Halo Vale 1978
47 Tahun Liat Menghadapi Tantangan Apprenticeship, Membuka Peluang Berkarya Hasmawati, Memantau Kualitas Nikel Vale Runners Menebar Virus Lari
Pembaca yang budiman.
Dear readers,
Tahun ini, 2015, PT Vale genap berusia 47 tahun, dihitung sejak penandatanganan Kontrak Karya PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (PTI) tahun 1968. Sepanjang masa itu, Perusahaan mengalami banyak dinamika yang tidak mudah.
This year PT Vale will turn 47, dating back to the day when the Contract of Work for PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk (PTI) was signed in 1968. During the period the company has faced dynamics and challenges that were not easy to deal with.
Ambil misal, ketika Perusahaan—waktu itu masih PTI—memulai produksi komersial pertama tahun 1978, harga nikel jatuh dan tidak membaik hingga hampir satu dasawarsa kemudian. Pengoperasian pabrik, pengelolaan kehidupan kota, dan pembiayaan 4.000 karyawan pun mengandalkan dana dari perusahaan induk di Kanada. Hingga akhir 1986, Perusahaan mengalami kerugian lebih dari 400 juta dollar AS.
Take an example the beginning of commercial production of the company, then was PTI, in 1978, which saw the nickel price falling and never rebound for the next decade. The operation of plants, management of city and routine expense for 4,000 employees was covered using financial assistance from parent cWWompany in Canada. As of the end of 1986, the company suffered more than US$400 million in losses.
Menariknya, sebagai cara untuk bertahan, sepanjang 19821987 Perusahaan mampu menghemat biaya operasional hingga 42%, hingga menempatkan diri sebagai produsen nikel berbiaya paling rendah di dunia. Berbagai upaya efisiensi diambil, seperti menerapkan inovasi teknologi.
Interestingly, in an attempt to survive, in 1982-1987 the company managed to save operational costs by up to 42%, making it the most efficient nickel producer in the world. Various efforts to cut spending were made, such as by applying technology innovation.
Membuka-buka kembali lembaran sejarah Perusahaan, muncul keyakinan bahwa kita telah terbiasa menghadapi tantangan seberat apapun. Usia 47 tahun menjadi bukti nyatanya. Kita lolos dari berbagai ujian berat bukan karena kita paling kuat, melainkan karena kita liat menghadapi tantangan. Setiap elemen dalam Perusahaan pun senantiasa bergandeng tangan ketika badai menghadang.
Looking back at the history of the company, we are confident that we are used to enduring even the toughest challenge. The age of 47 years old is the real evidence. We went through a series of uphill tests not because we were the strongest, but because we were resilient. Every element of the company has always worked hand in hand when a storm stands in our way.
Pada semester kedua tahun ini kembali kita dihadapkan pada rendahnya harga nikel di pasaran dunia. Dampaknya sangat kita rasakan. Namun, seperti yang sudah-sudah, kita berharap bisa keluar dari persoalan tersebut. Kita yakin, cepat atau lambat, keseimbangan baru dalam industri tambang bakal tercipta.
In the second semester of this year we are again facing a decline in the nickel price in the world market. Its impacts have been felt, but as happened in the past, we expect to escape from the problem. We are confident sooner or later the new equilibrium in the mining sector will emerge.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications), Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Wahyudi, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Azwar Marzuki, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656, Fax. 021-5289587. Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor:
[email protected] dan
[email protected]. Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at
[email protected] and
[email protected]. Anda dapat mengunduh Halo Vale edisi digital (PDF) di vale.com/indonesia pada bagian Pers/Publikasi. Digital version of Halo Vale can be downloaded from vale.com/indonesia on Press/Publication section.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Halo Va l e 1978
47 Tahun Liat Menghad Tantangan api Apprenticeship,
Membuka Pelu
ang Berkarya Hasmawati, Mem antau Kualitas Nikel Vale Runners Menebar Virus Lari
Sejak berdiri 47 tahun lalu, PT Vale menghadapi banyak tantangan. Dengan strategi jitu, perusahaan mampu menghadapinya dan tampil dengan kesuksesan dan prestasi. Since operational 47 years ago, PT Vale has been facing myriad of challenges. With the right strategy, the company can overcome them and being successful in business. Cover Design : Azwar Marzuki
3 4
47 Tahun: Pencapaian & Tantangan
47 Years: Achievement and Challenges
Hitler, Beni, dan Rumengan Jejak Awal Eksplorasi
Hitler, Beni and Rumengan Early Traces of Exploration
Opening Career Opportunity
Solusi Karyawan untuk Menghemat Kas Perusahaan
Employee Solution to Save Company’s Expenditure
Golden Rules PT Vale PT Vale’s Golden Rules ATMOSFER ATMOSPHERE
50 50
Mengatur Hujan Lewat TMC
Langkah Strategis Kembangkan Skala Bisnis
Control Rain through TMC
Strategic Steps to Develop Business Scale
Dari Kami Untuk Perusahaan
From Us for the Company
PROFIL PROFILE Hasmawati Memantau Kualitas Nikel dari Laboratorium
Hasmawati Monitoring Nickel Quality from Laboratory
Pipa Baru untuk Alirkan HSFO
New Pipe to Distribute HSFO
Dari Inspeksi Kanal hingga Perbaikan Stator
Vale Runners, Menebar Virus Lari
From Canal Inspection to Stator Repair
Vale Runners, Spread the Running Virus
INTERAKSI INTERACTION Fatality Prevention Program Memperkuat Kontrol Bekerja Aman
Fatality Prevention Program Strengthening the Control of Work Safety 40 Membuka Peluang untuk Berkarya
SEHAT SELAMAT HEALTH AND SAFETY Mendengkur, Indikator Kegemukan
Snoring, Indicator of Obesity
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
70 71
SURAT PEMB ACA / READE RS’ LET TERS Rubrik baru Mungkin sudah saatnya Halo Vale memperbarui konten dengan membuat rubrik baru. Hal ini agar kontennya lebih kaya dan memberi wawasan lebih banyak bagi pembaca. M a kmur S alam, Proce ss Pl ant S ampl e Ho u se Usulan yang sama banyak kami terima dari pembaca. Namun banyak hal perlu kami pertimbangkan. Kami berharap usulan Anda dan pembaca lain tersebut bisa direalisir. Foto lebih deskriptif Halo redaksi. Menurut saya, tiap tulisan hendaknya didukung fotofoto yang lebih deskriptif, misalnya pada “Laporan Utama”. Maksud saya, foto-foto tersebut mendukung informasi yang disampaikan dalam tulisan. Misalnya, kegiatan Sorowako Community Volunteer menggelar garage sale atau kegiatan donor darah di Sorowako dan Makassar, akan lebih baik bila foto kegiatan tersebut ada. Terima kasih. R i s k a Rantelino, PT Wirat man Akan menjadi perhatian kami untuk selanjutnya. Lebih tebal Saya salut pada Halo Vale yang tetap terbit, meski frekuensinya tidak pasti. Menurut saya, majalah ini bisa lebih tebal isinya. Berita juga bisa divariasikan dengan artikel-artikel non-aktivitas PT Vale yang bermanfaat bagi karyawan, seperti rubrik “Sehat Selamat” yang biasanya hanya satu artikel. Ke depan bisa diulas 2-3 artikel setiap edisi. Ar i s Tandi Ayu, SE S D e par t me nt Halo Vale terbit dwi bulanan. Frekuensi terbit majalah saat ini, kami rasa cukup mengakomodasi berita-berita perusahaan.
New Rubric Perhaps the time has come for Halo Vale to innovate its contents by creating a new rubric. This will enrich its contents and offer more perspectives to the readers. M a km u r S a l a m , Proce s s P la nt S a m p le Hous e We have received such aspiration from the readers. However, there are still many that we have to take into account. We hope you and other readers’ wishes will be realized. Photos should be more descriptive Hello editor. I think any article should be supported by pictures that are more descriptive, such as in the “Main Report”. What I mean is the pictures support the information conveyed in the article. For example, reports of garage sale or blood donation activities conducted by Sorowako Community Volunteer in Sorowako and Makassar will be more prominent if supported by pictures. Thank you. R i s k a R a n te l i n o, P T Wi ratm a n Will be our attentions on the next time. Thicker copy I salute Halo Vale which remains published, although its frequency is uncertain. I think the magazine can be made thicker. The variety of its news stories can be added with articles on non related-activities of PT Vale that benefit employees, such as the column of “Healthy and Safe” which normally only features one article. In the future it can contain 2-3 articles per edition. A r i s Ta n di Ay u, S E S D e p a r tm e nt Halo Vale published in every two months. This publishing cycle is assumed to be adequate for this moment.
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal.
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat, silahkan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs Department pada hari dan jam kerja. Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to internal.
[email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs Department during the days and working hour.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Reduction Kiln, salah satu area di pabrik pengolahan nikel PT Vale di Sorowako.
47 Tahun: Pencapaian dan Tantangan Sejak beroperasi 47 tahun lalu, PT Vale menghadapi beragam tantangan. Dengan strategi jitu, perusahaan justru mampu melaluinya dengan kesuksesan dan catatan prestasi. Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Conveyor belt di Coal Mill PT Vale di Sorowako. Fasilitas ini merupakan salah satu proyek investasi PT Vale terbesar pada abad ke-21 untuk melakukan konversi bahan bakar ke batubara untuk energi pendukung pabrik pengolahan nikel.
Akhir 2009 merupakan puncak anjloknya harga nikel dunia akibat tingginya pasokan nikel ore di pasar dunia. Di sisi lain, permintaan nikel dunia menyusut tajam akibat gejolak ekonomi global. Dampaknya juga dirasakan oleh PT Vale. Disahkannya UU Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara juga mengubah peta industri pertambangan mineral di Indonesia dan pasokan nikel dunia. Beragam strategi penghematan biaya produksi pun dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah dengan meningkatkan volume produksi berbiaya ekonomis. Sepanjang 2009 hingga 2014, PT Vale juga memprioritaskan sejumlah proyek guna menghadapi tantangan yang ada. Sebut saja pembangunan PLTA Karebbe untuk menekan biaya produksi, sekaligus memanfaatkan energi terbarukan dalam aktivitas pengolahan nikel. Ada pula coal conversion project guna mereduksi ongkos konsumsi bahan bakar HSFO yang harganya kian meroket. Sebenarnya, cobaan bisnis tahun 2009 itu bukan perkara baru buat PT Vale. Sejak resmi beroperasi tahun 1978, situasi global telah membelit keuangan perusahaan. Namun PT Vale senantiasa berhasil mengambil langkah strategis dalam menghadapi tantangan yang ada.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Pada dekade pertama PT Vale berproduksi (1978-1986), misalnya. Lonjakan harga minyak dunia dan tingginya investasi pembangunan pabrik pengolahan di Sorowako telah menjadi perhatian Perusahaan. Meroketnya harga minyak dunia sejak 1973 telah mengubah rencana perusahaan dalam pengembangan nikel laterit Sorowako. Dari semula diproyeksikan hanya dibangun satu line pabrik pengolahan berkapasitas 15.000 metrik ton berubah menjadi tiga line pada akhir 1978 dengan kapasitas 40.000 metrik ton. Namun investasi pembangunan pabrik dan area pendukung senilai 850 juta dollar AS itu tidak diimbangi dengan membaiknya harga jual nikel dunia. Pencapaian perusahaan yang telah menggali lebih dari 42.000 lubang, 2.000 sumur pengujian bijih, membuka lebih dari 1.600 kilometer jalan tambang, dan memproduksi 40.000 metrik ton matte pada 1980 tidak mampu menghindarkan perusahaan dari total kerugian hingga 416 juta dollar AS pada periode tersebut. Belum cukup, usai pembangunan tahap pertama pabrik, Perusahaan mengalami kelebihan tenaga kerja. Ketika PT Vale— yang pada waktu itu bernama PT Inco—memulai produksi komersial pertamanya pada 1978, total tenaga kerja 3.126 orang. Sebanyak 226 orang adalah pekerja asing.
Kebijakan untuk menekan biaya produksi baru dapat direalisasikan pada periode 1980-1985, dengan melakukan pengurangan tenaga kerja secara bertahap. Sepanjang kurun waktu itu, pekerja asing dikurangi hingga sekitar 50% menjadi menjadi 100 orang, dan dilakukan rasionalisasi terhadap 2.000 tenaga kerja. Rumengan Musu, salah satu pionir PT Vale yang menjabat Vice President Operations pada 1980, dalam buku Inco, Mengalir di Tengah Gejolak Pertambangan (2003), menyebutkan, “Para penambang nikel Sorowako harus menelan pil pahit akibat harga komoditas yang terjun bebas. Selama sembilan tahun berturut-turut, Inco dapat mengoperasikan tambang dan pabrik pengolahan, mengelola kehidupan kota, serta menjaga kesejahteraan 4.000 karyawannya murni dari suntikan dana perusahaan induk di Kanada. Dihadapkan dengan krisis berkepanjangan, beberapa produsen nikel di belahan dunia lain terpaksa menutup total kegiatan operasionalnya.” Di lini produksi, siasat juga dilakukan dengan membuka area tambang Blok Timur yang memiliki kadar nikel lebih rendah dibanding Blok Barat untuk pertama kalinya pada akhir 1980. Atas saran Departemen Pertambangan ketika itu, dengan melakukan pencampuran bijih laterit Barat dan Timur, perusahaan dapat mengurangi biaya produksi karena perlambatan kerusakan pada pelapis dinding tungku. Ternyata langkah tersebut sangat tepat. Dalam hal waktu pengerjaan, penambangan Blok Timur lebih efisien sepertiga dibandingkan Blok Barat. Blok Timur juga menghasilkan 60% bahan yang ditambang. Sedangkan Blok Barat hanya 30%. Upaya perusahaan untuk dapat bertahan tidak berhenti sampai di situ. Berbagai upaya lain juga diambil, mulai dari menerapkan inovasi teknologi, pelatihan tenaga kerja lokal untuk menggantikan peran konsultan ekspatriat, hingga pengetatan biaya operasional. Dalam lima tahun, 1982-1987, perusahaan mampu menghemat biaya operasional 42%, sehingga menempatkan PT Vale sebagai produsen nikel dari bijih laterit berbiaya paling rendah di dunia. Misi meningkatkan kapasitas tenaga lokal diwujudkan perusahaan dengan mendirikan Akademi Teknik Sorowako, sebuah pusat pelatihan kejuruan teknik bagi pemuda lokal hasil kerja sama Inco-Summitomo Training Centre pada 1991. Keuangan perusahaan agak membaik setelah 20% saham Inco dibeli Summitomo Metal Mining Company senilai 100 juta dollar AS pada 1988. Diikuti pelepasan 20% saham Inco
atau 49,7 juta lembar saham—dengan harga penawaran Rp9.800 per saham—kepada publik pada Mei 1990. Kestabilan finansial baru dirasakan PT Vale pada akhir dekade 1980-an. Setelah lebih dari satu dekade PT Vale beroperasi, harga nikel dunia kian membaik. Naik lebih dari 400% dari 2 dollar AS per pon pada1987 menjadi 10 dollar AS per pon pada 1988. Pada tahun yang sama perusahaan pertama kali meraih keuntungan sebesar 1 juta dollar AS.
Dekade 1990-an Pada dekade 1990-an, perusahaan baru dapat berfokus pada realisasi perluasan pabrik tahap IV. Ditandai dengan beroperasinya PLTD (pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel) 24 megawatt pada medio 1993. Instalasi ini merupakan bagian dari penunjang PLTA Larona dan PLTU 28 megawatt guna meningkatkan produksi dari 80 juta pon nikel atau 36.000 metrik ton menjadi 100 juta pon nikel atau 45.300 metrik ton. Target produksi tersebut terealisasi pada 1996 atau tiga tahun sejak beroperasinya PLTD. Dibangun pula Dryer No 3, Furnace No 4, Kiln No 5, Converter No 4, dan PLTA Balambano, yang beroperasi pada 1999. Semua pembangunan ini untuk memenuhi target produksi sebesar 150 juta pon atau 68.039 metrik ton pada 2000. Meski dalam kenyataan produksi meleset 30% di bawah target atau hanya 130 juta pon (59.000 metrik ton). Selanjutnya, meski terjadi gejolak politik dan reformasi di Indonesia, kondisi finansial perusahaan ketika itu dapat dikatakan solid. Seiring pertumbuhan finansial dan penandatanganan perubahan dan perpanjangan Kontrak Karya 1996 untuk 30 tahun ke depan hingga 2025, PT Vale merealisasikan proyek peningkatan pengelolaan lingkungan area pabrik. Misalnya dengan pemasangan electro static presipiratator (ESP)
Berbagai upaya lain juga diambil, mulai dari menerapkan inovasi teknologi, pelatihan tenaga kerja lokal
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
kedua serta penyedot debu bertenaga listrik seharga kurang lebih 10 juta dollar AS di Dryer 1. ESP pertama, yang dipasang tahun 1993, ditempatkan di Kiln No 4. Fase ekspansi dekade 1990-an tersebut sedikitnya menelan biaya investasi sebesar 105 juta dollar AS. Dengan angka tersebut, terhitung sejak awal beroperasi hingga akhir dekade 1990, PT Vale telah menginvestasikan sebesar 2,3 miliar dollar AS untuk kegiatan operasi inti dan pendukungnya.
