Halo Vale
Kontraktor Mandiri Mendukung Program CSMS Semangat Menebar Ilmu Abdullah: Tantangan di Balik Kemudi Haul Master Konsumsi Buah, Menekan Asam Urat
Era Baru Voluntarisme
Dari Kami / From Us
Pembaca yang budiman,
Dear readers,
Tahun 1932, di Batavia, terbit buku berjudul Wali Sanga: De Javaansche Geheime Leer (Wali Sanga: Ajaran Rahasia Jawa) karya H.A. van Hien. Kita tahu, Wali Sanga adalah penyebar agama Islam di Jawa.
In 1932, a book titled Wali Sanga: De Javaansche Geheime Leer (The Nine Proselytizers: Javanese Secret Teachings) composed by H.A. van Hien was published in Batavia. As we know Wali Sanga were propagators of Islam in Java.
Dalam buku mistik Jawa ini, salah satunya, dibahas tentang kekuatan pikiran (manas) manusia yang bersifat abadi dan tak terbatas. Dijelaskan, pikiran baik akan berkumpul dengan pikiran baik lainnya di alam semesta, dan sebaliknya. Cepat atau lambat, pikiran tersebut akan mewujud. Karena itu, manusia harus senantiasa berpikiran baik agar hidupnya selamat sejahtera.
The Javanese mystical book discusses, among other things, the power of thoughts (manas), which are eternal and without limit in nature. It explains that positive thoughts in this universe will flock together, so will the contrary. Sooner or later the thoughts will materialize. Therefore man has to think positively in order to survive and prosper.
Intisari ajaran Wali Sanga tersebut senapas dengan karya Rhonda Byrne, The Secret (2006), yang menjadi best seller internasional. Kata Byrne, di alam semesta ini berlaku law attraction: sesuatu yang sama akan saling menarik, dan sesuatu itu di tingkat pikiran. Apa hendak dikatakan dengan uraian di atas? Pembaca, laporan utama Halo Vale kali ini mengupas tren di dunia usaha: voluntarisme karyawan di bidang sosial. Semangat dari tren ini adalah niat untuk berkontribusi lebih besar bagi masyarakat. Selain bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, voluntarisme karyawan dan kegiatan filantropi ternyata justru membantu perusahaan mengurangi risiko bisnis, membuka pasar baru, membangun keterlibatan karyawan, membangun merek, memangkas ongkos, dan memberikan hasil yang kompetitif. Law attraction telah berlaku di sini. Tak heran bila dikatakan investasi terbaik adalah berbagi (sharing), karena semuanya akan berbalik pada kita. Kami mengangkat topik ini untuk menyambut rencana inisiatif perusahaan dalam menggalakkan gerakan voluntarisme beberapa waktu ke depan. Voluntarisme karyawan di bidang sosial juga dilakukan oleh sebagian karyawan PT Vale. Berswadaya, mereka terlibat dalam berbagai aksi sosial bagi masyarakat di sekitar lokasi operasional perusahaan. Vale sendiri resmi punya Vale Volunteers dan bahkan Vale Volunteers Awards. Inilah ajang kompetisi inisiatif yang sudah terlaksana bagi para sukarelawan. Pembaca, selain laporan utama, Anda bisa menikmati sajian lain. Pada rubrik “Rubrik Interaksi”, misalnya, Tim Maintenance System and Engineering yang selama dua tahun ini punya kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan lintas departemen. Atau sosok Abdullah, operator haul master yang dinilai paling berpengalaman di PT Vale. Anda yang punya keluhan asam urat, bisa menerapkan tips mengendalikan asam urat pada rubrik ”Sehat Selamat”. Selamat menikmati. []
The digest of the Wali Sanga’s teachings concur the international bestselling piece of Rhonda Byrne, The Secret (2006). Byrne says in this universe the law of attraction works: positive thoughts and feelings will attract back positive events and circumstances. What do we want to say with the aforementioned fine points? Dear readers, the main story of Halo Vale in this edition discusses the trend in the business world: employees’ voluntarism in social movement. The spirit of the trend constitutes the will to contribute more to the society. Apart from benefitting the society, voluntarism and philanthropic activities turn out to help a company reduce business risks, open new markets, encourage employees’ participation, build brand, cut costs and generate competitive results. The law of attraction works here. No wonder if many say the best investment is sharing, because everything will return to us. We raised this topic to welcome the company's voluntarism initiative plan in the future. Voluntarism in social activities is practiced by some of PT Vale employees. Relying on their own resources, they are involved in various social actions for people around the company’s operational area. Vale itself has its own Vale Volunteers and even Vale Volunteers Awards. This is a competition of initiatives which have been realized for the volunteers. Dear readers, other than the main coverage, you can enjoy other rubrics. In “Interaction Rubric”, for example, we feature Maintenance System and Engineering Team which for the last two years has conducted numerous interdepartmental knowledge sharing activities. Or the figure of Abdullah, a haul master operator who is deemed as the most experienced one in PT Vale. For you who have problems of gout you can learn the tips to control uric acid in “Staying Healthy and Safe” rubric. Enjoy reading. []
Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of Communications & External Affairs), Penanggung jawab/Editors in Chief: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (GM Communications), Redaksi Pelaksana/ Managing Editor: Sihanto B. Bela, Redaksi/ Editors: Rohman Hidayat Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design & Layout: Hasni Fadhilah, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249100, Ext. 9628 & 3656, Fax. 021-5289587. Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor:
[email protected] dan
[email protected]. Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a linespace of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to the editor at
[email protected] and
[email protected]. Anda dapat mengunduh Halo Vale edisi digital (PDF) di pada bagian Pers/Publikasi. Digital version of Halo Vale can be downloaded from on Press/Publication section.
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
Perusahaan Peka, Karyawan Peduli
Company Heedful, Employees Care 23 Panggilan Hati Relawan Vale
Vale Volunteers’ Calling 31 Memupuk Akar Kepedulian
Nourishing the Root of Awareness 38 kinerja | Performance Migrasi ke Windows 7
Windows 7 Migration Project 43 Interaksi | Interaction Kontraktor Mandiri Mendukung Program CSMS
Self-reliant Contractors Support CSMS Program 47 Semangat Menebar Ilmu
The Spirit to Sow Knowledge 51
Atmosfer | Atmosphere
Gambaran tentang perusahaan bagi-bagi uang atau aksi sosial yang melulu dilakukan orang kaya sudah tutup buku. Kini adalah zaman voluntarisme. Termasuk Anda, para karyawan.
Lamella Gravity Settler, Menyempurnakan Pengolahan Limbah PT Vale
Public impression about companies distributing money or charity movement involving only the rich has now come to an end. Today is the era of voluntarism. It involves you employees.
Abdullah: Tantangan di Balik Kemudi Haul Master
Abdullah: Challenges Behind the Wheels of the Haul Master
Lamella Gravity Settler, Improving Wastewater Treatment PT Vale 55 profil | profile
Komunitas | COMmunities
Cover design: Hasni Fadhilah
Tim Kasti Minex Department Kompak di Lapangan, Langganan Juara
Minex Department Rounders Team United on the Pitch, Undefeated Champion
Sehat Selamat | Health & Safety Konsumsi Buah, Menekan Asam Urat SURAT PEMBACA | READERS’ LETTERS
Eating Fruits, Preventing Gouty Arthritis 68 KUIS | QUIZ
zoom in
New Era of Voluntarism 9 Rahasia Orang Sukses: Berbagi
Secret of Successful People: Sharing 16
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
surat pembaca / readers’ letters
Distribusi ke Area Eksplorasi
Kami di Tim Eksplorasi sangat membutuhkan bacaan. Bahkan bisa dibilang beberapa teman Eksplorasi sangat suka membaca. Salah satu yang kami sukai Halo Vale. Namun karena kami lebih sering berada di camp dan bekerja di area yang sulit terjangkau, kami kesulitan mendapatkan majalah ini. Maka itu kami mengusulkan agar majalah dapat didistribusikan dengan jumlah lebih banyak supaya kami bisa mengetahui informasi-informasi menarik tentang perusahaan dan topik lainnya yang diulas di majalah. Aisa Gaspa [Sawerigading Utama/Mine & Exploration] Terima kasih atas apresiasinya terhadap Halo Vale. Bila yang Anda maksud adalah mendistribusikan majalah hingga ke camp-camp eksplorasi karena kuantitasnya dirasa masih kurang, tentu kurang efisien bagi kami. Solusi yang dapat kami tawarkan adalah Anda dan rekan-rekan dapat membaca versi digitalnya melalui website vale. com/Indonesia dan klik bagian publikasi.
Tambah Jumlah Artikel
Halo redaksi, Halo Vale sudah cukup baik memberikan informasi-informasi tentang perusahaan maupun topik-topik lainnya yang dibutuhkan karyawan. Yang paling saya sukai adalah rubrik “Sehat Selamat”, karena memberikan wawasan dan tips hidup sehat yang praktis. Usul saya, rubrik berisi dua artikel di setiap edisinya. Kalau hanya satu artikel seperti saat ini, menurut saya masih kurang. Terima kasih. Asdir [Mine Department] Terima kasih masukannya. “Sehat Selamat” merupakan salah satu rubrik yang kami prioritaskan muncul di setiap edisinya. Namun karena keterbatasan bujet halaman, kami belum berencana untuk menambah jumlah artikel rubrik tersebut. Terima kasih.
Kualitas Kertas Tidak Sama
Salam, Saya terkesan dengan visual majalah ini. Kreatif dan menarik minat untuk membacanya. Namun saya merasa kualitas kertas majalah kurang baik. Bahkan ada beberapa halaman terasa tidak sama kualitas kertasnya. Apa benar demikian? Lamdar [Process Plant Maintenance] Sejak edisi 4-Juli 2013 silam, kami memang melakukan penyesuaian percetakan majalah menjadi 48% lebih hemat dalam hal ongkos cetak. Salah satu komponennya adalah menyusutkan bobot kertas 48% lebih ringan daripada edisi-edisi sebelumnya. Hal ini kami lakukan sejalan dengan program cost efficiency perusahaan. Bila Anda merasakan kualitas kertas tidak sama antara satu halaman dan halaman lainnya, kami kira itu tidak benar. Seluruh halaman menggunakan kertas yang sama pada setiap edisinya.
Distribution to Exploration Area
Dear Halo Vale, We in the Exploration Team badly need reading materials. It can be said that some of our Exploration teammates are fond of reading. One of our favorites is Halo Vale. But because we more often stay at the camp and work in an area which is difficult to access, we find difficulties in obtaining the magazine. We therefore propose that more copies of the magazine are distributed so that we can follow interesting information related to the company and other topics that the magazine is discussing. Aisa Gaspa [Sawerigading Utama/Mine & Exploration] Thank you for appreciating Halo Vale. If you mean the magazine should be distributed to exploration camps because you think the number of copies is too low, of course it will be not efficient for us. A solution that we can offer to you is that you and your colleagues read the digital version through our website and click the publication item.
Increase Number of Articles
Dear Halo Vale, Halo Vale has fairly enough provided information related to the company and other topics that employees are in need of. I like “Health & Safety” column the most because it provides a perspective and practical tips about healthy lifestyle. My recommendation is two articles fill the column in every edition. Reading only one article like today I think is not enough. Thank you. Asdir [Mine Department] Thank you for your input. “Health & Safety” is one of the columns that we prioritize in every edition we publish. But because of page limitation, we have no plan yet to increase the number of article. Thank you.
Different Paper Quality
Dear Halo Vale, I am impressed by visualization of the magazine. It is creative and captivates people’s interest in reading the magazine. But I feel the quality of the magazine’s papers is quite low. Some pages even use a different quality of paper. Is this true? Lamdar [Process Plant Maintenance] Since the edition of July 4, 2013, we have indeed adjusted the printing process of the magazine by shaving 48 percent off the printing cost. One of the adjustments is reducing the paper’s weight by 48 percent from that we used in the previous editions. We did this in line with the company’s cost efficiency program. If you feel the quality of the paper is different from one page to another, we think it is not correct. All the pages use papers of the same quality.
Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke
[email protected] atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat, silakan mengambil suvenir di Communications & External Affairs Department pada hari dan jam kerja.
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to
[email protected] or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir. For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at Communications & External Affairs Department during the days and working hour.
laporan utama
Gambaran tentang perusahaan bagi-bagi uang atau aksi sosial yang melulu dilakukan orang kaya sudah tutup buku. Kini adalah zaman voluntarisme. Termasuk kita, para karyawan. Voluntarisme merupakan gerakan yang diinisiasi sekelompok orang dengan biaya sendiri untuk mendukung kebutuhan individu atau masyarakat. Voluntir atau relawan memiliki kontribusi besar terhadap ekonomi dunia. Begitu besarnya peran relawan sampaisampai mereka disebut sumber daya masyarakat paling penting. Menurut Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies 2011, hampir 140 juta orang di 37 negara terlibat aksi sosial setiap tahunnya. Jika 140 juta orang tersebut dikumpulkan dalam satu negara, maka terciptalah negara peringkat ke-9 dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar. Kegiatan para relawan itu setara dengan 21 juta posisi kerja purnawaktu dan menghasilkan 400 miliar dollar AS per tahun. Ya, kemampuan dan kemauan
Vale Volunteer Brasil mem berikan bantuan kepada korban bencana banjir lumpur longsor. dan
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
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“Selama ini voluntarisme di PT Vale masih dilakukan mandiri oleh karyawan. Ke depan, PT Vale akan memprakarsai kegiatan ini lebih terorganisir dan berkelanjutan” CEO & Presdir PT Vale, Nico Kanter
sekelompok orang untuk bekerja bersama secara sukarela demi kemajuan masyarakat dan dirinya sendiri merupakan sumber daya berharga. Konsep relawan sendiri bergeser seiring waktu. Jika dulu aksi sosial lekat dengan kalangan mapan atau mereka yang punya banyak waktu luang, kini relawan datang dari semua kalangan. Karyawan pun dapat menjadi relawan, dengan dukungan perusahaan. "Selama ini voluntarisme di PT Vale masih dilakukan mandiri oleh karyawan. Ke depan, PT Vale akan memprakarsai kegiatan ini lebih terorganisir dan berkelanjutan," ujar CEO & Presdir PT Vale Nico Kanter. Lebih dari 90 persen perusahaan yang masuk dalam daftar Fortune 500, sebuah daftar tahunan yang disusun dan diterbitkan oleh majalah Fortune yang memeringkatkan 500 perusahaan teratas di AS, secara resmi mensponsori dan mensubsidi upaya voluntarisme karyawan serta mengizinkan karyawan mereka menjadi sukarelawan pada jam kerja. Jika pada 1992 hanya 19% perusahaan di AS yang memasukkan program relawan karyawan (employee volunteer programs/EVPs) ke dalam skema bisnis korporasi, angka ini naik tajam menjadi 81% pada 1999.
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
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Seorang karyawan JP Morgan yang juga relawan program “Bankers without Borders” menjelaskan skema pendanaan distribusi tungku kayu bakar yang ekonomis untuk warga Kenya, Afrika. Kredit foto:
Skillanthropy Pelaku voluntarisme meluas dan skema aksi sosial sudah jauh melebihi donasi uang. Singkat kata, voluntarisme memasuki era baru. Bahkan ada yang menyebut filantropi adalah konsep usang. Kini muncul skillanthropy, konsep baru yang menekankan pada sumbangsih keahlian serta pengalaman untuk memberdayakan masyarakat. Konsep skillanthropy ini sudah demikian maju. Lebih dari 17.000 karyawan profesional dari 170 negara bergabung dalam inisiatif “Bankers without Borders” (BwB) yang digagas oleh Grameen Foundation. Inilah organisasi nirlaba internasional yang punya misi besar mengentaskan kemiskinan. Tergabung dalam BwB, para karyawan JP Morgan— firma keuangan sekaligus salah satu bank terbesar di AS—terjun langsung ke Kenya mengembangkan skema pendanaan untuk distribusi tungku kayu bakar yang aman, ekonomis, dan ramah lingkungan. Karyawan Microsoft Silicon Valley membantu siswa sekolah meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan mengeja tanpa perlu meninggalkan meja kerja. Mereka “bertatap muka” sebagai mentor melalui fasilitas Skype. Sibuk bukan lagi hambatan untuk menjalankan misi sosial. Di era teknologi ini, microvolunteering menjadi kian populer. Inilah konsep yang menyelipkan voluntarisme selama
beberapa menit di sela kesibukan melalui perangkat internet seperti ponsel pintar. Kraft Food adalah salah satu perusahaan yang mendorong keterlibatan karyawan dalam microvolunteering. Dalam perjalanan naik kereta ke kantor, karyawan Kraft Food bisa membantu membuat logo sederhana untuk sekolah di Peru atau menuliskan proposal penggalangan dana. Sambil rehat kopi, mereka menerjemahkan halaman berbahasa Inggris menjadi bahasa Spanyol pada sebuah blog organisasi nirlaba. Deloitte Australia, firma audit dan konsultan keuangan, menggugah karyawan mereka untuk melakukan microvolunteering pada jam istirahat siang, dimulai sejak peluncuran Microvolunteering Day, 15 Maret 2014.
