Halo Vale
Aksi Korporasi Pasca Amandemen Kontrak Karya Program Sosial PT Vale di Blok Pomalaa ECeCe, Klub Foto dari Enggano Tiga Ragam Diet untuk Anda
Pengantar Redaksi
Letter from the Editor
Pembaca yang budiman.
Dear Readers,
Tanggal 17 Oktober tahun lalu, pemerintah resmi menyetujui amandemen Kontrak Karya PT Vale. Persetujuan ini merupakan jalan mulus bagi PT Vale untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya. Kendati demikian, banyak pekerjaan menanti. Terutama dalam memenuhi kewajiban dan komitmen yang telah disepakati dengan pemerintah.
On October 17 last year, the government officially approved the amendment to PT Vale Contract of Work (CoW). The endorsement paves the way for PT Vale to develop its business. But a lot of work is awaiting, particularly in fulfilling the commitment we have agreed upon with the government.
Sesuai amandemen KK, setelah tahun 2025 PT Vale hanya diperbolehkan mempertahankan zona-zona bijih nikel yang hendak ditambang maksimal 25 ribu hektar. Namun PT Vale juga dapat memperoleh wilayah tambahan untuk membangun infrastruktur tambang dan pabrik serta area penunjang lainnya.
In accordance with the CoW amendment, after 2025 PT Vale will be allowed to maintain a maximum of 25,000 hectares of nickel ore zones for exploitation. But PT Vale can also obtain additional land for mining infrastructure development and plants as well as other supporting facilities.
Laporan utama Halo Vale kali ini menyuguhkan rencana ke depan pasca persetujuan amandemen Kontrak Karya PT Vale. Pada rubrik “Kinerja” patut disimak kesigapan karyawan kontraktor mendeteksi bahaya longsor di area kerja sehingga banyak nyawa dan aset terselamatkan. Kesigapan itu menunjukkan bahwa keselamatan kerja dan prosedur kerja aman mulai diinternalisasi oleh karyawan. Tidak berlebihan bila pencanangan Vale Towards Zero Harm 2018 dapat terealisasi.
Halo Vale main report this time features PT Vale’s action plan after approval CoW amendment by goverment. In the “Performance” column, you may pay attention to the agility of contractors’ employees in detecting threats of landslide in their working area, so as to save many lives and assets. Such agility is testament to successful internalization of safety rule and safe working procedure among employees. It is not exaggerating that the program called Vale Towards Zero Harm 2018 will be realized.
Pada rubrik “Komunitas”, kami tampilkan klub fotografi ECeCe. Selain untuk memuaskan hobi, keterampilan mereka mendukung pekerjaan sebagai geolog di lapangan. Misalnya memotret bentang alam sehingga benar-benar memperlihatkan bentuk aslinya.
In the “Community” column we feature ECeCe photo club. Apart from indulging passion on photography as a hobby, the club members utilize their skill to support their jobs as geologists in the field, for example taking picture of a landscape to show the original form of the nature.
Selamat membaca.
Enjoy reading.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications), Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Azwar Marzuki, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656, Fax. 021-5289587. Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor:
[email protected] dan
[email protected]. Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at
[email protected] and
[email protected]. Anda dapat mengunduh Halo Vale edisi digital (PDF) di vale.com/indonesia pada bagian Pers/Publikasi. Digital version of Halo Vale can be downloaded from vale.com/indonesia on Press/Publication section.
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Halo Va l e KoPaAkntscsiaraKoAmrporanasdei men k Kar ya
Program Sosial PT Vale di Blok Pomalaa ECeCe, Klub Fot o dari Enggan o Tiga Ragam Die t untuk Anda
PT Vale Earns the Best Environmental Performance Award
Kinerja Bisnis PT Vale 2014 Business Performance of PT Vale 2014
34 36
Memperkuat Armada Operasi Tambang Strengthening Mining Operation Fleet
38 40
Safety Recognized untuk Pendeteksi Potensi Bahaya Safety Recognized for The Hazard Detectors
LAPORAN UTAMA COVER STORY Aksi Korporasi Pasca Amandemen Kontrak Karya Corporate Actions' Post CoW Amendment Nico Kanter "Prinsip Berkeadilan Modal Renegosiasi" Nico Kanter Negotiation with Fairness Principles
Sejumlah langkah konkrit dilakukan PT Vale pasca-amandemen Kontrak Karya (KK) akhir Oktober lalu. Semua untuk merealisasikan rencana pengembangan investasi. PT Vale has taken a number of concrete measures following the amendment of its Contract of Work (CoW) at the end of October last year. All were intended to realize its development investment plan. Cover Design: Azwar Marzuki
9 12
Bahu-membahu Menghadapi Renegosiasi Hand in hand Preparing Renegotiation
14 16
Poin-poin Amandemen Kontrak Karya PT Vale Points of PT Vale CoW Amendment
18 19
Luas Wilayah Kontrak Karya PT Vale PT Vale's CoW Areas
20 20
Proyek-proyek Investasi PT Vale (Indonesia Growth Project) PT Vale Investment Projects (Indonesia Growth Project)
21 21
KINERJA PERFORMANCE Ketentuan Baru Prakualifikasi Kontraktor Lokal 2015 New Prequalification Ruling for Local Contractors 2015
22 25
Program Sosial PT Vale di Blok Pomalaa PT Vale Social Program in Pomalaa Block
28 30
PT Vale Raih Penghargaan Kinerja Lingkungan Terbaik
INTERAKSI INTERACTION Belajar Aspek Teknis Proper Learning about Technical Aspect of Proper
46 48
ATS Tingkatkan Mutu Pendidikan ATS Enhances Education Quality
50 52
ATMOSFER ATMOSPHERE PT Vale Kembali Raih Proper Biru PT Vale Wins Back Blue Proper Award
54 56
PROFIL PROFILE Budhi Kumarawarman Memetakan Blok Bijih Nikel Budhi Kumarawarman Mapping Nickel Ore Block
58 60
KOMUNITAS COMMUNITY ECeCe, Klub Foto dari Enggano ECeCe, Photo Club from Enggano
62 64
SEHAT SELAMAT HEALTH AND SAFETY Tiga Ragam Diet untuk Anda Three Dietary Varieties for You
66 68
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
SURAT PEMB ACA / READE RS’ LET TERS Sesuai Standar Keselamatan Pada edisi khusus Safety Halo Vale tahun 2014, saya lihat foto halaman 24 dan 25 kurang memperhatikan aspek safety. Posisi operator yang menaiki tangga dump truck sudah benar, tapi dia tidak menggunakan kacamata. Padahal kacamata merupakan salah satu alat pelindung diri (APD) wajib untuk aktivitas tersebut guna mengantisipasi mata operator kemasukan lumpur atau benda lain dari bagian atas dump truck. Saya menyarankan sebaiknya aspek keselamatan kerja, khususnya kelengkapan APD, menjadi perhatian ketika pengambilan foto. Sekian masukan saya. Fredd y Ro mpas, Pro cess Pl ant Perhatian kita terhadap aspek safety memang tidak boleh luput. Dari fakta tersebut, sebenarnya ada dua hal yang dapat kita ambil hikmahnya. Pertama, foto-foto tersebut menunjukkan masih terjadi praktik kerja yang kurang mengutamakan keselamatan di lingkungan kita. Kedua, kesadaran dan pemahaman kerja aman masih ada yang belum sempurna. Masukan Anda mendorong kami lebih jeli dan sadar untuk mengingatkan pekerja PT Vale untuk bekerja sesuai standar keselamatan, meski itu hanya sesi pemotretan. Terima kasih masukannya. Foto, Daya Tarik Majalah Hai Rredaksi. Di salah satu edisi, saya melihat ada beberapa halaman yang kualitas gambarnya kurang bagus. Tolong diperhatikan kualitas cetaknya, karena foto merupakan salah satu daya tarik Halo Vale. Sebelum serius membaca, biasanya pembaca cenderung melihat dan menikmati gambarnya dulu. End rawati S aleh, MSE Kami akui beberapa edisi terakhir memang terdapat beberapa halaman yang kualitas cetaknya kurang sempurna. Tentu hal ini menjadi perhatian kami ke depan. Termasuk kualitas foto yang lebih baik. Terima kasih masukannya. Perlu Keterangan Foto Halo Redaksi. Saya kerap melihat foto-foto pendukung artikel di majalah tidak dibubuhi keterangan. Padahal keterangan foto cara menyampaikan informasi ke pembaca lebih efisien dan efektif. Bagi kami karyawan, membaca artikel secara utuh baru kami lakukan kalau waktu senggang. Sedangkan foto-foto itu kami nikmati langsung begitu mendapatkan majalah. M a kmur S alam, Pro cess Te c hno l o gy Terima kasih atas masukan Anda. Kami sepakat dengan Anda. Hal ini akan menjadi perhatian kami ke depan.
In Line with Safety Standard In the Safety special edition in Halo Vale 2014, I saw employees in the pictures on pages 24 and 25 pay less attention to the safety aspect. The operator correctly climbs up the ladder on the dump truck, but he misses the glasses. As we know glasses are among self-protection equipment which are mandatory to protect eyes from mud or other objects falling from the top of the truck. I suggest that the aspect of occupational safety, particularly self-protection equipment, be taken into consideration in the selection of pictures. Fre dd y Ro m pa s, P ro c e s s P l a n t We cannot lose attention to the safety aspect. From the pictures we have two lessons to learn. First, the pictures show there are work practices around us that do not fully comply with occupational safety. Second, our understanding and awareness of occupational safety is not yet perfect. Your input has inspired us to take more actions to remind employees of PT Vale to work in accordance with the safety standard, even only in a photo session. Thank you for your advice. Pictures, a Magazine’s Appeal Hi, editors. In one of this magazine’s editions I saw a number of low quality pictures. Please pay attention to the printing quality because pictures are among those that make Halo Vale appeal readers. Before reading one tends to take a look and enjoy pictures. E n dr awat i S a l e h , M S E We admit that the last few editions contain pictures with sub-par printing quality. Of course this will be of our interest in improving the quality of our picture in the future. Thank you for your input. Photo Caption Needed Hello editors. I have often seen supporting pictures in the magazine appear without captions, although we know a caption is how you can deliver information to your readers more efficient and effectively. For us employees, reading an article in full is only possible during leisure time. We immediately enjoy the pictures as soon as we receive the magazine. M a km u r S a l a m , P ro c e s s Te c h n o l o gy Thank you for your advice. We agree with you. We will take your suggestion into our consideration.
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal.
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat, silahkan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs Department pada hari dan jam kerja. Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to internal.
[email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs Department during the days and working hour.
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Aksi Korporasi Pasca Amandemen Kontrak Karya Sejumlah langkah konkrit dilakukan PT Vale pasca amandemen Kontrak Karya (KK) akhir Oktober lalu. Semua untuk merealisasikan rencana pengembangan investasi.
Aktivitas penambangan bijih nikel PT Vale di Blok Sorowako.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Tidak terasa hampir setahun sudah amandemen Kontrak Karya (KK) PT Vale dengan pemerintah Indonesia pada 17 Oktober 2014 lalu berjalan. Beberapa hal penting terus diupayakan perusahan untuk merealisasikan proyek pengembangan jangka panjang. Bagi PT Vale, penandatangan amandemen KK tersebut merupakan tiket untuk mewujudkan rencana investasi jangka panjang yang telah dirancang cukup lama. “Persetujuan amandemen sangat berarti bagi PT Vale. Dari sisi pemerintah, PT Vale dipandang paling siap karena itikad baik perusahaan dan intensitas kita,” ujar Nico Kanter. Apa saja yang diupayakan PT Vale pasca amandemen KK? Terkait hal teknis, langkah awal yang mesti ditindaklanjuti adalah menyelesaikan perizinan guna merealisasikan rencana-rencana investasi yang ada. Contohnya, proyek pengembangan di Pomalaa. Untuk bisa memulai kegiatan eksplorasi, PT Vale perlu mengurus Izin Pakai Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan (IPPKH) Eksplorasi. Izin ini penting agar perusahaan dapat melakukan pengeboran sampel uji metalurgi. Perusahaan juga perlu mengurus Izin Ekspor dari Kementerian Perdagangan, ditambah surat rekomendasi Kementerian Energi, Sumber Daya dan Mineral (ESDM), untuk dapat mengirimkan sampel hasil pengeboran tersebut ke laboratorium metalurgi Vale. Amdal (analisis terhadap dampak lingkungan) juga merupakan dokumen penting yang diperlukan. Soal Amdal ini juga krusial bagi Indonesia Growth Project di Blok Sorowako dan Bahodopi. Hanya melalui Amdal Full Scope—nama Amdal untuk Blok Sorowako-Bahodopi—perusahaan dapat mengurus Izin Lingkungan.
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian RI Chairul Tanjung didampingi manajemen PT Vale (Presiden Direktur dan CEO Nico Kanter dan Chief Financial Officer Febriani Eddy) dan Komisaris PT Vale Peter Poppinga ketika penandatanganan persetujuan amandemen kontrak karya PT Vale di Jakarta, 17 Oktober 2014.
Untuk pengembangan lini ke-5 di Sorowako, PT Vale perlu memperbarui adendum Amdal, yakni Amdal 225, yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah pusat maupun daerah. Kegiatan pemaparan Amdal ini sudah dilakukan tim PT Vale kepada pemangku kepentingan tingkat daerah dan pusat di Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, dan Jakarta pada akhir Mei silam. Hal penting lainnya adalah pemetaan dan penentuan zona bijih seluas 25 ribu hektar pasca-berakhirnya KK 2025. Hal ini sejalan dengan ketentuan UU Minerba. Pemetaan tersebut sekaligus bertujuan untuk menentukan area-area pendukung operasional (non-zona bijih). Pemetaan zona bijih ini cukup mendesak, mengingat pengajuan izin kelanjutan operasi perlu disampaikan ke pemerintah paling lambat tahun 2023. Juni lalu, PT Vale juga memastikan untuk merealisasikan proyek eksplorasi dan pengetesan bijih nikel di Blok Sorowako (Bukit Nikel dan Bukit Pinang), Blok Pomalaa (Sulawesi Tenggara), dan Blok Bahodopi (Sulawesi Tengah). Anggaran kegiatan eksplorasi di ketiga blok tersebut senilai 786.470 dollar AS.
The other sides of PT Vale’s nickel processing plant at Sorowako.
Corporate Actions’ Post CoW Amendment PT Vale has taken a number of concrete measures following the amendment of its Contract of Work (CoW ) at the end of October last year. All were intended to realize its development investment plan. Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Activities in Process Plant.
Time flies and it has been almost one year the signing of PT Vale’s Contract of Work amendment with the Indonesian government was made on October 17, 2014. The company has stepping up efforts to realize its long-term development projects. For PT Vale, the signing of the CoW amendment serves as a ticket to realization of its long-term investment which has been planned for quite a long time. “Approval of the amendment is significant for PT Vale. From the government’s side, PT Vale is regarded as the most prepared company because of our good intention and intensity,” says Nico Kanter. What kinds of efforts has PT Vale taken following the CoW amendment? Related to technical matters, the first step the company had to take was to complete all permits needed to realize its investment plans. One of the examples is the development project in Pomalaa. To be able to start exploration, PT Vale had to secure Forest Area Lending Use Permit (IPPKH) for Exploration permit. The license is important in order to enable the company to drill test pit for metallurgy samples. The company also has to obtain Export Permit from the Ministry of Trade, plus a recommendation letter from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to be able to ship samples from the drilling activity to Vale’s metallurgy laboratory. The Environment Impact Analysis (Amdal) document is another important requirement that has to be met. The issue of Amdal is equally crucial for the Indonesia Growth Project in Sorowako and Bahodopi blocks. Only through Amdal Full Scope — the name of Amdal for Sorowako-Bahodopi blocks — the company could request the environment permit.
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
To realize the phase 5 expansion of Sorowako, PT Vale has to renew its Amdal addendum, which is Amdal 225, which was issued by both the central and regional governments. Activities to explain the Amdal were conducted by PT Vale team to stakeholders in the central and regional levels in Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi and Jakarta at the end of May. Another important point is the mapping and assignment of ore zone which covers 25,000 hectares after the CoW expires in 2025. This is in compliance with the mineral law stipulations. The mapping also aims to determine operational supporting areas (non-ore zone). The ore zone mapping is pressing, considering the fact that the permit to continue the operation must be applied to the government in 2023 at the latest. Last June, PT Vale also confirmed its plan to realize its nickel ore exploration and testing in Sorowako block (Bukit Nikel and Bukit Pinang), Pomalaa block (Southeast Sulawesi), and Bahodopi block (Central Sulawesi). The budget for the exploration activities in the three blocks has been set at US$786,470.
To be able to start exploration, PT Vale had to secure Forest Area Lending Use Permit (IPPKH) for Exploration permit. The license is important in order to enable the company to drill test pit for metallurgy samples.
Nico Kanter
Prinsip Berkeadilan, Modal Renegosiasi CEO dan Presiden Direktur PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Nico Kanter, bercerita tentang proses renegosiasi Kontrak Karya dengan pemerintah dan rencana strategis jangka panjang perusahaan.
Dari enam poin renegosiasi, poin mana yang pertama dibahas? Sejak awal Vale memperlakukan seluruh poin renegosiasi dalam paket terpadu. Tapi secara teknikal, dalam pembahasan, tetap satu per satu. Sejak awal kami sudah langsung membahas soal luasan konsesi, royalti, dan sebagainya. Semua poin penting, meski pada akhirnya ada tantangan tersendiri karena tiap poin berbeda. Misalnya soal luasan konsesi. Poin ini menurut saya cukup berat.