Harga nikel meroket Memasuki millenium kedua, PT Vale melakukan beragam upaya peningkatan kapasitas produksi. Termasuk kerja sama lintas pelaku bisnis. Salah satunya adalah penandatanganan kerja sama pengembangan wilayah Kontrak Karya di Sulawesi Tenggara dengan PT Aneka Tambang pada Februari 2003. Dalam kerja sama tersebut, perusahaan melakukan penambangan bijih saprolit (nikel kadar tinggi) di Pomalaa Timur dan mengirimkannya ke PT Aneka Tambang untuk dilebur. Disebutkan dalam perjanjian, yang dimulai pertengahan 2005 hingga Juli 2008, volume pengiriman bijih saprolit sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun. Di sisi lain, dampak proyek perluasan pabrik tahap IV baru dirasakan pada 2004. Ditandai dengan pecahnya rekor produksi dengan volume 159 juta pon atau 69.000 metrik ton. Angka itu meningkatkan laba perusahaan sebesar 56% menjadi 263 juta dollar AS lantaran harga nikel dunia semakin kuat. Usaha memperkuat volume produksi juga direalisasikan dengan membuka area penambangan bijih nikel di Petea pada Oktober 2004. Area itu diprediksi mengandung 29 juta ton cadangan nikel terbukti dan terduga berkadar 1,79% nikel. Hingga 2005, perusahaan tercatat telah menambang 1,4 juta ton bijih berkadar 1,75% dari area Petea. Peningkatan signifikan laba dan volume produksi berlanjut dari 2005 dan mencapai puncaknya pada 2007. Pada 2005, rekor produksi kembali tercatat dengan perolehan sebesar 76.400 ton atau 168,4 juta pon nikel matte. Angka tersebut meningkat dari 72.200 ton atau 159,1 juta pon pada 2004. Ketika itu pula muncul rencana pembangunan PLTA Karebbe. Pasar nikel kian bergairah. Tahun 2007, PT Vale kembali menuai berkah. Permintaan nikel dan material yang mengandung nikel meningkat, khususnya dari AS dan Tiongkok. Sedangkan pasokan nikel dunia dalam kondisi defisit. Ketika itu, permintaan baja nirkarat dunia meningkat 6%. Angka ini tertinggi sepanjang 50 tahun terakhir.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Aliran Sungai Larona tampak dari PLTA Karrebe milik PT Vale di Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan. Pemanfaatan sumber energi terbarukan upaya perusahaan untuk operasi berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan.
Waktu itu Tiongkok sedang giat-giatnya memproduksi baja nirkarat. Bahkan pada periode 2005-2008, Negeri Bambu ini diprediksi menggenjot produksi baja nirkarat sebesar 800 ribu ton per tahun. Alhasil, angka penjualan perusahaan pada 2007 naik 51% menjadi 1,34 miliar dollar AS dengan volume sebesar 76.748 metrik ton atau 169,2 juta pon. Rekor baru ini sekaligus mendongkrak laba sebesar 92% dengan 513 juta dollar AS. Harga per saham pun naik dua kali lipat. Perolehan itu mengantarkan perusahaan berada di peringkat 17 dari 50 daftar perusahaan Asia terbaik versi Business Week. Pencapaian tahun 2007 itu sebenarnya cukup unik. Pasalnya, trafo tanur listrik pabrik sempat terbakar. Sementara curah hujan di Sorowako sepanjang 2007 berada di titik terendah, sehingga menyulitkan pasokan energi dari dua PLTA. Konsumsi HSFO juga meningkat tajam. Tahun 2007 terjadi peralihan kepemilikan saham perusahaan dari Inco Limited kepada CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce). Tiga tahun kemudian, 2010, Vale Inco mengumumkan langkah berikutnya, yaitu mengubah nama menjadi Vale pada Mei 2010. “Kehadiran Vale merupakan suatu tanda baik bagi perusahaan. Vale memiliki visi menjadi perusahaan tambang nomor satu di dunia,” kata Nico Kanter, Presiden Direktur PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. Di Indonesia, nama PT Vale Indonesia Tbk resmi dipakai sejak kuartal pertama 2012.
47 Years: Achievements and Challenges Since established 47 years ago, PT Vale has been facing myriad of challenges. With the right strategy, the company can overcome them and being successful in business. The end of 2009 was the ebb of the slump in world nickel price as a result of the rising nickel ore stock in the market. On the other hand the nickel demand was nose-diving due to the global economic slowdown. PT Vale felt the pinch of the crisis. The enactment of Law No. 4/2009 on Minerals and Coal also changed the map of the Indonesian mineral industry and supply of nickel in the world. Various efficiency measures to reduce production cost were taken, one of them was increasing the volume of production with economical cost. Between 2009 and 2014, PT Vale prioritized a number of projects in a bid to withstand the challenges. To name one of them was construction of Karebee hydro-power plant to curb production cost, as well as to utilize renewable energy in its nickel processing activities. Another effort was the coal conversion project that would reduce cost to buy HSFO which was skyrocketing in price. In fact, the tribulation in 2009 was not the first for PT Vale. Since it started its operation in 1978, the global crisis had entangled the company’s cash flow. But PT Vale has always taken strategic moves in the face of challenges.
The first decade of PT Vale’s production phase (1978-1986) is a case in point. World oil price hike and the expensive investment to build a processing plant in Sorowako gave the company a cause for concern. The skyrocketing oil price since 1973 forced the company to change its plan to develop its laterite nickel mine in Sorowako. Originally the company projected one line processing plant with a capacity of 15,000 metric tons, but changed the plan to three lines of processing plants with a total capacity of 40,000 metric tons in 1978. But the investment to build the plant and its supporting area which was amounted to $850 million was not supported by recovery of nickel selling price. The company’s achievement in digging more than 42,000 holes and 2,000 ore test pits, opening more than 1,600 km of mine road, and producing 40,000 metric tons of nickel matte in 1980 was not enough to evade the company from financial losses which reached $416 million at that time. The plight did not stop. After the first phase of plant construction the company experienced oversupply of manpower. When PT Vale – then PT Inco – began commercial production in 1978 it employed a total of 3,126 people, with 226 expatriates.
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The production cost cut policy could only materialize in 19801985, through gradual dismissal of employees. During that period the number of expatriates was halved into 100 and rationalization was conducted on 2,000 local workers. Rumengan Musu, one of PT Vale pioneers who held the post of Vice President Operations in 1980, says in his book Inco, Mengalir di Tengah Gejolak Pertambangan (Inco, Flowing in the Mining Turmoil, 2003): “Nickel miners in Sorowako had to swallow a bitter pill because of the commodity price’s free fall. For nine years in a row Inco could operate its mine and processing plant, manage the city’s livelihood and maintain the well-being of 4,000 employees purely from financial injection from its parent company in Canada. In the face of prolonged crisis a number of nickel producers in the other part of the world were forced to completely stop their operation.” In the production line the tactic was opening East Block mining area, which had lower nickel grade than the West Block mine, for the first time ever in 1980. Upon advice of the Department of Mining, the company mixed laterite ores from East and West Blocks to reduce production cost, thanks to decelerating impairment process of furnace wall layer. The move turned out to be right. In terms of working time, East Block mining operation was one third more efficient than that in West Block. Success rate in discovering raw minerals in East Block reached 60%, as against 30% in West Block. The company’s bid to survive did not end there. Various efforts were initiated, such as promoting technology innovation, training for local staff to take over the roles of expatriate consultants and squeezing operational spending. Within five years, 1982-1987, the company managed to slash 42 percent off its operational cost, making PT Vale the nickel laterite producer with the lowest cost in the world. The company’s mission to develop the capacity of local human resources was realized by founding Sorowako Academy of Engineering, a vocational training center for local youths, in 1991. The academy was set up in cooperation with Sumitomo. The company’s financial health slightly improved after 20% of its stake was acquired by Sumitomo Metal Mining Company at a price of $100 million in 1988. It was followed by Inco’s release of another 20% of its stake or 49.7 million stocks, to the public in May 1990. The stock was offered at Rp 9,000 each.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Karrebe Hydro Powerplant is one of PT Vale’s efforts to have efficient cost production.
Financial stability only arrived at the end of 1980s. After a decade of operation, the world nickel price rebounded. The price climbed by five times from $2 per pound in 1987 to $10 per pound in 1988. In the same year the company booked profit for the first time at $1 million.
The decade of 1990s Only in the decade of 1990s, could the company focus on its fourth phase of plant expansion, which was marked with the operation of its diesel fuel-fired power plant with a capacity of 24 Megawatts in 1993. The power installation was part of support for Larona hydro-power plant and a steam-fired power plant with a total capacity of 80 MW built to help the company increase production from 80 million pounds or 36,000 metric tons a year to 100 million pounds or 45,300 metric tons. The target was reached in 1996, or three years after the diesel fuel-fired power plant started its operation. The company also built Dryer No. 3, Furnace No 4, Kiln No. 5, Converter No. 4 and Balambano hydro-power plant, which operated in 1999. All the new constructions were to help the company meet its production target of 150 million pounds or 68,039 metric tons in 2000. In reality the production missed
Until 1990s, PT Vale invested about $2.3 billion since it began its operation in Indonesia.
The company’s effort to strengthen its production volume was also realized in the opening of nickel mining area in Petea in October 2004. The mine was predicted to contain 29 million tons of proven and probable reserves with nickel grade of 1.79%. Until 2005 the company had extracted 1.4 million tons of nickel ore in Petea. The significant rise in profit and production volume continued in 2005 and peaked in 2007. In 2005, a new production record of 76,400 metric tons or 168.4 million pounds was set. In the previous year production stood at 72,200 metric tons or 159.1 million pounds. In the year 2004 the initiative to build Karebbe hydro-power plant came to the fore. the target by 30 percent with 130 million pounds or 59,000 metric tons. Despite the political upheaval and reform in Indonesia, the company’s financial stability was said to remain solid. In line with its financial growth and amendment to its Contract of Work 1996 for the following 30 years until 2025, PT Vale realized its project to improve the environment around its plant. It included installation of the second electro static precipitator (ESP) and electric dust absorber in Dryer No. 1 worth a total of $10 million. The first ESP, installed in 1993, is located in Kiln No. 4. Investment for the second phase of expansion in 1990s cost the company $105 million. It means PT Vale has until 1990s invested about $2.3 billion since it began its operation in Indonesia.
Nickel price skyrockets Going into the second millennium, PT Vale initiated various measures to increase production capacity. They included cooperation between business players. It happened when PT Vale signed an agreement to develop its concession in Southeast Sulawesi with state-owned mining company PT Aneka Tambang in 2003. The agreement stipulates that PT Vale exploits saprolite ores (high grade nickel) in East Pomalaa and transported the products to PT Aneka Tambang smelter. The cooperation lasted from mid-2005 to July 2008, with a total volume of 1 million tons a year. On the other hand, the fruits of the fourth plant construction project could only be harvested in 2004. The impact was evinced in the record breaking production volume of 159 million pounds or 69,000 metric tons. The volume increase gave a 56% rise to the company’s profit to $263 million, thanks to the soaring nickel market price.
As the nickel market was robust PT Vale’s hard work paid off again in 2007. Demand for nickel and materials containing nickel climbed up, especially from the US and China. The world nickel supply was deficient. At that time global demand for corrosion-resistant steel jumped by 6%, the highest in the last 50 years. Then China was stepping up production of corrosion-resistant steel. In 2005-2008 the country was predicted to boost production to 800,000 tons annually. As a result PT Vale’s sales volume in 2007 rose by 51% to $1.34 billion with a total production volume of 76,748 metric tons or 169.2 million pounds. The new mark also jacked up profit by 92% to $513 million. PT Vale’s stock price doubled. The achievements catapulted the company to the 17th place out of 50 Asian top companies according to Business Week. The achievement in 2007 was quite unforeseen, because it came when a transformator inside one of its furnaces caught fire and the rainfall rate in Sorowako reached the lowest level so as to reduce significantly water supply for the two hydropower plants operated by the company. As a result consumption of HSFO to fire the power plants steeply increased. The year 2007 marked a transfer of ownership from Inco Limited to CVRD (Companhia Vale do Rio Doce). Three years later Inco announced another decision, which was a change in the company’s name into Vale in May 2010. “The presence of Vale is a good omen. Vale has a vision to becoming the world’s number one mining company,” says Nico Kanter, President Director of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. In Indonesia, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk brand has officially been used since the first quarter of 2012.
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Beni Wahju (paling kanan) berada di aliran Sungai Larona bersama tim eksplorasi tahun 1966.
Hitler, Beni, dan Rumengan
Jejak Awal Eksplorasi Potensi nikel Sorowako pertama kali dikuak pemerintah HindiaBelanda. Dua perusahaan milik Belanda pernah melakukan pengeboran bijih laterit di Sorowako pada dekade 1940-an. Pada dekade 1960-an, pemerintah Indonesia membentuk tim eksplorasi guna memetakan kembali bijih nikel Sorowako. Bagaimana cerita tim tersebut, yang punya peran penting sebagai pembuka operasi Vale di Indonesia? Medio 1966. Departemen Pertambangan Republik Indonesia berniat meneruskan proyek pencarian potensi bijih laterit di Sorowako. Data pemerintah, endapan nikel di Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Tenggara dinilai potensial, namun angka dan lokasi persisnya belum valid.
perusahaan Biliton Maatschappij, sebuah perusahaan milik Belanda yang memegang izin penambangan bijih timah di Pulau Belitung dan bauksit di Pulau Bintan pada dekade 1940-an. Ditambah data milik geolog Inco Limited, Flat Elves, tahun 1937, yang juga pernah menjejakkan kaki di Sorowako.
Data itu berasal dari warisan zaman Hindia Belanda. Tepatnya zaman beroperasinya Oost Borneo Maatschappij (OBM) dan Mijnbouw Maatschappij (MCC), dua perusahaan Belanda yang telah mengeksplorasi potensi bijih laterit di Pomalaa, Malili, dan daerah Danau Matano. MMC merupakan anak
Niat pemerintah tersebut akhirnya terialisir setelah Ir Chris Situmorang, Kepala Biro Perencanaaan Direktorat Geologi Departemen Pertambangan, memberi lampu hijau untuk membentuk tim eksplorasi nikel Sorowako. Dia meminta Hitler Singawinata memimpin ekspedisi. Permintaan itu juga atas arahan Menteri Pertambangan Armunanto.
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Penunjukan Hitler bukan tanpa alasan yang kuat. Hitler adalah satu dari segelintir putra Indonesia yang punya pengalaman dan pengetahuan di pertambangan mineral dan logam ketika itu. Insinyur tambang ini juga pernah bekerja di MMC. Bahkan pada dekade 1950-an, Hitler pernah bertugas di daerah Luwu dan dipercaya sebagai Manajer Proyek Tambang Nikel Malili. Proyek ini meninggalkan sumur-sumur percobaan (test pit) dan mempekerjakan sekitar 2.000 buruh. Misi eksplorasi kali ini lebih matang. Hitler tidak berangkat sendirian. Dia mengajak “orang kepercayaannya”, Beni Wahyu, seorang geolog senior dari Direktorat Geologi Departemen Pertambangan yang juga teman kuliahnya di Institut Terknologi Bandung. Itulah awal perjalanan ekspedisi bijih laterit Hitler Singawinata dan Beni Wahju, yang disebut-sebut sebagai perintis PT Vale (sebelumnya bernama Inco). Ekspedisi itu sekaligus untuk memastikan Indonesia memiliki 15% cadangan nikel dunia. Selain menyusuri pedalaman Sorowako, ekspedisi menjelajah hingga Pomalaa, Lasusua, Lasolo, Kabaena, Latao di Sulawesi Tenggara, dan Kolonedale di Sulawesi Tengah. Menghimpun dan memastikan bijih nikel Sorowako potensial untuk ditambang bahkan diolah. “Perjalanan menuju Sorowako tidak mudah. Dari Malili mereka menyisir melalui aliran sungai untuk bisa tiba di Karebbe. Meski hanya berjarak 9 kilometer, waktu
tempuh memakan waktu 3 jam,” ungkap Beni Wahju mengutip buku Inco, Mengalir di Tengah Gejolak Pertambangan. Dalam perjalanannya, tim eksplorasi sempat berganti-ganti anggota. Termasuk tambahan “napas” dari beberapa kolega. Sebut saja Rumengan Musu, sarjana tambang lulusan ITB 1963 kelahiran Toraja. Musu merupakan eks pekerja Perusahaan Negara Aneka Tambang di Pomalaa. Ada pula nama-nama geolog lain seperti Kosim Gandataruna, Anhar Singawinata, dan Soeharto Wongsosentono.
Dua tim Selama menjalankan misi, tim eksplorasi didukung banyak pihak. Mulai dari Pangdam XIV Hasanuddin Brigjen Solihin GP hingga Sudaryanto, Direktur Utama PT Semen Tonasa yang rela meminjamkan mobil Jeep agar tim eksplorasi dapat masuk Sorowako. Mereka juga dibantu Perusahaan Negara Aerial Survey (PENAS) dan Angkatan Udara untuk dapat mengakses helikopter. Secara teknis, tim eksplorasi dibagi menjadi dua tim. Tim pertama, dipimpin Beni Wahju, masuk ke Sorowako. Sedangkan untuk area Sulawesi Tengah dan Tenggara, dipercayakan kepada Rumengan Musu. Dibekali satu helikopter, Rumengan Musu bersama tim masuk ke Ranteangin, Sua-sua, lanjut ke Lapao-pao, Pomalaa, Kabaena, hingga Kendari. Tim juga melanjutkan perjalanan dengan
Di belakang Soeharto, secara berurutan dari kiri; Menteri Pertambangan RI M. Sadli dan eksekutif INCO Kanada Philip Jessup.
