Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Rokycany, Mládežníků 1115 Číslo projektu:
Číslo šablony:
Název materiálu:
Culture – film and literature
3. a 4. ročník
Identifikace materiálu:
SIL_22_Culture – film and literature
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Alena Silbernáglová
Anglický jazyk
Tematický celek:
Maturitní témata SOŠ
Materiál obsahuje prezentaci pro 3. část maturitní zkoušky SOŠ. Prezentace se skládá z osnovy k danému tématu, výkladové části a konverzačních otázek.
10. 2. 2013
Culture – film and literature T1: My favourite film
T2: The role of literature in your life
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Genre Topic Characters Plot Recommendation Other
Reasons for reading Genres Favourite titles/authors Book vs. film Other
T1 - My favourite film • Genre = a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special features • Types of movies
action, comedy, horror, sci-fi, western, war film, adventure, historical, thriller, drama, romantic, detective, fantasy, cartoon, fairy tale… There are a lot of movie genres, for example…. My favourite genre is… because I like… I really don´t like… because… The film I´ll talk about is a… (comedy, horror, sci-fi…)
• Background information director actors setting (time, place) awards other • Topic This film is about… The main topic is... I like it/ don´t like it because… I like watching this type of movies because…
• Characters The main characters are…. Another heroes are / hero is… … is a man/ woman who… I like… most/ least because… The character of… (policeman…) is played by… (actor/actress)
• Plot The plot is quite simple/ complicated… The film/ movie is about…
• Recommendation I recommend this film to someone who likes… This movie is great because of its special effects/ good music/ an interesting plot/ good acting/ fast action/ funny dialogues …
T2 - The role of literature in your life I like to read fiction such as (adventure/ romance…)/ non-fiction (travel/people/history…) because… I prefer classical/ modern literature because… I find reading books relaxing/ enjoyable/ boring… I don´t like reading because…
• Reasons for reading pastime/ hobby study/ education set books (school – literature classes) imagination/ fantasy
• Genres poetry epic/ lyric verse, rhyme, poem (ballads, sonnet…) author´s feelings, rhythm, atmosphere… prose fiction: novel, romance, adventure story, thriller, detective, historical, sci-fi, short story, fairy tale… non-fiction: biography, history book, diary… drama play: tragedy, comedy, historical…
• Favourite titles/authors I have/ don´t have favourite book… I have/ don´t have favourite writer because… I prefer Czech/ international authors because… I choose a book according to genre/ author/ plot… The book I like is… The book I´m reading now is about… The book I´d like to read is… My favourite book is… I prefer to buy books because… I prefer to go to the public library because…
• Book vs. film I prefer to read book first because I can use my imagination… Movies are usually different from books because they´re shorter/ not all the facts can be included… Sometimes the film is better than the book because there is more action… Watching film doesn´t take so much time as reading a book… Young generation prefers to ….because… In future, people will prefer…
QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Do you often visit cinema? Why/ Why not? Who is your favourite actor/ actress? What makes a film hit? Do you prefer dubbed or subtitled films? What was the best/ worst film you have seen recently? What type of books did you like as a child? How much and when do you read? Are you satisfied with the way literature is taught at your school? 9. What book are you reading at the moment? 10. Are books better than films? Why/ Why not?
Zdroje • Obrazový materiál Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 – klipart
• Publikace PECK, Eva a Alexander PECK. Moderní konverzační témata v angličtině: 36 témat pro střední školy. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Fraus, 1999, 118 s., obr. ISBN 80-723-8014-1.
Vytvořený materiál pochází z vlastních zdrojů autora, není-li uvedeno jinak.