Bagian Penting CSR Semakin banyak kalangan menyadari pentingnya pelibatan tenaga kerja ke dalam tanggung jawab
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
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Pengurus dan anggota Ikatan Keluarga Vale Indonesia melakukan bakti sosial pendidikan di salah satu desa wilayah pemberdayaan.
sosial perusahaan. Pelibatan tersebut membuat karyawan semakin merasa bahwa keberadaannya di perusahaan punya dampak besar, serta menumbuhkan ikatan personal antara perusahaan dan masyarakat. Menjadi relawan artinya memberi kesempatan karyawan untuk mengembangkan diri serta mengasah sifat kepemimpinan. EVPs menjadi komponen penting dalam pendekatan CSR perusahaan yang memberi manfaat bagi karyawan, masyarakat, dan perusahaan. Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP), forum internasional beranggotakan lebih dari 180 CEO dan presiden direktur yang bertujuan meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas filantropi perusahaan, menyatakan, dorongan dari karyawan menjadi penentu keputusan para pemimpin untuk memperluas kontribusi perusahaan kepada masyarakat. Dari 240 perusahaan
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
besar yang disurvei CECP pada 2013, 59% di antaranya menggaji karyawan mereka untuk melakukan aksi sosial dan 86% ikut berdonasi ketika karyawan menggalang dana. Survei yang dilakukan konsultan CSR, LBG Associates, menyebutkan, 71% karyawan merasa pandangan mereka terhadap perusahaan menjadi lebih positif setelah mengikuti program relawan karyawan yang didukung penuh oleh perusahaan. Sementara eksekutif perusahaan mengaitkan program voluntarisme dengan optimisme dan kenaikan produktivitas, yang tentu saja merupakan keuntungan besar bagi korporasi. Survei yang sama juga menyebutkan, 90% pakar SDM setuju bahwa pro-bono volunteering merupakan cara efektif untuk mengembangkan keahlian memimpin, kemampuan komunikasi, dan memperkuat teamwork. Meskipun strategi voluntarisme berbeda-beda, satu hal yang pasti: melibatkan karyawan dalam kegiatan voluntarisme berarti menyertakan tujuan mulia dalam pekerjaan dan meningkatkan loyalitas, produktivitas, hingga kebahagiaan seorang karyawan. []
COver story
New Era of Voluntarism Public impression about companies distributing money or charity movement involving only the rich has now come to an end. Today is the era of voluntarism. It involves you employees. Voluntarism is a movement initiated by a group of people at their own expense to support individual or the community need. Volunteer contribute a lot to the world’s economy. So big the role the volunteers have played that they are dubbed the most important human resources. According to Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies 2011, nearly 140 million people in 37 countries engage in social actions every year. If the 140 million people gather in one country, they will form the ninth most populous country in the world. Activities of the volunteers equal 21 million full-time jobs and generate USD400 billion annually. Yes, ability and determination of a group of people to work together voluntarily for the sake of community and their own development constitutes precious resources. The concept of voluntarism itself has shifted as time passed by. In the past social activism was associated with the established group or those who had ample free time. But now volunteers come from all walks of life. Employees can sign for voluntary mission with support from the company. "For now on, voluntarism in PT Vale was performed independently by employees. But in the future, PT Vale will initiate the activity more organized and sustain," said Nico Kanter, CEO & President Director PT Vale. Over 90 percent of corporations which are listed in Fortune 500, a yearly list of top 500 US companies which is composed and published by Fortune
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
COver story
magazine, officially sponsor and subsidize their employees’ voluntarism and allow their employees to become volunteers during work hours. In 1992 only 19 percent of US companies incorporated employee volunteer programs (EVPs) in their business corporate scheme, but in 1999 the rate significantly climbed to 81 percent.
Skillanthropy Voluntarism practitioners have thrived and social action scheme has far exceeded donations. In a nutshell, voluntarism has entered a new era. There are some who call philanthropy as an old concept. Now skillanthropy arises, a new concept which emphasizes skill contribution and experience to empower the community. The concept of skillanthropy has now advanced. Over 17,000 professional employees from 170 countries are grouped under “Bankers without Borders” (BwB) initiative which was initiated by Grameen Foundation. This is a nonprofit international organization with a grand mission of eradicating poverty. Joining BwB, employees of JP Morgan— a financial firm and one of the biggest banks in the US— immediately directly went to Kenya to develop a financing scheme to distribute wood-burning stoves which were safe, economical and environment-friendly. Microsoft Silicon Valley employees helped schoolchildren upgrade their reading and spelling proficiency without having to leave
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
Bankers without Borders’ volunteer mentoring financial expertise in Bangladesh.
COver story
their office desks. As mentors, they meet face to face with their students via Skype. Busy agenda is no longer an impediment to engagement in social missions. In the era of technology, microvolunteering has gained popularity. This is a concept that inserts voluntarism for a few minutes amid workload through Internet device such as smartphones. Kraft Food is one of companies that encourage employees’ participation in microvolunteering. Aboard the train en route to their office, Kraft Food employees could create a simple logo for a school in Peru or draw up a proposal for a fund raising program. During coffee break they translate English pages into Spanish in a blog belonging to a non-profit organization. Deloitte Australia, an audit company and construction consultant, has stimulated its employees to practice microvolunteering during lunch break since the launch of Microvolunteering Day on March, 15, 2014.
Important Part of CSR Many more parties are now aware of employees’ participation in corporate social responsibility programs.
"In the era of technology, microvolunteering has gained popularity. This is a concept that inserts voluntarism for a few minutes amid workload through Internet device such as smartphones."
Such involvement will give employees a feeling that their presence has impacted significantly on the company and build personal ties between the company and the community. Encouraging employees to become volunteers means giving an opportunity to the employees to develop themselves and sharpen their leadership talent. EVPs is an important component in the CSR approach which benefits the employees, community and the company. The Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP), an international forum grouping more than 180 CEOs and president directors that is aimed at advancing the quantity and quality of corporate philanthropy, says support from employees is decisive in influencing leaders to expand contribution of the company to the people. Of 240 big companies surveyed by CECP in 2013, 59 percent of them pay their employees to conduct social actions and 86 percent participate in fund raising program. Kredit foto:
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
COver story
Google's employees contribute for trees planting.
"Encouraging employees to become volunteers means giving an opportunity to the employees to develop themselves and sharpen their leadership talent."
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
A survey conducted by a CSR consultant, LBG Associates, found that 71 percent of employees feel their perception toward their companies turns positive after participating in employee volunteer program which is fully supported by their company. Company executives connect voluntarism with optimism and increase in productivity level, which of course is a big advantage for the corporation. The same survey also discovered 90 percent of human resources experts agree that pro-bono volunteering is an effective method to develop leadership skill and communication skill and strengthen teamwork. Despite the various voluntarism strategies, one thing is certain that involving employees in a volunteer program means incorporating noble goals in the job description and giving a rise to loyalty, productivity and happiness of an employee. []
Laporan utama
Rahasia Orang Sukses:
Berbagi Beragam manfaat dari kegiatan voluntarisme yang dilakukan perusahaan maupun perseorangan.
Berbagi dengan sukarela dalam bentuk apapun, bukanlah hal mudah. Butuh waktu, energi, materi, bahkan komitmen. Namun, menurut Douglas R. Conant, Kepala CECP (Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy) sekaligus kolumnis di McKinsey Quarterly, banyak manfaat yang didapat dari aktivitas sukarela yang dilakukan baik individual maupun organisasi/korporasi. Bagi perusahaan, dapat diketahui manfaat yang dirasakan—baik bagi perusahaan maupun pemangku kepentingan. Di sisi lain, kegiatan tersebut, misalnya CSR, dapat menjadi cara strategis dan efektif untuk mendapatkan data-data valid bagi research & development perusahaan. “Kegiatan filantropi dapat membantu perusahaan mengurangi risiko bisnis, membuka pasar baru, membangun keterlibatan karyawan, membangun merek, memangkas ongkos, memanfaatkan teknologi maju, dan sekaligus memberikan hasil yang kompetitif,” ujar Conant. Sederhananya, aktivitas perusahaan yang identik dengan bisnis dan berorientasi pada keuntungan, sebenarnya dapat dielaborasi dan sinergis dengan investasi sosial dan menjadi strategi pertumbuhan perusahaan. “Kegiatan filantropi ibarat investasi sekaligus inkubator ide-ide yang dapat menjadi mekanisme untuk memahami masyarakat dan kebutuhan perusahaan dengan baik,” tambah dia.
nt Kepala CECP y) Douglas R. Cona ate Philanthrop uraging Corpo,r co (Committee En y. erl McKinsey Quart and kolumnis di
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
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Karyawan Campbell Soup membagikan menu makan siang sehat untuk 160 siswa di Sekolah Holy Name di Camden, New Jersey. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program Campbell untuk gizi seimbang dan mengurangi obesitas pada anak. Kredit foto:
Saya mengamati, semakin kami memanfaatkan sumber daya bisnis untuk memberikan nilai sosial kepada masyarakat di sekitar kami, semakin terlibatlah karyawan untuk menjadi lebih baik. Termasuk perusahaan bisa tampil lebih baik di pasar CEO Campbell Soup Company, Douglas R. Conant
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Conant sendiri bukanlah orang “kemarin sore” dalam aktivitas filantropi. Selama satu dekade sebagai CEO Campbell Soup Company, produsen makanan dalam kaleng terkemuka asal AS, dia memberikan inspirasi aktivitas filantropi yang ambisius. Pada 2010, misalnya, Campbell Soup menggelar kemitraan khusus dengan American Heart Association untuk melayani konsumen yang peduli kesehatan jantung, khususnya dalam kaitannya dengan perilaku diet. Yayasan Soup Campbell juga membangun program jangka panjang untuk menangani masalah obesitas dan kelaparan di beberapa masyarakat dunia. “Saya mengamati, semakin kami memanfaatkan sumber daya bisnis untuk memberikan nilai sosial kepada masyarakat di sekitar kami, semakin terlibatlah karyawan untuk menjadi lebih baik. Termasuk perusahaan bisa tampil lebih baik di pasar,” ujar Conant. Pendek kata, menurut Conant, filantropi atau voluntarisme dapat membuka jalan bagi perusahaan untuk melakukan inovasi berbasis pasar di masa depan.
Manfaat Individual Bagaimana dengan manfaat yang dirasakan individu yang menjadi voluntir atau penggerak kegiatan filantropis? Era Soekamto, perancang busana Indonesia yang telah mendunia karyanya, misalnya, merupakan 1 dari 2.116 pekerja profesional yang rutin terlibat aktif dalam Kelas Inspirasi. Menurut dia, kegiatan ini dapat membangun semangat positif bagi voluntir maupun
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si penerima manfaat (siswa sekolah). Misalnya, Era membawakan materi “How Dream Works” dan pentingnya memiliki cita-cita ketika mengajar di SDN Kebon Kosong 17 Jakarta Pusat tahun lalu. Kelas Inspirasi merupakan salah satu program kerja Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar yang digagas pakar pendidikan dan Menteri Pendidikan Anies Baswedan empat tahun silam. Program ini mewajibkan para voluntir meluangkan waktu mengajar di sekolah-sekolah di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Sejauh ini, para pekerja profesional ini telah mendatangi 137 sekolah dasar di Indonesia untuk berbagi wawasan kepada para siswa. Di PT Vale, kegiatan sukarelawan dan berbagi di bidang sosial dan pendidikan juga ada. Contohnya Ikatan Vale Indonesia dan Sorowako Community Volunteer. Beberapa kali organisasi ini menggelar bantuan pendidikan bagi siswa kurang mampu di empat kecamatan wilayah operasi perusahaan. “Kita tidak hidup sendiri di dunia ini. Kami sangat bersyukur diberi kesempatan bisa membantu orang lain walau kecil agar hidup mereka lebih baik. Tentu kegiatan voluntarisme memberikan kepuasan batin tersendiri,” ujar Ketua Sorowako Community Volunteer, Erlina Yuliarti, yang juga karyawan PT Vale sebagai Senior IT Business Partner kepada Halo Vale.
Dari deretan nilai positif tersebut, tampaknya tak ada alasan untuk kita menunda kegiatan filantropis atau voluntarisme. Benar apa yang dikatakan Billy Boen, pengusaha muda sekaligus penulis buku Young On Top Indonesia, bahwa orang sukses adalah mereka yang mau berbagi. []
Era Soekamto, perancang busana indonesia yang menjadi pengajar di kelas inspirasi.
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Secret of Successful People:
Sharing There are various benefits of corporation-sponsored and individual voluntarism activities.
Corporate responsibility Campbell Soup.
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Voluntarily sharing with others in whatever form is not easy to do. It requires time, energy, money and even commitment. But according to Douglas R. Conant, head of CECP (Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy) who is also a columnist for McKinsey Quarterly, there are many benefits that a corporation and individuals can reap from voluntarism activities. For a company, the benefits for corporation and shareholders are obvious. On the other hand, CSR can serve as a strategic and effective way to collect valid data for research and development for the company. “Philanthropy activities can help a corporation reduce business risks, open new markets, build employees’ participation, develop brand, cut costs, utilize high technology and generate competitive results,” Conant says. Simply put, corporate activities which are identical to business and profit-oriented can actually be elaborated and synergized with social investment and become a company’s development strategy. “Philanthropic activities seem like an investment as well as an incubator of ideas
Volunteers from Campbell Soup Company with Harry C. Sharp Elementary School students plant trees in the schools neighborhood. Kredit foto: Mark Abrams
that can create a mechanism to understand the society and corporate needs well,” he says. Conant himself is not a novice in philanthropic activities. For a decade as CEO of Campbell Soup Company, a prominent US canned food producer, he has inspired ambitious philanthropic activities. In 2010, for example, Campbell Soup initiated special partnership with American Heart Association to serve consumers who cared for healthy
heart, particularly in connection with their diet behavior. For that purpose, Soup Campbell Foundation built a long-term program to address obesity and famine in a number of countries. “I observe the more we utilize business resources to give social values to the communities around us, the more our employees strive for achievements and the more the company perform in the market,” Conant says.
Anies Baswedan, founder of “Inspirational Class” visit school in Jakarta. This program requires professional volunteers to spare they time to teach in schools across the country in Indonesia. Kredit foto:
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COver Story
In short, Conant says, philanthropy or voluntarism can open the way for a company to promote market-based innovation in the future.
