Halo Vale Edisi Khusus PTPM
Teknologi Baru Pengolahan Limbah Ramli M. Lisi, Jatuh Cinta pada Truk Sayang Tubuh? Makan "Superfood"
Paradigma Baru Program Sosial PT Vale
Pengantar Redaksi
Letter from the Editor
Pembaca yang budiman.
Dear Readers,
Tahun 2014 adalah tahun penting bagi Vale dalam menjalankan program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Ke depan, program akan diselaraskan dengan rencana pembangunan Pemerintah Daerah, bersifat jangka panjang, dan memiliki roadmap lima tahunan. Pemda, Perusahaan, dan masyarakat penerima manfaat program kini berjalan bersama sebagai tiga pilar program.
2014 was an important year for Vale in conducting its community development program. In the future the program will be adjusted to the local government’s long-term development planning under a five-yearly roadmap. The local government, the company and the beneficiaries are now walking side by side as the three pillars of the program.
Tiga pilar tersebut mengayuh dayung bersama dan berlayar ke pulau impian yang sama. Dengan demikian tidak terjadi tumpang-tindih program, tumpang-tindih dana, serta pemborosan waktu dan pekerjaan. PT Vale menggulirkan Program Terpadu Pengembangan Masyarakat (PTPM) di mana di dalamnya terdapat Program Mitra Desa Mandiri (PMDM). Dukungan PT Vale dimaksudkan lebih sebagai pendorong keswadayaan dan kemandirian, sebagai kawan seiring. Pembaca, laporan utama Halo Vale kali ini menyuguhkan secara ringkas program PTPM, yang 2015 memasuki tahun kedua. Pada rubrik “Kinerja” patut disimak kesigapan karyawan kontraktor mendeteksi bahaya longsor di area kerja sehingga banyak nyawa dan aset terselamatkan. Kesigapan itu menunjukkan bahwa keselamatan kerja dan prosedur kerja aman mulai diinternalisasi oleh karyawan. Tidak berlebihan bila pencanangan Vale Towards Zero Harm 2018 dapat terealisasi. Pada rubrik “Komunitas”, kami tampilkan klub fotografi ECeCe. Selain untuk memuaskan hobi, keterampilan mereka mendukung pekerjaan sebagai geolog di lapangan. Misalnya memotret bentang alam sehingga benar-benar memperlihatkan bentuk aslinya.
The three pillars row the same boat and sail to the same island of dream. Therefore, there will be no overlapping programs and funds and a waste of time and work. PT Vale launched the Integrated Community Development Program (PTPM), which includes the Self-Sufficient Village Partnership Program. Support from PT Vale as a companion is purported more as a stimulus to drive self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Readers, the main story of Halo Vale this time around will feature in brief the PTPM, which will enter its second year running. In the “Performance” column, you may pay attention to the agility of contractors’ employees in detecting threats of landslide in their working area, so as to save many lives and assets. Such agility is testament to successful internalization of safety rule and safe working procedure among employees. It is not exaggerating that the program called Vale Towards Zero Harm 2018 will be realized. In the “Community” column we feature ECeCe photo club. Apart from indulging passion on photography as a hobby, the club members utilize their skill to support their jobs as geologists in the field, for example taking picture of a landscape to show the original form of the nature. Enjoy reading.
Selamat membaca.
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications), Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari,Wahyudi, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Azwar Marzuki, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656, Fax. 021-5289587. Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor:
[email protected] dan
[email protected]. Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at
[email protected] and
[email protected]. Anda dapat mengunduh Halo Vale edisi digital (PDF) di vale.com/indonesia pada bagian Pers/Publikasi. Digital version of Halo Vale can be downloaded from vale.com/indonesia on Press/Publication section.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Halo Va l e
Tek nol ogi Bar u Pen gol aha n Lim bah Ram li M. Lis i, Jat uh Cin ta pad a Tru ME SRA k Say ang Tub
Edisi Khusus
uh? Ma kan
Setahun PTPM
Paradigma B a
"Su per foo d"
ru CSR PT Va
Program pengembangan sosial PT Vale kini sinergis dengan pembangunan daerah. Program tersebut juga memicu partisipasi masyarakat. Social development program of PT Vale now is in synergy with the regional goverment development plan. The program also trigger participation from community Cover Design: Azwar Marzuki
3 4
PT Vale Raih Penghargaan Kinerja Lingkungan Terbaik
40 41
Paradigma Baru Program Sosial PT Vale
PT Vale Grabs the Best Environmental Performance Award
New Paradigm of PT Vale Social Program
Sinergis dengan Program Pembangunan Pemerintah
Synergy with the Government Development Program
Jejak Langkah PTPM
PTPM Milestones
Busman Dahlan Shirat: “Program Membentuk Masyarakat yang Mandiri dan Berdaya”
Busman Dahlan Shirat:“Program to Build a Self-sufficient and Self-reliance Community”
Dedikasi, Komitmen, dan Loyalitas
Dedication, Commitment and Loyalty
Membentuk Pemimpin yang Andal dan Efektif
Developing Competent and Effective Leaders
ATMOSFER ATMOSPHERE PT Vale Punya Teknologi Baru Pengolahan Limbah
PT Vale Adopts New Technology of Waste Treatment
Tahap Pelaksanaan PMDM
Jatuh Cinta pada Truk
PMDM Implementation Stages
In Love with Trucks
Yang Boleh dan Yang Dilarang
Dos and Don’ts
MESRA, Kompak Berkumpul tanpa Sekat
Dari Jalan Tani hingga Pemeriksaan Mata
MESRA, Camaraderie without Barriers
From Farming Road to Eye Screening
Mereka Bicara tentang Perubahan
They Talk about Changing
Sayang Tubuh? Makan Superfood!
Love Your Body? Eat Superfood!
PT Vale Tidak Lagi Berstatus WAPU PPN
PT Vale No Longer Subject to VAT Collection
Fasilitas Baru Coal Transport
New Facility for Coal Transport
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
69 70 71
SURAT PEMB ACA / READE RS’ LET TERS MOMEN BAHAGIA KARYAWAN Saya punya saran, isi Halo Vale juga mengulas momen bahagia karyawan, misalnya perkawinan, kelahiran anak, atau ulang tahun. Bentuknya bisa berita singkat atau sekadar ucapan selamat. Selain itu, lebih bagus lagi kalau ada ulasan khusus mengenai profil dan karyawan departemen-departemen yang ada di perusahaan secara bergantian sebagai suplemen majalah. Q unn Erlangga, ME M Co nt rac t, 7616 Profil karyawan sudah kami akomodasi, walaupun hanya satu profil tiap edisi. Informasi singkat dan ucapan selamat difasiilitasi dalam channel lain seperti intranet dan newsletter lainnya. SEBAGAI REFERENSI BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS Saya sangat senang dengan keberadaan terjemahan Inggris di setiap artikel Halo Vale. Terjemahan tersebut kerap saya jadikan referensi mengajar bahasa Inggris di keluarga. Apalagi Halo Vale sering mengangkat isu-isu yang berkembang di masyarakat dan lingkungan karyawan. Berita-beritanya menambah perbendaharaan kata Inggris saya. Mudah-mudahan Halo Vale semakin maju. R a zak, Muh. Z amman Ism ai l R az ak , Hal co n Primo Lo gist ic Kami gembira membaca surat Anda. Ternyata majalah ini dapat menjadi media belajar bagi pembacanya. Semoga kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda semakin maju. BERITA SERIKAT PEKERJA Ada tiga serikat pekerja di perusahaan kita. Tentu mereka punya banyak kegiatan dalam memperjuangkan hak dan kewajiban anggota dan karyawan PT Vale pada umumnya. Bagaimana kalau Halo Vale mengulas hal tersebut agar pembaca mengetahuinya? Termasuk program-program atau target-target serikat. Apalagi negosiasi PKB (perjanjian kerja bersama) sedang berjalan saat ini. Terima kasih. Fi rdaus Allo rerung, M E M M e c hanic, 10282 Agenda dan aktivitas serikat pekerja merupakan salah satu berita penting. Beberapa kali kegiatan mereka kami sorot, misalnya PKB ke-15—edisi 6, Oktober 2013—atau di edisi 11, Oktober 2014, di mana kami mengulas kegiatan voluntarisme salah satu serikat pekerja.
EMPLOYEES’ JOYFUL MOMENTS I would like to suggest that Halo Vale also covers employees’ joyful events such as marriages, birth of a child or birthdays. It can simply be in the form of a brief news or word of congratulation. It would be better if there is also a special magazine supplement on the profile of employees from different departments Q u n n E r l a n gga , M E M Contra c t, 7 6 1 6 We have accomodated employee's profile, even just one profile in every edition. Short information and greetings will be published in others channels such as intranet and newsletter. AS REFERENCE FOR LEARNING ENGLISH I am pleased with the availability of the English translation for every article in Halo Vale. I often use this for teaching English to family members, particularly as Halo Vale puts forward emerging issues within society and employees’ community. The featured articles have broadened my English vocabulary. I do hope that Halo Vale continues to do well. M . Z a m m a n I s m a i l R a z a k , H a lcon Pr i m o Log i s ti c We are delighted to read your letter. This magazine can turn out to be a learning media for its readers. We wish you all the best of luck in your English language journey. NEWS ON THE WORKERS’ UNION There are three workers’ unions in our company. Each with their wide range of activities in advocating for the rights and obligations of its members and PT Vale employees in general. How about Halo Vale highlighting on this matter to further educate its union's members and workers? This can include the unions’ programs or targets. Thank you. Fi rda u s A l l o re r u n g, M E M M e c h a n i c, 1 0 2 8 2 The workers’ union agendas and activities are indeed important news. We have on various occasions covered such news, for example on the 15th CBA in Edition 6, October 2013 or Edition 11, October 2014, in which we featured the spirit of volunteerism in one of the workers’ unions
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal.
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat, silahkan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs Department pada hari dan jam kerja. Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to internal.
[email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs Department during the days and working hour.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Siswa sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Towuti, area pemberdayaan PT Vale. PTPM mendukung peningkatan kualitas kesehatan para generasi muda.
Paradigma Baru Program Sosial PT Vale Program sosial PT Vale kini sinergis dengan program pembangunan daerah. Partisipasi masyarakat terbuka. Perlahan tapi pasti masyarakat melalui proses pembelajaran. Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Dengan nada optimistis, Kepala Dusun Molindowe Aliasar menunjukkan hamparan sawah padi seluas 30 hektar di Desa Lioka, Kecamatan Towuti. Januari 2015 lalu petani Molindowe memiliki saluran irigasi. Alisar yakin, dengan terbangunnya saluran irigasi tersebut produktivitas lahan dapat naik tiga kali lipat. Selama ini, tanpa saluran irigrasi, produktivitas lahan petani di desa itu hanya satu ton per hektar.
Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut merupakan beberapa pelaksanaan Program Masyarakat Desa Mandiri (PMDM), bagian dari Program Terpadu Pengembangan Masyarakat (PTMP), sebuah payung pelaksanaan program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. PTPM terdiri dari tiga cakupan yakni; PMDM, kemitraan strategis dan kontribusi strategis. Seluruh program dan pendanaan dalam kerangka PTPM ditujukan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Di Sorowako, Kecamatan Nuha, terbangun Komunitas Magani Art. Magani Art memiliki usaha pembuatan sablon kaos setelah anggotanya mengikuti pelatihan 10 hari pada November 2014 lalu. Produk Magani Art lumayan diminati. Selain pesanan individual, komunitas itu mendapat pesanan kolektif, mulai dari tim voli sekolah di Kecamatan Nuha hingga kelompok pramuka. Dengan harga jual Rp65.000 dan biaya sablon hanya Rp20.000 per kaos, keuntungan mampu mereka raup.
Dalam implementasi PMDM, mulai dari penyusunan, pelaksanaan dan monitoring PMDM melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat. Pelaksanaan PMDM direncanakan berlangsung sepanjang tahun 2013-2017 (lima tahunan) terhadap 38 desa pemberdayaan PT Vale di Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan yang terfokus pada sektor peningkatan kesehatan, ekonomi, pendidikan, serta penguatan dan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat desa. PT Vale bersama, pemerintah dan masyarakat sebagai pelaksana PMDM. Sedangkan untuk kemitraan strategis dan kontribusi strategis, merupakan bentuk lain dalam upaya perusahaan merealisasi tanggung jawab sosialnya di luar PMDM.
“Hampir setiap bulan ada pesanan. Sampai sekarang, hasil penjualannya kami putar untuk modal, jadi belum ada pemasukan. Tapi pelan-pelan kami yakin bisa jalan usaha ini,” kata Abdul Sabaruddin, salah satu anggota Magani Art. Masih di Nuha, muncul Kelompok Pupuk Kompos Nuha setelah mengikuti pelatihan pengelolaan limbah organik dan pupuk kompos pada Oktober 2014. Pelatihan berlangsung di Balai Besar Pelatihan Pertanian Batangkaluku, Makassar. Kelompok ini dimotori 15 pemuda dari tiga desa, Sorowako, Nikkel, dan Magani. Mereka berada di bawah payung Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Nikkel. “Sejak ikut pelatihan, kami sudah bisa produksi pupuk. Awalnya kami berikan gratis kepada petani untuk diuji coba. Harapan kami, semoga produksi berikutnya lebih banyak, petani tidak lagi kesulitan mendapatkan pupuk, dan kami mendapat pemasukan. Kalau produksi sudah bisa berjalan terus-menerus, kami berharap petani di sekitaran Danau Matano bisa sepenuhnya beralih ke pupuk organik yang ramah lingkungan,” kata Ma’mun Masdin, salah satu anggota. Keterampilan Kelompok Pupuk Kompos Nuha sudah terdengar hingga Kecamatan Burau. Akhir Februari 2015 lalu, belasan petani dari kecamatan tersebut berguru membuat MOL (mikro organisme lokal), salah satu komponen membuat kompos.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Sebelum meluncurkan PTPM, PT Vale memiliki program community development (Comdev). Namun dalam pelaksanannya program tersebut dinilai kurang efektif dan kurang mampu memberdayakan masyarakat. Disharmoni perusahaan dengan masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah pun kerap terjadi. Berangkat dari pengalaman tersebut, PTPM kemudian dirancang lebih terarah, sistematis, sinergis dengan program pembangunan pemerintah dan memiliki panduan pelaksanaan yang baku berupa Rencana Pengelolaan Sosial Program Terpadu Pengembangan Masyarakat (RPS-PTPM). Dalam penyusunan RPS tersebut, PT Vale bersama Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur telah melakukan serangkaian studi sosial, kajian pemangku kepentingan, kajian kebutuhan masyarakat hingga kajian profil dan potensi masyarakat dan daerah di Kabupaten Luwu Timur. “Inti penerapan PTPM adalah perubahan paradigma di masyarakat. Program yang direalisasikan berdasarkan kebutuhan penerima manfaat dan pembangunan daerah. Bukan apa yang diinginkan,” ujar Presiden Direktur & CEO PT Vale Nico Kanter. Dalam pelaksanaannya, PTPM juga berjalan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip keberpihakan kepada masyarakat rentan dan miskin, keberpihakan pada kaum perempuan, bertumpu
Pelatihan keterampilan membuat tas dari bahan tali kur merupakan salah satu aktivitas PMDM untuk pengembangan keterampilan warga di daerah pemberdayaan.
Jalan beton menuju sebuah sekolah dasar di Desa Tabarano, Kecamatan Wasuponda, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, salah satu area pemberdayaan PT Vale.
pada sumber daya manusia, partisipatif, akuntabilitas, transparan, kemitraan, dan kemandirian, dan keberlanjutan. “Sesuai aturan, program sosial ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dan merupakan tanggung jawab perusahaan untuk mengelola dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh perusahaan, baik yang positif maupun yang negatif. Penerapan PTPM juga dimotori oleh inisiatif para pemangku kepentingan, baik itu pemerintah maupun masyarakat penerima manfaat,” ungkap Direktur Komunikasi dan Hubungan Luar PT Vale Basrie Kamba. Soal pentingnya peran tiga pihak dalam keberhasilan pelaksanaan PTPM itu juga diamini Jalal, pengamat CSR. “Bila tiga pilar ini benar-benar berkoordinasi dengan baik, maka program pemberdayaan akan berjalan baik dan tepat sasaran,” ungkap dia. Dalam hal implementasi dan sosialisasi PTPM, PT Vale juga memberi dukung terhadap program melalui media radio komunitas dan penerbitan media berkala, Tabloid Verbeek yang memotret pelaksanaan aktivitas-aktivitas dan dinamika PTPM di masyarakat.
Program yang direalisasikan di tiap desa merupakan hasil musyawarah masyarakat desa. Ketika program berjalan, masyarakat desa pula yang memonitor dan mendukung realisasinya. Tim Koordinasi PTPM hanya bertugas sebagai fasilitator pelaksanaan program. Melalui mekanisme PMDM tersebut, diharapkan dapat mendorong masyarakat agar benar-benar berdaya dan mandiri. Mereka dikondisikan untuk berpikir jangka panjang sehingga transformasi sosial yang ideal dapat tercapai. Kata Andi Muhidin, Ketua Komite Desa Matompi, Kecamatan Towuti, PMDM sangat membantu masyarakat dan berbeda dengan Comdev. “Melalui PMDM, sekarang manfaat ke masyarakat jelas terlihat. Kalau sebelumnya hanya kelompok-kelompok tertentu saja yang dibantu, sekarang bantuan tampak di semua desa, di semua bidang. Harapan saya, dengan adanya program ini, pola pikir masyarakat bisa berubah,” ungkap dia.
Penerapan PMDM
“Pendekatan kami tidak sama sekali baru, namun menekankan pada penguatan dan pelibatan pilar-pilar pemberdayaan di tingkat pemerintah dan masyarakat, termasuk juga SDM kami sendiri di PT Vale,” tambah Basrie Kamba.