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helikopter hingga ke Lasolo. Termasuk memastikan catatan zaman Belanda yang menyebutkan terdapat potensi nikel di Pulau Bahubulu. Perjalanan menuju Pulau Bahubulu menggunakan perahu. Kelak, pulau itu menjadi area konsesi PT Aneka Tambang. Selesai di Sulawesi Tenggara, perjalanan Musu berlanjut ke Sulawesi Tengah. Di provinsi ini, dua tempat menjadi target mereka, yakni Bahodopi dan Kolonedale, termasuk di bagian utaranya, Tanjung Pangansari. Kembali ke Sorowako. Meski memiliki kendaraan, tidak jarang tim eksplorasi terpaksa menumpang truk pengangkut rotan milik warga untuk dapat keluar masuk Sorowako-Malili. Ditambah 600 kilometer bila mereka ingin menuju Ujung Pandang (sekarang Makassar). Medan dan alam yang masih perawan memberikan cobaan yang bertubi-tubi. Persoalan persediaan logistik, sanitasi, dan minimnya istirahat, sempat membuat Hitler menderita batu ginjal. “Benar-benar menyiksa. Selama 4,5 jam ginjal kiri saya dioperasi untuk mengeluarkan tiga batu ginjal,” kenang dia. Selama di Sorowako, tim eksplorasi dipandu warga lokal bernama Magani. Dia adalah salah seorang tokoh masyarakat Sorowako yang pernah satu kantor dengan Hitler di MCC ketika beroperasi di Sorowako. Magani yang menunjukkan dan mengenali tempat-tempat bijih nikel. Termasuk menyediakan tempat tinggal bagi tim eksplorasi selama di Sorowako.
Tender internasional Hampir dua tahun tim menjelajah. Data potensi nikel akhirnya terkumpul dan dibawa ke Jakarta. Pemerintah yakin potensi nikel Sorowako merupakan peluang negara untuk meraih posisi penting di sektor pertambangan dunia. Namun ketika itu Indonesia dalam kondisi serba sulit. Keuangan negara terkuras, sumber daya manusia minim, dan penguasaan teknologi tambang masih rendah. Akhirnya pemerintah memutuskan membuka tender internasional untuk merealisasikan proyek eksploitasi tambang nikel di Sorowako. Langkah awal yang dilakukan pemerintah adalah menerbitkan UU No. 1/1967 tentang Penanaman Modal Asing sekaligus merevisi undang-undang sebelumnya, UU No. 78/1958. Tahun yang sama, tepatnya 6 Mei 1967, pemerintah mengundang perusahaan-perusahaan internasional untuk mendorong pengembangan endapan laterit di Sorowako. Sebanyak 12 perusahaan tambang internasional ikut proses tender. Di
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Perjalanan menuju Sorowako tidak mudah. Dari Malili mereka menyisir aliran sungai untuk bisa tiba di Karebbe. Meski hanya berjarak 9 kilometer, waktu tempuh mencapai 3 jam.
antaranya Societe Le Nickel (Prancis), MITI (Jepang), Kaisar Alluminium dan US Steel (AS), serta Sherrit Gordon (Kanada). Termasuk Inco Limited, yang akhirnya tampil sebagai pemenang tender lantaran dianggap paling berpengalaman. Berdiri tahun 1902, Inco Limited pernah mengeksplorasi nikel Sorowako. Perusahaan ini selanjutnya membuka unit bisnis khusus untuk proyek Sorowako bernama PT International Nickel Indonesia pada 1968. Pada tahun yang sama, tepatnya 27 Juli, Inco resmi memegang Kontrak Karya untuk menambang dan memproses bijih nikel laterit di Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Sulawesi Tenggara dengan luas konsesi 6,6 juta hektar lebih dan berlaku 30 tahun. Kerja marathon dimulai. Tahun 1969, Desa Sorowako pun menggeliat. Penduduknya yang semula hanya 300 jiwa membengkak menjadi lebih dari 2.500 orang. Hitler Singawinata kembali dipercaya menjadi Assisstant Managing Director Inco. Sedangkan Musu ditunjuk sebagai Superintenden Eksplorasi. Tahun itu pula kegiatan pengeboran dimulai di area Sorowako. Dalam tempo setahun, sampel pertama bijih Sorowako berhasil diambil. Sampel sebanyak 50 ton itu kemudian dikirim ke laboratorium Inco Limited di Port Colborne, Ontario, Kanada. Hasilnya menyebutkan bijih nikel Sorowako berkadar bagus dan dapat diolah.[]
Hitler, Beni and Rumengan
Early Traces of Exploration Nickel potentials in Sorowako were discovered by the Netherlands East Indies government. Two Dutch companies drilled laterite ores in Sorowako in 1940s. In 1960-an, the Indonesian government formed an exploration team to re-map the nickel ore in Sorowako. How did the team, which played a major role in opening the way for Vale’s operation in Indonesia, work? In mid-1966 the Indonesian Department of Mining intended to carry on its project to find laterite ore potentials in Sorowako. The government data revealed that nickel sedimentation in South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi was potential but the amount and site of the deposits were not valid yet. The data was inherited from the Dutch colonial government, precisely from Oost Borneo Maatschappij (OBM) and Mijnbouw Maatschappij (MCC), two Dutch companies which had explored laterite ore potentials in Pomalaa, Malili and areas surrounding Lake Matano. MMC was a subsidiary of Biliton Maatschappij, a Dutch firm that held concession to mine tin on Belitung Island and bauxite on Bintan Island in 1940s. An-
other data came from Inco Limited geologist, Flat Elves, who set his feet in Sorowako in 1937. The government’s plan was finally realized after Chris Situmorang, head of Planning Bureau at the Directorate of Geology, the Department of Mining, gave a green light to formation of a team to explore nickel deposits in Sorowako. He asked Hitler Singawinata to lead the expedition, upon a directive from Mining Minister Armunanto. Hitler’s appointment was not without a strong reason. Hitler is one of a few Indonesians who were experienced and knowledgeable in mineral and metal mining at that time. The
Exploration activities in Sorowako Block early 1980s.
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lasted 3 hours,” Beni said in the book Inco, Mengalir di Tengah Gejolak Pertambangan. (Inco, Flowing in the Mining Turmoil). During the expedition the team changed members, including a number of colleagues who joined to allow the team to breathe. They included Rumengan Musu, a mining engineer who graduated from ITB in 1963 and a native of Toraja. Musu used to work for PT Aneka Tambang in Pomalaa. Other geologists included Kosim Gandataruna, Anhar Singawinata and Soeharto Wongsosentono.
Two teams The team received support from many quarters during the mission. From Hasanuddin Regional Military commander Brig. Gen. Solihin GP to Sudaryanto, president director of state cement producer PT Semen Tonasa, let the team use their Jeeps in order to reach Sorowako. The team was also assisted by state aerial survey provider PENAS and the Air Force so as to get access to helicopter.
Rumengan Musu. The photograph was taken in 1980.
mining engineer once worked for MMC. Even in 1950s Hitler was assigned to Luwu and entrusted as the nickel mining project manager in Malili. The project left test pits and employed about 2,000 workers. This time around the exploration team was well-prepared. Hitler was not alone. He brought along his “confidante”, Beni Wahju, a senior geologist from the Directorate of Geology at the Department of Mining, who was also his classmate at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). That’s how the expedition team under Hitler Singawinata dan Beni started to explore laterite ores. They are dubbed the pioneers of PT Vale (previously Inco). The expedition was aimed to confirm reports that Indonesia held 15% of the world’s nickel reserves. Aside from trekking Sorowako hinterland, the expedition team cruised up to Pomalaa, Lasusua, Lasolo, Kabaena, Latao in Southeast Sulawesi and Kolonedale in Central Sulawesi. They collected data and ensured that nickel ore in Sorowako were worth mined and processed. “The journey to Sorowako was not easy. From Malili they sailed along the river to reach Karebbe. Although they were only 9 kilometers apart, the trip
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For technical reasons the team was divided into two. The first team, led Beni Wahju, entered Sorowako. For the areas of Central and Southeat Sulawesi, the team was entrusted to Rumengan Musu. Equipped with a helicopter, Rumengan Musu and his team traveled to Ranteangin, Sua-sua, Lapao-pao, Pomalaa, Kabaena up to Kendari. The team continued its flight to Lasolo and reached Bahubulu Island to verify the Dutch documents that said about nickel potentials there. A boat took the team to Bahubulu Island. In the future the island became part of PT Aneka Tambang’s concession. Upon completing its incursion of Southeast Sulawesi, Musu and his team moved to Central Sulawesi, where they visited Bahodopi anf Kolonedale, including its northern territory of Tanjung Pangansari. Back in Sorowako. Although equipped with vehicles, the team quite often had to hitchhike trucks carrying rattan belonging to local people in order to move between Sorowako and Malili. They had to complete a 600 km route to reach Ujung Pandang (now Makassar). The terrain and pristine nature gave them trouble which came one after another. The problems related to logistics supply, sanitation and lack of sleep caused Hitler to suffer kidney stone. “It was really tormenting. For 4.5 hours my left kidney underwent a surgery to remove three kidney stones,” he recalled.
During their stay in Sorowako the exploration team was guided by a local named Magani. He was one of Sorowako community figures who used to work in the same office as Hitler in MMC when it was operating in Sorowako. It was Magani who led the team to and help them recognize the areas where nickel was found. He also provided housing to the team during the exploration work in Sorowako.
International Tender The team worked for almost two years. Data of nickel potential was finally collected and sent to Jakarta. The government was sure the nickel reserves in Sorowako would give Indonesia an opportunity to raise to prominence in the mining world. But Indonesia was enduring a difficult time then. The state coffer was thinning, human resources were scarce and mining technology proficiency level was low. The government finally decided to offer the nickel mine in Sorowako through an international tender to realize the nickel exploitation. The preliminary step the government took was enacting Foreign Investment Law No. 1/1967, which revised the previous Law No. 78/1958. In the same year, precisely May 6, 1967, the government invited international companies to develop laterite sediments in Sorowako. A total of 12 multinational companies took part in the bidding. Among them were Societe Le Nickel (France),
MITI (Jepang), Kaisar Alluminium and US Steel (United States), Sherrit Gordon (Canada) and Inco Limited, which eventually won the tender because it was deemed as the most experienced nickel producer. Founded in 1902, Inco Limited once explored Sorowako nickel. The winning bidder then established in 1968 a new business unit dedicated to Sorowako project, which was called PT International Nickel Indonesia. In the same year, precisely July 27, Inco officially was granted the Contract of Work to mine and process laterite nickel ores in South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, with concession area covering 6.6 million hectares. The contract was effective for 30 years. Marathon works commenced. In 1969, Sorowako village woke up. Its population which previously totaled only 300 suddenly swelled to more than 2,500. Hitler Singawinata was named Inco Assistant Managing Director, while Musu the Exploration Superintendent. In the same year drilling works began in Sorowako. Within a year the first samples of nickel ore were taken. A total of 50 tons of samples were shipped to Inco Limited laboratory in Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada. The test found the laterite ore from Sorowako contained high grade of nickel and was worth processing.[]
Exploration activities in Sorowako Block, 1978.e
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Langkah Strategis Kembangkan Skala Bisnis Inilah inisiatif PT Vale sepanjang empat dekade dalam mengembangkan unit usahanya. Menjalankan bisnis di tengah ekonomi global yang fluktuatif tentu menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi perusahaan tambang dan produsen nikel seperti PT Vale. Perusahaan dituntut untuk adaptif dan responsif menghadapi situasi.
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Berikut inisiatif PT Vale sepanjang empat dekade terakhir sebagai wujud komitmen perusahaan dalam memenuhi regulasi pemerintah dan merespons isu global serta dunia bisnis yang kompetitif.
Pembangunan PLTA Larona
PLTD 24 megawatt
Pembangunan PLTA pertama PT Vale ini bisa dikatakan sebagai lompatan yang mengubah rencana bisnis perusahaan. Semua berawal dari meroketnya harga minyak dunia pada 1973. Situasi itu berimbas pada membengkaknya biaya produksi perusahaan, yang ketika itu hanya memiliki satu line produksi dan mengandalkan minyak dalam operasinya. Pembangunan PLTA Larona yang berdaya 165 megawatt pada 1975 ini menyelamatkan perusahaan dari ketergantungan pada minyak. Sekaligus menyuplai energi bagi pengembangan pabrik pengolahan menjadi tiga line. PLTA Larona beroperasi tahun 1978.
Medio 1993, PLTD berkapasitas 24 megawatt berhasil beroperasi. Fasilitas ini merupakan bagian dari penunjang PLTA Larona dan PLTU berkapaitas 28 megawatt guna meningkatkan produksi dari 80 juta pon atau 36.000 metrik ton menjadi 100 juta pon nikel atau 45.300 metrik ton, yang berhasil diraih pada tahun 1994. Konstruksi dan pengelolaan proyek ini bernilai 23,2 juta dollar AS.
Konverter Pierce-Smith Pada 10 Juli 1985 untuk pertama kalinya PT Vale berhasil memproduksi matte bessemer (matte dengan tingkat belerang yang rendah) dengan menggunakan konverter Pierce-Smith. Keberhasilan ini selanjutnya menjadi acuan pabrik pengolahan nikel PT Vale. Penggunaan teknologi ini terinspirasi dari keberhasilan pengolahan nikel di Exmibal, Guatemala, dan Thompson di Kanada. Alat inilah yang kemudian membawa PT Vale berhasil meningkatkan produksi dari tahun ke tahun. Karena efisien, dalam tahun kedua beroperasi, biaya investasi konverter telah terbayar.
Proyek lini produksi keempat Pasca-penandatanganan perubahan dan perpanjangan Kontrak Karya dengan Pemerintah Indonesia pada 1996, PT Vale memperluas dan meningkatkan kapasitas pabrik, yang kemudian disebut proyek lini produksi keempat. Mega proyek ini meliputi pembangunan Dryer 3, Furnace 4, Kiln 5, Converter 4. Termasuk PLTA Balambano yang berkapasitas rata-rata 110 megawatt. Dengan beroperasinya empat lini produksi di fasilitas pengolahan bijih nikel ini, kapasitas produksi tahunan PT Vale dapat ditingkatkan menjadi 68.039 metrik ton atau 150 juta pon nikel matte.
Instalasi ESP Pembangunan instalasi electrostatic precipitator (ESP) atau alat penyedot debu elektrik ini merupakan upaya PT Vale untuk meminimalisasi dampak lingkungan pabrik pengolahan bijih nikel. Instalasi ini beroperasi sejak 2009. ESP yang terpasang di kiln 1,2 & 3, berfungsi menekan kadar gas SO2 menjadi 0,86 kg SO2 per 1 kg nikel. Jauh di bawah ambang batas yang ditetapkan pemerintah, yakni 1,03 kg SO2 per 1 kg nikel. Investasi instalasi ini senilai 5,5 juta dollar AS.
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Empat tahun sebelumnya, 2005, perusahaan melakukan pemasangan perangkat Bag House System pada Tanur Listrik 3 untuk mengurangi emisi debu, dan beroperasi sejak 2007. Sejak pemasangan peralatan tersebut, tingkat emisi turun di bawah 50 miligram per meter kubik, jauh dari standar yang berlaku di Indonesia. Investasi Bag House System senilai 62 juta dollar AS.
Nursery Sorowako Beroperasi sejak April 2006, pusat pembibitan tanaman ini dibangun untuk menyuplai tanaman bagi kegiatan rehabilitasi di area pasca-tambang. Memiliki kapasitas produksi 300 ribu bibit per siklus. Fasilitas ini juga memproduksi pupuk hayati mikoriza dengan kapasitas dua ton per tahun dan memproduksi 53 jenis tanaman asli setempat hingga tanaman endemis Sulawesi. Keberadaan fasilitas ini mengantarkan PT Vale sebagai salah satu tolak ukur perusahaan tambang di Indonesia dalam penerapan “Go Green Program” versi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.
PLTA Karebbe Proyek PLTA Karebbe, yang dimulai 1 Oktober 2007 dan beroperasi Oktober 2011, melibatkan 2.217 pekerja. PLTA ini, yang menelan investasi 410 juta dollar AS, mampu menghasilkan listrik dengan kapasitas terpasang 90 megawatt. Dengan tambahan pasokan energi listrik sebesar itu, produksi bijih nikel diharapkan meningkat menjadi 120 ribu metrik ton dalam 5-10 tahun mendatang. PLTA Karebbe sekaligus wujud komitmen perusahaan dalam memanfaatkan energi bersih sebagai prioritas. PLTA Karebbe mampu menekan emisi CO2 sebesar 90.000 ton per tahun yang dihasilkan oleh PLTD.
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Konversi ke batubara
Inisiatif proyek ini muncul pada 2005 dan dilaksanakan 2010. Proyek ini bertujuan menekan biaya produksi, yakni dengan menggantikan penggunaan minyak bakar berkadar sulfur tinggi (high sulphur fuel oil/HSFO) dengan batubara di tiga tanur pengeringan (rotary dryer). Proyek terdiri atas dua bagian: pertama, fasilitas penyimpanan dan alat distribusi batubara menuju pabrik pengolahan (CTP Plant Site) dengan investasi senilai 23,5 juta dollar AS. Kedua, fasilitas penyimpanan, transportasi, dan bongkar muat di Pelabuhan Balantang (CTP Balantang) senilai 17,5 juta dollar AS.
Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) merupakan panduan pemeriksaan kepatutan dan kelayakan suatu perusahaan kontraktor PT Vale dalam mengikuti kriteria standar kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Tujuannya untuk melakukan kontrol, sekaligus menerapkan sistem keselamatan kerja yang bersifat preventif. Program ini berlaku sejak awal 2014. Penerapan CSMS sejalan dengan UU Nomor 1/1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja dan regulasi terbaru pemerintah, yakni PP Nomor 50/2012 tentang Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
Fase pertama proyek, yang beroperasi kuartal III 2013 di area pabrik pengolahan, mampu menurunkan biaya produksi lebih dari 100.000 dollar AS per hari. Angka itu hasil penurunan konsumsi HSFO dari sekitar 144.000 ton per tahun menjadi 44.000 ton per tahun. Sedangkan konsumsi batubara menjadi sekitar 160.000 ton per tahun. Dalam kuartal IV 2013, konsumsi HSFO mampu ditekan hingga 28% dari triwulan III 2013. Sedangkan CTP Balatang diproyeksikan beroperasi pada 2016.
