stránkách naHlavn"ho m3sta nebo nás nav"tivte limity limity - hygienickh zdroj9 hluku0 pro z)kona '2?B'%%hluk plynul5 ne1 Ústavu pro kontaktujte nás provozu/ ekopolitiku, o.p.s. Kate!inská s =nan,n"m p!isp3n"m adrese (ÚEP) http://e hygienické # a no,n" vosobn informace o ÚEP %(/ Stanovuj" se p!eru6ovan5 denn" jsou volejte 224 826 593, 26, Praha Co Tento projekt je realizov)n informativn nenahrazuje studium povinnost dodr1ovat Vyti"t " a#no informace o ÚEP volejte 224 826 Pro dob30 limity se pr9m3ry / 2. nav"tivte osobn# na ./.%/'%%> hluku je ulo1ena je pouze mailem iep@eko 593, kontakt nebo nás venkovn" prostory Tento projekt p!epo,"t)vaj" na ovaném a Prahy/ Tento let)k stavu krecykl Provozovateli zdroje ujte nás stanoven- nebo mailem iep@ekopo vnit!n" a chlorem neb#le je realizov ,i okol" staveb Vych)z" z pr)vn"ho 26, Praha 2. hodnoty hluku neboli nás nav"tivte s =nan,n"m Prahy/ Tento a zvl)6tn")nlimity hluk pr)vn"ch p!edpis9/ ném z dopravy na adrese Kate!inská na adrese Kate!ins osobn# nejvy66" p!"pustnpapí!e / Stanovuj" se pr9m3ry a leteck-ho provozu let)k je pouze plat" p!isp3n . papí!e. ká 26, Praha z)kona '2?B'%%%( informativn"pro "m Hlavn"ho m3sta / pr)vn"ch p!edpis 2. aj" na vnit!n" a limity #upravuje §+% ém a chlorem neb#leném a nenahrazuje Vyti"t#no na 9/ Vych)z" recyklovaném dob30 limity se p!epo,"t)v limity plat" pro studium Vyti"t#no na recyklovan z pr)vn"ho a chlorem neb#lené v denn" a no,n" stavu k ./.%/'% zvl)6tn" m papí!e. %> ,i okol" staveb a venkovn" prostory provozu/ leteck-ho a hluk z dopravy Z)kladn" limity pro
vnit!n" hluk #uvnit! den #$:%%&'':%%(
This series of leaflets for Praguers deals with the issues of noise, waste management, pets, air protection, urban greenery, and public spaces. They are designed to not only advise the citizens on everyday situations, but also increase their legal awareness of these issues. Five types of leaflets have been distributed to all district authorities in Prague; Praguers can also download them from the IEP website.
obytn5ch m"stnost"(
( noc #'':%%&$:%%nejru6 n3j6"ch +% dB hladiny
4 kdy1 v)s obt31uje
4 kdy1 v)s obt31uje
4 Awareness raising on sustainable consumption, HLUK Rádce p r o Pra#any
4 kdy1 v)s obt 31u
focusing on ordinary shoppers, was the topic of the joint project of the IEP and Ahold, the company operating Albert supermarkets. Four versions of leaflets were distributed in the supermarkets, focusing on organic food, environmentally friendly products, energy savings, and recycling. The campaign included a competition for the funniest work of art or photography on “Myths Concerning Organic Food”. je
H L U K J E zvuk, kter! je p!íli" hlasit!, p!ijde v nesprá nebo Je to ka1d5 necht3n vn! "as a bez varová ní/ 5 zvuk0 kter5 nebo po6kozu ,lov3ka ru6"0 obt31uje je 7 na zdrav"0 majetku ,i na prost!ed"/ Pat!" 1ivotn"m k nejroz6"!en3j6"m 6kodlivin)m pracovn" 1ivotn"ho prost!ed "/ ho i Tento let)k V)s sezn)m" s problem riziky0 p!edstav atikou hluku " v)m sou,asna jeho platn- pr)vn" porad" co d3lat0 p!edpisy a kdy1 jsou poru6ov )ny/
HLUK JE RIZIKEM PRO VA;E ZDRAV< M91ete&li0 vyvarujt e se ho! Vystaven" hluku se v3t6inou neprojev bolest" ani porucho uje u sluchu/ Prok)zan bezprost!edn3 ani 8,inky dlouhod 5mi zdravotn"mi ob-ho p9soben " hluku m91ou po6kozen" sluchovb5t ho apar)tu nebo kardiovaskul)rn"0 vliv na nervov5 ,i imunitn" mohou ovlivnit syst-m/ :,inky !adu hluku stav0 8navu(0 zt31ovatfunkc" a reakc" ,lov3ka #emocio n)ln" komunikaci ,i naru6ova t sp)nek/ Orienta"ní hodnot y zvuk$ 6um list" & '% dB tlumen5 hovor & *% dB hlasit5 hovor & $% dB k!ik0 tunel metra & ?% dB jedouc" vlak & @% dB startuj"c" letadlo & .'% Zdroj: St)tn" zdravotn dB " 8stav
Hluk ru"í ka#déh Hluk je relativn" o jinak pojem a v1dy z)le1" na vztahu zvuku a situaci ,lov3ka & proto1e ru6iv5 p!"padech i 6epot/ m91e b5t v n3kter5cke V"ce obt31uje h um"st3n5ch uvnit! hluk dom9 a z ovladate v noci0 ze zdroj9 l-pe je sn)6en hluk ln5ch zdroj9 hluku0 plynul5 ne1 p!eru6ov an5/ Tento projekt je realizov)n s =nan,n"m Prahy/ Tento let)k p!isp3n"m Hlavn"ho je pouze informati m3sta vn" a nenahraz pr)vn"ch p!edpis9/ uje studium Vych)z" z pr)vn"ho stavu k ./.%/'%%>
The project is quoted as a good practice example in Ahold Royal’s international annual report. ropagace nebo v některých environmentál-
Comenius – Pro Natura The IEP co-operates with its expert partners and four European primary schools in the international project Pro Natura, dealing with investigation into the nature in the immediate vicinity of the schools. Worksheets and project outputs are available for download at
Between family and work: seeking the path for everyone In 2009, the IEP founded the FAZOLE Community Centre in Domažlice. It helps women disadvantaged on the labour market regain employment or start their own business. It does so primarily by means of training activities and provision of other supplementary services. The aim of Fazole is, among others, for the clients to adopt
The social pillar of sustainable development
attitudes in line with sustainable regional development. Fazole has thus integrated the social component of sustainable development in the IEP activities.