Individual Benefit How about the benefit of becoming a volunteer or prime mover of philanthropic activities for an individual? Era Soekamto, an Indonesian fashion designer whose works have been acknowledged worldwide, for example, is one of 2,116 professionals who have routinely participated in the Inspiration Class. She says the activity can trigger a positive spirit to volunteers and their beneficiaries, who are school children. She for example hosted “How Dream Works” class and spoke about why was it important to have a dream when she taught at Kebon Kosong state elementary school No.17 in Central Jakarta. Inspirational class is part of Indonesia Teach Movement which was initiated by education expert and Education Minister Anies Baswedan four years ago. The program requires volunteers to spare time to teach in schools across the country. So far the professionals have visited 137 elementary schools around the country to share their knowledge with students. At PT Vale, volunteers’ activities occur in various fields of social and education. Association of Vale Indonesia Families and Sorowako Community Volunteer, for example, have several times provided education assistance to students who come from poor families in four districts where the company operates. “We do not live alone in the world. We are fortunate to have been given a chance to help others, although meaningless, so that they can live a better life. Certainly the voluntarism activities give us spiritual satisfaction,” chair of Sorowako Community Volunteer, Erlina Yuliarti, who works for PT Vale as Senior IT Business Partner, told Halo Vale. From a series of positive values, it seems there is no reason for us to delay philanthropic or voluntarism activities. As Billy Boen, a young entrepreneur and author of Young On Top Indonesia, correctly puts it, successful people are those who are willing to share. []
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Perusahaan Peka, Karyawan Peduli Semakin banyak perusahaan menyadari pentingnya melibatkan karyawan dalam kegiatan voluntarisme. Menggerakkan karyawan menjadi relawan bisa dimotori oleh perusahaan maupun atas inisiatif karyawan sendiri. Ketika perusahaan menjadi motor penggerak, berbagai fasilitas bisa diberikan kepada karyawan, mulai dari insentif tunai untuk karyawan yang berkegiatan sosial hingga mengadakan event khusus yang memberi kesempatan karyawan untuk menjadi relawan. Toyota Financial Services (TFS) memiliki Program iCARE Volunteer, yang mendorong keterlibatan 3.300 karyawan dalam kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan pemuda. Skema dukungan TFS pada program iCare merupakan inspirasi menarik. Program Dollars for Doers Grants memberikan 250 dollar AS kepada karyawan untuk disumbangkan ke badan amal pilihan mereka dan 500 dollar AS disumbangkan ke organisasi pemuda setelah seorang karyawan menyelesaikan 50 jam pelayanan. Setiap April, TFS menggelar bulan “Making Life Easier”. Karyawan dibayar untuk menggelar acara amal atau kelas diskusi bersama petinggi perusahaan, aktivis sosial, tokoh masyarakat, dan selebritas. Terakhir, ada program Diplomas To Degrees Mentoring. Inilah program yang membuka kesempatan bagi karyawan menjadi mentor bagi pelajar usia 13-18 tahun untuk mengejar kelulusan SMA dan perguruan tinggi.
Salah satu kegiatan Volunteer karyawan HSBC adalah Program Home for Teachers, kegiatan ini di peruntukan bagi guru berpenghasilan rendah di pinggiran Jakarta.
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Anggota Ford Volunteer Corps (FVC) sedang membuat sumur air bersih, kegiatan ini berlangsung di Tangerang.
Timberland, produsen dan penjual perlengkapan outdoor yang mendapat peringkat ke-78 perusahaan terbaik di AS versi CNN Money, memiliki program Global Stewards bagi para karyawan yang ingin menjadi sukarelawan dalam berbagai kegiatan. Mulai dari membangun taman kota hingga menanam pohon di berbagai belahan dunia. Program tersebut, yang diluncurkan 2006, menginspirasi definisi baru atas kepemimpinan di Timberland. Kini, definisi seorang pemimpin di Timberland bukan hanya melibatkan kemampuan mengelola bisnis dan sumber daya manusia, melainkan kemampuan untuk menerjemahkan misi sosial perusahaan. Produsen otomotif, Ford, memiliki komunitas beranggotakan lebih dari 27.000 karyawan dan pensiunan yang melakukan aksi sukarela di 41 negara, termasuk di Indonesia. Mereka mendedikasikan
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115.000 jam kerja setiap tahun. Anggota Ford Volunteer Corps (FVC) memperbaiki panti asuhan dan rumah singgah tunawisma, memerangi kelaparan, melakukan konservasi lingkungan, hingga menjadi mentor bagi pelajar serta membuat sumur air bersih. Salah satu program utama FVC adalah Global Week of Caring. Dalam satu pekan setiap tahun, relawan Ford terjun langsung ke berbagai kegiatan sosial yang didukung penuh oleh perusahaan serta LSM rekanan. Di Indonesia, perusahaan yang mendorong karyawannya melakukan praktik voluntarisme cukup banyak. Misalnya Danone Aqua. Perusahaan ini menerjunkan Relawan Aqua di daerah yang dilanda bencana alam. Selain misi kemanusiaan, karyawan Aqua juga terlibat dalam misi pelestarian lingkungan seperti pengembangan taman mangrove di Manado dan konservasi Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak.
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Karyawan Ford Amerika melakukan penanaman pohon di Hari Lingkungan Dunia.
Karyawan perusahaan jasa keuangan HSBC ambil bagian dalam program Home for Teachers. Sebuah program untuk memperbaiki rumah para guru berpendapatan rendah di pinggiran Jakarta. Bank Danamon punya Danamon Peduli, sebuah program berbasis kebutuhan komunitas setempat dan melibatkan karyawan sebagai relawan. Relawan Danamon Peduli membantu membangun 200 rumah baru di Banda Aceh saat dilanda tsunami. Mereka juga blusukan ke pasar tradisional di seluruh Indonesia untuk membersihkan pasar hingga bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan RI, WHO, dan UNICEF untuk menyebarkan informasi seputar imunisasi. Hampir 7.000 karyawan Danamon terlibat dalam program Danamon Peduli.
CEO & Presdir PT Vale, Nico Kanter memberikan kuliah umum kepada pengajar dan mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar November silam.
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Inisiatif karyawan Gagasan berkegiatan sosial juga bisa murni datang dari karyawan. Secara swadaya, sekelompok karyawan terlibat langsung dalam berbagai aksi sosial yang mendatangkan banyak manfaat bagi komunitas di sekitar tempat tinggal maupun di lokasi operasional perusahaan. Karyawan Citi, perusahaan perbankan multinasional asal Amerika, mendirikan komunitas Citi Volunteers. Kegiatan sepenuhnya diinisiasi oleh karyawan. Misalnya, pada Hari Raya Purim, hari besar umat Yahudi untuk memperingati kebebasan dari kekaisaran Persia, 70 relawan Citi memberi bingkisan dan memasak untuk kaum Yahudi yang selamat dari peristiwa Holocaust. Di bidang pendidikan, anggota Citi Volunteers mendedikasikan lebih dari 1.000 jam untuk menjadi mentor bagi anak-anak dari masyarakat terpinggirkan di New York. Sukarelawan mengajari para pelajar untuk membuat aplikasi beasiswa, menulis resume, dan melatih teknik wawancara. Karyawan Chevron di Riau membagi wawasan kepada para pelajar dari SD hingga SMA dalam program Goes to School. Biaya operasional sepenuhnya berasal dari kantong pribadi. Karyawan berbagi pengetahuan seputar pentingnya safety, memahami profesionalitas, dan sharing pengalaman kerja sehingga dapat menginspirasi para siswa. Serikat Karyawan PT Telkom Indonesia membentuk program Bakti Bagi Negeri pada 2012. Program ini mendukung gerakan Indonesia Mengajar melalui donasi setengah juta buku untuk sekolah-sekolah di pelosok Indonesia dalam jangka waktu lima tahun. Mereka mengumpulkan dana secara sukarela melalui pemotongan gaji untuk membeli buku dari penerbit yang menjadi rekanan Bakti Bagi Negeri. Indonesia Mengajar sendiri merupakan gerakan voluntarisme nasional yang mengajak masyarakat untuk berperan aktif mencerdaskan generasi muda Indonesia. []
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PT Telkom sumbang buku bagi pengajar muda dalam kegiatan Bakti bagi Negeri.
Karyawan Relawan Timberland melakukan perbaikan kanal air di Raja Musa, Malaysia.
Company Heedful, Employees Care Many more companies realize the importance of their employees’ participation in voluntarism activities. Awareness among employees to sign up for voluntarism activities can come from the company or the employees themselves. When a company serves as the driving force, various facilities can be offered to their employees, ranging from cash incentive for those who are involved in social activities to organizing a special event that opens up an opportunity to become volunteers. Toyota Financial Services (TFS) has iCARE Volunteer program, which encourages participation of 3,300 employees in education and training activities for youths. The scheme of TSF support for the program is inspiring. The Dollars for Doers Grants program provides US$250 to each employee who will transfer the money to his or her choice of charity organization and $500 to be donated to a youth organization for each employee who completes 50 hours of community service. Every April, TFS holds “Making Life Easier” month. Employees are paid to organize a charity event or discussion class featuring company top executives, social movement activists, community figures and celebrities.
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Toyota Financial services has icare volunteer program, which encourages participation of 3,300 employees in education and training activitiesfor youth.
Lastly, there is Diplomas To Degrees Mentoring program. It gives an opportunity to employees to mentor students aged between 13 and 18 years old who pursue senior high school diploma and admission to university. Timberland, an outdoor activity equipment producer and seller which is named the 78th best US company by CNN Money, offers Global Stewards program to its employees who wish to become volunteers in various activities, which range from building city park to planting trees in many parts of the world. The program, launched in 2006, has inspired a new definition of leadership in Timberland. Now to become a leader in Timberland requires not only the capability to manage business and human resources, but also ability to translate social missions of the company. Automotive company Ford has a community whose membership comprises more than 27,000 employees and retirees, who take part in voluntarism activities in 41 countries, including Indonesia. They dedicate 115,000
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hours every year. Ford Volunteer Corps (FVC) members renovate orphanages, shelters for the homeless, fight hunger, conserve the environment, mentor students and provide clean water wells. One of the FVC main programs is Global Week of Caring. For a week every year Ford volunteers are deployed to various social activities with full support from the company and partner NGOs. In Indonesia, there are quite a lot corporations that encourage their employees to practice voluntarism, such as Danone Aqua. The company fields its Aqua volunteers to natural disaster-hit regions. Apart from humanitarian mission, Aqua volunteers are also involved in environment conservation mission like developing mangrove park in Manado and conserving Mount Halimun Salak National Park.
Employees of financial service provider HSBC take part in Home for Teachers program, which aims to rebuild houses of low-income teachers in Jakarta outskirts. Danamon Bank has Danamon Care program, which is based on local community needs and involves employees as volunteers. Danamon Care volunteers helped build 200 new houses in Banda Aceh after tsunami in 2004. They also visited traditional markets across Indonesia and cleaned them up and worked with the Ministry of Health, WHO and UNICEF in promoting immunization. Nearly 7,000 Danamon employees were involved in the Danamon Care program.
Employees’ initiative The initiative to engage in social activities also comes entirely from employees. Relying on their own strength, a group of employees directly are involved in a number of social activities that benefit a lot to the community living near the company’s operational area. Employees of Citi, a multinational bank from the US, set up the Citi Volunteers community. The group’s activities are initiated by the employees. For instance, on Purim, the Jewish holiday to commemorate their ancestors’ freedom from Persian empire, about 70 Citi volunteers distributed gifts and cooked for Jewish people who survived
Robert Igabille, Global Steward for Timberland, demonstrates how to plant a tree sapling in Agula desert.
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COVER STORY the Holocaust. In education sector, members of the Citi Volunteers have dedicated more than 1,000 hours as mentors for children and marginalized people in New York. The volunteers taught the students how to apply for scholarships, write resume and train them how to deal with an interview. Employees of Chevron in Riau share their knowledge with students of elementary up to senior high schools in a program called Goes to School. The employees spent their own money to cover the operational cost of the program. During the program they transfer their knowledge about safety and professionalism and share with the students their working experience that will inspire the students. Labor union of PT Telkom Indonesia launched in 2012 the Dedication to the Nation program. The program was initiated to support the Indonesia Teaches movement. While teaching they donated 500,000 books to students in schools in remote areas within five years. They raised funds by cutting their own salaries to buy the books, which were published by partners of the Dedication to the Nation program. Indonesia Teaches itself is a national voluntarism movement to appeal to the society to actively participate in educating Indonesian young generation. []
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HSBC volunteers in home making activities for teachers.
Panggilan Hati Relawan Vale Energi karyawan Vale untuk membantu masyarakat tak pernah habis. Perusahaan pun memberi dukungan maksimal. Kala itu, pertengahan Januari 2011, Brasil mengalami bencana banjir dan lumpur longsor. Media setempat menyebutnya sebagai bencana alam terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Kota-kota di Mountain Region, yang masuk dalam wilayah ibukota Rio de Janeiro, rusak berat. Lebih dari 900 nyawa melayang dan nyaris 3.000 keluarga kehilangan tempat tinggal. Terpanggil untuk membantu korban bencana tersebut, Vale Volunteers menggalang donasi. Hasilnya, 8 ton makanan, 8.000 liter air minum, 5.000 paket makanan, 500 unit alat kebersihan, dan berbagai alat berat untuk
membersihkan puing-puing dapat dikumpulkan oleh para relawan dengan dukungan perusahaan. Karyawan dan keluarganya juga memberikan donasi tunai melalui rekening Vale Foundation, organisasi nirlaba yang dikelola Vale. “Ketika kita menggabungkan semangat karyawan dengan komitmen perusahaan, maka kita menggandakan cakupan dan volume inisiatif dan mencapai hasil yang mungkin mustahil diraih jika kita bekerja sendirian. Kami diizinkan untuk meminjam kredibilitas perusahaan demi rasa solidaritas. Itulah yang membuat saya bangga menjadi bagian dari Vale,” kata Rodrigo Colombaretti, Direktur Procurement Planning and Development. Dia bertugas mendistribusikan bantuan logistik dan menangani peminjaman alat berat saat aksi sosial untuk para korban banjir Rio de Janeiro.
Kredit foto: Vale.
Karyawan Vale Volunteer mengunjungi anak-anak Maria Helen Drexel Association di Sao Paulo, Brasil. Aktivitas ini salah satu dari rangkaian kegiatan V-Day.
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Membudaya Membantu korban bencana alam adalah bagian dari aksi sosial yang dilakukan oleh para relawan yang tergabung dalam Vale Volunteers. Program ini diluncurkan pada 2004 untuk mendukung insiatif sukarela yang sebelumnya dilakukan karyawan secara mandiri. Melalui Vale Vounteers, ide-ide voluntarisme semakin berdatangan dan didekatkan dengan semangat perusahaan. Relawan mendonasikan waktu dan keahlian mereka tanpa menerima imbalan material maupun finansial. Selain membantu korban bencana alam, relawan Vale juga membangun perpustakaan, memperbaiki sekolah, mengadakan workshop dan talkshow dengan berbagai tema, mengampanyekan pelestarian alam, merenovasi landmark kota dan panti jompo, hingga menggalang donasi melalui pertandingan sepakbola. Begitu banyak aksi sosial telah dilakukan Vale Volunteers. Sebagai ilustrasi, pada 2011, di negara bagian Minas Gerais, sebanyak 187 aksi dijalankan untuk membantu masyarakat di salah satu negara bagian terluas di Brasil itu.
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Organisasi Vale Volunteers terdiri atas 37 komite lokal, yang mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu masyarakat setempat. Komite tersebut tersebar di Brasil, Mozambik, serta Malaysia. Tiap komite memiliki seorang koordinator yang bertanggung jawab memimpin aksi sosial serta bekerja sama dengan jaringan lokal, seperti lembaga nirlaba dan yayasan penerima manfaat. Dukungan perusahaan terhadap kegiatan sosial karyawan sangat terasa. Misalnya pada bantuan korban bencana banjir Mountain Region, setiap 1 Real Brasil (R$1) yang disumbang oleh karyawan, perusahaan mendonasikan R$2. Pada penghitungan akhir, didapat lebih dari R$2juta atau Rp10 miliar donasi dari karyawan, keluarga karyawan, rekanan, dan Vale. “Dalam inisiatif-inisiatif yang digagas oleh Vale Volunteers, kami melihat ada kesamaan nilai diusung oleh perusahaan, seperti mengutamakan kehidupan, menghargai manusia dan alam, tumbuh bersama sebagai satu kesatuan, dan keinginan kuat untuk mewujudkan tujuan,” kata CEO Vale Murilo Ferreira.