Di sisi lain, sebagai bagian dari PTPM, pelaksanaan PMDM kian membuktikan bahwa mekanisme partisipasi memberikan ruang pengembangan kapasitas masyarakat sebagai motor penggerak program sekaligus menempatkan masyarakat sebagai mitra pembangunan. Masyarakat tidak lagi menjadi penonton atau sekadar penerima manfaat, melainkan sebagai pelaku program pengembangan masyarakat.
Pelaksanaan PMDM juga mendapat sambutan positif dari pemerintah daerah. “PMDM merupakan bentuk kerja sama kemitraaan antara masyarakat, Pemerintah Daerah, dan PT Vale guna mengoptimalkan partisipasi antar-pelaku pembangunan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan,” ungkap Bupati Luwu Timur Andi Hatta Marakarma.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Technology and farm management training for farmers is one of Integrated Community Development Program activity.
New Paradigm of PT Vale Social Program PT Vale’s social programs now in synergy with regional development programs. Participation open society. Slowly but surely the community through a learning process. In his optimistic tone, Molindowe Sub-village Head Aliasar shows the sprawling rice fields covering an area of 30 hectares in Lioka Village in Towuti District. In January 2015 Molindowe started operating an irrigation network. Alisar believes the irrigation channel will increase production of the rice field by three folds. Without irrigation production only stood at one tone per hectares. In Sorowako, Nuha District, local community set up Magani Art, which runs a T-Shirt screen printing business following 10 days of training in November last year. The products of Magani Art are quite selling. The home industry receives individual as well as collective orders, such as school volley ball team from Nuha and boy scouts. With each T-Shirt sold at Rp 65,000 and the screen printing costing Rp20,000 the business is profitable.
took place in the Batangkakulu Agricultural Training Center in Makassar. The driving force behind the group are 15 youths from Sorowako, Nikkel and Magani villages. They operate under the Nikkel village-owned enterprise (BUMDes). “Since we attended the training, we have managed to produce fertilizer. Initially we distributed the fertilizer to local farmers for free as a trial. We hope when they increase production they do not find difficulties in obtaining fertilizer anymore. For us it means income. If production can sustain we hope farmers around Matano Lake to fully move to organic fertilizer which is environmentally friendly,” Ma’mun Masdin, one of the group members, said.
“Almost every month we receive orders. So far we have used the turnover for investment, therefore we do not enjoy income yet. But slowly but sure we can develop the business,” Abdul Sabaruddin, one of the Magani Art members, said.
The group’s skills in producing compost and organic fertilizer have been heard as far as Burau district. At the end of February 2015, dozens of farmers from the neighboring district came for training to produce local microorganism, one of components to make compost.
In another part of Nuha, a compost fertilizer producing group has emerged after participating in organic waste and compost processing training in October 2014. The training
Theose activities are some deploy of Independent Village Partnership Program (PMDM) , part of the Integrated Community Development Program (PTPM), an umbrella program of
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
PT Vale’s corporate social responsibility. PTPM consists of the three coverage; PMDM, strategic partnerships and strategic contribution. The whole program and funding within the framework of PTPM intended for community empowerment.
company, both positive and negative. PTPM implementation is also driven by the initiatives of stakeholders, both government and beneficiary communities, “said Director of Communications and External Relations of PT Vale Basrie Kamba.
In PMDM implementation, ranging from the preparation, implementation and monitoring PMDM involving community participation. PMDM implementation planned to take place throughout the year 2013-2017 (five years) to 38 villages PT Vale’s empowerment in East Luwu, South Sulawesi focused on improving the health sector, the economy, education, and strengthening and capacity building of rural communities. With, the government and society, PT Vale as executor PMDM. As for strategic partnerships and strategic contributions, is another form of the company’s efforts to realized its social responsibility outside PMDM.
The urgency role in successful implementation of the three parties also agreed PTPM Jalal, observers CSR. “If these three pillars are really coordinate well, the empowerment program will work well and on target,” he said.
PTPM Principles
On the other hands, as part of PTPM, implementation PMDM increasingly proving that participation mechanisms provide space community capacity development as a driving force to put the community at the same program as a development partner. Society is no longer a mere spectator or beneficiaries, but as actors of society development program. The program is realized in each village is the result of deliberation villagers. When the program runs, the villagers also monitor and support their realization. Coordination Team PTPM only served as a facilitator of the program. Through the PMDM mechanism, is expected to encourage people to really helpless and independent. They are conditioned to think long-term ideal that social transformation can be achieved.
Before launching the PTPM, PT Vale organized community development program (Community Development). But its implementation was deemed as ineffective and failed to empower the local community. Disharmony between the company on one side and the local government and local people on the other side frequently happened. Smarting from the experience, PTPM then designed a more focused, systematic, synergistic with the government’s development program and has a standard operating guidelines in the form of Social Management Plans Integrated Community Development Program (SMP-PTPM). In the preparation of the SMP, PT Vale along the East Luwu regency government has undertaken a series of social studies, stakeholders mapping, community needs assessment to study the profile and potential of communities and regions in East Luwu Regency. “The core of PTPM is a paradigm shift in society. The program is realized based on the need of beneficiaries and regional development. Not on what they want, “said President Director and CEO of PT Vale Nico Kanter. In practice, PTPM also goes by the principles of siding with the poor and vulnerable communities, the option for the women, relies on human resources, participation, accountability, transparency, partnership, and self-reliance, and sustainability. “According to the rules, this social program is one part of the program of corporate social responsibility and the responsibility of companies to manage the impact caused by the
On the implementation and dissemination PTPM, PT Vale also gave support to the program through the community radio and media publishing periodical, Verbeek which give the highlight of implementation of the activities and dynamics PTPM in society.
PMDM Implementation
Andi Muhidin, Chairman of the Committee Matompi Village, District Towuti, said PMDM help people and different from the Comdev. “Through PMDM, benefit to society now clearly visible. If previously program only certain groups are assisted, now help look at all the villages, in all areas. My hope with this program, the public mindset can change, “he said. “Our approach is not entirely new, but the emphasis on strengthening and involvement of the sides of empowerment at the level of government and society, including our own human resources at PT Vale,” said Basrie Kamba. PMDM implementation also received a positive response from the local government. “PMDM is a form of cooperation partnerships between the community, local government, and PT Vale in order to optimize the participation of inter-actors of development for the welfare of a sustainable society,” said Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma East Luwu.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Sinergis dengan Program Pembangunan Pemerintah Program sosial PT Vale mengacu regulasi pemerintah dan rencana pembangunan nasional. Aktivitas PMDM, bagian dari PTPM disusun bukan berdasarkan keinginan PT Vale, melainkan melibatkan pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam hal usulan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan hingga evaluasi. Maka itu, kemudian penerapan PMDM disebut program kemitraan yang melibatkan tiga pilar.
Pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi para siswa sekolah dasar merupakan bagian dari aktivitas PTPM sektor kesehatan.
Peluncuran PTPM yang digelar di Malili, Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan pada Januari 2014.
Ada beberapa aturan dan landasan hukum penerapan PMDM PT Vale. Di antaranya mengacu pada UU Perseroan Terbatas (UU No.40 Tahun 2007, Pasal 74 ayat 1) terkait kewajiban perusahaan dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. Kemudian juga merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No.4 Tahun 2007 tentang besaran dana dan tatacara pelaksanaan program sosial perusahaan. Termasuk dokumen AMDAL PT Vale 2008 tentang enam program yang wajib dikelola perusahaan, seperti penyediaan fasilitas dan layanan pendidikan, penyediaan layanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat, inisiatif peningkatan usaha pertanian dan teknik budidaya pertanian, kesempatan usaha lokal, penyediaan sarana dan prasarana umum, hingga pelestarian budaya. Penerapan PMDM juga diselaraskan dengan kebijakan pemerintah terkait perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan yakni UU Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan (UU No. 25 Tahun 2004) dan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 66 Tahun 2007 tentang Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa. Mengacu pada ketentuan tersebut, dalam pelaksanaan teknis PMDM, masyarakat dapat mengajukan usulan kegiatan yang dapat didanai
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Petani merica di Desa Harapan, Malili, Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan yang mendapat dukungan dari PTPM.
Integrasi PTPM dengan RPJMDes membuat rencana kerja pembangunan setiap wilayah semakin kokoh dan efektif, karena ada kerja sama antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan pihak swasta. PMDM melalui mekanisme musyawarah pembangunan desa dengan mempertimbangkan keselarasan terhadap rencana pembangunan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa/RPJMDesa ) yang telah ditetapkan. Dari hal itu, nilai-nilai integrasi dan keselarasan PMDM dengan program pembangunan pemerintah. “RPJMDes inilah yang menjadi rujukan mereka. Karena dokumen itu berisi kebutuhan desa,” Senior Manajer Program Sosial PT Vale, Busman Dahlan Shirat.
Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat PMDM membuka akses bagi masyarakat untuk terlibat aktif. Baik ketika memberikan usulan kegiatan, mengeksekusi sampai monitoring dan evaluasi pelaksanaan program. Masyarakat menjadi suara dan motor utama program. Dalam pelaksanaannya, setiap desa membentuk komite yang beranggotakan perwakilan dari unsur pemerintah, tokoh masyarakat, pemuda, dan wanita serta masyarakat rentan. Komite inilah yang memberikan masukan dan usulan dalam melihat kebutuhan mendasar dalam RPJMDes. Menurut Sekretaris Tim Koordinasi PTPM yang juga Kepala Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pemerintah Desa Luwu Timur, Andi Tabacina, integrasi PTPM dengan RPJMDes membuat rencana kerja pembangunan setiap wilayah semakin kokoh dan efektif, karena ada kerja sama antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan pihak swasta. “Juga tidak akan terjadi tumpang tindih anggaran sehingga lebih efisien. Tapi semua program, baik dari PTPM maupun pemerintah, punya tujuan sama, yakni meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat,” tambah dia.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Ledu-ledu farmers in Wasuponda Sub District, East Luwu, which is PT Vale’s empowerment area, getting anorganic paddy farming training.
Synergy with the Government Development Program PT Vale’s social programs refers to the national regulations and government development plans.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
PTPM and the government, have the same goal, namely to improve the welfare of society
Independent Village Partnership Program (PMDM) activities, part of the Integrated Community Development Program (PTPM) prepared not by the desire of PT Vale, but involving government and society in terms of proposals, planning, implementation and evaluation. Thus, the later application of PMDM called partnership program involving the three parties. There are some rules and the application of the legal basis PMDM PT Vale. Of which refers to the Limited Liability Company Act (Act 40 of 2007, Article 74, paragraph 1) related liabilities of the company in implementing social and environmental responsibility. Then also refers to the Regulation
of the Minister of State Enterprises 4 of 2007 on the amount of funds and procedures for the implementation of social programs of the company. Including EIA document PT Vale 2008 on six programs that must be managed companies, such as the provision of educational facilities and services, the provision of health services for the community, the initiative an increase in agricultural businesses and agricultural cultivation techniques, local business opportunities, provision of public facilities and infrastructure, to cultural preservation. Application of PMDM also aligned with government policies related to the planning and implementation of development the Development Planning System Law (Law No. 25 of 2004) and Regulation of the Minister of the Interior No. 66 Year 2007 on Rural Development Planning.
Agriculture is one of focus program implementation in PT Vale’s community empowerment program.
Refers to these provisions, the technical implementation PMDM, the public can propose activities that can be funded through the mechanism of consultation PMDM rural development taking into account the alignment of the development plan (Middle-term Village Development Planning (MVDP) that has been set. From it, the values of integration and alignment PMDM with government development programs. “This has become a reference MVDP them. Because documents that contain local needs,” said Senior Manager of Social Program PT Vale Busman Dahlan Shirat.
Improve Public Welfare PMDM open access for the public to be actively involved. Well when giving the proposed activities, executing to the monitoring and evaluation of program implementation. The community has become the voice and the main motor program. In practice, every village formed a committee comprising representatives from government, community leaders, youth, and women and vulnerable communities. This committee provides input and proposals in view of the fundamental needs in MVDP.
Female farmers from Wasuponda Sub District, East Luwu.
According to the Secretary of the PTPM Coordinating Team who is also Head of Community Empowerment Board and Village Government East Luwu, Andi Tabacina, PTPM integration with MVDP make action plan for development of each region more robust and effective, as there is cooperation between government, the public and private sectors. “Also there will be no overlap budget so more efficiently. But all programs, both of PTPM and the government, have the same goal, namely to improve the welfare of society,” she said.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Jejak Langkah PTPM PTPM Milestones
(1) 38 desa dan 4 kecamatan menyusun usulan PMDM 2014. (2) Tim Koordinasi PTPM melakukan verifikasi dan finalisasi PMDM 2014.
(1) As many as 38 villages and 4 districts draft proposals for PMDM 2014. (2) PTPM Coordination Team verifies and finalizes PMDM 2014.
2012 Juni / June
5- 8 November
PT Vale dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur menggelar serangkaian rapat untuk membahas konsep baru pengembangan masyarakat baru yang sinergis, yang kemudian disebut PTPM.
A+ CSR Indonesia, konsultan program pengembangan masyarakat yang ditunjuk PT Vale dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur, melakukan studi sosial di Luwu Timur. Studi bertujuan memperoleh gambaran masyarakat dan konsep PTPM yang tepat untuk diterapkan di Luwu Timur. A+ CSR Indonesia kemudian dipercaya sebagai fasilitator pelaksanaan PTPM.
PT Vale and East Luwu government hold a series of meetings to discuss a new concept of community development that promotes synergy, which later is called PTPM.
A+ CSR Indonesia, a consultant of community development program which is appointed by PT Vale and East Luwu government, conducts a social study in East Luwu. The study is aimed at describing local people and finding an appropriate PTPM concept for East Luwu. A+ CSR Indonesia is then entrusted as facilitator of the PTPM implementation.
30 September-4 Oktober 8 November
Sosialisasi PTPMPMDM tingkat kecamatan dan desa.
Pelatihan dan pembekalan PTPM untuk Fasilitator Kabupaten, Kecamatan, dan Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (KPMD).
30 September-4 October 8 November
Familiarization of PTPM-PMDM in districts and villages.
Training and transfer of knowledge on PTPM for facilitators in the regency and district levels and Village Community Development Cadres (VCDC).
Penjaringan fasilitator PTPM. Sebanyak 30 orang mengikuti proses rekrutmen.
September-August Recruitment of PTPM facilitators. A total of 30 people attend the recruitment process. .
Pertengahan Agustus
Tim Koordinasi PTPM resmi dibentuk. Anggota berasal dari SKPD, SDP PT Vale, dan pelaku program tingkat kecamatan/desa (Fasilitator, Komite Desa/Kecamatan).
Middle August
PTPM Coordination Team is formed. Its members come from SKPDs, PT Vale SDP and program executors in the village/district levels (facilitators, village/district committees).
2014 21 Januari
PTPM resmi diluncurkan Presiden Direktur PT Vale Nico Kanter, Presiden Komisaris PT Vale Ricardo Carvalho, dan Bupati Luwu Timur Andi Hatta Marakarma. Untuk PMDM 2014, setiap desa mendapat anggaran pengelolaan program sebesar Rp350 juta. Sedangkan kecamatan masing-masing sebesar Rp400 juta. Fokus program di sektor kesehatan dan ekonomi.
21 January 14
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
PTPM is officially launched by PT Vale President Director Nico Kanter, President Commissioner Ricardo Carvalho and East Luwu Regent Andi Hatta Marakarma. For PMDM 2014, each village receives program operational fund worth Rp350 million, while each district receives Rp 400 million. The program focuses on health and economic sectors.
13 November
Tim Monitoring & Evaluasi Crash Program dibentuk. Crash Program merupakan program transisi dari Comdev menuju PTPM. Tim terdiri atas SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah), Perangkat Kecamatan, dan Perangkat Desa.
The Crash Program Monitoring & Evaluation Team is formed. The Crash Program is a transitional program from Community Development to PTPM. The team comprises Regional Structural Working Units (SKPD) and village apparatus.
28 November
Lokakarya mekanisme PTPM bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur dan masyarakat.
Workshop on mechanism of PTPM for East Luwu government and people.
Akhir Desember
Verifikasi proposal Crash Program oleh Tim Monev. Sebanyak 539 proposal diajukan oleh calon penerima manfaat dari 34 desa di empat kecamatan pemberdayaan PT Vale di Luwu Timur.
End December
Verification of Crash Program proposals by the Monev Team. As many as 539 proposals were submitted by prospective beneficiaries from 34 villages across four districts under PT Vale empowerment in East Luwu.
2013 13 Februari 3 Juni
Rapat koordinasi dan konsolidasi PT Vale dan SKPD Pemkab Luwu Timur untuk pelaksanaan teknis PTPM.
3 June
Coordination and consolidation meeting of PT Vale and SKPDs in East Luwu regency to discuss technical implementation of PTPM
Tim Monev mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Crash Program.
Monev Team evaluates implementation of Crash Program.
Maret 2014
SKPD Luwu Timur dan Tim Social Development Program (SDP) PT Vale melakukan studi banding penerapan CSR di PT Holcim, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.
13 February
East Luwu SKPDs and the Social Development Program (SDP) Team from PT Vale conduct a comparative study on CSR implementation by PT Holcim in Cilacap, Central Java.
Awal Januari
Pencairan Dana Crash Program dan realisasi program.
Early January
Disbursement of Crash Program fund and program realization.
On job training PMDM, diikuti fasilitator kabupaten/kecamatan, KPMD, dan Komite Desa. Pelatihan bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan membuat laporan.
March 2014
PMDM on job training, attended by facilitators in district/regency levels, VCDC and village committees. The training aims to improve skills to file reports.
Monitoring dan evaluasi PMDM 2014 oleh Tim Monev PTPM.