Nico Kanter, Presiden Direktur PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.
Setelah melalui renegosiasi intensif, perpanjangan Kontrak Karya PT Vale disetujui pemerintah Indonesia 17 Oktober 2014 silam. Persetujuan tersebut mengantarkan PT Vale menjadi perusahaan tambang pemegang Kontrak Karya yang pertama mendapat izin perpanjangan operasional dari pemerintah. Bagaimana proses renegosiasi tersebut berjalan dan apa rencana strategis Perusahaan ke depan? Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut, Halo Vale mewawancarai CEO & Presiden Direktur PT Vale Nico Kanter. Berikut petikannya.
Apa maknanya persetujuan amandemen KK ini bagi PT Vale? Hal ini karena usaha kita bersama. Bukan hanya manajemen, tapi seluruh rekan kerja, pemangku kepentingan, dan tentunya pemerintah Indonesia. Tentunya hal ini memberi kepastian bagi PT Vale untuk merealisasikan rencana strategis dan investasi jangka panjang. Kami juga berharap keberhasilan Vale tersebut bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi perusahaan multinasional lain ketika berdialog dengan pemerintah.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Operator Converter yang berada di control room memonitor operasi pabrik. Kadar nikel dari pengolahan pabrik PT Vale telah mencapai 78%.
Kita tentu ingat situasi ketika harga nikel jatuh dan tidak ada yang mau menambang. Namun, di sisi lain, ada IUPIUP (izin usaha pertambangan-Red) ilegal ingin mendapatkan wilayah kita. Dan mereka sudah memulai operasinya sejak harga nikel bagus awal 2000-an. Dari situasi itu, menurut saya, sangat masuk akal bila pemerintah pusat punya persepsi Vale punya lahan besar, tapi kenapa tidak dikelola maksimal? Kita punya lahan luas sekali, tapi baru dikelola 10 ribu hektar. Kita mencoba fair terhadap pemerintah. Apakah persepsi tersebut benar atau tidak. Namun persepsi pemerintah itu masuk akal, kan? Jadi sebenarnya semuanya sulit. Tapi ada dua hal yang sudah kita lakukan, dan hal itu bisa dikatakan modal renegosiasi. Pertama, domestic manpower, karena kita memang melakukan hal itu dan pemerintah daerah memantaunya.
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Yang kedua soal domestic processing, karena pada dasarnya kita juga telah melakukan hal itu sesuai regulasi. Artinya, batas ambang minimal pengolahan di dalam negeri sudah kita penuhi.
Sebenarnya berapa persen yang diregulasikan? Kalau tidak salah 70 persen. Vale sudah 78 persen. Namun kita juga memberi pertimbangan kepada pemerintah bahwa mereka dapat melihat hal lain di luar itu, misalnya menambah kapasitas produksi dan membangun pabrik pengolahan di lokasi lain.
Dalam klausul amandemen Kontrak Karya, setelah 2025 area konsesi Vale menjadi 25 ribu hektar. Apakah benar? Ya, tapi itu untuk ore zone-nya. Terpaku pada peraturan pemerintah yang membolehkan 25 ribu hektar setiap perusahaan. Tapi kemudian hal itu dielaborasi lagi, bahwa 25 ribu hektar itu adalah ore zone yang ditambang. Di dalamnya termasuk area eksplorasi dan supporting.
Paling tidak Vale harus eksplorasi. Jadi, sampai 2025, Vale sudah mengetahui area mana yang akan dikembangkan. Kalau tidak, hanya untuk support area.
Soal royalti, ditetapkan naik menjadi tiga persen bila harga nikel 21 ribu dollar AS per metrik ton. Bagaimana jika sampai 2025 harga nikel tidak sampai sebesar itu? Berarti tetap dua persen. Namun sebenarnya dua persen itu sudah berdasarkan studi dari IMA (Indonesia Mining Associatio-Red) untuk jangka panjang bisnis nikel. Tapi, saya rasa, yang dicapai Vale dan pemerintah saat ini sudah adil. Karena di sisi lain Vale sangat terbantu oleh larangan ekspor ore. Harga nikel dunia menjadi lebih baik.
Semangat apalagi yang dibawa Vale ketika menegosiasikan KK? Sejak awal saya dan tim memang bernegosiasi dengan prinsip-prinsip fair terhadap pemerintah, juga masyarakat dan perusahaan. Termasuk semangat cooperatism Ini penting, karena bagaimanapun juga pemerintah punya sudut pandangnya sendiri. Maka itu pendekatan renegosiasi selalu dengan cara yang berbeda.
Soal divestasi 40 persen konkretnya bagaimana? Ini unik juga. Karena peraturan menyebutkan setahun setelah penandatanganan Kontrak Karya amandemen, perusahaan harus mendivestasikan 20 persen kepada Indonesian participants. Setelah itu, dalam lima tahun, sisanya (20 persen) kembali didivestasikan atau komplet.
Artinya, untuk mencapai 40 persen itu masih ada waktu lima tahun lagi? Itu yang masih terbuka interpretasi. Kalau interpretasi Vale, kita tandatangan Oktober 2014, berarti Oktober 2015 sudah 20 persen pertama.
Tapi, kan, Vale sudah divestasi 20 persen? Inilah uniknya. Vale, kan, sudah go public dan divestasi. Pertanyaannya, apakah divestasi 20 persen sisanya pada kurun 2015 sampai 2019 atau pada tahun 2020. Tapi saya bilang sebaiknya Vale siap-siap saja. Jadi pada tahun 2019
atau 2020, nilai divestasinya sudah 40 persen. Secara regulasi, perusahaan tambang hulu perlu 51 persen divestasi. Tapi karena kita usahanya dari hulu ke hilir, diperbolehkan 40 persen.
Apa rencana PT Vale ke depan? Kontrak Karya sudah selesai dan menjadi tonggak perusahaan. Ini ibarat tiket dan payung untuk rencana strategis jangka panjang PT Vale. Tapi ini belum selesai. Masih ada lagi jalan panjang dan menantang. Soal FEL 1, FEL 2, izin prinsip, Amdal, dan sebagainya untuk Indonesia Growth Project.
Secara pribadi, apa tantangan terberat yang Anda hadapi? Untuk bisa meyakinkan kedua belah pihak ini (pemerintah dan PT Vale—Red) dan mendudukkan mereka dalam proporsi yang fair. Fair itu maksudnya kita perlu memahami mengapa pemerintah punya sudut pandang yang berbeda. Ketika masih Inco, memang kepercayaan pemerintah pusat dan daerah berada di titik lemah karena ada beberapa kewajiban yang belum dipenuhi. Namun kita memiliki dasar hukum dan alasan ekonomis mengapa kita tidak melakukan kewajiban tersebut. Jadi kredibilitas kita dipertanyakan. Sedangkan untuk mendapatkan kredibilitas itu harus berusaha, bukan diberikan. Di waktu yang sama, pemerintah juga punya pendapat (lain) dan berada di area resource nationalism dan shareholder juga tahu hal itu. Namun Vale maju terus dengan itikad baik dan integritas. Saya selalu percaya, hal ini terjadi karena doa. Temanteman di perusahaan, bahkan di Kementerian ESDM, kalau bertanya, saya selalu bilang minta doanya saja. Syukurlah, saya juga tidak menyerah dan mengurangi keyakinan saya. Sejak awal, saya selalu bilang Vale akan menjadi perusahaan tambang multinasional pertama yang tandatangan Kontrak Karya, dan saya bersyukur sekali hal itu terwujud.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Nico Kanter
Negotiation with Fairness Principles PT Vale’s CEO and President Director Nico Kanter talks in length about the process of the company’s contract of work renegotiation with the government and the corporation’s long-term strategic plan. After going through an intensive renegotiation, finally extension of PT Vale’s contract of work was approved by the Indonesian government on October 17, 2014. The approval makes PT Vale the first mining contract of work holder to have received operational extension permit from the government. How did the renegotiation run and what is the strategic plan of PT Vale in the future? To answer those questions, Halo Vale interviewed PT Vale CEO & President Director Nico Kanter. The following is the excerpt.
What does mean the agreement mean for PT Vale? This achievement was a result of efforts from us all. Not just the management, but also the entire working partners, stakeholders and of course the Indonesian government. Certainly the new contract gives PT Vale certainty to realize its strategic plan and long-term investment. We also hope the company’s success will inspire other multinational companies when holding a dialog with the government.
From six points of renegotiation, which one was addressed first? From the beginning Vale treated all the points of renegotiation as an integrated package. But for technical reasons in the discussion they were addressed one by one. From the start we directly talked of the size of concession area, royalty and so forth. All of points are important, although at the end of the day the challenge is specific because each point is unique. Take for example the issue of mining size. This point is quite daunting I think.
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We certainly remember the Nico Kanter, PT Vale Director. situation when nickel price fell and nobody wanted to mine. But on the other hand there were illegal commercial mining permit holders eying our mining area. Their operation had commenced when the nickel price was good in early 2000s. From that situation, in my opinion, it makes sense very much if the central government perceives Vale controls a huge mining area but fails to make full use of it. Our mining size is very big but only 10,000 hectares are in use. We try to be fair to the government as to whether its perception is correct or not. But the government’s perception is logical, isn’t it? So actually all the points are difficult. But there were two things that we had done and we can say they served as our capital for negotiation. First is domestic manpower. We really comply with it and the regional governments monitor it. Second is domestic processing, because we in principle heed it in accordance with the rule. It means we have fulfilled the minimum threshold of domestic processing.
Actually how much is the percentage according to the regulation? If I am not mistaken it’s 70 percent. Vale’s purity level has reached 78 percent. But we also have given advice to the government that they could look into other issues, for example increasing production capacity and building processing plant in another place.
According to the amended Contract of Work clause after 2025 Vale’s concession area will shrink to 25,000 hectares. Is that true? Yes, but it only applies to ore zone. The government regulation limits the mining size to 25,000 hectares for each company. But its elaboration says the limitation only applies to ore zone which a company is exploiting. It also includes exploration and supporting areas. At least Vale has to conduct exploration. Therefore until 2025 Vale will have to know which area can be developed. If not it will serve as supporting area.
Regarding royalty, the amount has been increased to 3 percent if nickel price reaches US$21,000 per metric ton. How if until 2025 nickel price does not reach that level? It will stay 2 percent. But the 2 percent is based on a study conducted by IMA (Indonesia Mining Association) for a long-term nickel business. But I feel what Vale and the government have achieved so far is fair because on one hand Vale has taken advantage from the ore export ban. The world nickel price has increased.
What else the spirit that Vale was displaying during the dialog? From the beginning I and the team negotiated under the principle of fairness toward the government, the public and corporation. The spirits included cooperatism. This is important because the government has its own point of view anyway. Therefore the renegotiation approach always changes.
Concerning the divestment of 40 percent of shares how will it work? This is also unique. The regulation says one year after amendment to contract of work is signed the company has to divest 20 percent of its shares to Indonesian participants. After five years the remaining 20 percent is divested.
It means to meet the 40 percent it will take five more years? That is open to interpretation. According to Vale interpretation we signed the contract amendment in October 2014, therefore in October 2015 the first 20 percent will have to be divested.
But Vale has divested 20 percent of its shares? That’s the uniqueness of Vale. We have gone public and divested our shares. The question is whether the divestment of the remaining 20 percent of our shares between 2015 and 2019 or in 2020. But I insist that it’s better for Vale to be ready. In so doing in 2019 or 2020 our divestment will reach 40 percent. According to regulation, upstream mining companies have to divest 51 percent of shares, but because our businesses span from upstream to downstream we are allowed to divest only 40 percent.
Now what is PT Vale planning for the future? The contract of work has been completed and given us a milestone. It is like ticket and umbrella for PT Vale long-term strategic plan. But this is not the end. The road remains long and challenging. There are issues of Felt 1, Felt 2, principle permit, environment impact analysis and so forth for Indonesia Growth Project.
Personally, what is the toughest challenge you are facing? To convince the two parties (the government and PT Vale—Editor) and place them in a fair proportion. Fair means we need to understand why the government takes a different point of view. When we were under Inco, indeed the central government’s and regional government’s trust in the company fell to the lowest ebb because of several obligations that we could not meet yet. But we had legal and economic reasoning why we did not fulfill the obligations. Our credibility was questioned, while to win confidence we need to struggle. It’s not something given. At the same time the government had a different opinion and stayed at the area of resource nationalism and shareholders knew it. But Vale went ahead with good intention and integrity. I always believe it happens because of our prayer. I always ask my colleagues in the company or even in the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry for their prayer. Thank God, I never give up and reduce my confidence. From the onset I have always said Vale would emerge as the first multinational company to sign the contract of work and I feel relieved it came true.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Karyawan Proses Plant sedang berdiskusi di salah satu area pabrik pengolahan.
Bahu-membahu untuk Dialog Lintas departemen dukung proses renegosiasi PT Vale. Semua elemen di PT Vale dari berbagai lini dan level, bahu-membahu dukung proses renegosiasi Kontrak Karya dengan pemerintah. Mereka memasok data-data mutakhir bagi Tim Renegosiasi PT Vale. Departemen Mines & Exploration, khususnya bagian Mineral Resources Assessment, misalnya. Mereka mendata dan melakukan pemetaan ore zone. Mereka melakukan validasi kandungan nikel dalam satu blok dan memetakan area pendukung yang diperlukan. Pekerjaan tersebut intensif dilakukan sejak awal 2012. Hal pertama yang dilakukan Tim Mineral Resources Assessment ketika itu adalah melakukan review dan pemeringkatan blok. Intinya, yakni memperkirakan cadangan dan potensi nikel yang akan dibor. Cadangan nikel, rencana tambang, kondisi geologis, status kawasan hutan, aspek lingkungan, aspek sosial, dan keberadaan aset perusahaan di lokasi tersebut adalah beberapa
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
indikator yang dipertimbangkan. Seperti di Bahodopi dan Kolonodale, ada beberapa bagian area yang sudah tidak layak dikelola dan dipertahankan karena rusak akibat eksploitasi pihak lain. Maka hal itu menjadi pertimbangan untuk dilepas. Dalam melakukan pemetaan, Tim Departemen Mines & Exploration di bawah Basri Kambatu bekerja sama dengan departemen lain, misalnya dengan Strategic Business Development di bawah Agus Superiadi, Departemen Engineering & Techology Development Services di bawah Roimon Barus, dan General Facilities Services di bawah Gunawardana Vinyaman. Dari tiga departemen tersebut, tim pemetaan ore zone & project area mendapat informasi terkait aset perusahaan dan rencana investasi PT Vale.
Geologis PT Vale mendata sampel nikel dari hasil pengeboran yang dilakukan di Blok Sorowako.
Sepanjang awal 2012 hingga akhir 2014, semua departemen itu memberikan masukan konkret untuk strategi pengembangan bisnis. Akhirnya pemerintah menyetujui areal seluas 118.435 hektar, termasuk ore zone 25.000 hektar untuk perpanjangan kontrak karya pasca 2025. Dalam waktu bersamaan, aktivitas drilling di beberapa area konsesi PT Vale terus berlangsung. Hal ini untuk memastikan deliniasi (identifikasi dan penyempitan area) berdasarkan deposit yang paling potensial.
Rencana investasi Sementara, tim IGP di bawah Dani Widjaja, tim legal di bawah Ratih Amri dan tim Communications & External Affairs di bawah Basrie Kamba juga berkontribusi dalam persiapan dan pasca-renegosiasi. Tim IGP, misalnya, menyusun jadwal realisasi proyek di tiga wilayah, yakni Sorowako, Bahodopi, dan Pomalaa berdasarkan prioritas dan realitas.
Hal ini penting untuk memberikan jaminan komitmen kepada pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan PT Vale. Rencana investasi jangka panjang PT Vale di Bahodopi, Sulawesi Tengah, berupa pembangunan pabrik pengolahan nikel dalam matte dengan teknologi NOS (nickel oxide sinter), di Sorowako berupa perluasan pabrik (disebut Lini 5), dan di Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara, berupa pembangunan pabrik pengolahan nikel dengan teknologi HPAL. Ketiga proyek ini diharapkan terealisasi secara bertahap sejak 2015 hingga 2023. “Dari perencanaan yang disusun, proyek prioritas dan paling realistis dieksekusi adalah Sorowako, karena semua infrastruktur dan sumberdaya telah tersedia. Lalu Pomalaa karena sudah ada partner Sumitomo Metal Mining, dan terakhir Bahodopi,” ujar Dani Widjaja, Project Director PT Vale.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Hand in hand for Dialogue Various departments within PT Vale work hand in hand to support the company's renegotiation team. All the element in PT Vale from variety line and level, han in hand preparing materials for renegotiation of its CoW with the government. The departments supplied the latest data to PT Vale renegotiation team. Mines & Exploration Department, especially Mineral Resources Assessment Unit, was included. They were tasked with collecting data and mapping ore zones. They validated nickel purity level in a block and mapped out necessary supporting areas. The department began to intensively get involved in the works since early in 2012. The first thing that the Mineral Resources Assessment Team did was reviewing and classif-
ying the block. In a nutshell, they calculated nickel reserves and potentials that will be drilled. Nickel reserves, mining plan, geological condition, the status of forest area, environmental and social aspects and company assets in place are several indicators that are taken into consideration. As in the case of Bahodopi and Kolonodale, some areas are no longer worth exploiting and maintained because of exploitation by other parties. This must be considered for release.
