ICT – Cat email – Overview
This video clip looks at the different ways of communicating over the internet, such as email, chat messages and voice over internet providers. Towards the end of the clip questions are raised which could be discussed in a civics lesson and focus on the cross curricular topic of mass media. In short, Steve is writing an email when there is a power cut and after a short exchange with the professor Steve walks out and the professor says he can teach his cat to use a computer better than Steve. When the professor realises that this was a silly comment made in the heat at the moment and impossible to keep, the idea of a practical joke comes to him. While the professor puts his plan into action the students are asked to use the vocabulary provided to write instructions about performing basic Internet functions. At the end of the clip the professor fools Steve into thinking his cat has been successfully taught to use a computer. After it is revealed as it’s just a joke the professor character asks the students to come up with a list of rules for safer Internet use using a number of modal verbs.
Suggested pauses
00.36 Steve’s computer is not working. What computer parts has he checked? The computer stack, the monitor, the computer mouse and the keyboard.
00.49 Who fixed the computer? The cat.
01.48 Is Steve’s computer working? Why not No, there’s been a power cut
02.30 What did the professor say that made Steve walks off.
He said, it would be easier to teach my cat to use a computer than you.
03.25 If time permits, help the students use the vocabulary provided to write instructions about how to surf the Internet, writes a chat message, or use a voice over Internet provider. You may wish to divide the class into three groups to accomplish these tasks.
Before the professor gives instructions to his cat about how the send an email ask the students to list the stages the professor goes through and that they will need to cross check their instructions when the relevant section is over.
04.30 Go through the stages of sending an email, including entering your username and password, filling in the address and subject box, using the CC (or carbon copy) box to send the email to more than one person and typing the text.
05.12 Go through the stages of sending a chat message and using a voice over Internet provider, and a web cam, be sure to include finding the contact details from a drop down menu, and selecting the chat box to type the message, activating a webcam, and conference calling.
05.30 Do you think the professor has been able to teacher his cat to use a computer? Probably not, but as the students for their opinions and continue to watch.
05.59 What form of Internet based communication has the professor’s computer received? And who is it from? An e-mail has arrived from
[email protected]
What form of Internet based communication has the professor’s computer received now? And who does Steve think it is from? Steve thinks it’s a chat message from the professor’s cat
06.38 What is the professor’s computer receiving now? An incoming video call
07.01 Was the cat really communicating over the internet? No, it was a joke by the professor.
07.29 Illicit from the students
07.48 Give the students time to work in groups and create a list of rules and guidelines for safe Internet use, encourage them to use modal verbs as presented on screen where possible.
ICT – Cat email Klip pojednává o různých způsobech komunikace prostřednictvím internetu, jako např. email, chat, zprávy aj. Otázky na konci klipu lze využít k diskusi i v občanské výchově se zaměřením na průřezové téma Mediální výchova. Stručný popis děje: Steve píše email, když náhle dojde k výpadku elektrického proudu. Po krátké konverzaci s profesorem Steve odchází a profesor říká, že naučí svou kočku používat počítač lépe, než to dovede Steve. Když si profesor uvědomí, jaký hloupý nápad vyslovil a že je nemožné ho realizovat, dostane nápad na kanadský žertík. Zatímco se profesor pouští do svého plánu, žáci pomocí dané slovní zásoby napíší instrukce pro vykonání základních funkcí internetu. Na konci klipu si profesor dělá ze Steva blázny. Steve si myslí, že kočka se opravdu naučila používat počítač. Když se přijde na to, že šlo jen o vtip, profesor požádá žáky, aby vytvořili seznam pravidel pro bezpečné užívání internetu a použili k tomu modální slovesa.
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu: 00.36 Steve’s computer is not working. What computer parts has he checked? The computer stack, the monitor, the computer mouse and the keyboard.
00.49 Who fixed the computer? The cat.
01.48 Is Steve’s computer working? Why not? No, there’s been a power cut.
02.30 What did the professor say that made Steve walks off. He said, it would be easier to teach my cat to use a computer than you.
03.25 Žáci pomocí slovní zásoby píší instrukce, jak surfovat po internetu, chatovat nebo mluvit pomocí poskytovatele internetu. V rámci možností žákům pomáháme. Žáci mohou pracovat ve skupinách. Než profesor zadá pokyny své kočce, jak poslat email, požádáme žáky, aby nejdříve napsali jednotlivé kroky sami. Když profesor popisuje postup, žáci si vždy odškrtnou na svém seznamu krok, který profesor právě udělal.
04.30 Projdeme jednotlivé kroky, jak posílat email, včetně zadání jména uživatele a hesla, vyplnění adresy a předmětu zprávy, do okénka Kopie uvést další osoby a nakonec napsat text.
05.12 Projdeme jednotlivé kroky při posílání chatové zprávy a používání hlasu přes poskytovatele internetu a webové kamery. Nezapomeneme vyhledat informace o kontaktech z rozevírací nabídky, zvolit chat box k napsání zprávy, aktivovat webovou kameru a konferenční volání.
05.30 Do you think the professor has been able to teacher his cat to use a computer? Probably not, but as the students for their opinions and continue to watch.
05.59 What form of Internet based communication has the professor’s computer received? And who is it from? An e-mail has arrived from
[email protected]
06.31 What form of Internet based communication has the professor’s computer received now? And who does Steve think it is from? Steve thinks it’s a chat message from the professor’s cat
06.38 What is the professor’s computer receiving now? An incoming video call
07.01 Was the cat really communicating over the internet? No, it was a joke by the professor.
07.29 Vyzveme žáky, aby řekli, jaká nebezpečí se mohou vyskytnout při užívání internetu a tímto způsobu komunikace. Make a list of danger there might be from using the internet and communicating this way. 07.48 Žáci ve skupinách pracují na seznamu pravidel a nařízení pro bezpečné užívání internetu. Používají modální slovesa, která se objevují na obrazovce. Create a list of rules and guidelines for safe Internet use. Use modal verbs as presented on screen where possible.