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Voluntary Day berlangsung rutin setiap tahunnya. Kegiatan ini merupakan inisiatif karyawan Vale Brazil.
Tradisi Tahunan Pada 2001, Federasi Industri Negara Bagian Minas Gerais (FIEMG) menggagas program sosial yang bertujuan menggerakkan sebanyak mungkin relawan untuk terjun langsung membantu kelompok masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Program tersebut diberi tajuk Volunteer Day atau V-day. Setelah Vale Volunteer dibentuk pada 2004, V-day menjadi tradisi tahunan dalam kalender relawan Vale, yang jatuh pada hari minggu pertama bulan Desember. Pada ajang V-day 2012, lebih dari 50 kegiatan sukarela di bidang budaya, olahraga, lingkungan, kesehatan, hingga hiburan dilakukan oleh 2.700 relawan Vale dari 35 komite. Komite Catalão di negara bagian Goiás. Mereka menghibur dan membagikan bingkisan bagi para Lansia yang tinggal di panti jompo.
"Organisasi Vale Volunteers terdiri atas 37 komite lokal, yang mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu masyarakat setempat."
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Di kesempatan yang sama, komite Carajás bersama warga menanam 1.000 batang pohon dan mendonasikan perkakas serta mainan kepada anak-anak panti asuhan. Komite Rio de Janeiro mengecat dinding tempat penitipan anak. Setelah mengecat dinding, relawan menggelar pertunjukan teater dan mengajak anak-anak untuk berkebun. “Justru kami yang mendapat manfaat paling banyak dari kegiatan volunteering. Membantu orang lain adalah kegiatan yang tak ternilai harganya. Sungguh puas rasanya,” kata Amanda Prado, karyawan magang di International Department of Fiscal Affairs. Sementara di Malaysia, sebanyak 120 relawan terjun langsung dalam aksi penyelamatan penyu. Mereka membersihkan pantai dan lokasi penetasan telur di habitat penyu Segari Pasir Panjang Turtle Hatchery Centre.
Penghargaan Setiap tahun, Vale mengundang para relawan untuk berkompetisi di Vale Volunteers Awards. Mereka diminta mengikutsertakan insiatif yang sudah terlaksana, lalu manajer program memilih 10 inisiatif terbaik yang akan diseleksi lagi oleh komite yang terdiri atas para direktur dan GM. Komite kemudian menetapkan 10 finalis yang diberi penghargaan dan hadiah berupa donasi untuk meneruskan insiatif yang sudah mereka jalankan.
V day Vale Brasil.
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Aksi para finalis begitu inspiratif. Juara pertama Vale Volunteers Awards 2011 jatuh kepada Marcio Herbes dari komite Piauí dengan aksi yang dia namai “Polyculture Community”. Marcio bersama 30 relawan Vale lainnya memberi solusi bagi sekelompok masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah yang dilanda kekeringan berkepanjangan. Mereka membagikan bibit dan menanam varietas jagung, kacangkacangan, dan tanaman lokal yang bisa tumbuh di tanah kering. Tanaman tersebut juga dapat diolah menjadi pakan ternak dari spesies yang khusus dikembangkan untuk daerah kering. Kini masyarakat di timur laut Brasil itu menguasai teknik menanam dan mengembangbiakkan ternak sehingga mereka bisa bertahan hidup di lahan tandus. Voluntarisme adalah panggilan hati bagi warga Vale. “Seorang karyawan yang punya semangat untuk membuat perbedaan positif tidak hanya bisa melakukannya dalam lingkup pekerjaan, tapi juga bisa memberi perbedaan dalam masyarakat. Sebuah lingkaran moral tercipta, membuat mereka yang dibantu dan mereka yang membantu merasa lebih bahagia. Di saat yang sama, menjadikan perusahaan dan lingkungan sekitar sebagai tempat yang lebih baik untuk bekerja dan untuk menjalani kehidupan,” kata Murilo Ferreira. []
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Forty volunteers took part and a group of people nearly double the size benefitted from the V-Day actions that took place in Simoes Filho in the state of Bahia, Brazil.
Vale Volunteers’ Calling
Kredit foto: Vale.
Vale employees look to have never run out of energy in helping the society. The company provides maximum support to them. It was then mid-January 2011, Brazil was hit hardest by flood and landslide. Local media dubbed it the worst natural disaster in the history. Cities located in Region Mountain, which are part of the capital city of Rio de Janeiro, were severely damaged. More than 900 lives were lost and nearly 3,000 families were displaced. Due to the calling to assist the disaster victims, Vale Volunteers raised funds, which resulted in 8 tons of food
supplies, 8,000 liters of drinking water, 5,000 food packages and 500 sanitary items as well as various heavy-duty equipment needed to remove rubbles. The employees helped clean up the mess with full support from the company. The employees and their families also donated through the bank account of Vale Foundation, a non-profit organization controlled by Vale.
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“When we amalgamate the spirit of employees and company commitment, we double the coverage and volume of initiative and reach the goal that would be impossible to reach if we work alone. We are allowed to borrow the company’s credibility in the name of solidarity. That is what makes me proud of being part of Vale,” says Rodrigo Colombaretti, Procurement Planning and Development Director. He was tasked with distributing logistical assistance and handled heavy-duty equipment on loan for social activities to help Rio de Janeiro flood victims.
Institutionalized Helping natural disaster victims is part of social actions involving volunteers grouped under the Vale Volunteers. The program was launched in 2004 to support voluntary initiative which had previously been conducted by the individual employees. Through Vale Volunteers,
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the ideas of voluntarism are spread and linked to the corporate spirit. Volunteers donate their time and skills without expecting material or financial rewards. Apart from helping disaster victims, Vale volunteers set up libraries, rebuild schools, organize workshop and talk shows that promote various themes, campaign for nature conservation, renovate city landmarks and nursing homes, as well as raise fund through soccer matches. There are a lot of social activities the Vale Volunteers
CEO PT Vale, Nico Kanter, with the public lecture participants.
have organized. To illustrate this, in 2011, a total of 187 actions were held to support a community in Minas Gerais, one of the largest states in Brazil. As an organization Vale Volunteers consists of 37 local committees which dedicate themselves to helping local people. The committees scatter in Brazil, Mozambique and Malaysia. Each committee has a coordinator who is responsible for leading social actions and working with local network, such as non-profit institutions and beneficiary foundations. The company’s support for the social activism of Vale employees is evident. In the relief program for victims of Mountain Region floods, for example, for each R$1 donated by an employee, Vale donated R$2. At the end of the fund raising program over R$2 million (Rp 10 billion) was collected from employees, their families, partners and Vale. “Within the initiatives promoted by Vale Volunteers, we find similarity between them and the corporate values, such as priority for life, respect for human and the nature, growing together as a unity and strong determination to reach goals,” says Vale CEO Murilo Ferreira.
Annual Tradition In 2001, the Federation of Minas Gerais State Industries (FIEMG) initiated a social program which was aimed at stimulating as many as possible volunteers who directly help community groups in need. The
program is titled Volunteer Day or V-day. After the inception of Vale Volunteer in 2004, V-day has become an annual tradition in the agenda of Vale volunteers, which falls in the first week of December. In the 2012 V-day over 50 voluntarism activities in the fields of culture, sports, environment, health and entertainment were organized by 2,700 Vale volunteers from 35 local committees, with Catalão committee in Goiás State playing host. They entertained and extended gifts to elder people who stayed in nursing homes. At the same opportunity, Carajás committee, along with local people, planted 1,000 trees and donated handyman tools and toys to orphan children. Rio de Janeiro committee members painted the walls of day care buildings. After finishing their work, the volunteers staged a play and appealed the children to love farming. “It turns out that we benefit the most from the volunteering activities. Helping others is an activity which is of uncountable value. It is satisfying indeed,” says Amanda Prado, an intern at the International Department of Fiscal Affairs. In Malaysia, 120 volunteers directly were involved in the movement to save endangered turtles. They clean up Segari Pasir Panjang Beach and Turtle Hatchery Center there.
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Awards Every year Vale invites volunteers to contest the Vale Volunteers Awards. They are required to bring submit their initiatives which have been realized. The program manager then select 10 best initiatives that will be screened by a committee which comprises the company’s directors and general manager. The committee will then select 10 finalists who will receive awards in the form of donation to realize their initiatives. The finalists’ action was really inspiring. First winner of Vale Volunteers Awards 2011 went to Marcio Herbes from Piauí committee thanks to his action which was called “Polyculture Community”. Marcio and 30 other Vale volunteers offered solutions to local communities who lived in areas which constantly suffered from drought. They distributed seeds and planted varieties of corn, beans and other
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plants that could resist prolonged drought. The plants could be processed into food for cattle of species which was bred specially for dry regions. Now people in the northeast of Brazil master planting technique and breed cattle to survive on the arid land. Voluntarism is a calling for Vale society. “An employee who has a spirit to make a positive difference cannot only do it in his or her job territory, but also in the society. A cycle of morality is created, with both the people who are assisted and those who lend a hand feeling happy. At the same time such spirit turns corporation and its surrounding environment as better places to work and live a life,” says Murilo Ferreira. []
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Me n mup a i l u uk Akar Keped
Dorongan untuk peduli sudah mengakar dalam diri karyawan PT Vale. Mereka memupuknya melalui berbagai aksi sosial. Berbekal iuran bulanan dan beberapa teman di PT Vale yang punya satu misi, Sufianto Gammara, Analyst di Laboratory & Sample House Enggano, terpanggil untuk membantu mewujudkan mimpi Ardin Pabarrang, seorang pelajar kurang mampu di Sorowako, untuk lulus kuliah. “Ardin bisa dikatakan siswa dengan nilai rata-rata di sekolahnya. Namun anak ini tekun, sopan, mandiri, tidak terbawa pergaulan buruk, dan punya keinginan kuat untuk melanjutkan kuliah,” ujar Grymen Paembonan, salah seorang rekan Gammara, mengenang peristiwa yang berlangsung pada tahun 2008. Gammara dan Grymen mengumpulkan iuran bulanan untuk biaya pendidikan Ardin. Niat baik itu terdengar dan disambut baik oleh sesama rekan kerja di PT Vale: Eka
Belajar membuat majalah dinding salah satu agenda kegiatan dari Ikatan Keluarga Vale Indonesia.
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Rombongan Soroako Community Volunteer ketika berdiskusi dengan salah seorang guru TK di Nuha.
Andayani Sapa, Wilson Tandi Rapa, dan Lina Tandioga. Ardin akhirnya bisa belajar di Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa, Makassar, hingga diwisuda dengan prestasi akademis memuaskan pada 12 Oktober 2014. Ternyata “virus” saling membantu itu diwariskan. Ardin yang kini bekerja di Rumah Sakit Grestelina Makassar, juga memberikan bantuan pendidikan kepada anak kurang mampu. Sedangkan Grymen, meski kini bekerja di PT Pupuk Kaltim, Bontang, masih terus membantu para pelajar bersama mantan koleganya di PT Vale.
Menyelamatkan Nyawa Sejak bergabung dengan Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (SBSI) PT Vale, Gammara mengajak anggota SBSI berkontribusi membantu pelajar berprestasi dan kurang mampu. SBSI PT Vale pun me-launching Program Beasiswa Pelajar Berprestasi pada Mei 2014 silam. Program tersebut menyasar pelajar tingkat dasar dan atas di empat wilayah pemberdayaan PT Vale. Kepedulian terhadap pendidikan juga ditunjukkan oleh anggota Sorowako Community Volunteer (SCV). Komunitas ini, yang diketuai Erlina Yuliarti, Senior IT Business Partner dari Departemen Information Technology PT Vale, merangkul warga Sorowako dan sekitarnya untuk membantu orang lain. Belum lama ini, mereka menggelar garage sale yang hasil penjualannya dibelanjakan alat tulis, alat peraga, serta prasarana bagi siswa-siswi TK Matano dan TK Nuha. Perusahaan memberi bantuan berupa pinjaman rumah untuk garage sale dan rumah kontainer untuk sekretariat SCV agar misi mulia komunitas ini terlaksana. Aksi sosial juga kerap digelar oleh Ikatan Keluarga Vale Indonesia (IKVI), yang beranggotakan lebih dari 3.000 istri karyawan. Kegiatan ibu-ibu IKVI cukup beragam, mulai dari membersihkan lingkungan hingga mengadakan seminar pencegahan HIV/AIDS dan donasi pendidikan.
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Kunjungan Soroako Community Volunteer ke salah satu sekolah di Nuha.
Di Hari Kartini, 21 April 2014, misalnya, mereka berkunjung ke Kelas Jauh SD 246 Tabarano dan SD Amasi Cinta Damai, Kecamatan Wasuponda, untuk memberikan bingkisan kepada siswa dan sekolah. Mereka juga asyik bermain bersama anak-anak dan memandu kuis berhadiah menarik yang disambut antusias oleh seluruh siswa. Di bidang kesehatan, donor darah yang menyelamatkan nyawa menjadi agenda yang tidak asing bagi warga PT Vale. Seperti yang dilakukan oleh karyawan dan kontraktor Departemen General Facilities & Services (GFS) dalam event “Blood for Human Life”, sebagai respons atas kebutuhan kantung darah di RSUD I La Galigo Luwu Timur. Dalam perayaan Bulan K3 2014, karyawan PT Vale di Makassar ikut aksi donor darah yang diadakan oleh PT Angkasa Pura di Bandara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin. Pada Hari Buruh, Serikat Pekerja Kimia, Energi, Pertambangan, Minyak, Gas Bumi dan Umum (SP KEP) PT Vale, merayakannya dengan aksi sosial donor darah dan menggelar acara hiburan untuk masyarakat umum.
SBSI PT Vale pun me-launching Program Beasiswa Pelajar Berprestasi.
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Bantuan Kemanusiaan Sudah lima kali PT Vale mengirim tim Emergency Response Group (ERG) untuk membantu korban bencana alam. Tim gabungan yang beranggotakan personel lintas departemen tersebut melakukan misi kemanusiaan saat terjadi bencana tsunami Nias (2005), gempa Yogyakarta (2006), gempa Padang (2009), erupsi Gunung Merapi Yogyakarta (2010), dan terakhir saat Manado dilanda banjir bandang pada awal 2014. Tim ERG melakukan pencarian korban, evakuasi korban, memberikan bantuan logistik di beberapa titik pengungsian, dan membuka posko medis. Karyawan PT Vale juga terketuk untuk memberi bantuan kemanusiaan secara mandiri. Tergabung dalam Aliansi Peduli Sosial & Kemanusiaan Luwu Timur, beberapa karyawan menggalang dana untuk Vera Sari, seorang anak berusia 15 tahun yang menderita penyakit ginjal. Vera yang tubuhnya membengkak dan fisiknya lemah, tinggal di sebuah gubuk bersama orang tuanya. “Sebelumnya saya tidak kenal dengan anak ini maupun keluarganya. Saya hanya kebetulan lewat di dekat rumahnya dan orang-orang sedang mengerumuni Vera. Hati saya tergugah. Saya mendokumentasikan kondisi Vera dan berniat menggalang dana untuk membantu biaya operasinya,” kata Arifuddin Arief, Fire Prevention Technician, Ketua Aliansi. Dana yang berhasil dikumpulkan melalui amplop kemanusiaan dan pentas musik diberikan langsung kepada keluarga Vera yang tinggal di Palopo. Selain bantuan kepada Vera Sari, aliansi yang beranggotakan karyawan serta berbagai komunitas pemuda ini juga melakukan berbagai
Tim ERG dari PT Vale sedang melakukan koordinasi dengan pemda setempat dalam menangani korban banjir di Manado.
aksi kemanusiaan. Mulai dari mendirikan posko bantuan bencana alam, sosialisasi tanggap darurat kebakaran, hingga kampanye safety riding. Bagi sebagian orang, keinginan membantu berasal dari pengalaman masa lalu. Seperti Gammara dan Grymen yang pernah merasakan nyaris gagal kuliah karena kondisi ekonomi keluarga. Bagi yang lain, gerakan berbagi ini ibarat mood booster, memberi kesenangan, dan momentum untuk merenungi makna hidup. “Ketika bisa membantu orang lain, saya bersyukur diberi kesempatan berbagi dan melakukan perubahan, walaupun kecil, agar mereka yang kurang beruntung dapat hidup lebih baik. Saya sadar, kita tidak hidup sendiri. Maka kita wajib saling membantu,” kata Erlina.[]
Emergency Response Group PT Vale bekerja sama dengan masyarakat korban banjir bandang di Manado.