An employees is doing ore sampling at one mine site.
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Hundred bags of PT Vale's nickel matte. This product will be shipping to Japan.
In mapping the ore zones, the Mines & Exploration Department team collaborated with other departments, such as the Strategic Business Development, Engineering & Technology Development Services Department and General Facilities Service Department. The team responsible for ore zone and project area mapping received information related to PT Vale’s assets and investment plan. Between early 2012 and end of 2014, all the departments provided concrete input related to strategic pln of company’s of business development. The government eventually approved appropriation of area measuring 118,435 hectares, including 25,000 hectares of ore zone, for CoW extension post-2025. At the same time, drilling activities within PT Vale concession area kept running. This is necessary to make sure delineation will be based on the most potential deposit.
Investment plan The IGP team under Dani Widjaja and the legal team under Ratih Amri also contributed to the preparatory and postrenegotiation phases. The IGP team, for example, drew up
schedule for realization of projects in Sorowako, Bahodopi and Pomalaa based on priority scale and reality. This is important to convince the government and PT Vale stakeholders about the company’s commitment. PT Vale’s long-term investment takes shape in construction of a processing plant to produce nickel matte using NOS (nickel oxide sinter) technology in Bahodopi, Central Sulawesi, Sorowako plant expansion (called Lini 5) and construction of nickel processing plant using HPAL technology in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi. The three projects are expected to materialize in stages between 2015 and 2023. “Based on the plan which is being drawn up, the most realistic to execute and urgent project is Sorowako, because all necessary infrastructure and human resources are already in place. Next is Pomalaa because we have already found a partner in Sumitomo Metal Mining. The last one is Bahodopi,” Dani Widjaja, Project Director of PT Vale, said.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Poin-poin Amandemen Kontrak Karya PT Vale 1. Royalti Tarif royalti atas penjualan nikel dalam matte naik sekitar 0,7% menjadi 2%; tarif royalti ini akan meningkat menjadi 3% apabila rata-rata harga Nikel LME (London Metal Exchange) sama atau lebih besar dari 21.000 dollar AS/metrik ton pada bulan sebelumnya.
2. Luas Wilayah Perusahaan dapat mempertahankan total luas wilayah sebesar 118.435 hektar sampai 28 Desember 2025. Setelah 28 Desember 2025, PT Vale dapat mempertahankan wilayah zona-zona bijih nikel yang akan ditambang seluas 25.000 hektar. Di luar zona-zona bijih yang akan ditambang seluas 25.000 hektar tersebut, perusahaan dapat memperoleh wilayah proyek untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional dan investasinya.
3. Perpanjangan/Kelanjutan Operasi Dua tahun sebelum berakhirnya persetujuan amandemen KK, perusahaan dapat mengajukan permohonan kelanjutan operasi dalam bentuk Izin Usaha untuk jangka waktu 10 tahun. Pemerintah akan memberikan izin kelanjutan operasi apabila perusahaan memenuhi kewajibannya dalam amandemen. Dua tahun sebelum berakhirnya Izin Usaha sebagaimana dimaksud di atas, perusahaan dapat mengajukan permohonan kelanjutan operasi dalam bentuk Izin Usaha untuk periode 10 tahun lagi.
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4. Divestasi Perusahaan setuju untuk melakukan divestasi, seluruhnya sebesar 40% dari sahamnya kepada peserta Indonesia. Pemerintah mengakui bahwa perusahaan telah memenuhi kewajiban divestasi sekitar 20%, sehingga untuk mencapai divestasi keseluruhan sebesar 40% maka perusahaan akan melakukan divestasi lebih lanjut sebesar 20% dalam kurun waktu lima tahun ke depan sesuai peraturan pemerintah.
5. Pengolahan dan Pemurnian di Dalam Negeri Kewajiban ini telah dipenuhi PT Vale yang telah memiliki pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian bijih nikel di Sorowako, Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, yang telah beroperasi sejak 1979.
6. Penggunaan Material dan Tenaga Kerja Dalam Negeri Telah disepakati bahwa perusahaan telah dan terus akan mengutamakan tenaga kerja dan barang-barang dalam negeri dan penyedia jasa pertambangan lokal dan/atau nasional yang terdaftar sesuai peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku.[]
Points of PT Vale CoW Amendment 1. Royalty Royalty tariff for nickel sold in matte increases by 0.7% to 2%; the tariff will soar to 3% if the average nickel price at LME (London Metal Exchange) equals or exceeds US$21,000 per metric ton in the previous month.
2. Size of mining area The company can preserve the existing size of mining area which totals 118,435 hectares until December 28, 2025. After that date PT Vale can maintain ore zones that will be exploited as large as 25,000 hectares. On top of the zones, the company can secure areas for projects to support its operational activities and investment.
3. Extension/continuity of operation Two years before expiry of the amended Contract of Work the company can apply for operational continuity in the form of business permit for a period of 10 years. The government will award the permit if the company fulfills its responsibilities stipulated in the contract amendment. Two years before the expiry of the business permit the company can apply for extension of its business license for another 10 years.
4. Divestment The company agrees to divest a total of 40 percent of its shares to Indonesian parties. The government acknowledges that the company has divested 20 percent of its shares, so that to meet the mandatory divestment of 40 percent of shares the company can divest the remaining 20 percent within the next five years as stipulated in the government regulation.
5. Domestic processing and refinery The obligation has been fulfilled by PT Vale which has been operating a nickel smelter in Sorowako, East Luwu, South Sulawesi since 1979.
6. Use of local contents and manpower It has been agreed that the company has and will continue prioritizing domestic manpower and goods and local mining service providers which have been registered in accordance with the prevailing regulations.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Luas Wilayah Kontrak Karya PT Vale
PT Vale's CoW Areas
Teluk Tolo
Teluk Bone
Teluk Bone Laut Jawa
Provinsi/Province Sulawesi Tengah/Central Sulawesi Sulawesi Selatan/South Sulawesi
Sulawesi Tenggara/South East Sulawesi
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Blok/Block Kolonodale Bahodopi Sorowako-Towuti Matano Bulubalang Lingke Latao Matarape Pomalaa Lasusua
CoW (ha)
Amendement (ha)
4.512,35 32.123,01 Total: 26.635,36
0 22.699 22.699
108.377,25 6.176,48 2.249,33 1.584,39 Total: 118.386,45
70.398 0 586 0 70.984
3.148,11 1.679,87 20.286,19 10.372,68 Total: 35.486,35
0 0 20.286 4.466 24,752
Proyek-proyek Investasi PT Vale (Indonesia Growth Project)
PT Vale Investment Projects (Indonesia Growth Project)
Bahodopi, Morowali, Sulawesi Tengah (2018-2020) • Pembangunan pabrik pengolahan nikel dalam matte menjadi NOS (Nickel Oxide Sinter) • Kapasitas produksi sekitar 18.000 metrik ton per tahun. • Nilai investasi 560 juta dollar AS (pabrik pengolahan)
Sorowako, Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan (20152020) • Perluasan pabrik berupa lini produksi kelima, termasuk Furnace 5, Kiln 7, Converter 5, Dryer 4, Granulator, dan Area Pengemasan Nikel. • Proyek ini akan dibagi menjadi dua tahap. Tahap pertama pembangunan Dryer & Converter (2015-2017), tahap kedua sisanya (2018-2020). • Kapasitas produksi menjadi sekitar 90.000 metrik ton nikel dalam matte per tahun setelah tahap pertama selesai, dan sekitar 120.000 ton setelah tahap kedua. • Nilai investasi 1,4 miliar dollar AS.
Blok Pomalaa, Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara (20182023) • Pembangunan pabrik pengolahan nikel dengan teknologi HPAL. Bekerjasama dengan Sumitomo Metal Mining, salah satu pemegang saham PTVI. • Kapasitas produksi sekitar 40.000 metrik ton per tahun. • Nilai investasi sekitar 2,2 milliar dollar AS.[]
Bahodopi, Morowali, Central Sulawesi (2018-2020) • Construction of nickel processing plant to convert matte into NOS (Nickel Oxide Sinter). • Production capacity averaging 18,000 metric ton per year. • Investment value is US$560 million (processing plant)
Sorowako, East Luwu, South Sulawesi (2015-2020 • Expansion of plant, which is the fifth line production, including Furnace (5), Kiln (7), Converter (5), Dryer (4), Granulator and Nickel Packaging Area. • The project will be divided into two steps. The first is construction of Dryer & Converter (2015-2017), and the second is construction of the remaining facilities (20182020). • Production capacity will increase to 90,000 metric tons of nickel in the form of matte annually after the first phase and will further rise to 120,000 tons after the second phase. • Investment value is $1.4 billion.
Pomalaa block, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi (20182023) • Construction of nickel processing plant using HPAL technology in cooperation with Sumitomo Metal Mining, one of PT Vale Indonesia’s shareholders. • Production capacity averaging 40,000 metric tons a year. • Investment value at $2.2 billion.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Ketentuan Baru Prakualifikasi Kontraktor Lokal 2015 Penyesuain persyaratan sejalan dengan regulasi pemerintah dan masukan asosiasi kontraktor lokal.
Aktivitas PT Vale di area penambangan dan pabrik banyak melibatkan kontraktor lokal. Sedikitnya terdapat 270 perusahaan kontraktor lokal rekanan PT Vale.
PT Vale melakukan penyesuaian syarat prakualifikasi kontraktor lokal agar selaras dengan regulasi pemerintah dan mendukung iklim kompetisi bisnis yang sehat. Beberapa penyesuaian itu, antara lain, kategori bidang pekerjaan yang dapat diambil dan kategorisasi calon penyedia barang/ jasa menjadi Kelompok Usaha Besar, Menengah, dan Kecil. Ketentuan 2015 ini sekaligus memperbarui prakualifikasi PT Vale 2013.
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Sosialisasi syarat prakualifikasi 2015 tersebut dilakukan tim Procurement serta Contract & Warehouse PT Vale kepada perusahaan kontraktor lokal di dua tempat. Pertama, di kantor Logistik Balantang, Malili, dan Gedung Ontaeluwu, Sorowako, akhir Mei 2015 silam. Kegiatan dimaksudkan untuk memberikan informasi dan penjelasan mengenai ketentuan teknis yang akan diberlakukan dalam proses prakualifikasi untuk kontraktor lokal tahun 2015.
Beda Prakualifikasi 2013 & 2015 Prakualifikasi 2013
Prakualifikasi 2015
Durasi 2 tahun.
Durasi 5 tahun.
Komoditas no. 5 terdiri atas 8 sub-komoditas, komoditas no. 6 terdiri atas 13 sub-komoditas.
Komoditas no. 5 menjadi 7 barang, komoditas no. 6 menjadi 14 peralatan untuk perbaikan bengkel dan kendaraan.
Buku panduan diberikan.
Buku panduan diberikan dalam bentuk CD.
Vendor mengikuti prakualifikasi dahulu, kemudian melakukan pengurusan SKT/IUJP.
Vendor mengikuti prakualifikasi berdasarkan pilihan SKT yang masih aktif.
SKT/IUJP dikeluarkan oleh Pemda Luwu Timur.
SKT/IUJP dikeluarkan oleh Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (kecuali yang masih aktif ).
Meninjau/memeriksa komoditas barang.
Meninjau/memeriksa setengah periode durasi (2,5 tahun pertama), klasifikasi, dan kualifikasi.
Tidak boleh ada nama direktur pada lebih dari satu perusahaan.
Tidak boleh ada nama direktur dan komisaris (pemodal) pada lebih dari satu perusahaan.
Prakualifikasi kontraktor lokal dimaksudkan untuk menyeleksi kontraktor lokal yang mampu menjadi penyedia barang dan jasa bagi PT Vale. Juga memperbarui daftar rekanan kontraktor lokal terpilih hasil prakualifikasi sebelumnya. Pembaruan prakualifikasi ini sejalan dengan regulasi pemerintah tentang kualifikasi penyedia barang/jasa sektor pertambangan, yaitu Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 4 Tahun 2009, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 28/2009 jo. No 24/2012 tentang Penyelenggaraan Usaha Jasa Pertambangan, dan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. 13 Tahun 2012. “Selain sejalan dengan regulasi pemerintah, pemberlakuan prakualifikasi ini dimaksudkan agar persaingan bisnis lebih sehat dan fair. Perubahan baru pada prakualifikasi 2015 merupakan hasil evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap proses tender dan
potensi bisnis perusahaan, serta hasil diskusi dengan asosiasi kontraktor lokal terkait pelaksanaan tender dan kesempatan berusaha di PT Vale,” ungkap Deddy Aulia, Manajer Procurement, Contract & Warehouse PT Vale. Proses prakualifikasi, secara garis besar, meliputi penilaian, evaluasi, dan penetapan kemampuan teknis dan finansial penyedia barang/jasa lokal sesuai syarat yang ditetapkan PT Vale sebelum mengikuti tender. Sejauh ini, PT Vale memiliki sekitar 270 kontraktor lokal terdaftar hasil prakualifikasi 2013. Jumlah perusahaan kontraktor lokal yang mengikuti prakualifikasi terus meningkat setiap dua tahun. “Estimasi kami, perusahaan yang mendaftar dalam prakualifikasi kali ini meningkat menjadi sekitar 300-400 perusahaan, karena keinginan untuk berusaha semakin besar. Dengan semakin banyaknya perusahaan kontraktor lokal yang berpartisipasi dalam proses tender, maka kesempatan untuk mendapatkan proyek di PT Vale akan semakin ketat. Sisi positif yang didapat dari hal ini adalah menaikkan tingkat kompetisi dan memotivasi kontraktor lokal untuk menaikkan kompetensi dan kemampuannya,” ujar Arifandi, Supervisor Procurement Support PT Vale.
Syarat dan tahapan Beberapa ketentuan baru prakualifikasi 2015, antara lain, terkait pembagian bidang pekerjaan. Untuk penyedia jasa, dapat memilih enam kelompok bidang pekerjaan, sedangkan bagi penyedia barang, maksimal dapat memilih tiga kelompok bidang pekerjaan. Terakhir, bagi penyedia barang dan jasa, mereka dapat mengambil enam kelompok bidang. Semua itu sesuai Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT)/Izin Usaha Jasa Pertambangan (IUJP) yang dimiliki calon penyedia barang/jasa. Bidang pekerjaan jasa pertambangan meliputi penyelidikan umum, eksplorasi, studi kelayakan, konstruksi pertambangan, pengolahan dan pemurnian (tidak berlaku bagi klasifikasi jasa pelaksana), pengangkutan, lingkungan pertambangan, pasca-tambang dan reklamasi, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, hingga penambangan. Sedangkan bidang pekerjaan jasa pertambangan noninti meliputi jasa boga, pengamanan, layanan kesehatan, konstruksi sipil, konstruksi elektrik, mekanikal, konstruksi telekomunikasi, arsitektural, penyedia tenaga kerja, pemeliharaan dan penyewaan peralatan pertambangan dan peralatan penunjang pertambangan, transportasi, laboratorium uji dan kalibrasi, fabrikasi, tata graha, pengiriman barang, konsultan
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Alur Proses Kualifikasi Sosialisasi.
Pengumuman pra-kualifikasi.
Mapping berdasarkan dokumen yang telah dimasukkan
Verifikasi Dokumen
Pemasukan Dokumen
Safety assessment.
Penilaian finansial, pengalaman, dan teknikal
Penentuan klasifikasi, kualifikasi, dan kemampuan teknis
Proses tender
Pengumuman hasil pra-kualifikasi
manajemen, teknologi dan informasi, pengurusan dokumen, penyewawan kapal, inspeksi komoditas, audit independen, asuransi, pelatihan, dan pengelola limbah B3. Terkait jenis komoditas meliputi peralatan elektrikal, peralatan mekanikal dan pemipaan, sipil dan struktural, teknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi, bahan kimia dan peralatan laboratorium, dan lainnya (seperti peralatan rumah tangga, perlengkapan kantor, pakaian, bahan pertanian, alat pelindung diri). Ketentuan baru lainnya adalah membagi kelas penyedia barang/jasa lokal berdasarkan harta kekayaan perusahaan. Untuk klasifikasi konsultan, perencana, dan pelaksana dibagi dalam kualifikasi besar (kekayaan perusahaan lebih dari Rp1 miliar, tidak termasuk tanah dan bangunan kantor). Kelompok ini dapat mengikuti tender dengan nilai lebih Rp1,5 miliar. Kualifikasi menengah (kekayaan Rp300 juta-Rp1 miliar) berhak mengikuti tender dengan nilai Rp500 juta-Rp1,5 miliar. Sedangkan kualifikasi kecil (kekayaan Rp50 juta-Rp 300 juta) maksimal boleh mengikuti tender dengan nilai Rp500 juta. Pada klasifikasi pelaksana konstruksi tambang dan pengangkutan, dibagi dalam kualifikasi besar (kekayaan Rp100 miliar
Pendaftaran dan pengambilan formulir.