Monitoring and evaluation PMDM 2014 by PTPM Monev Team .
Pelaksanaan PMDM 2014 (periode I) di 38 desa di empat kecamatan wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale.
Implementation of PMDM 2014 (first period) in 38 villages across 4 districts under PT Vale monitoring. Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Busman Dahlan Shirat:
“Program Membentuk Masyarakat yang Mandiri dan Berdaya” Senior Manager Social Development Program PT Vale ini bicara tentang pelaksanaan PTPM yang memasuki tahun kedua. Apa tantangan ke depan? Meski usia PTPM masih muda, benih-benih transformasi sosial telah terlihat di masyarakat. Apa saja benih-benih transformasi sosial itu? Halo Vale mewawancarai Manager Social Development Program PT Vale, Busman Dahlan Shirat. Berikut petikannya.
Apa target PTPM? Perubahan mindset atau pola pikir. Selama ini program community development PT Vale berbasis proposal. Itu terjadi karena dulu program PT Vale juga bersifat karikatif dan tidak berkelanjutan. Selama bertahun-tahun masyarakat sepertinya tidak diberikan arahan yang baik. Sejak PTPM berjalan, setidaknya masyarakat sudah mengikuti mekanisme dan aturan yang ditetapkan. Khususnya PMDM, yang punya mekanisme bottom up, partisipasi masyarakat cukup tinggi, meski dalam tahun pertama pelaksanaan masih terdapat beberapa desa yang belum mengikuti
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi bagi ratusan siswa sekolah dasar di Malili, area pemberdayaan PT Vale, November 2014 lalu. Melalui PTPM, PT Vale bersama pemerintah dan masyarakat bersinergi untuk program kemajuan dan kesehatan masyarakat.
secara utuh petunjuk teknis operasional (PTO) PMDM. Ini memang tidak mudah. Karena menyangkut kebiasaan lama, masyarakat perlu diberi waktu melakukan proses pembelajaran.
Misalnya? Ada masyarakat yang mengusulkan program pembangunan infrastruktur atau fasilitas yang tidak sesuai koridor. Meski demikian, setidaknya, mereka sudah mengikuti aturan PTPM yang tertuang dalam Rencana Pengelolaan Sosial PTPM dan Panduan Teknis Operasional PMDM. Artinya, sudah ada perubahan paradigma. Kalau dulu, mereka dikasih uang tapi tidak terpantau penggunaannya. Sekarang, dengan banyaknya tahapan dan pihak terlibat, pertanggungjawaban di antara para pelaku kegiatan terbentuk.
Bisa dijelaskan lebih jauh? Contoh yang intangible, soal mekanisme pencairan dana PMDM, misalnya. Sesuai ketentuan, pencairan anggaran bertahap sebanyak tiga kali. Kalau kegiatan dari anggaran tahap pertama belum selesai, mereka tidak bisa mendapat pencairan kedua sebelum ada laporan. Pernah ada satu desa yang anggarannya di satu tahap belum habis. Mereka bingung karena masih ada sisa, sedangkan kegiatan yang mereka usulkan dan disetujui Tim Koordinasi PTPM sudah selesai. Akhirnya sisa uang itu tidak mereka habiskan, melainkan dicatat. Di sinilah bukti kalau pertanggungjawaban mulai tumbuh di masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan program.
Jika diskor, berapa nilai pelaksanaan PTPM tahun pertama? Menurut saya masih 6,5, karena masih ada beberapa kekurangan seperti saya utarakan tadi. Untuk memulainya, seingat saya, memang agak telat. Empat bulan pertama, kami fokus membuat perencanaan, sehingga PTPM baru berjalan September 2013.
Berapa besar anggaran PTPM per tahun?
Setahun pelaksanaan PTPM, apa catatan Anda? Menurut saya, belum bisa kita lihat benefitnya kalau dilihat dari transformasi sosial dari rentan menjadi tidak rentan. Tidak berdaya menjadi berdaya dan mandiri. Peran kader dan fasilitator program nantinya seharusnya tidak terlalu dominan. Masyarakatlah yang dominan dan menjalankan program ini. Bila itu yang terjadi, bisa dikatakan mereka sudah mendekati mandiri. Analoginya, PTPM itu pesawat dan PMDM di dalamnya. Pesawat belum lepas landas. Masih di parkiran. Mau take off. Biasanya, kan, banyak penumpang panik kalau mau take off. Nah, ibaratnya, saya menjadi pramugara yang memberikan penjelasan soal keselamatan kepada penumpang. Di tahun kedua dan ketiga, saya ingin mengatakan, “Selamat siang penumpang. Saat ini kita sedang berada di ketinggian sekian, sekian.” Penumpang tidak panik dan mulai menikmati penerbangan. Sedangkan tahun selanjutnya, lima tahun pertama, saya ingin memberitahu kepada penumpang bahwa kita siapsiap untuk mendarat. Di fase ini dan selanjutnya, program tidak lagi terbang dengan pesawat kecil, melainkan dengan pesawat lebih besar, karena ruang lingkup PTPM tidak hanya di Luwu Timur, tapi juga di area operasi PT Vale di wilayah lain.
Anggaran PTPM sekitar Rp40-50 miliar per tahun, tergantung harga nikel. Sedangkan untuk PMDM, khusus untuk dana stimulan atau block grant sebesar Rp17 miliar per tahun. Ini terdiri dari Rp350 juta per desa dan Rp400 juta per kecamatan pada periode pelaksanaan 2014. Sedangkan untuk tahun 2015 menjadi Rp400 juta per desa dan Rp450juta per kecamatan.
Untuk Kemitraan Strategis, seperti apa implementasinya? Salah satu program yang dikembangkan adalah pertanian berkelanjutan atau sustainable agriculture. Program ini sesuai kerangka acuan yang tertuang dalam dokumen Rencana Pengelolaan Sosial Program Terpadu Pengembangan Masyarakat. Tujuan jangka panjang program ini adalah berkontribusi pada peningkatan pendapatan rumah tangga petani di wilayah terdampak operasi Perusahaan. Sedangkan pencapaian strategisnya adanya perbaikan budidaya pertanian dalam komoditas unggulan Kabupaten Luwu Timur. Caranya dengan menerapkan atau mendorong teknologi budidaya yang lebih baik untuk meningkatkan mutu dan produktivitas pertanian, sekaligus ramah lingkungan. Tujuan lain adalah terbentuknya kelembagaan petani yang kuat. Pendek kata, kebijakan diarahkan untuk menjangkau on-farm seperti budidaya pertanian, dan off-farm seperti penguatan kelembagaan, pengolahan pasca-panen, pemasaran, penunjang pertanian seperti pendidikan, pelatihan dan penyuluhan, penelitian dan pengembangan, permodalan, hingga penyadaran aspek legal.
Apa harapan PT Vale dari implementasi PTPM ini? Pola-pola yang sekarang dijalankan dapat direplikasi di tempat operasi kita di daerah lain. Semoga bisa dimulai pada tahun ketiga PTPM.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Busman Dahlan Shirat:
“Program to Build a Selfsufficient and Self-reliance Community” PT Vale’s Senior Manager for Social Development Program talks about implementation of PMDM which is entering its second year. What are its future challenges? Although PTPM is still young, its seeds of social transformation have been visible in the society. What are the social transformation seeds? Halo Vale interviewed PT Vale’s Senior Manager for Social Development Program, Busman Dahlan Shirat. The following is the excerpt.
tored. Now with so many steps and parties involved, accountability among program activity executors is established.
What is the target of PTPM?
Could you elaborate?
Change in mindset or way of thinking. In the past PT Vale community development program was proposal-based. It happened because PT Vale program was charity in nature and not sustainable. For years people appeared to have received no guidance.
An intangible example concerns the mechanism to disburse PMDM fund. In accordance with the rule, the fund is disbursed in three phases. If activities funded by the first part of budget disbursement are not yet completed, the second batch of the fund cannot be disbursed until a report is submitted.
Ever since PTPM was launched, the public has at least been familiar with its mechanism and regulations related to it. Especially for PMDM, which follows the bottom-up mechanism, public participation is relatively high although in its initial year its implementation did not comply with the regulations.
For example? There were people who proposed infrastructure and other facility construction programs but failed to adhere to the procedure. Nevertheless they had at least followed the PTPM regulation, which is stipulated in the PTPM Social Management Planning and PMDM Operational Technical Guidance. That said, there has been a paradigm change. In the past they were given money but their use of the money was not moni-
Once a village has left-over fund after completing the first phase of program. The village leaders were confused as the money was not finished while the program which they had proposed and been approved by PTPM coordination team was already completed. Finally they opted not to finish the money but recorded it. This proves that sense of accountability has started to flourish in the society during program implementation.
After one year of PTPM, what are your comments? In my opinion, we cannot see the benefit yet if we look at the objective of social transformation from vulnerable to not vulnerable, and powerless to self-reliant and self-sufficient. The role of cadre and program facilitators should in the future be less dominant. It should be the people who play
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Paddy farmers in Sorowako, Nuha Sub District.
a dominant role and implement the program. If that comes true, we can say the society moves closer to self-reliance. In comparison, PTPM is aircraft and PMDM is inside it. The aircraft is yet to take off, but remains in the parking area prior to takeoff. Usually many passengers will get panic before takeoff. Let say I am a flight attendant whose job is to explain about safety rule to the passengers. In the second and third years I would like to say: “Good day all passengers. Now we are flying at the altitude of certain meters above the sea level. That’s all.” Passengers no longer panic and start to enjoy the flight. In the following five years I want to tell the passengers to be ready for landing. In this phase and the next one, the program will no longer a flight with the same small aircraft but a bigger one because PTPM coverage is not limited to East Luwu, but also PT Vale operational areas in other regions.
How do you score implementation of the inaugural PTPM? I think it scores 6.5 only, because of several shortcomings aforementioned. I remember we were a bit late to start it. We focused on planning in the first four months, so that PTPM could effectively commence in September 2013.
How much is the PTPM budget annually? For PMDM, or programs that are initiated by local people, we allocate Rp17 billion. It is the biggest amount under PTPM scheme apart from Strategic Partnership and Strategic Contribution.
How is the Strategic Partnership implemented? One of the programs that we develop is sustainable agriculture. The program suits the terms of reference stipulated in the document of Integrated Program Social Management Planning for Community Development. The long-term objective of this program is to contribute to a hike in the income of farmer households in areas affected by the company operations. The strategy to achieve the goal is through improvement in agricultural cultivation of primary commodities in East Luwu regency. The method is adopting or encouraging a better cultivation technology so as to increase the quality and productivity of agricultural sector while preserving the environment. The other objective is to establish a strong farmer institution. In a nutshell, the policy is directed toward on-farm, such as agricultural cultivation, and off-farm such as institutional strengthening, post-harvest processing, marketing, supporting facilities like education, training and counseling, research and development, financing and awareness of legal affairs.
What does PT Vale expect from implementation of PTPM? We hope the patterns that are now in place can be replicated in our operational areas in other parts of the country. Hopefully this can commence in the third year of PTPM.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Ada 17 tahapan dalam implementasi PMDM setiap tahunnya. Mekanisme tersebut memungkinkan kemitraan tiga pilar (PT Vale, pemerintah dan masyarakat) terbentuk. Berjalan sesuai prinsip transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan keberpihakan kepada masyarakat rentan.
There are 17 stages of PMDM ( Independent Village Partnership Program). The mechanism forms partnership among three parties — PT Vale, local government and local community —and allows them to work in accordance with the principles of transparency, accountability and option for the vulnerable people.
Persiapan dan Sosialisasi
Sosialisasi Penyedia Layanan
Dilaksanakan Tim Koordinasi PTPM. Fase ini bertujuan untuk pengenalan kondisi sosial. Memantau dan menilai perkembangan kesehatan dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat sebagai referensi untuk penyusunan usulan kegiatan. Di fase ini pula dilakukan musyawarah dusun sosialisasi.
Pada fase ini Tim Koordinasi PTPM mendatangi dan menjelaskan kepada para penyedia layanan seperti kelompok usaha bersama, puskesmas, posyandu, dan bidan desa). Dilanjutkan dengan mengundang mereka untuk mendapatkan penjelasan di desa atau di kecamatan.
Preparation and Familiarization
Familiarization of Service Providers
Is conducted by the PTPM (Integrated Community Development Program) coordination team. The stage aims to know the social condition, monitor and gauge health and economic development of the local community as a reference when submitting a proposal of activities. During the phase, sub-village deliberation is conducted to familiarize the program.
Diskusi Terarah Kelompok
Pengorganisasian Kelompok Sasaran
Pertemuan warga untuk mengidentifikasi gagasan kegiatan atau kebutuhan masyarakat dalam upaya mengatasi permasalahan kesehatan dan ekonomi yang dihadapi masyarakat dengan mengembangkan potensi yang ada.
Menyiapkan tenaga lokal sebagai pelaku program.
Focus Group Discussion
Target Group Organization Preparation of local resources as program executors.
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan PMDM
In this phase the PTPM coordination team reaches and explains to service providers such as mutual business groups, community health center (Puskesmas), integrated health service post (Posyandu) and rural midwives. It will be followed with inviting them for a meeting to explain the program in the village of district.
9 Musyawarah Desa Perencanaan & Usulan Kegiatan Pada fase ini juga dibentuk Komite Desa sebagai pelaksana PMDM untuk satu periode. Komite Desa dipilih oleh peserta musyawarah desa.
Village Deliberation of Plan and Proposal of Activities
Is a meeting with local community to identify initiatives of activities or what the community needs to address health and economic problems by developing their potentials.
In this phase a village committee is formed as executor of PMDM for a term. The village committee members are elected by village deliberation participants.
Musyawarah Desa/Kecamatan Pertanggungjawaban
Musyawarah Desa/Kecamatan Serah Terima
• Rapat Persiapan Pelaksanaan di Desa/Kecamatan. Membagi peran, fungsi dan tugas antar anggota Komite Desa, KPMD dan pelaku program lainnya. • Penyaluran Dana PMDM. Komite Desa/Kecamatan memastikan anggaran tepat sasaran dan sesuai dengan perencanaan. PT Vale melakukan supervisi pengelolaan keuangan kepada pengelola kegiatan. Penyaluran dana PMDM tingkat kecamatan diajukan Komite Kecamatan yang sebelumnya telah diverifikasi Fasilitator PTPM melalui pengajuan proposal usulan kegiatan termasuk desain teknis dan RAB-nya. • Pengadaan Tenaga Kerja. • Pengadaan Bahan dan Alat. • Rapat Evaluasi Komite. Seluruh pelaksanaan kegiatan PMDM didokumentasikan oleh Fasilitator PTMP, KPMD, Fasilitator Kecamatan dan Komite Desa.
Penyampaian laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan dan penggunaan dana PMDM oleh Komite Desa kepada masyarakat. Forum ini juga sebagai umpan balik bagi masyarakat, pengelola dan pemangku kepentingan lain di tingkat desa untuk melakukan penilaian dan masukan perbaikan ke depan. Musyawarah ini dilakukan dua kali, yakni setelah Komite Desa dan pelaku program memanfaatkan dana PMDM tahap pertama dan kedua. Forum ini juga bertujuan mengganti pemangku kepentingan desa (Komite Desa) dan membentuk Komite Desa baru untuk periode implementasi tahun selanjutnya.
Lanjutan dari Musyawarah Desa/Kecamatan Pertanggungjawaban, dimana Komite Desa menyerahkan hasil pekerjaan kegiatan PMDM kepada masyarakat agar dapat dimanfaatkan dan dilestarikan. Pada forum ini juga ditetapkan Tim Pemeliharaan Kegiatan di desa. Bila terdapat kegiatan yang belum berhasil direalisasikan Komite Desa, maka masyarakat berhak meminta Komite Desa memberi waktu kepada Komite Desa untuk menyelesaikannya.
Village/District Deliberation of Accountability Report
Implementation of PMDM Activities
Village/District Deliberation of Transfer of Responsibility
It aims to hear accountability report of PMDM activities and use of fund by the village committee to the community. The forum also seeks feedback from the community, administrator and other stake holders in the village level concerning improvement of the program in the future. The deliberation is held twice, when the village committee as program executor disburses the first phase and second phase of PMDM fund. The forum is also held to replace village stake holder (village committee) and appoint new village committee that will implement the following year’s program.
It is a follow-up of the deliberation of accountability, in which the village committee submits the outcome of PMDM activities to the community so that they can make use of and preserve them. During the forum an activity maintenance team in each village is formed. In case of unrealized activities the local community has the right to give the village committee time to get things done. The forum is formed as part of transparency of activities and efforts to avoid misunderstanding in the future.
Terdiri dari lima fase kegiatan:
Consist of five phases of activities: • Preparatory Meeting of Implementation in Village/District. It aims to divide labor, roles and responsibilities of village committee members, KPMD and other program executors. • PMDM Fund Distribution. Village/district committee ensures that the fund reaches the target and in line with the plan. PT Vale will supervise the distribution of the fund to activity executors. The PMDM fund distribution in the district level is proposed by the district committee which has been verified by the PTPM facilitator through submission of proposal of activities, which include technical design and budget proposal. • Recruitment of Workforce. • Procurement of Materials and Equipment. • Evaluation Meeting of Committee. All the activities of PMDM are documented by PTPM facilitators, KPMD, district facilitators and village committees.
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Tujuan forum ini untuk bertujuan sebagai bentuk transparansi kegiataan dan menghindari kesalahpahaman di kemudian hari.
Musyawarah Desa Sosialisasi
Pelatihan kepada KPMD (Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa)terpilih.
Rangkaian pertemuan antar dusun untuk mensosialisasikan tentang tujuan, prinsip, kebijakan dan prosedur PMDM serta mensosialisasikan hasil pengenalan kondisi desa kepada masyarakat. Pada fase ini diharapkan pokok PMDM (tujuan, prinsip, kebijakan, pendanaan, organisasi, proses dan prosedur) tersosialisasi dengan baik kepada masyarakat.