Proyek Effluent
LSP-P1 Sejak 2013 PT Vale mendirikan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pihak Pertama (LSP-P1) untuk melakukan penilaian kompetensi teknis dan memberikan pengakuan sertifikasi sesuai jabatan karyawan. Lembaga ini berada di bawah koordinasi Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP). PT Vale merupakan perusahaan tambang pertama yang memiliki LSP-P1 di Indonesia dan dianggap sebagai tolok ukur kompetensi perusahaan di sektor pertambangan. Hingga 2014, LSP telah mensertifikasi 476 karyawan kompeten.
Proyek ini merupakan bagian dari “6 Strategic Projects” PT Vale pada 2014. Terdiri atas Pakalangkai Water Waste Treatment dan instalasi pengelolaan air limbah berteknologi Lammela Gravity Settler (LGS) di Sorowako. Fasilitas senilai 4,3 juta dollar AS ini berfungsi sebagai fasilitas pengelolalan air limbah pengolahan dan penambangan nikel. Pembangunan fasilitas ini juga selaras dengan ketentuan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 9 Tahun 2006 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah bagi Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Penambangan Bijih Nikel dan AMDAL 225 PT Vale mengenai baku mutu air limbah. Pakalangkai, yang dirancang sejak 2008, resmi beroperasi pada 13 Februari 2013. Sedangkan LGS beroperasi pada kuartal II 2015.[]
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Strategic Steps to Develop Business Scale Here are the initiatives of PT Vale for four decades in developing its business unit. Running a business in the midst of fluctuating global economy is certainly a typical challenge for a mining and nickel producing company like PT Vale. The company has to always adapt and respond to any global issue and the competitive business.
Larona hydro-power plant Construction of PT Vale’s first hydro-power plant is regarded as a leap forward that changed the company’s business plan. All started from the skyrocketing world crude oil price in 1973. The situation gave a rise to the company’s production cost, while at the same time it only own one business line and depended on fuel to operate. The construction of Larona hydro-power plant, which generated 165 Megawatts, in 1975 saved the company from oil dependence. The plant also supplied energy the company needed to develop its processing plant into three lines. Larona power plant started operational in 1978.
Pierce-Smith Converter On July 10, 1985 for the first time ever PT Vale managed to produce matte bessemer (matte with low sulfur grade) using Pierce-Smith converter. The success was then adopted as a reference for PT Vale nickel processing plants. Application of the technology was inspred by the success of nickel processing in Exmibal, Guatemala, and Thompson in Canada. The
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equipment would then help PT Vale increase production from year to year. Due to its efficiency the investment to procure the converter was paid off in the second year of its operation.
24 MW Diesel Fuel Power Plant In mid-1993, a diesel fuel-fired power plant with a capacity of 24 Megawatts started operational. The facility is part of supporting units for Larona hydro-power plant and a steam-fired power plant which altogether generate 28 MW of electricity. Such capacity is expected to help PT Vale increase production from 80 million pounds or 36,000 metric tons a year to 100 million pounds or 45,300 metric tons annually. The target was reached in 1994. The construction and operation of the new facility cost PT Vale $23.2 million.
The Fourth Production Line Project Following the signing of amendment to and extension of PT Vale’s Contract of Work with the Indonesian government in 1996, the company expanded and increased its plant’s capacity, which is called the fourth production line project. The
megaproject consisted of construction of Dryer 3, Furnace 4, Kiln 5 and Converter 4 as well as Balambano hydro-power plant which has a capacity of 110 MW. The operation of the four production lines in the nickel processing plant has enabled PT Vale to raise its annual production to 68,039 metric tons or 150 million pounds of nickel matte.
ESP installation Construction of an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) installation was part of PT Vale’s efforts to minimize the impacts of nickel processing activities on the environment. The installation has operated since 2009. ESP, which is installed in kiln 1,2 and 3, pressurizes sulfur dioxide (SO2) to 0.86 kg per 1 kg nickel, far below the threshold of 1.03 kg of SO2 per 1 kg nickel \set by the government. Investment for the installation cost $5.5 million.
Karebbe hydro-power plant The construction project of Karebbe hydro-power plant kicked off on October 1, 2007 and began its operation in October 2011. The project involved 2,217 workers and cost the company $410 million. It generates 90 MW of electricity. With such a big extra energy supply, nickel ore production is expected to go up to 120,000 metric tons in the next 5-10 years. Karebbe power plant is also evidence of the company’s commitment to utilizing clean energy as a priority. The power plant reduces 90,000 tons of CO2 emissions a year as a result of the diesel fuel-fired power plant.
Conversion to coal The initiative for the project came in 2005 and was implemented in 2010. The project aimed to cut production cost by changing consumption of high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO), which was expensive, to coal in three rotary dryers. The project comprised two phases: the first was construction of a coal storage facility and distribution equipment that connects the storage to CTP plant site. The first project cost $23.5 million. Second was construction of storage, transportation and loading/offloading facilities at Balantang port (CTP Balantang) which cost $17.5 million.
Four years earlier or in 2005, the company installed a Bag House System equipment in Electric Furnace No. 3 to reduce dust emissions. It has operated since 2007. Since the operation of the installation, dust emission level has plunged to below 50 milligram per meter cubic, far below the national standard. The system cost Vale $62 million.
The first phase project, which began operational in the third quarter of 2013 in the nickel processing plant area, enables the company to reduce production cost by more than $100,000 a day. The efficiency is a result of declining consumption of HSFO from 144,000 tons a year to 44,000 tons. Coal consumption increased to 160,000 tons per annum. In the fourth quarter of 2013 the HSFO consumption was down by up to 28% from the third quarter. CTP Balatang is projected to operate in 2016.
Sorowako Nursery
Having operated since April 2006, the nursery was built to supply plants to be used to rehabilitate post-mining areas. The facility has a capacity of 300,000 seedlings per cycle.
Since 2013 PT Vale has run the First Party Profession Certification Institute (LSP-P1) to conduct technical competence appraisal and authorize certification for employees according to their positions. The institute falls under the coordination of the National Body for Profession (BNSP). PT Vale is the first mining company in Indonesia that owns LSP-P1 and is regarded as the benchmark of corporate competence in the mining sector. Until 2014, LSP has certified 476 competent employees.
The facility also produces 2 tons of organic fertilizer mycorrhizae a year and 53 local and endemic Sulawesi plants. The nursery has pave d the way for PT Vale to become a model of mining operation in Indonesia in adhering to “Go Green Program” mandated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
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2 7
1. Coal Convertion Project. 2. Balambano Hydro Power Plant one of the fourth production line project. 3. Sorowako Nursery. 4 & 5 Effluent Project. 6. Karebbe Hydro Power Plant. 7. Contractor Safety Management System. 8. Pierce-Smith Converter in PT Vale’s nickel processing plant. 9. Baghouse installation in Process Plant. 10. First Party Profession Certification Institute (LSP-P1).
Effluent Project
Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) is a guideline for “fit and proper” examination of PT Vale’s contractor companies in their compliance with health and work safety standards. The system is a mechanism to control and at the same time apply preventive work safety scheme. The program has been in place since early in 2014. Implementation of CSMS is in line with Law No. 1/1970 on Work Safety and the latest relevant government regulations, such as Government Regulation No. 50/2012 on Application of Work Safety Management and Occupational Health.
The project was part of the “6 Strategic Projects” of PT Vale in 2014. It consisted of Palangkai Water Waste Treatment and a high-tech waste water treatment installation, Lammela Gravity Settler (LGS), in Sorowako. The $4.3 million facility treats waste water from nickel mining and processing. Construction of the facility follows Environment Minister Regulation No. 9/2006 on Waste Water Quality Standard for Nickel Ore Mining and/or Exploitation Activities and PT Vale Environmental Impact Analysis 225 on waste water quality standard. The Palangkai facility, which has been planned since 2008, officially started to operate on February 13, 2013. The LGS began to operate in the second quarter of 2015.[]
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Dari Kami untuk Perusahaan
Kesan karyawan PT Vale selama mereka berkarir di perusahaan; kebanggaan dan harapan untuk masa depan.
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PT Vale terus maju dan berkembang. Semoga sumber daya manusia di perusahaan kelak dapat menjadi nomor satu di sektor pertambangan nasional dan internasional.
Yugustin Posi, HR Department, 12 tahun bekerja
Saya bangga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan besar dan memiliki visi dan komitmen baik dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Lingkungan kerja kondusif, hubungan kerja antarkaryawan baik. Keep going with our motto “Life Matters Most”.
Lusia Nicholet Dadur, Mining Department, 9 tahun bekerja
Selama berkarier di PT Vale, perusahaan dan rekan-rekan kerja sangat mendukung pengembangan diri saya. Kami juga saling membimbing dan memberi dukungan dalam peningkatan kapasitas, baik melalui kegiatan formal dan informal.
Syairuddin, Defense & Security Services, 13 tahun bekerja
Saya bangga menjadi bagian dari PT Vale, salah satu perusahaan tambang nikel terbesar di dunia yang selalu mengutamakan keselamatan pekerjanya. Semoga semakin inovatif, sustain dalam operasinya, dan mampu memenuhi harapan yang dititipkan pemilik perusahaan, karyawan, pemerintah, dan masyarakat.
Abdul Rauf, Mine & Exploration Departmen, 13 tahun bekerja
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Kesuksesan PT Vale adalah kesuksesan seluruh karyawan, kontraktor, dan masyarakat. Semakin produktif, semakin oke, dan nol kecelakaan kerja. Saya bangga dan senang bekerja di PT Vale. Harapan saya, perusahaan semakin peduli terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan operasinya.
Irma, Environment, Health & Safety Department, 9,5 tahun bekerja
PT Vale yang saya rasakan adalah perusahaan yang peduli kepada kesejahteraan dan keselamatan pekerjanya.
Sudiyono Ragil, Defense & Security Services, 35 tahun bekerja
Saya senang dan bersyukur diberi kesempatan berkarier di sini. Lingkungan kerja dan banyaknya pelatihan yang digelar menunjukkan PT Vale merupakan perusahaan yang peduli pengembangan diri pekerjanya. Semoga menjadi perusahaan tambang nomor satu di dunia. Proud to be Vale.
Sitti Halipa, HR Department, 10 tahun bekerja
PT Vale sudah seperti rumah kedua bagi saya, di mana saya bisa berkembang, berinteraksi sesama rekan kerja untuk menciptakan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang harmonis.
Rey Saputra, Utilities Department, 11 tahun bekerja
Hal yang membuat saya senang bekerja di sini, PT Vale memperhatikan keselamatan pekerjanya. Saya terkesan dengan kepedulian PT Vale terhadap kesejahteraan karyawan dan mendukung pengembangan masyarakat. Keep moving and always rejoice whatever the condition is.
Erny Lente, ETDS Department, 7 tahun bekerja
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From Us for the Company PT Vale’s employees impressions during their career; pride and hope for the future.
As long as I have worked in PT Vale, the company and colleagues have been supporting my career development. We also guide each other and support each other in building capacity, either through formal or informal activities.
Syairuddin, Defense & Security Services, 13 years of service
Hopefully human resources of the company will emerge to be the number one in the national and international mining sector.
Yugustin Posi, HR Department, 12 years of service
The successful of PT Vale is also successful to all employees, contractors and the community. Hope for more productivity, better performance and zero occupational accident. I am proud of and happy to work in PT Vale. I hope the company to show more care for the society and its surrounding environment.
Irma, Environment, Health & Safety Department, 9.5 years of service I am proud of becoming part of a big company that has a vision and commitment to good corporate business practice. Working environment is conducive and relations between employees are okay here. Keep going with our motto “Life Matter Most”.
Lusia Nicholet Dadur, Mining Department, 9 years of service
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PT Vale that I know is a company that cares for well-being and safety of its employees. More success and advancement be with you.
Sudiyono Ragil, DSS, 35 years of service
I am proud of becoming part of PT Vale, one of the world’s largest nickel companies that has always prioritized the safety of its employees. Hope for more innovative, sustainable operation of the company so as to live up to expectations of the company stakeholders, employees, the government and the community.
Abdul Rauf, Mine & Exploration Departmen, 13 years of service
I am happy and thankful to have been given an opportunity to build career in here. The working environment and a plenty of training that it has organized show that PT Vale is company that cares for human resources development. Hopefully it will emerge as the number one in the world. Proud to be Vale.
Sitti Halipa, HR Department, 10 years of service
PT Vale is like my second home, where I can develop myself, interact with fellow employees to create a harmonious working environment.
Rey Saputra, Utilities Department, 11 years of service
Better achievements and success be with you. One thing that makes me happy to work here is that PT Vale cares about the safety of its employees. I am impressed by PT Vale’s attention to the welfare of its employees and support for community development. Keep moving and always rejoice whatever the condition is.
Erny Lente, ETDS Department, 7 years of service
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Pipa Baru untuk Alirkan HSFO Proyek peremajaan pipa bawah laut Mangkasa Point berlangsung aman. Penyaluran HSFO di Teluk Bone diharapkan semakin lancar. Peremajaan dan perbaikan alat merupakan agenda rutin PT Vale untuk menjaga keamanan dan kinerja alat operasionalnya. Hal ini juga dilakukan terhadap pipa bawah laut (submarine hose) di fasilitas penyimpanan HSFO (high sulphur fuel oil) di Mangkasa Point, Teluk Bone, Kecamatan Malili, Sulawesi Selatan. Berlangsung 15 hari dari pertengahan hingga akhir Maret 2015, kegiatan peremajaan dimaksudkan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja pipa bawah laut dan menghindari kebocoran minyak. Perbaikan terakhir pipa dilakukan tahun 2001. HSFO merupakan salah satu bahan bakar pabrik pengolahan nikel. Jutaan liter HSFO disalurkan dari kapal tanker ke pusat penyimpanannya di Mangkasa Point. Kegiatan penyaluran ini berlangsung tiap tiga minggu melalui pipa bawah laut.
Penggantian pipa HSFO bawah laut di Mangkasa Point, Teluk Bone, Malili, Sulawesi Selatan. Pekerjaan ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja pipa dan menjaga aspek keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan.
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Proyek peremajaan dan perbaikan submarine hose meliputi dua pekerjaan utama. Pertama, penggantian semua pipa bawah laut. Termasuk penambahan satu pipa sehingga menjadi tujuh pipa dengan panjang 63,98 meter. Dimaksudkan agar fasilitas ini dapat digunakan untuk ukuran kapal tanker yang lebih besar. Sebelumnya, pipa bawah laut terdiri atas enam segmen pipa dengan panjang 54,84 meter. Kedua, penambahan unit butterfly valve, alat yang berfungsi sebagai katup isolasi (isolation valve) dan check valve pada pipa bawah laut. “Penambahan isolation valve juga untuk memudahkan penggantian pipa bawah laut selanjutnya. Tek-
nologi ini sekaligus memenuhi standar RAC (critical activity requirements) PT Vale mengenai isolation and lockout,” ungkap Abdul Jabar, Manajer Construction Planning & Equipment PT Vale. Proyek senilai 320 ribu dollar AS ini melibatkan multi-departemen, seperti Construction Services, Engineering Services, Logistic sebagai Project Sponsor, Contract Administration Services, Procurement, Communications and External Affairs, Department Security Service, Support Services, Environment, Health and Safety, serta Fire Emergency Services, didukung kontraktor khusus untuk industrial diving, PT Prima Sub Sea. Tantangan pengerjaan proyek ini, misalnya, meniadakan kebocoran minyak di laut ketika mengangkat dan menurunkan pipa. “Lainnya adalah mengikuti ketentuan bekerja aman di air. Intinya, harus mengikuti beberapa ketentuan mengenai major hazard standards dan RAC,” tambah Abdul Jabar. Menurut Gustaf Ganna Songgo, Manajer Mechanical & Civil Central Engineering PT Vale, tantangan pekerjaan meliputi beberapa hal. Mulai dari isu safety, di mana pekerjaan ini melibatkan berbagai aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan critical activity dan harus memenuhi ketentuan bekerja aman PT
Operator memantau pemasangan pipa bawah laut dari ruang kontrol.(kiri)
Vale. Di antara critical activity tersebut berupa wilayah kerja di kedalaman air 21 meter, penggunaan bahan berbahaya, pengangkatan material, bekerja di ketinggian, dan isolasipenguncian (isolation & lockout-tagout).
Efisien dan aman Aspek efisiensi juga menjadi fokus pengerjaan proyek ini. Karena itu, tim melakukan sejumlah improvisasi dan improvement. Misalnya, pada pembongkaran dan pemasangan submarine hose digunakan lifting equipment yang dirancang dan diproduksi sendiri. Sebelumnya, pekerjaan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan crane yang lebih mahal dan lebih berisiko. “Pekerjaan ini juga dibatasi jadwal ketat, karena keterlambatan pasokan HSFO bisa berdampak tersendatnya aktivitas di pabrik,” tambah Gustaf. Proyek dilanjutkan dengan uji coba (commissioning) awal April lalu dengan menyalurkan 18.000 ton HSFO dari tanker ke tangki penyimpanan. Uji coba itu berlangsung sukses. Proyek juga dinyatakan aman dari kecelakaan kerja dan tanpa terjadi kebocoran minyak. “Pekerjaan rumah selanjutnya adalah inspeksi berkala setahun dan enam tahun sekali. Termasuk pengecekan sertifikatnya sehingga kita bisa mencegah oil spill,” tutup Abdul Jabar.