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lebih), kualifikasi menengah (kekayaan Rp20 miliar-Rp100 miliar), kualifikasi kecil (kekayaan Rp1 miliar-Rp20 miliar). Dalam regulasi baru tersebut disebutkan, pemegang IUP/ IUPK wajib menggunakan perusahaan jasa pertambangan lokal dan/atau nasional. Klasifikasi usaha jasa pertambangan dikelompokkan menjadi konsultan, perencana, pelaksana, dan penguji peralatan (termasuk usaha jasa pertambangann non-inti atau penyedia barang). Perusahaan jasa pertambangan lokal dapat berbentuk PT, koperasi, atau yayasan dan beroperasi di wilayah kabupaten/ kota atau provinsi itu. Seluruh modal usaha perusahaan juga harus berada di empat wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale, dan terdaftar di salah satu asosiasi pengusaha lokal di wilayah pemberdayaan. Terdapat 10 tahapan dalam proses prakualifikasi sebelum memasuki tender. Pada fase prakualifikasi ini, Tim PT Vale—SCM, pemilik pekerjaan, dan panitia—akan mendatangi tempat usaha calon penyedia barang/jasa guna melakukan verifikasi atas informasi yang disampaikan penyedia barang/jasa. Juga dilakukan penilaian kinerja manajemen calon penyedia barang/jasa sebelum dinyatakan lulus dan dapat mengikuti proses tender PT Vale.
New Prequalification Ruling for Local Contractors 2015 Adjustment of requirements is in line with government regulation and advice from the association of local contractors. PT Vale’s Procurement, Contract and Warehouse team familiarized the prequalification requirements to local contractor companies in two places at the end of May 2015. The first took place in the Balantang logistics office in Malili and the second in Ontaeluwu Building in Sorowako. The familiarization was intended to inform and explain technical rules that would be implemented in the prequalification process for local contractors in 2015. Prequalification process of local contractors is intended to select local contractors who can procure goods and services for PT Vale and to update the list of contractor partners who were selected in the previous prequalification. Renewal of the prequalification follows government regulations on qualification of goods and services providers in the mining sector, which are Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Regulations No. 4/2009, No. 28/2009 jo. No. 24/2012 on Mining Service Business Administration and Manpower Minister Regulation No. 13/2012.
The 2015 Prequalification Rules for local contractors familiarized by Procurement, Contract and Warehouse Department in Ontaeluwu Hall, Sorowako, end of May 2015.
PT Vale has adjusted prequalification requirements for local contractors in order to comply with the government regulation and to support a healthy business competition climate. Some of the adjustments are made to the category of work fields that are on offer and categorization of candidates of goods and service providers that is now divided into Big, Medium and Small Business Groups. The 2015 stipulation renews PT Vale prequalification ruling in 2013.
“Aside from conforming the government regulations, implementation of the prequalification will promote a fairer and healthier business competition. The changes to the prequalification were a result of a comprehensive evaluation of tender process and business potentials of the company, as well as the outcome of discussion with association of local contractors in connection with implementation of rules on tender and business opportunity within PT Vale,” says Deddy Aulia, Procurement, Contract & Warehouse Manager of PT Vale. Prequalification process in general covers assessment, evaluation and decision on technical and financial competence of local goods/service providers in accordance with the requirements set by PT Vale prior to tender. So far PT Vale has listed about 270 local contractors based on the 2013 prequalification.
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Flow of Qualification Process Familiarization.
Announcement of prequalification.
Registration and forms collection.
Mapping based on submitted documents.
Verification of documents.
Submission of documents.
Safety assessment.
Financial, experience and technical assessment.
Decision on classification, qualification and technical competence.
Tender process.
Announcement of prequalification results.
The number of local contractors who take part in the prequalification process has been increasing every two years. “Based on our estimate the number of companies that register for the prequalification this time around will increase to 300-400 because enthusiasm to do business grows bigger. With more local contractor companies participating in the tender process the chance to secure projects in PT Vale will be tighter. The positive side of the fact is the stiffening competition that will motivate local contractors to boost their competence and capability,” says Arifandi, PT Vale Supervisor Procurement Support.
Terms and stages Some of the new rules of prequalification 2015, among others, are related to division of work areas. Service providers may choose six categories of work areas, while goods providers can choose a maximum of three work areas. In the previous prequalification, goods and service providers could apply for six jobs each. The qualifications are stipulated in Registration Letter (SKT)/Mining Service Business Permit (IUUP) belonging to each goods/service provider candidates. Mining service work fields include general investigation, exploration, feasibility study, mining construction, processing and refinery (except for those classified under execution
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PT Vale Supervisor Procurement Support, Arifandi.
service), freighter, mining environment, post-mining and reclamation, occupational health and safety and mining. Non-core mining service jobs include catering, security, health care, civil engineering, electrical construction, mechanical construction, telecommunication, architecture, labor supply, maintenance and rental of mining and mining supporting equipment rental, transportation, testing and calibration laboratory, fabrications, housing keeping, delivery, management consultancy, information technology, document handling, ship rental, commodity inspection, independent audit, insurance, training and hazardous waste treatment. Related to types of commodity, they include electrical and piping equipment, civil and structure, information and telecommunication technology, chemical substance and laboratory equipment and others (such as household equipment, stationary, clothes, agricultural equipment, body protectors). Another new development is categorization of local goods/ service providers based on the value of their company assets. For the category of consultant, planner and executor there are three qualifications. The big-scale group comprise those with asset value of more than Rp1 billion, excluding land and office building. They can take part in tender worth more than Rp 1.5 billion. The middle-scale group consists of those with asset value of between Rp300 million and Rp1 billion. They can participate in a tender worth between Rp500 million and Rp1.5 billion. The small-scale group comprises those with asset value of between Rp 50 million and Rp500 million. They can take part in a tender worth a maximum of Rp500 million. The category of mining construction and transportation is divided into big-scale group (with assets of Rp100 billion or more), middle-scale group (assets between Rp20 billion and Rp100 billion) and small-scale group (assets between Rp1 billion and Rp20 billion). According to the new regulation, holders of IUP/IUPK are required to use local or/and national mining service companies. Mining service businesses are classified into consultant, planner, executor and equipment assessor (including noncore mining service business or goods supplier). Local mining service companies can operate as limited liability companies (PT), cooperatives or foundations in the
Differences between Prequalification 2013 and 2015 Prequalification 2013
Prequalification 2015
Duration: 2 years
Duration: 5 years.
Commodity no. 5 consists of 8 sub-commodities, commodity no. 6 consists of 13 sub-commodities.
Commodity no. 5 comprises 7 goods, commodity no. 6 consists of 14 pieces of equipment for workshop and vehicle repair.
Guideline book available.
Guideline book in the form of CD.
Vendor takes part in prequalification before applying for SKT/IUJP.
Vendor takes part in prequalification based on choices of active SKT.
SKT/IUJP is issued by East Luwu government.
SKT/IUJP is issued by South Sulawesi provincial government (except for SKT/IUJP which remains active).
Observe/examine commodities.
Observe/examine a half (the first 2.5 years) of the process of prequalification and qualification.
One director only for one company.
One director and commissioner (investor) only for one company.
regency/municipality or province where they are registered. All their corporate capital must be registered in four empowerment areas of PT Vale and be listed in one of local entrepreneur associations there. There are 10 stages of prequalification process that precede a tender. In the prequalification phase, PT Vale team —SCM, job owner and the committee— will observe the office of prospective goods/service providers to verify all information they have given during registration. The team also assess management performance of the prospective goods/service providers before they are declared qualified for the tender to be held by PT Vale.
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Program Sosial PT Vale di Blok Pomalaa PT Vale melakukan kegiatan CSR di Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara. Manfaatnya begitu besar bagi petani. Blok Pomalaa merupakan area konsesi PT Vale Indonesia di Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Dengan luas 20.286,19 hektar, blok ini berada di Kecamatan Pomalaa, Baula, Tanggetada, dan Wundulako. Aktivitas PT Vale di Kolaka sejauh ini masih berupa pekerjaan eksplorasi. Khususnya pemetaan zona bijih nikel, rehabilitasi lahan pasca-eksplorasi, dan implementasi program corporate social responsibility (CSR) dengan fokus sektor pertanian, kesehatan, dan pendidikan. Sebelumnya, pada 2005-2008, PT Vale bersama PT Antam menjalin coorperative resources agreement (CRA) di mana PT Vale menyuplai 1 juta nickel ore per tahun untuk bahan baku pabrik feronikel PT Antam. Dalam aktivitasnya tersebut, PT Vale menggandeng 10 perusahaan kontraktor lokal, yang mempekerjakan 500-600 tenaga kerja lokal.
CSR PT Vale 2014 Desa Lamedai di Kabupaten Kolaka, dengan wilayah seluas 10.000 hektar, memiliki lahan pertanian yang subur. Potensi persawahan di desa mencapai 1.500 hektar, tapi baru sekitar 700 hektar yang digarap petani. Tak berlebihan bila desa ini diproyeksikan sebagai lumbung padi dan kedelai oleh Pemkab Kolaka. Banjir besar di musim penghujan dan kurangnya pengairan di musim kemarau menjadi kendala petani. Atas usulan Pemkab Kolaka, PT Vale mengalokasikan dana CSR untuk mendukung visi pengembangan kawasan tanaman pangan di Desa Lamedai. Ada enam paket kegiatan pertanian untuk tahun anggaran 2014, dengan nilai Rp3 miliar. Paket-paket kegiatan CSR tersebut diserahterimakan oleh PT Vale kepada Pemkab Kolaka pada 6 Januari 2015.
Petani Desa Lamedai memanen padi.
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Anak-anak menikmati air bersih dari pemasangan pipa air di Kelurahan Mangola.
malisasi saluran. Saya targetkan panen saya naik menjadi 7-8 ton per hektar bila tidak ada lagi banjir,” kata Tajuddin. Begitu juga dengan Tahir dan Rahman, dua petani dari Kelompok Tani Harapan Jaya dan Kelompok Tani Muda. Setelah pemasangan bronjong Sungai Oko-oko dan normalisasi saluran irigasi selesai pada Desember 2014, sawah mereka aman dari ancaman luapan sungai.
Irigasi di Desa Lamedai yang dibangun PT Vale.
Bupati Kolaka Ahmad Safei mengapresiasi kegiatan CSR PT Vale di Sultra. “Salah satu kendala kami mengembangkan area persawahan adalah pengairan dan banjir tahunan yang menelan hasil panen petani. Kami berterima kasih kepada PT Vale, karena paket-paket CSR ini sangat membantu mengatasi masalah pertanian di Kabupaten Kolaka. Pemerintah berharap mulai saat ini tidak ada lagi cerita lahan tidak diolah karena pengairan dan jalan usaha tani sudah bagus,” kata Ahmad Safei.
Meningkatkan Produktivitas Pertanian Tajuddin, Ketua Kelompok Tani Mattiro Deceng, pernah mengalami kerugian besar saat sawahnya tergenang banjir. “Setiap kali banjir, kerugian petani di sini sekitar Rp500 juta. Padahal sudah berkali-kali banjir. Bukan hanya sawah saya dan sawah anggota kelompok tani saya yang kena. Ada sekitar 100 hektar sawah yang jadi korban banjir,” kata petani asal Barru, Sulawesi Selatan, itu. Setiap kali panen, Tajuddin bisa menghasilkan 5-6 ton gabah kering dari 1 hektar sawah. Total sawah miliknya mencapai 5 hektar, sementara anggota Kelompok Tani Mattiro Deceng secara keseluruhan mengelola 40 hektar sawah. Harga tiap kuintal gabah sekitar Rp350ribu. Tidak heran jika kerugian petani mencapai ratusan juta setiap kali mereka gagal panen. Tajuddin dan 25 orang petani anggota Kelompok Tani Mattiro Deceng bersyukur karena masalah banjir bisa teratasi. “Sekarang sudah ada perubahan sejak PT Vale danai nor-
Skema CSR PT Vale bertumpu pada prinsip kemitraan. “Pelaksanaan CSR di Desa Lamedai ini bisa menjadi percontohan bagi daerah lain, karena ada prinsip kemitraan antara Perusahaan, Pemerintah Daerah, dan masyarakat. Selain itu, prinsip transparansi juga tampak dalam realisasi program. Prinsip-prinsip itu menjadi pendorong keberlanjutan yang menjadi inti dari program CSR,” kata Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter. Dalam skema kemitraan tersebut, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kolaka mengambil peran membentuk Tim Komite Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa guna menyeleksi kegiatan, menentukan pihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan, dan melakukan sosialisasi program ke masyarakat. Kemitraan dengan masyarakat juga terjalin dengan baik. Masyarakat rela mengorbankan lahannya untuk pembangunan paket-paket kegiatan. “Kerja sama tiga pilar—Pemerintah Daerah selaku pengendali program, masyarakat sebagai penerima manfaat, dan PT Vale sebagai pendana—inilah yang kita bangun dan bisa kita rasakan manfaatnya,” kata Ahmad Safei.[]
Paket CSR PT Vale di Kabupaten Kolaka tahun anggaran 2014: • Normalisasi saluran irigasi sarana pertanian Desa Oko-oko (2,083 kilometer) • Normalisasi saluran irigasi sarana pertanian Desa Lamedai (5,510 kilometer) • Pemasangan bronjong Desa Oko-oko (volume 324 meter kubik) • Pembangunan jembatan Desa Lamedai (1 unit) • Pengerukan saluran irigasi dan pintu air Desa Lamedai (volume 810 meter kubik) • Perbaikan bendungan Desa Lamedai (volume 991,16 meter kubik)
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Farmers form Lamedai Village dried unhulled paddy.
PT Vale Social Program in Pomalaa Block PT Vale organized CSR activity in Kolaka regency in Southeast Sulawesi. It significantly benefits farmers. Pomalaa block is part of PT Vale concession area in the Southeast Sulawesi of Kolaka. The block covers 20,286.19 hectares of area located in Pomalaa, Baula, Tanggetada and Wundulako districts. PT Vale activities in Kolaka have so far centered on exploration, particularly ore zone mapping, rehabilitation of post-exploration land and implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which focuses on agricultural, health and education sectors. Previously, in 2005-2008, PT Vale and PT Antam engaged in cooperative resources agreement (CRA), in which PT Vale supplied 1 million nickel ore as raw material for ferronickel plant belonging to PT Antam. Under the scheme, PT Vale involved 10 local contractors which employed 500-600 local people.
CSR PT Vale 2014 Lamedai village in Kolaka regency, covering 10,000 hectares, is home to fertile agricultural land. Its agricultural land potential reaches 1,500 hectares, but only 700
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hectares have been cultivated by local farmers. It is not exaggerating if the Kolaka government projects the village as a rice and soybean barn. Major floods during rainy season and lack of irrigation water during dry season are the challenges for the farmers. Upon advice of the Kolaka government, PT Vale allocated CSR funds to support the food crop development vision of Lamedai village. There were four packages of agricultural activities for 2014 fiscal year, which were worth Rp3 billion. The CSR activity packages were handed to Kolaka government by PT Vale on January 6, 2015. Kolaka Regent Ahmad Safei appreciated PT Vale’s CSR activity in Southeast Sulawesi. “Some of our impediments in developing agricultural land are lack of irrigation and annual flooding which submerge our farmers’ crops. We thank PT Vale, because the CSR packages will help us
PT Vale CSR Package in Kolaka Regency in 2014 Fiscal Year • Normalization of irrigation channel to support agricultural land in Oko-oko village (2.083 km) • Normalization of irrigation channel to support agricultural land in Lamedai village (5.510 km) • Construction of abrasion resistant wall in Oko-oko village (324 cubic meter) • Construction of bridge in Lamedai village (1 unit) • Excavation of irrigation channel and flood gate in Lamedai village (810 cubic meter) • Renovation of dam in Lamedai village (991.16 cubic meter)
overcome agricultural problems in Kolaka regency. The government expects from now on there will be no excuse our agricultural land cannot be cultivated because our irrigation and farming business system is already terrific,” Ahmad Safei said.
Productivity of agriculture Tajuddin, chairman of Mattiro Deceng farmer group, once suffered big losses after flood submerged his agricultural land. “Every time flood struck farmers here suffered about Rp500 million. The disaster occurred quite often. The flood affected not only my agricultural land, but also that of farmer group members. The disaster hit about 100 hectares of agricultural land,” Tajuddin of Barru, South Sulawesi, said.
Other farmers, Tahir and Rahman, members of Harapan Jaya and Muda farmer groups shared the same story. After Oko-oko River was equipped with anti-abrasion wall and irrigation network underwent normalization in December 2014, their rice fields have now been saved from flood threats.
Partnership PT Vale CSR scheme relies on the principle of partnership. “Implementation of CSR in Lamedai village should serve as a model for other regions because the principle of partnership upheld by the company, the local government and people. Besides, the principle of transparency is visible in the realization of CSR programs. Those principles will encourage sustainability as the core of CSR program,” PT Vale President Director Nico Kanter said. In the partnership scheme Kolaka government forms the Village Infrastructure Development Acceleration Committee, which selects activities, determines parties that are involved in the activities and familiarizes the program to the society. The partnership works well. Local people are willing to give up their land to support development of the activity packages. “Cooperation among the three pillars – the local government as program controller, the society as beneficiary and PT Vale as funder – is what we will build and take advantage,” said Ahmad Safei.[] One of the nice field spot in Lamedai village.