Pelatihan diselenggarakan PT Vale bersama Tim Koordinasi PTPM.
Training of Selected Village Community Empowerment (KPMD) Cadres
Village Community Deliberation It takes form in a series of meetings between sub-villages to familiarize the goals, principles, policies and procedure of PMDM and familiarize the results of the team’s observation of the local social condition. In this phase it is expected that the essence of PMDM—its objectives, principles, policies, funding, organization, process and procedure— is well familiarized.
The training is organized by PT Vale in cooperation with the PTPM coordination team.
5 Perencanaan Kegiatan • Mengidentifikasi permasalahan, merumuskan tujuan, strategi dan prioritas kegiatan bidang kesehatan dan ekonomi PTPM yang akan didanai PT Vale. Fase ini juga merupakan upaya mengelola permasalahan yang dihadapi di desa/kecamatan secara komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan regulasi yang berlaku, kondisi sosial budaya setempat, dan kapasitas masyarakat untuk melaksanakannya. • Perencanaan kegiatan didasari Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah/RPJM Desa dan arah kebijakan pembangunan sektor kesehatan dan ekonomi tingkat kabupaten.
Planning Activities • Identify the problems, formulate the goals, strategy and priorities of PTPM activities in the fields of health and economy that will be funded by PT Vale. This phase also aims to find ways to manage problems facing villages/districts in a comprehensive way by taking into consideration the existing regulations, socio-cultural condition and capacity of the community to carry out the program. • The planning of activities takes into consideration the middle-term development planning (RPJM) of the village and its development policy direction in the sectors of health and economy.
Verifikasi Usulan Kegiatan Tim Koordinasi PTPM bersama Komite Desa, Fasilitator Kecamatan dan KPMD mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang kegiatan PMDM yang diusulkan untuk melakukan penilaian dan verifikasi.
Verification of Proposed Activities PTPM coordination team and village committee are responsible for the stage. They, along with district facilitators and KPMD visit places where activities are proposed to conduct assessment and verification.
Musyawarah Desa Prioritas Usulan Kegiatan
Musyawarah Desa Penetapan Usulan Kegiatan
Menindaklajuti usulan kegiatan yang diverifikasi Tim Koordinasi PTPM. Komite Desa melakukan penyortiran kegiatan terverifikasi sebagai kegiatan prioritas untuk direalisasikan.
Fase ini menetapkan kegiatan yang akan dieksekusi, jadwal pelaksanaan kegiatan di setiap desa, pendanaan kegiatan, dan kesepakatan tentang ketentuan sanksi bila terjadi pelanggaran.
Village Deliberation of Priorities of Proposed Activities
Village Deliberation to Determine Proposal of Activities
To follow up proposed activities which have been verified by the PTPM coordination team, the village committee sort out the verified activities as prioritized activities that will be realized.
The phase aims to determine activities that will be executed, schedule of the activities in each village, funding of the activities and agreement on penalties when violations occur.
Pemeliharaan Kegiatan
Monitoring Kegiatan
Evaluasi Kegiatan
Indikator kesuksesan:
Dilakukan Tim Koordinasi PTPM dibantu Komite Kecamatan/Desa, Fasilitator Kecamatan, KPMD, bersama Tim Vale dan konsultan independen CSR sepanjang pelaksanaan kegiatan selama satu periode PMDM. Monitoring juga dapat berupa pemantauan partisipatif oleh masyarakat dan pihak lain
Penilaian kegiatan dilakukan oleh konsultan independen CSR. Hasil evaluasi disampaikan kepada Tim Koordinasi PTPM dan PT Vale. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan sebagai masukan untuk tindak lanjut PMDM pada periode selanjutnya.
• Kegiatan/sarana/prasana PMDM dimanfaatkan optimal oleh masyarakat. • Fungsi kegiatan berlangsung berkelanjutan dan dikelola dengan baik dan benar oleh masyarakat. • Sarana dan prasana yang telah dibangun dalam kondisi baik.
Monitoring of Activities
• Menjamin kelanjutan sistem dan mekanisme pengelolaan dana pembangunan masyarakat.
Is conducted by the PTPM coordination team which is assisted by village/district committee, district facilitators, KPMD, Vale team and CSR independent consultant during implementation of activities for a period of PMDM. Monitoring can take form in participative monitoring by the local community and other parties.
Maintenance of Activities Indicators of success:
Evaluation of Activities Evaluation of activities is conducted by an independent CRS consultant. The results of evaluation will be submitted to the PTPM coordination team and PT Vale. The outcome of the evaluation will be treated as inputs for follow-up of PMDM in the following period.
• Activities/facilities/infrastructure of PMDM are fully utilized by the community. • Activities can run in a sustainable way and well and properly managed by the community. • Facilities and infrastructure built remain in a good shape. • Ensure sustainability of community development fund management system and mechanism.
Tahap Pelaksanaan PMDM
PMDM Implementation Stages Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Yang Boleh dan Yang Dilarang Koridor bagi pelaku PMDM dalam mengusulkan kegiatan. Dalam pelaksanaan PMDM, masyarakat diberi ruang untuk menentukan kegiatan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat. Namun ada koridor-koridornya. Apa saja kegiatan yang diperbolehkan dan yang dilarang?
1. Selaras dengan arah kebijakan pemerintah. 2. Selaras dengan program pembangunan daerah. 3. Pembangunan desa yang merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat. 4. Sinergi dengan program yang telah ada di desa. 5. Mendorong harmonisasi pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam program. 6. Penerapan prinsip akuntabilitas publik. 7. Kegiatan yang memberikan manfaat langsung dalam peningkatan layanan kesehatan dan ekonomi masyarakat miskin. 8. Kegiatan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kapasitas masyarakat. 9. Tersedianya sumber daya lokal. 10. Kegiatan peningkatan kapasitas pelayanan kesehatan (pelatihan kader kesehatan masyarakat). 11. Kegiatan peningkatan keterampilan kelompok usaha ekonomi produktif. 12. Kegiatan pembangunan atau perbaikan prasarana dan sarana pendukung ekonomi pedesaan yang dapat memberikan manfaat langsung bagi masyarakat miskin. 13. Kegiatan yang memiliki potensi untuk berkembang dan berkelanjutan.
1. Pembiayaan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan politik praktis/partai politik dan militer/ angkatan bersenjata. 2. Pembangunan atau rehabilitasi bangunan rumah tinggal, kantor pemerintah, dan tempat ibadah. 3. Pembelian barang atau bahan yang dapat merusak lingkungan, seperti senjata, bahan peledak, asbes, pestisida, dan obat-obatan/bahan terlarang lainnya. 4. Pembiayaan gaji pegawai negeri dan karyawan PT Vale. 5. Pembiayaan kegiatan yang memperkerjakan anak di bawah usia kerja. 6. Kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan produksi, penyimpanan, dan penjualan barang terlarang. 7. Kegiatan yang aktivitasnya berada di lokasi cagar alam atau kawasan hutan lindung, kecuali ada izin tertulis dari instansi terkait. 8. Kegiatan pengolahan tambang. 9. Pengambilan dan penggunaan terumbu karang dan biota yang dilindungi, 10. Kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan pemindahan jalur aliran sungai. 11. Pembangunan jaringan irigasi baru yang luasnya lebih dari 50 hektar.
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Dos and Don’ts
Guideline for PMDM players in proposing program activities. In implementing PMDM, the community is given a room to decide on activities that suit their needs. But there is a guideline. What are the dos and don’ts?
Kerangka Kerja PTPM/PTPM Work Scheme
PTPM Program Mitra Desa Mandiri (PMDM)
Pengembangan Kapasitas Institusi
Independent Village Partnership Program
Strategic Partnership
• Kesehatan • Pengembangan Ekonomi dan UMKM • Health • Economic Development & SME
• Pendidikan • Kesehatan • Ekonomi • Seni Budaya • Education • Health • Economic • Art & Culture
Kontribusi Strategis Strategic Contributions
• Tanggap Darurat • Seni Budaya • Donasi • Emergency, • Art & Culture • Donation
Perkiraan Persentase Distribusi Anggaran
Perkiraan Persentase Distribusi Anggaran
Perkiraan Persentase Distribusi Anggaran
Budget Distribution/ Percentage Forecast
Budget Distribution/ Percentage Forecast
Budget Distribution/ Percentage Forecast
40% 50%
30% 40%
10% 20%
1. In line with the government policy. 2. In harmony with regional government program. 3. Rural development that the local community need the most. 4. A synergy with existing programs in villages. 5. Encourage harmony of stakeholders involved in the program. 6. Implementation of public accountability principle. 7. Activities that directly contribute to improvement of healthcare and economic empowerment of the poor. 8. Activities are conducted in accordance with the capacity of local community. 9. Availability of local resources. 10. Activities that give a boost to health service capacity (training for community health cadres). 11. Activities that enhance the skills of productive economic business groups. 12. Rural infrastructure and supporting facility construction or renovation that directly benefit the poor. 13. Activities that potentially develop and are sustainable.
1. Activity financing is connected with practical politics/political parties and the military/armed forces. 2. Construction or renovation of private housing, government buildings and places of worship. 3. Purchase of goods or materials that can harm the environment such as arms, explosives, asbestos, pesticide and other banned drugs/substances. 4. Financing civil servants and PT Vale employees. 5. Financing activities that employ minors. 6. Activities that are connected with production, storage and sales of banned goods. 7. Activities around natural conservation or protected forest, except if there is formal written permit from relevant institutions. 8. Mining processing activities. 9. Take or use coral reefs and other protected biota. 10. Activities related to relocation of river flow lines. 11. Construction of new irrigation channel which covers more than 50 hectares.
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Ricardo Cavalho, ketika menandatangani nota kesepakatan pelaksanaan PTPM bersama Bupati dan Muspida Luwu Timur di Malili, Januari 2014 lalu.
Dari Jalan Tani hingga Pemeriksaan Mata Potret kegiatan PMDM sepanjang 2014-2015.
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Air Bersih untuk Warga Program dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Wasuponda. Pipa sepanjang lebih-kurang lima kilometer memungkinkan air bersih mengalir langsung ke rumah-rumah warga di Dusun Lembo Timur, Lembo Tengah, dan Lembo Barat, Desa Wasuponda. Pembangunan juga dilakukan di Dusun Lowu Barat, Lowu Timur, dan Lowu Selatan, Desa Tabarano. Diperkirakan lebih dari 1.000 KK mendapatkan manfaat dari pembangunan pipa air bersih ini. Nilai pembangunan Rp107 juta.
Elys, warga Dusun Lowu Barat, Desa Tabarano, Kecamatan Wasuponda “Saya tenang karena sudah banyak air. Dulu kami masih memompa air dari sumur, baik untuk mencuci maupun untuk memasak. Di musim kemarau masalah air teratasi dengan adanya program pipa air bersih PTPM ini. Selain itu, kami juga bisa menghemat uang listrik dan tidak perlu lagi ke sungai untuk mencuci kalau air sumur kering.”
Pengadaan Jamban Keluarga Program dilakukan di empat wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale. Di Kecamatan Malili, pengadaan jamban berada di enam desa/dusun. Sedikitnya, 1.200 KK merasakan hidup bersih dengan memiliki jamban di rumah masing-masing. Melalui PMDM, tiap kepala keluarga mendapat dukungan dana pengadaan jamban sebesar Rp700 ribu-Rp3,5 juta. Kegiatan ini mendapat sambutan positif dari masyarakat. Tidak sedikit dari mereka merogoh kantong sendiri untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan jamban di rumahnya. Di Kecamatan Nuha, pengadaan jamban dilakukan di Dusun Kayutanduk dan Dusun Bonepute. Untuk Kecamatan Wasuponda, dilaksanakan di Desa Tabarano, Balambano, Kawata, dan Leduledu. Sementara di Kecamatan Towuti berada di Desa Pekaloa, Tole, Loeha, Rante Angin, Tokalimbo, Bantilang, dan Masiku.
Nasir Haruni, Sekretaris Desa Baruga, Kecamatan Malili “Data Kesehatan menunjukkan banyak warga di sini menderita diare. Salah satu penyebabnya mereka tidak memiliki WC atau jamban di rumah, sehingga membuang hajat sembarang. Keberadaan jamban dari PMDM ini diharapkan menjawab persoalan tersebut. Kegiatan ini juga muncul dari penjaringan usulan dari musyawarah warga desa.”
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Membangun Jalan Tani Program bertujuan membuka akses petani dari dan menuju lahan perkebunan atau sawahnya. Hal ini penting untuk mendukung produktivitas petani. Kegiatan pembangunan berlangsung di beberapa desa di dua kecamatan. Misalnya di Kecamatan Wasuponda, terdapat di Desa Kawata, Parumpanai dan Wasuponda. Sedangkan di Kecamatan Towuti terdapat di Desa Loeha dan Tole. Jalan tani yang dibangun sepanjang 400 meter hingga satu kilometer. Di Desa Wasuponda, sedikitnya 3 kelompok tani beranggotakan 25 orang memanfaatkan keberadaan jalan tani ini. Di Langkea Raya, Kecamatan Towuti, jalan tani sepanjang satu kilometer membuka potensi lahan tidur seluas 20 hektar. Pembangunan jalan tani melibatkan swadaya dan inisiatif warga, baik tenaga, kontribusi lahan, dan dana.
Usman Daeng Nawa, petani Desa Parumpanai “Selama bertahun-tahun kami kesulitan ke kebun, sawah, bahkan menuju rumah kami karena akses jalan begitu buruk. Keberadaan jalan tani ini memudahkan akses petani dan warga menuju ke sawah, kebun, atau rumahnya. Kami juga lebih mudah membawa hasil panen atau ketika membawa pupuk.”
Mata Sehat untuk Anak dan Lansia Pada pertengahan Desember 2014, PT Vale dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Timur bermitra menggelar kegiatan skrining kesehatan mata dan operasi katarak di Kecamatan Wasuponda dan Kecamatan Nuha bagi anak-anak dan Lansia. Di Wasuponda, kegiatan diikuti sekitar 1.000 pelajar dari tujuh sekolah dasar. Sementara operasi katarak ditujukan bagi 20 pasien Lansia di Kecamatan Nuha, berlangsung di RS Inco, Sorowako. Kegiatan bekerja sama dengan Universitas Hasanuddin, Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia Cabang Sulawesi Selatan, dan Yayasan Axis Medica Peduli.
Hasmiati Abby, Kepala Sekolah SD 258 Sinongko, Kecamatan Wasuponda “Banyak siswa kami yang punya gangguan penglihatan, dan hal itu mengganggu konsentrasi belajar mereka. Kami senang sekali PTPM bisa menyentuh siswa-siswa kami melalui program ini”.
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Introduksi Pertanian Ramah Lingkungan Program dimulai akhir Februari 2015 dengan memperkenalkan teknologi pertanian padi ramah lingkungan bernama SRI Padi Organik. SRI merupakan singkatan dari system of rice intensification. Tujuannya, produktivitas pertanian meningkat signifikan dengan biaya lebih ekonomis. Intensifikasi produksi juga mengaplikasikan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang berdampak positif bagi kesehatan petani dan masyarakat umum. Petani dibekali kemampuan membuat pupuk organik secara mandiri dan mengelola lingkungan serta lahannya agar tetap seimbang.
Paimin, Ketua Kelompok Tani Harapan Mulia, Desa Mahalona, Kecamatan Towuti. Harapan saya, SRI Organik bisa memberikan wawasan baru bagi para petani. Ke depan, produktivitas petani juga semakin maju
PT Vale bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Aliksa Organik SRI mengadakan pelatihan SRI Organik, pendampingan, lokakarya, hingga tahap monitoring dan evaluasi. Fase pelatihan berlangsung lima hari dengan durasi 30 jam belajar, diikuti kelompok tani dari Desa Mahalona, Desa Ledu-ledu, Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan dari BP3K (penyuluh tingkat kecamatan), dan BP4K (penyuluh tingkat kabupaten).
Keterampilan untuk Pemuda dan Perempuan Peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat merupakan salah satu fokus implementasi PTPM. Berbagai pelatihan untuk berbagai lapisan, kelompok, dan usia digelar di empat wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale. Di Nuha, digelar pelatihan pembuatan kompos dan MOL bagi pemuda-pemuda penggerak di tiga BUMDes Sorowako, Magani, dan Nikkel. Di kecamatan ini juga digelar pelatihan sablon untuk pemuda Desa Magani.
Jumriati Jalil, Sekretaris PKK Desa Matompi, Kecamatan Towuti “Pelatihan keterampilan bagi ibu-ibu sangat diperlukan. Hal ini membuka wawasan kami bahwa ada banyak hal di depan mata kami yang dapat dijadikan pendapatan tambahan atau modal usaha.”
Di Kecamatan Towuti, tepatnya di Desa Baruga, digelar Kursus Keterampilan Merias bagi ibu-ibu PKK. Di Desa Matompi, di kecamatan yang sama, digelar pelatihan pembuatan makanan ringan berbahan lokal dan suvenir. Sementara di Kecamatan Wasuponda, ibu-ibu PKK dan warga dibekali keterampilan membuat kreasi berbahan tali kur dan pembuatan kripik tortilla.
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An elderly man, Nuha Sub District’s resident who getting eye health examination in Inco Hospital.
From Farming Road to Eye Screening Portrait of PMDM activities throughout 2014-2015. 28
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Clean Water for Residents The program was conducted in Wasuponda District. A pipe stretching about five kilometers enables water to directly stream into houses belonging to residents of East Lembo, Central Lembo and West Lembo Sub-villages in Wasuponda Village. Clean water network was also developed in West Lowu, East Lowu and South Lowu in Tabarano Village. Over 1,000 households take advantage of the project worth Rp107 million.