Penyelam yang memasang pipa bawah laut. (kanan)
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New Pipe to Distribute HSFO
Rejuvenation and repair is a routine agenda for PT Vale as part of its efforts to ascertain safety and performance of its operational equipment. The same happens to submarine hose at the company’s high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) storage facility in Mangkasa Point, Bone Bay, Malili District in South Sulawesi.
The submarine hose rejuvenation project in Mangkasa Point has been safely completed. Distribution of HSFO in Bone Bay is expected to run smoother.
HSFO is one of several fuels normally used to fire nickel processing plant. Millions of liter of HSFO is distributed from a tanker to the storage facility in Mangkasa Point. The activity takes place every three weeks through the submarine hose.
The submarine hose rejuvenation and repair project is worth US$320,000.
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Lasting 15 days from mid to end of March 2015, the rejuvenation was aimed at giving a boost to the performance of submarine hose and preventing oil leaks. The latest repair of the facility took place in 2001.
The submarine hose rejuvenation and repair project consists of two main works. First is replacement of the entire submarine hose. It includes extension of the hose with one more pipe to make it seven pipes with a length of 63.98 meters altogether. The extra pipe will enable the facility to be connected to a bigger tanker. Previously the submarine hose comprised six segments of pipe with a total length of 54.84 meters.
Avoid oil spill in the sea when lifting the submarine hose is a challange this work.
Second is installation of a new unit of butterfly valve, which serves as an isolation and check valve of the submarine hose. “The additional isolation valve will also facilitate replacement submarine hose in the future. The technology also suits the RAC (critical activity registers) of PT Vale when it comes to isolation and lockout,” Abdul Jabar, Construction Planning & Equipment Manager of PT Vale. The project, which is worth US$320,000, involved a number of departments, such as Construction Services; Engineering Services; Logistics as Project Sponsor; Contract Administration Services; Procurement; Communications and External Affairs; Department Security Service; Support Services; Environment, Health and Safety; as well as Fire Emergency Services, and was supported by special contractor for industrial diving, PT Prima Sub Sea. The challenges facing the project are, among others, how to avoid oil spill in the sea when lifting and lowering the submarine hose. “Other challenges include compliance with the safety rule in the water. In short, we have to follow a set of regulations concerning major hazard standards and RAC,” Abdul Jabar says. According to Gustaf Ganna Songgo, PT Vale Manager of Mechanical & Civil Central Engineering, the challenges concern several issues, such as safety, in which the project
involves various activities related deemed as critical so that they have to abide by PT Vale’s work safety rule. Some of the critical activities are working in the depth of 21 meters below the sea level, the use of hazardous materials, lifting of materials, working in the altitude and isolation & lockout-tagout.
Efficient and safe The aspect of efficiency is another focus of the project execution. Therefore the team initiated improvisation and improvement efforts. For instance during the discharge and installation process submarine hose workers used lifting equipment which they had designed and produced themselves. In the past the activity involved a crane, which was more expensive and risky than their lifting equipment. “The work was conducted under a strict schedule as well, because belated supply of HSFO would impact on the activities in the plant,” Gustaf says. The project went ahead with commissioning early in April by streaming 18,000 tons of HSFO from the tanker into the storage tank. The trial was a success. The project was regarded as free from occupational accidents and oil spill. “Our next homework is to conduct inspection every year and six years regularly. The work includes examination of certificates so that we can prevent oil spill,” Abdul Jabar says.
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Dari Inspeksi Kanal hingga Perbaikan Stator Shut down PLTA berlangsung dari April hingga Mei 2015. Sejumlah improvement dilakukan untuk hasil yang lebih baik. Guna menjaga performa alat, PT Vale melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan komponen di sejumlah area di sekitar aliran sungai tiga PLTA—Larona, Balambano, dan Karebbe—di Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, April 2015 lalu. Projek yang disebut “Shut Down Hydro” ini melibatkan multi-departemen dan sejumlah rekanan PT Vale. Proyek ini juga berlangsung bersamaan dengan shut down di area pabrik pengolahan. Perbaikan dimulai dari PLTA Karebbbe. Pekerjaan difokuskan pada penggantian bushing dan sliding pad pada turbin, yang berlangsung pada pekan pertama hingga kedua April 2015. Pada dua pekan berikutnya, proyek dilanjutkan di PLTA Balambano dengan pengerjaan underwater groting. “Aktivitas ini untuk melapisi beberapa kanal yang berlubang. Hal ini untuk menjaga power dan konstruksi bendungan,” ungkap Yusri Yunus, Supervisor of Operation Hydro Plant. Penambalan kanal bertujuan untuk menjaga kestabilan lereng kanal. Di area PLTA Larona, kanal memiliki panjang 6,9 kilometer. Sementara di PLTA Larona dilakukan pengangkatan rotor dan stator pada generator. “Pekerjaan di Larona termasuk cukup besar. Tim shut down hydro melakukan penyempurnaan eksekusi (improvement) dan harus sejalan dengan regulasi pengangkatan material (lifting regulation),” tambah Yusri. Proyek shut down kali ini memang membuat sejumlah improvement di setiap area. Misalnya, pekerjaan underwater groting di PLTA Balambano. Pada shut down sebelumnya, 2013, untuk menambal kanal yang bocor diambil tindakan dengan melapisi concrete. Pada shut down kali ini, tim memutuskan untuk menggunakan membran silikon kedap air terlebih dulu, baru kemudian menggunakan concrete. “Upaya baru ini diambil karena metode tambal hanya dengan concrete dianggap kurang maksimal,” tambah Yusri.
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PLTA Karebbe Balambano
PEN GER JAA N Pengecekan sliding pad
2 hari
Penggantian bendungan
7 hari
Pengecekan & perbaikan tail race
2 hari
Pengecekan dan inspeksi kanal
2 hari
Pembersihan generator dan inspeksi kanal
Di Karebbe, improvement dilakukan pada penggantian sliding pad yang mengatur volume air yang masuk. “Komponen ini rentan aus, karena terus menerima air dan terus bergerak. Dulu pemasangannya menggunakan lem, tapi cuma bertahan 1,5 tahun. Kini kami tempuh dengan cara memasang stopper dan dilas sehingga tidak bergerak dan proses keausannya dapat ditunda. Masa pakainya menjadi 2-3 tahun,” ungkap Yusri.
Metode baru Begitu pula dengan pengangkatan stator dan rotor di Larona. Metode pengangkatannya kini menggunakan baut besar yang lebih aman. Juga ada pemberlakukan area batas aman untuk para awak dan pengurangan jumlah pekerja selama aktivitas berlangsung. Sebelumnya, tahun 2008, pekerjaan lifting material menggunakan sling. Proyek shut down PLTA ini sejalan dengan Capital Project di area Hydro yang akan berlangsung Agustus 2016. Proyek besar ini meliputi penggantian komponen krusial PLTA seperti di Larona meliputi runner di unit 3, transformer di unit 3, dan perkuatan desain bendungan terhadap gempa. []
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From Canal Inspection to Stator Repair The planned shut-down of hydro-power plants lasted from April to May 2015. A number of improvements have been made for the sake of better results.
In order to maintain performance of its equipment, PT Vale carried out maintenance and repair works on components in a number of areas along the three river that supply water to its hydro-power plants —Larona, Balambano and Karebbe — in East Luwu, South Sulawesi last April. The project, called “Shut Down Hydro”, involved various departments and PT Vale contractor partners. The project coincided with the shut down in processing plant area. The repair work began from Karebbbe power plant. It focused on replacement of bushing and sliding pad on the turbine, which took place in the first and second weeks of April 2015.
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In the next two weeks, the project continued at Balambano hydro-power plant with underwater grouting work. “The activity is meant to fill holes on several channels. It is needed to keep the power and construction of the dam,” says Yusri Yunus, Supervisor of Operation Hydro Plant. The channel overlay project was aimed at keeping the channel’s slope stable. In the area near Larona power plant each channel stretches 6.9 km in length. In Larona hydro-power plant, workers lifted rotor and stator on the generator. “The work in Larona was quite major. The shut down hydro team improved its execution, which has to comply with the lifting regulation,” says Yusri.
The shut down project this time around paved the way for improvement in each area, such as in the underwater grouting work in Balambano power plant. In the previous shut down project in 2013, the team overlaid the concrete to cope with cracks in the channel. In this year’s shut down, the team decided to use water-resistant silicon membrane before applying concrete. “We took the new approach because the old method was deemed as giving a maximum result,” Yusri says, In Karebbe, improvement was conducted on replacement of sliding pad, which controls the volume of incoming water. “The component is easily worn out because it constantly accepting water and moving. In the past we used to apply glue, but it only lasted 1.5 years. Now we install a stopper and weld it so that it does not move and delay its worn-out process. Its operational period extends to 2-3 years,” Yusri says.
Hyd ro-p owe r plan t Karebbe Balambano
Acti viti es
Dur atio n
Checking of sliding pad
2 days
Replacement of dam
7 days
Checking & repair of tail race
2 days
Checking and inspection of channel
2 days
Cleaning of generator and channel inspection
New method Such new method was adopted in the lifting of stator and rotor in Larona. A big bolt is now used to lift the components for safety reasons. Team also determined safe zone for workers and reduced the number of workers during the activity. In the 2008 project, the team lifted materials using slings.
The hydro-power plant shut down project run in parallel with the Capital Project in Hydro area which will take place in August 2016. The big project will consist of replacement of power plant crucial components, such as runner in unit 3, transformer in unit 3 and strengthening of the quakeresistant design of the dam in Larona power plant area.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Fatality Prevention Program Memperkuat Kontrol Bekerja Aman PT Vale melansir Fatality Prevention Program (FPP). Program ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penyebab cedera kerja non-bahaya utama. si prosedur kerja aman, sosialisasi mekanisme baru, dan komitmen kerja aman. Identifikasi dan observasi aspek pekerja/ prosedur dan alat diharapkan dapat memberi informasi dan gambaran yang valid, sehingga dapat ditentukan tindakan/kebijakan yang tepat dan solutif. Semuanya akan dituangkan dalam papan monitoring identifikasi atau FPP Dashboard Monitoring. Workshop Fatality Prevention Program yang dihadiri para pemimpin departemen di PT Vale.
PT Vale kembali menambah perangkat keselamatan kerjanya. Kali ini melalui penerapan Fatality Prevention Program (FPP), yang merupakan bagian dari program Vale Global. Program ini, yang dilansir Maret 2015, bertujuan membangun budaya bekerja aman, sekaligus mengurangi potensi kecelakaan di lingkungan kerja PT Vale. Bertindak sebagai motor pelaksanaan adalah para L3, L2, dan L1 di masing-masing departemen. Dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap serta subjek yang berbeda. Pelaksanaan program dimulai dengan identifikasi dan observasi kondisi/tindakan yang menimbulkan kecelakaan kerja atau cedera serius di masing-masing departemen. Sedangkan subjek identifikasi dan observasi berupa aspek pekerja yang kompeten dan sehat, prosedur kerja aman yang baik, dan alat kerja yang aman dan bekerja baik. Selanjutnya dilakukan revi-
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Papan monitoring sendiri dibagi dalam enam aspek pelaksanaan, yakni Inspeksi dan Observasi, Komunikasi, Kesadaran, Pelatihan, Standar Prosedur Kerja Aman, dan Tindak Lanjut Temuan. “Misalnya soal alat. Perusahaan ingin mengetahui sebenar-benarnya kondisi alat dan kendaraan sehingga bisa direncanakan berdasarkan prioritas. Apakah perlu perbaikan, penggantian komponen, atau malah pengadaan alat,” tambah Budiawansyah. FPP bukan hanya mengindentifikasi kondisi atau tindakan penyebab kematian kerja. Melainkan juga faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan cedera kerja serius dan pelbagai aktivitas atau situasi yang bukan merupakan bahaya utama (major hazard). “Jalanan berlubang atau lantai tidak tertutup yang dapat membuat orang jatuh atau celaka, efektivitas penggunaan bus oleh para karyawan, dan hal-hal detail lainnya seperti itu merupakan poin-poin yang diidentifikasi FPP,” ungkap Manajer Environment, Health & Safety PT Vale, Budiawansyah.
Dukungan pekerja Implementasi FPP juga berlaku bagi pekerja kontraktor. Namun, menurut Budiawansyah, dilakukan dengan pendekatan berbeda dengan karyawan PT Vale. “Misalnya, kepada karyawan kontraktor yang waktu kerjanya singkat. Tentu pendekatannya lebih ke pengawasan dan mendorong mereka untuk melaksanakan budaya kerja aman,” tambah dia. Pelaksanaan FPP ditandai dengan workshop bagi CEO, L3, dan L2 di dua lokasi. Pertama, di TAB Meeting Hall pada akhir Maret 2015, dan kantor Vale Jakarta, awal April 2015. Kegiatan dipandu Tim EHS bersama DuPont Safety. “FPP merupakan program untuk membangun budaya kontrol keselamatan kerja yang akan memiliki perjalanan panjang. Maka diperlukan dukungan seluruh pekerja,” ujar Budiawansyah. Catatan, PT Vale mampu menurunkan angka kecelakaan sebesar 38% sepanjang 2013-2014.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Fatality Prevention Program Strengthening the Control of Work Safety PT Vale released Fatality Prevention Program (FPP). The program aims to identify factors behind foremost non-dangerous occupational injuries. PT Vale has released yet another work safety scheme. This time around it introduced Fatality Prevention Program (FPP), which is part of its Vale Global program. The program, which was launched in March 2015, is aimed at building a safe work culture while minimizing the potential of occupational accident within PT Vale operational area. The driving force behind the implementation of the program are L3, L2 and L1 in each department. The program is conducted in several stages and cover different subjects. Implementation of the program began with identification and observation of conditions/actions that can trigger accidents or serious injuries in each department. The subjects of identification and observation,
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
meanwhile, are manpower who is competent and healthy, work procedure which is safe and sound, and good work equipment. Then revision of safe work procedure, familiarization of new mechanism and safe work commitment can follow. Identification and observation of manpower/procedure and equipment is expected to provide valid information and description, so that the right and solving actions/policies can be found. All will be visualized in the identification monitoring board or FPP Dashboard Monitoring. The monitoring dashboard is divided into six aspects of implementation, which are inspection and observation, communication, awareness, training, safe work
PT Vale’s Chief Operating Officer Josimar Pires giving speechess and opening the Fatality Prevention Program workshop.
procedure standard, and follow-up of findings. “For example concerning equipment, the company wants to know exactly the condition of equipment and vehicles so that we can arrange a plan based on priority: whether repair, component replacement or procurement of equipment is needed,” Budiawansyah says. FPP not only identifies conditions or actions that are responsible for fatalityities in workplaces, but also other factors that can lead to serious occupational accidents and other activities or situations that are not considered major hazard. “Potholes or uncovered floor that may cause people to fall or get injured, effective use of bus by workers and other details are issues that FPP normally identifies,” PT Vale Manager for Environment, Health & Safety PT Vale, Budiawansyah, says.
Support from workers Implementation of FPP also applies to contractors’ workers, although according to Budiawansyah the mechanism works under a different approach. “It is implemented differently for example to a contractor’s workers whose work hours are short. Of course the approach is heavy on supervision and encouraging them to uphold safe work culture,” he says. Implementation of FPP is typified with a workshop for CEO, L3, and L2 in two places. The first was in TAB Meeting Hall at the end of March 2015, and the second at PT Vale office in Jakarta early in April 2015. Both activities were facilitated by the EHS team and DuPont Safety. “FPP is a program to build the culture of work safety control, which will last long. Therefore it needs support from all workers,” Budiawansyah says. Just for the record, PT Vale managed to curb occupational accident rate by 38% in 2013-2014.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Membuka Peluang untuk Berkarya PT Vale menggelar Apprenticeshipship Program untuk menjaring tenaga kerja lokal muda guna dididik menjadi pekerja kompeten. September 2015 diharapkan pesertanya mulai mengikuti pelatihan dan praktik kerja. Guna memenuhui kebutuhan personel untuk operasional perusahaan, PT Vale membuka Apprenticeshipship Program 2015. Program ini bertujuan menjaring dan mempersiapkan calon pekerja non-staf dari masyarakat lokal. PT Vale membutuhkan 103 orang untuk mengisi posisi operator, teknisi, ahli kelistrikan, instrumen, mekanik, hingga petugas pemadam
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
kebakaran di Process Plant, OMIP, Maintenance System & Utilities, Corporate Services, dan EHS. “Program ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh calon pekerja yang memiliki kompetensi sesuai bidang masing-masing, sehat secara mental dan fisik,” ungkap Susanto Suprayitno, Workforce Plan and Recruitment PT Vale.
Antusiasme warga ternyata cukup tinggi pada program ini. Tercatat, sebanyak 3.386 orang melamar. Mereka bukan hanya berasal dari empat kecamatan wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale—Malili, Wasuponda, Towuti, Nuha—tapi juga dari kecamatan lainnya di Kabupaten Luwu Timur, seperti Angkona, Burau, Kalena, Mangkutana, Tomoni, Tomoni Timur, dan Wotu. Program sesuai dengan kesepakatan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Luwu Timur dan 11 camat di Kabupaten Luwu Timur soal cakupan calon peserta. Serta ketentuan Permenaker No. 22 Tahun 2009, usia minimal calon Apprenticeship yakni 18 tahun. Hal ini bertujuan agar nantinya calon Apprenticeship yang diterima memiliki masa kerja yang panjang di perusahaan.