During each harvest time, Tajuddin could produce 5-6 tons of husked rice per hectare. His paddy field covers 5 hectares. Members of Mattiro Deceng farmer group cultivate a total of 40 hectares. Husked rice is worth Rp350,000 per 100 kg. No wonder if the material losses reached hundreds of millions of rupiah when the farmers could not harvest. Tajuddin and 25 farmers who join Mattiro Deceng farmer group have now felt delighted as the flood problem has been addressed. “Now there have been changes since PT Vale funded irrigation channel normalization. I have set the target of production for 7-8 hectares if there is no more flood,” Tajuddin said.
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Presdir PT Vale menerima penghargaan kinerja lingkungan terbaik yang diberikan langsung oleh Wakil Menteri ESDM Susilo Siswoutomo.
PT Vale Raih Penghargaan Kinerja Lingkungan Terbaik Penghargaan Aditama periode 2013 dari Kementerian ESDM juga diterima. Bersamaan dengan peringatan “Hari Jadi Pertambangan dan Energi Indonesia ke-69” awal Oktober silam, PT Vale meraih penghargaan sebagai perusahaan terbaik dalam pengelolaan lingkungan pertambangan mineral dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Berlangsung di kantor Kementerian ESDM, penghargaan diserahkan Wakil Menteri ESDM, Susilo Siswoutomo, mewakili Pelaksana Tugas Menteri ESDM, Chairul Tanjung, kepada Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter. Hadir dalam acara tersebut pejabat eselon I dan II Kementerian ESDM, anggota Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN), pejabat Badan Pengatur Hilir (BPH) Migas, pejabat Satuan Kerja Khusus (SKK) Migas, Direksi BUMN di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM, serta perwakilan perusahaan pertambangan dan mineral, minyak dan gas. Menurut Nico Kanter, penghargaan tersebut merupakan apresiasi pemerintah atas kerja keras manajemen dan karyawan PT Vale bersama pemangku kepentingan perusahaan. “Penghargaan ini memacu kami untuk terus
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meningkatkan pencapaian selama ini, terutama dalam pengelolaan lingkungan operasional tambang kami. Saya juga menyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada semua pihak yang telah mendukung perusahaan sehingga kami mendapatkan penghargaan ini,” kata Nico Kanter. Sebelumnya, 16 September, PT Vale meraih Penghargaan Aditama (Emas) untuk pengelolaan lingkungan pertambangan kategori perusahaan tambang Kontrak Karya dan Penghargaan Pratama (Perunggu) untuk pengelolaan keselamatan pertambangan mineral dan batubara periode 2013 dari kementerian yang sama. Nico Kanter menuturkan, sesuai misinya, PT Vale terus berupaya menjadi perusahaan sumber daya alam berskala global terbaik dalam menciptakan nilai jangka panjang melalui kinerja unggul dan kepedulian pada kemanusiaan dan kelestarian lingkungan. “Karena itu, lingkungan dan keselamatan kerja menjadi salah satu prioritas utama kami,” tambah Nico Kanter.[]
Rehabilitation area in Sorowako.
PT Vale Won the Best Environmental Performance Award The company was also the recipient of the Aditama Award for environmental management from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2013. In celebration of the 69th Indonesian Mining and Energy Anniversary in early October, PT Vale was bestowed an award for being the best corporation in environmental management in mineral mining from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Taking place at the office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the award was presented by Deputy Minister Susilo Siswoutomo acting on behalf of incumbent Energy and Mineral Resources Minister, Chairul Tanjung, to PT Vale President Director, Nico Kanter. Present at the occasion were high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, members of the National Energy Board (DEN), officials from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), officials from the Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas), directors of state-owned enterprises under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and representatives from mining and mineral, oil and gas corporations.
According to Nico Kanter, the award is a form of appreciation from the government towards the hard work put in by PT Vale’s management and employees, and its stakeholders. “This award inspires us to keep raising the bar, particularly in the environmental management of our mining operations. Allow me to extend my utmost gratitude and appreciation to all parties who have given their unstinting support to this company which has made it possible for us to receive this award,” stated Nico Kanter. Earlier on 16 September, PT Vale garnered the Aditama Gold Award for mining environmental management under the Contract of Work Mining Corporation category, and the Pratama Bronze Award for mineral and coal mining safety management in 2013 from the same ministry. Nico Kanter emphasized that in keeping with PT Vale’s mission, the company consistently strives to become the best natural resources company of international caliber in creating long-term value through outstanding performance and profound concern on humanity and environmental conservation. “The environment and occupational safety is therefore one of our key priorities,” added Nico Kanter.[]
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Kinerja Bisnis PT Vale 2014 Volume produksi meningkat, inisiatif penghematan biaya produksi berjalan sukses.
Hundreds nickel bags in PT Vale’s Process Plant in Sorowako.
PT Vale melalui tahun 2014 dengan baik. Beberapa indikator kinerja seperti volume produksi, laba, hingga penghematan biaya operasional berjalan cukup sukses. Tercatat, laba tahun 2014 mencapai 172,3 juta dollar AS atau lebih tinggi empat kali dibanding laba tahun 2013. Tahun 2014, PT Vale juga mencatat volume produksi tahunan tertinggi dalam sejarah, berhasil melaksanakan strategi untuk menurunkan beban pokok pendapatan per unit dan menerima harga realiasi yang lebih baik dibanding tahun 2013.
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“Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun penting bagi perusahaan. Tahun itu juga kami berhasil menyelesaikan renegosiasi Kontrak Karya dengan pemerintah, meningkatkan efisiensi serta merestrukturisasi biaya produksi dengan efektif, sehingga kita tidak lagi begitu terpengaruh oleh harga minyak dunia. Semuanya telah meningkatkan posisi kompetitif Perusahaan,” ujar CEO dan Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter.
Nickel bags loading in Balantang Port, Malili, East Luwu.
Dari sisi volume produksi, tahun 2014 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 4% dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Hal ini disebabkan ketersediaan tenaga listrik dari fasilitas pembangkit listrik tenaga air yang dimiliki PT Vale rata-rata lebih tinggi. Pada kuartal IV-2014, peningkatan produksi nikel dalam matte PT Vale meningkat 7% dari banding kuartal 3-2014. Volume penjualan tahun 2014 meningkat 3% dibanding volume penjualan tahun 2013. Sementara beban pokok pendapatan perseroan tahun 2014 menurun 6% dibanding tahun 2013. Hal ini terutama didorong penurunan biaya
bahan bakar, pelumas, dan karyawan—hal yang membuktikan adanya perbaikan disiplin biaya. Pada tahun 2014, PT Vale mengeluarkan dana sekitar 76,8 juta dollar AS untuk belanja modal. Tahun 2015, PT Vale berencana untuk memaksimalkan kapasitas dan memproduksi sekitar 80 ribu metrik ton nikel dalam matte. Secara bersamaan, PT Vale juga tetap fokus pada berbagai inisiatif penghematan biaya untuk mempertahankan keunggulan perusahaan.
Produksi nikel dalam matte
78.726 metrik ton
75.802 metrik ton
1.038.082 dollar AS
921.638 dollar AS
172,3 juta dollar AS
38,7 juta dollar AS
Harga realisasi nikel matte
13.061 dollar AS/metrik ton
11.939 dollar AS/metrik ton
Volume Penggunaan HSFO untuk Pabrik Pengolahan
1.644.260 barel
2.331.063 barel
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Business Performance of PT Vale 2014 Production volume up, production cost saving initiative successful. PT Vale passed the year 2014 on a high note. A number of performance indicators such as production volume, profit and operational cost saving prove the success. Profit in 2014 reached US$172.3 million, four times the 2013 mark. In 2014, PT Vale also booked the highest annual production volume in its history, succeeded in applying its strategy to lower overhead cost per unit and earned realization of price which was higher than that in 2013. “The year 2014 was a crucial period for the company. That year we succeeded in completing our Contract of Work re-
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Production of nickel matte
78,726 metric tons
75,802 metric tons
$172.3 million
$38.7 million
Realization of nickel matte price
$13,061/metric ton
$11,939/metric ton
Volume of HSFO use for processing plant
1,644,260 barrels
2,331,063 barrels
PT Vale’s process plant in Sorowako from east side.
negotiation with the government, increasing efficiency and restructuring production cost effectively, so that we are not affected that much by the global oil price hike. Everything has lifted competitiveness of the company,” PT Vale CEO and President Director Nico Kanter said. From production volume side, 2014 saw a 4% increase year-on-year, thanks to availability of power supply from the company’s hydro power plants whose average production capacity is higher than other power plants. In quarter IV-2014, PT Vale production in the form of nickel matte increased by 7 percent from the previous quarter.
Sales volume in 2014 soared by 3 percent year-on-year, while overhead cost was down by 6 percent from the 2013 mark primarily due to lowering fuel, lubricant and employee expenses -- this shows enhancement in expenditure discipline. In 2014, PT Vale spent about $76.8 million on capital expenditure. In 2015, PT Vale plans to maximize production capacity to produce about 80,000 metric tons of nickel matte. Simultaneously PT Vale will keep its focus on various cost saving initiatives to maintain company competitive advantage.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Memperkuat Armada Operasi Tambang PT Vale membeli empat unit dump truck 785C. Armada Departemen Mine & Exploration semakin solid dengan diterimanya empat unit dump truck tipe CAT 785C. Unit-unit tersebut melengkapi 11 unit CAT 777 yang telah tiba sebelumnya.
Serah terima unit dumptruck CAT 785C yang dilakukan di area pertambangan PT Vale di Sorowako, Februari 2015 silam.
Serah-terima unit dump truck 785C dilakukan 2 Februari 2015 di area MEM PT Vale. Acara ditandai dengan penyerahan replika kunci dump truck oleh Kepala Cabang Trakindo Sorowako, Simon Siagian, kepada SGM Mine & Explorations, Basri Kambatu. Dump truck 785C merupakan salah satu inisiatif Project High Cut Off Grade (HCOG) yang dicanangkan Departemen Minex pada 2015. Awalnya, truk yang akan didatangkan adalah unit 100T (777), namun analisis dan kajian Minex, unit 150 T (785C) dapat bekerja lebih efektif di daerah operasi PT Vale. “Unit 785C lebih efektif dalam operasi dan efisien dari sisi bujet, karena satu unitnya sama dengan dua unit 777,” papar Topan Prasetyo dari Tim Capital. Proyek ini melibatkan multi-departemen, seperti Minex, MEM, Procurement, Capital & Project Management, dan External Relations. Nilai investasi mencapai 6,4 juta dollar AS. Empat unit dump truck baru ini untuk sementara akan dioperasikan di area stripping. “Sembari menunggu kajian teknis dari engineering mengenai kesiapan infrastruktur pendukungnya, seperti kekuatan jalan, jembatan, juga area maintenance,” kata Basri. Maklum, kapasitas angkut dump truck tipe 785C mencapai 135 ton, 35% lebih besar dibandingkan tipe 777 yang saat ini dipakai di area mining.
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Basri menuturkan, pengadaan unit-unit tersebut mengingat pproduksi dari tahun ke tahun meningkat. “Salah satu strategi terbaik untuk meningkatkan produksi sembari menekan biaya operasi adalah dengan menaikkan daya muat truk,” ujarnya. Ditambahkan, improvement ini bertepatan dengan dimulainya Project High Cut Off Grade untuk meningkatkan produksi pada 2015. Simon Siagian mengomentari, selain dukungan teknis operasi tambang dan kelengkapan peralatan, perlu dilakukan penyesuaian perilaku pengoperasian dari para operator. “Dari sisi maintenance, Trakindo berkomitmen terus memberikan support,” ujar dia.
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Strengthening Mining Operation Fleet PT Vale purchases four units of dump truck 785C.
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The fleet of Department of Mine & Exploration has grown more solid with the arrival of four units of dump truck type CAT 785C. The new trucks complete the fleet of 11 units of CAT 777 which had previously arrived. The transfer of the new dump trucks took place on February 2, 2015 in MEM area belonging to PT Vale. The event was marked with hand-over of replica of dump truck keys by head of Trakindo’s Sorowako office, Simon Siagian, to SGM Mine & Explorations, Basri Kambatu. Dump truck 785C is part of the High Cut Off Grade (HCOG) project initiatives launched by the Department of Minex in 2015. Originally, the department wished to bring in 100T (777), but based on Minex analysis and study, 150T (785C) can work more effectively in PT Vale operational area. “The 785C unit is more effective in operation and more efficient from the budget point of view, because one 785C equals two units of 777,” said Topan Prasetyo from the Capital Team.
Dumptruck CAT 785C handover event in PT Vale’s mines area, February 2015.
The project involves various departments, such as Minex, MEM, Procurement, Capital & Project Management and External Relations. Its investment reaches US$6.4 million. Four of the new dump trucks will temporarily operate in stripping areas. “While waiting for the technical study of engineering on preparedness of supporting infrastructure such as road and bridge as well as the maintenance area,” said Basri. For your information, the capacity of dump truck to carry 785C reaches 135 tons, 35 percent bigger than the 777 type, which currently is in use in mining areas. Basri said procurement of the trucks was made given the increasing productivity evey year. “One of the best strategy to boost production while curbing operational cost is increasing haulage capacity of trucks,” he said. He added that the improvement coincided with the commencement of High Cut Off Grade Project to raise production in 2015. Simon Siagian said that apart from mining operation technical support and availability of all equipment, operators need to adjust their operating behavior. “From the maintenance side, Trakindo is committed to continuous support,” he said.
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Safety Recognition untuk Pendeteksi Potensi Bahaya Penerapan prosedur keselamatan kerja telah menyelamatkan nyawa pekerja. Pengecekan alat dan pengamatan area kerja sebelum memulai pekerjaan merupakan salah satu prosedur keselamatan kerja di PT Vale. Prosedur ini dapat mengantisipasi terjadinya ancaman terhadap keselamatan pekerja. Contoh mutakhir terbukti dalam peristiwa longsornya lereng tambang Blok Petea B1C9 Station 425-475 pada 25 Januari 2015 lalu. Berkat deteksi dini para karyawan kontraktor di lokasi kerja tersebut, kecelakaan akibat longsornya lereng dapat dihindari. Masdar (supervisor), Jumar (operator alat berat), Surya (checker) dan Albar (foreman) dari PT Indra Pratama Wasuponda menemukan potensi longsor di lereng tambang Blok Petea itu. Hari itu, tim PT Indra bertugas menyelesaikan proyek pembuatan jalan tambang (main haulage level) di lokasi tersebut. Setelah melakukan tool box meeting, sekitar 30 pekerja menuju lokasi kerja.
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Ketika Jumar hendak mengoperasikan eskavatornya, dia melihat keganjilan di salah satu lereng. Dia pun memberitahukan hal tersebut kepada rekan kerja agar jangan dekatdekat lokasi tersebut. Jumar melaporkan kondisi tersebut kepada supervisornya. “Saya melihat ada retakan sekitar lima sentimeter di salah satu lereng,” ujar Jumar. Setelah mendeteksi retakan tersebut, sejam kemudian supervisor melarang para pekerja beraktivitas di area tersebut. Berbagai tindakan pendeteksian mengarah pada kesimpulan bahwa area tersebut berpotensi longsor. Pukul 3 sore, seluruh alat dan pekerja dievakuasi. Hanya berselang sekitar 15 menit setelah evakuasi, area tersebut longsor berat. Sebagai apresiasi atas kewaspadaan tersebut, PT Vale memberikan penghargaan Safety Recognition kepada keempat karyawan dan Direktur Indra Pratama Wasuponda Erni Malape, akhir Januari lalu. Penghargaan diberikan oleh Manager
Engineering Technology Development & Support PT Vale, Roimon Barus, Manager Mine & Exploration PT Vale, Basri Kambatu, Manager Mine Production Petea, Nugroho S. Agung, disaksikan Manager Environment, Health & Safety PT Vale, Budiawansyah. Menurut Basri Kambatu, tindakan keempat pekerja dan tim lapangan tersebut merupakan langkah tepat dan asertif dalam menjalankan prosedur kerja aman. “Ini merupakan hal spesial bagi Perusahaan, karena mereka memiliki pengetahuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya,” ujar Basri. Roimon Barus mengungkapkan salutnya atas tindakan para pekerja di lokasi tambang tersebut. Menurut dia, tindakan mereka pertanda bahwa semua pekerja punya tanggung jawab terhadap keselamatan. “Yang kalian lakukan bukan suatu kebetulan, tapi karena usaha. Bekerja dengan tulus untuk keselamatan. Punya tanggung jawab moral terhadap keselamatan secara individual. Nantinya akan menulari rekan-rekan kerja lain,” ungkap Roimon. Jumar, orang pertama yang melihat retakan di lereng pertambangan itu, mengaku terharu dan bangga mendapat apresiasi dari PT Vale. “Yang terpikir saya ketika itu adalah keselamatan. Lebih baik kita berhenti daripada celaka. Kalau alat masih bisa diganti dengan spare part lain. Tapi
manusia tidak bisa. Maka itu saya melaporkan segera apa yang saya lihat kepada supervisor,” ujar Jumar dengan mata berkaca-kaca. Jumar mengaku mendapat pelajaran dari pengalamannya tersebut, yakni tetap menjalankan standar kerja aman dan tidak pernah bosan untuk mengingatkan rekan kerja.
