TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................
PREFACE ...................................................................................................
BACKGROUND ..........................................................................................
PROJECT OBJECTIVES ............................................................................
OUTPUT .....................................................................................................
METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................
MANAGEMENT TEAM ................................................................................
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................
1. Setting up the Program .....................................................................
2. Consultation Meetings ......................................................................
3. Food Watch Bulletin .........................................................................
4. Directory of Indonesian Food Safety ................................................
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................
Appendix. Minutes of Consultation Meetings . ............................................
PREFACE Implementation of risk communication in food safety has been completed by National Agency for Drug and Food Control with WHO Indonesia support under WHO Project No. INO FOS: OSER-1/P-3. This project is continuation of previous programs which are Implementation of Food Watch Program under WHO Project No INO FOS 001:EC-3/P-4 and Preparation of Database of Food Safety Institution under WHO Project No INO FOS 001: EC-1/P-1. In the present project, two editions of Food Watch bulletin were prepared. The topics of the bulletins were aflatoxin in 3rd edition and safety of street food commonly consumed by school children in 4 th edition. Besides Food Watch bulletin, we also improved and finalized Directory of Food Safety in Indonesia to be eligibly published. The Directory contains important information of food safety stakeholders and infrastructure in Indonesia. It is expected that both Food Watch bulletin and Directory could be distributed to relevant stakeholders. I would like to express my appreciation to Dr Roy Sparringa, Dra Setia Murni Sitanggang, Apt, Nugroho Indrotristanto, STP, Ruki Fanaike, STP, Novian Damayanti, STP, and Rina Puspitasari, STP from NADFC as well as Dr Kecuk Suhariyanto and Eko Haryono, SE from BPS-Statistics Indonesia for their contribution to this program. Special thanks are due to Dr Georg Petersen, Mr. Shamsul Huda and WHO Indonesia for encouragement and financial support to this project.
Jakarta, 20 December 2006
Prof. Winiati P Rahayu Director for Food Safety Surveillance and Extension
BACKGROUND The Indonesian Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) has been developing since 2003 based on the WHO’s “Guidelines for Strengthening National Food Safety Programmes”. Indonesian key stakeholders and their food safety responsibilities were mapped against the WHO model. Three functional stakeholder groups (networks) were identified and organised to reflect risk analysis principles.
They are Food Intelligence Network based on risk
assessment, Food Control Network Promotion Network communication
based on risk management and Food
based on risk communication.
The networks enable provide
knowledge sharing and build food safety capital at local, regional and national levels. They cooperate to develop national food safety programs based on their responsibilities and function. Some strategic programs were developed in line with the IFSS frameworks to achieve one main goal of food safety in Indonesia improvement. In the present project (WHO Project No INO FOS: OSER-1/P-3), there are 2 (two) main activities based on risk analysis principles in general and risk communication in particular. The first activity was development of Food Watch bulletin and the second was finalization of Directory of Indonesian Food Safety. Food Watch is a national food monitoring program that identifies emerging food safety problems, works with key stakeholders to find practical solutions, and produces user-friendly reports/information for industry to improve practices. A pilot project on the implementation of Food Watch Program has been initiated through risk analysis process under WHO project INO FOS 001: EC-3/ P-4. The outputs of the project were Mechanism of Food Watch Program,Food Watch Administration Manual, Recommendation of the implementation of Food Watch Program in Indonesia, and two editions of Food Watch bulletin. The first step to strengthen a National Food Safety Program is to assess food safety infrastructure and problems at national level to prepare a country profile (WHO, 1996). A national database of food safety institutions should be prepared to obtain a country profile. NADFC, in collaboration with WHO, has
prepared database of food safety institution under WHO project INO FOS 001: EC-1/P-1.