Elys, resident of West Lowu Sub-village, Tabarano Village, Wasuponda District “I feel secure because water is now abundant. In the past we had to pump water from well either for washing or cooking. In the dry season water shortage has now been addressed thanks to the clean water pipeline built under PTPM. Besides, we can save electricity spending and do not need to go to the river to take water if our well drained.”
Nasir Haruni, secretary of Baruga Village, Malili District Family Toilet Procurement The program was conducted in four PT Vale empowerment areas. In Malili District, family toilet program affected six villages/sub-villages. At least 1,200 households can now live a healthy life because of the private toilet. Through PMDM, each household received financial assistance amounting to between Rp700,000 and Rp3.5 million to build a toilet. People positively responded to the program. Quite many of them dug their pockets to complete the toilet construction.
“Health data discovered that many people in the village suffered from diarrhea. One of the causes of the outbreak was the absence of family toilet, which driven them to defecate in an inappropriate place. Construction of family toilets under PMDM is expected to address the matter. The activity arose after selecting initiatives discussed in public deliberation organized in each village.”
In Nuha District, toilet construction was conducted in the sub-villages of Kayutanduk and Bonepute. In Wasuponda District, the project was carried out in the villages of Tabarano, Balambano, Kawata and Ledu-ledu, while in Towuti District the program was realized in the villages of Pekaloa, Tole, Loeha, Rante Angin, Tokalimbo, Bantilang and Masiku.
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Build Farming Road
Usman Daeng Nawa, a Farmer in Parumpanai Village
This program aims to open access to farmers to their rice fields or plantations. This is important to support farmers’ bid to increase productivity. The road construction project took place in a number of villages in two districts. In Wasuponda District the project was conducted in the villages of Kawata, Parumpanai and Wasuponda. In Towuti District the project was realized in Loeha and Tole Villages.
“For years we had been facing difficulties in reaching our farming land and even our homes due to the poor access road. The farmer road facilitated farmers’ movement to their rice fields, plantations and homes. The road also accelerate delivery of our products or fertilizer.”
Each farmer road spans 400 to 1,000 meters. In Wasuponda Village, at least three farmer groups consisting 25 members each utilized the road. In Langkea Raya Villsge in Towuti District a one-kilometer-long road has opened the potentials of 20 hectares of idle land. The construction project involved NGO and public support, in the forms of energy, land contribution or donation.
Healthy Eyes for Children and Elderly
Hasmiati Abby, Principal of Sinongko State Primary School 258, Wasuponda District
In mid-December 2014, PT Vale and East Luwu government collaborated in holding eye screening and free caratact surgery for children and elderly in the districts of Wasuponda and Kecamatan Nuha. In Wasuponda, the activity drew participation of about 1,000 students from seven elementary schools. Cataract operation was performed on 20 patients at Inco Hospital in Sorowako, Nuha District. The program involved Hasanuddin University, Association of Indonesian Opthalmologists in South Sulawesi and Axis Medica Peduli Foundation.
“Many of our students have sight problems and this has distracted their concentration during the learning process. We are very happy PTPM can reach students through the program”.
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Introduction of Environmentally Friendly Agriculture The program started at the end of February 2015 with introduction of environmentally friendly agricultural technology called SRI Organic Paddy. SRI stands for system of rice intensification. It aims to significantly increase production with more economical costs. Production intensification also applies environmentally friendly technology that positively impact on farmers’ and general public health. Farmers were trained to produce organic fertilizer independently and manage their environment and agricultural field so as to keep them in balance. PT Vale, in cooperation with Aliksa Organik SRI Foundation, organized training on SRI Organic, counseling, workshop as well as monitoring and evaluation. Training lasted 30 hours over five days. It was attended by farmer groups from the villages of Mahalona and Ledu-ledu, field agriculture counselors from BP3K (counselors at district level) and BP4K (counselors at regency level).
Paimin, Leader of Harapan Mulia Farmer Group, Mahalona Village, Sub District Towuti. I hope, SRI Organic could be giving the new knowledge for farmers. Also to increase farmers’ productivity.
Life Skills for Youths and Women Community capacity building is one of the focuses of PTPM. PT Vale has held various kinds of training for different layers, groups and age categories in four areas of empowerment. In Nuha the company organized training to produce compost and local microorganism for development prime moving youths in three BUMDes in Sorowako, Magani and Nikkel. In the district the company also held screen printing training for Magani Village youths. In Towuti District, precisely Baruga Village, the company held a makeup course for local housewives family welfare movement (PKK). In Matompi Village, local women were trained to produce snacks and souvenirs made of local materials. In Wasuponda District PKK activists and local people learned how to produce knitting bags and other handicraft made of weaving yarn, and tortilla cracker.
Jumriati Jalil, PKK secretary in Matompi Village, Towuti District “Housewives need life skill training very much. It has opened our mind that there many things that we can explore to earn extra income and capital to run business.”
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Mereka Bicara tentang Perubahan Implementasi program sosial PT Vale penuh dinamika.
They Talk about Change Implementation of PT Vale's social program full of dynamics. “In general the program helped the society. Unlike common CSR PT Vale used to hold, now the company’s human touch is visible. Compared with Crash Program which cost Rp800 million, PMDM fund worth Rp350 million per village is far more beneficial. If previously only certain groups received assistance, now the aid reaches all villages and all sectors. If the pattern is extending direct cash to the people, no matter how much the value is it will never be enough. In the past the fund disbursed went unchecked, but now however small the amount we will check where the money goes. This is good because it teaches the people to be accountable. I think PMDM has lived up to expectations although there are some minor glitches.”
Andi Ahmad, Head of Ledu-ledu Village, Wasuponda District
“Secara umum, program ini sangat membantu masyarakat. Berbeda dengan program CSR PT Vale sebelumnya, sekarang sentuhan ke masyarakat jelas terlihat. Dibandingkan Crash Program yang Rp800 juta, dana PMDM yang Rp350 juta per desa ini jauh lebih terasa manfaatnya. Kalau sebelumnya hanya kelompok-kelompok tertentu saja yang dibantu, sekarang bantuan tampak di semua desa, di semua sektor. Kalau modelnya masyarakat diberi uang tunai, berapapun yang dikasih pasti tetap kurang. Dulu setelah uang cair tidak ada yang periksa ke mana larinya itu uang. Sekarang, walaupun terima bantuan sedikit, kita dicek terus. Ini bagus, supaya masyarakat bertanggung jawab. Menurut saya, PMDM sudah berjalan sesuai harapan meskipun masih ada kekurangan dalam beberapa hal.”
Andi Ahmad, Kepala Desa Ledu-ledu, Kecamatan Wasuponda
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
“Something has changed significantly concerning accountability and transparency. If we compare PTPM after one year and the first time the program was familiarized, the contrast is stark. In the past the resistance was rampant. We even faced intimidation and other challenges. But because the process involved participation and was open, the society then understood the programs were different from the previous ones. PMDM emphasizes the process, instead of who gets what. There is a change in the people’s way of thinking. That is very obvious.”
Andi Narwis, PTPM Regency-level Facilitator
“Ada hal yang berubah secara signifikan terkait dengan akuntabilitas dan transparansi. Kalau kita bandingkan setelah PTPM berjalan satu tahun dengan ketika program ini pertama kali disosialisasikan, terasa sekali bedanya. Dulu gejolak besar sekali, bahkan sampai ada intimidasi dan sebagainya. Namun karena prosesnya kita lakukan secara partisipatif dan terbuka, masyarakat sadar bahwa program ini beda dengan program-program sebelumnya. PMDM lebih menekankan pada proses, bukan pada siapa mendapat apa. Ada perubahan pola pikir di masyarakat. Itu yang sangat nyata.”
Andi Narwis, Fasilitator PTPM Kabupaten
“So far I appreciate the implementation of PTPM healthcare program. Its concept which connects the local government’s strategic plan is great. We can feel its difference from the program in the past. I hope the spirit of health-oriented development will carry on and set a platform for planning of the program in the future. As we all know, improvement in education and health sectors is a prerequisite for achievement of human development goals.”
Andi Tulleng, MPH, Head of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment, East Luwu Health Agency
“Sejauh ini, saya mengapresiasi pelaksanaan PTPM kesehatan. Konsep yang menyinergikan program PTPM dengan rencana strategis Pemerintah Daerah menurut saya bagus sekali. Terasa perbedaannya dengan konsep program terdahulu. Saya berharap, semangat pembangunan berwawasan kesehatan bisa terus dibawa dan menjadi landasan penting dalam menyusun rencana program. Seperti kita ketahui bersama, perkuatan sektor pendidikan dan kesehatan merupakan prasyarat mutlak tercapainya pembangunan manusia.”
Andi Tulleng SKM, MKes, Kasi Promkes dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dinas Kesehatan Luwu Timur
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
PT Vale Tidak Lagi Berstatus WAPU PPN
Mulai 1 April 2015 seluruh rekanan PT Vale langsung menyetorkan PPN-nya ke kantor pajak. Sejalan dengan amandemen Kontrak Karya (KK) PT Vale 17 Oktober silam, PT Vale tidak lagi menjadi wajib pungut (WAPU) Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atas pembelian barang dan jasa rekanannya per 1 April 2015. Pasal 9 ayat 6 Amandemen KK PT Vale yang menyebutkan, “Perusahaan wajib melaksanakan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan di bidang PPN dan PPnBM termasuk perubahannya, tambahan, dan/atau penggantiannya. Khususnya untuk memungkinkan perusahaan mengikuti peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, status perusahaan sebagai pemungut (WAPU) PPN akan berakhir pada 31 Maret 2015”. Dengan ketentuan tersebut, rekanan PT Vale selanjutnya melakukan penyetoran dan pelaporan PPN langsung ke kantor pajak. Sosialisasi kebijakan tersebut telah dilakukan manajemen PT Vale melalui tim gabungan dari departemen Tax, Procurement, Contract Admin, Warehouse, dan Account
Payable kepada perwakilan rekanan PT Vale pertengahan Maret lalu. Bertempat di Gedung Ontaeluwu, Sorowako, Luwu Timur. Pada kesempatan itu, Kepala Seksi Pengawasan dan Konsultasi I KPP Pratama Palopo Frans Pasamboan mensosialisasikan faktur pajak berbentuk elektronik (e-faktur). Sebelumnya, sosialisasi dilakukan di KPP Pratama Palopo pada akhir Maret dan kepada pemangku kepentingan internal PT Vale awal Maret. “Kita mengikuti peraturan perundangan perpajakan umum, yakni pemungutan dan pelaporan PPN harus dilakukan sendiri oleh masing-masing wajib pajak rekanan PT Vale,” ungkap Manager Tax PT Vale, Chandra Yudha. Dalam implementasinya, PT Vale dan KPP Pratama Palopo akan melakukan kontrol pelaporan dan penyetoran PPN rekanan PT Vale ke kantor pajak.[]
Kode Transaksi Faktur Pajak
KODE 01 – digunakan untuk penyerahan BKP dan/ atau JKP yang terutang PPN dan PPN-nya dipungut PKP Penjual yang melakukan penyerahan BKP/JKP
Penyetoran PPN ke Kas Negara
Oleh PKP Penjual dengan mencantumkan nama dan NPWP PKP Penjual Sendiri pada SSP. Paling lambat akhir bulan berikutnya setelah masa pajak berakhir dan sebelum surat pemberitahuan masa PPN disampaikan.
Oleh PT Vale paling lambat tanggal 15 bulan berikutnya.
Sanksi Administratis
Dibebankan kepada PKP Penjual sebesar 2% per bulan atas PPN yang tidak dan/atau terlambat/kurang
Dibebankan kepada PT Vale sebesar 2% per bulan atas PPN yang tidak ada/atau terlambat kurang disetor.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Mulai 1 April 2015
PT Vale No Longer Subject to VAT Collection As of April 1, 2015 all contractors of PT Vale will have to directly transfer added value tax to the Tax Office themselves. No 1
As of April 1, 2015
CODE 01 – used when submitting taxable goods and/ or taxable services and their value added taxes are collected by corporate taxpayers who submit the taxable goods/services.
Payment of VAT to state cashier
By selling corporate taxpayers by stating their names and tax identification numbers in tax payment letter in the end of the following month at the latest after the tax period ends and before the VAT period notification letter is delivered.
By PT Vale on day 15 of the following month at the latest.
Administrative penalty
Imposed on selling corporate taxpayers with the amount of 2% per month of VAT which is not paid/ fully paid or belatedly paid.
Imposed on PT Vale as much as 2% per month of VAT which is not or fully paid or belatedly paid.
Tax Invoice Transaction Code
Pursuant to PT Vale’s Contract of Work (CoW) amendment on Oct. 17, 2014, as of April 1, 2015 the company no longer holds a responsibility for collecting Value Added Tax (WAPU PPN) imposed on goods and services procured by its contractors. Article 9 paragraph 6 of the amended CoW stipulates that “The company is obliged to implement provisions in the regulations related to VAT and Luxury Goods Sales Tax (PPnBM) as well as their amendments, addendum and/or replacements. In particular, to enable the company to follow the prevailing regulations, its status as VAT collector will expire on March 31, 2015”. Based on the stipulation PT Vale contractors will pay and report their VAT directly to the Tax Office. PT Vale management familiarized the new regulation through an interdepartmental team comprising the De-
partments of Tax, Procurement, Contract Admin, Warehouse and Account Payable to representatives of PT Vale in mid-March at Ontaeluwu Building in Sorowako, East Luwu. During the event head of the Supervision and Consultation Unit at Palopo Tax Office Frans Pasamboan introduced tax invoice in the form of electronic invoice. The familiarization program had previously been held at the tax office for PT Vale management at the end of February and for internal stakeholders early in March. “We follow the general taxation regulation, in which collection and report of VAT is conducted by tax payers who are PT Vale contractors themselves,” PT Vale Tax Manager Chandra Yudha said. In implementing the new regulation PT Vale and Palopo Tax Office will jointly supervise the VAT report and payment to the state.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Crane raksasa di Pelabuhan Balantang, Malili, Sulawesi Selatan yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat bongkar muat logistik PT Vale.
Fasilitas Baru Coal Transport Coal Transport Project (CTP) di Pelabuhan Balantang menjadikan bongkar muat logistik dan karung nikel PT Vale lebih cepat dengan volume lebih besar. Konversi HSFO (high sulphur fuel oil) ke batubara oleh PT Vale di tiga dryer pabrik pengolahan membuat kebutuhan pasokan batubara semakin tinggi. Untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut, dibuatlah Coal Transportation Project (CTP) di Pelabuhan Balantang, Malili, Luwu Timur. Pada kuartal terakhir 2014, CTP memasuki babak baru realisasi infrastruktur dan peralatan. Salah satu bagian terpenting adalah perakitan dan pemasangan E-Crane, alat angkut batubara dan logistik pabrik pengolahan seperti silika dan sulfur dari tongkang ke area penyimpanan (stockpile) di Pelabuhan Balantang.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
“Tujuan CTP untuk meningkatkan kapasitas angkut batubara di Pelabuhan Balantang. Dari semula sebesar 250 ribu metrik ton menjadi 400 ribu metrik ton. Hal ini sejalan dengan pembangunan dan telah beroperasinya Coal Conversion Project Tahap I yang berada di Plant Site,” ungkap Project Manager CTP, Jeff Hughes. E-Crane merupakan salah satu komponen penting proyek ini. Pasalnya, bila E-Crane tersebut beroperasi, volume pembongkaran batubara dari tongkang ke area penyimpanan bisa dua kali lipat dari yang selama ini berjalan. “Konkretnya, kapasitasnya angkut batubara E-Crane bisa mencapai 9 tongkang per bulan, sulfur 3 kali per tahun
Tujuan utama proyek ini adalah mempercepat aktivitas pengangkutan dan bongkar muat logistik.
masing-masing 22.000 ton per motor vessel, dan preloading nikel ke tongkang 2 kali per bulan,” ujar Supervisor Material Handling Pelabuhan Balantang, Jasman Pawakka.
Aktivitas pengangkatan batubara di Pelabuhan Balantang.
Tanpa E-Crane, pengangkutan batubara menggunakan bulk dan langsung diambil eskavator berkapasitas 4-6 kubik. Dengan cara lama ini, untuk mengangkut 1 tongkang batubara berkapasitas 4.000 ton menghabiskan waktu 11 jam. Sedangkan untuk preloading kantong nikel ke tongkang dengan menggunakan Crane Manitowoc 230 T dengan muatan 188 kantong nikel cuma butuh waktu tiga jam.
Proyek ini melibatkan tiga kontraktor. Pertama, PT Truba yang bertugas menyelesaikan pekerjaan kelistrikan, mekanikal, struktur dan sipil. “Truba juga yang menyelesaikan perakitan E-Crane,” ungkap Jeff. Kedua, PT Putra Karebbe Utama yang bertugas menyelesaikan konstruksi fasilitas antisipasi bahaya api di Pelabuhan Balantang, dan yang terakhir adalah Beca untuk menyelesaikan desain dan revisi persiapan CTP.
E-Crane buatan Belgia ini termasuk tipe tercanggih dengan kapasitas 10 ton sekali angkut. Selain itu, E-Crane dapat menjangkau area lebih luas di tongkang batubara, karena bisa berpindah tempat (mobile), sehingga pekerjaan bongkar muat logistik dan nikel olahan PT Vale lebih efisien dan efektif.
Departemen-departemen di PT Vale yang terlibat dan mendukung realisasi proyek ini adalah Engineering and Technical Development Services (Procurement, Capital Project dan Construction Management), Construction Services, dan Mining untuk menyuplai kerikil dan semen untuk pekerjaan sipil.
Selesai 2016
“Tantangan terbesar pekerjaan ini adalah koordinasi selama pengerjaan konstruksi. Termasuk pemesanan material proyek. Kami juga berupaya mengurangi kontaminasi batubara selama penggalian di beberapa area yang terbatas untuk penyimpanan material proyek,” ungkap Jeff.