Mendeteksi Bahaya Peristiwa berbahaya ketika bekerja, menurut Basri, terjadi karena suatu proses. Tidak mungkin tiba-tiba. Kemampuan mendeteksi potensi bahaya perlu menjadi budaya pekerja di PT Vale. Hal itu dapat diterapkan dengan menjalankan hal yang sederhana dan standar prosedur kerja aman, yakni melakukan pengecekan alat dan area sebelum memulai pekerjaan. Ke depan, peristiwa ini menjadi pelajaran dan inspirasi seluruh pekerja di lingkungan PT Vale untuk tetap bekerja aman dan disiplin menjalankan prosedur kerja aman. Penilaian PT Vale’s Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) yang dilakukan DuPont Safety menyebutkan, pekerja kontraktor merupakan level pertama yang menjadi penentu keselamatan kerja di lingkungan PT Vale dapat berjalan sempurna. Sesuai nilai perusahaan—Kehidupan adalah yang Utama— bekerja aman merupakan prioritas dan tidak dapat ditoleransi. Karena itu PT Vale hendak merealisasikan rencana besar Vale Towards Zero Harm 2018. “Kita harus percaya dan bekerja sama untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai keselamatan. Jangan pernah melakukan hal-hal yang melanggar prosedur keselamatan, karena nyawa tidak bisa dibayar dengan apapun,” tambah Basri. PT Vale memberikan penghargaan kepada enam perusahaan kontraktor yang telah mengimplementasikan CSMS dengan baik. Mereka adalah PT Indra Pratama, PT Bujaya Karya Makmur, PT Mandiri Harapan Jaya, PT Truba Jaya Engineering, PT Hexindo Adi Perkasa. dan PT Sumberdaya Sewatama. Penilaian didasarkan pada kesesuaian penerapan sembilan poin CSMS, seperti penggunaan dan kelengkapan alat pelindung diri (APD), perencanaan dan detail eksekusi pekerjaan, deskripsi pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang memiliki risiko tinggi, mengirim pekerja untuk mengikuti pelatihanpelatihan, dan rutin melakukan evaluasi pekerjaan secara periodik.
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Safety Recognition for The Hazard Detectors Application of work safety procedure has saved employees’ lives. Routine check of equipment and observation of working area before the start of a work is part of the work safety procedure at PT Vale. The procedure can anticipate unforeseen threats to the workers’ safety. The latest example happened during a landslide on the mining slope in Petea Block B1C9 Station 425-475 on January 25, 2015. Thanks to early detection applied by contractual workers, accidents resulting from the slide could be avoided. Masdar (supervisor), Jumar (heavy equipment operator), Surya (checker) and Albar (foreman) from PT Indra Pratama Wasuponda discovered potentials of a slide in the mining slope in Petea Block. That day a team from PT Indra would finish construction of main haulage level in the area. After performing a tool box meeting, about 30 workers moved to the site.
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When Jumar was about to operate the excavator, he saw something weird in one of the the slopes. He immediately warned his co-workers against moving closer to the site. Jumar then reported the oddity to his supervisor. “I saw a 5-centimeter-long crack on one of the slopes,” Jumar recalled. After detecting the crack, within one hour the supervisor declared the site off limit. A series if detection actions came to a conclusion that the area was vulnerable to a landslide. At 3 p.m. all workers and equipment were evacuated. In the following 15 minutes a massive landslide struck. To appreciate their alertness, PT Vale presented Safety Recognition awards to the four employees and the director of Indra Pratama Wasuponda, Erni Malape, at the end of January. The awards were conferred by PT Vale Manager Engineering Technology Development & Support, Roimon
Barus, Manager Mine & Exploration Basri Kambatu and Manager Mine Production Petea Nugroho S. Agung. Manager Environment, Health & Safety Budiawansyah witnessed the award presentation. According to Basri Kambatu, the quick response of the four workers and the field team was the right and assertive move in implementing work safety procedure. “This is special for the company because we have knowledge to identify potentials of threat,” Basri said. Roimon Barus expressed his appreciation to the workers for what they had done. He said their action indicated that all workers cared about safety rule. “What you did was not accidental, but an effort. Working with sincerity for safety of all. Each of you has proven your moral responsibility for safety. Eventually you will infect your colleagues,” Roimon said. Jumar, the first person who detected the crack, said he was moved and proud of PT Vale’s appreciation. “What I thought then was safety. It’s better to stop than suffering an accident. If the accident affects equipment we can change its spare parts, but if it affects human we cannot replace a life. That’s why I quickly reported what I saw to the supervisor,” Jumar said as he resisted tears.
In the future the event should give PT Vale workers a lesson and inspiration to continue upholding safety rule in workplaces and complying with the safety work procedure. Assessment of PT Vale’s Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) conducted by DuPont Safety says that contractual workers are the first level that will decide whether work safety within PT Vale can perfectly work. In line with the corporate value–Life matters most–working safely is the priority and cannot be compromised. For that reason PT Vale plans to realize its big plan “Vale Towards Zero Harm 2018”. “We have to believe and work together to institutionalize safety values. We should never violate the safety procedure, because life cannot be bought,” Basri said. PT Vale awarded six contractor companies for implementing CSMS well. They are PT Indra Pratama, PT Bujaya Karya Makmur, PT Mandiri Harapan Jaya, PT Truba Jaya Engineering, PT Hexindo Adi Perkasa and PT Sumberdaya Sewatama. The assessment was based on the companies’ compliance with nine points of CSMS, such as the use and availability of self-protection tools, plan and details of high risk project execution, sending of workers to attend training and periodical evaluation of work.
Jumar said he learned from his experience, which is always implementing work safety procedure and never getting bored of reminding fellow workers.
Detecting Threats Dangerous incident at workplace occurs following a process, Basri said. It cannot happen out of the blue. The capability to detect potentials of threat must be adopted as part of the working culture of anyone employed by PT Vale. This can be realized by doing simple things and implementing safe working procedure, such as equipment and area checking prior to working.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Belajar Aspek Teknis Proper PT Vale menyiapkan karyawannya agar andal melakukan penilaian mandiri Proper. Setelah sepanjang 2010-2014 mendapat rapor Biru Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (Proper), PT Vale bertekad menuju level selanjutnya. Untuk itu karyawan dibekali pelatihan melakukan penilaian mandiri (self assessment) Proper. Pelatihan digelar di Ruang Rapat Taman Antar Bangsa, Sorowako, 20-24 Januari 2015, diikuti Departemen Mine & Exploration, Environtment, Health & Safety, General Facilities Services, Supply Chain Management, Medical, dan Communication & External Affairs. Bertindak sebagai pemateri, Tim Proper Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan yakni Kasubid Pengelolaan dan Pemulihan Lahan Terkontaminasi (Sena Pradipta), Kasubid Evaluasi Pertambangan (Nety Widayati), dan Kabid Pertambangan (Veriady). Turut serta Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah Sulawesi Selatan. Pelatihan dimaksudkan agar karyawan PT Vale yang terlibat penyusunan Laporan Proper lebih presisi dan mengetahui aspek teknis penilaiannya. Materi pelatihan berupa praktik pengisian formulir isian tentang kerusakan lahan, praktik pengisian form dokumen lingkungan dan pengendalian pencemaran air, pengendalian pencemaran udara, kriteria penilaian dokumen lingkungan dan mekanisme Proper, serta praktik lapangan self asssesssment udara dan B3. Bagi perusahaan terbuka seperti PT Vale, Laporan Proper merupakan salah satu bukti pengelolaan lingkungan. Sekaligus wujud komitmen perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnis pertambangan hijau berkelanjutan. “Pelatihan bertujuan membekali PT Vale dalam membenahi dan menjaga konsistensi penyusunan data pengelolaan lingkungan. Dalam hal ini surveilliance audit,” ungkap Aris Priambodo, GM Environment PT Vale. Dengan penilaian mandiri ini, KKLH (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan) dan unit-unit di bawahnya tidak perlu lagi melakukan audit lapangan. Cukup melalui desktop assessment dari data yang diberikan PT Vale.
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Pengecekan kualitas air di Instalasi Pengelolaan Limbah Cair PT Vale di Pakalangkai, Sorowako. Kegiatan ini rutin dilakukan Tim Lingkungan PT Vale untuk menjaga baku mutu air di kolam pengendapan.
Menurut Agus Superiadi, Kepala Teknik Tambang PT Vale, pencapaian rapor Biru Proper PT Vale tak lepas dari pembinaan dan pengawasan KKLH dan unit-unit di bawahnya. “Dengan pelatihan ini, membuat kami lebih percaya diri dalam menyusun data-data pengelolaan lingkungan Perusahaan, tidak perlu waswas dan bisa fokus ke perbaikan,” tambah Agus. Besarnya komitmen PT Vale dalam pengelolaan lingkungan dari tahun ke tahun, memberikan reputasi yang baik bagi Perusahaan dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur. Dalam sambutan pembukaan pelatihan, Asisten I Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Syahidin Halun, mengapresiasi langkah PT Vale dalam menyiapkan karyawannya melakukan penilaian mandiri Proper. Menurut dia, hal tersebut memperkuat komitmen PT Vale terhadap aspek lingkungan sesuai dengan regulasi.
Meningkat Pesat Catatan BLHD (Badan Lingkungan Hidup) Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, pada 2015 diharapkan 60 perusahaan di Sulawesi
Selatan mengikuti Proper. Angka ini jauh lebih tinggi daripada data tahun 2009 yang hanya sembilan perusahaan. Menurut Kabid Pertambangan KKLH, Veriady Kabib, “Dengan adanya Proper yang berupa hasil monitoring dan evaluasi pemerintah, masyarakat bisa menilai komitmen lingkungan perusahaan, karena mereka telah menyediakan fakta-fakta yang transparan.” Veriady menilai PT Vale termasuk perusahaan yang telah mengikuti regulasi dan ketentuan pengelolaan lingkungan yang baik. “Karena Vale adalah perusahaan internasional, aspek-aspek lingkungan menjadi hal penting, dan pasti mereka penuhi karena ini menyangkut reputasi mereka di dunia,” ujar Veriady. Dalam Proper, tambah Veriady, bukan hanya aspek lingkungan yang dinilai, melainkan juga aspek sosial terkait pengelolaan lingkungan. “PT Vale cukup baik. Bisa kita lihat sangat jarang ada komplain dari masyarakat terkait pengelolaan lingkungan,” kata dia.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Instalasi Pengelolaan Limbah Cair PT Vale di Sorowako (2).JPG
Learning about Technical Aspect of Proper PT Vale prepares its employees to master self-assessment of environmental management performance (Proper). After receiving a blue mark in its Environmental Management Performance Assessment Program (Proper) in 20102014, PT Vale is out to improve its level. For that reason company employees have been trained to carry out selfassessment of Proper. The training was held at Taman Antar Bangsa meeting room in Sorowako on January 20-24, 2015, attended by the Departments of Mine & Exploration, Environment, Health & Safety, General Facilities Services, Supply Chain Management, Medical and Communication & External Affairs.
Facilitators came from the Proper Team from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, who was head of Contaminated Land Rehabilitation and Management Sub-directorate (Sena Pradipta), head of Mining Evaluation Sub-directorate (Nety Widayati) and Mining Division head (Veriady). Accompanying the ministry officials were South Sulawesi Environment Agency staff. The training was intended to help PT Vale employees tasked with drawing up Proper report work more precisely and understand technical aspects of the Proper evaluation. The materials of the training concern the practice to fill up forms on land damage, environment documents and water
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pollution control, air pollution control, criteria of environment document evaluation and mechanism of Proper, as well as field practice of hazardous waste and air pollution self-assessment. For publicly listed companies like PT Vale, Proper report is one of proofs of environment management. It also constitutes the company’s commitment to sustainable green mining business. “The training was aimed at supplying PT Vale the required knowledge to reform and keep consistency of environment management data formulation. In this case surveillance audit,” Aris Priambodo, PT Vale General Manager Environment. Through self-assessment the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and all the units under its auspices will no longer carry out field audit. Desktop assessment of data provided by PT Vale is already enough. According to Agus Superiadi, Mining Engineering Head of PT Vale, the blue mark given to PT Vale’s Proper report cannot be separated from guidance and monitoring from the Ministry and all units under its control. “The training gives us self-confidence in constructing the company’s environment management. We do not need to be afraid and will focus on improvement,” Agus said. The high commitment of PT Vale to environment management from year to year has increase reputation of not
only the company but also East Luwu government. In his remarks, Assistant to Regional Secretary for Administration Syahidin Halun appreciated the move of PT Vale to prepare its employees for the Proper self-assessment. He said the initiative strengthened PT Vale’s commitment to the environment in line with the regulations.
Skyrocketing Data from the South Sulawesi Environment Agency found only nine companies complied with the environment audit or Proper in 2009. It expects the figure to reach 60 this year. Head of the Mining Division at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Veriady Kabib said: “Thanks to Proper as a result of the government monitoring and evaluation, people can assess the companies’ commitment to environment because the corporations provide transparent facts.” Veriady deems PT Vale as among the compliant companies due to its adherence to regulations and stipulations on good environment governance. “Because Vale is a multinational company, environmental aspects always play a pivotal role and they surely will meet because it deals with its reputation in the world,” said Veriady. Veriady added that Proper did not only concern environmental aspect, but also social aspect related to environment management. “PT Vale is fairly good. We can see complaints from local people connected with the company’s environment management are rare,” he said.
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ATS Tingkatkan Mutu Pendidikan ATS menargetkan menjadi salah satu institusi pendidikan terbaik di kawasan Indonesia Timur tahun 2025. Pasar tenaga kerja global semakin menuntut perguruan tinggi menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten dan siap kerja. Tuntutan itu semakin nyata mengingat ASEAN Economic Community dengan salah satu pilarnya Freedom of Movement for Skilled and Talented Labors mulai berlaku tahun 2015 ini. Banyak perguruan tinggi membenahi kualitas dan manajemen lembaga pendidikannya agar sesuai standar nasional dan kebutuhan tenaga kerja global. Meningkatkan akreditasi perguruan tinggi merupakan salah satu bentuknya. Untuk menuju perbaikan akreditasi, ATS (Akademi Teknik Sorowako) menggelar Seminar Nasional bertema “Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi yang Bermutu Menuju ASEAN Economic Community” dan lokakarya “Penyusunan Borang Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi”. Acara berlangsung di Gedung Ontaeluwu, Sorowako, akhir Januari 2015. Kegiatan diikuti pimpinan dan perwakilan 30 perguruan tinggi swasta seSulawesi Selatan anggota Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Indonesia. Wakil Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Bernardus Irmanto, berharap ATS dapat menjadi perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia Timur. “ATS juga merupakan salah satu andalan PT Vale dalam menyiapkan talenta-talenta muda yang kompeten dan siap terjun ke dunia kerja,” ujar dia. Sebagai pembicara seminar adalah Prof. Edy Suandy Hamid, MSc, Ketua Aptisi Pusat, Dia memaparkan strategi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia menghadapi pasar global. Sedangkan lokakarya berfokus pada petunjuk teknis pengisian borang (formulir indikator) akreditasi oleh tim Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah IX Sulawesi, yang diketuai Prof. Dr Andi Niartiningsih, MP dari Unhas.
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Pengisian borang, menurut Wakil Direktur III Bidang Kemahasiswaan ATS, Didit Yantony, sangat penting dipahami para pengelola perguruan tinggi untuk menakar dan meningkatkan kualitas dan manajemen lembaganya. “Borang yang diajarkan di lokarya ini nantinya menjadi rujukan perguruan tinggi dalam memberikan laporan pertimbangan kepada Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN) untuk mengeluarkan status akreditasinya,” papar dia. ATS diharapkan dapat menembus status akreditasi A versi BAN Perguruan Tinggi pada 2015. Hal tersebut sangat penting, mengingat 10 tahun ke depan ATS menargetkan menjadi salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di kawasan Indonesia Timur. Termasuk menjadi lembaga penelitian dan mampu melahirkan inovasi produk alat tambang. Cikal bakal ATS bermula tahun 1991 dengan nama ISTC (Inco Sumitomo Technical Training Centre), kemudian berganti nama menjadi ATS pada 1993. ATS merupakan lembaga pendidikan tingkat D3 dengan program studi Perawatan dan Perbaikan Alat dengan spesialisasi perbaikan mesin, mekanikal desain, pembuatan suku cadang, pengelasan, dan teknik otomotif. Saat ini ATS memiliki 25 tenaga pengajar tetap. Hingga 2012, ATS telah menghasilkan 577 alumnus. Sebanyak 38% (219 orang) terserap di PT Vale, dan 39,1% (225 orang) terserap di industri-industri lain tingkat regional maupun nasional.
Atas: Para wisudawan Akademi Teknik Sorowako. Bawah: Suasana Seminar Nasional Perguruan Tinggi dalam Era Global yang digelar di Ontaeluwu, Sorowako, akhir Januari 2015.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
ATS Enhances Education Quality ATS sets a target of becoming one of the best education institutions in East Indonesia in 2025. Global market of manpower has demanded universities to generate competent and ready-for-use graduates. Such demand is becoming clear given the ASEAN Economic Community, which promotes Freedom of Movement for Skilled and Talented Labors as one of its three pillars, will commence this year. Many universities have improved their quality and education institution management so as to meet the national standard and global demand for manpower. Advancing accreditation of higher education is one of the efforts. To realize improvement of accreditation, ATS (Sorowako Engineering Academy) held a national seminar themed “High Quality University Management toward ASEAN Economic Community” and a workshop “Constructing Accreditation Documents and Data for Universities”. The event took place at Ontaeluwu Building in Sorowako at the end of January 2015. Leaders and representatives of 30 private universities from across South Sulawesi which are members of the Association of Indonesian Private Universities (Aptisi) attended the event. PT Vale Vice President Director, Bernardus Irmanto, said he expected ATS to emerge as the best university in East Indonesia. “ATS is an eminent asset of PT Vale in grooming young talents who are competent and ready to face challenges in the employment world,” he said. Speakers of the seminar included Prof. Edy Suandy Hamid, MSc, chairman of Aptisi. He explained the strategy of Indonesian universities in facing the global market. Previously the workshop focused on technical guidance to will forms of indicators, facilitated by Coordinator of Private Universities for Sulawesi Prof. Dr. Andi Niartiningsih, MP from Hasanuddin University.