The main outputs of the project were IFSS questionnaire and its
supporting documents/ tools, and model of Indonesian Food Safety Profile. Directorate for Food Safety Surveillance and Extension, Deputy for Food Safety and Hazardous Substance Control, NADFC in cooperation with WHO Indonesia attempts to implement those two activities above in the present project. The output of this program is expected to be cornerstone to strengthen a National Food Safety Program in Indonesia.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES The aims of this project were to: •
Develop Food Watch bulletin
Develop Directory of Indonesian Food Safety
OUTPUT The main outputs of this project were: •
Draft of Food Watch bulletin
Directory of Indonesian Food Safety
Final report of the project
Meetings to discuss project plan and management, Food Watch bulletin topics and material, and Directory of Indonesian food safety
Distribution of IFSS questionnaire to relevant stakeholders throughout Indonesia
Entry, process, and interpreting data
Monitoring and evaluation
Final report
MANAGEMENT TEAM Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Dedi Fardiaz Prof. Dr. Winiati P Rahayu
Roy Sparringa, PhD
Dra. Setia Murni Sitanggang, Apt. Ruki Fanaike, STP Novian Damayanti, STP Rina Puspitasari, STP Nugroho Indrotristanto, STP
Yustina Muliani, SSi, Apt.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION The project was conducted since February to November 2006 (Table 1). There project was financed by WHO Indonesia under WHO Project No. INO FOS: OSER-1/P-3. There were two main activities in the project. They were meetings to discuss project plan, management, and implementation and development of Directory of Indonesian Food Safety. Table 1. Project Implementation Time Table of WHO INO FOS: OSER-1/P-3 No
Preparation of project
Preparation of Food Watch bulletin
Distribution of questionnaire
Improvement of software
Data entry and processing
Preparation of Directory
Final report
10 11 12
RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Setting up the Program Two main activities in the present project were initiated by two projects in food safety during 2004-2005 which were supported by WHO Indonesia. The two previous project were Implementation of Food Watch Program under WHO Project No. INO FOS 001:EC-3/P-4 and Preparation of Database of Food Safety Institution under WHO Project No. INO FOS 001:EC-1/P-1. The present project on Implementation of Risk Communication in Food Safety was prepared in January 2006 and began to be conducted in February 2006. It was set up comprehensively via intensive and constructive discussions among staff members of Directorate for Food Safety Surveillance and Extension, NADFC, other Directorate in Deputy for Food Safety and Hazardous Substance Control, and related stakeholders. 2. Consultation Meetings Three meetings have been conducted to discuss topics related to implementation of the project. The minutes of the meetings are presented in Appendix 1. The first meeting was held on February 1, 2006. The meeting discussed about third edition of Food Watch bulletin. The bulletin topic would be aflatoxin. The technical team of this edition were Directorate for Food Safety Surveillance and Extension, PPOMN-Central Laboratory, Seameo Biotrop, and Institute of Veterinary Research (Balitvet). Directorate for Food Safety Surveillance and Extension was the secretariat to compile data from other technical team members and develop a comprehensive Food Watch bulletin. The 3 rd Food Watch bulletin draft would be sent to the technical team to obtain feedback before printed. The second meeting was carried out on June 24, 2006. This meeting discussed development, finalization, and printing of Directory of Indonesian Food Safety. The Directory would consist of primary and secondary datum. The primary data was obtained from returned questionnaires which have been filled out by the respondents. While the secondary data was existing or published data in some institutions such as list of Indonesian National
Standard (SNI), data of food consumption, export, and import during 20042005, etc. Those datum compiled comprehensively with some explanation and discussion so that the whole directory content could be presented clearly and sistematically. If the Directory had been completed, it would be printed and then distributed to relevant stakeholders. The third meeting on October 2, 2006 discussed fourth edition of Food Watch bulletin.
The forum suggested safety of street food commonly
consumed by school children to be main topic for the 4 th edition of Food Watch bulletin. Surveillance on street food safety was conducted throughout Indonesia by Balai POM. The bulletin would present the surveillance data and discuss strategy to cope with street food safety problems found. It was expected that fourth edition of Food Watch bulletin could be developed and published at the second quarter of 2007. 3. Food Watch Bulletin Food watch program utilizes the risk analysis process to attain maximum utilization of resources and avoid duplication of effort. It enables intelligence from food monitoring surveillance, food poisoning surveillance, and food assessment to be synthesized to identify food safety problems at an early stage and develop solutions from them. Activities of food watch also covered food, or any related problem to food, and survey to gain valuable information of food safety problem in society.
The findings and
recommendation of surveys, together with information of how producer, provider, or consumer could improve good practices to guarantee food safety, were reported in Food Watch Bulletin.
The bulletin was distributed to
industry, food inspector, and consumer depending on the situation. There were 2 (two) editions of Food Watch bulletin which had been developed under WHO Project No INO FOS: EC-3/P-4.
In the present
project, two next editions of Food Watch bulletin were prepared. The third edition discussed about aflatoxin content in some food such as in fresh and processed foods and in feed. This topic was considered important because Indonesia tropical climate provided optimum condition for fungi aflatoxin 5
producer growth. This 3rd edition of Food Watch bulletin is still in the process of finalization. There were some street food problems in Indonesia such as contamination of hazardous substances in street food, low level of school canteen sanitation and lack of food street vendor hygiene. Hence, the 4 th edition of Food Watch bulletin topic would discuss safety of street food commonly consumed by school children. The surveillance data of street food in 2006 to be presented is still processed by Directorate of Food Inspection and Certification.