Pos isi yan g Dib utu hka n Pos isi
Dep art em en
Process Plant
Maintenance System & Utilities
Ahli kelistrikan
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Operator Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Operator alat berat
Corporate Services
Operator Trailer
Petugas Damkar (Fire Fighter)
Selanjutnya, para peserta akan mengikuti program ini selama 12 bulan dengan rasio belajar teori 25% dan praktik 75%. Juga diikuti evaluasi berkala tiap 3 bulan sekali. Peserta Apprenticeship yang lolos pada tahap evaluasi kerja 12 bulan nantinya baru direkrut sebagai pekerja tetap di PT Vale. []
Jum lah
Seleksi program yang dimulai sejak akhir Juni 2015, terdiri atas pemeriksaan berkas, tes logika dasar, tes fisik, wawancara, dan pemeriksaan kesehatan dengan sistem gugur. Diharapkan akhir September 2015, nama-nama pendaftar yang lolos seleksi akan diumumkan dan mulai mengikuti penandatanganan kontrak dan serangkaian pelatihan teknis dan non-teknis.
Suasana tes tulis dan tes fisik peserta Apprenticeship PT Vale 2015. Sebanyak 3.386 aplikasi lamaran masuk ke meja panitia.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Opening Career Opportunity PT Vale holds Apprenticeship Program to select local young manpower who will be educated to become competent employees. In September participants of the program are expected to start training and practicing their skills. Pos itio ns req uire d No
Dep artm ent
Pos itio ns
Num ber
Process Plant
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Maintenance System & Utilities
Utilities operator
Maintenance System & Utilities
Heavy equipment operator
Corporate Services
Trailer operator
Fire fighter
15 103
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
To meet the demand for personnel for daily operations, PT Vale opened the Apprenticeship Program 2015. This program is aimed at recruiting and preparing prospective non-staff employees from the local community. PT Vale needs 103 people to fill the positions of operator, technician, electrician, instrumentalist, mechanic, as well as fire fighters in the Process Plant, OMIP, Maintenance System & Utilities, Corporate Services, and EHS. “The program is intended to recruit prospective workers who are competent in their respective fields, and healthy physically and mentally,” said Susanto Suprayitno, Workforce Plan and Recruitment of PT Vale. People’s enthusiasm turned out to be high. As many as 3,386 people submitted their applications. They came not only from the four districts under PT Vale empowerment program — Malili, Wasuponda, Towuti and Nuha, but also from other districts across East Luwu regency, like Angkona, Burau, Kalena, Mangkutana, Tomoni, East Tomoni and Wotu.
The program is in line with the agreement the company signed with the East Luwu regional government and 11 district chiefs across the regency concerning participants of the Apprenticeship program. In accordance with Manpower Minister Regulation No. 22/2009, participants of the program must be aged at least 18 years old. The reason is if admitted the Apprenticeships will have a long career in the company. Selection of the program participants began at the end of June 2015, which consisted of document screening, basic logic test, physical test, interview and health check. The selection adopted a knock-out system. Hopefully by the end of September 2015, selected participants will be announced and sign contracts and start undergoing a series of technical and non-technical training. The participants will then take a 12-month program with the ratio of theoretical learning and practice of 25 percent and 75 percent. There will be a regular evaluation every three months. Qualified Apprenticeships who pass the 12-month program will be recruited as PT Vale permanent employees.[]
PT Vale’s Apprenticeship Program physical and psycology test on Ontaeluwu Hall and Persesos Football Field in Sorowako. The program is intended to recruit prospective workers who are competent.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Solusi Karyawan untuk Menghemat Kas Perusahaan Tim Departemen MEM dan Departemen Support Service memenangi Kontes Ide Penghematan. Kontes ide penghematan yang digulirkan manajemen PT Vale akhirnya menetapkan dua juara akhir Juli 2015 lalu. Ide pertama adalah “Reverse Bushing Dozer” dari Tim MEM, dan kedua adalah “Fabricate Corner Shroud Bucket” dari Tim Support Service. Kedua ide tersebut disaring dari 42 ide yang masuk dari berbagai departemen di PT Vale kepada Komite Kontes Ide Penghematan. Selanjutnya Komite memeras lagi menjadi 12 ide untuk masuk ke tahap berikutnya dan selanjutnya dipilih 5 terbaik.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Menurut Budi Handoko, kontes diadakan untuk mendapatkan solusi dari karyawan untuk bersama-sama menjawab tantangan finansial perusahaan akibat terkoreksinya harga nikel dunia. “Dewan Direksi berinisiatif untuk melibatkan karyawan untuk mencari solusi bersama-sama. Selain untuk meningkatkan rasa memiliki dan perhatian karyawan terhadap kondisi yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan serta menumbuhkan budaya kerja yang efisien,” ujar Budi.
Presentasi peserta Kontes Ide Penghematan Biaya PT Vale yang berlangsung di TAB pada Februari 2014 silam.
Pertimbangan utama penilaian Komite adalah ide yang tingkat peluang implementasinya besar dengan upaya sangat efisien. “Awalnya hendak dibuat dua fase, yaitu fase idea generation dan fase implementasi. Tapi karena beberapa alasan, fase 2 ditiadakan. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam penilaian fase 1 adalah orisinalitas, kualitas, peluang implementasi, dan presentasi ide oleh para kontestan,” tambah Budi. Meski fase dua ditiadakan, berdasarkan informasi dan pengamatan Komite, kedua ide yang menjadi juara telah diimplementasikan oleh departemen tim kontestan sejak 2014. “Pada dasarnya kedua ide tersebut sederhana, mudah dilakukan, dan hasilnya nyata. Hal-hal tersebut berpengaruh pada penilaian sehingga keduanya memenangi kompetisi ini,” ungkap Budi. Tambah Novian Fitriawan, anggota Komite kontes lainnya, ide-ide yang masuk sangat menarik. Agar tidak mubazir, Komite menyarankan agar ide-ide tersebut tetap coba diimplementasikan melalui forum Capital Risk Ranking atau budget plan. Tentu setelah dilakukan telaah yang hati-hati terhadap aspek keselamatan, kesehatan kerja, dan lingkungan. Pada kesempatan itu, direksi melalui rilisnya menyampaikan penghargaan kepada karyawan yang telah ikut menyumbangkan ide-ide untuk penghematan biaya operasional perusahaan.[]
Pembuatan track dozer modifikasi hasil inovasi Tim MEM.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Bucket shroud fabrication at Support Service Department's workshop (above). MEM team looking the track dozer modification.
Employee Solution to Save Company’s Expenditure The teams from Department of MEM and Department of Support Service win the saving idea contest.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
The Participants of PT Vale's Cost Saving Contest presented their ideas, TAB Meeting Hall, February, 2014.
The saving idea contest which was initiated by PT Vale management finally resulted in two winners at the end of July 2015. The first idea “Reverse Bushing Dozer” came from the MEM team, and the second idea “Fabricate Corner Shroud Bucket” from the Support Service team. The two beat 42 other concepts from various departments within PT Vale, which had been submitted to the organizing committee of the contest. In the first stage the committee chose the best 12, and shortened the list to five in the next stage. Committee member Budi Handoko said the contest was organized to tap ideas of solution from employees and to drive a collective action to respond financial challenges facing the company due to the declining world nickel price. “The board of directors initiated a policy to involve employees in the search for the solutions together. Apart from enhancing the sense of belonging and attention of the employees to the problem facing by the company, the contest aims to breed the culture of efficient work,” Budi said.
The committee took into account the implementable rate of the idea with the most efficient effort. “Initially we planned to divide the competition into two phases: idea generation and implementation. But due to a few reasons, the phase 2 was dropped. Our criteria to judge the ideas in the first phase were originality, quality, feasibility, and presentation of idea by contestants,” Budi said. Although the second phase of assessment was removed, based on the committee’s observation, the two winning ideas have been implemented by the departments of the winners since 2014. “In principle the two ideas are simple and doable, with concrete results. Those have influenced our assessment so that the two won the competition,” Budi said. Novian Fitriawan, another committee member, added that the ideas submitted to the committee were all interesting. In order not to waste the ideas that fail to win the competition, the committee suggested that the company try to implement them through the forums of Capital Risk Ranking or budget plan. Of course the trial should follow a careful analysis on the aspects of safety, occupational health and environment. The board of directors said in a statement its appreciation of the employees for contributing their ideas to the company’s efforts to save operational costs.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Golden Rules PT Vale PT Vale’s Golden Rules
Dilarang keras memasuki ruang tertutup, area peledakan, blast area Furnace di Lantai #3, switch yard, area penebangan pohon, tanpa izin dari personil yang berwenang dan lereng yang berpotensi longsor tanpa JSA/Analisa Risiko yang telah disetujui.
No one shall enter confined space, blasting area, blast area furnace 3rd floor, switch yard and tree cutting area, without a permit from authorized area personnel and high potential slope failure except through specific approved JSA/Risk Analysis.
Dilarang keras bekerja dan membawa kendaraan di bawah pengaruh obat terlarang dan alkohol yang melebihi 0.05% berat/volume.
No one shall work and driving company vehicle under influence of illegal drugs and blood alcohol level in excess of 0.05 % weight/volume.
Dilarang keras mengoperasikan kendaraan atau alat berat tanpa SIMPER PTVI yang masih berlaku untuk alat tersebut, kecuali dalam program pelatihan oleh instruktur resmi.
No one shall operate a vehicle or mobile equipment without a valid PT Vale Indonesia license for that equipment, except under training program by formal instructor
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Dilarang keras mengemudikan kendaraan melebihi 30 km/jam dari batas kecepatan yang ditetapkan.
No one shall drive vehicle more than 30 kph over the posted speed limit.
Dilarang keras berada di bawah beban yang sementara diangkat atau memasuki area pengangkatan tanpa izin.
No one shall go under suspended loads or enter into an isolated lifting area without a permission.
Dilarang keras keluar dari alat atau truk yang sedang dimuat.
Dilarang keras bekerja di ketinggian lebih dari 1,8 meter dari tanah, lantai kerja atau scaffolding tanpa pelindung atau pencegah jatuh mis: standard hand rail atau harness and lanyard.
No one shall get out of his or her equipment/dump truck while loading time.
No one shall work at height of more than 1.8 meters above the ground, fixed walkways or scaffolding without any fall protection or prevention e.g. standard hand rail or harness and lanyard.
Dilarang keras bekerja di atas atau dekat air atau kolam lumpur dengan kedalaman lebih dari satu meter tanpa lantai kerja yang aman atau menggunakan jaket pelampung.
Catatan: Jika terdapat risiko terbawa arus, pelindung jatuh harus digunakan.
Dilarang keras membuka gembok dan label bahaya pekerja lain tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari yang berwenang, dan semua pekerja yang melakukan pekerjaan pemeliharaan pada alat yang mewajibkan isolasi harus: ** Memasang gembok dan label pribadi di titik isolasi setiap waktu; dan ** Bekerja di bawah otorisasi dan memiliki izin.
No one shall work above or near (less than 2 meter horizontally) water or mud pond deeper than 1 meter without either a safe work platform or a correctly fitted buoyancy vest.
No one shall remove another person’s lock and tag unless approval is received in writing from the authorized person, and all workers doing maintenance work on equipment that requires isolation must: ** Have a personal lock and tag in place on an isolation point at all times or ** Be authorized to work under a permit.
Dilarang keras merokok di dekat tanki bahan bakar, stasiun pengisian dan selama pengisian bahan bakar, gudang bahan peledak, pulverized coal, and melting sulfur
Note: if risk of swept by strong current exists, falling protection should be used.
No one shall smoke near fuel storage, fuel dispenser and during refueling, blasting magazine, pulverized coal, and melting shulpur,
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Mengatur Hujan Lewat TMC Bekerja sama dengan BPPT, PT Vale mengaplikasikan Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (TMC). Teknologi ini untuk menjaga kinerja PLTA agar tetap optimal di tengah cuaca ekstrem. Beberapa tahun terakhir, memprediksi cuaca menjadi pekerjaan yang kian sulit. Musim hujan kerap berlangsung lebih lama daripada biasanya. Begitu pula kemarau. Alhasil, ketika musim panas, beberapa daerah dilanda kekeringan. Badan Mateorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) wilayah IV Makassar memprediksi munculnya El Nino. Fenomena alam ini mengakibatkan kemarau berlangsung lebih lama hingga akhir 2015. Bahkan bisa sampai awal 2016. Puncaknya diperkirakan September-Desember 2015, dan akan sangat terasa terutama di wilayah selatan dan barat Sulawesi. Panjangnya musim kemarau bukan hanya mengganggu ekosistem, melainkan juga operasi PT Vale yang sumber energinya mengandalkan PLTA. “Perubahan pola hujan dan musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan membuat ketersediaan air hujan dan level danau berkurang. Hal ini mempengaruhi kinerja turbin PLTA. Level Danau Towuti yang turun membuat energi pembangkitan listrik juga berkurang, karena pasokan air yang dibutuhkan menjadi berkurang,” ungkap Anom Prasetio, Senior Civil Engineer MSE.
Jika level air danau terus-menerus turun, pasokan listrik untuk keperluan operasional PT Vale dan masyarakat di Luwu Timur bakal terganggu. Kondisi ini selanjutnya berdampak pada kontribusi PT Vale terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Luwu Timur. Untuk menjamin keberlangsungan operasi PLTA, PT Vale bekerja sama dengan Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) melakukan upaya teknis di atmosfer guna mempercepat kematangan awan dan hujan. Melalui Teknologi Modifikasi Cuaca (TMC), air Danau Towuti dapat dijaga sesuai level normal pengoperasian PLTA, yakni di atas 318 dpl hingga 319,3 dpl (di atas permukaan laut). “Target operasi TMC adalah melakukan penyemaian awan di atas daerah aliran sungai Larona,” imbuh Anom yang juga Project Manager TMC. TMC bukan barang baru bagi PT Vale. Perusahaan pernah memanfaatkan teknologi ini dari 2008 sampai 2010. Bedanya, metode penyemaian awan kali ini menggunakan sistem flare.
H a l o Va l e 14 I Ta h un 2015
Bahan semai dikemas dalam selongsong seperti kembang api dan dipasang di sayap pesawat. Ketika pesawat masuk ke dalam awan, bahan semai tersebut dibakar sehingga asapnya masuk ke dalam awan. Tahun 2015, penyemaian juga dilakukan dari darat dengan menggunakan tower GBG (ground based generator). Karena sifatnya statis, GBG hanya bisa menunggu awan dan melakukan penyemaian pada dasar awan yang dekat dengan puncak menara GBG. Untuk mengoptimalkan bahan semai yang dilepaskan dari puncak menara GBG, maka lokasi menara ditempatkan di daerah yang relatif tinggi. Dengan memanfaatkan sistem aliran udara, diharapkan bahan semai yang dilepas bisa terbawa masuk ke dalam awan. Karena itu, faktor angina dan topografi berperan penting dalam sistem transportasi bahan semai ke dalam awan. Menurut Dr Tri Handoko Seto, pakar modifikasi cuaca BPPT, teknologi flare terbukti lebih efisien dan efektif dibandingkan metode lama yang bahan semainya dalam bentuk powder dan ditabur secara manual ke awan melalui pesawat. Sebagai perbandingan, satu kilogram bahan semai dengan sistem flare setara dengan satu kuintal bahan semai pada metode tabur. Bahan semai juga efektif menyebar merata di awan. Faktor lain yang mendukung keberhasilan TMC adalah potensi pertumbuhan awan yang akan menjadi hujan. Keberadaan awanawan ini akan dipantau lewat radar BPPT yang pusat operasinya di Bandara Sorowako.
Ramah Lingkungan TMC ibarat memupuk awan. Dengan memberikan rangsangan berupa bahan semai, diharapkan proses yang terjadi di awan lebih cepat dibandingkan jika dibiarkan secara alamiah. Perlu diketahui, TMC tidak bisa dilakukan tanpa awan. Awan-awan yang sudah matang disebut awan comulus, yakni awan penghasil hujan. Bahan semai sistem flare adalah kalsium klorida (CaCl2), sejenis garam khusus yang bersifat higroskopis (mengikat air). Sifat fisis bahan semai inilah yang menyerap tetes air dan uap air menjadi butir air di dalam awan dan mengumpul melalui proses tumbukan dan penggabungan. Butiran air tersebut berkembang membesar lalu jatuh sebagai hujan. TMC biasanya digunakan untuk mitigasi bencana, seperti menambah curah hujan, mengurangi asap akibat kebakaran lahan dan hutan, atau mengurangi intensitas curah hujan. Contohnya
Pesawat penyemai awan.
seperti operasi pencegahan hujan di Jakarta dan pengurangan asap akibat kebakaran hutan di Riau. Selain meningkatkan curah hujan, TMC dapat berfungsi menghambat curah hujan. Hal ini pernah dilakukan di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia yang kerap mengalami curah hujan tinggi, seperti di Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Sumatera Selatan. Di Jakarta, misalnya, TMC mampu menurunkan 22% intensitas hujan di musim hujan. Di Ibu Kota, teknologi ini malah telah diterapkan sejak 2000. Sedangkan Kalimantan dan Sumatera sejak 1997. Aktivitas meningkatkan curah hujan untuk menambah volume air waduk atau PLTA seperti dilakukan di Danau Towuti, pernah diterapkan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Saguling di Jawa Barat, DAS Kedung Ombo di Jawa Tengah, dan DAS Riam Kanan di Kalimantan Selatan. Kajian pakar modifikasi teknologi cuaca BPPT, CH Nasution, berjudul “Keseimbangan Lingkungan antara Kebutuhan dan Penyediaan Air Melalui TMC” menyebutkan, TMC tidak mempengaruhi kualitas air dan ekosistem. Bahkan analisisnya menunjukkan kualitas air selama kegiatan penyemaian awan belum melampaui baku mutu air yang diatur PP No. 20/1990 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Air. “Untuk meyakinkan para pemangku kepentingan, kami terbuka untuk melibatkan tim independen guna memantau dan mengawasi dampak pelaksanaan TMC di Luwu Timur,” tambah Anom. Sebagai informasi, berdasarkan hasil rapat koordinasi lintas kementerian pada 10 Agustus 2015 di Jakarta, TMC menjadi salah satu program rencana aksi nasional 2015 dalam rangka penanggulangan kekeringan serta kebakaran lahan dan hutan di Indonesia. Rapat tersebut dihadiri Menteri Pertanian, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, Menteri Perdagangan, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Maritim, Kapolri, Panglima TNI, Kepala BPS, Kepala BMKG, Kepala BNPB, dan Kepala UPT Hujan Buatan BPPT.
