Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Rokycany, Mládežníků 1115 Číslo projektu:
Číslo šablony:
Název materiálu:
Mobile phones
3. a 4. ročník
Identifikace materiálu:
SIL_22_Mobile phones
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Alena Silbernáglová
Anglický jazyk
Tematický celek:
Maturitní témata SOŠ
Materiál obsahuje prezentaci pro 3. část maturitní zkoušky SOŠ. Prezentace se skládá z osnovy k danému tématu, výkladové části a konverzačních otázek.
27. 3. 2013
Mobile phones T1: Basic facts • • • • •
Description Functions First mobiles Pros and cons Other
T2: Your experience with using a mobile phone • • • • •
Your mobile Favourite functions Texting vs. calling School Other
T1 – Description mobile phone (cell phone, handy – infml.) = a small telephone that people can take with them and use outside their homes *(OALD) • Types of mobile phones basic phone = a mobile phone offering basic functions (calling, texting, applications: alarm, calculator, calendar…) *(OALD) flip phone = a phone that has a main display and keypad hidden until it opens *(OALD)
smartphone = a mobile phone using operating system with more advanced functions (Internet connection, web browser, media players, GPS, camera…) *(OALD) touch screen = a phone that allows interactive communication only by touching the screen by finger *(OALD) slider phone = a phone usually consisting of two parts sliding past each other on rails with a display at the top and keypad bellow *(OALD)
T1 – Functions • calling • texting sending SMS (short message service) sending MMS (multimedia messaging service) • office (calendar, calculator…) • entertainment (games, music…) • taking pictures • Internet connection • form of payment • other
T1 – First mobiles 1930s - radiophone (army, WWII) 1940s - analogue mobile phone (car, heavy battery) 1970s - first portable mobile (by Motorola, big size) 1990s – first mobile phone networks nowadays - more mobile phones than landlines - other devices incorporated into mobiles (e.g. camera, multimedia player..) - internet access - flat shape - touch screen
T1 – Pros and cons • pros to be in touch easily one of the fastest means of communication call for help in case of emergency a lot of useful functions in one device • cons being available all the time distracts attention (driving…) battery needs recharging costs/ telephone bill
T2 – You and a mobile phone • your mobile origin (how did you get it, who gave it to you…) type (brand, model: smartphone/ flip phone/ slider phone…) description (size, weight, colour, screen, buttons…) functions pros and cons (good/ bad camera…, easy/ difficult to use…)
• favourite functions (why /when/ how often …) calling /messages photos/ videos games internet connection alarm radio calendar dictionary other
• texting vs. calling price (cheaper, more/ less expensive) comfort (quicker, easier…) amount of information (message – short, call – longer…) speed (faster, slower, as fast as…) answer (person not available, answer straight back…)
• school rules at your school (not to use it during the lessons, switch off the ringing…) rules at primary school (more/ less strict…) reason for the rules (not to disturb/ cheat…) agree/ disagree (quite/ partly / strongly (dis)agree…)
QUESTIONS 1. How often do you use your mobile? 2. What was life like before mobile telephones were invented? 3. What would your life be like without your mobile telephone? 4. What was your first mobile telephone like? 5. Are you happy with the mobile telephone you have now? Why?/ Why not? 6. What are your favourite functions on mobile telephones? 7. Do you think mobile telephones are dangerous in any way? 8. Do you think schools should ban mobile phones? Why?/Why not? 9. What is the ring tone on your mobile telephone and why did you choose it? 10. From what age do you think children should have a mobile phone?
Zdroje • Obrazový materiál Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 – klipart
• Publikace DAVIES, Paul A. Information technology: Paul A. Davies. New York: Oxford University Press, c2008, 72 p. ISBN 01-942-3392-8. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 7th. ISBN 0194001164. *(OALD)
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