The government of the Republic of Indonesia and the government of the Republic of Tunisia (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”) DESIRING to promote further the close and friendly relations existing between the parties; CONSIDERING their common interest to promote and encourage their scientific research and technological progress and have the reciprocal advantages resulting from cooperation in the fields of mutual interest; CONVINCED of the need for effective cooperation in the scientific research and technological fields which will enhance the economic and social development of both contries; PURSUANT to the prevailing laws and regulations in their respective countries; HAVE AGREED as follows: Article I OBJECTIVE The Parties shall contribute to the development of bilateral research, scientific and technological cooperation, in the areas of mutual interest and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, in accordance with the provisions of this Memorandum Of Understanding and the legislation of the two countries in force. Article II SCOPES OF COOPERATION The research, science and technology cooperation between scientific and research organisations, enterprises and other entities concerned from both countries shall be carried out through the following: a. Execution of joint scientific, research projects and programs; b. Visits and exchanges of scientists, researchers, lecturers, and other experts or technical personnel; c. Exchanges o f scientific and technological information and documents;
d. Meetings and organization of various forms, such as joint scientific conferences, joint seminars, workshops and exhibitions on scientific and technological development, etc; e. Making available for temporary use or through exchanges of any equipment and materials that are necessary for such cooperation; f. Setting up of joint-research teams; g. Education, training, and participation in on-going programs; and h. Other forms of scientific and technological cooperation on the basis of mutual agreement reached by research organizations, entreprises and other cooperation entities. Article III THIRD PARTIES PARTICIPATION 1. The Parties may by mutual consent request the participation of a third party in the financing and implementation of programs and projects which will be carried out as modalities of cooperation within the framework of this Memorandum O f Understanding. 2. The Parties shall support the participation of scientific and research organizations, entreprises and others concerned entities from the two countries in international multilateral scientific and technological programs and projects. 3. Scientists, experts and institutions from third countries may be invited to participate (at their own expense) in the activities under this Memorandum Of Understanding on the basis of mutual consent of the parties, unless otherwise agreed upon. Article IV IMPLEMENTING ARRANGEMENTS 1. The Parties shall encourage and promote direct cooperation between scientific and technological institutes, entreprises and other entities concerned from the two countries. 2. Cooperating partners shall, if necessary, conclude appropriate implementing agreements, protocols or contacts within the framework of this Memorandum Of Understanding in accordance with the national legislation of the two countries. Cooperating partners shall form the basis for determining the subject matter of joint research, the financial terms and conditions and the utilization of the output of cooperative activities, as well as other relevant issues. Article V INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 1. Cooperative activities shall be conducted in accordance with implementing arrangements, which address the matters in this article, unless the Parties otherwise decide. 2. Implementing arrangements shall provide for the protection of background and foreground of intellectual Property. 3. The Parties shall use their best endeavors to ensure that the participants shall jointly own any foreground intellectual Property in accordance with the
provisions specified in the implementing arrangements, which shall be developed and taken into account. (a) the intellectual contributions of each participant, (b) the financial contributions of each participant, (c) the contributions of background intellectual property, research effort and preparatory work of each participant, (d) the value o f the object and/or materials used as a basis of the research activities (e) the material used in the activities, (f) the facilities provided by each participant, (g) legal considerations; and (h) such other relevant considerations as the participants may agree upon. 4. Should the research activities utilize biological materials, the implementing arrangements shall adopt the agreed principles under the Convention on Biological Diversity, especially article 8 and article 15. 5. Implementing arrangements shall include provision for checking for and protection against infringement of intellectual property rights of third Parties. Unless the Parties otherwise decide, implementing Arrangements shall be legally binding documents. 6. The Parties shall use their best endeavors to ensure that prospective participants in a cooperative activity enter into a confidentiality deed with each other before they exchange information about their intellectual Property. Article VI IMPLEMENTATION The implementation of this Memorandum Of Understanding shall take place in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations of the parties and the availability of appropriated funds in each country. Article VII DESIGNATED AUTHORITIES The responsible bodies for the implementation of this Memorandum Of Understanding are the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology for the Government of the Republic of Tunisia and the Ministry of Research and Technology for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia . Article VIII JOINT WORKING COMMITTEE 1. For the purpose of execution of this memorandum of understanding, the Parties shall set up a joint working committee for research, scientific and technological cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the Committee). The Joint Working Committee Group shall be composed of an equal number of representatives from each Party. The list of which shall be conveyed through diplomatic channels.
2. The work o f the Committee shall focus on the establishment of organizational legal and financial conditions for the implementation of research, scientific and technological cooperation. The Committee shall give proposals, coordinate and monitor the implementation of joint research, scientific and technological cooperation programs. 3. The Committee shall, if necessary, set up permanent or ad hoc expert groups for individual areas of research, scientific and technological cooperation and engage experts to assist in its work. 4. The Committee shall hold its sessions every two years, alternately in the Republic of Tunisia and the Republic of Indonesia. 5. In order to organize its activities the committee shall adopt its rules of procedure. Article IX INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS The provisions of this Memorandum Of Understanding shall not affect the rights and duties stemming from any other international treaties to which the two countries are parties. Article X SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any dispute between the Parties arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Memorandum Of Understanding shall be settled amicably by negotiations or consultations through diplomatic channels. Article XI ENTRY INTO FORCE, DURATION AND TERMINATION 1. This Memorandum O f Understanding shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the second notification through which one of the two Parties informs the other Party of the completion of internal procedures. 2. This Memorandum Of Understanding shall remain in force for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of entry into force and shall be renewed through diplomatic channels for a subsequent period of 5 (five) years thereafter, unless either Party terminates it by giving written notification through diplomatic channels three (3) months prior to its expiration. 3. The termination of this Memorandum O f Understanding shall not affect the validity and duration of any arrangement, plans and programs made under this memorandum of understanding until the completion of such arrangement, plans and programs, unless agreed otherwise. 4. This Memorandum Of Understanding can be modified by mutual consent of the two Parties. Modifications shall come into force according to the same procedures stipulated at the first paragraph of this article. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respective Government, have signed this Memorandum O f Understanding.