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Controlling Rain through TMC In cooperation with the BPPT (Agency for Technology Assessment and Application), PT Vale applies Weather Modification Technology (TMC). The technology is needed to keep the performance of the hydro power plant intact amid the extreme weather. Over the last few years weather forecast has been difficult to do. Rainy season lasted longer than usual. So did the dry season. As a result a number of areas endured drought. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) region IV overseeing Makassar has predicted the arrival of El Nino. This phenomenon causes prolonged dry season which may last until the end of 2015, or even early in 2016. The peak of the weather phenomenon is predicted to occur between September and December, which will be severely felt in the southern and western part of Sulawesi. The protracted dry season will disrupt not only the ecosystem, but also the operation of PT Vale, which relies much on its hydro power plant for its source of energy “The changing rainy and dry season patterns has reduced supply of rain water and the level of lake surface. This will adversely affect the work of the power plant’s turbines. The declining level of Lake Towuti surface has cut electricity supply too because water supply is falling,” says Anom Prasetio, Senior Civil Engineer MSE.
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If the surface level continues to go down, electricity supply for the operation of PT Vale and public consumption in East Luwu will be in trouble. At the end of the day it will affect contribution of PT Vale to East Luwu regional revenues. To ensure sustainability of the power plant’s operation, PT Vale worked with the Agency for Technology Assessment and Application (BPPT) in conducting cloud seeding attempts to enhance cloud’s ability to produce precipitation and rain. Through the Weather Modification Technology (TMC), the surface of Lake Towuti has been maintained at its current level of between 318 and 319.3 meters above the sea level so as to enable the power plant to operate normally. “The target of TMC is to seed the clouds above Larona river basin,” Anom, who is also the TMC project manager, says. TMC is not new to PT Vale. The company applied the technology from 2008 to 2010. Unlike in the past, now the cloud seeding uses the flare system. Materials for the cloud seeding are packaged within a canister which looks like firework and is attached under aircraft wings. When the plane enters clouds the materials are burned so that their smoke gets into the clouds.
In 2015, the cloud seeding is also conducted on the ground using GBG (ground based generator) tower. Due to its static nature, GBG can only wait for clouds and apply the technology on the floor of clouds located the nearest to the top of the tower. To ensure successful cloud seeding, the tower is erected in a high ground. Utilizing an air flow controlling system, the cloud seeds are expected to enter the clouds. That’s why wind blow and topography play a pivotal role in transporting seeds into the clouds. According to Dr Tri Handoko Seto, a weather modification expert from BPPT, the flare technology is proven to be more effective and efficient than the old method, in which seed powder was sown manually from a plane. As a comparison, one kilogram of seed materials using flare system equals 100 kg of seed powder used in the old method. The flare system also allows the seeds to spread throughout the clouds. Another factor that supports the success of TMC is the growth potential of clouds that will produce rain. The clouds are monitored by BPPT radar which is located at Sorowako Airport.
Environmentally Friendly TMC looks like fertilizing the clouds. By stimulating the cloud seeding the process of cloud formation is expected to accelerate, faster than leaving the process to the nature. It must be understood that TMC cannot work without clouds. Ripe clouds, or cumulus, will generate rain.
Cloud seeder aircraft
The main cloud seeding material using flare system is calcium chloride (CaCl2), a kind of particular salt known for its hygroscopic nature. It’s this physical characteristic that absorbs water drop and vapor and turns them into water droplets inside the clouds, which will gather through collision and incorporation of clouds. The droplets grow bigger and fall to the earth in the form of rain. TMC is normally applied in disaster mitigation, such as to increase rainfall level, ease smog resulting from forest and land fires or reduce intensity of rainfall. The rain avoidance operation once occurred in Jakarta and cloud seeding to reduce haze was applied in Riau. Apart from increasing rainfall level, TMC can slow rainfall, which was tried in several provinces that often face high rainfall level like Jakarta, Central Java and South Sumatra. In Jakarta TMC reduced intensity of rain by 22% during rainy season. The technology has been applied in the capital city since 2000, while in Kalimantan and Sumatra since 1997. The efforts to increase rainfall level to raise the water volume in the reservoir supplying the hydro power plant like Lake Towuti was once implemented in Saguling river basin in West Java, Kedung Ombo river basin in Central Java and Riam Kanan river basin in South Kalimantan. A study by weather modification expert from BPPT, CH Nasution, titled “Environmental Balance between Demand and Supply of Water through TMC” says that the technology does not affect the quality of water and the ecosystem. His analysis reveals that the water quality during the cloud seeding activity does not exceed the threshold stipulated in Government Regulation No. 20/1990 on Water Pollution Control. “To convince all stakeholders, we are open to any independent team to monitor and supervise the impacts of TMC application in East Luwu,” says Anom. Following an inter-ministerial coordination meeting on Aug. 10, 2015 in Jakarta, TMC was listed in the national action plan to mitigate drought and forest and land fires in Indonesia in 2015. The meeting was attended by the agriculture minister, public works minister, trade minister, coordinating maritime minister, Indonesian Military chief, National Police chief, head of the Central Statistics Bureau, head of BMKG, head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency and head of BPPT cloud seeding work unit.
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Memantau Kualitas Nikel dari Laboratorium Analis di Laboratorium & Sample House Process Technology Department dituntut menyuplai data sampel nikel ore tepat waktu. Termasuk memantau nikel dalam matte sebelum dikirim ke Jepang. Agenda kerja Hasmawati ketika Halo Vale menemuinya suatu hari di pertengahan April lalu begitu padat. Monitor komputernya menampilkan rentetan angka analisis sampel ore untuk pabrik pengolahan. Sementara meja kerjanya dipenuhi tumpukan modul pelatihan dan penilaian para analis laboratorium yang mengikuti uji kompetensi. Sebelumnya, Hasmawati sibuk menyiapkan materi pelatihan penyegaran untuk para analis yang akan berlangsung siang harinya. Begitulah kesibukan Hasmawati, salah seorang analis senior sekaligus instruktur untuk Laboratory and Sample House Process Plant pada Process Technology Department PT Vale. Pada 4 Agustus 1997 Hasmawati bergabung di PT Vale sebagai seorang analis. Dia ditempatkan di Sample House selama enama bulan. Di tempat ini, pekerjaannya adalah mengambil sampel atau menyiapkan preparasi dari lima area operasi PT Vale, yakni Dryer, Kiln, Furnace, Converter, dan Mining. “Pekerjaan ini cukup berat, karena harus teliti guna menghasilkan nikel yang baik dan sesuai spesifikasi. Tapi saya melakukannya dengan senang dan semangat,” ungkap alumni Fakultas Kimia Univesitas Hasanuddin angkatan 1990 ini. Laboratorium dan Sample House merupakan salah satu proses penting dalam pengolahan nikel PT Vale. Sebelum diolah, pabrik menunggu hasil analisis laboratorium untuk melihat unsur dan kadar nikel apakah cocok dengan spesifikasi. Pekerjaan di laboratorium berlangsung 24 jam non-stop dalam tiga shift. Tidak sedikit para analis dan pekerja
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lapangan sample house merupakan kaum perempuan. “Analis dituntut konsentrasi dan akurat dalam melakukan analisis sampel. Termasuk disiplin pada keselamatan kerja,” tutur dia. Meski para analis bekerja di ruangan, potensi bahaya cukup tinggi. Pasalnya, di laboratorium terdapat banyak bahan kimia dan peralatan yang mengandung listrik atau panas tinggi. Profesi analis juga punya target
kerja cukup ketat. Tiap satu shift mesti menganalisis 300-400 sampel dari area eksplorasi, seratusan sampel dari empat area pabrik, plus 200-an sampel dari area tambang. Tenggat waktu penyelesaiannya beragam. Ada yang empat jam harus kelar, ada pula yang harus selesai satu jam. Tak heran, jumlah pekerja laboratorium sample house tiap satu shift bisa mencapai 20 orang. Mereka meliputi 6 analis di laboratorium Process Plant, 1 analis di Harapan MRAL, 1 analis di Petea yang permanen, 3 analis kontrak, 1 analis senior, 1 team leader, dan 7 teknisi lapangan yang menyiapkan sampel ore. Sedangkan untuk steady day terdapat 5 orang analis, 2 analis sampel nikel dalam matte sebelum diekspor ke Jepang, 1 analis di environmental untuk menganalisis sampel air, 2 analis kontrak untuk melakukan preparasi sampel air, 1 orang team leader, dan seorang chemist. Jumlah pekerja yang cukup banyak dan target kerja ketat itu, ungkap Hasmawati, karena laboratorium punya dua customer selain Process Plant, yakni Departemen Mining dan Departemen Environment, Health & Safety. Karena itu, laboratorium dibagi dua kelas untuk melayani kebutuhan tiga departemen tersebut.
menyiapkan standar kompetensi laboratorium, juga modul berbasis kompetensi untuk para analis dan teknisi,” ujar dia. Reni Noviana Poly, analis kolega Hasmawati, mengatakan, Hasmawati merupakan sosok pekerja yang peduli dengan pekerja lain. “Ibu Hasma itu menyenangkan, perhatian, rajin, dan teliti. Kalau dia melihat ada pekerja yang alat pelindung dirinya kurang, dia kasih ingat,” ungkap Reni yang telah bekerja di PT Vale sejak 2007 ini. Menurut Hasmawati, PT Vale merupakan tempat bekerja yang memberikan kesempatan sama bagi karyawan perempuan dan laki-laki. Jenjang kariernya juga disesuaikan dengan kompetensi. “Yang saya rasakan adalah kami, pekerja, diperlakukan sebagai aset perusahaan,” ujar wanita yang telah dikarunia tiga orang anak ini.[]
Hasmawaty bersama rekan kerja sedang mengecek sampel nikel di laboratorium Process Plant.
“Pertama, laboratorium produksi yang melayani kebutuhan data dan informasi sampel dari area pabrik, yakni Dryer, Kiln, Furnace, dan Converter. Kedua, laboratorium environmental yang fokus menganalisis sampel limbah cair dari kolam pengendapan di area tambang, sungai dan kualitas air danau,” ujar dia.
Kompetensi Dalam hal kemampuan, ungkap Hasmawati, para pekerjanya dibekali berbagai pelatihan dan uji kompetensi yang berhubungan dengan profesinya. Peralatan laboratorium dan sistem kerjanya juga telah mengadopsi ISO 17025, standar untuk laboratorium pengujian dan kalibrasi, sejak 2006. Pengalaman dan keahlian Hasmawati mengantarkan dirinya menjadi assessor untuk Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi PT Vale sejak Agustus 2012, dan acting instructor pada pertengahan 2014. “Sebagai instruktur dan analis, saya
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Monitoring Nickel Quality from Laboratory Analysts in Laboratory & Sample House, Process Technology Department are demanded to supply nickel ore data samples on time. Their jobs also include monitoring nickel matte before shipment to Japan. Hasmawati’s agenda was tight when Halo Vale met her sometime in mid-April. Her computer screen displayed a string of numbers of ore sample analysis for the processing plant. Her desk was infested with stacks of training module and evaluation of laboratory analysts who took part in a competence test. She had previously been busy preparing materials for rejuvenation training for analysts which would take place later in the afternoon of that day. That’s how Hasmawati spends her busy day as a senior analyst and instructor for Laboratory and Sample House Process Plant at PT Vale Process Technology Department. Hasnawati joined PT Vale on August 4, 1997 as an analyst. She was assigned to the Sample House for six months. Her jobs there were taking samples or preparing analysis for five operational areas of PT Vale, which are Dryer, Kiln, Furnace, Converter and Mining. “These are quite tough jobs because they require precision in order to produce nickel which is in
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line with its specification. I just do them all with pleasure and spirt,” the 1990 graduate of Chemical Engineering Department at Hasanuddin University says. Laboratory and Sample House is one of the main parts of nickel processing in PT Vale. Before processing, the plant will wait for the results of laboratory analysis just to observe the right substance and grade of nickel in accordance with its specification. Works in the laboratory last 24 hours and are split into three shifts. Quite many of the analysts and sample house field workers are women. “An analyst has to focus and be precise in conducting a sample analysis. Discipline and work safety also matter,” she says. Although the analysts work indoor, potentials of hazard they face are quite high. This is because the laboratory is home to many chemical substances and electronic and high temperature equipment.
The profession has a tight work target. Every shift between 300 and 400 samples taken from exploration area, hundreds of samples from four plant areas plus 200s samples from mining areas must be analyzed. The deadline for completion of the analysis varies. Some may have to finish in four hours, but others in one hour only.
mental laboratory which focuses on analyzing liquid waste samples taken from sedimentation pond in the mining area, river and lake,” she says.
No wonder the number of sample house laboratory analysts can reach 20 per shift. They comprise 6 analysts at the processing plant laboratory, 1 analyst in Harapan MRAL, 1 permanent analyst in Petea, 3 contractual analysts, 1 senior analyst, 1 team leader, and 7 field technicians who prepare ore samples.
On steady day there are 5 analysts, 2 analysts who examine nickel matte samples before they are exported to Japan, 1 environmental analyst who examines water samples, 2 contractual analysts who prepare water samples, 1 team leader and 1 chemist.
Experience and mastery have led Hasmawati to the post of assessor for Profession Certification Institute at PT Vale since August 2012, and acting instructor in mid-2014. “As an instructor and analyst, I prepared laboratory competence standard, as well as competence-based module for analysts and technicians,” she says.
The number of staff is quite many and the target is tight, Hasmawati says, because the laboratory employs 2 customers aside from Process Plant, which are Department of Mining and Department of Environment, Health & Safety. Therefore, the laboratory is divided into two classes to serve the need of the three departments. “First is the production laboratory which provides data and information related to samples taken from plant areas, which are Dryer, Kiln, Furnace and Converter. Second is environ-
Works in the laboratory last 24 hours and are split into three shifts. Quite many of the analysts and sample house field workers are women.
Capability wise, Hasmawati says, all laboratory staff have undergone training and competence tests related to their profession. Laboratory equipment and its work system has adopted ISO 17025, a standard for testing and calibration laboratory, since 2006.
Reni Noviana Poly, fellow analyst, says Hasmawati is a figure who cares for other employees. “Ibu (Madam) Hasma is a pleasant, caring, diligent and thorough person. If she knows a worker who wears inadequate protection tools, she will give a reminder,” Reni, who has been working for PT Vale since 2007, says. According to Hasmawati, PT Vale is a workplace that gives equal opportunity to its female and male employees. Their career goes in line with their competence. “What I feel is we, employees, are treated as company assets,” the mother of three says.[]
Process Plant Laboratory crew have a briefing before working.
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Vale Runners, Menebar Virus Lari Mereka berlari bukan karena ikut-ikutan tren. Apalagi mengejar prestasi. Motivasinya untuk hidup sehat.
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Vale Runners bukanlah komunitas baru. Klub ini sudah terbentuk akhir 2012. Semula digagas beberapa karyawan PT Vale di kantor Jakarta. Alasannya, mereka ingin punya kegiatan olahraga bersama. Lari menjadi pilihan. Mereka sempat melakukan empat kali lari bareng di Kompleks Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, tapi kemudian vakum. Meski demikian, beberapa orang yang kadung jatuh cinta dengan lari tetap rutin berlari.
Terbang ke Sorowako Ternyata, di Sorowako tidak sedikit karyawan dan kontraktor PT Vale yang keranjingan lari. Maka bak gayung bersambut, mereka pun memutuskan untuk menghidupkan kembali Vale Runners awal 2015 silam. Bermula dari membuat grup Whatsapp, mereka saling memotivasi untuk hidup sehat dan berbagi pengalaman lari. Ketika itu, kegiatan masih sebatas diskusi. Kalau pun lari, mereka masih sendiri-sendiri. Yang menarik, mereka membuat konsensus untuk melakukan pencatatan setiap kali lari. Berapa jarak dan waktu tempuh setiap lari. “Fungsi catatan itu lebih ke self challenge, sekaligus untuk saling memotivasi anggota,” ujar Bayu Anggoro Widyanto dari Finance Department, salah satu penggagas Vale Runners.