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Forms of indicators (borang), according to ATS Deputy Director III for Student Affairs Didit Yantony, should be understood by university administrators to measure and improve the quality and management of the institution. “Borang that we learned in the workshop will in the future serve as a reference for universities in providing recommendations to the National Accreditation Board (BAN) in issuing accreditation status,” he said. ATS is expected to achieve A status from BAN this year. The status is very important considering the ATS target of becoming the best university in East Indonesia in the coming 10 years and a research institution that can produce and innovate mining equipment. The embryo of ATS dated back in 1991 under the name of ISTC (Inco Sumitomo
ATS’s students in practicing laboratorium area at Sorowako.
Technical Training Centre), which was renamed ATS in 1993. ATS is a three-year college offering Equipment Maintenance and Repair program study, with specialized programs such as engine repair, mechanical design, spare part production, welding and automotive engineering. Currently ATS employs 25 permanent lecturers. As of 2012, ATS has generated 577 alumni. As many as 38% (219 orang) are employed by PT Vale and 39.1% (225 orang) by national and regional industries.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
PT Vale Kembali Raih Proper Biru Komitmen Perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnis pertambangan hijau berkelanjutan diakui. Kinerja lingkungan merupakan perhatian PT Vale dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Kinerja itu kembali dibuktikan PT Vale dengan memperoleh Proper Biru periode 2014. “Hasil ini merupakan wujud komitmen perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnis pertambangan hijau yang berkelanjutan,” ungkap GM Environment PT Vale, Aris Priambodo. Proper merupakan program pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap perusahaan dalam pengendalian pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KKLH). Perikat Proper diumumkan Menteri KLH Siti Nurbaya Bakar, sementara penghargaan diserahkan oleh Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla pada Desember 2014 di Jakarta. Sebanyak 1.908 perusahaan dari sektor pertambangan energi dan migas, agroin-
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KIRI: Manajemen pengelolaan limbah B3 di PT Vale. KANAN: Kebun pembibitan PT Vale di Sorowako
dustri, manufaktur, prasarana, dan jasa, mengikuti Proper 2014. Sembilan perusahaan meraih peringkat Emas, 121 perusahaan peringkat Hijau, 1.224 peringkat Biru, 516 peringkat Merah, dan 21 peringkat Hitam. Sebanyak 17 perusahaan tidak diumumkan peringkatnya. Siti Nurbaya Bakar nengatakan, Proper telah menjadi mekanisme pembelajaran bagi perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia untuk peduli lingkungan dan sosial. “Penerapan Proper telah membangun nilai-nilai ketaatan perusahaan terhadap peraturan dan penggunaan sumber daya alam yang efisien, praktik bisnis yang beretika, dan mengurangi kesenjangan kesejahteraan sosial,” ujar dia. Catatan Kementerian KKLH, sepanjang dua dekade pelaksanaan Proper, terjadi peningkatan partisipasi perusahaan dari 49% menjadi 72%. Perusahaan-perusahaan penerima Proper Hijau 2014 telah mendorong efisiensi pemakaian energi sebesar 26 juta giga Joule. Juga menurunkan beban pencemaran air limbah organik sebesar 1,03 juta ton dan non-organik 3,6 juta ton.
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Pekerja revegetasi di area rehabilitasi laha
PT Vale Wins Back Blue Proper Award The company’s commitment to sustainable green mining business wins acknowledgement.
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an PT Vale.
Environmental performance is one of the concerns of PT Vale in doing its business. Such performance was again proved when PT Vale secured Blue Proper award in 2014. “The outcome epitomizes our commitment to sustainable green mining business practice,” PT Vale GM Environment Aris Priambodo said.
with nine of them winning gold awards, 121 green awards and 1,224 blue awards. The audit also saw 516 companies receive red marks, 21 black marks and 17 others having their rankings unannounced.
Proper is a program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to oversee and guide companies in controlling pollution and environmental degradation. The Proper rankings were announced by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar, while the awards were conferred by Vice President Jusuf Kalla in December 2014 di Jakarta.
Siti Nurbaya said Proper had become a learning mechanism for corporations operating in Indonesia to care for the environment and the society. “Proper has built the values of compliance with regulations and efficient utilization of natural resources, ethical business practice and alleviation of social gap,” she said.
As many as 1,908 companies from mining, energy, oil and gas, agroindustry, manufacturing, infrastructure and services underwent the Proper environmental audit in 2014,
Based on the Ministry’s records, over two decades of Proper implementation the number of companies participating in the program has increased from 49% to 72% of the target. Companies that won Green Proper in 2014 have pushed for energy efficiency by 26 million giga Joule. They also reduced the burden of organic water pollution by 1.03 million tons and non-organic by 3.6 million tons.
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Budhi Kumarawarman
Memetakan Blok Bijih Nikel Eksplorasi merupakan salah satu mata rantai penting operasi PT Vale. Pekerjaan di bagian hulu ini memetakan zona bijih nikel di area konsesi PT Vale, bagian penting dalam merealisasikan investasi jangka panjang Perusahaan. Budhi Kumarawarman, Mineral Resource Assesment (MRA) Geologist, salah satu sosok yang ditugaskan untuk memetakan zona bijih nikel guna persiapan renegosiasi Kontrak Karya PT Vale. Budhi bergabung dengan Departemen Eksplorasi PT Vale awal 2007. Hingga 2009, dia terlibat dalam kegiatan eksplorasi di Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Sulawesi Tenggara. “Dari Pomalaa, Lasolo, Matarape, Kolonodale, hingga Pulau Kabaena untuk pemboran eksplorasi” ujar Budhi. Tahun 2009-2010, Budhi terlibat dalam pengurusan beberapa izin di CoW Project, seperti ikut menyiapkan data-data untuk keperluan penyusunan Amdal, seperti UKL-UPL (Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan hidup dan Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup), dan Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan. Secara garis besar, tugas seorang MRA cukup dinamis. Mereka bukan hanya diminta melakukan pemodelan geologis dan memberikan estimasi sumber daya nikel berdasarkan
hasil pemboran di area konsesi Perusahaan, melainkan juga dapat melakukan peer review (validasi) dari hasil pemodelan geologis tersebut. Lingkup kerjanya juga cukup luas. Selain di Sorowako, Budhi dan tim MRA keliling di area konsesi Perusahaan di tiga provinsi. Budhi dan tim MRA melakukan beragam studi untuk keperluan eksplorasi. Mulai dari prospeksi potensi mineral nonlaterit, mineralogi dan geometalurgi deposit nikel sulfida, hingga studi metode geofisika yang cocok untuk daerah tersebut. Termasuk studi struktur geologi area eksplorasi guna mendukung Tim Geoteknik. “Intinya, studi-studi geologi yang terfokus untuk mendukung kebutuhan prospeksi dan estimasi sumberdaya mineral, serta perencanaan tambang jangka panjang” ujar lulusan Jurusan Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah Mada ini. Jelang dialog renegosiasi Kontrak Karya II PT Vale, Budhi dilibatkan dalam Supporting Team untuk menyiapkan datadata. Dia diminta melakukan pemutakhiran zona bijih nikel dan area proyek guna merevisi luas konsesi Perusahaan, yang menjadi poin penting renegosiasi.
Salah satu area eksplorasi PT Vale di Blok Petea, Sorowako.
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“Selain pemetaan, tantangan kerjanya adalah me-ranking kandungan dan cadangan nikel. Juga memilih area untuk dilepas atau disebut relinquishment,” ungkap Budhi. Atas arahan pemerintah, PT Vale diminta untuk menyusutkan wilayah konsesinya di tiga provinsi pada renegosiasi Kontrak Karya.
Budhi berharap pasca-amandemen Kontrak Karya Perusahaan lancar mengeksekusi investasinya. “Dengan demikian Perusahaan bisa membuktikan komitmennya kepada pemerintah dan memberi dampak lebih luas bagi masyarakat dan Indonesia,” ujar dia.
Hingga Subuh Menentukan area yang di-relinquished bukan perkara mudah. Tim MRA & Support Renegosiasi perlu mempersempit area dengan mempertimbangkan banyak aspek, seperti cadangan nikel, zona bijih, rencana strategis Perusahaan, status kawasan hutan, pengelolaan lingkungan, aset PTVI, kondisi sosial-politik, dan aksesibilitas area-area tersebut. Bayangkan hal dilakukan untuk wilayah konsesi seluas 190.509,66 hektar. Untuk penyiapan data renegosiasi, MRA tidak sendiri. Mereka bekerja lintas departemen, misalnya dengan Departemen Strategic Improvement Business Development terkait aspek rencana strategis & investasi yang telah dilakukan PT Vale. Dengan Departemen Engineering & Techology Development Services dan Departemen General Facilities Service terkait aspek aset-aset Perusahaan di tiga wilayah konsesi tersebut. “Kadang menyiapkan data hingga subuh. Koordinasi dan updating data via telepon dan email dengan Pak Agus (Agus Superiadi, Kepala Teknik Tambang, anggota Tim Renegosiasi— Red). Enggak tidur, juga pernah,” ujar pria yang hobi jogging dan main basket ini tertawa. Kini, dengan ditekennya amandemen renegosiasi pertengahan 2014 lalu, Budhi bisa sedikit lega. Namun tugas menyempitkan zona bijih nikel PT Vale agar sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Minerba seluas 25 ribu hektar untuk perpanjangan Kontrak Karya pasca-2025 masih berlanjut.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Budhi Kumarawarman
Mapping Nickel Ore Block Exploration is an important part of PT Vale operational chain. The upstream work aims to map nickel ore zones within the company’s concession area, a pivotal phase that will determine its long-term investment. Budhi Kumarawarman, Mineral Resource Assessment (MRA) geologist, was one of the figures assigned to map the nickel ore zones as the company was preparing renegotiation of its Contract of Work. Budhi joined the Department of Exploration at PT Vale early in 2007. Until 2009, he was involved in exploration works in South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. “I traveled from Pomalaa, Lasolo, Matarape, Kolonodale up to Kabaena Island for exploration drilling,” Budhi recalled. In 2009-2010, Budhi was involved in the process to secure several permits for CoW Project, such as preparing data for the Amdal draft, including UKL-UPL (Environmental Management Initiative and Environmental Monitoring Initiative) and Forest Area Lending Use Permit. Roughly MRA personnel’s jobs are dynamic. They not only are asked to carry out geological modelling and provide estimate of nickel resources based on drilling in the company’s concession area. They can also conduct peer review (validation) of the geological modelling job. Their scope of work is quite wide. Apart from Sorowako, Budhi and his MRA team roam around the company’s concession in three provinces. Budhi and his MRA team have conducted a number of studies for exploration. The studies start from examining the prospect of non-laterite mineral potentials, mineralogy and geometallurgy of nickel sulfide deposit, up to finding an appropriate geophysical method for certain areas. Also included in their responsibilities is geological structure study in exploration area to support the Geotechnical Team.
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Aside from mapping, our challenges are to rank nickel content and reserve and to choose relinquishment areas.
“In essence, the geological studies are intended to support the need for prospects and estimation of mineral resources, and for long-term mining plan,” the graduate of Gadjah Mada University’s School of Geological Engineering said. Prior to PT Vale Contract of Work II renegotiation, Budhi was involved in the Supporting Team to prepare data. He was assigned to update nickel ore zones and project areas needed to revise the company’s concession area, which was a crucial point in the renegotiation. “Aside from mapping, our challenges are to rank nickel content and reserve and to choose relinquishment areas,” Budhi said. Upon advice of the government, PT Vale cut its concession area in three provinces during the renegotiation.
Until Dawn Determining relinquishment areas is not an easy job. The MRA and Support Renegotiation team had to narrow the area based on many aspects, such as nickel reserve, ore zone, the company’s strategic plan, the status of forest area, environmental management, the company’s assets, sociopolitical conditions and accessibility of the areas. Imagine all the aspects have to be taken into consideration for a concession covering 190,509.66 hectares.
To prepare the data for renegotiation, the MRA team did not work alone. They involved other departments such as Department of Strategic Improvement Business Development related to PT Vale’s strategic and investment planning, Department of Engineering & Technology Development Services and Department of General Facilities Service when it came to the company’s assets in the three concession areas. “Sometime we had to prepare the data until the dawn. Coordination and data updating was conducted via phone and email with Pak Agus (Agus Superiadi, Head of Mining Engineering, a member of the renegotiation team). Once I didn’t sleep,” said the man who likes jogging and basketball amid his laughter. Now that the Contract of Work amendment has been signed, Budhi can sigh with relief. But his job to narrow nickel ore zones of PT Vale to 25,000 hectares after 2025 in accordance with the mineral law has not been over. Budhi hopes following the contract amendment the company can realize its investment plan smoothly. “Therefore the company can prove its commitment to the government and expand its benefit to the people and Indonesia,” he said.
Budhi Kumarawarman observing the ore nickel sample in Sample House, Enggano Office, Sorowako.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Anggota ECeCe, Wanni berbaur dengan anak-anak warga di sekitar area photo hunting.
ECeCe, Klub Foto dari Enggano Memotret untuk refreshing dan bahan laporan kerja. “Jadi apa bedanya infrared dengan false color?” Jefri Siahaan melontarkan pertanyaan.
memotret, juga dibahas fitur kamera, foto hasil jepretan anggota, sampai rencana hunting.
“Kalau false color, warnanya benar-benar melenceng. Langit bisa jadi biru sekali. Sedangkan infrared, agak flat” ujar Kurniawan Edy menjelaskan sambil menunjukan foto false color dan infrared.
Pada kesempatan itu, Kurniawan Edy, yang dianggap teman-teman perkumpulannya paling tekun dan berprestasi di bidang fotografi, menjadi mentor. Sejumlah prestasi fotografi pernah disabet Kure, panggilan akrab Kurniawan, seperti finalis “2013 Snowden International Photography” dan sejumlah kompetisi fotografi tingkat nasional.
“Berapa ongkos ngoprek kamera false color?” anggota lain menyeletuk. “Di mana?” pertanyaan lain meluncur. Itulah suasana ketika anggota ECeCe ngumpul di salah satu warung kopi di Sorowako beberapa waktu lalu. Beragam pertanyaan meluncur bertubi-tubi. Tidak cuma soal teknik
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ECeCe singkatan dari Enggano Ceprat-Cepret. Komunitas foto yang anggotanya karyawan PT Vale yang berkantor atau pernah berkantor di Enggano. Sejak berdiri sekitar tahun 2009, anggotanya tercatat 16 orang. Rata-rata mereka para geolog dan mine engineer dari Departemen Mines and Exploration.
membagikan hasil jepretannya. “Kalau dalam istilah Kaskus, di antara anggota saling menebar ‘racun’. Penebar pertamanya Tyas,” ujar Jefri sambil tertawa.
Kurniawan Edy, salah satu anggota ECeCe yang paling aktif membagi ilmu fotografi kepada teman-temannya.
Klub ini tidak punya aturan ketat. “Yang mau serius, makin berkembang. Yang santai, skill-nya standar aja,” ungkap Guntur Suryaning Hadi, salah satu anggota sambil tertawa. Agus Pom, anggota lainnya, menimpali, “Foto itu bonusnya. Intinya jalan-jalan dan fun,” ujar dia sambil terkekeh. Serius tapi santai. Penuh kelakar, tapi cukup berisi. Mungkin itu kalimat yang tepat untuk ECeCe. Di sela-sela ngumpul, obrolan kadang nyerempet membahas isu yang hangat di masyarakat. Lantaran untuk bersenang-senang, ragam peralatan foto yang digunakan anggotanya pun variatif. Mulai dari hanya smartphone sampai semi-pro. Jefri, misalnya, mengaku lebih sering mengandalkan kamera smartphone untuk memotret. Sedangkan Wanni memilih gear yang cukup menarik, kamera dengan lensa fix 50 mm plus kamera oprekan infrared.
Menurut mereka, fotografi mendukung pekerjaan mereka sebagai geolog yang banyak di lapangan dan perlu membuat dokumentasi pekerjaan. “Pengetahuan fotografi sangat membantu kami membuat laporan disertai foto yang cukup layak. Misalnya memotret bentang alam sehingga benar-benar memperlihatkan bentuk lahan sesungguhnya, ataupun fenomena bumi lainnya sesuai kebutuhan geologi,” ungkap Kure.
Berbagi via Milis Akhir pekan, anggota klub biasa plesiran sambil berburu foto. Lokasinya tidak jauh-jauh. Hanya di sekitar Sorowako, Wasunponda, Towuti, dan Malili. Tapi mereka pernah melesat hingga ke Mangkutana untuk memotret model di perkebunan kelapa sawit. “Model salah satu objek foto favorit teman-teman. Tapi kalau selera bisa macam-macam. Ada yang suka lanskap atau humaniora,” ungkap Kure. Setelah berburu, mereka mendiskusikan hasil jepretan melalui milis “ECeCe PTVI Sundul Gan” di Google Group. Biasanya kalau habis hunting, grup ramai dan penuh dengan beragam posting. “Milis memang menjadi andalan kami untuk menghidupkan ECeCe,” ujar Sudarmin, anggota lainnya. Selain milis, ECeCe memanfaatkan BBM Group dan Whatsapp untuk saling komunikasi dan diskusi foto. Menggairahkan milis merupakan salah satu rencana ke depan ECeCe.