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Nourishing the Root of Awareness
IKVI visiting to one of the school away in Tabarano.
The intention to care has been rooted in the minds of PT Vale employees. They nourish the spirit through various social activities.
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Banking on monthly fee and a number of colleagues at PT Vale who share a common mission, Sufianto Gammara, an analyst at Laboratory & Sample House in Enggano, was inspired to help realize the dream of Ardin Pabarrang, a student from a lower income family in Sorowako, to pursue university degree. “Ardin is a student with average performance at his school. But he is persevere, polite, self-reliant, refraining from bad peer influence and determinate to continue his study at university,” says Grymen Paembonan, one of Gammara’s friends, recalled the initiative back in 2008. Gammara and Grymen collected monthly fee to cover Ardin’s cost of study. The good will was met with reception from fellow Vale employees: Eka Andayani Sapa, Wilson Tandi Rapa and Lina Tandioga. Ardin finally could
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go to Sandi Karsa Nursing Academy in Makassar and graduated with satisfying academic performance on Oct. 12, 2014. It turns out that the mutual assistance “virus” has spread. Ardin who is now working at Grestelina Hospital in Makassar is providing scholarship to unfortunate children. Grymen, although has moved to PT Pupuk Kaltim in Bontang, has continued to support students from lower income families along with his former colleagues at PT Vale.
Saving Lives Since he joined the Indonesia Prosperous Sorowako com munity volunte ers dialoque wi kindergarten te Labor Union (SBSI) at PT Vale, Gammara has th one of the achers in Nuha . involved fellow labor union members to help performing students who come from poor families. The union launched the Scholarship Program Social activities have also marked for Performing Students in May 2014. The program angles the Association of vale Indonesia Family (IKVI), which at elementary and secondary school students who live in boasts more than 3,000 wives of PT Vale employees. The four districts that fall under PT Vale’s empowerment project. activities of the housewives vary, ranging from cleaning Concern for education has also displayed by up their environment, raising education fund to hosting a Sorowako Community Volunteer (SCV). The community, seminar on HIV/AIDS. headed by Erlina Yuliarti, senior IT business partner from On the Kartini Day on April 21, 2014, for example, they the Department of Information Technology PT Vale, reaches visited remote classes of Tabarano and Amasi Cinta Damai out to the people of Sorowako and its neighboring areas primary schools in Wasuponda district to extend gifts. The and helps them. housewives played a quiz together with all the children, who Recently they organized a garage sale and used the enthusiastically welcomed the volunteers. proceeds to buy writing appliances, presentation materials In the health sector blood donation which has saved and facilities, mostly for students of Matano and Nuha many lives is not a strange agenda for PT Vale employees, kindergartens. The company extended assistance in the as evident in the “Blood for Human Life” which was held by form of a house to hold the garage sale and a container employees and contractors of the Department of General house as the SCV secretariat, which will help the volunteers Facilities & Services (GFS). The activity was a response to to realize their noble mission. demand for blood for transfusion which Regional Hospital I La Galigo in East Luwu was lacking.
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In the commemoration of K3 Month 2014, employees of PT Vale in Makassar took part in the blood donation program organized by state airport operator PT Angkasa Pura at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. On the International Labor Day PT Vale labor union in the chemical, energy, mining, oil and gas and general affairs department held blood donation program and entertainment for the public.
Humanitarian Relief PT Vale has five times sent its Emergency Response Group (ERG) to help disaster victims. The joint team, which comprises personnel from various departments, has started to conduct humanitarian mission when tsunami struck Nias in 2005, an earthquake devastated Yogyakarta in 2006 and Padang in 2009, Mount Merapi volcano erupted in 2010 and flashflood sunk Manado early in 2014. The ERG team conducted a search for victims, evacuated victims, and provided logistics and healthcare. Employees of PT Vale were also moved to extend humanitarian assistance in private. Grouped under the East Luwu Alliance for Humanitarian and Social Care, a number of Vale employees collected funds to help Vera Sari, a 15-year-old girl who suffers from kidney problems. Her belly has swollen and her health dropped. She lives with her parents in a makeshift house.
PT Vale's Emergency response Group to help victims of flooding in Manado.
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“I did not know the child and her family. I just happened to pass by when I saw people surround her. My heart was moved. Then I documented her health condition and started to raise fund to help her cover her operation,” says Arifuddin Arief, PT Vale’s Fire Prevention Technician, who heads the alliance. The fund, collected through public fund raising and music performance, has been handed to Vera in Palopo. Apart from assistance for Vera Sari, the alliance, which comprises employees and members of various youth groups, has organized a number of humanitarian activities, ranging from setting up disaster mitigation post, familiarization of fire alert response to campaign for safety riding. For some people, the willingness to help others stemmed from past experience as in the cases of Gammara and Grymen, who had felt desperation due to economic constraint that almost cost their bid to study in university. For others, the movement of sharing looks like a mood booster, search for happiness and a momentum to reflect the meaning of life. “When I can help others, I feel thankful for receiving a chance to share and bring changes, albeit small, so that those who are unfortunate can live a better life. I realize we do not live alone. Therefore we are obliged to help each other,” Erlina says. []
Migrasi ke Windows 7
Lebih Aman
dengan Performa Lebih Baik Workshop pengenalan fitur baru di Windows7 kepada karyawan.
Diskusi antara teknisi dan pemilik komputer sebelum di lakukan proses migrasi.
Information Technology Department PT Vale melakukan pemutakhiran sistem operasi komputer karyawan. Ditargetkan proyek ini rampung akhir tahun. Bagi perusahaan yang bergantung pada otomasi dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, sistem operasi mutakhir menjadi prioritas. Terkait hal itu, PT Vale melalui Departemen Teknologi Informasi, melakukan migrasi sistem operasi Windows XP ke versi 7 untuk komputer karyawannya. Keputusan ini diambil beberapa waktu setelah Microsoft (produsen Windows) mengumumkan tidak lagi men-support sistem operasi XP pada April 2014 silam. Vale secara khusus mengikat kerja sama dengan Microsoft untuk memperpanjang support Windows XP untuk Vale sampai April 2015. “Selain itu, juga rekomendasi Vale Brazil Global agar seluruh unit bisnis Vale di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, menggunakan Windows 7 sebagai standar global sistem operasi komputer karyawannya,” ungkap Aan Slamet Riyadi, Senior Technology Analyst of End User Computing, yang juga project manager untuk program ini. Tujuan migrasi sistem operasi ini bukan hanya untuk pemutakhiran aplikasi dan fitur yang ditawarkan Windows 7. Komitmen Microsoft memfokuskan supporting Windows
7 membuat operasional komputer penggunanya maupun sistem perusahaan lebih aman dari virus, malware, maupun hacker. Pasalnya, Microsoft memberikan update version untuk pemutakhiran sistem operasi. Selain itu, tambah Aan, Windows 7 memberikan tampilan dan fitur yang lebih kaya, simple, dan membuat kinerja komputer lebih baik. “Tentu hal ini sangat mendukung kinerja karyawan dalam bekerja,” ungkap dia. Proyek Migrasi Windows 7 ini dilakukan secara bertahap. Dimulai sejak Juli 2013, dengan mengidentifikasi dan audit aset unit komputer di lingkungan kerja PT Vale. Dari kegiatan ini diketahui ada sekitar 1.500 unit komputer yang perlu melakukan migrasi. Dilanjutkan dengan uji coba sistem operasi pada Oktober-November 2013. Pasca itu, hingga akhir tahun, migrasi dilakukan secara bertahap. “Saat ini sudah lebih dari 700 komputer berhasil melakukan migrasi. Kami targetkan selesai akhir tahun ini,” ujar Aan.
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Seorang teknisi IT sedang memeriksa aplikasi Windows 7.
Dalam implementasinya, IT Department disokong program Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 (MDT). MDT berfungsi menyesuaikan penyimpanan data dan program di hardisk komputer secara otomatis. Adanya MDT ini, memungkinkan user tidak perlu repot melakukan back up data di komputernya ketika melakukan instalasi Windows 7. Sedangkan durasi instalasi maksimal hanya 1-2 jam. Tanpa MDT, instalasi bisa hingga 4-6 jam. “Namun untuk berjaga-jaga agar data aman, kami tetap menyarankan user melakukan back up data,” tambah Aan. Dalam eksekusi instalasi, user karyawan/pemilik akun komputer PT Vale dibantu IT help desk agent melalui remote. Instalasi dengan MDT ini berbeda dengan proses upgrade manual. MDT bisa dilakukan langsung dari meja customer tanpa perlu membawa komputer mereka ke IT. Dalam project ini, IT Department didukung project team dari Metrocom Global Solusi menyangkut management project dan penguatan personel help desk. Dengan adanya proyek migrasi ini, Departemen IT juga dapat mengidentifikasi komputer yang perlu
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di-upgrading perangkat keras dan perangkat lunaknya. “Dari identifikasi, kami menemukan ada sekitar 200300 komputer karyawan yang memerlukan upgrading hardware untuk menunjang pekerjaan mereka,” ungkap Aan.
Perlu Beradaptasi Tantangan dalam implementasi proyek ini adalah adaptasi user menggunakan fitur dan aplikasi di Windows 7. “Misalnya, mereka yang kadung nyaman dan biasa menggunakan Excel 2003 dari Windows XP, tentu akan agak kaget dengan tampilan Excel 2010-Windows 7. User butuh adaptasi dengan hal ini,” ungkap Aan. Solusinya, pada awal September, HRPD (Human Resource and People Development) menggelar workshop pengenalan fitur baru Windows 7 kepada karyawan. IT Department juga merilis informasi fitur terbaru dan panduan operasionalisasi Windows 7 berupa modul maupun format video melalui kanal Learning Centre Department IT di intranet. []
Windows 7 Migration Project
Safer with Better Performance PT Vale Information Technology Department is upgrading its employee computer operation system. The project is targeted to complete at the end of the year.
Project leader was explaining migration system Windows 7 in the IT depatment.
For a company that relies on automation in running its business, up-to-date operating system is a priority. Related to the matter, PT Vale through the Department of Information Technology, is migrating its Windows XP operating system to Windows 7 version for its employees. The decision was taken recently after Windows producer Microsoft announced it would no longer support the XP operating system in April, 2014. Vale in particular has signed cooperation with Microsoft to extend the US-based company’s support for Windows XP for Vale until April 2015. “Besides, the migration is a recommendation from Vale Brazil Global that all Vale business units across the world, including Indonesia, use Windows 7 as the global computer operating system standard for its employees,” says Aan Slamet Riyadi, Senior Technology Analyst of End User Computing, who is the project manager of the program. The migration to Windows 7 will not only aims to upgrade applications and features. Microsoft’s commitment to focusing on its support for Windows 7 has provided protection to computer users and the corporate computer
One the activities in the training Windows 7 program.
system from viruses, malwares or hackers. The computer software company also offers updated version to improve its computer operating system. Aan added that Windows 7 offers richer but simpler features and better performance. “Of course this will support the performance of employees,” he said. The migration to Windows 7 is being conducted gradually. It started in July 2013 with identification and audit of computer units within PT Vale working area. The process found about 1,500 computer units required migration. It was followed with trial of the new operating
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Technician to check and move the data before running the migration to Windows 7.
system in October-November 2013. After that and until the end of the year migration will run in stages. “Currently more than 700 computer units have migrated. We have set the target of completing the migration at the end of the year,” Aan said. During the project implementation, the IT Department is supported by Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 (MDT) program. The MDT serves to keep data and programs in the computer hard disk automatically. The MDT allows users to not worry about backing up their data when installing Windows 7. The installation lasts a maximum of 1-2 hours. Without MDT it takes 4-6 hours. “But as a precaution measure to keep our data safe, we advise that users update their data,” Aan said. During the installation, each user employee or account owner of PT Vale computers received assistance from IT help desk agent remotely. Installation using MDT is different from manual upgrade process. MDT can be conducted directly from customer’s desk without having to bring his or her computer to the IT staff. Throughout the project, IT Department received support from a project team from Metrocom Global Solusi related to project management and help desk personnel capacity building. Thanks to the migration project the IT Department can identify computers that need hardware and software upgrade. “From identification, we discovered about 200-300 computers which need hardware upgrading to support their work,” said Aan.
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Windows 7 opera ting training for employees of PT Val e.
Adaption Needed The challenge in implementing the project is how to make users adapt to Windows 7 applications and features. “For example, they have already felt comfortable and been used to using Excel 2003 from Windows XP. Of course they will be slightly shocked to see the appearance of Excel 2010 from Windows 7. Users need adaption to the new system,” said Aan. As a solution, early in September, HRPD (Human Resource and People Development) held a workshop to introduce new features of Windows 7 to employees. The IT Department also released information related to the latest features and Windows 7 operational guideline in the form of modules or video through the Learning Center Department IT channel. []
Kontraktor Mandiri, Mendukung Program CSMS Sejak CSMS diluncurkan, secara bertahap perusahaan kontraktor didorong untuk mandiri memenuhi kebutuhan kapabilitas pekerjanya. Rangka-rangka scaffolding tampak berdiri menjulang. Matahari kian tinggi pagi itu. Tiga tim yang masing-masing beranggotakan 3-4 orang pemasang scaffolding dan inspektor tampak sibuk. Mereka tidak sedang mengerjakan proyek pemasangan scaffolding di area operasi PT Vale, melainkan mengikuti materi praktik pemasangan scaffolding untuk kategori heavy duty pada Pelatihan Scaffolding dan Sertifikasi Inspektor. Pelatihan ini diprakarsai PT Sinar Kasih, perusahaan kontraktor lokal yang mengerjakan project Asset Integrity PT Vale. Pelatihan enam hari tersebut diikuti oleh 14 orang yang terdiri dari pemasang scaffolding dan inspektor. Mereka berasal dari berbagai perusahaan kontraktor yang bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi seperti PT Towuti Purnama Jaya, PT Surya Bakti Utama Soroako, PT Sawerigading Utama, PT Puma Jaya Soroako, CV Karya Serindo Utama, PT Wekasa Karya, PT Farhan, dan PT Sapta Sekasa, selain pekerja dari PT Sinar Kasih sendiri. Pemateri latihan berasal dari Nusantara Traisser, perusahaan jasa pelatihan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia. “Pelatihan ini kami lakukan untuk menjawab kebutuhan kami sekaligus program CSMS PT Vale, bahwa kami perlu me-refresh wawasan scaffolding sekaligus memperbarui lisensi inspektor dan pekerja scaffolding,” kata Erwin Frederik, Site manager PT Sinar Kasih. Materi yang diberikan cukup beragam. Mulai dari standardisasi internasional hingga pengujian scaffolding, termasuk menjalani praktik mendirikan dan memeriksa scaffolding. Usai pelatihan, 14 pekerja tersebut mendapatkan sertifikasi inspektor scaffolding dengan masa berlaku 5 tahun. “Selain materi teknis scaffolding, kami juga membekali peserta dengan wawasan bekerja aman dan sanksi hukum bila melanggar ketentuan. Penekanannya, peserta mengerti, bukan mengejar sertifikat,” ujar Bambang Ariyadi, pemateri dari Nusantara Traisser.
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Jendris, salah satu peserta dari PT Karya Serindo Utama, mengaku mendapatkan wawasan baru dari pelatihan ini. “Kami diajari pentingnya menggambar konstruksi scaffolding sebelum mendirikannya. Selama ini kami tidak pernah melakukannya. Padahal dengan menggambar lebih dulu, dapat menjadi panduan ketika memilih material, mengukur kekuatannya dan mengetahui bearing pressure (tekanan ke tanah) sehingga scaffolding aman,” ujar pria yang telah menjadi inspektor scaffolding sejak 2005 ini.
