Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Rokycany, Mládežníků 1115 Číslo projektu:
Číslo šablony:
Název materiálu: Ročník: Identifikace materiálu:
British vs. American English – General English
2. - 4. ročník SOŠ JAN_22_ British vs. American English – General English
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Alena Janurová
Anglický jazyk
Tematický celek:
Vybraná témata z obecné a odborné AJ obecná AJ
Materiál obsahuje pracovní list procvičující slovní zásobu vybraných témat z obecné a odborné AJ. Každý ze 4 tematických celků (obecná AJ, obchodní AJ, počítačová AJ, technická AJ) se skládá ze 7 pracovních listů a 1 testu ověřujícího znalosti daného celku. Pracovní list je určen pro samostatnou práci. Pomůcky: překladový a výkladový slovník. Vhodné pro jazykovou úroveň B1.
12. 10. 2013
vocabulary e.g. sidewalk (Br. E.) – pavement (Am. E.), film (Br. E.) – movie (Am. E.) Write down the missing British or American expressions: British
1. …………………………………………………… 2.
gas ……………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………… 4.
candy ……………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………… 6.
apartment building ……………………………………………………
7. …………………………………………………… 8.
elevator ……………………………………………………
9. …………………………………………………… 10.
secondary school
line ……………………………………………………
11. …………………………………………………… 12.
(public) toilet
cookie ……………………………………………………
some words and phrases have a different meaning in each ‘language’ e.g. a bill = a check (in café) - Br. E. × a (bank) note - Am. E. the first floor = the second floor - Br. E. × the ground floor - Am. E. pants = underpants - Br. E. × trousers - Am. E. purse = a wallet - Br. E. × a handbag - Am. E. vest = an undershirt - Br. E.
× a waistcoat - Am. E.
wash up = wash the dishes - Br. E. × wash your hands - Am. E. 2. Choose the correct answer: 1. Who would more likely carry a purse? a) a British man
b)an American man
2. Where would you take an American visitor who said he wanted to wash up? a) a kitchen
b)a bathroom
3. If a Brit asks for a bill, where is he more likely to be? a) a café
b) a bank
spelling e.g. colour (Br. E.) – color (Am. E.), centre (Br. E.) – center (Am. E.), organise/organize (Br. E.) – organize (Am. E.), councillor (Br. E.) – councilor (Am. E.)
1. Decide if the word is written in British (Br.E.) or American (Am.E.) spelling and write the opposite:
1. liter = ……………….. × ………………..
5. jeweler = ……………….. × ………………..
2. favourite = ……………….. × ………………..
6. humor = ……………….. × ………………..
3. travelling = ……………….. × ………………..
7. organise = ……………….. × ………………..
4. neighbor = ……………….. × ………………..
8. theatre = ……………….. × ………………..
grammar present perfect vs. past simple: I´ve lost my key. Have you seen it? (Br. E.) × I´ve lost my key. Have you seen it? OR I lost my key. Did you see it? (Am. E.) present perfect (just, already, yet): Have you finished your work yet? (Br. E.) × Have you finished your work yet? OR Did you finish your work yet? (Am. E.) irregular verbs: burn – burnt/burned (Br. E.) × burn – burned (Am. E.), learn – learnt/learned (Br. E.) × learn – learned (Am. E.), get – got – got (Br. E.) × get – got – gotten (Am. E.) prepositions: in a street (Br. E.) × on a street (Am. E.), at the weekend (Br. E.) × on the weekend (Am. E.), write to sb.(Br. E.) × write to sb. OR write sb. (Am. E.) verbs: have a shower (Br. E.) × take a shower (Am. E.), I can see a car coming. (Br. E.) × I can see a car coming. OR I see a car coming. (Am. E.), needn´t OR don´t need (Br. E.) × needn´t (Am. E.), I will be late. OR I shall be late. (Br. E.) × I will be late. (Am. E.) have/ have got: I haven´t got much time. (Br. E.) × I don´t have much time. (Am. E.) sg./pl.: government/ family etc. is OR are (Br. E.) × government/ family etc. is (Am. E.)
1. Rewrite the following sentences into American English: 1. Jane shall be late from work today. × ………………………………………………………………….. 2. They´ve just arrived from holiday. × ………………………………………………………………….. 3. The team are playing well this season. × ………………………………………………………………….. 4. Write to me soon, please. × ………………………………………………………………….. 5. Your English has got much better. × ………………………………………………………………….. 6. Will you be here at the weekend? × ………………………………………………………………….. 7. We needn´t hurry. × ………………………………………………………………….. 8. I dreamt about buying a new car last night. × ………………………………………………………………….. 9. She hasn´t got much time. × ………………………………………………………………….. 10. I found a mobile phone in a street yesterday. × ……………………………………………………………………
Answer key
1. Answers: 1. petrol, 2. subway, 3. sweets, 4. store, 5. block of flats, 6. fall, 7. lift, 8. drugstore, 9. queue, 10. high school, 11. biscuit, 12. rest room/ bathroom
2. Answers: 1. a, 2. b, 3. a
1. Answers: 1. Am. E. × litre, 2. Br. E. × favorite, 3. Br. E. × traveling, 4. Am. E. × neighbour, 5. Am. E. × jeweller, 6. Am. E. × humour, 7. Br. E. × organize, 8. Br. E. × theater
1. Answers: 1. Jane will be late from work today. 2. They just arrived from holiday. 3. The team is playing well this season. 4. Write me soon, please. 5. Your English has gotten much better. 6. Will you be here on the weekend? 7. We don´t need to hurry. 8. I dreamed about buying a new car last night. 9. She doesn´t have much time. 10. I found a mobile phone on a street yesterday.
Zdroje •
MCCARTHY, Michael and Felicity O'DELL. English vocabulary in use: upper-intermediate & advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, c1994, vi, 296 s. ISBN 05-214-2396-1. EASTWOOD, John. Oxford guide to English grammar [with tests]. 9th ed. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. ISBN 01-943-1351-4. MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students : with answers. 2 ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, x, 350 s. New edition. ISBN 05-214-3680-X.
(Vytvořený materiál pochází z vlastních zdrojů autora, není-li uvedeno jinak.)