Klub ini berdiri gara-gara terinspirasi beberapa teman suka memotret. Misalnya Wanni dan Guntur, mengaku baru berkenalan dengan fotografi sejak 2011. Mereka tertarik dunia fotografi ketika melihat Kure dan Tyas Rabudianto asyik memotret dan men-share hasilnya ke beberapa rekan kerja di Departemen Eksplorasi. Sedangkan Jefri berkenalan dengan foto setelah melihat Agus Pom memborong seperangkat kamera semi-pro pada 2010, dan
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
ECeCe, Photo Club from Enggano Take picture for leisure and supplement of work report. “What is the difference between infrared and false color?” Jefri Siahaan asked. “False color occurs when the color extremely deviates. The sky turns too much blue. Infrared makes the color a bit flat,” Kurniawan Edy replied as he showed examples of pictures where false color and infrared happened. “How much is the cost to repair a camera which produces false colors?” another member said. “Where?” another question emerged. Those were all that marked a gathering of ECeCe members in a coffee shop in Sorowako recently. Various questions were raised without stopping. The queries not only concerned picture taking technique, but also camera features, analysis of pictures and a plan for picture hunting. Among the club members, Kurniawan Edy is considered the most performing and perseverant in photography, therefore he has been named their mentor. Kure, as he is known by his close friends, has achieved a lot of credentials, such as
ECeCe’ s members having gathering for discu
ssing and sharing all about photograp
the finalist of 2013 Snowden International Photography and participation in a number of national photo contests. ECeCe, abbreviation of Enggano Ceprat-Cepret, is a photographer community whose members are PT Vale employees who are serving or have served in Enggano office. Since its inception in 2009, the community has now had 16 members, who mostly are geologists and mine engineers from the Department of Mines and Exploration. The club has now stringent rules. “The more serious the faster the members develop. Those who are easy going normally have average skill,” Guntur Suryaning Hadi, one of the club members, said. Agus Pom, another member, concurred. “Pictures are just a bonus. The most important is traveling and having fun,” he said amid his giggles. Serious but relax, full of jokes but there are substances. Perhaps the sentence can correctly describe ECeCe. In the midst of the gathering they sometimes talk about issues that are drawing public attention.
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Because the club members are looking for fun only, equipment each member carries varies, ranging from smart phones to semi-professional cameras. Jefri, for example, said he mostly used his smart phone to take pictures. Wanni, meanwhile, relies on a camera with a fixed 50mm lens plus an infrared camera. The club was founded thanks to inspiration of some colleagues who are fond of photography. Wanni and Guntur said they only knew photography in 2011. They were interested in photography after watching Kure and Tyas Rabudianto take pictures and share them with fellow employees at the Department of Exploration. Jefri got used to photography after seeing Agus Pom buy a set of semi-pro camera in 2010 and share his pictures he had taken. “Borrowing popular term in Kaskus virtual community discussion group, the members are poisoning each other. Tyas was the first to poison other members,” Jefri said. They said photography supported their job as geologists, who spend most of their time outdoors and need to take pictures as documentation. “Photography knowledge helps us a lot when filing reports that require good pictures. We, for example, need pictures of a landscape to show the real nature of land or other geological phenomena,” Kure said.
Malili. But once they went so far as Mangkutana to take pictures of models in a palm oil plantation “Model is one of our favorite objects of photography. But their tastes vary. Some like landscape, others humanities,” said Kure. After hunting, the club members discuss the results in their mailing list “ECeCe PTVI Sundul Gan” posted in Google Group. Usually the mailing list is flooded with many postings after a photo hunting. “Mailing list is our reliable tool to enliven ECeCe,” a club member, Sudarmin, said. Other than the mailing list, ECeCe club members keep in touch using BBM Group and Whatsapp for photo discussion or communication. Energizing the mailing list is the next agenda of ECeCe.
Sharing via Mailing List On the weekend, club members usually travel together for picture hunting. Their destination is not far away, just around Sorowako, Wasunponda, Towuti and
Agus Pom, one of ECeCe’s member when photo hunting session with he fellas.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Tiga Ragam Diet untuk Anda Tiga metode diet yang sedang naik daun ini memberi Anda alternatif untuk mendapatkan tubuh sehat dan ideal Inovasi dunia diet seperti tak pernah berhenti. Metode diet kini semakin beragam. Ada yang disebut diet dengan melakukan food combaining, diet golongan darah, hingga yang sedang tren saat ini yakni diet Mayo. Diet Mayo merupakan metode diet yang digagas oleh Mayo Clinic dari AS. Diet ini cukup sederhana. Dilakukan hanya 13 hari setiap bulannya. Di hari ke-14 sampai akhir bulan, Anda dapat kembali menikmati menu makanan seperti biasa. Menu makanan ketika menjalani diet bisa dari bahan makanan apapun. Syaratnya hanya satu, tidak mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung garam atau rasa asin. Agar hasilnya lebih maksimal, Anda disarankan untuk menghindari makanan berlemak dan mengandung gula. Juga minum air putih sebanyak dua liter setiap harinya. Ada pula syarat tambahan dalam mengolah menu makanan. Misalnya, bila Anda ingin makan steik, daging harus digoreng dengan mentega tawar. Terakhir, disarankan jadwal makan malam dilakukan sebelum jam 6 sore.
setiap golongan darah memerlukan menu dan kandungan asupan yang berbeda, karena setiap golongan darah memiliki antigen dan antibodi yang berbeda. Maka, suatu makanan dapat menimbulkan reaksi kimia yang berbeda di dalam tubuh dengan golongan darah yang berbeda. Diet ini bukan hanya dapat menurunkan berat badan, melainkan juga mengontrol gula darah dan bermanfaat bagi kesehatan.
Makan Siang
Makan Malam
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/teh + 1 sdt gula rendah lemak.
2 telur rebus matang + 1 ikat bayam (rebus sebentar) + tomat.
1,5 ons bistik goreng/rebus + selada dicampur air perasan lemon.
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/teh + 1 sdt gula rendah lemak.
1,5 ons bistik goreng/rebus + selada dicampir air perasan lemon + 1 buah pir.
2,5 ons ayam kukus + 1 buah pisang
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/teh + 1 sdt gula rendah lemak.
2 telur rebus matang + 1 ikat bayam (rebus sebentar) + tomat + 1 buah pir.
2,5 ons ayam kukus + selada dicampur air perasan lemon.
1 cangkir kopi tubruk/teh + 1 sdt gula rendah lemak + 1 iris roti bakar.
1 telur rebus matang + wortel (rebus sebentar) + 20 gram keju tanpa garam.
1 mangkuk pepaya dicampur air perasan lemon + 1 gelas susu tanpa lemak.
1 wortel besar mentah diparut kasar dicampur air perasan lemon.
2,5 ons ayam kukus dengan sedikit saus mentega tanpa garam.
2,5 ons bistik goreng/rebus + selada + 1 ikat bayam (rebus sebentar).
Diet Golongan Darah Metode diet ini diperkenalkan Dr Peter D’Adamo, seorang pakar medis naturopati—pengobatan berbasis nutrisi, herbal, dan genetik—dari Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Arizona, AS, melalui bukunya, Eat Right for Your Type. D’Adamo menyebutkan,
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
1. D iet untuk Golongan Darah O Direkomendasikan melakukan diet protein tinggi. Olahraga yang cocok untuk pemilik golongan darah ini misalnya jogging, bersepeda, berenang, atau jalan cepat. Anjuran: Menu-menu makanan dengan protein tinggi. Pantangan: Kacang tanah, kacang mede, kuaci, kentang, mentimun, kembang kol, jagung, jamur, pare, brokoli, minyak kelapa, minyak jagung, telur puyuh dan angsa, daging babi, kerang, cumi-cumi, blewah, jeruk, pisang, anggur putih, kecap, es krim, yoghurt (semua jenis), keju, susu sapi, kopi, dan minuman keras.
2. D iet untuk Golongan Darah A Disarankan untuk banyak mengonsumsi sayur dan menghindari daging merah. Olahraga yang cocok seperti yoga, tai chi, jalan santai, dan hiking. Anjuran: Menu-menu makanan rendah lemak dan tinggi karbohidrat. Pantangan: Kentang, pare, acar, terung, tomat, ubi, kepiting, udang, cumi-cumi, daging sapi, domba, dan bebek, es krim, keju, mentega, susu, minuman bersoda, santan, madu, pisang, jeruk, pepaya, kelapa, dan melon.
3. D iet untuk Golongan Darah B Tipe ini adalah satu-satunya golongan darah yang cocok mengonsumsi produk-produk makanan/minuman yang mengandung susu. Olahraga yang pas adalah olahraga yang menggunakan keseimbangan dan kombinasi otak dan gerak tubuh, misalnya yoga. Anjuran: Menu makanan berbasis susu dan/atau produk dari olahan susu. Pantangan: Tomat, jagung, pare, kacang tanah, roti gandum, telur dan daging bebek, ayam, dan babi, kepiting, lobster, kelapa, belimbing, pir, es krim, minuman bersoda, alpukat, dan santan.
4. D iet untuk Golongan Darah AB Menu yang dianjurkan untuk golongan darah ini adalah menu di antara golongan darah A dan B. Sedangkan olahraga yang pas untuk mereka di kelompok ini seperti jogging, yoga dan pilates. Anjuran: Menu dapat disesuaikan/dikombinasikan dari opsi menu golongan darah A dan B. Pantangan: Jagung, acar, pare, daging sapi, ayam, bebek, dan babi, telur bebek, lobster, kepiting, jambu biji, mangga, pisang, kelapa, mentega, es krim, kopi, dan air bersoda.
Food Combining Prinsip dasar diet food combining adalah makan dengan menu yang bervariasi dan porsi makan dikurangi. Variasi menu biasanya memadukan antara buah, sayuran, dan daging, dengan porsi daging lebih sedikit dari sayuran dan buah.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Three Dietary Varieties for You Three dietary methods that are now gaining popularity will give you alternatives to achieve healthy and ideal body shapes. Innovation in dietary methods in the world look never reach an end. Now there are more choices of method. They range from food combining, hypertension diet to Mayo diet which is now is a trend.
1 cup of coffee/tea + 1 teaspoonful of low fat sugar.
2 boiled eggs + 1 bunch of spinach (quick boiling) + tomato.
1.5 ounces of fried/ boiled beefsteak / + lettuce mixed with squeezed lemon water.
1 cup of coffee/tea + 1 teaspoonful of low fat sugar
1.5 ounces of fried/boiled beefsteak + lettuce mixed with squeezed lemon water + 1 pear
2.5 ounces of steamed chicken + 1 banana
1 cup of coffee/tea + 1 teaspoonful of low fat sugar
2 boiled eggs + 1 bunch of spinach (quick boiling) + 1 tomato + 1 pear
2.5 ounces of steamed chicken + lettuce mixed with squeezed lemon water
1 cup of coffee/tea + 1 teaspoonful of low fat sugar + 1 slice of roasted bread
1 boiled egg + carrot (quick boiling) + 20 grams of unsalted cheese
1 cup of papaya mixed with squeezed lemon water + 1 glass of nonfat milk
1 big raw carrot grated and mixed with squeezed lemon water
2.5 ounces of steamed chicken with small amount of margarine sauce without salt
2.5 ounces of fried/ boiled beefsteak + lettuce + 1 bunch of spinach (quick boiling)
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Mayo diet is a method introduced by Mayo Clinic in the US. This method is quite simple. It lasts 13 days every month and from the 14th day on you can eat the normal meals. The menu when undergoing a diet program can come from any food materials. The only requirement is there should be no salt in the meals. In order to gain maximum result you are advised to avoid fat and sugar. You also have to drink water at least two liters a day. There are some extra conditions for cooking. If you want to eat steak, the meat must be fried using plain margarine. Vegetables must not boiled for too long. Finally, dinner must be eaten before 6 p.m.
Blood Type Diet The dietary method was introduced by Dr Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathy medical expert from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Arizona, the US, in his book Eat Right for Your Type. As many as 6 million copies of the book have been sold and it has been translated in 60 languages. D’Adamo says each blood category needs different menu and food intake because each blood type contains different antigen and antibody. Therefore a food can trigger different chemical reaction in the body of people with different blood category. The diet program not only reduces weight but controls blood sugar and therefore is advantageous to our health.
1. D iet for Blood Type O Recommended to follow high protein diet. Sports that suit this category include jogging, cycling, swimming and fast walking. Advice: Choose menu with high protein. Restrictions: Peanut, cashew, sunflower seeds, lychee, potato, cucumber, cauliflower, corn, mushroom, bitter gourd, broccoli flower, palm oil, corn oil, swan and quail eggs, pork, scallop, frog, squid, cuttlefish, turtle, cantaloupe, Mandarin orange, “king” sweet dessert banana, white wine, soy sauce, ice cream, yoghurt (all types), cheese, cow milk, coffee and liquor.
2. D iet for Blood Type A Recommended to consume a lot of vegetables and avoid red meat. Sports that suit this blood type are yoga, tai chi, fun walk and hiking. Advice: Eat menu with low fat and high carbohydrate. Restrictions: Potato, bitter gourd, pickles, eggplant, tomato, sweet potato, crab, shrimp, cuttlefish, beef, lamb, duck meat, ice cream, cheese, margarine, milk, soda drinks, coconut milk, honey, banana, orange, papaya, coconut and melon.
4. Diet for Blook Type AB Recommended menus for this blood type are those in between blood types A and B. Suitable sports for people with this blood type are jogging, yoga and pilates. Advice: Menus can be adjusted or combined from menu options for blood types A and B. Restrictions: Corn, pickles, tomato sauce, bitter gourd, beef, chicken and duck meat, pork, duck egg, lobster, crab, guava, mango, banana, coconut, margarine, ice cream, coffee and soda drinks.
3. D iet for Blood Type B People with this blood type can consume all food and drink products that contain milk. Sports that suit this type are those which emphasize balance and combine brain and physical movements such as yoga. Advice: Milk-based menu and/or milk processing products. Restrictions: Tomato, corn, bitter gourd, peanut, wheat cake, duck and quail egg, duck and chicken meat, pork, crab, lobster, star fruits, pear, ice cream, soda drinks, avocado and coconut milk.
Food Combining The basic principle of diet food combining is consuming meals with reduced portion and variety. Menu variety usually combines fruits, vegetables and less meat. Several things that need to be considered when practicing diet food combining are, among others, strict choice of vegetables and fruits that contain no pesticide. In other words, organic food is the best choice. Consume water 3 liters a day. This type of diet does not recommend fasting.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
K UIS/QU IZ Mendatar
4. Pengetatan penggunaan biaya operasional. 7. Bulan penandatanganan MoU Amandemen Kontrak Karya PT Vale pada 2014 lalu.
10. Nama salah satu PLTA yang dibangun PT Vale. 12. Nama unsur selain Nikel yang kandungannya tinggi di Sorowako hasil temuan geologis Eduard Cornelis Abendanon pada 1909. 15. ….Tahun. Masa berlaku Kontrak Karya Pertama PT Vale yang ditandatangani dengan pemerintah Indonesia pada 1968. 16. Akademi Teknik Sorowako (disingkat). 18. Nama undang-undang yang melarang ekspor mineral mentah. 19. Nama blok konsesi di Sulawesi Tenggara. 20. Satuan volume produksi nikel.
1. Jenis nikel hasil olahan PT Vale. 2. Negara asal geologis Fritz dan Paul Sarasin, geologis dan naturalis yang menjelajahi Danau Matano dan Towuti pada 1896. 3. Nama perusahaan asal Jepang pemegang 20% saham PT Vale. 5. Kode saham PT Vale di lantai bursa.
Pemenang Kuis Halo Vale 12 1.
Deny Kurniawan, Utilities (10925)
Isham Mustaring, MEM, (10280)
Else Silviani (CSS)
Ahmad Pathurijal, Finance (6800)
Muhammad Jasri, Process Plant (6073)
Kahyar, Process Plant (8957)
Ronald N. Rumondor, Warehouse (8760)
Marsuki, Utilities (5706)
Charles Christian, CEA, (7136)
6. London Metal Exchange (disingkat). 8. Menjaga……..Bumi. Poin 3 Nilai Vale. 9. Instalasi pereduksi emisi debu yang berada di Tanur Listrik 3. 11. Nama kendaraan tambang baru milik PT Vale bertipe 785C. 12. Seorang berkebangsaan Belanda yang meneliti bijih besi di pegunungan Verbeek pada 1901. 13. PLTA PT Vale yang memiliki kapasitas rata-rata 110 ribu megawatt. 14. Area pembibitan tanaman. 17. Jumlah furnace yang dimiliki pabrik pengolahan PT Vale di Sorowako hingga tahun ini. 20. Satu…….(volume saham PT Vale yang diedarkan di bursa saham).
H a l o Va l e 13 I Ta h un 2015
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 13
Lakukan Demi Keselamatan. Cek Alat dan Area Sebelum Mulai Kerja.