Peluang Pelatihan ini merupakan bagian dari akselerasi perusahaan kontraktor rekanan PT Vale mendukung program Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) yang diluncurkan September tahun lalu. CSMS mensyaratkan perusahaan kontraktor berstatus self supervised menyediakan sendiri training yang dibutuhkan. Salah satunya adalah keahlian memasang scaffolding dan bekerja aman. Menurut Rifai Akbar, Project Engineer untuk project Asset Integrity, pelatihan seperti ini sangat penting untuk menyelaraskan dengan CSMS. Apalagi tuntutan kerja dengan menggunakan scaffolding di PT Vale cukup tinggi ketika shut down, perbaikan, atau perawatan Process Plant. Beberapa perusahaan kontraktor memandang tuntutan untuk menggelar pelatihan secara mandiri tersebut sebagai hal positif, bahkan melihatnya sebagai peluang. Jika sebelumnya kontraktor punya ketergantungan yang tinggi terhadap PT Vale untuk Pelatihan Scaffolding dan Sertifikasi Inspektor. Pelatihan ini diprakarsai PT Sinar Kasih,perusahaan kontraktor lokal yang mengerjakan project Asset Integrity PT Vale.
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menyelenggarakan pelatihan dan memperbarui lisensi, kini para kontraktor lokal diberi kesempatan untuk mandiri. “Ini menjadi peluang bagi kami untuk menyadari potensi. Bahwa ternyata kami punya potensi untuk terus berkembang secara mandiri,” kata Direktur PT Sinar Kasih, Yohel Patu Sibilang. Di sisi lain, memegang sertifikasi atas suatu bidang pekerjaan seperti scaffolding punya manfaat besar dan jangka panjang bagi suatu perusahaan kontraktor. Pernah suatu waktu pekerjaan mendirikan scaffolding di PT Vale dihentikan karena lisensi pekerja maupun pengawasnya sudah kedaluwarsa. Lebih jauh lagi, ketika memasuki era perdagangan bebas AFTA, tenaga kerja tanpa sertifikat dipastikan tidak bisa bersaing dengan tenaga kerja yang telah tersertifikasi. “Awal pelaksanaan CSMS memang terasa merepotkan. Banyak sekali dokumen yang harus dilengkapi. Tapi ternyata jika benar-benar dijalankan, banyak sekali manfaatnya. Biaya maintenance berkurang karena alat dan kendaraan harus selalu dicek, banyak kesalahan bisa dicegah, dan pekerjaan lebih lancar,” ungkap Erwin. CSMS hingga kini masih terus berbenah demi penyempurnaan. Kontraktor pun memberi masukan terkait mekanisme evaluasi. “Kami berharap evaluasi terhadap kontraktor bisa berjalan secara fair. Yang memang memenuhi standar diperhatikan, yang masih di bawah standar dibina. Jangan sampai ada kontraktor yang performanya bagus tapi dikesampingkan semata-mata karena faktor bujet. Mekanisme reward and punishment juga sebaiknya betul-betul diterapkan,” tambah Yohel. []
Self-reliant Contractors Support CSMS Program Since the inception of CSMS, contractor companies have gradually been encouraged to fulfill their workers’ need to improve their capability. Skeletons of scaffolding stand tall. The sun climbs up that morning. Three teams, each comprising 3-4 people, install the scaffolding and their inspector looks busy. They are not really working on a scaffolding installation project in the operational area of PT Vale, but practicing scaffolding installation for heavy duty category as part of the Scaffolding Training and
Inspector Certification program. The training was initiated by PT Sinar Kasih, a local contractor company which is conducting PT Vale’s Asset Integrity project. A total of 14 people, consisting of scaffolding installers and inspectors, took part in the six-day training. They came from various contractor companies which are specialized in construction service, such as PT Towuti Purnama Jaya, PT Surya Bakti Utama Soroako, PT Sawerigading Utama, PT Puma Jaya Soroako, CV Karya Serindo Utama, PT Wekasa Karya, PT Farhan and PT Sapta Sekasa, aside from PT Sinar Kasih employees. Instructors of the program came from Nusantara Traisser, a training and human resources development service provider. “The training program is held in response to our need and as part of PT Vale’s Contractor Safety
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Management System (CSMS). We need to refresh our perception of scaffolding, while at the same time renew the licenses of inspectors and scaffolding workers,” said Erwin Frederik, Site Manager of PT Sinar Kasih. The materials of the training varied. They ranged from international standardization to scaffolding testing, which include practicing how to install and examine scaffolding. After the training, the 14 workers received scaffolding inspector certificates which are effective for five years. “Apart from technical materials, we enrich participants with the perspective of working safely and facing legal sanction if violating the rule. The emphasis is the participants understand, not just vying for certificates,” Bambang Ariyadi, an instructor from Nusantara Traisser, said. Jendris, a participant from PT Karya Serindo Utama, said he received a new perspective during the training. “We were taught about the importance of drawing scaffolding construction before installation. We have so far failed to do that, while in fact the drawing will serve as a guideline when selecting materials, measuring its strength and ensuring bearing pressure so that scaffolding is safe,” said Jendris, who has been working as scaffolding installer since 2005.
Opportunity The training is part of efforts to accelerate contractor companies of PT Vale to support the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) which was launched in September last year. CSMS requires a contractor company to obtain the status of self supervised, or providing training for its employees itself. One of the skills needed is expertise in installing scaffolding safely. According to Rifai Akbar, Project Engineer for Asset Integrity project, such training is important to help employees adjust themselves to CSMS, especially because of high demand for the use of scaffolding in the event of 48
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shut down, repair work and maintenance of processing plant. A number of contractor companies deem the requirement for them to hold their own training independently is positive, or even serves as an opportunity. In the past contractors highly depended on PT Vale to organize training and renew licenses. But now contractors have opportunities to remain self-reliant. “This is an opportunity for us to realize our potentials. It turns out we have the potentials to keep growing independently,” PT Sinar Kasih director, Yohel Patu Sibilang, said. On the other hand, holding certificates that acknowledge certain skills such as scaffolding construction will give a contractor company huge and long-term benefits. A company lost its contract to install scaffolding for PT Vale because the licenses of its employees and inspectors were expired. Furthermore, when free trade under AFTA takes effect manpower without certificates will certainly be unable to compete with certified workers. “At the initial stage of CSMS implementation may be troublesome. There are many documents to fill in. But if everything is really conducted accordingly, many benefits will be reaped. Maintenance cost will go down because equipment and vehicles always have to undergo check, many mistakes will be avoided and the work will run smoothly,” Erwin said. Until today CSMS remains in need of improvement. Contractors can give advice related to evaluation mechanism. “We hope the evaluation of contractors can be conducted fairly. Those who meet the standard will be taken into account and those who fare below expectation will be upgraded. We don’t want to see contractors who perform well but are sidelined only because of budget constraint. Stick and carrot mechanism should really be adopted,” Yohel said. []
Semangat Menebar Ilmu MSE Sharing Knowledge merayakan dua tahun perjalanan kegiatannya. Apa saja manfaat yang telah diraih bagi individu pekerja dan perusahaan?
Sekadar berilmu bukanlah kekuatan. Berbagi ilmu baru menjadi kekuatan. Semangat inilah yang diyakini Tim Maintenance System and Engineering (MSE) PT Vale dan mendorong mereka berinisiatif melakukan kegiatan MSE Sharing Knowledge. Pertengahan September silam, tak terasa kegiatan ini telah memasuki tahun kedua. Syukuran kecil digelar di Utilities Meeting Room. Mulai dari presentasi, pemberian apresiasi kepada pemateri, hingga doorprize. Seperti semangatnya, kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjawab kebutuhan wawasan dan mengurangi kesenjangan ilmu di antara para profesional di PT Vale. Hal itu diungkapkan Slamet Suryanto, GM of Maintenance System & Engineering. “Semoga kelas ini tetap terus berlangsung, semakin berkembang dan memberi manfaat kepada seluruh tim MSE khususnya dan peserta lainnya pada umumnya,” ungkap Slamet. MSE Sharing Knowledge digelar tiap Jumat sebulan sekali ini, tidak hanya mengulas topik khusus internal seperti otomasi, mechanical civil, maupun electrical. Disiplin ilmu lain juga pernah diulas. Inti materi yang disampaikan baik basic knowledge, best practice, tips, dan aksi strategis. Pesertanya bukan hanya berasal dari Tim MSE, melainkan lintas departemen, termasuk para kontraktor.
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Sepanjang dua tahun, MSE Sharing Knowledge telah menggelar 26 kelas. Sebanyak 14 merupakan kelas umum (lintas disiplin ilmu) dan sisanya kelas khusus internal, yakni 8 kelas mechanical civil, dan 4 kelas otomasi. Sedangkan dari komposisi pematerinya melibatkan dua orang tingkat manager/general manager, tiga orang desainer, dan 21 orang engineer. Puncak acara spesial tersebut diisi dengan pemaparan hasil riset tiga pemateri, yakni Zainuddin (Sharing Knowledge Coordinator/Manager of Mechanical & Civil Process Plant & Utilities Engineering), Erwin Tandiayuk (Mechanical Engineer), dan Nixon Manik (Electrical Engineer). Mereka bertiga, yang merupakan alumni Magister Manajemen Universitas Hasanuddin di MSE, memaparkan hasil penelitian tesisnya terkait strategi dan implementasi Sharing Knowledge. Misalnya soal performa peserta karyawan dan kontraktor dan pembentukan lingkungan kerja yang lebih kondusif dan produktif. “Dari hasil penelitian itu, bisa disimpulkan ternyata ada gap ilmu di antara teman-teman selama ini. Kegiatan ini untuk menjawab kondisi tersebut, selain sejalan dengan nilai Vale, ‘Improve Together’. Kegiatan ini juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan presentasi bagi mereka yang pernah menjadi pemateri,” ujar Zainuddin.
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Perubahan Signifikan Menurut Erwin Tandiayuk perubahan yang sangat signifikan dari MSE Sharing Knowledge adalah semangat berbagi pengetahuan. “Kalau dulu pengetahuan hanya terfokus di beberapa orang, kini diketahui banyak orang. Dengan kebersamaan dan berbagi ilmu, bisa menjadi kekuatan dalam pengambilan keputusan demi menyelesaikan masalah,” ungkap Erwin Tandiayu, Mechanical Engineer. Semangat MSE Sharing Knowledge bukan melulu dalam kelas. Materi dan resumenya dapat diakses seluruh karyawan PT Vale lewat intranet PT Vale ke sub-bagian “Other Activity” melalui kanal Maintenance System & Engineering. Di dalamnya disajikan materi-materi sharing knowledge dan serial “Ayo Belajar Praktis”. []
The Spirit to Sow Knowledge MSE Sharing Knowledge celebrates its second year of journey. How it benefits individual employees and the company?
Knowledge is not necessarily a power. Sharing knowledge is. Such spirit has been shared by Maintenance System and Engineering (MSE) team at PT Vale and has encouraged them to initiate MSE Sharing Knowledge activities. In mid-September the activities entered their second year of existence. A modest thanksgiving event was held at Utilities Meeting Room. The gathering started with presentation and followed by award presentation to instructors and announcement of door prize winners. Parallel to its spirit, the activities are expected to respond to everybody’s need and cut the gap of knowledge between professionals in PT Vale, said Slamet Suryanto, GM of Maintenance System & Engineering. “Hopefully the class can continue and develop and benefits the entire MSE team especially all participants,” Slamet said. MSE Sharing Knowledge is held once a month every Friday. Participants do not only discuss special internal topics, such as automation, mechanical civil and electricity. Other sciences are also discussed. The materials conveyed include basic knowledge, best practice, tips and strategic actions.
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Participants do not come only from MSE Team, but other departments, including contractors. For two years running MSE Sharing Knowledge has held 26 classes, 14 of them were general (crossdiscipline) classes, and the rest were internal special classes, including 8 civil mechanical classes and 4 automation classes. When it comes to composition of instructors, there were two with managerial/general managerial level, three designers and 21 engineers. The highlight of the event was the presentation of research results by three resource persons: Zainuddin (Knowledge Sharing Coordinator/ Manager of Mechanical & Civil Process Plant & Utilities Engineering), Erwin Tandiayuk (Mechanical Engineer), and Nixon Manik (Electrical Engineer). All three of them— alumni of Hasanuddin University’s Master in Management program in MSE— presented their dissertation results on knowledge sharing strategies and implementation. The performance of employees and contractors, and establishment of a more favorable and productive working environment are among the issues presented. “Research showed an existing
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knowledge gap among colleagues. This activity hopes to address the issue, and is consistent with Vale’s value of improve together . It also aims to enhance the presentation skills of resource persons,” explained Zainuddin.
Significant Changes According to Erwin Tandiayu, a significant change in MSE Sharing Knowledge is evident in the enthusiasm to share knowledge. “Knowledge was previously concentrated to several individuals, but is now known to many. Togetherness and knowledge sharing can lead to better decision-making for solving problems,” stated Erwin Tandiayu, a mechanical engineer. MSE Sharing Knowledge is not confined to the classroom. Materials and hand-outs can be accessed by all PT Vale employees through the corporate-wide intranet under the “Other Activity” sub-section via the Maintenance Systems & Engineering channel. Under this heading, materials on knowledge sharing and the “Ayo Belajar Praktis” (Practical Learning) series are available. []
Lamella Gravity Settler
Menyempurnakan Pengolahan Limbah PT Vale Lebih irit lahan dengan hasil maksimal. Upaya mengelola kualitas air limbah pengolahan dan penambangan nikel untuk menurunkan kadar TSS (total suspended solid) menjadi salah satu fokus kinerja lingkungan PT Vale. Hal tersebut dilakukan PT Vale untuk menyelaraskan kegiatan operasionalnya sesuai ketentuan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 9 Tahun 2006 (Baku Mutu Air Limbah bagi Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Penambangan Bijih Nikel) dan AMDAL 225 PT Vale mengenai baku mutu air limbah. Maka dari itu, PT Vale pada 2014 mengambil langkah membangun instalasi pengelolaan air limbah berteknologi Lamella Gravity Settler (LGS) di daerah Rante, Sorowako. PT Vale bekerja sama dengan Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) dalam studi, pengembangan, dan implementasi LGS skala pilot project sejak 2012 silam. Teknologi ini memanfaatkan kolam-kolam pengendapan yang dilengkapi plat-plat dengan kemiringan 60 derajat sehingga pengendapan sedimen dalam air lebih efektif dibanding sistem kolam pengendapan konvensional. Kemampuan LGS mereduksi TSS berstatus “Sangat Baik” di atas 300 ppm. Sedangkan kolam konvensional hanya berstatus “Baik”. LGS juga mengadopsi teknik yang dipergunakan dalam pengolahan air di Perusahaan Air Minum (PAM). Selain kualitas lebih baik, lahan yang digunakan untuk pembuatan LGS juga lebih kecil. Dengan rasio 1:10, LGS hanya memerlukan lahan seluas 2.400 meter persegi dibandingkan kolam konvensional yang membutuhkan lahan seluas 24.000 meter persegi untuk melakukan treatment effluent bervolume 4.000 meter kubik per jam. Konstruksi LGS PT Vale memiliki spesifikasi 80 x 30 meter. Jika dikonversikan ke kolam konvensional, memerlukan area seluas 1,2 hektar. “Jadi hemat tempat dan meminimalisir lingkungan yang terdampak. LGS juga akan memaksimalkan lahan yang terbatas di area penambangan PT Vale Indonesia,” ujar Project Manager LGS, Topan Prasetyo.
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Meski demikian, keberadaan LGS tidak meniadakan kolam konvensional PT Vale yang telah ada (Rante Pond dan Pakalangkai). “Fungsinya justru terintegrasi dengan Rante Pond dan Pakalangkai, sekaligus mengoptimalkan pengolahan air limbah dengan membagi fungsi sesuai debit air yang masuk,” ungkap Anasrul, Project Engineer. LGS nantinya diprioritaskan untuk air limpasan dari area penambangan dengan volume 4.000 meter kubik/ jam. Selebihnya, diambil alih Pakalangkai (berkapasitas 3.000 meter kubik/jam) dan Rante Pond (10.000 meter kubik/jam). Kelebihan lain LGS adalah bekerja secara semiotomasi. Untuk pengoperasiannya cukup dilakukan dua operator, termasuk mengelola Pakalangkai Water Treatment.
