“Food Handler Practices as Risk Factors of Escherichia coli contamination in Food and beverages g ”
Dewi Susanna, Yvonne M Indrawani, Zakianis, Tris Eryando, Lassie Fitria, Dwi Oktaviana, Fidyatun Khoiriyah , , y y
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia
Introduction •
Proper hygiene, safe food handling and preparation practices are keys to preventing the spread of E. coli.
University responsible to control and manage the quality of food and beverage served in the cafeteria
The existence of contamination
Indonesia has regulation for hygiene and sanitation that is Kepmenkes No 942/MEMKES/VII/2003 Food handler is a risk factor to E. coli contamination; it should be ZERO in food and beverage
E. coli in foods and beverages is an indicator for
Objective: j to asses the the food handlers p practices in hygiene yg and sanitaion
Research Road Map No 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tahun Rahman A, Susanna D, Kusumayati A, Makful A dan Zakianis. 1998 Susanna D & Hartono B. 2003 Suleman. 2008
Uraian Kegiatan 6 Escherichia coli 10 MPN/100 in foods
Contamination of E. coli in ‘ketoprak p ‘ and ‘gado-gado ‘ and utensils 10 % (totally 72 ) have certificate of yg and sanitation hygiene Susanna D, Indrawani IM, Water resources (tap) contaminated by Eryando T. 2009 fecal coli, coliform, (50%) Susanna D, D Indrawani IM, IM E. E coli contamination in foods (57,5%) (57 5%) Eryando T. 2010/11 dan beverages (79,5%). Susanna D, Indrawani Almost all cafetereas (94 %) did not IM Eryando T. IM., T 2012 comply the regulation 2014 Contamination E. coli 61,53 % in foods 2015 Development of instrumen for certification
Method • • • • • •
Conducted C d d in i a campus located l d in i Depok D k Design: cross-sectional study Total respondents: 168 food handlers Questionnaire: 25 questions E. coli measured used Total Plate Count (TPC) method cultured in Methylene Blue Agar (MBA) Data collected: – – – – – – – – – –
Characteristics of respondents Training Talking while working Have diseases Health status Routine visit docter Hand hygiene Care nails and hands Wearing apron Wearing hair restrain
Method •
D Data collected: ll d ((con’t) ’) – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Smoking while working Habit in scratch hair/head, pick one’s nose Washing hands with soap after from toilet Wearing uniform Wearing clean cloth Have clean hair/routine washing hair Wear cleaned apron Wear footwear/shoes Every day having bath Wearing accessories Use fabrication products p Use registered products Etc
Data analysis: Chi square test ang regression logistics test (p< 0 0.05) 05)
Result and Discussion Education
E coli E. li High 40%
Positiv e 49%
negativ e 51%
Food handler
Low 60%
Training Food Practise
Yes 33% Male 44% Female 56%
No 67%
Result and Discussion Have Disease
Hand Hygiene
Yes 10%
Yes 76%
No 90%
Talking while working Yes 25%
No 75%
No 24%
Result and Discussion Wear Apron
wear hair restarian
No 42%
Yes 45% No 55%
Yes 58%
Result and Discussion • Variables significant g (p < 0,05): , ) – Health status (p=0.028),
– – – – –
Talking while working p=(0.008), C Care nails il and dh hands d (p=0.012), ( 0 012) Wear apron (p=0.04) and Wear hair restrain (p (p=0.006), 0.006), Using of registered canned food p=(0.05)
Logistic g Regression g ((95%CI)) showed 2 variables as protective factors: - wearing hair restrain (OR= 0.1 with range 0.03-0.9) - using of registered canned food (OR=0.1 with range 0.01-0.07)
- Risk factors: health status, talking while working, hand h i hygiene, wear appron.
CONCLUSIONS • Risk factor in food handlers practicing: – Health status,, hand hygiene, yg , wearing g apron p – Wearing hair strain, using registered scanned products
• Application of personal equipment and t i i iin ffood training dh hygiene i ffor ffood dh handlers dl could be protective factor for E. coli contamination.
SUGGESTIONS • Food handlers need to be trained about practicing p g in food hygiene yg and sanitation
References •
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• •
Regulation R l i off H Health l h Mi Ministry i off IIndonesia d i N Number b 1096/MENKES/SK/V/2011 Susanna,, D.,, Indrawani,, IM.,, Eryando, y , T. 2009. Bacterial Contamination in Food and Drink Sold at Canteens on a University Campus, Journal of Environmental Health Australia Volume 9 Number 1 & 2, 2 2009. 2009 Susanna, D. & Hartono, B. 2003. Pemantauan Kualitas Makanan Ketoprak dn Gado-Gado di Lingkungan Kampus UI Depok melalui P Pemeriksaan ik Mik Mikrobiologis. bi l i Makara M k S Serii K Kesehatan. h t V l Volume 7 7, JJunii 2003, No. 1. Bagian Penerbitan DRPM-UI. Depok. Susanna,, D.,, Indrawani,, Y.M,, Eryando, y , T.,, dan Adi,, H.K. 2008. Kontaminasi bakteri pada Makanan dan Minuman yang dijajakan di Kantin Universitas Indonesia. 2008. Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia Indonesia.