Sekitar Maret 2015, Vale Runners memutuskan untuk menghidupkan kembali tradisi lari bersama. Kalau Anda melihat gerombolan pelari saban Rabu malam dan Sabtu pagi mengelilingi Sorowako, itulah mereka! Tiap lari bersama, mereka mendokumentasikan dan mengunggah aktivitasnya ke Facebook dan Instagram Vale Runners. Termasuk invitasi lari bersama yang biasanya diumumkan sehari sebelum hari H. Alhasil, yang ikutan lari bukan hanya dari kalangan karyawan dan kontraktor PT Vale, tapi juga masyarakat Sorowako dan sekitarnya. Ketentuan lari tidak dibuat kaku. Meski Vale Runners mematok rute dan jarak tertentu, para pelari bebas memilih jarak lari sesuai kemampuan. Hal itulah yang membuat anggota Vale Runners semakin bertambah. Hingga akhir Mei lalu, tercatat sekitar 30 anggota Vale Runners. Vale Runners memang bukan klub lari profesional. Tujuan komunitas ini untuk membudayakan hidup sehat. “Jadi, tujuan lari lebih untuk menjaga kebugaran. Apalagi usia rata-rata anggota Vale Runners di atas 30 tahun,” ungkap Bayu. Soal menyesuaikan jarak lari dengan kemampuan juga diakui Basrie Kamba dari Communications & External Affairs Department. Dia rutin lari enam bulan belakangan ini. “Saya berlari lebih untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran. Target ming-
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guan sedikitnya 10 kilometer,” ujar Basrie Kamba. Olahraga lari menjadi pilihannya sebagai variasi. Selama ini dia lebih sering bersepeda di medan ekstrem.
Stamina prima Bicara soal manfaat lari, anggota Vale Runners punya banyak cerita. Lili Nuria Lubis dari EHS Department, misalnya. Sejak berkenalan dengan olahraga ini pada 2012 dan membiasakan empat kali seminggu berlari, dia merasa tubuhnya lebih bugar. “Dan awet muda,” tambah wanita yang pernah mendapat kategori Excellence untuk hasil medical check up PT Vale tahun 2012 ini. Pengakuan Muhammad Asril dari ETDS Department lain lagi. Sejak hobi lari setahun terakhir dan menargetkan lari sejauh 25 kilometer per minggu, pria ini mengaku tidak mudah lelah. “Daya tahan tubuh saya juga semakin baik,” akunya. Bahkan Asril, menurut Bayu, mendapat bonus dari ketekunannya berlari. “Berat badannya turun. Dia makin ramping,” timpal Bayu. Hal serupa diakui Kusnu Hariyanto dari EHS Department. Sejak rutin lari tiga tahun belakang dengan target 3,5 kilometer tiap kali lari dia mengaku tidak mudah capek.
Vale Runners bersama Sorowako Mengajar menggelar Kelas Inspirasi dan donasi buku kepada SDN 248 Nuha, Luwu Timur, awal Oktober 2015 silam.
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Iqra Mowinka Mpue dari IT Department mengaku lari merupakan cara yang pas untuk menjaga fisik dan psikisnya agar tetap fit. “Saya merasa rileks dan segar setelah lari,” ujar pria yang pernah mengikuti trialthon dan cukup rutin mengikuti perhelatan lari nasional dan internasional ini.
Hidup seimbang Anggota Vale Runners berharap komunitas ini dapat menjadi inspirasi dan motor agar orang sadar akan hidup sehat. “Harapannya, semakin banyak karyawan ikut olahraga agar work life balance,” ungkap Tri Rachman Batara dari HR Department. Hal serupa diungkapkan Iqra. “Harapan saya, komunitas ini bisa menjadi live by example. Mudah-mudahan dengan orang sering melihat kami lari, orang lain tergerak untuk menyempatkan diri berolahraga, khususnya lari,” ujar dia. Ke depan, Vale Runners punya beberapa agenda. Salah satunya menyelenggarakan “Run for Charity”. “Konsepnya, jarak tempuh yang berhasil dikumpulkan anggota dikalikan dengan nominal rupiah. Dana itu untuk kemanusiaan. Hal ini sedang kami rancang agar tidak memberatkan anggota, namun justru memotivasi mereka untuk lari,” ungkap Bayu.[]
Vale Runners, Spread the Running Virus They run not because they follow the trend, let alone to chase achievement. Their motivation is to live healthily.
Vale Runners participated in 2015 Sorowako Run, August.
Vale Runners is not a new community. The club was established at the end of 2012. Originally it was initiated by several employees in PT Vale office in Jakarta. Their reason was to have a sports activity together. Running was their choice. They have run together inside Bung Karno Sports Complex in Senayan, Jakarta four times. But the agenda stopped for a while, although some of them maintained the activity for the sake of their love for the sport.
Flying for Sorowako It turned out that in Sorowako quite many employees and contractors of PT Vale are crazy about running. They finally decided to revive Vale Runners early in 2015. Starting with Whatsapp group they motivated each other to live a healthy life and share their running experience. At that time their activity was limited to discussion. They might run but not in a group but individually.
Interestingly they reached a consensus to post their notes every time they ran. The notes included their running distance and time they registered. “The notes serve only as a self-challenge as well as an attempt to motivate each other,” says Bayu Anggoro Widyanto of Finance Department, one of Vale Runners initiators. About March 2015, Vale Runners decided to revive the tradition of running together. If you see a group of people run every Wednesday night and Saturday morning around Sorowako, that’s them. Every time they run together they take pictures of themselves for documentation purpose and upload them on the group’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. They also announce through the social media their invitation to run on the eve of the activity. As a result, not only PT Vale employees, but also people of Sorowako and surrounding areas take part in the activity.
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Requirements for each participant are not strict. Although Vale Runners set a certain route and distance, participants are free to set their own distance according to their capability. This flexibility has given a rise to the number of Vale Runners members. As of the end of May about 30 people have joined Vale Runners. Vale Runners is not a group of professional runners. The community aims to promote healthy lifestyle. “So our goal is to maintain physical fitness, especially because the average age of Vale Runners members is above 30 years old,” says Bayu. Adaptation to the running distance set by the group is challenging, as admitted by Basrie Kamba from Communications & External Affairs Department. He has routinely run in the last six months. “I run simply to keep myself healthy and fit. My target per week is set at 10 kilometers,” Basrie Kamba says. Running is his choice of sports apart from his routine cycling in extreme fields.
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Perfect endurance Speaking about the benefits of running, Vale Runners members share a lot of stories. Lili Nuria Lubis from EHS Department, is one of them. Since she started to run in 2012, she has routinely run four times a week and felt her physical fitness improved. “And stay young,” says the woman, who received an excellent mark in the 2012 medical check-up at PT Vale. Muhammad Asril from ETDS Department has a different account. Since he started running in the past year and set the distance target of 25 kilometers a week, he says he is not easily feel tired at workplace. “My physical endurance is getting better,” he says. Asril, according to Bayu, received a bonus due to his perseverance in running. “He manages to lower weight. He is slimmer now than he used to be,” Bayu says. The same advantage is felt by Kusnu
Hariyanto from EHS Department. Since he began running routinely three years ago with a distance target of 3.5 kilometers a day, he has never lost steam when working. Iqra Mowinka Mpue from IT Department says running is an appropriate way to maintain both physical and mental fitness. “I feel relax and fresh after running,” the man, who once underwent triathlon training and routinely participated in national and international running competitions, says.
Balance life Vale Runners members expect the community to inspire and motivate people to be aware of healthy life. “Our hope is many more employees take part in the sport activity so as to obtain a work-life balance,” says Tri Rachman Batara of HR Department.
Iqra concurs. “I hope the community to lead others by example. Hopefully by frequently seeing us running other people will be motivated to spare time for sports, especially running,” he says. In the future Vale Runners will arrange several agendas, one of them is to organize “Run for Charity”. “The concept is every distance covered by each participant will be multiplied by a certain amount of rupiah. The money raised will be for charity. We are still designing the concept so as not to burden but motivate them to run,” says Bayu.[]
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Mendengkur, Indikator Kegemukan Jangan sepelekan mendengkur. Itu indikasi Anda mengalami obesitas atau tekanan darah tinggi. Melihat anggota keluarga atau pasangan Anda tidur mendengkur kadang bisa bikin geli sendiri. Namun kalau hal itu berlangsung sepanjang malam, Anda bisa kesal karena berisik dan tidak bisa tidur. Sebaiknya jangan sepelekan masalah ini. Mendengkur merupakan bunyi napas yang mengganggu ketika tidur. Permasalahan
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ini bisa terjadi pada siapa pun, tak kenal usia atau jenis kelamin. National Sleep Foundation, AS, menyebutkan, sebanyak 48% usia 40-75 tahun tidur mendengkur. Setiap pekan, rata-rata mereka mendengkur sebanyak empat malam. Diperkirakan sedikitnya 37 juta pendengkur aktif dari 90 juta orang dewasa di AS. Menurut Michael Grandner Phd, profesor psikiatrik dan anggota Center of Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology, Sekolah Medis Perelman Universitas Pennsylvania, AS, banyak faktor yang membuat orang tidur mendengkur. Pada umumnya karena penyempitan saluran pernapasan. “Biasanya terjadi pada otot bagian atas mulut yang disebut soft palate atau di bagian belakang tenggorok-
an yang sebagian tertutup sehingga pernapasan tidak bisa lempeng. Hal itu terjadi seperti ketika Anda meniup sebuah tabung. Maka tabung akan bergetar dan mengeluarkan suara. Ketika lubang tabung itu semakin sempit, bunyinya akan semakin keras,” ujar Grandner. Beberapa faktor mempengaruhi orang tidur mendengkur. Bertambahnya usia salah satunya. Semakin tua Anda, elastisitas otot tenggorakan semakin menurun. Ada pula faktor anatomi tubuh, khususnya bagian tenggorokan yang tidak normal, misalnya karena terjadi pembesaran amandel atau pembengkakan polip. Posisi tidur juga bisa membuat Anda tidur mendengkur. Ketika telungkup misalnya. Peluang tidur mendengkur 40% lebih besar. Konsumsi alkohol termasuk pemicu lainnya. Alkohol membuat otot tenggorakan kurang elastis. Nah, yang terakhir ini adalah penyebab yang baru ditemukan, yakni kelebihan berat badan alias kegemukan. Orang gemuk memiliki komplikasi metabolisme yang tidak seimbang. Menurut penelitian Grandner, orang gemuk juga mengalami tiga persoalan dengan tekanan darah, kolestrol, bahkan kelainan jantung. Tiga hal tersebut mempengaruhi elastisitas otot dan saluran pernapasan. Khususnya pada pria. Kegemukan biasanya menyelubungi otot bagian leher. Hal ini membuat aliran oksigen kurang lancar. Akibatnya, tidur mendengkur tak bisa dielakkan.
Kerusakan sel Implikasi tidur mendengkur juga perlu menjadi perhatian, karena membuat jumlah oksigen yang masuk ke jantung berfluktusi. Bila hal ini terjadi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sel tubuh. Volume oksigen yang tidak konstan membuat fungsi hati dalam melepaskan adrenalin berlebihan. Akibatnya, adrenalin membuat otak bekerja intens. Padahal, kondisi sebaliknya yang seharusnya terjadi ketika Anda sedang tidur. “Untuk kasus ini persoalannya adalah kardiovaskular yang mempengaruhi gangguan pernapasan. Kerja kardiovaskular bergantung pada tekanan darah dan kolestrol seseorang,” ujar Grandner. Namun Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Kabar baiknya, tidur mendengkur adalah masalah yang mudah diobati. Caranya dengan mengubah gaya hidup. Cara yang paling mujarab adalah membuat bobot tubuh Anda lebih proporsional. Tentunya dengan mengonsumsi menu sehat dan berimbang disertai olahraga dengan porsi yang pas dan jadwal istirahat cukup.
Ada cara-cara pendukung lainnya, misalnya tidak tidur dengan posisi telungkup dan melakukan sesuatu agar tidur Anda lebih nyaman. “Melakukan hal tersebut memang tidak mudah. Memerlukan adaptasi selama beberapa minggu. Namun ketika semuanya berjalan, Anda akan tidur maksimal dan badan terasa segar ketika bangun,” tutur Grandner. []
Ciri Orang Tidur Mendengkur • • • • • •
Mudah mengantuk, kalau tidur bisa seharian penuh. Bangun tidur pagi kerap sakit kepala. Bangun tidur tapi badan terasa tidak segar. Kerap terbangun ketika tidur malam. Konsentrasi dan ingatan kurang tajam. Kerap mengalami nyeri di dada ketika malam.
10 Cara Agar Tidur Berkualitas 1. Redupkan lampu ketika hendak tidur. 2. Suhu kamar tidur sebaiknya tidak terlalu dingin atau panas. Idealnya 20-23 derajat Celcius. Perhatikan juga sirkulasi udara yang baik sehingga udara kamar tetap segar. 3. Pilih matras dan bantal yang nyaman. 4. Kurangi suara-suara di sekitar kamar ketika hendak tidur. Sebaiknya televisi tidak ada di depan tempat tidur Anda. 5. Jadwal tidur dan bangun selalu sama, meski di akhir pekan. Hal ini membuat metabolisme tubuh Anda bekerja sempurna. 6. Hindari tidur siang. Tidur siang memang dapat memaksimalkan metabolisme, namun bagi beberapa orang hal ini justru membuat sulit tidur malam. 7. Lakukan olahraga ringan agar tubuh Anda lebih rileks. 8. Hindari rokok, alkohol, dan menu terlalu berat untuk makan malam. Usahakan jadwal makan malam Anda maksimal 2-3 jam sebelum beranjak tidur. 9. Mengondisikan tubuh untuk tidur. Tidak serta-merta tubuh langsung nyaman tertidur. Anda perlu membuat rileks. Salah satu aktivitas untuk mengondisikan hal itu, misalnya, membaca buku. Bukan menonton televisi atau bekerja di depan komputer. 10. Bila Anda tidak juga dapat tidur, tidak ada salahnya Anda pindah ke ruangan lain yang bisa membuat Anda lebih rileks dan tertidur.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
Snoring, Indicator of Obesity Don’t take snoring lightly. It may indicate that you endure obesity or hypertension. Watching your partner or family member snoring sometimes gives you fun. But if it lasts throughout the night it will turn into disturbance as the noise keeps you from sleeping well. It will be better for you to not take the matter lightly. Snore is a disturbing sound of respiration during a sleep. It can happen to anyone, regardless of age and sex. The National Sleep Foundation in the US has found that 48% of people in the age range of 40-75 years snore. Every week they snore four nights. An estimate of 37 million out of 90 people who snore are American adults. According to Michael Grandner Phd, a professor of psychiatry and member of the Center of Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, there are various reasons behind snoring. In most cases, however, snoring is caused by constriction of respiratory tract. “The constriction commonly occurs
in the muscles of soft palate or the back part of throat which partially is closed, preventing normal respiration. It is like when you blow a cylinder, it will shiver and release a sound. The narrower the cylinder’s hole, the louder the sound,” Grandner says. There are a number of factors that cause man to snore. Age is one of the triggers. The older someone the lower elasticity of your throat muscles. There is another anatomic factor behind snoring habit, especially throat part which is abnormal, for example due to swelling tonsil or polyp. Sleeping position can also leads to snoring. When you are sleeping with your head facing down the possibility of snoring reaches 40%. Alcohol consumption is another trigger as alcohol reduces elasticity of human’s throat muscles. The newly discovered reason for snoring is obesity. Obese people face imbalance metabolism. Grandner’s study also found that obese people also encounter three health risks: hypertension, excessive cholesterol and heart disorder. The three risks will affect elasticity of respiratory tract muscles. Especially for males, obesity usually affect muscles in their necks. This will restrict the flow of oxygen. As a result snoring is inevitable.
Cell damage Implications of snoring should raise concern because oxygen supply to the heart will fluctuate. If this happens body cells will be damaged. Inconstant oxygen volume will force lever to release too much adrenaline. Consequently adrenaline will leave brain working very intensely. Whilst the
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contrary should happen while you are sleeping. “In this case the issue is cardiovascular that causes respiratory problem. Cardiovascular function depends on blood tension and cholesterol level of someone,” Grandner says. But you should not worry. The good news is snoring is easily cured. The key is changing your habit. The most effective way is reducing your weight to a proportional level. Of course by way of consuming nutrient and balance food and enough exercise and sleep. There are also other solutions, such as avoiding sleeping with your head facing down and doing something to make your sleep comfortable. “Indeed it is not easy. It requires adaptation that may take several weeks. But when everything goes well, your sleep will give maximum effect and your body will be fresh when you wake up,” says Grandner. []
Indications of People Who Snore • • • • • •
Easily feel sleepy, can sleep for a full day. Complain about headache when waking up. Wake up in the morning but do not feel fresh. Often awake when sleeping at night. Capability to concentrate and memorize declines. Complain about sore chest in the night.
10 Ways to Get Quality Sleep 1. Dim the lighting before sleeping. 2. Set room’s temperature at not too cold or too hot. Ideally it is set at 20-23 degree Celsius. Mind also the air temperature so that the room stays fresh. 3. Choose the right mat and comfortable pillows. 4. Reduce noise around the room before sleeping. It is better not to place TV set in front of your bed. 5. Keep your sleeping schedule unchanged even in weekend. This will help your metabolism to work perfectly. 6. Avoid afternoon sleep. It may perfect metabolism, but for other people it will cause insomnia. 7. Do light exercise to help your body feel more relax. 8. Avoid smoking, alcohol and heavy menu for dinner. Keep your dinner schedule 2-3 hours before sleep at the latest. 9. Tune in your body for sleeping. It will not immediately make you fall asleep. You have to relax. One of the activities to help you feel relax is reading book, not watching TV or working in front of computer screen. 10. If you find it difficult to sleep, you may move to another room that can make you relax and fall asleep.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 14
KUIS Carilah 10 kata yang berhubungan dengan operasi PT Vale dalam kotak di bawah. Sepuluh pengirim kuis yang beruntung akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik.
Pemenang kuis Halo Vale 13 1. Masjaya/7167 2. Malunto Yusran/8057 3. Daud E. Payangan/8880 4. Enos Randan/8867 5. Amerigo Nicholson Polii/8875 6. Amiruddin/7063 7. Kaharuddin/6115 8. Freshen Mimosa/C9737 9. Arkipus/7187 10. Anastasia D.R/8300 11. Erni Afranisa Yani/YPS_508
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