Therefore, the fourth edition of Food Watch Bulletin is
expected to be published in second quarter of 2007. The third and fourth editions of Food Watch bulletin will be printed under WHO Project No INO FOS: OSER-1/P-3/ A-2. 4. Directory of Indonesian Food Safety The first step to strengthen a National Food Safety Program is to assess food safety infrastructure and problems at national level to prepare a country profile (WHO, 1996). Unfortunately, Indonesia does not have a comprehensive country profile describing food safety infrastructure and problems. In this previous project (WHO Project No INO FOS 001: EC-1/ P-1), Directorate for Food Safety Surveillance and Extension-NADFC attempted to collect types of information according to WHO Guidelines for Strengthening a National Food Safety Programme (WHO, 1996), such as government organization, food production and consumption, food imports and exports, food legislation, epidemiological information, human resources and training requirements, extension and advisory services, and public education and participation. The project strongly recommended efforts to collect the database should be carried on to accomplish a country profile. Some tools, such as questionnaire and software, also should be improved to obtain a better quality data. The development of Directory of Indonesian Food Safety was conducted from January 2005 to August 2006 with financial support from
WHO Indonesia under WHO Project No INO FOS: OSER-1/P-3/A-3. The activity report has been provided individually. NADFC not only developed food safety institution database but also collected other important information related to food safety as well, and compiled them in Directory of Indonesian Food Safety as output of the activity. The aims of development of food safety directory were to develop food safety institution database, to collect related information to food safety in food chain, and to provide informations of infrastructure, food safety problems, and food safety profile as reference to food safety programs. The arrangement of the directory is introduction, risk analysis concept, Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS), food safety directory, and appendices.
appendices contains organization which directly or indirectly involves with food safety program, food regulation and legislation, food production and consumption data, small scale food industry, food contaminant data, food borne disease information, and data of food export and import. The introduction gives brief explanation about background, aims, and data collecting methodology in development of Directory of Indonesian Food Safety. The methodology consisted of primary and secondary data collecting, data entry and processing, and preparation of directory. Two important tools in data collecting were IFSS questionnaire for primary data collecting and Indonesian Food Safety (InFos) software for questionnaire data entry. They had been prepared in the previous project (2004) and was improved in this 2006 project in order to obtain more accurate and comprehensive data output. The second section on Risk Analysis Concept explains risk analysis in general and its principles.
The principles are risk management, risk
assessment, and risk communication. Codex Alimentarius Committee stated that risk analysis was process of decision making as an interaction among those three principles in a structured way. The third section on Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) explains about IFSS in general, activities of IFSS networks in detail, and technical
team of national food safety. The activities of the three networks in IFSS; Food Intelligent, Food Control, and Food Communication networks; are workshops, development of the networks in Balai POM, social enforcement, food safety extension and promotion programs, and development of food safety materials. NADFC plays a role as leading sector in integrated national food safety program. Three programs were developed to synergise and focus food safety activities and put policy into practice at national, provincial and local levels. They were Food Watch - a national food monitoring program, Food Stars - a voluntary three level award promoting training from paddock to plate and Rapid Response - enabling effective communication during national crisis. The fourth section is Directory of Food Safety. This section explains the process of data collecting and the directory book content. As mentioned before, there were two types of data collected, the primary data and secondary data.
The primary data was data obtained from questionnaire
filled out by stakeholders while the secondary data was existing data in some institutions.
The IFSS questionnaire was delivered to 1240 related
stakeholders by mailing system. The stakeholders involved are government and private sectors, university, non government organization, and other institutions related to food safety such as hospital, institute of research and development, agency for quality certification, and many more. There were 379 respondents (30.45 %) returned the questionnaire.
The returned
questionnaires were processed by software named Indonesian Food Safety (InFos). InFos is a software which was developed for data processing of information collected via IFSS Questionnaire. InFos was designed with Visual Fox Pro 5.0. It can be run in Windows Operating System. The facilities provided in the software include entry form, updating code, maintenance system, and reporting system. Secondary data covered regulation and legislation in food safety and institutions that produced them obtained from Bureau of Public Relation and Law; map of government institutions authority and responsibility in food chain
based on GR 28/ 2004 concerning Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition; registered food products obtained from Directorate of Food Safety Assessment; Indonesian National Standard (SNI) in food technology and accredited laboratories in food quality and safety obtained from National Agency for Standardization (BSN); data of food consumption, export, and import during 2004-2005 obtained from BPS-Statistics; list of hazardous substances based on Regulation of Trade Minister No 4/ 2006; food borne disease data during 2001-2005 and home scale food industry data collected by Balai POM in Indonesia; and Poison Information System (SIKer). Contact phone number and related institution are provided for reader who needed further explanation about the information given.