Proyek Strategis LGS merupakan bagian dari proyek besar bernama Proyek Effluen, di antaranya pembuatan kolam konvensional dan water treatment facility dengan total
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biaya 4,3 juta dollar AS. Proyek ini merupakan bagian dari “6 Strategic Project” tahun 2014 yang dicanangkan PT Vale dan disetujui Vale Global. Perkembangan proyek dipantau dan dinilai Vale Global dan internal PT Vale sebagai bagian dari key performance indicator. Proyek ini melibatkan multi-departemen seperti Capital Project Manager, Engineering Services, Mining Operation, Supply Chain Management, dan Construction Service. Konstruksi LGS dimulai pada Agustus 2014 yang dikerjakan 4-7 perusahaan kontraktor lokal dan nasional. Jadwal beroperasinya ditargetkan awal 2015. []
Lamella Gravity Settler
Improving Wastewater Treatment PT Vale More efficient land use with maximum results. Managing the quality of wastewater treatment and nickel mining in order to reduce TSS (total suspended solids) is one of PT Vale’s key environmental concerns. PT Vale deems it necessary to align its operations with Regulation No. 9/2006 of the Indonesian Ministry of Environmental Affairs concerning Wastewater Quality Standards for Nickel Ore Mining Business and/or Operations and PT Vale’s AMDAL 225 (Environmental Impact Analysis) on wastewater quality standard. In 2014, PT Vale therefore took the initiative to build a wastewater treatment installation using the Lamella Gravity Settler (LGS) technology in Rante, Sorowako. PT Vale has worked with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) on a pilot project for LGS research, development and implementation since 2012.
This technology makes use of settling ponds equipped with plate settlers positioned at a 60-degree angle of inclination, resulting in more effective sedimentation compared to the conventional sediment pond system. LGS’s ability to reduce TSS is “highly satisfactory” at above 300 ppm compared to a conventional pond’s “satisfactory” performance. LGS also adopts the water treatment method applied by the stateowned water utility (PAM). Apart from improved quality, LGS also takes up less land area. With a 1:10 ratio, LGS only requires 2,400 sqm of land in contrast to 24,000 sqm for conventional ponds for the treatment of 4,000 cubic meters per hour of effluent. The construction of PT Vale’s LGS covers 80 x 30 meters. Converting it into a conventional pond would require 1.2 hectares of land. “It is economical in terms of space and minimizes affected areas. LGS also maximizes the use of limited land around PT Vale Indonesia’s mining area,” explained Topan Prasetyo, LGS Project Manager.
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Nevertheless, the presence of LGS does not negate PT Vale’s existing conventional pond (Rante Pond and Pakalangkai). “Its function is integrated with Rante Pond and Pakalangkai, and optimizes wastewater treatment by taking on different functions according to the level of inflowing water discharge,” said Anasrul, a Project Engineer. LGS will later be prioritized for water runoffs from mining areas with a volume of 4,000 cubic meters per hour. The rest will go through Pakalangkai (3,000 cubic meters/hour) and Rante Pond (10,000 cubic meters/hour). Another advantage of LGS is that it works in a semi-automated manner. Only two operators are needed, including for operating the Pakalangkai water treatment facility.
Strategic Project LGS is part of the large-scale Effluent Project which includes the installation of a conventional pond and water treatment facility costing US$ 4.3 million. The project comes under the “6 Strategic Projects” for 2014 launched by PT Vale with approval from Vale Global. Project progress is monitored and evaluated by Vale Global and internally by PT Vale as a key performance indicator. This cross-departmental project involves the Capital Project Manager, Engineering Services, Mining Operation, Supply Chain Management, and Construction Service. The construction of LGS commenced in August 2014 by 4-7 local and national contractors. It is scheduled to start operations by early 2015. []
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Tantangan di Balik Kemudi Haul Master
Di antara pot-pot berisi slag berbobot puluhan ton dengan suhu ribuan derajat Celsius, kecepatan dan presisi sangat dituntut. Inilah salah satu profesi yang menjadi andalan keberhasilan operasi PT Vale. Mengelola dan mengangkut slag (sisa pengolahan nikel) di area Furnace dan Converter, bukanlah perkara mudah. Dalam hitungan menit, volume slag bersuhu 1.500-1.550 derajat Celsius yang perlu dibuang itu, bisa mencapai puluhan ton. Terlambat diangkut bisa berefek delay pada produksi bahkan berbahaya bagi operasi. Tak heran pekerjaan ini ditangani tim khusus bernama slag handling. Salah satu tim krusialnya adalah operator haul master, pengendara unit kendaraan berbobot mati
250 ton yang dilengkapi pot pengangkut slag. Jumlah tim ini sedikitnya 25 orang, sebanyak 12 bertindak sebagai operator haul master yang beroperasi secara shift. Abdullah adalah salah satunya. Pria kelahiran Palopo 22 Februari 1967 ini menjadi operator haul master sejak 1999. Dia seorang yang paling berpengalaman yang dimiliki PT Vale. Pagi itu, Halo Vale berencana menemui Abdullah di lapangan untuk wawancara singkat dan pengambilan foto. Namun tampaknya pekerjaan Abdullah berkejaran dengan waktu. Setelah menunggu sekitar satu jam dari jadwal pertemuan, akhirnya kami berhasil menemui dia difasilitasi Pallawarukka, Shift Coordinator Slag Handling. “Hari ini kami padat sekali. Sepertinya Pak Abdullah tidak mungkin meninggalkan pekerjaannya,” ujar Pallawarukka, atasan Abdullah, memberi isyarat. Melihat waktu yang singkat itu, pertemuan hanya kami manfaatkan untuk sesi pemotretan. Tak sampai 30 menit kemudian, Abdullah sudah menghilang. Dia langsung masuk ke dalam kabin haul master-nya dan kembali bekerja. Namun kami sempat membuat janji untuk bertemu sore hari, setelah jam kerja untuk wawancara.
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“Maaf, tadi saya tidak punya banyak waktu. Hari ini aliran slag begitu deras dari tiga converter sekaligus. Furnace dalam performa maksimal,” ujar Abdullah kepada Halo Vale. Hari itu bisa dibilang hari istimewa bagi Abdullah. Selama dia menjadi operator haul master, hari itu dia mengangkut sampai 20 pot! Padahal biasanya hanya 14 pot. “Ini bisa dibilang rekor,” tegas dia tersenyum. Bila performa pabrik pada level maksimal, operator haul master memang dituntut kerja ekstra keras dan berkejaran dengan waktu. Pasalnya, bila slag tidak segera ditampung dan dibuang haul master ke slag dump area, pabrik bisa mengalami delay dan berbahaya, karena slag meluber. Bekerja dengan waktu yang presisi hanya sebagian kecil tantangan profesi ini. Mengoperasikan haul master yang berkarakter khas ini juga perlu keterampilan khusus. Dengan bentuk bodi bagian depan memiliki lebar 3 meter dan ekor selebar 6 meter, bukanlah perkara mudah ketika memarkirkan dan mengendarainya. “Kalau tidak pas, haul master bisa menyenggol, menabrak, atau terperosok,” ujar dia. Tantangan bertambah karena kendaraan ini tidak memiliki suspensi. Pegas untuk meredam goncangan kendaraan hanya mengandalkan suspensi di bagian jok dudukan operator.
Kunci Sukses Selain kepiawaian mengemudi, keterampilan wajib lainnya adalah mahir mengoperasikan panel dan tuas di kabin untuk mengangkut pot slag. Apalagi satu pot sekali angkut bisa berbobot 22-40 ton slag. “Bagian pekerjaan ini perlu ketelitian, soalnya penjepit untuk mengangkat pot benar-benar pas dengan ‘kuping’ pot-nya. Kalau tidak pas,
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pot bisa goyang, jatuh, atau terbalik dan isinya pun tumpah. Ini sangat berbahaya,” ujar Abdullah. Bila hal itu yang terjadi, bisa dipastikan mesin haul master akan terbakar dan rusak tersiram slag bersuhu super panas itu. Pasalnya, gerakan hidrolik angkut pot memang ke arah kendaraan. “Maka itu, profesi ini punya tiga kunci sukses agar berhasil: tenang, sabar, dan jeli,” ujar Abdullah membeberkan kiatnya bekerja aman. Demi keselamatan, kecepatan haul master ketika melaju pun ditetapkan tidak boleh melebihi 18 kilometer per jam. Kenyamanan operator juga menjadi perhatian PT Vale. Kabin unit dilengkapi dengan pendingin udara dan radio untuk komunikasi. “Kalau dua alat ini ada gangguan, ada peraturan unit tidak boleh dioperasikan. Selain tiga tips tadi, stamina dan kebugaran menjadi kunci penting bagi seorang operator haul master. Abdullah menjaga hal tersebut dengan istirahat cukup dan rutin berolahraga. “Setidaknya seminggu sekali bermain tenis dengan teman-teman,” tambah pria yang telah dianugerahi 4 orang anak ini. []
PT Vale memiliki 17 unit haul master. Dalam satu shift bisa beroperasi 12 unit, selebihnya stand by atau bergantian untuk PM Check. Menurut Pallawarukka, dalam satu shift, bisa mencapai 150-160 pot slag dan 14-20 pot low nickel (slag converter) yang diangkut. Satu pot berkisar 60 ton slag. Artinya, selama 8 jam kerja atau satu shift bisa mencapai 9.500 -10.000 ton slag dan low nickel. “Pak Abdullah adalah operator senior haul master. Jam terbangnya tinggi dan beliau berperilaku baik,” ujar Pallawarukka memberi kesan kepada anggota timnya itu.
Challenges Behind the Wheels of the Haul Master In between pots filled with slags weighing dozens of tons at temperatures reaching over a thousand degrees Celsius, speed and precision is of utmost importance. This is one of the many activities that PT Vale relies on for its smooth operation. Managing and hauling these slags (nickel processing residues) at the furnace and converter areas is not easy. In a matter of minutes, the volume of molten slags at 1,500-1,550 degrees Celsius that need to be disposed can reach tens of tons. Any delay in haulage can hold back production and even endanger operational activities. This particular type of work not surprisingly is carried out by a special team known as the slag handling team. One of the key members of this team is the haul master operator who drives a 250-ton vehicle equipped with slag pots. From the 25-member team, 12 of them are haul master operators working on shifts. Abdullah is one of them. Born in Palopo on 22 February 1967, Abdullah has been a haul master operator since 1999. He is one of PT Vale’s employees most experienced in his field of work. On one particular morning, Halo Vale had planned to meet Abdullah for an on-site interview and photo session. In carrying out his work, Abdullah appears to be racing with time.
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After waiting for an hour from the scheduled appointment, we finally got to meet Abdullah with help from Pallawarukka, the Slag Handling Shift Coordinator. “We have a tight schedule ahead of us. Abdullah cannot afford to leave his work for long,” warned Pallawarukka, Abdullah’s supervisor. Fully aware of the time constraint, we decided that there was only enough time for a photo session. In less than 30 minutes, Abdullah had to leave. He immediately slid into the haul master cabin and went back to work. However, he promised to meet us again later in the evening after work for the interview. “I apologize for not having the time earlier. The slags flow rate today was particularly high, coming from three converters at once. The furnace was performing at its maximum,” related Abdullah to Halo Vale. That day was an exceptional one for Abdullah. Throughout his career as a haul master operator, he had hauled almost 20 pots that day from the usual 14 pots on average. “That’s a record amount,” he admitted with a smile. When the plant operates at its maximum capacity, the haul master operator is expected to work extra hard, racing with time. If slags are not handled at once and the haul master fails to dispose them to the slag dumping area in a timely fashion, the plant will experience delays and become hazardous when the slag spills over. Working with precise handling and timing is only a minor challenge for this profession. Operating a haul master with specific features also requires specialized skills. With a 3-meter-wide front body and 6-meter-wide tail, it is not easy to park and drive the hauler. “If you’re not precise, the haul master can bump and crash, or slip,” he said. It becomes even more of a challenge as the vehicle comes without a suspension system. A suspension mechanism is only in place at the operator’s seat to lessen the impact of vibrations when driving the vehicle.
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Key to Success Aside from driving skills, another requirement is the adeptness in operating cabin panels and levers to transport slag pots, particularly as a single pot can weigh 22-40 tons. “This part of the job requires precision as the clamps to lift the pots fit the pot ‘ears’ just nicely. If it is not precise, the pot will wobble, fall or overturn causing the contents to spill. This would be very dangerous,” explained Abdullah. If this happens, the haul master’s engine will be seared and damaged by the spilled molten slag. This is because the hydraulic supports lifting the pots are positioned towards the vehicle. “The key to success for this profession is being calm, patient and watchful,” added Abdullah, giving tips on work safety. Occupational safety can also be assured by maintaining the speed limit of the vehicle to no more than 18 km/hour. PT Vale also pays heed to the comfort of the operator. The cabin is furnished with air condition and communication radio. “If there is trouble to any of this equipment, the unit will not be operated.” Apart from the aforementioned tips, stamina and being in good form is equally critical for a haul master operator. Abdullah maintains both by taking adequate rest and regular exercise. “I play tennis at least once a week with friends,” said the father of four. PT Vale owns 17 units of haul masters In a single shift, 12 units are in operation while the rest on standby or take turns for PM Check. According to Pallawarukka, in a work shift some 150-160 slag pots and 14-20 low nickel pots (slag converter) are being hauled. A pot contains 60 tons of slag. Within 8 working hours or one shift, the total volume of slag and low nickel can reach 9,500-10,000 tons. “Abdullah is a senior haul master operator. He has considerable experience and proven good conduct,” praised Pallawarukka of his team member. []
Tim Kasti Minex Department
Kompak di Lapangan, Langganan Juara Para istri karyawan PT Vale memilih hobi olahraga. Hasilnya, kekompakan tercipta, kesenangan didapat. Kasti memang olahraga yang sangat populer di Indonesia, terutama di kalangan siswa sekolah. Dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan (Penjaskes), kasti menjadi salah satu materi yang diajarkan oleh guru dan disukai siswa. Siapa sangka ketertarikan terhadap olahraga kasti terus berlanjut hingga dewasa? “Saya dari dulu, dari masih sekolah, memang sudah hobi olahraga. Voli, bulutangkis, lari, semua saya suka. Kasti apalagi. Ini, kan, permainan yang dulu sering kami lakukan di sekolah. Sampai sekarang masih terus main kasti,” kata Sumarni Bahar, akrab dipanggil Ibu Bahar, Kapten Tim Mining and Exploration Department (Minex) 1. Tim ini juara bertahan Vale Cup tiga tahun berturut-turut. Tim kasti Minex beranggotakan istri karyawan Mining and Exploration Department PT Vale. Karena departemen tersebut memiliki banyak karyawan, sementara antusiasme para istri untuk unjuk kebolehan di bidang olahraga sangat besar, maka dibentuk empat tim. “Banyak sekali ibu-ibu di sini yang pintar bermain kasti. Sayang kalau hanya satu atau dua tim yang bisa maju di turnamen. Akhirnya, kami memutuskan untuk membentuk empat tim kasti di Departemen Mining ini,” kata pembina tim, Rohani Kambatu, istri Basri Kambatu, SGM of Mines and Exploration Department.
Langganan Juara Vale Cup, turnamen kasti antar-departemen yang diadakan tiap tahun oleh Ikatan Keluarga Vale Indonesia (IKVI), sudah memasuki penyelenggaraan keempat kali pada November 2014. Sejak pertama kali digelar, Tim Minex 1 tiga kali menjadi juara dan berhak atas piala bergilir. Memang itulah misi tim kasti Minex: mempertahankan gelar juara, merebut piala bergilir tiga kali berturut-turut, dan menjadikannya piala tetap.