CTP terdiri atas dua proyek di dua area. Yang pertama di Pelabuhan Balantang dengan nilai investasi sebesar 17,5 juta dollar AS dan CTP Plant Site senilai 23,3 juta dollar AS. Area penyimpanan batubara CTP Balantang berkapasitas 24.000 ton dari sebelumnya 20.000 ton. “Fasilitas penyimpanan batubara tidak sertamerta meningkatkan kapasitas namun akan memisahkan penyimpanan ke tempat penyimpanan berdinding beton. Hal ini untuk mengurangi kerugian bila terjadi kebakaran. Namun tujuan utama proyek ini adalah mempercepat aktivitas pengangkutan dan bongkar muat,” tambah Jeff.
CTP dimulai sejak 2006, namun sempat berhenti pada 2008. Proyek ini dilanjutkan tahun 2012 setelah melalui beberapa revisi. CTP ditargetkan selesai Oktober 2016. Pada Januari 2015, Khanif Khaidar dan Ridwan Setiawan ditunjuk sebagai manajer proyek dan konstruksi CTP Balantang. Sedangkan Jeff Hughes memegang proyek Furnace Electrode Stability. “Ridwan dan Khanif merupakan orang-orang yang bisa diandalkan untuk melanjutkan proyek ini. Mereka memiliki pengalaman dan wawasan civil engineering dan manajerial yang bagus,” ujar Jeff.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
New Facility for Coal Transport Coal Transport Project (CTP) at Balantang Port has precipitated PT Vale Logistics and nickel bag loading and offloading with a higher volume. Conversion of HSFO (high sulfur fuel oil) into coal by PT Vale in three dryers of its processing plant has increased the company’s demand for coal supply. To meet the rising demand Coal Transportation Project (CTP) facility at Balantang Port in Malili area in East Luwu regency is needed.
E-crane as one of one of the projects to accelerate the process of loading and unloading in Pelabuhan Balantang.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
In the final quarter of 2014, CTP began a new phase of equipment and infrastructure realization. One of the most important parts is assembling and installation of E-Crane, transportation of coal and processing plant logistics such as silica and sulfur from barges to the stockpile area in Balantang Port. “CTP is intended to increase the capacity of coal transportation from, Balantang Port, previously 250,000 metric tons to 400,000 MT. This goal is in line with the development and operation of Coal Conversion Project phase I at the Plant Site,” CTP Project Manager, Jeff Hughes, said. The E-Crane is one of the important components for the project. The reason is that if the E-Crane operates, the volume of coal discharged from barges to the stockpile area will double the current mark. “To be clear, the capacity of coal handling using E-Crane will unload 9 barges per month, for sulfur 3 times a year with 22,000 tons per motorized vessel and nickel pre-loading to barges twice a month,” material handling supervisor at Balantang Port, Jasman Pawakka, said. Without E-Crane, coal transportation relied on bulk woukd be directly taken by excavator with a capacity of 4-6 cubic meters. Using the old method, it would take 11 hours to unload 1 barge of coal with a capacity of 4,000 metric tons. It will take only three hours to preload nickel bags into a barge using the existing Manitowoc 230 Metrictonne crane with a capacity of 188 nickel bags. Belgian-made E-Crane is classified as the most sophisticated facility with a capacity of 10 metric tonnes per grab. Besides E-Crane can reach a larger area of the coal barge because it is mobile and has a longer boom reach, so that logistics and PT Vale nickel end-product loading and offfloading will be more efficient and effective.
Completion in 2016 CTP consists of two projects in two areas. The first is located in Balantang Port involving US$17.5 million in investment and the second is CTP Plant Site worth $ 23.3 million. The nickel stockpile area in CTP Balantang can accommodate 24,000 tons from previously 20,000 tons. “The coal storage facility will increase slightly but will segregate coal storage into concrete bunkers to reduce loss in
Logistic and materials loading activities in Port Balantang.
event of fire. The primary aim of the project is to speed up coal loading and offloading activities,” Jeff said. The project involves three contractors. First is PT Truba which is responsible for all major electrical, mechanical, structural and civil construction works. “Truba will also assemble E-Crane,” Jeff said. Second, PT Putra Karebbe Utama who have constructed a fire threat anticipation facility at Balantang Port. Lastly, Beca having completed the design for CTP. Departments within PT Vale which are involved and support realization of the project are Engineering and Technical Development Services (procurement, project and construction management), Construction Services and Mining (supply of aggregate and concrete for civil construction). “One of the biggest challenges for realization of the project is coordination during construction. This includes procurement of goods for the project. We also have to minimise coal-contaminated fill during excavation as limited areas to store and process this material,” Jeff said. CTP began in 2006, but was suspended in 2008 (because nickel price nose dived and the company attempted efficiency—Editor). The project was restarted in 2012 after undergoing several times of revision. CTP is targeted to finish in October 2016. In January 2015, Khanif Khadir and Ridwan Setiawan have been appointed as new project and construction managers for CTP-Balantang. This will allow Jeff to focus on the Furnace Electrode Stability project. “Ridwan and Khanif are the best guys to continue the project on my behalf through to completion, as they have a strong civil engineering background and excellent project management skills” Jeff said.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Presdir PT Vale menerima penghargaan kinerja lingkungan terbaik yang diberikan langsung oleh Wakil Menteri ESDM Susilo Siswoutomo.
PT Vale Raih Penghargaan Kinerja Lingkungan Terbaik Penghargaan Aditama periode 2013 dari Kementerian ESDM juga diterima. Bersamaan dengan peringatan “Hari Jadi Pertambangan dan Energi Indonesia ke-69” awal Oktober silam, PT Vale meraih penghargaan sebagai perusahaan terbaik dalam pengelolaan lingkungan pertambangan mineral dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Berlangsung di kantor Kementerian ESDM, penghargaan diserahkan Wakil Menteri ESDM, Susilo Siswoutomo, me-
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
wakili Pelaksana Tugas Menteri ESDM, Chairul Tanjung, kepada Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter. Hadir dalam acara tersebut pejabat eselon I dan II Kementerian ESDM, anggota Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN), pejabat Badan Pengatur Hilir (BPH) Migas, pejabat Satuan Kerja Khusus (SKK) Migas, Direksi BUMN di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM, serta perwakilan perusahaan pertambangan dan mineral, minyak dan gas. Menurut Nico Kanter, penghargaan tersebut merupakan apresiasi pemerintah atas kerja keras manajemen dan karyawan PT Vale bersama pemangku kepentingan perusahaan. “Penghargaan ini memacu kami untuk terus meningkatkan pencapaian selama ini, terutama dalam pengelolaan lingkungan operasional tambang kami. Saya juga menyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada semua pihak yang telah mendukung perusahaan sehingga kami mendapatkan penghargaan ini,” kata Nico Kanter. Sebelumnya, 16 September, PT Vale meraih Penghargaan Aditama (Emas) untuk pengelolaan lingkungan pertambangan kategori perusahaan tambang Kontrak Karya dan Penghargaan Pratama (Perunggu) untuk pengelolaan keselamatan pertambangan mineral dan batubara periode 2013 dari kementerian yang sama. Nico Kanter menuturkan, sesuai misinya, PT Vale terus berupaya menjadi perusahaan sumber daya alam berskala global terbaik dalam menciptakan nilai jangka panjang melalui kinerja unggul dan kepedulian pada kemanusiaan dan kelestarian lingkungan. “Karena itu, lingkungan dan keselamatan kerja menjadi salah satu prioritas utama kami,” tambah Nico Kanter.[]
Rehabilitation area in Sorowako.
PT Vale Grabs the Best Environmental Performance Award The company was also the recipient of the Aditama Award for environmental management from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2013. In celebration of the 69th Indonesian Mining and Energy Anniversary in early October, PT Vale was bestowed an award for being the best corporation in environmental management in mineral mining from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Taking place at the office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the award was presented by Deputy Minister Susilo Siswoutomo acting on behalf of incumbent Energy and Mineral Resources Minister, Chairul Tanjung, to PT Vale President Director, Nico Kanter. Present at the occasion were high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, members of the National Energy Board (DEN), officials from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), officials from the Oil and Gas Special Task Force (SKK Migas), directors of state-owned enterprises under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and representatives from mining and mineral, oil and gas corporations.
According to Nico Kanter, the award is a form of appreciation from the government towards the hard work put in by PT Vale’s management and employees, and its stakeholders. “This award inspires us to keep raising the bar, particularly in the environmental management of our mining operations. Allow me to extend my utmost gratitude and appreciation to all parties who have given their unstinting support to this company which has made it possible for us to receive this award,” stated Nico Kanter. Earlier on 16 September, PT Vale garnered the Aditama Gold Award for mining environmental management under the Contract of Work Mining Corporation category, and the Pratama Bronze Award for mineral and coal mining safety management in 2013 from the same ministry. Nico Kanter emphasized that in keeping with PT Vale’s mission, the company consistently strives to become the best natural resources company of international caliber in creating long-term value through outstanding performance and profound concern on humanity and environmental conservation. “The environment and occupational safety is therefore one of our key priorities,” added Nico Kanter.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Dedikasi, Komitmen, dan Loyalitas Sebanyak 12 karyawan PT Vale resmi menjadi anggota baru Quarter Century Club. “Ternyata, 25 tahun bekerja di PT Vale tidak terasa. Begitu banyak suka dan duka. Banyak tantangan yang dihadapi perusahaan dan kami alami. Mulai dari krisis ekonomi 1998, efisiensi karyawan pada 2005, akuisisi Inco ke Vale pada 2007, hingga kondisi serba tidak jelas pasca peristiwa tersebut. Situasi menantang itu berhasil dilewati dengan baik. Saya, mewakili teman-teman QCC sangat mensyukuri hal tersebut. Doa kami agar kita ke depan lebih baik,” tutur Said Hasan, Manager of Industrial Relations. Said adalah 1 dari 12 karyawan PT Vale yang pada 2014 resmi menjadi anggota Quarter Century Club (QCC). Inilah klub beranggotakan karyawan PT Vale yang telah berkarir selama 25 tahun. Pengukuhan dan pemberian penghargaan anggota baru QCC tersebut berlangsung di Gedung Ontaeluwu, Sorowako, akhir Oktober silam. Diberikan pula penghargaan kepada sembilan karyawan yang telah memasuki masa pensiun. Penghargaan disampaikan oleh CEO & Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter, dan Wakil Presiden Direktur, Bernardus Irmanto.
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Jurdin, Manager Mine Stripping North East, mewakili para pensiunan, menyampaikan apresiasi atas dukungan manajemen selama mereka berkarir di PT Vale. “Kami bangga dapat berkarya di PT Vale. Bekerja sampai sampai pensiun membuktikan kami adalah pekerja keras, tekun, dan setia. Kami berharap, ketika pensiun, kami tidak dilupakan. Silaturahmi perlu dijaga,” ujar pria yang telah bekerja 11 tahun di PT Vale ini.
Tetap Sehat Dalam sambutannya CEO & Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter, mengucapkan terima kasih atas dedikasi dan komitmen para karyawan dan pensiunan kepada perusahaan. Termasuk dukungan keluarga. “Semoga jerih payah Anda semua dapat dinikmati generasi berikutnya di perusahaan saat ini. Manajemen juga memohon maaf bila ada kesalahan,” ungkap Nico Kanter. Nico Kanter juga berpesan agar para pensiunan tetap menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan selama masa purna bakti. Untuk memeriahkan acara, digelar penampilan Vale Music Community (VMC) Band dan Wijazz Band. Sebagai puncaknya ditampilkan artis ibukota Imey Mey yang membawakan hits-nya “Cabe-cabean”.[]
Quarter Century Club No
Mashar Tosalili
Shared Service/Asset Integrity Improvement
Joni Parinding
Support Engineering Services/Senior Project Manager
Andi Suntoro
Executive/Senior General Manager Maintenance & Utilities
Daryus Yunus
Comptroller/ Manager Regional Tax
Makmur Salam
Process Plant/Shift Coordinator
Said Hasan
HRS & HROD/Manager of Industrial Relations
I Gusti Putu Oka
Executives/SGM Project Procurement & Contractor Management
Roimon Barus
Executives/ SGM Engineering Technology Development & Support
Abdul Salam
Process Plant/Coordinator Shift Laboratory Sample House 1
Process Plant/Supervisor Lab & Sample House
Sappe Risani
Supply Chain Management/Supervisor Material Handling
Jamal Jamalu
Supply Chain Management/Logistics Leader
Enos Layuk
Support Engineering Service/Design Specialist
Length of Service 36 Years
Zakaria Usman
Process Plant/Process Controller
34 Years
Dadang Chaeruddin
Process Plant/Shift Coordinator CTS
34 Years
Lukas Duma
Process Plant/Process Plant Operator
35 Years
Lukas Medellu
Minex/Senior Mine Operator
13 Years
Jafar Andi
Process Plant/Process Plant Operator
34 Years
Minex/Manager Mine Stripping Nort East
11 Years
Setio Wardoyo
29 Years
Farida Anggraeni
YPS/Kepala Sekolah TK YPS Lawewu
23 Years
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Dedication, Commitment and Loyalty Twelve PT Vale employees officially installed as new members of the Quarter Century Club. “How time flies when you’ve worked 25 years with PT Vale. There are sad and joyful moments. We and the company have faced many challenges. Beginning from the economic crisis in 1998 to employee efficiency in 2005, Inco’s acquisition of Vale in 2007 and the uncertainties following these events. We have managed to ride through these challenging times. On behalf of my colleagues at QCC, we are grateful for this. We pray for a brighter future,” related Said Hasan, Manager of Industrial Relations. Said is one of 12 PT Vale employees who officially became members of the Quarter Century Club (QCC) in 2014. This club honors PT Vale employees who have attained 25 years of service with the company.
The inauguration and award-giving ceremony for QCC’s new members was held at Ontaeluwu Building, Sorowako last October. Awards of appreciation were also bestowed upon nine employees who have entered retirement. The awards were presented by PT Vale CEO and President Director, Nico Kanter, and Vice President Director, Bernardus Irmanto. Jurdin, Mine Stripping North East Manager, speaking on behalf of retirees, expressed his appreciation for the support from company management throughout their career at PT Vale. “We take pride in being part of PT Vale. Working until retirement age proves that we are hard workers, diligent and loyal employees. We hope that we will not be forgotten when we leave here. We must maintain this friendship,” said Jurdin who has worked for 11 years at PT Vale.
Stay Healthy In his address, PT Vale CEO and President Director, Nico Kanter, extended his deepest appreciation to the unwavering dedication and commitment that employees and retirees have given to the company, including support from their families. “Hopefully your hard work can also be enjoyed by the future generations of this company. The management also apologizes for any inconvenience that may have been caused,” stated Nico Kanter. The President Director also reminded pensioners to keep healthy and safe during their retirement. Musical performances from the Vale Music Community (VMC) Band and We Just Band enlivened the event. The highlight of the event was the appearance of singer Imey Mey performing one of her hits “Cabe-cabean”.[]
H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Peserta pelatihan sangat antusias mengikuti setiap sesi Leadership Program Series. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial para pemimpin di PT Vale
Leadership Program Series
Membentuk Pemimpin yang Andal dan Efektif Program usungan HRPD ini direncanakan digelar untuk delapan angkatan hingga Juni 2015. Sebanyak 20 peserta dari level manager dan general manager berkumpul di ruang A1 HRPD, Sorowako, pertengahan September silam. Mereka adalah peserta angkatan pertama Leadership Program Series, program yang diprakarsai Human Resource & People Development Department (HRPD). Program ini diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial para pemimpin di PT Vale. Selama empat hari peserta mengikuti materi-materi kepemimpinan dan manajerial dengan tajuk “Roadmap to Managerial Effectiveness”, dipandu Siswanto Karyogoeno dari Indonesia Professional Development Centre.
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Materi pelatihan didesain agar para manager dan general manager—ujung tombak perusahaan—memiliki kompetensi untuk mengarahkan karyawan bekerja efektif, efisien, kolektif, dan sesuai prosedur. “Program ini bertujuan memberi penyegaran dan wawasan baru bagi leader mengenai pengelolaan angota tim dalam konteks mencapai tujuan strategis perusahaan secara terstruktur,” ujar Manager of Talent Development, Gatot Budiawan. Senior General Manager of Human Resources, Saiful Syahman, mengharapkan pelatihan dapat membekali para leader kemampuan mengelola anggota tim dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan, mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang tersedia, serta mendorong peserta untuk konsisten menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan pekerjaan sesuai peran masing-masing di organisasi.
Materi pelatihan, antara lain, dasar-dasar dan karakter kepemimpinan, analogi bisnis, berpikir strategis, hingga mengatur tujuan bersama. Disajikan dengan memadukan metode simulasi, games, dan brainstorming sehingga kelas menjadi hidup. Menurut Siswanto, kemampuan manajerial masih menjadi persoalan klasik di kalangan leader. “Sebenarnya mereka tahu ada yang kurang optimal, namun kadang tidak memiliki solusi untuk menghadapinya,” ujarnya. Siswanto memberikan rumus manajerial dengan istilah “ABG PRO”: align with goal (ABG) atau selaras dengan tujuan. Align with behavior (selaras dengan perilaku) dan process untuk istilah PRO. “Intinya, seorang pemimpin perlu menyelaraskan target kerjanya dengan perilaku positif dan dapat memacu sikap proaktif anggota timnya agar memahami tantangan yang dihadapi,” ujar Siswanto.