Krásná Lípa – Our safe home Crime prevention was the main topic of the project in Krásná Lípa. The Local Action Team (MAT), composed of representatives of the municipal authority, citizens, local businesses and NGOs, managed to identify unsafe places in the town and causes of crime with precision, and jointly proposed measures to solve these problems, during a planning afternoon.
The IEP considers it an achievement that the project encouraged the representatives of the municipal authority and the NGOs into further activities: a project to install a CCTV system, and a renovation of the T-club with the inclusion of new leisure activities for children and youth.
IEP analyses and studies
Development of expert environmental policy studies and analyses is a long-term activity at the IEP. We are a member of a consortium of European institutions with a framework contract with the European Commission (DG Environment) and the European Parliament (Environmental Committee). As part of this co-operation, for instance, the IEP has participated in studies on green initiatives of retail chains, the effect of reduced VAT rate on promotion of technological innovation, and implementation of the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive. The IEP also develops background information for the Environmental Policy Review, published annually by the European Commission for each Member State. A current overview and previous reports are available at
Lidé v ÚEP Tomáš Gremlica
Martina Přibylová
I have worked at the IEP since 1994 and been its Director since 2006. I deal with strategic and land-use planning with direct public participation. In the recent years, I have co-ordinated multidisciplinary research projects focusing on quasi-natural reclamation of areas disturbed by human activity. I studied Systematic Biology and Ecology at the Faculty of Science of Palacký University in Olomouc, followed by Theoretical and Pre-clinical Medicine at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague.
I have worked at the IEP since 2000 as a fundraising co-ordinator and information specialist. In the recent years, I have also dealt with the social aspects of sustainable development, managing the FAZOLE Community Centre in Domažlice. I studied Information Studies and Library Science at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University.
Barbora Šafářová I have worked at the IEP since 2000, chiefly on projects concerning public involvement, promoting sustainable development in municipalities, and the Carpathian Convention. As a PR co-ordinator, I also do communication and presentation of our organisation. I studied Public and Social Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague.
Alena Dodoková The founders of the IEP were my professors at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague; they brought me to their team in 2001. I develop analyses assessing the implementation of European law in the Czech Republic and the Czech environmental policy. My projects focus on monitoring sustainable regional development and public participation chiefly in land-use planning processes.
Lubomír Bartoš I studied Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. I have worked at the IEP since 2009, on a project dealing with the practical implementation of the Carpathian Convention; I also deal with recreational uses of Prague suburban forests.
Leona Kupčíková I studied Public Administration and Social Policy at the Silesian University and then Charles University. After the 2002 flooding in Prague, I came to the IEP, where I mostly deal with projects focusing on the social pillar of sustainable development and sustainable consumption.
Michaela Valentová Originally a professional journalist, I spent many years working on documentaries, mostly on environmental topics. I have worked at the IEP since 2003, managing projects dealing with sustainable transport, urbanism, and environmentally friendly water management in landscape. Since 1988, I have co-operated with Prague Mothers citizens’ association.
Josef Novák I studied at the Institute for Environmental Studies of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. At present, I deal with evaluating sustainable development in Czech towns and cities for the IEP and TIMUR. My other work activities include nature protection, sustainable tourism and Corcontology. I like to do sports in my free time and have beer with friends afterwards.
Renáta Štípková I started at the IEP as an assistant in 1997; I have also been the IEP accountant since I took a retraining programme in 2007. I am in charge of the financial accounting of projects and office operation.
Marie Koutná I studied at the Commercial Academy in Domažlice. I worked in public administration for ten years, dreaming of working for the non-profit sector. I am strongly empathic and urged to help women. I set up the Nové obzory citizens’ association with friends in 2006, aiming to build the Kráčmerka family and maternal centre. I have worked for the IEP since 2009 as a project assistant at the FAZOLE Community Centre in Domažlice, which actively co-operates with Kráčmerka and shares its spaces.
Institute for Environmental Policy
Photo: IEP employees and Vojtěch Kotecký Layout: Martin Šojdr Institute for Environmental Policy 2010