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
Maka latihan menjadi kegiatan wajib. Seperti tampak para suatu sore di hari Sabtu, akhir Agustus lalu. Meskipun matahari masih bersinar terik dan cuaca terasa panas, 24 anggota tim kasti Minex tampak bersemangat menjalani latihan di Lapangan Timor Maluku atau biasa disebut Lapangan Tima. Mengenakan kostum kebanggaan mereka berwarna biru-kuning, sesi latihan itu tampak ceria diselingi canda tawa. “Ini tidak semua hadir. Kalau datang semua jauh lebih ramai dan seru,” kata Ibu Bahar yang juga istri Bahar Riwa, Koordinator Shift Mining Stripping East C. Satu tim kasti terdiri atas 12 orang pemain utama dan 2 pemain cadangan. Maka total anggota tim kasti Mines and Exploration Department PT Vale 56 orang. Mereka tinggal di Sorowako, Towuti, hingga Wasuponda. Tidak jarang, anggota tim kasti Minex memperkuat tim kasti di domisili masing-masing dalam berbagai turnamen, seperti 17 Agustus atau turnamen kasti antar-desa. Setiap tim dalam tim kasti Minex memiliki satu orang kapten dan satu manajer. Kapten bertugas mengatur strategi di lapangan, sementara manajer memberi motivasi kepada seluruh anggota tim. Misalnya, Manajer Tim Minex 2, drg. Siti Nurjanah, istri GM of Mine Production Petea, Agung Nugroho, datang saat sesi latihan untuk menyaksikan langsung aksi timnya, sekaligus memberikan semangat dari pinggir lapangan.
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Dukungan Keluarga Menjalani hobi tentu memakan waktu. Satu kali latihan, tim kasti Minex menghabiskan sekitar 90 menit, mulai dari pemanasan dan latihan inti. Menjelang pertandingan, latihan intensif dua kali seminggu dijalani. Bagi anggota tim yang seluruhnya adalah istri sekaligus ibu, dukungan suami dan keluarga menjadi sangat penting. “Para suami support sekali dengan kegiatan kami. Mereka pasti tahu kalau olahraga itu banyak manfaatnya. Bahkan di awal-awal tim ini terbentuk, suami saya sendiri yang melatih tim kasti ini. Dia ajari kami menangkap dan memukul bola,” kata Rohani. Punya hobi memang sangat penting untuk mengendurkan saraf, mencari kegembiraan, dan rehat sejenak dari rutinitas. Ketika dilakukan bersama-sama dalam sebuah tim atau komunitas, hobi menjadi wadah silaturahmi dan menjalin persahabatan. Bagi para istri karyawan Mining and Exploration Department, kebersamaan tidak berhenti saat kegiatan melempar, menangkap, dan memukul bola di lapangan kasti berakhir. Mereka berencana mengadakan bakti sosial ke kelompok masyarakat yang memerlukan bantuan. Dana berasal dari iuran anggota. “Tim kami ini sangat solid. Di lapangan maupun di luar lapangan, kami kompak. Kekompakan inilah yang harus kami pertahankan dan kami salurkan ke berbagai kegiatan yang bermanfaat. Ya, bermanfaat bagi kami maupun orang-orang di sekitar kami,” kata Rohani. []
Minex Department Kasti Team
United on the Pitch, Undefeated Champion
The spouses of PT Vale employees are sports enthusiasts. The spirit of unity is fostered, while having fun and enjoyment. Kasti is a popular sport in Indonesia, mainly among students. It is included in the PE (physical education) curriculum taught by teachers and enjoyed by students. Who would have guessed that the interest in kasti will continue to adulthood? “From early on, ever since in school I have always enjoyed sports. Volleyball, badminton, sprint, I enjoyed all of them. Particularly kasti. It is a game that we often play in school. Even until now, I still play kasti,” said Sumarni Bahar, known as Ibu Bahar, captain of Minex (Mines and Exploration Department) Team 1. The team is the reigning Vale Cup champion for three consecutive years.
The Minex kasti team consists of the wives of PT Vale’s Mines and Exploration Department staff. Given the considerable number of employees in the department and the keenness of their spouses in sports, four teams were formed. “Many of the ladies here are good at kasti. It would be a pity if only one or two teams compete in the tournament. We eventually decided to establish four teams at this department,” explained Rohani Kambatu, team advisor and wife of Basri Kambatu, SGM of Mines and Exploration Department.
Undefeated Champion The Vale Cup is an inter-departmental kasti tournament held annually by the Indonesian Vale Families Association (IKVI). It has now entered its fourth year in November 2014. Since it was first held, Minex Team 1 has been winning the Vale Cup trophy. The team’s mission is indeed to defend the title, secure the trophy for three times in a row and become the reigning champion. Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
Training is therefore compulsory. This can be observed on a Saturday evening in late August. In spite of the scorching heat, 24 Minex team members can be seen undergoing intense training at the Timor Maluku Grounds or known as Lapangan Tima. Wearing their blue and yellow uniform with pride, the training session is interspersed with moments of fun and joy. “Not everyone is here today. If all members were present it would truly be a riot,” commented Ibu Bahar, wife of Bahar Riwa, Stripping East C Mining Shift Coordinator. A kasti team comprises of 12 main players and 2 reserves. PT Vale’s Mines and Exploration Department kasti teams have a total of 56 members. They live in different areas, Sorowako, Towuti or Wasuponda and often play for their respective local teams in various tournaments, such as during Independence Day celebrations every August 17th or inter-village kasti tournament. Each Minex kasti team has a captain and manager. The captain sets the on-field strategy and tactics while the manager motivates team members. Minex Team 2 Manager, Siti Nurjanah, wife of GM of Mine Production Petea, Agung Nugroho, for example comes for training sessions to personally observe progress made by the team and motivate players at the sideline.
Family Support Playing sports as a hobby takes up personal time. A training session for the Minex kasti team can last for 90 minutes from warming up to the actual training. Prior to a game, intensive training is held twice a week. For team
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members who are all wives and mothers, the support of their husbands and family members is crucial. “Our husbands fully support our activities. They of course are aware of the many benefits of sports. In the early stage when this team was formed, my husband himself trained the team members. He taught us to catch and hit the ball,” said Rohani. Taking up a hobby can be considerably beneficial for relaxing the nerves, having fun and taking a break from daily routines. If done collectively in a team or community, the hobby becomes a medium for nurturing social ties and friendship. For the wives of the Mines and Exploration Department staff, the sense of togetherness does not end once all the ball throwing, catching and hitting stops. They plan to organize social activities to help those in need. Funds will be raised from membership fees. “We have a very solid team. On or off the field, we stay united. This togetherness must be maintained and we share it by holding various constructive activities. Activities that are beneficial to us and those around us,” explained Rohani. []
Sehat Selamat
Konsumsi Buah, Menekan Asam Urat
Mengurangi kadar asam urat dengan cara alami. Penyakit asam urat atau arthritis gouty bukanlah penyakit berbahaya. Angka kematian penderitanya sangat kecil, tapi dalam fase tertentu dapat mengakibatkan cacat permanen penderitanya. Namun, penyakit ini kerap membuat penderitanya tersiksa saat kambuh. Persendian di jari-jari kaki, pergelangan kaki, dan lutut terasa nyeri, sehingga jalan pun terpincang-pincang. Asam urat berada di peringkat 6 dari 10 besar penyakit berdasarkan data sick leave RS Inco tahun 2012 dan 2013. Penyakit radang sendi ini disebabkan penumpukan protein purin pada persendian akibat tubuh gagal memecahnya. Pola makan masyarakat modern yang mengandung banyak purin seperti daging merah, kacangkacangan, ragi, cokelat, ragi dan seafood (khususnya udang, tuna, lobster, dan kerang), memicu penyakit ini. Salah satu cara efektif untuk mencegah dan menekan asam urat bagi si penderita adalah menjaga pola dan menu makannya.
Jenis makanan lain yang diketahui mengandung purin tinggi adalah gula dan sirup jagung tinggi fruktosa dan bir. Bahkan beberapa jenis sayuran juga, seperti bayam, asparagus, kacang polong, dan kembang kol. Kendati demikian, ada pula beberapa makanan yang mampu melawan asam urat, antara lain produk-produk susu rendah lemak, karbohidrat kompleks, kopi, dan buah jeruk. Buah adalah makanan yang paling efektif untuk menekan penumpukan protein purin di persendian. Khususnya buah yang kaya Vitamin C seperti ceri, jeruk nipis, stroberi/blueberry dan sari apel/cuka apel. Mengonsumsi sedikitnya 500 miligram Vitamin C secara rutin setiap hari dapat meminimalkan risiko penyakit asam urat. “Buah ceri bisa mengurangi inflamasi (peradangan dalam tubuh), termasuk peradangan sendi yang diakibatkan asam urat,” ujar praktisi kesehatan asal New York, AS, dr Manny Alvarez. Ceri dapat mengurangi dan mengobati asam urat secara alami karena buah ini mengandung sifat anti-inflamasi bernama anthocyanin.
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
Sehat Selamat
Ragam Buah Ada pula jeruk nipis. Buah dengan rasa asam dan sangat diminati masyarakat ini mampu melarutkan kristal dan membuang racun dari tubuh. Buatlah air perasan jeruk nipis dengan diseduh air hangat sebagai minuman Anda. Sari buah apel atau cuka sari apel juga dapat mengobati asam urat. Caranya, tambahkan tiga sendok teh cuka sari apel ke dalam segelas air. Kemudian minum 2-3 kali setiap hari. Bila tidak ada, Anda juga dapat membuat jus apel sebagai subtitusinya. Selain Vitamin C, penderita asam urat juga masih bisa mengonsumsi protein yang berasal dari produk susu atau daging dengan syarat tidak mengandung lemak, dan disarankan tidak manis. Beberapa sumber protein tersebut, misalnya, susu rendah lemak, yogurt atau daging merah tanpa lemak (lean meat) dan daging ayam tanpa lemak. []
Halo Vale 11 | Tahun 2014
Sehat Selamat
Menu Makanan Rekomendasi Mayoclinic
Tips Mengendalikan Kadar Asam Urat
1. Konsumsi Serat
Sereal dengan susu rendah dengan topping irisan buah segar. Roti bakar tanpa mentega. Sari buah murni tanpa gula. Kopi.
Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan, makanan kaya serat sangat bermanfaat untuk menetralisir asam urat dalam tubuh. Sayuran dan buah adalah jawaban untuk menu sehat ini.
Makan Siang:
Minyak jenis ini mengandung asam lemak lebih rendah daripada minyak goreng jenis lainnya, sehingga sangat cocok bagi penderita asam urat.
Daging tanpa lemak, ayam atau ikan (2-3 ons) dan sayuran dari selada, tomat. Sayur sop dari wortel dan seledri. Buah segar seperti apel, jeruk dan pir. Susu tanpa lemak.
Makan Malam: Ayam dibakar (2-3 ons) Sayur rebus/kukus atau kentang bakar. Salad tomat dan selada. Buah segar seperti stroberi atau melon. Minuman non-alkohol seperti air putih atau teh.
2. Minyak Zaitun untuk Memasak
3. Hindari Makanan Manis Kadar gula yang tinggi dari makanan manis dapat memicu naiknya kadar asam urat. Karena itu, hindari makanan tinggi gula.
4. Perbanyak Air Putih Dengan memperbanyak minum air putih, asam urat akan keluar dengan mudah melalui urin.
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Eating Fruits, Preventing Gouty Arthritis Reducing the risk of gout with naturally ways. Gouty arthritis is not a dangerous condition. It has an extremely low mortality rate, but at certain phases it can lead to permanent disability. For gout sufferers however the pain would be more intense if the condition recurs. Severe pain in the joints, usually on the feet, ankles and knees can cause the sufferer to walk with a heavy limp. Gout is ranked sixth among the 10 major diseases according to the sick leave data of Inco Hospital for 2012 and 2013. The inflammation of the joints is attributed to the building up of purines in the joints as the body fails to properly break them down. The dietary patterns of modern society lead to an excessive amount of purine intake typically present in red meat, beans, yeast, chocolate and seafood (especially prawns, tuna, lobsters and shellfish), and this can trigger a gout attack. One of the effective ways of preventing a gout flare is to maintain a healthy balanced diet. Large amounts of purines are also found in sugar and high-fructose corn syrup and beer. Certain vegetables are loaded with purine such as spinach, asparagus, peas and cauliflower. Nevertheless, there are foods that can reduce the risk of gout such as low-fat dairy products, complex carbohydrates, coffee and citrus fruits. Fruits are the most effective for decreasing excess purine in the joints, especially vitamin C-rich fruits such as cherries, limes, strawberries/blueberries and apple juice/cider vinegar.
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Consuming at least 500 mg of vitamin C regularly on a daily basis can minimize the risk of developing gout. “Cherries can reduce inflammation, including swelling of the joints as a result of gout,” stated Dr. Manny Alvarez, a health practitioner from New York, U.S. Cherries are effective in alleviating and treating a gout attack naturally as the fruit contains anthocynanin with anti-inflammatory properties.
Different Fruit Varieties The citric acid in limes can dissolve crystal buildups and detoxify the body. It would be beneficial to drink freshly squeezed lime juice added with warm water. Apply juice or apple cider vinegar is another home remedy for gout. Add three teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink 2-3 times daily. You can also drink apple juice as a substitute. Apart from vitamin C, gout sufferers can eat proteins from dairy products or meat providing they remain fat free and non-sweetened. Several excellent sources of protein are low-fat milk and yoghurt or lean meat and poultry. []
Mayo Clinic Recommended Menu Breakfast: • Cereal with low-fat milk and topped with fresh fruit slices • Toast without butter • Sugar-free pure fruit juice • Coffee Lunch: • Lean milk, poultry or fish (2-3 oz) and vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes) • Vegetable soup with carrots and celery • Fresh fruit such as apple, orange and pear • Fat-free milk Dinner: • Grilled chicken (2-3 oz) • Boiled/Steamed vegetables or grilled potatoes • Tomato and lettuce salad • Fresh fruit such as strawberries or melon • Non-alcoholic drinks such as plain water or tea
Tips for Controlling Uric Acid Levels 1. Eat More Fiber Several studies have shown that fiber-rich foods are helpful in neutralizing uric acids. Vegetables and fruits are the main healthy diet. 2. Use Olive Oil for Cooking This type of oil contains less fatty acids than other cooking oil and suitable for gout sufferers. 3. Avoid Sugary Foods As high sugar content in foods can cause uric acid levels to spike, it would be wise to refrain from eating sugary food. 4. Drink More Water By drinking plenty of plain water, uric acid can be excreted through urine.
Tahun 2014 | Halo Vale 11
Kuis / quiz
Jawab pertanyaan di bawah dengan membaca artikel “Konsumsi Buah, Menekan Asam Urat” di Rubrik “Sehat Selamat”.
Makanan apa saja yang pantang dikonsumsi penderita asam urat? a. Ceri b. Daging tanpa lemak c. Wortel d. Cokelat
Buah yang mengandung vitamin apa yang baik untuk penderita asam urat? a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D
Apa saja jenis seafood yang dapat memicu asam urat kambuh a. Kerang b. Tuna c. Lobster d. Semua benar
Penderita asam urat baik mengonsumsi protein yang berasal dari: a. Susu rendah lemak b. Telur puyuh c. Jeroan sapi d. Daging merah
Tip mengendalikan kadar asam urat: a. Konsumsi serat b. Memasak dengan minyak zaitun c. Heindari makan manis d. Semua benar
Pemenang Kuis Halo Vale 10 : 1. Yulianus Upa, Process Plant, 6427 2. Marline L. Siregar, Shipping & Traffic, 8115 3. Muliati, PT Dwiqa Shara Solusi, C10606 4. Arman Husain, Minex, 6633 5. Yohanis Sangkala, Process Plant, 8969 6. Abdul Wahid, MEM, 10852 7. Markus Tomassawa, Utlities, 6544 8. Yulius Mangera, Minex, 7207 9. Muh. Tahang, Process Plant, 6426 10. Natalia Tandi Ayu, YPS, 354
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