Done in Tunis, on the 9,h o f June 2008, in two originals, in the Arabic, Indonesian, and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence in interpretation, the English text shall prevail. For the Government of the
For the Government of the
Republic o f Tunisia,
Republic of Indonesia,
H.E Dr. N. Hassan Wirajuda
H.E Abdelwaheb Abdaliah
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
KUNJUNGAN DELEGASI INDONESIA KE IRAN 15 ~ 18 Juni 2008 Diskusi, kunjungan ke research centers, perumusan potensi kerjasama bilateral, penandatanganan agreed minutes of meeting dan research agreement. Research center yang dikunjungi adalah: - Material & Energy Institute, - Oil Industry Research Center, - National Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, - the RAZI Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, - Royan institute Neurology Research Center (Imam Khomeini Hospital), - Pasteur Institute, - National Center for Oceanography, - International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, - Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, dan - Aerospace Research Institute. HASIL DISKUSI DAN KUNJUNGAN 1. Kementerian Science, Research and Technology membawahi lembaga-lembaga riset pernerintah dan perguruan tinggi; 2. Pada umumnya lembaga riset pernerintah berbentuk institute untuk post graduate research, sehingga salah satu indikator keluarannya adalah lulusan S2 dan S3; 3. Institute riset Iran fokus pada bidangnya masing-masing,misalnya biotek, nanotek, stem cells, aerospace research, research institute of petroleum industry, national center for oceanography, dan Iain-lain; 4. Khususnya dibidang biotek dan stem cells, komersialisasi hasil riset berjalan baik. Pada umumnya produk-produk kerjasama yang ditawarkan adalah produk-produk yang sudah ada industrinya; 5. Dibidang Aerospace research, Iran telah berhasil meluncurkan roket dengan sistim beberapa stage dan recoverable, mengembangkan virtual reality simulation, UAV; 6. Dibidang nanotek, research institute of Petroleum Industry telah berhasil mengembangkan nano powder untuk katalis dan hidrogen; KESEPAKATAN DAN TINDAK LANJUT Dibidang Biotek: potensial kerjasama untuk joint research project untuk plant biotech, marine biotech, biopharmaceutical production, human healthcare, animal biotech, industrial and environmental biotech. Untuk bidang ini, telah ditandatangani Research Agreement antara Research Center for Biotechnology LIP! dan National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (NIGEB) Iran mengenai joint research project, post graduate student (2 Ph.D), post doctoral fellowship (2 fellowship), dan joint seminar, workshop, training courses dan common publication. Yang akan menindaklanjuti kesepakatan ini adalah Prof. Dr. Bambang Prasetya (LIPI) dan di D-IV (Ristek). Dibidang Stem Cells: potensi kerjasama untuk spinal cord injury dan myocardial infarction (MCI). Yang akan menindaklanjuti kesepakatan ini adalah Prof. Dr. Amin Soebandrio (Ristek),
Dibidang Nanotek: potensi kerjasama untuk joint research untuk metal-alloy, ceramics, polymers dan composites yang digunakan untuk coating of the boilers, piping, specially gas/water piping. Yang akan menindaklanjuti kesepakatan ini adalah Dr. Priyo Sardjono (LIPI). Dibidang Earth Science: potensi kerjasama untuk joint research project untuk paleoseismogoy study, tsunami hazard modeling and zoning, multi hazards natural disaster prediction, earthquake resistant construction method of bridges, characterization of induced seismicity in a petroleum reservoir, marine engineering and technology, geotechnical earthquake engineering, dan earthquake risk management. Yang akan menindaklanjuti kesepakatan ini adalah Prof. Dr. Jana T. Anggadiredja (BPPT) dan D-5 (Ristek). Potensi kerjasama dalam waktu dekat adalah: IM engirim pakar Stem Cells Indonesia untuk mejadi pembicara pada International Conference Stem Cells di Iran bulan Juli 2008. Yang menindaklanjuti adalah Prof. Dr. Amin S. (Ristek) 2. Pihak Iran akan mengirim pakar bioteknologi untuk menjadi pembicara pada International Biotechnology Conference di Indonesia bulan Agustus 2008. Yang akan menindaklanjuti hal ini adalah Prof. Bambang P. (LIPI). 3. Partisipasi pakar kegempaan Iran pada konferensi internasional TeWS 12-14 November 2008 di Bali. Yang menindaklanjuti hal ini adalah D-V/D-lll (Ristek)/Prof. Dr. Jana (BPPT). 4. Pengiriman post graduate student Indonesia/Iran bidang bioteknologi untuk tahun 2008. Yang akan menindaklanjuti hal ini adalah Prof. Bambang P. (LIPI) 5. Keterlibatan pakar kelautan Iran pada World Ocean Conference (WOC) tahun 2009 di Manado. Yang menindaklanjuti hal ini adalah Prof. Jana (BPPT)/D-III (Ristek). Mekanisme kerjasama yang disepakati adalah: - Pertukaran peneliti, post graduate student dan post graduate fellowship; - Sharing informasi, report dan dokumen; - Menyelenggarakan short term training; - Menyelenggarakan workshop, seminar dan konferensi bersama; - Melakukan riset bersama, dan; - Pubiikasi bersama