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Two editions of Food Watch Bulletin, the 3rd and 4th editions, were prepared in the present project. The topic of 3rd edition was aflatoxin and 4th edition was safety of street food commonly consumed by school children. Good coordination and communication among technical team in Food Watch bulletin development should be improved and strengthened so that the bulletin could be printed and published in time. It is important that Food Watch bulletin discusses topics which are relevant to public needs on food safety problems and presents up to date data. Discussion in Food Watch bulletin is expected to be readerfriendly so that also can be easily understood by common people. Those two Food Watch bulletin editions will be finalized in short time so that they could be printed as soon as possible. The Directory of Indonesian Food Safety describes food safety infrastructure, information, and activities which are important to strengthen communication and coordination among the institutions in implementation of national food safety programs.
The Directory will be distributed to related
stakeholders in food safety for their reference in developing food safety programs.
It is recommended that Food Watch bulletin could be developed based on implementation of food watch program which referred to food watch manual and SOP. Food Watch program should be continuously carried out on regular basis so that Food Watch bulletin as communication media between key stakeholders also could be published regularly. Data in the Directory should be updated every two years in order to provide newest information which is important to improvement of national food safety programs. Evaluation and monitoring of stakeholders feedback should be maintained in order to improve Directory quality.
Appendix. Minutes of Consultation Meetings
1. Tempat
Ruang Rapat Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan, Deputi III, Badan POM RI
2. Pertemuan ini dihadiri oleh : Peserta : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra Santi Ambarwati Raphaella Widiastuti Siam Subagyo Tinni Hertinia Setia Murni A.A. Nyoman Merta Negara Yustina Mulyani
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Yanti Ratnasari Efriza Yanti Kamayanti L Fahmi Fasah Angkotasan Devi Riani Rina Puspitasari Innike S M
Fasilitator : 1. Winiati Pudji Rahayu 2. Roy A. Sparringa 3. Topik Pembahasan : Food Watch edisi 3: Aflatoksin 4. Hasil Rapat : 1. Food Watch edisi ketiga akan mengambil topik aflatoksin 2. Instansi terkait yang menjadi tim teknis dalam Food Watch edisi aflatoksin adalah Balai Penelitian Veteriner, SEAMEO BIOTROP, Pusat Pengujian Obat dan Makanan Nasional, dan Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan Badan POM RI 3. Data-data tentang cemaran aflatoksin di Indonesia akan dikumpulkan dari Balai Penelitian Veteriner, SEAMEO BIOTROP dan Pusat Pengujian Obat dan Makanan Nasional-Badan POM RI 4. Data-data yang dikumpulkan meliputi : a. kandungan aflatoksin pada bahan pangan segar nabati b. kandungan aflatoksin pada bahan pangan segar hewani c. kandungan aflatoksin pada pangan olahan
d. kandungan aflatoksin pada pakan ternak 5. Target grup dari Food Watch akan dibicarakan kemudian 6. Outline Food Watch akan disiapkan oleh sekretariat (Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan-Badan POM RI) kemudian akan dikirimkan ke tim teknis melalui email untuk dapat ditanggapi ataupun dilengkapi sebagai bahan penyusunan draft awal. 7. Sekretariat akan mengkompilasi dan melakukan finalisasi Food Watch berdasarkan bahan dan data yang dikirimkan oleh tim teknis 8. Draft akhir Food Watch akan dikirimkan kembali kepada tim teknis untuk mendapatkan umpan balik, saran, maupun kritik yang konstruktif sehingga dapat diperoleh hasil akhir yang terbaik sebelum Food Watch dicetak.