Berbagi Ide Erlina Yuliarti, Senior IT Business Partner, mengakui pelatihan ini bermanfaat bagi dirinya sebagai leader dalam membentuk tim kerja yang kompak dan efektif. “Pelatihan ini memberikan pemahaman baru bagi saya, khususnya dalam mengelola tujuan dan mengomunikasikannya kepada tim agar target kerja sesuai rencana,” tutur Erlina. Menurut Erlina, tantangan para leader selama ini adalah mengelola informasi dan persepsi target kinerja antara leader dan anggota tim. “Salah satu kunci sukses keberhasilan itu adalah seluruh tim dan leader-nya proaktif berbagi ide dan melakukan inovasi,” tambah Erlina. Pelatihan direncanakan digelar setiap bulan hingga Juli 2015 melalui delapan angkatan. Total peserta mencapai 158 orang. “Namun bila ada kebutuhan, bisa tambah dua angkatan lagi,” kata Gatot.[]
Suasana pelatihan program kepemimpinan.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Leadership Program Series
Developing Competent and Effective Leaders This program which comes under HRPD will be held for eight batches of participants until June 2015. Twenty participants from the manager and general manager level convened at A1 HRPD Room, Sorowako in mid-September. They were the first batch of the Leadership Program Series spearheaded by the Human Resource & People Development Department (HRPD). The program was initiated to hone the managerial skills of PT Vale leaders. For four days, participants were given materials on leadership and management under the theme “Roadmap to Managerial Effectiveness”, and facilitated by Siswanto Karyogoeno from Indonesia Professional Development Centre.
Training materials were designed for managers and general managers at the frontline of the company to acquire the necessary competencies to guide employees into working more effectively, efficiently and collectively according to existing procedures. “This program aims to refresh leaders and broaden their horizons on team management in a view to accomplish strategic corporate goals in a structural manner,” explained Gatot Budiawan, Manager of Talent Development. Senior General Manager of Human Resources, Saiful Syahman said that such training is expected to equip leaders with the capacity to manage team members in making
Participants on Leadership Training Program.
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Atmosphere Leadership Training Program hosted by Siswanto Karyogoeno from IDPC.å
sure that work is completed, available resources optimized, while encouraging participants to consistently apply the principles of work management according to their respective roles in the organization. Training materials among others covered the basics of leadership and its characteristics, business analogy, strategic thinking and management of common goals. Various training methods were adopted including simulation, games and brainstorming which helped boost the enthusiasm of participants. According to Siswanto, managerial capacity remains to be a classic issue among leaders. “They are actually aware that efforts are less optimal yet may not have the solution to deal with it.” Siswanto taught participants the managerial formula known as “ABG PRO”. ABG stands for align with behavior and goal, whereas PRO is short for process. “Essentially, a leader needs to align his or her work targets with a positive attitude, while encouraging team members to act proactively in order for them to better understand the challenges that they face,” explained Siswanto.
Sharing Ideas Erlina Yuliarti, Senior IT Business Partner, mentioned how the training program has benefited her as a leader in forming a solid and effective team. “Training provided me with a new understanding, particularly in managing goals and communicating them to the team in order to meet targets as planned,” said Erlina. According to Erlina, one of the challenges for leaders concerns information management and perceptions on performance targets between leaders and team members. “A key to success is the proactive attitude of leaders and all team members in sharing ideas and innovating,” she added. Training will be held every month until July 2015 for eight batches. There will be a total of 158 participants. “However, if necessary there can be an additional two batches,” informed Gatot.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
PT Vale Punya Teknologi Baru Pengolahan Limbah Fasilitas pengolahan limbah Inalahi memungkinkan limbah pabrik dan area tambang menjadi zat organik yang mudah terurai. Fasilitas Pengolahan Limbah Inalahi akhirnya beroperasi Oktober 2014 silam, setelah dibangun selama dua tahun. Keberadaan fasilitas ini, yang juga disebut Inalahi Waste Segregation Plant, memungkinkan limbah perusahaan menjadi limbah organik yang mudah terurai alami. Secara bertahap, PT Vale nantinya juga dapat menutup kolam-kolam limbah (landfill) konvensional. “Proyek ini juga bagian dari rencana PT Vale untuk memenuhi kriteria dan regulasi lingkungan yang ditetapkan internal dan pemerintah,” ungkap Richard Jones, Project Manager dari Capital Project Management.
Bagian hilir fasilitas ini dilengkapi pengolahan limbah cair (leach).
Fasilitas pengolahan limbah PT Vale di Area Inalahi, Sorowako.
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Fasilitas pengolahan limbah PT Vale di Inalahi. Fasilitas mampu mengolah limbah berbahaya menjadi limbah organik.
Proyek Inalahi dilengkapi teknologi yang memungkinkan limbah cair pabrik dan area tambang yang dibuang ke landfill sudah berbentuk sampah organik. Sementara di bagian hilir, fasilitas ini dilengkapi pengolahan limbah cair (leach). Pembangunan fasilitas ini dilakukan bertahap. Bermula dari pembangunan fisik fasilitas pengolahan pada November 2011. Selanjutnya, untuk mendukung operasional fasilitas, dilakukan instalasi sumber daya listrik permanen pada Maret 2012. Dua tahap terakhir, pembangunan fisik landfill dan pembangunan fisik leach treatment plant (LTP) dilakukan masing-masing pada Oktober 2012 dan Juni 2014. Pembangunan semua fasilitas selesai pada Oktober 2014 dan langsung beroperasi. Dalam pengelolaan selanjutnya, digawangi General Facilities & Services Department (GFS), yang juga sponsor proyek dan pemilik fasilitas. Pelaksanaan proyek ini melibatkan multidepartemen. Mulai dari Mine Department yang memberikan izin penggunaan lahan bekas tambangnya (Inalahi), Environment,
Health & Safety Department sebagai regulator aspek lingkungan internal, dan Utilities Department sebagai pelaksana operasi sumber daya listrik. “Dua terakhir adalah Central Engineering Department yang bertugas mendesain dan melakukan pengawasan konstruksi dan Capital Project Management sebagai pelaksana budget management dan resource,” papar Shafwan Riza Djuaini, Project Engineer dari Central Engineering Department.
Tantangan Pengerjaan proyek di setiap area juga melibatkan lima perusahaan kontraktor, yakni kontraktor konstruksi waste segregation plant dengan total pekerja 22 orang, kontraktor konstruksi sumber daya listrik (11 orang), kontraktor konstruksi fisik landfill (24 orang), dan kontraktor konstruksi LTP (40 orang). Menurut Shafwan, tantangan pengerjaan proyek adalah cuaca dan bentang alam lokasi yang merupakan bekas area tambang. “Pengerjaan landfill bertepatan dengan musim hujan. Sudah dikeruk di hari sebelumnya, terisi lagi air dan lumpur karena hujan. Jadi perlu ekstra,” ujar dia. Hebatnya, dari sisi safety, tidak ada pekerja yang mengalami cedera dan sejenisnya.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
PT Vale Adopts New Technology of Waste Treatment Inalahi waste treatment facility enables conversion of factory and mining area waste into organic substance which is biodegradable. Inalahi waste treatment facility has finally started its operation since October 2014 after two years of construction. The facility, called Inalahi Waste Segregation Plant, can change factory waste into organic waste which is biodegradable. Gradually PT Vale will in the future shut down its conventional landfills. “The project is also part of PT Vale’s plan to meet the environmental criteria and regulation which are sanctioned internally and by the government,” Richard Jones, Project Manager of Capital Project Management, said. The Inalahi project is equipped with high technology that enables the company o dump its factory liquid and mining area waste into landfills in the form of organic garbage. In the downstream part, the facility has leach treatment equipment. Construction of the waste segregation facility was conducted in phases. It started with physical construction of treatment facility in November 2011, followed by installation of permanent power sources in March 2012. The final two stages, physical construction of landfill and leach treatment plant, were conducted in October 2012 and June 2014 respectively.
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Employee monitoring and checking Inalahi Waste Treatment Facility.
Inalahi Waste Treatment area.
Construction of all the facilities was completed in October 2014 and they were immediately operational. The operation of the facilities falls under the auspices of General Facilities & Services Department (GFS), which both was the project sponsor and is owner of the plants. The project involved various departments, including the Mine Department which issued the permit to use its old mining area in Inalahi, the Environment, Health & Safety Department as regulator of the internal environmental aspect, and the Utilities Department as the operator of power sources facility. “The last two are the Central Engineering Department which designed and supervised construction and the Capital Project Management as executor of budget management and resource,” Shafwan Riza Djuaini, Project Engineer from the Central Engineering Department, said.
Challenges Implementation of the project in each area also involved five contractors. The contractor of construction of waste segregation plant employed 22 workers, the contractor of permanent power source construction employed 11 people, the contractor of landfill physical construction employed 24 people and the contractor of leach treatment plant construction hired 40 workers. Shafwan said the challenges for the project were weather and natural span of the site, which formerly was a mining area. “The construction of landfill coincided with the rainy season. We excavated the area but on the next day rainwater and mud filled the hole. It required extra efforts,” he said. Amazingly from the safety side, no worker was injured or involved in any kind of occupational accident.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Ramli M. Lisi
Jatuh Cinta pada Truk Pengalaman puluhan tahun menjadikan pria ini dipercaya sebagai salah satu supir truk spesialis pembawa material kebutuhan pengolahan nikel PT Vale. Pukul 9.45, Gate 6, Plant Site Sorowako, akhir Oktober silam, sebuah truk Volvo tipe Primemover FH16 siap bertolak. Di balik kemudi truk raksasa itu, Ramli Muhammad Lisi siap bertugas. Dialah salah satu material transport operator berpengalaman yang dimiliki PT Vale. Hari itu, dia ditugaskan mengirimkan 12 karung nikel ke Pelabuhan Balantang, Malili, untuk kemudian dikirim ke Jepang. Total tonase material yang diangkut mencapai 36 ton. Mengendarai truk pengangkut material puluhan ton bukanlah perkara mudah. Meski truk 16.000 cc keluaran tahun 2013 itu dapat digenjot hingga 550 tenaga kuda, demi keselamatan, truk tidak boleh melaju kencang. Ramli harus mengendarai sesuai ketentuan keselamatan perusahaan, yakni 20-50 kilometer per jam. Ketika Halo Vale menemani Ramli berkendara, butuh waktu 1,5 jam untuk sampai di Pelabuhan Balantang yang hanya berjarak 60 kilometer dari Sorowako. “Memang harus begini mengendarainya. Perlu ekstra hati-hati dan sabar,” ungkapnya. Dalam sehari, setiap operator bertugas mengirimkan material dari dan ke Pelabuhan Balantang-Sorowako sebanyak dua kali (trip) dalam satu shift. Material yang diangkut adalah kebutuhan pabrik pengolahan, seperti batubara, silika, atau belerang. Namun kadang mereka juga mengangkut peti kemas berisi pipa, kabel, batu tahan api, atau barangbarang proyek dan kebutuhan perkantoran lainnya.
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Rata-rata, sekali angkut material antara 45-48 ton untuk batubara, silika, dan belerang. Sedangkan peti kemas bisa berbobot antara 10-30 ton. “Namun angka itu bisa naik. Tergantung kebutuhan pabrik,” tambah Ramli. Sepanjang perjalanan menuju Pelabuhan Balantang, Ramli dan supir truk material lainnya diwajibkan melakukan pengecekan truk. Ada dua titik pengecekan, di poros jalan yang berada Puncak Wasuponda dan Puncak Balambano. Beberapa komponen truk yang perlu dicek adalah ban, rem, hingga steer gauge temperature. “Bagian ini tidak boleh sampai panas. Kalau overheat, rem bisa tidak berfungsi,” ujar Ramli sambil menunjuk cakram rem di bagian dalam pelek ban depan. Volvo FH16 yang biasa kendarai Ramli sebenarnya dilengkapi fitur keselamatan yang mumpuni. Memiliki engine break yang baik, ditopang 22 ban, dan pengaturan kecepatan bervariasi yang memudahkan pengemudi menguasai tanjakan atau turunan ekstrem. Misalnya, jalanan logistik dari Sorowako menuju Balantang. Meski demikian, keselamatan berkendara bukan sematamata soal teknologi truk. “Truk ini super nyaman. Namun kenyamanannya jangan sampai membuat kita terlena,” tutur pria kelahiran Lampia, Luwu Timur, 40 tahun silam ini.
Kata Ramli, memacu truk material juga perlu feeling untuk menakar laju kendaraan. Bila tidak pintar, truk dapat terbalik. “Perlu ekstra hati-hati ketika jalan lurus. Jangan ngebut, karena kalau nemu tikungan, truk bisa terbalik,” kata dia. Hampir pukul 12 siang. Akhirnya kami tiba di Pelabuhan Balantang. Truk merapat ke area bongkar-muat karung nikel. Ramli keluar dari kabin dan naik ke bak. Supir truk material juga diwajibkan membantu operator forklift untuk mengangkat karung nikel keluar dari bak. Dalam 15 menit, pekerjaan itu selesai. Tanpa jeda, Ramli langsung mengendarai truknya menuju penyimpanan batubara. Di sana bak truknya diisi batubara untuk dibawa ke Sorowako. Hal itu menegaskan pria yang telah dikaruniai enam orang anak ini bekerja efektif dan efisien. Di kabin truk terdapat bekal kue buatan sang istri sebagai pengganjal perut bila lapar datang. “Batubara, trip saya terakhir hari ini. Saya mau menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini dulu. Makan siang bisa nanti kalau tiba di Sorowako,” ujar Ramli.
Berpengalaman Ramli sudah bekerja selama 10 tahun di PT Vale. Sejak bergabung dia langsung dipercaya sebagai supir truk pengangkut material. “Mungkin karena pengalaman saya selama 20 tahun membawa truk,” ujar dia.
Sebelumnya, Ramli bekerja sebagai supir truk perusahaan bus penumpang di Blitar. Kemudian menjadi supir truk di beberapa perusahaan kayu di Gorontalo, Ambon, hingga Papua. Ditanya apakah tidak bosan menjadi supir truk, dia menjawab, “Saya sudah jatuh cinta pada truk. Truk seperti rumah kedua saya.” Supervisor Material Handling, Irawan Kasim, mengatakan, Ramli adalah pekerja yang patuh mengikuti prosedur kerja dan peduli keselamatan. “Dia selalu mengingatkan rekan kerjanya dan berbagi informasi tentang safety melalui radio, safety talk, maupun dari kantor kalau sudah selesai membawa kendaraan,” ungkap Irawan. Ramli juga memiliki pengetahuan teknis yang baik soal truk dan berkendara aman. “Tahun 2012, dia masuk lima besar di kompetisi mengendarai truk dengan bahan bakar yang efisien,” tambah Irawan. Bagi Ramli, bekerja di PT Vale adalah berkah. Dia mendapat pekerjaan yang dia sukai dengan kesejahteraan yang baik. “Semoga bisnis PT Vale bisa lebih maju dan memberikan lapangan pekerjaan bagi banyak orang,” harap Ramli menutup pertemuan.[]
Ramli membantu operator bongkar muat nikel di Pelabuhan Balantang.
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Ramli M. Lisi
In Love with Trucks With many years of experience under his belt, this man is entrusted to drive a special material hauler for PT Vale’s nickel processing needs. It is 9.45 a.m., Gate 6, Plant Site Sorowako, last October, a Primemover Volvo type FH16 truck is ready to depart. Behind the wheels of this huge vehicle is Ramli Muhammad Lisi, all geared up to start work. He is one of PT Vale’s more experienced material transport operator. Today he is assigned to transport 12 sacks of nickel to Balantang Harbour, Malili, for shipment to Japan. Total material tonnage being hauled reached 36 tons. Maneuvering a transporter carrying dozens of tons of material is no easy task. Even though the 16,000 cc truck manufactured in 2013 can be pushed to 550 horsepower, for safety sake the truck should move at a certain speed limit. Ramli must keep to 20-50 km/hour in compliance with the company’s safety rules. When Halo Vale accompanied Ramli on one of his runs, it needed 1.5 hours to reach Balantang Harbour situated 60 km away from SoRamli with his operational logistic truck.
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rowako. “This is how it should be driven. It needs extra caution and patience,” he said. In a day, every operator is assigned to deliver material from and to Balantang Harbour-Sorowako for two trips in one shift. The transported materials such as coal, silica and sulphur, are needed for the processing plant. These operators however at times are expected to transport containers carrying pipes, cables, fire-resistant stones or project equipment and other office supplies. An average of 45-48 tons of coal, silica and sulphur are being transported in a single trip, while the containers can weigh 10-30 tons. “The weight however can be heavier depending on the plant’s needs,” Ramli added. Throughout the journey to Balantang Harbour, Ramli and other material truck drivers must have their vehicles examined at two checkpoints: Puncak Wasuponda and Puncak Balambano. Truck components that need to be inspected are the wheels, brakes and steer gauge temperature.
Ramli M Lisi Ramli is stopping to check his Primemover at Puncak Balambano during his daily trip to Balantang Port.
“These parts cannot overheat otherwise the brakes won’t work,” explained Ramli while pointing to the disc brakes inside the front tire rim. The Volvo FH16 that Ramli is used to driving is equipped with reliable safety features. Its engine braking mechanism is exceptional, supported by 22 wheels and varying speed settings to enable drivers to easily navigate up and down steep slopes, such as the logistics route from Sorowako to Balantang. Nevertheless, driving safely is not simply about truck technology. “This truck is super comfortable, but it must not make us any less careless,” said the man who was born in Lampia, East Luwu, 40 years ago. Ramli mentioned how driving a material truck requires a good feel for estimating the vehicle’s speed. Otherwise, the truck may overturn. “Being extra careful is necessary along straight roads. Never speed because you may come across a bend and the truck can topple over,” he said. It is almost 12 noon. We finally arrived at Balantang Harbour. The truck approached the nickel sack loading bay. Ramli climbed out the cabin and jumped over the back of the truck. A material truck driver must also assist the forklift operator to lift the nickel sacks out of the truck. Within 15 minutes the work was done. Without further ado, Ramli immediately drove his truck towards the coal storage place. The truck was then filled with coal to be transported to Sorowako. This proves Ramli’s ability to work effectively and efficiently.
