Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Rokycany, Mládežníků 1115 Číslo projektu:
Číslo šablony:
Název materiálu:
Parts of a computer – IT English
2. - 4. ročník SOŠ
Identifikace materiálu:
JAN_22_ Parts of a computer – IT English
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Alena Janurová
Anglický jazyk
Tematický celek:
Vybraná témata z obecné a odborné AJ počítačová AJ
Materiál obsahuje pracovní list procvičující slovní zásobu vybraných témat z obecné a odborné AJ. Každý ze 4 tematických celků (obecná AJ, obchodní AJ, počítačová AJ, technická AJ) se skládá ze 7 pracovních listů a 1 testu ověřujícího znalosti daného celku. Pracovní list je určen pro samostatnou práci. Pomůcky: překladový a výkladový slovník. Vhodné pro jazykovou úroveň B1.
28. 10. 2013
PARTS OF A COMPUTER computer = an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do calculations and control other machines *(OALD) I.
types of computers
1. Match the types of computers with their definitions: 1. PC 2. palmtop 3. netbook
4. laptop 5. PDA 6. mainframe
……. = ‘personal digital assistant’ (a very small computer usually with a touchscreen that is used for storing personal information; it may include other functions, e.g. telephone, etc.) ……. = a small computer that can be held in the palm of one hand ……. = ‘personal computer’ (a computer with a keyboard, screen and main processing unit, that fits on a desk) ……. = a large powerful computer, usually the centre of a network and shared by many users ……. = a battery-operated portable computer with an integrated display and keyboard ……. = a small laptop computer, designed especially for using the Internet and email
parts of a computer
1. Write the names of the computer parts in the picture: 6.
5. 3.
2. 9. 1.
7. 8.
input/ output/ storage devices
1. Match the terms with their definitions: input device output device storage device
a piece of equipment used to bring data out of a system a piece of equipment used for reading from and writing to a storage medium a piece of equipment used for entering data or controlling a computer
2. Sort out the following input, output and storage devices: scanner - floppy disc - printer - projector - flash - joystick - headphones - hard disk webcam - speakers - microphone - touchscreen - micro drive - screen - keyboard a) input device: b) output device: c) storage device:
3. Write the name of a device from exercise 2 according to the given definition: 1. ……………………… = the part of a computer that the sound comes out of 2. ……………………… = a device which copies documents so that they can be stored on a computer 3. ……………………… = the set of keys for operating a computer 4. ……………………… = a disk inside a computer that stores data and programs 5. ……………………… = a stick with a handle used with PC games to move images on the screen 6. ……………………… = a piece of equipment that takes data from a PC and shows them on a wall
hardware/ software
1. Write the definitions to the following expressions: a) hardware = b) software =
2. Sort out the examples of hardware (H) and software (S): 1. case 2. motherboard -
3. web browser 4. LCD -
5. OS 6. media player -
7. mouse 8. word processor-
Answer key
1. Answers: 5., 2., 1., 6., 4., 3.
1. Answers: 1. touchpad, 2. port, 3. webcam, 4. display, 5. monitor, 6. case, 7. mouse, 8. keyboard, 9. screen, 10. speakers
1. Answers: input device = a piece of equipment used for entering data or controlling a computer output device = a piece of equipment used to bring data out of a system storage device = a piece of equipment used for reading from and writing to a storage medium 2. Answers: a) input device: scanner, joystick, webcam, microphone, touchscreen, keyboard b) output device: printer, projector, headphones, speakers, screen c) output device: floppy disc, flash, hard disk, micro drive 3. Answers: 1. speakers, 2. scanner, 3. keyboard, 4. hard disk, 5. joystick, 6. projector
1. Answers: a) hardware = the machinery and electronic parts of a computer system b) software = the programs, etc. used to operate a computer 2. Answers: 1. H, 2. H, 3. S, 4. H, 5. S, 6. S, 7. H, 8. S
Zdroje •
Obrazový materiál
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 – klipart
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 7th. ISBN 0194001164. *(OALD)
GLENDINNING, Eric H. Basic English for Computing. Revised and updated. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, 136 s. ISBN 01-945-7470-9. DEMETRIADES, Dinos. Information Technology. 1. ed. Oxford: Oxford University. Press, 2003. ISBN 01943-8826-3.
(Vytvořený materiál pochází z vlastních zdrojů autora, není-li uvedeno jinak.)