1. Tempat :
Ruang Rapat Direktur Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan, Badan POM, Jakarta
2. Pertemuan ini dihadiri oleh: Peserta : 1. A.A. Nyoman Mertanegara 2. Setia Murni 3. Dedi Darusman 4. Yustina 5. Efriza 6. Yanti Ratnasari 7. Eko Haryono Subagyo 8. Devi Riani
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Yanti Kamayanti Latifa Fahmi Fasah Angkotasan Rina Puspitasari Citra Prasetyawati Ima Ananda Eva Yuliana Fitri Innike S. Maulidya
Fasilitator: 1. Winiati Pudji Rahayu 2. Roy A. Sparringa 3. Topik Pembahasan : Penyusunan dan finalisasi Direktori Keamanan Pangan Indonesia 4. Hasil Rapat : 1. Peserta rapat sepakat bahwa informasi yang terdapat di dalam kuesioner SKPT tidak akan seluruhnya dimasukkan ke dalam Direktori. Informasi yang akan ditampilkan hanya informasi contact person di masing-masing instansi dan beberapa program SKPT 2. Direktori Keamanan Pangan Indonesia merupakan gambaran kondisi keamanan pangan dan kemampuan infrastruktur yang ada di Indonesia dalam memperkuat program dan pengawasan keamanan pangan nasional. 3. Data-data yang akan ditampillkan dalam Direktori ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer (data institusi keamanan pangan) berasal dari responden yang mengembalikan kuesioner SKPT. Responden terdiri dari instansi pemerintah (pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah dan lembaga pemerintah non departemen), rumah sakit, perguruan tinggi, serta industri swasta di seluruh Indonesia. 4. Data sekunder yang harus dilengkapi adalah data mengenai produksi dan konsumsi pangan, impor dan ekspor produk pangan, peraturan pangan,
informasi epidemiologi, kualifikasi sumber daya manusia, pelayanan jasa penyuluhan dan pembinaan atau konsultasi, serta partisipasi dan edukasi masyarakat. 5. Usulan outline Direktori Keamanan Pangan Indonesia, sbb : Bab 1. Pendahuluan, yang berisi tentang tujuan dan metode pengumpulan data Bab 2. Konsep Analisis Risiko Bab 3. Sistem Keamanan Pangan Terpadu (SKPT) dengan uraian tentang program-programnya. Bab 4. Direktori Keamanan Pangan, berisi penjelasan singkat dari datadata stakeholder yang terkait dengan keamanan pangan serta kemampuannya dalam bidang keamanan pangan, peraturan perundang-undangan pangan dan instansi yang mengeluarkannya, peta kewenangan pemerintah dalam keamanan pangan, Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang terkait dengan mutu dan teknologi pangan, laboratorium penguji mutu pangan yang terakreditasi di seluruh Indonesia, data produk pangan yang sudah terdaftar dengan nomor registrasi MD (makanan dalam negeri) dan ML (makanan yang diimpor dari luar negeri), informasi tentang industri rumah tangga dan data kejadian luar biasa keracunan pangan.
1. Tempat
Ruang Rapat Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan, Deputi III, Badan POM RI
2. Pertemuan ini dihadiri oleh : Peserta : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra Santi Ambarwati Raphaella Widiastuti Siam Subagyo Tinni Hertinia Setia Murni A.A. Nyoman Merta Negara Yanti Ratnasari
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Efriza Yanti Kamayanti L Fahmi Fasah Angkotasan Devi Riani Rina Puspitasari Innike S M Citra Prasetyawati
Fasilitator : 1. Winiati Pudji Rahayu 2. Roy A. Sparringa 3. Topik Pembahasan : Food Watch edisi 4: Keamanan Pangan Jajanan Anak Sekolah 4. Hasil Rapat: 1. Food Watch edisi keempat akan membahas tentang Keamanan Jajanan Anak Sekolah 2. Instansi terkait yang menjadi tim teknis dalam Food Watch edisi empat adalah Direktorat Inspeksi dan Sertifikasi Produk Pangan dan Direktorat Surveilan dan Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan, Badan POM RI 3. Data yang akan ditampilkan dalam Food Watch edisi keempat adalah data hasil monitoring pangan jajanan anak sekolah sepanjang tahun 2006 yang dikumpulkan dari Balai Besar/ Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia oleh Direktorat Inspeksi dan Sertifikasi Pangan 4. Food Watch akan disiapkan oleh sekretariat (Direktorat SPKP-Badan POM RI) untuk selanjutnya dikirim kepada tim teknis agar diberi masukan. Outline Food Watch yang diusulkan adalah:
a. Pendahuluan b. Identifikasi masalah yang dihadapi c. Karakterisasi bahaya d. Strategi untuk mengatasi masalah keamanan pangan jajanan e. Kesimpulan f. Rekomendasi untuk tindak lanjut 5. Sekretariat akan melakukan finalisasi Food Watch berdasarkan data dan bahan yang diberikan oleh tim teknis. Draft akhir Food Watch akan dikirimkan kembali kepada tim teknis untuk mendapat tanggapan sehingga mencapai hasil akhir yang siap dicetak.