Inside the truck’s cabin was a packet of cakes made by his wife in case he gets hungry. “Coal, that is my last trip for today. I have to finish this work first. Lunch can wait until I arrive at Sorowako,” said Ramli.
Well-experienced Ramli has been working for PT Vale for 10 years. Since his recruitment by the company he was immediately entrusted to operate a material hauler. “Probably because of my 20 years of experience driving trucks,” he asserted. Ramli previously worked as a truck driver for a bus company in Blitar. He later drove trucks for several timber companies in Gorontalo, Ambon and even Papua. Asked on whether he was ever tired of being a truck driver, he replied, “I have fallen in love with trucks. They are like my second home.” Material Handling Supervisor, Irawan Kasim, considers Ramli to be a compliant worker who follows procedures and safety measures. “He always remind his colleagues and share information on work safety through radio, safety talks and even at the office after he’s done driving for the day,” explained Irawan. Ramli also has adequate technical knowledge of trucks and safe driving. “In 2012, he was shortlisted as one of the five best drivers in a competition for fuel-efficent driving,” added Irawan. For Ramli, working at PT Vale is a blessing. He has a job that he loves doing and pays well. “I hope that PT Vale continues to grow and create jobs for more people,” said Ramli, bringing the meeting to an end.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Tim MESRA berfoto bersama saat mengikuti kompetisi Bulutangkis Vale Cup di Gedung F Gym, Pontada.
MESRA, Kompak Berkumpul tanpa Sekat Anggota komunitas ini tergila-gila pada olahraga. Mereka juga rutin menggelar family gathering. Olahraga adalah ajang utama karyawan dan kontraktor PT Vale untuk membentuk komunitas. Tak heran bila setiap departemen PT Vale memiliki komunitas olahraga. Termasuk Departemen Mobile Equipment & Maintenance (MEM). Departemen ini punya MESRA alias Mobile Equipment Sport & Recreation Assosiation. Anggotanya mencapai 188 orang, terdiri atas 140 orang karyawan PT Vale dan 48 orang kontraktor di MEM.
Saking banyaknya anggota MESRA, aktivitas olahraganya juga bervariasi. Mulai dari sepakbola, bulu tangkis, voli, futsal, basket, golf, dan tenis. “Ada juga yang aktif menyelam, bersepeda gunung, body fitness, sampai motor cross,” ungkap Richardo Rombelayuk, anggota MESRA yang juga Manager of Fix Plant. Embel-embel “rekreasi” pada nama komunitas membuat anggota MESRA luwes memvariasikan kegiatannya. Untuk mewujudkan aspek rekreasi ini, anggota MESRA suka plesiran ke laut untuk memancing atau menembak ikan, atau sekadar kumpul-kumpul.
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Komunitas MESRA ketika mengadakan family gathering.
Ada juga yang hobi berpetualang, jalan-jalan, atau menggelar arisan bulanan. “Rekreasi tiap tiga bulan sekali kami lakukan. Biasanya kami kemas menjadi family gathering MESRA,” ungkap anggota MESRA, Asgar R, MEM Scheduler. Lokasi rekreasi biasanya tidak terlalu jauh dengan Sorowako. “Kadang ke Bulu Poloe untuk wisata laut atau naik raft di Danau Matano. Yang penting ngumpul, have fun, dan kemesraannya. Dari namanya saja, MESRA. Di dalamya ada kemesraan atau tepatnya kebersamaan, saling menghargai walau dari beragam latar belakang. Semua sama, bahkan antara bawahan dan atasan,” tambah Asgar. “Dengan menjaga kebugaran, ide-ide positif dan produktivitas kerja dapat terjaga. Seperti ungkapan mens sana in corpore sano, di dalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yang sehat. Harapan komunitas ini adalah rekan kerja bisa menjadi soulmate dan akrab baik dalam kerja maupun di luar tempat kerja,” timpal Ricardo.
Kegiatan Sosial Awalnya, ketika Tim MEM mengikuti Maintenance CUP I pertengahan 2008, komunitas ini bernama MEM Sport TM.
Nama itu, kata Dahlan Landao, MEM Field Inspector, kemudian berubah menjadi MESRA setelah teman-teman yang bergabung memiliki hobi rekreasi seperti memancing dan sebagainya. Muhamad Gazali, Manager Dozer/Haulmaster & Component Rebuild Shop, kini dipercaya sebagai ketuanya. Beberapa prestasi MESRA, antara lain, juara III MEM Maintenance 2007 dan juara I Mining Cup 2010. MESRA punya sejumlah agenda yang hendak direalisasikan. Misalnya menggelar turnamen olahraga internal perusahaan. “Rencananya akan kami realisasikan tahun depan. Semoga mendapat dukungan manajemen,” tambah Ricardo. Ada pula rencana menggelar kegiatan Mancing Mania di Teluk Morowali. Untuk kegiatan ini, MESRA menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk merealisasikannya. Harapannya, MESRA tidak hanya fokus pada kegiatan olahraga dan rekreasi, melainkan juga kegiatan sosial. Mereka berharap kemesraan anggota komunitas tetap awet meski nanti ada anggota yang pensiun.[]
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MESRA, Camaraderie without Barriers Members of this community is passionate about sports. They also regularly organize family gatherings. Sports are an important medium for PT Vale employees and contractors to form communities. Not surprisingly, every PT Vale department has its own sports community. This includes the Department of Mobile Equipment & Maintenance (MEM) with its community known as MESRA (Mobile Equipment Sport & Recreation Association). It has a membership of 188 people consisting of 140 PT Vale employees and 48 MEM contractors. MESRA’s large membership has led to an array of sports activities, from football, badminton, volleyball, futsal, basketball, golf and tennis. “Some are even active divers, mountain bikers, while others are into body fitness and motor crossing,” explained Richardo Rombelayuk, a MESRA member and Manager of Fix Plant.
The inclusion of the word “recreation” in the community’s name was intentionally meant to allow MESRA more flexibility in organizing its activities. To add recreation and fun to its sports events, MESRA members enjoy going to sea fishing trips or simply organize get-togethers. Some members are keen adventurers and travelers, and others hold monthly gatherings among rotating savings group members. “We organize a recreational event every three months. We normally arrange it as also a form of MESRA family gathering,” said MESRA member, Asgar R., MEM Scheduler.
MESRA members are enjoying their leisure times at Bulu Poloe.
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Cheerful and MESRA members and family gather every three month at recreational places around Sorowako..
The location for such events is usually not too far from Sorowako. “Sometimes it can be in Bulu Poloe for a sea trip or rafting at Matano Lake. Of most importance is being able to get together, have fun and foster closeness. Just like its name MESRA (closeness). Our activities are about closeness, or more precisely togetherness, mutual appreciation despite our diverse backgrounds. All are equal, even between subordinates and superiors,” added Asgar.
“We organize a recreational event every three months. We normally arrange it as also a form of MESRA family gathering,”
“By maintaining our physical fitness and form, positive ideas and work productivity will also be sustained. Like the saying goes mens sana in corpore sano, a sound mind in a healthy body. Our wish is that colleagues can become soulmates and build a good rapport inside and outside of the workplace,” emphasized Richardo.
Social Activities When the MEM Team participated in Maintenance CUP I in mid-2008, this community was initially known as MEM Sport TM. According to Dahlan Landao, MEM Field Inspector, the name later changed to MESRA after colleagues who have joined the community are into various recreational hobbies such as fishing. Muhamad Ghazali, Manager of Dozer/Haulmaster & Component Rebuild Shop, has now been appointed to lead the community. MESRA has earned various accomplishments such as winning third place for MEM Maintenance 2007 and first place for Mining Cup 2010. MESRA has a number of key agendas that it wishes to make real, such as organizing the company’s internal sports tournament. “It is planned for next year. Hopefully we have management support,” Richardo added. They hope that the closeness among members can continue to be nurtured even when they retire.[]
Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
Sayang Tubuh? Makan Superfood! Istilah superfood memang masih menjadi perdebatan. Namun beberapa jenis makanan boleh disebut sebagai makanan super. Ubi Jalar Ungu
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Ubi jalar kerap disebut makanan “kelas kampung”. Padahal ubi manis ini mengandung nutrisi penting yang cocok bagi penderita diabetes Superfood, bahan makanan yang mengandung seluruh nutrien yang diperlukan tubuh, mungkin hanya angan-angan manusia. Namun ada bahan pangan yang memang sarat nutrisi penting. Telur, misalnya, mengandung 12 jenis vitamin dan mineral, termasuk kolin yang baik untuk perkembangan otak dan mengasah memori. Ada pula brokoli, buah kiwi, kacang polong, dan ikan salmon yang mendekati kriteria superfood. Satu lagi superfood yang tidak asing di meja makan. Ketika Anda membuat kolak untuk berbuka puasa, memasak bubur Manado untuk momen spesial, atau membuat kue di akhir pekan, ubi jalar menjadi salah satu bahan utama. Secara pamor, ubi jalar kalah dibandingkan kentang yang identik dengan makanan moderen. Ubi jalar kerap disebut makanan “kelas kampung”. Padahal ubi manis ini mengandung nutrisi penting yang cocok bagi penderita diabetes, mereka yang ingin menjaga berat badan, wanita yang mendambakan kulit cantik, atau Anda yang ingin menjalani hidup sehat.
Kenyang Lebih Lama Ubi jalar mengandung vitamin A, B, C, mangan, serat, kalium, bahkan zat besi. Sepotong ubi jalar ukuran sedang mencukupi kebutuhan harian vitamin A, sepertiga kebutuhan vitamin C, hampir 15% serat, dan 10% kalium. Umbi-umbian dikenal sebagai sumber karbohidrat. Berdasarkan penelitian American Institute for Cancer Research, dalam berat yang sama, kentang memiliki 51 gram karbohidrat sederhana, sementara ubi jalar mengandung 35 gram karbohidrat kompleks yang lebih sehat. Karbohidrat kompleks memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk dipecah oleh tubuh menjadi energi. Dengan kata lain, pasokan gula darah tidak akan meningkat pesat sehingga ubi jalar sempurna sebagai menu makan penyandang diabetes. Dengan mengonsumsi ubi jalar, Anda akan merasa kenyang lebih lama. Karena keunggulan ini, para pakar diet menempatkan ubi jalar dalam daftar sumber karbohidrat, selain
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karena kalorinya yang rendah. Diet South Beach yang terkenal di Amerika Serikat, misalnya, memasukkan ubi jalar dalam daftar bahan pangan layak konsumsi. Begitu pula diet Atkins, yang merekomendasikan ubi jalar kukus sebagai pengganti nasi, kentang, ataupun jagung rebus. Bagi Anda yang punya gangguan tekanan darah, cobalah lebih sering mengonsumsi umbi oranye ini. Menurut American Heart Association, ubi jalar adalah salah satu makanan kaya kalium. Kalium berperan sangat penting dalam menjaga tekanan darah. Kalium juga berperan dalam pengendalian otot dan fungsi saraf.
Cegah Kanker Ubi jalar kaya betakaroten yang merupakan antioksidan, zat yang mampu melawan kanker. Banyak penelitian membuktikan, tingginya kandungan betakaroten dalam
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darah terkait dengan menurunnya risiko kanker payudara. Selain mencegah kanker, betakaroten membantu vitamin A dalam regenerasi sel kulit. Maka boleh dikatakan mengonsumsi ubi jalar akan membuat kulit lebih halus dan mencegahnya dari kerusakan. Hebatnya lagi, prebiotik, istilah yang tenar dalam produkproduk susu, dapat dijumpai pada ubi jalar. Prebiotik berguna untuk mencegah diare dan mengatur keseimbangan kadar mineral di dalam tubuh sehingga tulang terhindar dari osteoporosis. Untuk mendapatkan manfaat maksimal, ubi jalar perlu diolah dengan benar. Cara paling sehat menikmati ubi jalar yang manis adalah dengan mengukus atau memanggangnya dalam oven.[]
Macam-macam "Superfood" Kelapa Kelapa mengandung seluruh nutrien makro: karbohidrat, lemak alami, dan protein. Kelapa juga kaya mineral, seperti zat besi, magnesium, fosfor, kalium, dan selenium. Air kelapa muda yang sarat elektrolit dan vitamin C populer sebagai minuman pencegah dehidrasi setelah beraktivitias. Daging buah kelapa punya rasio seimbang antara lemak dan protein sehingga cocok sebagai kudapan bagi Anda yang menjaga berat badan sehat.
Kembang kol Kaya vitamin B, C, kalium, dan fosfor yang menjaga sistem saraf, kekebalan tubuh, serta otot dan tulang. Kembang kol juga kaya antioksidan yang mencegah kerusakan sel, menurunkan risiko kanker dan penyakit kronik lain. Kembang kol yang rendah sodium cocok bagi penderita penyakit jantung maupun tekanan darah tinggi.
Labu Warna oranye gelap pada labu mengindikasikan kandungan betakaroten tinggi yang berguna sebagai sumber vitamin A, menjaga kekebalan tubuh, dan mencegah penyakit jantung koroner. Namun “harta karun” sesungguhnya berada pada biji labu. Studi menyebutkan, biji labu efektif menghambat pembengkakan kelenjar prostat, menurunkan risiko batu kandung kemih, hingga mencegah depresi serta beberapa jenis kanker.
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Love Your Body? Eat Superfood! The term of superfood remains a source of debate. But several kinds of food can be called superfood. Superfood, food ingredients that contain all nourished elements our body badly needs are perhaps human imagination. But there are food substances which are really full of important nutrients. Egg, for example, contains 12 vitamins and minerals, such as choline which is good for brain development and memory sharpening. Other examples of food that closely meet the criteria of superfood are broccoli, kiwi fruit, green bean and salmon fish. There is another superfood which is not rarely served on the table. When you make compote for breaking of the fast, cook Manado porridge for a special moment or bake a cake on the weekend, sweet potato is one of the main ingredients. Popularity speaking, sweet potato is not so well known as potato which is identical to modern food. Sweet potato is commonly dubbed “lower class”, although it contains vital nutrition that suits people with diabetes, those who wish to keep their weight stable, women who dream of beautiful skin or you who aim to live a healthy life.
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Feeling Full Longer Sweet potato contains vitamins A, B, C, manganese, fiber, potassium and zinc. A moderate slice of sweet potato will suffice our need of vitamin A, one third of vitamin C, almost 15 percent of fiber and 10 percet of potassium.
Sweet potato is commonly dubbed “lower class”, although it contains vital nutrition that suits people with diabetes
Tubers are known as sources of carbohydrate. A study by the American Institute for Cancer Research, in the same scale potato contains 51 grams of simple carbohydrate, while sweet potato has 35 grams of complex and healthier carbohydrate. It will take our body longer time to convert complex carbohydrate into energy. In other words, supply of sugar blood will not increase drastically so that sweet potato is a perfect nutrition for people with diabetes.
Sweet Potatos
Consuming sweet potato will make you feel full for a longer time. Due to this advantage, dietary experts classify sweet potato as source of carbohydrate also because of its low calorie grade. Diet South Beach which is prominent in the US, for example, places sweet potato in the list of consumption worthy foods. So does Diet Atkins, which recommends steamed sweet potato as a replacement of rice, potato or boiled corn. For you who have hypertension, try to consume orange sweet potato as many times as possible. According to the American Heart Association, sweet potato is one of nutriments which are rich in potassium. Potassium plays a crucial role in keeping blood pressure normal and controlling the functions of tendon and nerve.
Prevents Cancer Sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene which is antioxidant, a substance that fights cancer. Many studies have found the high level of beta-carotene within blood decreases the risks of breast cancer. Apart from preventing cancer, beta-carotene supports vitamin A in the skin regeneration process. It can be said that consuming sweet potato will smoothen our skin and prevent it from impairment. More superbly, prebiotic, which is famous in milk products, can be found in sweet potato. Prebiotic is needed to prevent diarrhea and keep mineral level within our body balance so that our bones can evade osteoporosis. To get the maximum benefits of sweet potato, it needs to be cooked properly. The healthiest way to consume sweet potato is to steam or bake it in the oven.[]
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Variety of “Superfood”
Coconut contains the entire macro nutrients: carbohydrate, natural fat and protein. Coconut is also rich in minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Young coconut water, which is full of electrolyte and vitamin C, is popular as drink products to prevent dehydration after physical activities. Coconut meat contains a balance ratio between fat and protein so that it is a suitable appetizer for you who want to keep a healthy weight.
Dark orange color of pumpkin indicates its rich in beta-carotene, which is an important source of vitamin A, protect our body’s immunity and prevents coronary heart disease. But the real “treasure” is its seeds. Studies have discovered that pumpkin seeds are effective in slowing prostate gland swell, decreasing risks of urinary stones and preventing depression as well as several types of cancer.
Rich in vitamins B and C, potassium and phosphorous which maintain nerve system, immunity, tendons and bones, cauliflower also contains antioxidant that can prevent cell damage, curb the risks of cancer and other chronic diseases. Cauliflower has a low grade of sodium so that it suits people with heart problems or hypertension.
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SURVEI PEMBACA Pembaca yang budiman, Untuk meningkatkan dan memperbaiki kualitas Halo Vale, kami mengajak Anda memberikan masukan, usul, atau kritik melalui “Survei Pembaca” yang kami selenggarakan kali ini. Kirimkan hasil kuesioner Anda melalui email ke
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Tahun 2015 I H alo Vale 12
KUIS /QUI Z Temukan 10 perbedaan dari kedua gambar di bawah ini. Sepuluh pengirim yang beruntung akan mendapatkan merchandise Vale yang menarik. Semoga beruntung! Find 10 differences of the two pictures below. Ten lucky senders will win interesting merchandise from Vale. Wish you luck!
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H a l o Va l e 12 I Ta h un 2015
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